Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on Jan 20, 2012


Chapter 7: The Monster

Disclaimer: I don't own nor am I affiliated with Big Time Rush (BTR), Nickelodeon, and Viacom. I'm not claiming than any person in this work is gay or etc. This is solely a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously.

No persons under the age of 18 or 21 (Check you local laws etc.) is permitted to view the subject matter portrayed in the following story.

This story contains acts of homosexuality.

If you're offended by subject material as such then please leave now.

Note: Sorry about the wait. I had a bad case of writer's block. Well here we go. BTW, I'm thinking of doing something interactive soon. Enjoy!

Carlos woke up in the middle of the night with Logan's arm wrapped around him. He didn't want to wake him up so he stays in place with a huge smile on his face. He feels Logan lay on his back and Carlos does the same. As he does Logan started nibbling on his ear. Carlos giggled from the strange feeling. Logan rolled over and started kissing him. Carlos started to get hard. They didn't do anything that night, so obviously he was horny. Logan started rubbing Carlos' hard cock. Carlos started Moaning softly. Logan moved his head down and started kissing Carlos' dick. He started pulling down Carlos' pajama bottoms. He held the fat dick in his hand gently stroking it and slowly pulling the foreskin back.. Carlos puts his arms behind his head as he felt Logan licking the head. Carlos slightly thrusted feeling his throbbing dick enter the nice moist and warm mouth. Carlos moved his right arm and started rubbing the back of Logan's neck.

He started to moan again as he started rubbing Logan's back now. Logan started building up his rhythm swirling his tongue around the head every time he came up. Carlos was loving every second of it. Logan started sucking harder taking in Carlos' man meat. Carlos' dick tasted so good. Logan wouldn't let it pop out of his mouth. He kept his pace and started playing with Carlos' balls. Carlos started moaning even louder and started rubbing his chest as he felt Logan playing with his ass. Carlos thrusting up when he felt the finger wiggling around in his ass let out another sexy moan. Logan found the prostate and started massaging it. He had learned from a book he read about massaging the prostate during oral sex would make any man go crazy. Carlos' body was squirming around and he started moaning out of control. He grabbed Logan's head slamming it down on his dick. Each time he felt his head touched by Logan's tongue he let out another moan. Logan kept on massaging the prostate until Carlos thrusted up shooting a huge load of cum. Logan couldn't take it all and a string of cum hit him in the face. Carlos was breathing heavily. Logan wiped his mouth and face as he kissed Carlos.

"Good morning babe." Logan whispered.

"Oh my God bae. That was the best I ever had. Oh good morning, a great morning."

"I love you Carlos. I just want you to know." Logan said.

"I love you too boo." Carlos said kissing Logan on the forehead. "I love you like a fat kid loves chocolate cake."

"Haha." Logan laughed. "Okay. That sounds nice I think. Ummm so does that mean you wanna eat me?"

"Oooh I would just tear you up honey!" Carlos said in a gay stereotypical hispanic accent while tickling Logan. "Hey Loggie, cuddle with me, please?"

"Of course." Logan said.

The two cuddled up and Logan started snoring in less than five minutes. They had both grown extremely attached to each other, and when in each other's arms managed to fall asleep easily. They shared a loving bond. They had gone out shopping to make their room more couple like. Carlos was very childish, and at times very immature, but he was just what Logan needed in a partner, someone who would loosen him up. It would get annoying at times, but there was something about Carlos' innocence that always seemed to calm Logan down. Something about Carlos always thinking of cute and fluffy things when in a rut, was really gay when Logan thought about it, but always seemed to work.

The two were in the linen store when they were picking out some curtains when Carlos saw a purple set and partially wrapped it around his body acting like a royal figure. Logan was embarrassed when other customers were looking at him with disapproving eyes, but it made Logan laugh. It was that kind of childish behavior that the often dry Logan admired. Never in a thousand years would Logan ever do such a thing, but Carlos did, and without any concerns. They shared their laughs together and got their new sheets, bed set, and curtains. They arrived back at the apartment and finished setting things up.

So as the alarm clock went off, Logan rolled over to turn it off. They were nearing a well deserved end. As he rolled back over he pecked Carlos on the cheek. They cuddled for just a little longer until he started getting up. Carlos smacked his lips and pulled the covers over his head.

"I don't wanna go to school." Carlos said with a childish whine in his voice.

"Come one babe. This is our last day. We won't have to worry about school for a while." Logan said.

"I don't wanna." Carlos whined.

"Come, get up and dressed." Logan responded.

"No! I don't wanna." Carlos said kicking his feet on the bed."

