Billie and Billy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Jul 29, 2002


This is my first attempt at a story that envolves a girls point of view. The stories involves sex with two bi students. A girl who is struggling with her sexual identity and her boy friend who finds out he is bisexual also.

Hope there are readers out there who enjoy the story and please send comments to

There is no truth to the story or the characters. If you think they remind you of someone it is only coencidental. Hope the story is believable because that is what makes reading them easier.

If you don't want to read a story with this type of sex then please leave. Otherwise enjoy the story.

Billie & Billy

My story started one day while sitting in Algebra II class. I was so lost that I didn't care anymore if I caught up or not. The teacher finally brought me back from my dream world and let me know that if I didn't start paying more attention to my work that I would have to return to his class the next year. The idea of having to repeat the class brought me back to reality for about ten minutes.

When class was over Mr. Davis, the teacher, asked me to stay for a minute or two. He said he really was concerned but it would do no good unless I decided to make an effort. He told me that he knew the only way I was going to pass his class was to get some outside tutoring. He then made it plain to me that he was not going to waist his time helping me. He said that if he could see an honest improvement or an attempt to improve that he would consider having me come in before or after school for some help. He then told me that he had a boy in another of his classes that probably could pass the class without a book. He said that he knew the boy and he would help me if I wanted him to.

I thought about what he was saying but I was the type of girl that didn't want any help from boys. Actually I saw no real use for them other than sex and sometimes wasn't even sure they were worth the trouble. I looked at Mr. Davis and said that I didn't need some hormone stimulated teenage boy pawing on me while he tried to teach me about abstract things that I would never use anyway.

Mr. Davis said he didn't think I would have to worry about the boy he was thinking about. I looked at him and imagined some wimpy geek thing with black rim glasses, high water pants, white button down shirt with pocket full of pens and a pocket calculator. I was trying to figure out whom Mr. Davis could be talking about since I was pretty sure I knew most of the boys and girls in school. Mr. Davis said that I would probably have to initiate all the conversation if it was not dealing with Algebra.

Mr. Davis then wanted to know if I was really interested in trying out the new tutor. He told me that I would have to set up time with the boy if I was serious about the help. I thought for a few seconds and said I would at least give it a try. Mr. Davis looked at me and told me that he would only tell me the name of the boy if I promised not to try adding to his being insecure. I told him that if I decided not to ask him for help that I wouldn't say anything to him. Mr. Davis looked at me and told me the boy was Billy Scott.

I thought for a second but couldn't recall any Billy Scott that I knew. Mr. Davis noticed the questionable look on my face and told me that I would remember him when I saw him. He pulled down last year's yearbook and started turning to the pages that contained my class. There toward the end of my class was the picture of Billy. When I saw the picture I did remember him.

Billy was about 5 feet ten or eleven, dark black hair, a nice smooth looking face which was a definite plus if you were a teenager, and as I recalled he was not fat but could loose about 20 pounds or so. He wasn't a nerd or an athlete. I had no idea he was smart but then he was so quiet that you wouldn't even know if he was in the room.

I left the room and was feeling a little uneasy about asking some guy for help. I was too cool and tough for such things. I am not what you would call a beauty queen but if I wanted to I could turn a few eyes. I had blonde hair that I kept cut fairly short. I often highlighted it with a few streaks of red, blue, or green color. I wear more than enough makeup that helps to make me look a little on the streetwalker side. I usually wear fairly tight shirts that showed off my firm yet not large tits, which I never covered with a bra. Would wear jeans, tight of course, and black leather boots. My image was a cross between a lady of the evening and a biker chick. I have a nice body even if I do say so myself. The only problem I have is I am not secure in my sex life. Probably why I can't decide to be a total whore or a mean biker girl.

I headed down the hall looking for this Billy Scott and since our school was not that large I knew he had to have a locker on the same side of the hall as I did. I also knew that lockers were assigned according to alphabetical order and he would be at the end of the hall. I noticed him at his locker and figured I could at least give him a thrill by talking to him even if the tutoring didn't work out.

