Billie and Billy

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Aug 26, 2002


This is the fifth chapter in my ongoing fictional story.

All comments are welcome at

Billie & Billy 5

A couple of days after my fun with the boys at the manager's house, I noticed my biker neighbor out working in his yard. He lived with a woman that fit the stereo type of a biker chick. She was blond with a couple of tattoos on her arm and leg. She always wore tight short pants and tight tops that ranged from button down shirts that were tied in the front to halter-tops. You could tell at the first glance that she had a body that was hard and had seen a lot of action. If you could get past their appearance they really were ordinary people with the exception of their taste in fun and lifestyle.

I walked over and started some idle conversation about his yard and then started asking him if he and his wife were really hard core bikers. He first told me that the woman that lived with him was not his wife and yes they did belong to a big bike gang, but that they didn't go around terrorizing people and towns. He said that when they wanted to let off some steam that they had what they called roundups. He said that the bikers would all agree to meet at a certain place to have their fun. He said that the places were usually some old ghost town or maybe some field or old farm where the owner said it was all right for them to use.

I then asked him if they still had parties where they would use some one for their sex toy. He looked up at me with a questioning look on his face. I quickly told him that I was not interested in it, but knew of a boy who really liked sex from men and he had said he might be interested in trying it. I then had to explain the whole story to him about the four boys and he seemed to understand. He assured me that there were plenty of bikers who would love to use the boy but he had better be careful with whom he got with.

I told him that I had told the boy that I would ask and see if it could be set up with a few bikers that would be sure and not try to do him any physical harm. The biker said to give him an hour or two and he could probably give me an answer. He then asked when this party was to take place. I told him that Friday or Saturday night was the best time for the boy, and I then added that if it was possible that I would like to watch.

The biker grinned at this and told me that he knew of a place just outside of town that the party could take place and it had just the right sit-up so I could watch without being seen. He then made a comment about if I wanted to join in it would be all right too. I told him I didn't think so but it was nice to be offered the opportunity. I gave the man the boy's phone number and told him to be discreet when he called because his parents might answer. I told him the boys first name was Chuck and if he was asked to just say he had a bike that Chuck was asking about.

The man took the number and said he would probably call the boy tonight after he spoke to a few of his biker friends. He told me that if it got set up that he would be sure and let me go along and watch. He said he would have his girl call me and let me know the details. That way my parents wouldn't get suspicious.

I ran back to my house and called Chuck to tell him I had talked to the biker and that he had to start giving some serious thought to going through with it. Chuck first said he couldn't believe I had actually asked the biker. I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was having second thoughts about it. I told him that if he really didn't want to go through with it that he could just tell the man that he had been thinking about it but wasn't really sure about it right now. Chuck said that sounded fair and uncommital and his voice seemed to lose that nervous edge. I told him I wanted to know how it turned out either way, and said my goodbyes.

I made sure my door was closed in my room as I unzipped my pants and started playing with my already moist pussy. My clit was hard and reacted with the touch of my finger. As I rubbed my clit with one finger I took a couple of fingers and pushed inside my cunt. I was bucking my hips into my hand as I got closer and closer to a climax. I was picturing a bunch of rough fat bikers raping Chuck while I watched. I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming when my body started jerking and convulsing as my orgasm took control of my body. I fell across my bed as I waited for my body to get back to normal.

I had been lying on my bed with my hand slowly massaging my cunt lips and occasionally rubbing against my clit when the phone rang. I didn't recognize the voice on the other end, but when she said she was with the biker across the street I knew who she was. She asked if it was ok to talk on the phone, and I let her know it was a private line and it was safe. She handed the phone to the biker and he started giving me the details about the little party that had been set up for Saturday night. He said that Chuck was a little scared at first but he told him that they guaranteed they would not hurt him and would not do anything he didn't want them to.

The biker said that he didn't tell Chuck that I wanted to be there and that he would make arrangements for his girlfriend to carry me out to the place so that Chuck wouldn't know I was there. He told me to be ready around 8 o'clock and the party was to get started about 9. He said he had gotten in touch with six or seven of his friends and had gotten their assurance that at least five of them would be there. I said I could hardly wait as we both hung up the phone.