Logan jumped on top of Carlos and kissed him. He looked back at him and smiled. "Now will you get up?"

Carlos smiled and got off of the bed. He started getting dressed. with a huge smile on his face. He got done and walked right behind Logan grabbing his ass. Logan jumped sideways yelping as he started to blush. He looked back at Carlos and hugged him while grabbing Carlos' crotch.

"Mmmmm. Me like." Carlos said giggling.

Logan smiled at Carlos again and headed out of the room. He saw Kendall in the hallway, but Kendall didn't do what he normally did. He walked up to Logan and hugged him. Carlos looked over at the two and joined in the hug as well. Kendall stood with a heartbroken expression on his face, it looked like he didn't sleep very well. James was flirting on his phone as he walked out of the apartment. Carlos headed off to the bathroom as Logan started talking to Kendall.

"What's wrong?" Logan asked seeing Kendall a total mess.

"Logan, I think I really fucked up." Kendall whimpered out. "I don't know what to do."

Logan hugged Kendall again. "I'm here for you. We're friends. Tell me what's wrong." Logan asked.

"I don't know if I can do this." Kendall cried as tears started dripping from his eyes. "I'm usually so good at figuring things out, but I don't know what to do. I've never been like this before. Please Logan, you're the smart one, what should I do?"

Logan felt himself starting to cry. He started to panic a little. He was the smartest of the guys, he was down to Earth, but Kendall was always the strongest one. He was the one who could always come up with the answers. Logan tried to contain himself, but hard a hard time doing so. It was so painful seeing Kendall falling apart at the seems. He stood quiet trying to figure out what to do. Logan just didn't know what to say. Carlos came from behind.

"Look. I'm closest to James. I'll talk to him for you." Carlos said placing his hand on Kendall's shoulder. Friends for friends, but Logan I'm gonna need your help."

"I did something I promised I would never do guys." Kendall said. "I'm so sorry, if I could take everything back, I would. It was just so hard to admit to myself I liked guys too. Ever since Jo left, I realized who I truly had feelings for, it was James. When I saw him with you Carlos, I got so jealous and angry. That was why I was acting so mean. Then I found out about his friend, and that really didn't help. Now he's aparently dating another guy, and I acted totally out of character."

The boys agreed. They headed off to their last day of school. Kendall was overtaken by the stress, but managed to finish his exams. To add to everything else, they would have to meet back with Gustavo. since it was Wednesday. When the bells had finally rung, Kendall was more stressed out than when he had first arrived. Kendall took a deep breath when he was going to speak to James, but James just blew past him, giving him no attention what so ever. Carlos and Logan joined up with him and they all gathered outside. They jumped into their car and headed out back to the studio. They had arrived and Kelly greeted them in the lobby. They had arrived to see Gustavo waiting for them with their new dance routine they needed to practice for their performance with Lady Gaga. They gathered only to see Mr. X waiting for them in the room.

"You gotta be kidding me." Carlos said putting his helmet on.

"X-cellent. You have all arrived to be taught your new dance moves by none other than Mr. X!" he said fodling his arms like an X.

"Well I guess you don't need an explantion. Get to work, there is a lot to go over, get it done before Grifin shows up." Gustavo roared as he stormed out of the room.

The boys started dancing and started out running into each other in a few of the moves, but they had gotten a little better. Just as they were starting to get better, Kendall was completely off beat, he couldn't concentrate. He started to mess up and soon Mr. X grew frustrated and left. Gustavo came back only to see Mr. X storming away. He looked at the boys and saw Kendall on the ground.

"Okay, I'm not even going to bother to ask why this is going on." Gustavo yelled. "We need to get focused and on point. This is important."

"Even important is an understatement." Griffin's voice comes from behind. "Does anyone care to tell me why Kendall is on the ground?"

"It is kind of comples really." Logan said. "You see there is a lot going on right now and-"

"I don't care. Look you have a deadline to meet, either you get this going on, or Big Time Rush is going Big Time Bye Bye. If you bomb this show, I will shut down Big Time Rush. We've spent a lot of money, and the budget is already near tops. Get on task, and right away." Griffin said. "Carlos and Logan, the media is still going crazy over everything right now. If it was in our budget, I'd make Big Time Rush gay all the way around. Ugh, well I would suggest you all get back to work. There is a lot depending on this performance."

Griffin put on his sunglasses and headed out of the room with his assitants handing him folders and talking in a large group. The boys looked at each other and James' cell phone started going off getting texts constantly. Kendall looked over and his eyes started to moisten. Logan ran towards Kendall and hugged him. Gustavo stood still trying to process everything that was going on. James walked out of the room texting away.

