Billy and James

By Mark Hall

Published on Apr 7, 2020


Billy and James - Chapter 2 Settling In

It took about a month for me to completely transition into Billy's apartment. The set-up of his place was perfect. There were three bedrooms, large kitchen and dining room and a small office area downstairs. His roommate, Jeremy, had moved out so I was able to take the bedroom where he stayed on occasion.

The first night together was spent with me in Billy's bedroom. Luckily it was a weekend so were able to sleep in late after a night of sucking and fucking.

I woke up with my head on his furry chest, his nipple teasingly close to my lips which soon enclosed it and sucked.

"Mmmmmm, now this I can get used to," said Billy, kissing my forehead. "You were quite the beast last night. I swear my cock is raw."

I gave his hard nipple a playful bite before sitting up. "And seeing that I'm carrying two loads of your babies in me, I'd say that you enjoyed it."

"Never said I didn't. You know I like it wild. But this is the first time we spent the night together in the same bed and there are certain requirements that I have when someone shares my bed with me."

"Care to share?" I asked seductively, having a feeling I knew what he meant.

"Yes, bring me coffee," Billy said dryly.

"Not the expected answer, but yes, of course I will make coffee and bring it to you. Be right back," I said as I started to get up. Before I could leave the bed, Billy grabbed my arm and pulled me back into bed.

Billy pulled me tightly into him "James, don't believe everything I say. I'll leave it up to your good judgement to decide what I need first thing in the morning, okay?"

I was still waiting for clarification, so simply replied, "Yes Sir."

"Good boy, now before you get me coffee, I think it's a good idea for you to get some more cream," said Billy lifting the cover, revealing his naked torso.

"Goddamn that feels good," I heard Billy say while I sucked his dick under the covers. If this was going to be a daily occurrence, I was a lucky man I thought to myself as I wrapped my lips around the thick shaft of his penis. While I never measure, I would say he was a good 5 inches around. Every few minutes I would have to come up for air, knowing that he would be slow to ejaculate considering he had two orgasms the night before.

"That's good babe, it's going to take me long to cum. Guess you'll have to go without cream this morning."

Billy lifted the covers and once again lay my head on his chest, kissing it. "You sure Billy? I can go longer."

"I'm sure. Go get my coffee and let's plan the day." When I got up, Billy gave me a hard smack on the ass. "Pretty ass."

While drinking coffee, in bed, Billy informed me that he was having a friend over that evening. One of the friends who he spoke about earlier who was married to a woman, had kids, but was curious about being with a guy. His description was something that we agreed upon. He was heavyset, Black, and masculine.

"Now I got to tell you, we're at the point of no return. Once I invite Cedric over, the ball is rolling. You can't back out, but he can if he wants."

"I'm cool with that," I said, wondering what my first experience with one of Billy's acquaintances would be like. Cedric sounded like a hot man and I was anxious to meet him.

"And I know a lot of people who are interested in this, I mean a lot. So, if you fuck this up, somehow word will get out. Understand?"

"I do Billy, I'm ready to go."

"I bet you are you fucking slut," Billy bent over to kiss me. "And that's why you're here. Meanwhile, we can have a little fun now and then. But I will have other men in bed with me from time to time, so no getting jealous."

"I have to ask this. Is it okay if I meet other guys?"

Billy looked at me in amazement. "Fuck no! I'm supplying the guys for you, and it will be enough. And if not, then still, fuck no!" There was a hint of anger in Billy's voice, the first time I experienced it. But he calmed down quickly. "First and foremost, you got to remain healthy. At no time can you be a burden to me or else I will put your ass out. Understand?"

"Yeah, I mean sort of."

"Well time will tell. I'll be able to see if you are a disappointment and if so, will give you enough advance notice.

"Look James, everything will be fine. We just must communicate and be transparent. I know I will be, and I trust you will be too."

"I will Billy, not a problem. When is Cedric coming over?"

"Around 7 tonight, he's actually the plumber the for entire complex so after he finishes a few projects.

I did recall seeing someone in the apartment complex with clothing that a plumber would wear. He was a middle-aged man, about 6', 250#, dark skinned with a slight limp. I certainly was hoping it would be him.

Next: Chapter 3

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