I didn't have to wait too long since the next day was Saturday. I was so excited the whole day that I had to go to my room at least three times to relieve my tormented pussy. The biker's girlfriend called about six and told me that she would pull up in front of my house right at 8 o'clock and I should be watching for her. I must have looked out the front windows at least ten times before she arrived.

As we rode out to the old house the girl told me that she and I would be in a room that had a two-way mirror in it. She told me that Chuck would not be able to see us while we watched. She said the room had been used for similar parties with other bikers, but this was probably the first time it was going to be used by someone who wanted to be there. I asked her if Chuck was in any real danger with the bikers. She said that the ones that were coming to the party were nice enough guys. Most of them were respectful businessmen from around the area and they were on the gentle side. She told me that there were some guys in the gang that would not care about what they did to someone else, but she said that she had made sure none of those had been invited.

We pulled up behind an old white house that had seen better days, but was not really in too bad shape. A little paint and a few new windows would actually make the house look livable. We walked through the back door and into a room that contained a bed and table. The table was underneath a large mirror that looked like any other mirror. The girl saw me looking at it and said you can't see anything until they turn on the light in the other room. She offered me a beer from the cooler that was placed on the floor beside the table. I refused the beer telling her that I didn't drink. She smiled at me and reached down in the bottom of the cooler and pulled out a couple of wine coolers.

She told me that she didn't like the taste of beer or whiskey and always made sure there were something for her to drink. She said that there was no where near as much alcohol in them as beer and that they actually tasted good. I took a sip of the one she had handed me and agreed that it didn't taste bad at all. We sat down on the edge of the table as we started finishing our drinks. The light in the other room came on and I noticed I could see everything very clear through the mirror.

The biker looked around as if he was making sure everything was ready. I noticed that the table in the middle of the room was padded and there was some type of harness hanging from the ceiling. My cunt had started to swell and the juices were beginning to flow as I imagined what the harness could be used for.

The biker came into the room we were in and grabbed a beer and drank most of it when he turned it up. He looked at his girlfriend and asked if there was anything he needed to get when he left to go get Chuck. She said it looked as if everything was ready. Just as he was leaving he turned around and told her that if any of the other guys showed up before he got back to have them wait in the back bedroom. He said he didn't want Chuck to see a lot of guys and scare him off. He also told us to be sure that I was kept out of sight. He said he didn't want any of the boys getting the wrong idea.

We sat around for a few minutes until we heard a few bikes riding around to the back of the house. The girl left me in the room and said she would be back in a few minutes. I could hear other people moving around in the house and could hear loud voices. The girl stayed in the other room with the bikers until I heard another bike pull up.

The girl came back into the room with me as I watched Chuck enter the room with the biker. I could tell he was nervous and unsure about what he was to do. The biker handed him a beer and told him to down it, which he did. He was then handed another beer and told to take his time with it. The biker told him that it would loosen him up so he could enjoy the fun. I noticed that as they chatted the biker kept rubbing his hand up and down on Chuck's ass.

The biker had Chuck sit down on the table and then asked him if he wanted to stay on the table or be put in the harness. Chuck looked at the harness and said he had never seen one like it and would rather use the table. He said the harness would make him feel like he was being held there. The biker said he understood as he reached right between Chuck's legs and started pulling on his cock and balls. It appeared to be a little hard to me but Chuck didn't complain.

When the biker released his grip Chuck downed the rest of the beer he had. The biker gave Chuck a third beer and then asked him if he knew what poppers were. Chuck told him he had read a few stories that made use of them but he had no idea what they were. The biker reached into his shirt pocket and took out a little bottle. He removed the cap and told Chuck to take a deep sniff of the bottle.

Chuck wasn't too sure about this but when the bottle was placed at his nose he inhaled deeply. I noticed Chuck's eyes widen as he pulled his head away from the bottle. His whole body seemed to relax as the chemical had an effect of his body. It only seemed to relax Chuck, as I didn't see anything else happen to him. He had started grinning a lot and grabbing at his cock, but I figured most of that was from the beer.