"Do either of you three care to explain to me what is going on?" Gustavo asks.

Carlos runs out of the room after James. Gustavo grows even more confused, and his face starts turning red. Logan walks over to Gustavo and asks to speak to him in private.

"Hey, I know things started out bad, but I know secretly you love all of us, and you'd be willing to help us. Well, I don't know how to say this but James is gay." Logan said.

"I know that. That isn't a surpise. Just like you and Carlos, that was getting annoying." Gustavo said. "So what is the problem?"

"Well, Kendall like James. I mean more than just friends, he really likes James." Logan says with an awkwardness in his voice.

"This is something you guys need to solve amongst each other. I don't really know what I can tell you." Gustavo said. "Look I'm not a relationship expert, but if that is the case, well you have to get James to open up. You have to get Kendall to open up. It will not be easy, but if you can do that, it might solve the issue. You have to get them together. You need to do something, Griffin will shut us down if we can't deliver on that show."

Logan covered his face. "Kendall is usually the strongest one. I've never seen him like this. I will do my best Gustavo. Thanks for understanding."

The boys hung around the studio for a little longer when they arrived back at the apartment. Logan and Kendall headed out to go talk to each other as planned. Carlos stayed behind looking to speak with James. They ended up sitting down playing on their ps3 when Carlos took a deep breath.

"Hey James. Can I ask you something?" Carlos asks looking at the floor.

"Of course." James chuckled back.

"Why have you been so mean to Kendall?" Carlos' voice broke.

James sighed loudly. "I don't know. When Kendall started acting the way he did, it really hurt me. He has to like me, he has to. I mean he did me and everything. There has to be something there. I planned everything with Taylor. He just came into town, and well, I fell for him. I love Kendall, I always did, but I really like Taylor. He's such a gentleman, and I don't know what to do. What should I do? I just wanted to teach Kendall a lesson. I can be a bitch too."

"He loves you, he does." Carlos said. "Please can you tell him you like him too. I don't wanna see this all go away."

"Its not going to be that easy." James said. "I really like Tyler. I can't just shove him away, not after he gave me this."

James held out his hand. Carlos couldn't believe he didn't notice the bracelet in the morning.

"Its a friendship bracelet he gave me. He just has so much in common with me. I don't know if I can just do that. Kendall had his chance, and he blew it, Taylor could be the one." James said.

"Kendall could be the one too." Carlos said. "I think he always has liked you. Please do this for all of us. Griffin said he's going to shut us down if Kendall can't get on point."

James put the controller down. "I have a date with Taylor tonight again. I'll think about it."

Carlos sighed as he had a tear come to his eye. "I just thought you wanted to know Kendall is really hurt. Even if he hurt you, there was no reason to bring all of us down just because he was probably scared to admit his feelings for you."

Carlos got up and went to his room. He jumped onto the bed and cuddled with one of the bears Logan had given to him while trying process everything. Carlos remained in the room for a while until he heard James leave most likely on his date. Mrs. Knight soon arrived and she saw Carlos sitting on the bed holding the bear.

"Carlos, what's wrong?" She asked sitting down on the bed.

"Kendall loves James. James doesn't seem to really care. Kendall can't stay focused, and Griffin said he will shut us down if Kendall can't get back to his normal self." Carlos said.

"Oh dear." Mrs. Knight said. "Kendall told me he likes James. He was so scared to tell him. Kendall is my son, and I know him very well. If he really loves James as much as he claims, he will find a way to win him back. I know this." Mrs. Knight said getting off of the bed.

"Oh and I hope everything goes well. That show is coming up soon." Mrs Knight said walking out of the room.

Carlos remained on the bed. He was trying to think of a solution, but nothing could come to his mind, he was thinking to himself where Logan was, he could really use some ideas.

James showed up to the apartment again and knocked on the door. Taylor answered and told him to come in. James sat down in the kitchen area looking at Taylor.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" James asked.

"I was thinking maybe a movie tonight?" Taylor replied. "Anything you would like to see?"

"Nah. It doesn't matter. I'll watch whatever." James said with a smirk on his face.

"Well we got a bout an hour to kill. What you wanna do?" Taylor asked with a devilish grin on his face.

"Oh I don't know. You wanna maybe head out to the mall?" James asked.

"I don't know. There has been a lot of paparazzi around. I really don't need to have anyone else thinking I'm gay. I thinks the whole gay thing is starting to become really hard to fight off." Taylor said. "Maybe we can just hang out here for a little."

"Sure. That sounds cool." James said. "So I never asked you, what are you doing down here?"

