Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on Jan 2, 2012


Chapter 4: The Big One

Disclaimer: I don't own nor am I affiliated with Big Time Rush (BTR), Nickelodeon, and Viacom. I'm not claiming than any person in this work is gay or etc. This is solely a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously.

No persons under the age of 18 or 21 (Check you local laws etc.) is permitted to view the subject matter portrayed in the following story.

This story contains acts of homosexuality.

If you're offended by subject material as such then please leave now.

Note: I'm sure you have seen I just titled this one as ''Chapter 4'' and that's because I'm going in a different direction. I'm going to expand this one beyond just Carlos and Logan. Got a lot of surpirses I'm thinking of working on. A lot of reveiws. Glad to see so many of you are enjoying it. So, this chapter is going to get H-O-T HOT HOT HOT! I think you may really enjoy this one. As always I'm open to what you guys have to say. This is a long work in progress, so I am willing to hear what you guys have to say. There is so much in my mind and I can go so many ways. I got a lot going on right now, but I will try and get Chapter 5 done ASAP trust me. As long as you guys want me to keep this going, I will keep it going ENJOY!

Logan wakes up to the sounds of moaning in James's bed. He's not completely sure what is going on but slowly looks and sees movement in the darkness. The moaning is passionate and subtle, but loud enough to wake him up. Logan tries to see if he can figure out who is in the bed with James but he cant see. As his eyes adjust, he sees someone fucking James. The mystery guy is pounding him like a jackhammer. He can hear James starting to moan louder. Logan starts getting hard. He slowly starts rubbing his dick. He starts jacking off still trying to see if he can find who is in bed with James.

The moaning starts getting louder until finally he hears a mysteious voice. grunt out the words "I'm gonna cum."

He can hear the two collapse with each other. Logan sees some blonde guy next to James. He couldn't see him very well, but it looked like a fairly tall blonde guy. Logan placed his hands under his covers trying not to make his attention noticed.

"Damn could you be any louder?" The mystery guy whispered. "I'm surpirsed you didn't wake up your friend."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make so much noise." James said. "Damn, four times in one night, I think we set a record."

"You got some good ass James. So tight and fucking amazing."

"Well what can I say. You have some great dick Taylor. I don't remember the last I got a pounding like that. I'm gonna be feeling it for a few days too."

The two started kissing. "I think you better get going before someone wakes up."

"Awe. Can't you just stay here a little longer to cuddle?" The mystery guy asks.

"I want you to so bad, but I would rather you not, just to be safe you know." James says.

The mystery guy smacks his lips as he carefully gets out of the bed. He puts on his clothes and slowly gets out of the room. James lays down in bed taking in a few deep breaths. He starts drifting off to sleep when he sees Logan sitting down looking in his direction.

"When were you going to tell me? Were you ever going to tell me?" Logan asked. "Dude that is real screwed up."

"Logan, dude I'm so sorry." James said getting up. "I didn't mean to wake you up. I swear it wont happen again. I just needed a good fuck."

"That's really fucked up man. I thought we were friends. Why didn't you tell me you found someone?" Logan asked now standing up.

"He's not, I mean he and I are not together." James said now sitting. "It was just a one night stand thing. Its this guy, he and I have been doing the freinds with benefits thing for a while. I met him, he's my hair stylists cousin."

"Is he cute?" Logan asked.

"Yeah he is. I mean he's a asian guy with a huge dick, something you don't come across very often. More than that, he's a cool guy and all, but I'm not sure if he's the right one for me."

"Oh. I see. Can I tell you something. We are friends right?" Logan asked holding his hands together.

"Yeah. Of course. What's on your mind?" James asks covering himself with his pillow.

"I'm a virgin." Logan says. "I've never had sex before. Don't judge me."

"Hey relax Logan. You're a virgin, that's cool. You just wanted to save yourself. I think that's kind of cool these days. A lot of guys don't do that kind of thing anymore." James said.

"Its jus that, well I want to lose it, but I want it to be Carlos. I want him to be my first. I want Carlos to take my virginity." Logan whispers.