The biker noticed Chuck's behavior and took the beer from him as he started removing Chuck's shirt. Chuck helped as much as he could and actually stood up to help take his pants off. When the pants were removed it was obvious he had made sure he didn't ware any underwear. His cock was all ready hard and the biker grabbed in and pulled. Chuck gasped but didn't stop the biker.

A couple more bikers entered the room at this time and started undressing. Chuck grabbed his beer and turned it up as he watched the bikers remove their clothes. The biker that had set the party up left the room and very quickly had joined us. He moved in between the two of us as we all watched the show unfolding in front of us.

When the two bikers were undressed, Chuck reached out and grabbed both of their cocks. They both had a little larger than normal cocks but nothing that Chuck would have any problem handling from what I had seen before. The two bikers moved Chuck upon the table and lay him on his back. They started on either side of Chuck as they sucked and pinched his tits. Chuck yelped a time or two but didn't tell them to stop. As they paid attention to his breast, their hands were busy moving all over his cock and balls.

Chuck had started moving his head from side to side as he was getting caught up in all the sexual pleasure. One of the men moved to Chuck's head and placed his cock on Chuck's mouth. Chuck wasted no time as he suck the entire cock into his mouth and throat. The man started pumping his cock in and out of Chuck's mouth as the other man moved down and pulled Chuck's legs up to where his ass was on the edge of the table. I noticed the man spread some kind of lube on his cock as he moved in behind Chuck's asshole.

When the man thrust his hips forward we got a perfect view as the man's cock sank all the way inside Chuck. Chuck's body gave little indication that it was even aware that the man's cock was inside it. He started pumping in and out with a very rapid pace. We could hear Chuck as he started moaning as the two cocks were being rammed in and out of him. After about three minutes of this the two men stopped and switched ends. I noticed that Chuck had a glazed look in his eyes as he looked around trying to find a cock to suck in his mouth.

The two men reentered Chuck's mouth and ass as three other bikers entered the room. I don't believe Chuck even knew they were there as they proceeded to remove their clothes and moved in beside Chuck. Each man started rubbing different parts of Chuck's body as the first two were building up to their orgasms. I watched as the man at Chuck's head started filling his throat and mouth full of hot cum. Chuck almost swallowed all of it but some ran out the corner of his mouth.

Chuck had only enough time to take a breath or two as another cock was pushed in his mouth. This one was larger than the other two and it took a few strokes for Chuck to get accustomed to it. One of the men was jerking on Chuck's cock as it exploded into the air and landed on Chuck's stomach. A hand reached out and rubbed the cum into Chuck's stomach.

The cock in Chuck's ass had taken all it could as the man rammed it as hard as he could inside Chuck as he grunted and it was obvious he was spraying his cum inside Chuck. The man at Chuck's ass was pulled away as another biker forced his cock into Chuck's asshole. He didn't waste any time as he slammed himself into Chuck's ass. He actually was cumming within seconds as he pounded away

The biker in the room with me said that the biker that had just cum always was quick with the trigger, but would take forever to cum the next time. As he was telling me this, his hand had managed to run down my back and was sliding up and down the crack of my ass. My pants were probably wet from the juices that had been flowing out of me. I knew I should tell him to stop but my cunt was telling me to be quiet. The biker's hand moved around to the front of my pants and unbuttoned them. He slowly rolled them off of my hips as his hand wrapped around and a finger gently located my clit.

I was bent over looking through the window, as the man's hands knew just where to touch me. He managed to get me to step out of my pants as he spread my legs apart. A hand slid down the crack of my ass and moved forward until it located the lips of my pussy. His fingers instantly found its way inside me as I moaned a little. He continued to manipulate my clit as his fingers moved in and out of my pussy.

I was so engrossed in what I was watching and the hands on my pussy that I didn't even notice that the other girl had left the room. She walked into the room with Chuck wearing nothing. One of the bikers helped her up on the table as she straddled Chuck. She slowly squatted down as one of the bikers guided Chuck's cock into her cunt. She reached behind her and wrapped her arms around Chuck's legs. She then started riding up and down on Chuck's cock as the men continued to fuck his mouth and asshole.