Taylor sat down. "Well, I'm just taking a break. I'm suppossed to be starting a role in this movie in like three months. I guess you could say I just needed some time away from the spotlight."

"What's wrong with the spotlight?" James asked.

Taylor smiled and put his head down. "Trust me. Fame is nice and everything, but after a while it gets annoying. Sometimes you just want privacy, and you don't get it. Someone is always somewhere trying to grab a picture of you when your guard is down."

The two sat around and kept on talking as time was slowly approaching. Taylor grabbed his stuff and they headed back out to the front. Taylor's car was waiting for them. James couldn't help but love the mercedes. It was sleek, and so sexy. He thought to himself, if he could snag Taylor, it would be a nice catch indeed. They arrived at the theatre. The tickets were bought. Taylor bought some popcorn and the two headed into the dark cinema. They found a seat in the middle near the side of the room, to their suprise there was hardly anyone in there. The starting credits started, it was an action movie. They were both watching the movie. James reached for the popcorn but overshot his hand and accidentally grabbed Taylor's soft dick.

James started to blush. He looked over at Taylor.

"Dude I'm so sorry. I meant to reach for the popcorn." James said.

Taylor only smiled. "Its okay. Relax, it was an accident."

James couldn't talk back. He could only blush. James looked away with his face red. He tried to watch the movie when he felt Taylor's hand rub against his dick. James nearly jumped out of his seat.

"Ooops. Sorry about that." Taylor said. "Its really dark in here."

James didn't even know what to say. He was shocked, but turned on in so many ways. He tried to keep watching the movie, but he was so horny, and one of the hottest guys in the world was sitting right next to him.

"This movie is getting kind of boring. You wanna head back over to my apartment?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, kinda hungry thought too." James said.

"You like pizza?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah that sounds great." James said.

"Cool. I'll get it delievered.

They walked out of the theatre and walked back throughout the parking lot heading to the car.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" Taylor started playing with his hands.

"Yeah of course dude." James said.

"Um, was it really an accident when you um touched me?" Taylor asked.

"Oh dude, yeah." James quickly answered. "I'm really sorry about that. I really didn't mean to."

Taylor started laughing. "Hey relax. Its all good. So did you like it?" Taylor asked.

James looked at Taylor is disbelief. "What?"

"Did you like it?" Taylor asked with a devilish grin on his face.

"Um, what the hell, yeah I did. I'm sorry if I'm being blunt, but you are sexy as hell." James said.

Taylor started to blush. "You're sexy as hell too James. Good hair, a nice little ass, and beautiful eyes. Damn!"

James laughed as they reached the car. Taylor unlocked it and opened the door helping James into the car. He walked over to the other side and they headed back to the Palm Woods. What they didn't see was a bunch of photographers snapping picture of the two walking together, and tooks plenty of pictures of Taylor helping James into the car. As the car got back to the Palm Woods they headed into the lobby. Just as they walked in, Carlos and Logan were right in front of them holding hands.

"Oh hey aren't those your fellow band mates?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah it is. They must have gone out on a date too." James chuckled.

Logan turned around and saw James walking with Taylor Lautner. His jaw nearly dropped down to the ground. Carlos turned around and he managed to keep himself from doing the same, but coudln't believe his eyes. There was an awkward silence in the elevator as they were all together. Carlos and Logan got off and didn't really say much.

"What was that all about?" Taylor asked.

"I guess they were just shocked to see you." James said.

"Oh, well that makes sense." Taylor replied.

The elevator eached the penthouse and they went into the apartment.

''I'm sorry but I gotta use the bathroom." James said grabbing himself.

"Oh yeah make a right, its the third door on your left." Taylor said as he grabbed his phone.

James found the bathroom and walked it. He started doing his business. As he washed his hands he saw new unopened box of condoms on the counter. James dried off his hands and walked out of the bathroom only to see Taylor finishing up the pizza order and smiled as he saw James looking at him.

"You want something to drink?" Taylor asked.

"I'm good for now. I'll wait till the food gets here." James said.

James took a seat down on the couch when his phone went off. He looked down at the phone and smiled. He put the phone away as Taylor started walking towards him and sat down on the couch next to him. Taylor turned on the TV and Twilight was playing on HBO. Taylor chuckled and prepared to see what else was on. He changed it and Child's Play was on.

"Oh, I don't know if I can watch that. Chucky kind of freaks me out." James said.

"Oh, you want me to change it?" Taylor asked.

"No its fine. As long as I don't have to watch it alone, I think I'm good." James said looked at Taylor.

The movie was playing until James saw a scene that frightened him. Instinctively James scooted over and found himself in Taylor's arms.