"That's because you love him. Wow dude, I think you would be his first too. I men you know he sucked me off, but I really don't think he's ever done more than that." James said.

"Yeah I'd rather not have to remember that. So you really think he might be a virgin too?" Logan asked.

James smiled. "Yeah I'm pretty sure he is. So why do you want to give it up to him?"

"I have for a while now. If there is anyone that I would want to have take it, Carlos is the guy. I mean he's athletic, tough, sensitive, and downright handsome. You see how I am around him. We had an amazing date. I don't ever remember having so much fun. It felt really good spending time with him alone. He's such a gentleman." Logan said.

"Dude I'm sure the two of you are meant for each other. Think about it. You two seems to share a lot in common, and hey, you both obviously like each other. Maybe I'll talk to Kendall and we'll switch rooms so you and Carlos share the same room."

"You would do that?" Logan asks.

"Sure. I don't see why not. I'm sure Kendall wouldnt have much of a problem with it." James said.

"Cool. Thanks James." Logan said laying back down again.

The two slept on for some time and eventully as the sun began rising , the boys had met out for breafast again. It seemed like a nice calm Sunday. The boys sat down eating their breafast. It was a simple meal, but they destroyed everything on their plates. Everyone had changed into their swimming gear and headed out to the pool. James took a lounge chair and just started tanning. Kendall was walking around trying to find some girls. Carlos and Logan jumped into the pool and started swimming. The pool was kind of empty which was a first. Most of the people must have still been sleeping.

"I really had a great time last night Logan." Carlos said.

"It was a real good time. What did you like most?" Logan asked.

"All of it. I enjoyed every minute of it with you. I always enjoy being with you. That will always be my favorites moments, always." Carlos said smiling.

Logan started to blush. He was so flattered that his face turned as red as a tomato. Logan slowly swam his way towards Carlos and wrapped his arms and legs aroud him and gave him a sublte kiss on the cheek. Carlos didn't move. He just closed his eyes and savored the brief moment. Logan placed his head over Carlos shoulder.

"I want you." Logan said.

Carlos broke away. "What do you mean?"

Logan wrapped his arms around Carlos again. "I want you inside of me. I want you to be my first I do. I want you to take my cherry."

Carlos could not respond. He was frozen in place. There was a blank look in his face.

"Am I going too fast? Oh god, now you think I'm probably a slut." Logan started to pull away in shame.

Carlos swam back over to Logan and grabbed him. "No, I'm just surpirsed, because Logan I want you to be my first too. I love you, and I am happy that I will be your first." Carlos pecked Logan on the lips.

The two stood embraced in the water looking at each other oblivious to the guests starting to come out to the pool deck. They broke away from each other but neither was daring to step out of the pool. Both of them were hard, and they didn't want anyone to see them. They swam for a little until they could finally exit the pool. They sat down just looking at each other.

They sat down and talked with each other for a little when James apporached them.

"Hey guys. I just got done talking with Kendall. He said he's willing to move in with me and Logan can move into the room with you Carlos. He was totally cool about it." James said with a huge smile on his face.

"Awesome." Carlos and Logan said together.

The boys hung around by the pool for a little longer until they all headed back to the apartment. Kendall started grabbing some of his stuff and started bringing it over to the other room. Logan was sorting through all of his stuff and Carlos walked in.

"Hey, I've been looking for that t-shirt." Carlos said. "Weird, what is it doing in here?"

"Oh, maybe it got caught up with my clothes after showering." Logan said with a little redness in his face.

"Yeah that makes sense. I love this shirt. I'm glad I found it again." Carlos said.

Carlos helped Logan pack up the rest of his stuff and brought it over to the room. He helped Logan unpack and put his clothes and other things away. Carlos started getting changed in front of Logan.

"Dude. You're not ashamed?" Logan asked.

"What for?" Carlos replied. "I have nothing to be ashamed of."

"You're uncircumcised." Logan said.

"Well yeah. I'm hispanic. My dad didn't want it to be done to me. Why, you don't like that or something?" Carlos asked.