When I took a good look around I noticed that a couple more bikers had entered the room and one of them had a very large looking cock, and he was lubing it up and moving behind the man that was fucking Chuck's ass. The man at his ass thrust a few more times and pulled out as I noticed a stream of cum running to the floor. The man with the large cock positioned himself at Chuck's asshole and pushed in slowly. I could tell by the way Chuck's body was tensing up that he was feeling this cock as it forced its way inside.

Just when the man thrust his cock into Chuck's asshole I felt my pussy being spread open by a nice size cock as well. I gasped as the cock sank all the way in and I felt the man's pubic hair against my ass. The seen was so exciting in front of us that I was pushing back against whoever's cock was inside me. The man at my pussy was pumping just as fast as the huge cock that was pounding into Chuck's asshole.

It didn't take me long before I was squealing from the pleasure rushing through my body as my orgasm electrified my body. At the same time it appeared that the man in Chuck's mouth and ass were cumming also. The man riding my pussy wasn't but a few strokes behind the rest of them, and the girl was picking up the pace on Chuck's cock as she worked herself into a frenzy. When she was through the men helped her off of Chuck as all of the men grabbed a beer and helped Chuck sit up.

They handed him a beer and told him to catch his breath. They said that if he was up to it they could continue for a couple more hours. The girl had left the room and returned to where I was as the biker that had been fucking me went back to where the other men were. The girl asked me if I liked what I had received while she was with the rest of the party. I told her it was a lot of fun. She told me that if I wanted some more that it wouldn't be any problem. I said that I wouldn't mind taking on a few of the other men as long as the light stayed off and they couldn't see who I really was. She told me that was no problem and she was sure the men wouldn't mind. As an after thought I told her I didn't want to try the man with the large cock. She giggled and said she knew what I was talking about. She said she had tried him once and had stayed sore for a week.

When we looked back at the men in the room it became apparent that the men had talked Chuck into letting them strap him in the harness. He had finished off his beer and the men showed him how the harness worked. When they had him strapped in he was almost in a sitting position with his legs pulled up beside his head. His ass was sticking out in front of him with his back arched a little. This almost allowed Chuck to see his asshole while being in an upright position.

The men started finishing off their beers as they moved in close to Chuck and formed a pecking order. They were being nice in that they had positioned themselves in order from smallest to largest dick. As the first man moved in between Chuck's ass cheeks I could hear them tell him that they were going to see how fast they could all fuck him and see how many times they could make him cum. Chuck took a deep breath as someone placed the little brown bottle under his nose. When Chuck took a deep breath his ass seemed to relax just as the first cock was forced inside.

The men were not taking it easy on Chuck's ass as they fucked him fast and hard. Chuck was not complaining but was making a lot of noise as each man came into his ass. Chuck's cock had shot several streams of cum onto his chest and face while they were fucking him. A couple of times his cock jerked but nothing came out. He had managed to take on all the men except the one with the large cock.

I could feel the juices running down my legs as I watched. One of the men had entered the room with us and was slowly pushing his cock inside my wet cunt. He was deliberately taking it slow as we all waited to see Chuck's reaction to the huge cock that was about to be forced inside him. Chuck screamed out as the cock was rammed all the way in with one thrust. The little brown bottle was quickly placed under Chuck's nose as his screaming slowly subsided. The man with the big cock was not holding back as he rammed it in and out as fast as possible.

Chuck had stopped screaming and was now moaning as his cock had grown to attention again. The man had stopped pumping into Chuck, but was now swinging Chuck back and forth on his cock. We noticed that every time Chuck swung back onto the dick, his cock would jerk as if it were shooting. At the same time Chuck would moan out loud and roll his eyes back in his head.

The cock in my pussy had picked up pace and I could feel the slight increase in the cock just before I felt the cum blasting inside me and then spreading around. The man pulled out as another dick filled its place. This one was not as patient as it started sliding in and out very rapidly. Just as this cock started to erupt so did my insides. My body went limp as the orgasm released my tense body.