As I got closer to him I started checking out his body. He probably weighed about 200 pounds, but wasn't too fat. At least his breast looked like boys instead of some prepubescent girls. They actually were firm looking and not hanging down like they needed a bra to hold them up. He did have a gut but it didn't go all around him like some of the fat boy's did. It was more of a beer gut but then I was sure it wasn't from beer. He had an ass that was more than a bubble butt. More there than needed but again it appeared to be firm and not flabby and sagging. I was beginning to have that warm feeling I always get in my pussy just before it started getting my panties wet.

I reached up and tapped Billy on the shoulder and I thought he was going to faint when he saw whom it was. I told him that Mr. Davis had said that he might be able to help me with some Algebra. He just stood there staring at me without saying a word. I looked at him and told him to breathe. He took a deep breath and I saw the color rush back to his face. It was very apparent that he was embarrassed and I had a moment of feeling sorry for him and told him that we would talk at lunch.

As I walked away I though I saw him grab the door to his locker as he swung it in front of himself. I could see his body heave as he was breathing hard. I turned around and headed on toward my next class. I felt a rush of strength as I recalled how my presence had affected Billy. I was thinking that this could be fun having such an affect on him.

At lunch I noticed Billy sitting over toward the back of the cafeteria so I grabbed my tray and headed in his direction. I watched him as he took several drinks of tea while I was crossing the room. I sat down and asked him if the food was any good today. He tried to speak but his words seemed to get caught in his throat and there was only some noise coming out. I grinned at him and he said he was sorry. We finally were able to get in some sort of conversation. He asked me what I needed help on and if he was going to help when would be the best time for me. I told him that I couldn't seem to concentrate on the Algebra and after school was always good for me. I then sort of lied and told him that I had to be through by seven o'clock because I had to be out with someone after that.

He had to take another big gulp of tea as he was surely imagining me with some boy doing something we weren't suppose to. I pushed my leg forward and started rubbing the inside of his legs just below his knees. I giggled as I watched the red run up his face. He took in a quick breath but didn't do anything to stop me. He managed to get through lunch without running away. I did notice a little sweat beading up on his forehead and it was not warm in the cafeteria. I figured he had suffered enough even though I don't really know if boys consider that kind of attention really that bad. I picked up my tray and asked him if he could meet me after school at the gym. Oh, yeah I forgot to tell you that my father was the head football coach and had been for what seemed forever. He was suppose to be really good but to me he was just an obstacle that I has always having to get around to do what I wanted to.

He said he could be there but he would have said that even if he had something else planned. As I walked away I looked back over my shoulder and noticed Billy, as he had to adjust the front of his pants.

After school Billy was in front of the gym waiting on me. I told him to follow me as I headed into my father's office. He gave me a stern look because he had constantly told me to knock before entering because I might walk in on some boy getting his groin taped, or balls sprayed for jock itch or several other things that boys could be walking around in their jock straps for. I told him I needed his keys so that Billy could start his tutoring of me. My father looked behind me and asked who was supposed to help me.

When I looked back I noticed that Billy had stopped several steps short of entering the room. I stepped out and pulled him by his arm into the room for my father to ok. I knew it would be no problem because I was pretty sure my father was behind this arrangement in some way.

"Oh, Billy Scott." Dad said as he watched Billy following me in with his head tilted forward somewhat.

Billy tried to explain very quickly what his reason for being there was before my father could get mad at him. I guessed from the way Billy was behaving that my father had been his PE teacher. My father handed me the keys and didn't say anything else, which just verified for me that my father was behind the tutoring, even if he didn't know it would be Billy helping me.