"No. I mean no I don't have a problem with it. I kind of like that. Its exotic, different, and unique. Just like you." Logan said with a smirk on his face.

Carlos finished getting dressed when Logan did the same. Carlos couldn't believe his eyes. He was instantly drawn to Logan's body. He was circumcised. He wasn't that big soft, but Carlos was too busy admiring Logan's body. He never had taken the time to admire it the way it was displayed right in front of him. Carlos had trouble containing himself and his jeans were bulged up.

Logan chuckled to himself and the boys soon headed out into the living room. Carlos and Logan sat in front of the TV and Carlos placed his head on Logan's shoulder. The two sat there in bliss.

Meanwhile, Kendall and James were talking in their room.

"So, what's this?" Kendall asked looking at a condom wrapper on the floor.

"Oh dude. Damn I thought I got rid of that." James said.

"What have you been doing in here?" Kendall asked.

"It was last night. I had someone come over." James said.

"Oh." Kendall said with a defeated tone.

James looked at Kendall. "What's wrong?"

Kendall sat down on the bed. "Nothing. Forget about it."

Kendall walked out of the room and headed out of the apartment his eyes were red. James camming running out behind him. James finally caught up to Kendall in the hallway. He grabbed Kendall by the arm and planted a kiss on his lips.

Kendall shoved James off of him. He wiped his mouth and started walking away again. James sat on the floor his eyes full of tears. He just did something he thought he would never have done. James made his way back to the apartment crying. When he entered with his eyes full of tears Carlos and Logan ran towards him.

"What happned?" Logan asked.

James attempted to speak but he couldn't breath. He looked down to the floor and took a deep breath. "I kissed Kendall and he shoved me down to the floor."

Carlos and Logan hugged James and sat him down on the couch. All three sat down watching some TV. Eventually James managed to calm down and he stood up looking out towards the balcony. He took in a deep breath and stood up. James looked at Carlos and Logan and said I think I just need to go to the spa. I'll be ok. I got my phone and everything. I need to relax.

Carlos and Logan cuddled up with each other on the couch watching a little TV just taking some time alone. James headed down to the spa but was cut off by Kendall. Kendall's eyes were red and it looked as if he had been crying.

"Kendall what's wrong?" James asks.

"I don't know." Kendall replies. "I don't know anymore. Why does this have to be so damn hard. Why can't I just say it."

James looked at Kendall with a confused look on his face. "Why does what have to be so hard?"

"I... I...I gotta go." Kendall said walking away from James. "I'm sorry. I am."

James takes a deep breat hand scratches the back of his neck. He continues to walk on towards the spa. He relaxes with a massage and a facial treatment. The day goes on and James makes his way back to the apartment and sees Logan and Carlos in the kitchen.

"Hey James. We're ordering Chinese for dinner." Carlos says.

"Sounds great." Logan says with a smile. "Remember to get me some steamed vegetables too please. Oh, have you guys seen Kendall?"

"No. I texted him, but I haven't heard back from him yet." Carlos said.

Just as James was about to go take a shower, his phone got a text. He looked down it was from Kendall. "james sorry about ealier ttyl coming home now."

"I just got a text from Kendall." James said. "He's coming home now."

"Oh cool. Maybe we can figure out what happened earlier." Carlos said.

"Let that one go. I would rather not know what is going on. He's been acting real strange lately.

James grabbed his clothes and heading into the shower. Kendall walked in the door a few minutes later asking if if James was in the apartment. Before Logan could question him, Kendall went to his room. James walked out of the bathroom and entered the room. He saw Kendall standing there waiting for him.

"What's going on?" James asked with a puzzled look.

Kendall rushed over to James and planted his lips right on James'. James tried to break free but soon fell to the overwhelming feeling of Kendall's lips against his. the two sat their making out with each other when Carlos came into the room. He saw the two making out and shut the door. He was so confused.