"Did that scare you?" Taylor asked with an innocent chuckle.

"Yeah." James responded still oblivious he was cuddled up with Taylor.

"Aww, well I'll protect you." Taylor said.

By the time James had realized he was in Taylor's arms, he didn't bother to move. He reminaed in place just enjoying the feeling. He loved it so much. He was filled with a warmth he had never expirienced before. This is what Carlos and Logan must feel James thought to himself. It was a wonderful feeling.

James rested his head on Taylor's shoulder as a knock came to the door. Taylor got up and answered the door. It was the pizza. He brought it back over to the living room and put it on the coffee table. He got some glasses, soda and some plate brining it back over to the living room.

"Dig in." Taylor said opening the box.

James grabbed a slice and bit ino the pizza. Taylor changed the channel because the movie was getting a little gory. Mrs. Doubtfire was on.

"Oh I love this movie!" James exclaimed.

Taylor laughed. "Awesome, so do I, and it just started too."

They started pigging out on the pizza and before they knew it, they had finished the who large pie between each other. James helped Taylor clean up and they both cuddled back up on the couch again. They started to get very comfortable until James started to feel Taylor's hard cock on his rib cage. James tried to ignore it until he started getting hard himself. Taylor moved his hand down to James' stomach and James could barely contain himself. He tried to concentrate on something else, but failed. He moved around and when he did, Taylors hand touched his hard cock. James froze in place. Taylor could feel the throbbing dick and he started to gently stroke it.

James started to losen up. He sat up when Taylor moved right over to him and started kissing him. James was so horny and caught in the moment that he couldn't fight back. He gave in to Taylor's will. James and Taylor started making out. Taylor grabbed James' dick again and started unbuttoning the jeans. James moved up and slid his jeans down. His boxers were slipped off from him and Taylor held James fat pole in his hand. He was stroking it. James rolled his head back as he felt Taylor sucking him off. James started moaning and started playing with his nipples. The feeling was surreal. Taylor seemed like a pro. Taylor slowly started working his way down deep throating the throbbing pole until his nose touched James' pubes. James started to breath heavier.

Taylor was sucking him off going all the way down. James coudln't stop moving his arms and legs around enjoying the feeling. Taylor stood up and started undoing his jeans. He pulled them down and before he could get his boxer briefs off, James was pulling them down. James could believe the monster cock in front of him. Taylor was a grower. When he was soft, he wasn't that big, but on hard he was huge, bigger than Kendall. James' mouth watered holding the massive dick in his hand. He started licking the head and started working it. Taylor started to moan as he grabbed the back of James' head forcing it down on his dick. James started to gag but didn't stop sucking the dick. Taylor started face fucking James. Taylor grabbed James and picked up him taking him to the bedroom. He gently placed James on the bed. Taylor grabbed a condom and some lube. He put the condom on James and slowly lubbed up. He sat over James kissing him. He lined himself up and starting riding James like a rodeo cowboy. James started thrusting as hard as he could. Taylor started moaning loudly making a lot of nice as he started sliding up and down. Taylor started breathing heavier and making more noise as he started picking up the pace. James was making so much noise as well feeling the tight hole. Taylor started twisting his hips as he kept on riding the juicy cock. He was moving quickly moaning as loud as he possibly could. James was making a lot of noise as well. Taylor felt James tighen up and could feel James climax. Taylor slowly off of the dick and as he started to move over, James was on all fours.

"I want you to fuck me. I want that monster cock inside me." James said. "Give it to me doggy style."

Taylor didn't have to hear it twice. He grabbed another condom and the lube. He got ready and started sticking his dick in James. James bit his lip as he let out a moan. Taylor's dick was huge, but James didn't want him to stop. Taylor started to push in harder hearing James make a lot of noise. Taylor stopped thinking James was in pain, but James threw his ass back on Taylor's dick. Taylor slowly started pumping away. He started to thrust faster.

"Oh fuck yeah." James said. "Don't stop. Fuck me harder. Give me that fat dick. Pound my little ass."

Taylor started pumping faster again. He slapped James' ass. James started throwing his ass back onto Taylors dick making a lot of noise. There was so much moaning from the two. Taylor started pounding away as fast and as strong as he could. James was moaning louder. Taylor kept on forcing his fat cock into the tight hole and started taking long strides. James started moaning even louder. Taylor started picking his pace up even faster as James started speaking in tongues. Taylor busted his nut and collapsed on the bed. James fell onto his stomach and tried to get his breathing back to normal. Taylor grabbed the condoms with a tissue and flushed them down the toilet. Taylor laid down on the bed and James cuddled up with him. The two fell asleep in each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 8

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