We left my father's office and headed to the other end of the gym. There was a large dressing room there that had several desk and tables along with a chalkboard. My father used the room for his chalk talks that he had each Saturday morning after the Friday night games. On one end of the room were some showers and a toilet area. Every time I entered the room I was taken back a little by the smell of urine and male sweat. The first few times I had entered the room I thought it stunk, but later realized that it seemed to get my hormones running.

I threw my books down on the desk and closed the door behind us. Billy wanted to know where we were and what my homework assignment was. I handed him my notebook and he opened the textbook to the appropriate page. He started writing down the problems and explaining what and why he was doing each thing he did. I noticed that his voice was now full of confidence as he explained and worked each problem. I kind of liked the way he had taken over and was now leaning against his back.

He must have worked ten problems before he realized that I hadn't worked one yet. He also became aware that I was leaning against him. His voice changed as he handed me the pencil and told me to work the next one. I had actually learned enough from him that I at least set the next problem up. I came to a point in the problem that I wasn't sure about and turned to ask him about it.

As I turned I noticed he had been looking at my breast and his face turned red again. He quickly told me what to do next but not before he started sweating again. I finished the problem as he said he had to go relieve himself. He started toward the door when I told him there was no reason to go all the way across the gym when there was a toilet next to the shower. He started to say something when I pointed in the direction of the showers and went back to work. He headed toward the toilet but at a very slow pace. When I heard his piss hitting the water in the bowl I looked over and giggled to myself as he had turned sideways so I could only see his back.

When he returned I had completed two more problems and he was a little surprised. I told him that I was behind in my work, not stupid and couldn't do it. He grinned and sat down next to me. I told him he had left his fly open and I thought he had hurt himself when he grabbed at his crotch to cover himself up. I started laughing very hard because he had not left his fly open I just wanted to see how he would react.

Billy didn't think it was very funny so I told him I was sorry, but that he had to loosen up. That was when he started telling me that he had never had a date with a girl and lived alone with his mother. He said he didn't even know how to act around a girl and that I was causing some very embarrassing feelings in him. I could tell he was being honest so I told him that I really was sorry and that he really had to get a hold of his emotions.

I reached over and placed my hand just above his knee and felt his body tense up. I started rubbing my hand up and down his thigh, hoping it would relax him. I had never been around a boy that reacted the way he did. He looked as if I was about to hurt him. His face was red again, his hands were trembling, and his breathing as well as his pulse rate had gotten higher. I told him to breathe slowly as I reached up and unbuttoned his shirt. He was scared to death but also was to frighten to do anything about it.

I ordered him to stand up and he responding by almost falling as he tried to get out of the chair he was in. We moved toward the showers where there was a small stack of mats that were used for tumbling during the winter months. I backed him up against them and ran my hands along his chest as I pushed his shirt off of his shoulders. When I reached down and unbuckled his belt he took a deep breath. I had to tug on his pants before they fell to the floor. I noticed the bulge in his pants and was a little surprised at the size of it and a little happy that his briefs were not wet.

I turned him around and jumped upon the stack mats. I spread my legs and told him to come to me. I crossed my arms and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and slowly started pulling it over my head. When I had pulled it completely off, it looked as if his eyes were going to explode. They seemed so large as he stared at my breast. As I tossed the shirt aside I reached out and grabbed his hands. As I placed them on my breast I could feel the cool sweat that was beading upon his shaking hands.

He grasped my breast but I could tell he was unsure of how hard or soft he should be with them. I told him I would let him know if he was too rough. He immediately started squeezing my breast and I have to admit the fact that I was directing him had me becoming very excited. My nipples started growing and getting very hard. Billy started rubbing the nipples between his fingers. I could tell by how wet his lips had become that he wanted to do more than just rub them. I pulled his head down to my breast and let him do whatever he though he should.

He sucked the nipple in his mouth as his other hand continued to massage my other breast. I have had many boys fondle my breast before but this one was causing all types of electrical signals to shoot from my breast and down to my groin. When he switched breast I had to take a deep breath. I grabbed his other hand and pushed it down to the front of my jeans and started rubbing it up and down the seam in my crotch. He got the idea and started rubbing and pushing against my pussy.