Kendall started kissing James on the neck and dropped down to his knees. He started kissing James's stomach and moved to the belly button. James started moaning lightly. Kendall ripped off James' towel and could see the hard cock looking right at him. Kendall grabbed a hold of it and starting stroking it lightly. He opened his mouth and started sucking only on the head. James started moaning again. Kendall started making his way down taking the dick further into his mouth. He started to work only on the head again sucking as hard as he could. James started playing with his niples.

Kendall started bobbing up and down quickly on the dick. James started breathing heavier as he grabbed Kendall's hair forces him harder on his dick. James grabbed Kendall's head with both of his hands and started face fucking Kendall with every ounce of energy he had. Kendall took the whole seven and a half inch dick like a pro. He deepthroated it kept on tryingto go further. James started thrusting again with more aggression this time, his dick sliding in and out of Kendall's mouth. Kendall shoved his finger in James ass and started playing with it James started to moan even louder. Kendall started sucking the dick as hard as he could. James' knees grew weak as he cummed all over Kendall's face. Kendall stood up and before he could undo his jeans, James had already dropped to his knees.

James undid the jeans and pulled them down. He saw Kendall's massive boner and ripped off the boxers. James' mouth watered as he held Kendalls fat eight inch dick in his hand. He looked up at Kendall and took the hard dick in his mouth. Kendall looked down into James eyes. James started playing with Kendalls balls as he sucked the fat dick with everything he had. Kendall started moaning. Kendall looked down into James' eyes again and picked him up. He put James on his bed and spit on his dick. Kendall lined up his dick and shoved it up James' ass.

James started moaning like crazy. Kendall started pounding James' ass without mercy. James wrapped his arms around Kendall started to moan a lot louder. All he could say was "harder, faster, pound me." louder and louder. Kendall pounded away with everything he had unable to deny his feeling from taking control. Kendall started breathing heavier ramming his big cock in and out of James' tight ass. Kendall started taking longer strokes and James started losing control. Kendall pulled back and forced his body forward as hard as he could. He shot his cum right into James. The two were breathing heavily as Kendall looked over to James and kissed him.

The two got dressed and walked out to the living room.

"Well at least you got that out of your system before the delievery guy showed up." Logan said.

James and Kendall blushed as they sat down on the couch. The delivery guy finally showed up and the boys gathered around. They paid the guy and he left. They started eating and laughing with each other. As they finished, the sun had already set. They decided to unwinde and listen to a little music talking to each other. Everyone gathered around and soon they started dancing when Lady Gaga's Marry The Night started playing. The boys enjoyed the evening off into the night hours but it was nearing time to head in. Every had taken their showers and closed everything up for the night.

Carlos and Logan headed to their room. Carlos sat down on his bed and started to lay down when Logan crawled into the bed with him. Before Carlos could talk Logan placed his hand right over Carlos' soft cock and started rubbing it. He started to kiss Carlos softly and soon started brining his tongue to the front of his lips. They started sliding their tongues together. Logan started rubbing Carlos' chest. Carlos was hard, for the first time Logan could feel it. He removed Carlos shirt and startd kissing his chest. Logan removed Carlos' pajama bottoms and looked at the boner in the boxer briefs. He started kissing the hard dick through the boxer breifs and started rubbing it again. Logan took his shirt and pajama bottoms off and took off his boxers. Carlos removed his boxer breifs and they stood admiring each other. Logan was six inches. Carlos was smaller than Logan, but his dick was thicker. Logan started kissing Carlos again.

Logan worked his way onto Carlos chest. Kissing him softly and starting running his tongue across Carlos' nipples. He ran his tongue from the center of the chest down to the belly button and looked up at Carlos. He grabbed Carlos' dick in his hand and admired the foresking a bit. He slowly pulled it back and started sucking Carlos off. Carlos didn't know what to do. He started to moan from the intense feeling and thought he was going to cum right then and there. Logan started slurping a bit and soon started bobbing his head up and down. Carlos started to moan again. Logan was getting into it and started swilring his tongue around the head. Carlos twitched from the intense feeling and kept on moaning lightly. Carlos managed to utter out the words "don't stop it feels so good." before his breathing started to pick up.

