Billy and James

By Mark Hall

Published on Apr 5, 2020


This is the story of two men, Billy, a Black top who likes to set up gang bangs and James, a white bottom, whose favorite sexual activity is to be gang banged by ethnic men. While many of the events and people are real, the story is fictionalized.

Chapter One -- The Beginning

A couple of weeks passed by since I heard from Billy which is what I needed to recover from the physical punishment doled out to me from his friend Aaron. During that time, I had conflicted feelings about what happened that night. I always liked when a man took control of me sexually, even if it got a little rough. Aaron was over the top aggressive which I thought I would enjoy, until it happened. The text Billy sent me said that he wanted me to come over, no details other than his place and time for dinner.

To recap, I had met Billy at the health club where we immediately began having sex, anywhere, anyhow, anytime. After a while he introduced me to his friend Aaron, also a large Black man whose sexual appetite matched that of mine and Billy's. I was warned that Aaron's domineering nature may be more than I could handle, but I was confident that I would enjoy Aaron. But that night he often crossed the line to a point where I became physically harmed and sported bruises that took many days to heal, amongst other things. So, for the past couple of weeks I have gone back and forth over whether I could do it again, which I assumed Billy wanted when we met that night.

He answered the door wearing a robe over a white T-shirt. A bit casual I though having offered me dinner. "Hello James, glad you are able to make it. We have much to talk about." Right away my curiosity was piqued because I didn't anticipate us have any serious issues.

After a few glasses of wine and a joint, Billy asked me what I wanted to eat for dinner. "I thought it would be ready?" I asked in an assuming manner.

"Bitch, I'm not in a cooking mood. Ordering out, my treat."

"Whatever you want," I said in my usual indecisive manner when it came to food.

"Chinese it is." Over dinner Billy and I engaged in small talk, much about what had happened the night with he and Aaron.

"So, did you enjoy having sex with Aaron?" Billy asked, nonchalantly.

I pondered hedging on the truth since I didn't want Billy to think I was ungrateful but figured he and I had a potential long-lasting relationship so better come out with the truth. "No, I didn't Billy, he was way too rough."

Billy had a look of astonishment on his face. "What? The insatiable bottom named James couldn't hang. Damn, you disappoint me." It was difficult to read Billy's expression to figure out his sincerity. "I thought for sure you would have enjoyed that."

"Now he is a really hot man. When I first saw him, I almost came in my pants. But yeah, my ass was literally tore up and had bruises all over."

"I've seen him fuck chicks like that, wild," said Billy, getting up. "Anyway, I haven't heard from him since we met, but that doesn't mean he won't pop in at any time. Come over to the living room. I have something I want to talk to you about. And bring me a beer," said Billy as he sat down on the couch.

We finally reached the point in the evening where Billy was about to talk to a subject that was obviously important to him. After handing Billy his beer, I sat down with mine, prepared to listen.

"Look, I'm not good at beating around the bush, so I'll just say it. I'd like you to move in for a few reasons. Firstly, I need a roommate. I prefer the company of another man and I think we'd be good roomies. The other reason, I'd say is even more selfish, but I want to see your reaction."

This announcement was completely unexpected. I hadn't thought about the possibility of moving in with Billy. But it made me feel good. I liked Billy a lot and I was on a month-to-month lease at my current place so that would not present a problem. "I'm flattered, and like the idea Billy.... but the second reason?"

"This is something I've been mulling over for the past week. Since I met you, I realize how much it turns me on to watch you have sex with guys. Over the years I have met a lot of people who want to have sex with a guy but aren't in a situation to act on their desires. You understand?"

"Yeah, like DL guys?" I asked.

"DL men, guys who can't be seen fucking around because of their job, or guys that want to explore a fantasy or role playing that their partner or significant other is not willing to do. And from what I've seen, you're discreet, open-minded, and a hell of a fuck."

"Basically, a fuck bud who will entertain your buddies sexually," I said, not trying to sound annoyed because I liked the proposition but didn't want to sound thirsty.

"And let's not forget that I like your company. You're a cool dude James. A cool dude with a wonderful mouth and hot ass. You're a damn good slut!"

"Phew, it's getting a little hot in here," I said, blushing at Billy's compliment. We both laughed which was something else we had in common, secure with our sexuality. Afterwards we worked out how I would move in and agreed upon most everything except, one thing.

"What kind of guys are you talking about Billy?" I asked, hoping he would recognize that my sexual preference was for large men, particularly men of different ethnicities. In my past I had experienced sexual abuse from white men and have since been turned off by them sexually.

"All kinds of guys," said Billy looking at me to see my reaction, which was that of concern. "Ah your love for the Black cock. That might be a problem."

"Billy, you do know I like big husky men. But yes, I do prefer Black men but am also turned on by Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern...."

Billy interrupted me. "So, anything but white. Look, I get it, but we must meet somewhere in the middle. I really do know a lot of men who need a sexual outlet in the form of another man. This could be good. How about I give in to your demand that only big guys, but you give in to mine which includes all races?"

I was not ready to give Billy an answer, but knew he was being fair. "Can I get back to you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure, but the sooner you decide the sooner we can get this thing going," said Billy, standing up. "Enough of this, I need some head James, go on and do your thing."

Billy opened his robe and pulled down his shorts, revealing his 5-6-inch flaccid penis that needed attention. Knowing my place, I got on my knees, cupping his large balls when he got close to me. "You still going to be my bitch, you know that," Billy said placing his hand on my head and running it through my hair.

I felt comfortable with Billy, letting him know that he could pretty much have his way with me and not feel like he would take advantage. We both had strong sexual needs and were able to communicate them, but here's where the likenesses end. He was strong willed, confident, physically commanding, decisive and assertive, even aggressive when it was appropriate. His yin to my yang. It was as close to a perfect relationship that I ever had.

Within minutes I felt his cock swell and his balls tighten up. He pulled out of my mouth and pointed his cock at my face. His grip unintentionally strengthened on my head, pulling my hair taught. At least 5 -6 ropes of warm semen hot my face, creating an ecstatic feeling despite some getting in my eye. He then painted my face with his softening dick, occasionally slapping it. "Good whore," he said with much satisfaction to his tone. With his half hard cock, he brushed his juices into my open mouth, allowing me to savor the pleasant taste, then slid it in for me to finish.

"Yeah, I could use this more often James," said Billy, pulling out of my mouth, then sitting on the couch, spent.

"Me too," I said, headed to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, seeing remnants of drying sperm on my face. "It's who I am," I said to myself, embrace it. I had made up my mind.

Next: Chapter 2

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