I was really hot now as I started pumping against his hand. I wanted more but didn't want him to stop what he was doing with his hand or mouth. I finally couldn't take it anymore as I pushed him back and told him to remove my pants. He fumbled with my pants but finally was able to pull them off of me. The only thing left on me was my panties and they were already dripping wet.

Billy reached down and took the top of my panties and rolled them down my legs as I held my ass up off of the mats. I noticed his nostrils flare as he got a whiff of my cunt odor. He went right back to sucking on my breast as I pulled his body against mine. I placed my hands on his head and slowly forced him down my stomach and toward my pussy. When his tongue found my belly button my hips involuntarily thrust at him.

He lowered his mouth to the top of my pussy and all I wanted to do was force his face into me. I almost did it, but knew this was his first time and wanted to see just what he would do. I felt him spread the lips of my pussy and find my clit, which was sticking up like a little penis. He sucked it in his mouth just as he had done my nipples. The feeling was unbelievable as he would suck and nibble on my clit. I then felt a finger as it slipped in just below my clit.

I have had boys give me oral sex before but it had been nothing like this. Billy seemed to be trying to please me instead of pleasing himself. He had already spent more time in my crotch with his head than all the boys I had been with. I leaned on back on the mats and pulled my legs up beside Billy's head. I clamped my legs around his head when he sucked my clit in his mouth and started driving my hips into his face. I was too far gone to stop as my body started shuttering from my orgasm.

When I released the pressure on his head he looked up and asked if he had done something wrong. I laughed and told him no that he had done something right. He then wanted to know if we were through. That was the first time I had ever been asked if I was through, it usually was the boy that got off and was ready to leave. I reached down and moved his hand back to my pussy and then asked him if he was through. As he started sliding his finger inside my pussy, he said he was a long way from being through but didn't know how to do what he wanted.

I reached out and slid his underwear down as far as I could and grabbed his cock which to me seemed very large. It had a lot of skin covering the head but it rolled down easily as I pushed against it. He gasped and I knew that if I weren't careful he would soon be through. I stopped moving the foreskin and took my legs and wrapped them around his ass. I pulled him into me as I guided his cock into my moist pussy lips. When he felt the heat coming from my cunt he instinctively thrust his hips forward.

I moaned as his cock forced its way about halfway inside me. I grabbed him around the neck as he asked if he hurt me. I smiled at him and thrust against his cock. He got the idea and started thrusting back. His cock had gone deep enough inside me that I could feel his coarse pubic hair rubbing against me and felt his balls as they slapped against the lower part of my ass. At first he was pumping with short quick thrust but then started some long hard ones.

I could tell by the way his breaths were becoming quicker that he was working up to an orgasm. I started driving my clit against his cock trying to work myself into another one and was almost there when I felt the first blast of hot cum spreading inside me. That was enough to set me off as I screamed out a little as my pussy started going through convulsions.

"Oh, my gosh, Oh, my gosh!" Billy kept saying each time he felt my cunt squeezing his cock. His cock was shooting each time also.

He finally stopped his thrusting and tried to catch his breath. He quickly looked up at me and said he didn't use any protection and what were we going to do. I grinned at him and told him that I was on the pill and he didn't have to worry about it. He then looked at the showers and said it would be great to take a shower but we had no towels.

I told him that we had better get dressed and get away so we could clean ourselves up. I then told him that I would make sure that there were some towels for our next tutoring sessions. As we started out of the room I told him to be ready for anything from now own. I let him know that I intended to try everything with him and that he was not allowed to get emotionally involved. I let him know that I wanted nothing but sex and lots of it.

As we were walking across the gym I asked him why he had been so gentle with me? He said that he was only trying to do what he had read in some magazines. I told him I didn't know what magazines he had read but to keep reading them.

Next: Chapter 2

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