Logan started bobbing again getting a better rythym. Carlos grabbed Logan's head and started moving it down more. Logan continued to suck the dick until he heard Carlos starting to breath faster. Logan starts sucking harder and faster until he felt Carlos shoot in his mouth. Logan couldn't stop drinking down the cum. He wiped his mouth and looked up at Carlos. He kissed him on the lips. Carlos somehow grabbed Logan and flipped him on his back. Carlos started kissing Logan again and started kissing his neck. He did the same thing Logan did to him. He ran his tongue over Logan's nipples and soon made his way down towards Logan's dick. He started licking the head of it gently. Logan responded quickly. Carlos wrapped his hand around Logan's throbbing dick and started working the head. He moved his hand and started taking the whole thing in his mouth. Carlos gagged a little and pulled up.

He started stroking the dick again before letting go and bobbing up and down on it as if it wasa challenge. He started bobbing as fast as he could, using his hand to slightly jack off the dick at the same time. Logan started moaning and groaning from the sheer delight. Carlos was sucking Logan's dick as if his life depended on it. Logan was losing control and starting talking in tongues. Carlos kept on going until he felt Logan's body starting to clinch up. Logan busted his load in Carlos' mouth. Carlos sipped away trying to eat all the cum he could. He looked up at Logan and Logan just nodded.

Logan got up and got on all fours on the bed. Carlos was hard again and went over to to his dresser. He pulled out a condom and some lube he secretly bought the day before. Logan looked at Carlos and flung the condom to the floor. "We don't need that. I promise you." Logan said grabing the lube. He put some on him and put some on Carlos gently. Carlos looked at Logan his eyes filled with passion. Logan got on all fours again and felt Carlos lining up behind him. Logan nodded his head and he felt Carlos lined up with his hole. Logan took a deep breath as he could feel the head stuggling to make entrance. Logan tried to ignore the pain and soon he could feel the head pop in. Logan gasped out loud. Carlos stop and held his spot. He started rubbing Logan's back as if comforting him. Carlos slowly started pushing in again feeling Logan's body tense up.

"Am I hurting you?" Carlos asked. "I don't want to hurt you."

"No its ok. Just nice and slow." Logan said biting his lip.

Carlos kept on pushing again he couldnt believe the feeling. It was so tight and warm, like nothing Carlos could have ever imagined. He finally had his dick in. He held his position for a little waiting for Logan to tell him to continue. After a few minutes Carlos slowly started pumping. The feeling was surreal. He started taking short thrusts at first and slowly started taking longer thrusts. Logan bit his lip and started moaning. Carlos grabbed Logan's hips and started getting a little more agressive. Logan started moaning loader. Something took over Carlos and the more noise Logan made, the harder he started thrusting. The two starting moaning loudly back and forth as Carlos thrusted harder and faster.

Carlos instictively flipped Logan over onto his back missionary style and got in him again. he started pounding away and leaned forward. He started kissing Logan passionately. Logan wrapped his arms and legs around Carlos as his ass was being pounded away. "Yes, harder, faster. Fuck me." was all that could come out of Logan's mouth.

Carlos kept pounding away as long as he could. Logan was moaning like crazy and before he could stop, Carlos cummed inside of Logan's ass just as Logan busted a nut at the same time. Both of them were breathing deeply. Carlos laid down and Logan rolled over onto his side and put his head on Carlos' chest. He could hear his heartbeating. Carlos had a strong heartbeat and it had a relaxing tone. Carlos wrapped his left arm around Logan and kissed him on the forehead. Logan wrapped his arm around Carlos' waist and puts his leg over Carlos. They both lay down in bed.

"I love you." Logan says.

"I love you too." Carlos kisses Logan on the forehead again.

Logan takes a deep breath smelling Carlos' natural aroma and feels like he's in Heaven. Carlos feels a warmth in his body he never felt before. He lays there with the love of his life there on his chest and smiles only looking up to the ceiling and whispering the words "thank you."

Next: Chapter 5

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