I raised my head up to see the man with the big cock pulling his cock out of Chuck's asshole. If appeared as if his asshole was not closing as the cum ran out and spread on the floor beneath him. The other men started getting Chuck out of the harness and I noticed that when they got him out he couldn't stand. They sat him on the table and handed him another beer. His body was streaming with sweat as he sat there drinking his beer. A couple of the bikers said they had all they could take for now, but if Chuck ever wanted to throw another such party to be sure and call them.

After about ten minutes I noticed that Chuck kept reaching over and playing with the man who had the huge cock. As the other bikers noticed this they asked Chuck if he felt up to a little more. Chuck told them that he wanted to suck some more cock but also wanted the huge cock back in his ass. None of the men objected as they all finished off their beers and had Chuck move back to the harness.

This time they hooked him up to where he was actually facing the floor. His legs had been folded underneath him, which opened up his ass. His head had been strapped in and a small padded board had been placed just under his chin and ran down his chest. This forced Chuck's head up and also made a straight path through his mouth and into his throat.

The man with the big cock had moved to Chuck's head and told him that he needed some attention to get it back up. Chuck started licking on the head of the cock and managed to get it into his mouth. When it started growing Chuck pushed the man away and told him he could take it in his mouth. The man moved back to Chuck's ass and rubbed the cock up and down Chuck's crack.

One of the men moved up to Chuck's face and waited for Chuck to service him. Chuck sucked the man's cock into his mouth and started running his tongue around on the man's cock. The cock quickly grew as the man started pumping into Chuck's throat. The man at Chuck's ass took this as a clue for him to bury his cock into Chuck.

The two men started swinging Chuck back and forth on their cocks while Chuck sucked forcefully with his mouth. The cock in Chuck's mouth didn't last very long as it erupted and Chuck swallowed all of its cum. The man at Chuck's ass slowed the swinging down a little until Chuck had the next cock firmly planted in his throat. As the pace picked up so did Chuck's cock as it was now throbbing each time the cock in his ass rubbed against his prostate.

The sight was unreal as I watched Chuck's cock throbbing as his ass was swung back and forth on the huge cock. Chuck's mouth was being used almost as ruff as his asshole had been used earlier. When Chuck was sucking the last cock, the man at his asshole leaned in and started pumping faster and faster until he finally shot his load deep in Chuck's asshole. He stayed there for a few minutes while the other man finished himself off in Chuck's mouth. He continued to leave his cock inside Chuck's asshole.

The man told one of the others to go turn on the shower as the others started releasing Chuck from the harness. The man held onto Chuck the whole time and kept his cock buried inside him. He finally had to give up his cock's resting-place when Chuck was completely released from the harness and the man could not hold him up. The man took Chuck to the shower where the two cleaned each other off.

I pulled myself up and drank another wine cooler as I placed my clothes back on. I heard the man return with Chuck as they dried each other off and the man asked Chuck if he could get together with him again. He then told Chuck that he appeared to be a size queen. Chuck looked at him and asked what he was talking about. The man told him that the way Chuck acted while his cock was inside him showed him that Chuck liked large cocks. The man handed Chuck a business card and told him to call him anytime he wanted to get together. He said that if he wanted it could be just the two of them, or he could call a few friends over. He also said he knew a few men with cocks just as big and couple even bigger than his. He then told him that all of them were not bikers.

Chuck thanked the man for the card and said he would think about it. The man put his arm around Chuck and told him that he would do more than think. He told Chuck that when that man pussy of his was ready for action that Chuck would be forced to call. He then told him that he could meet him almost anytime Chuck wanted him too. Chuck grinned and turned a little red as the man kissed him on the forehead. The man reached down and squeezed Chuck's cock as he told Chuck that he liked to have what was in his hand in his mouth and ass as well.

The bikers all left as so did Chuck. The girl said it was all clear for us to leave as we made our way back to the car and drove home. I got out of the car and nothing was said between us as she drove across the street.

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