Billy and James

By Mark Hall

Published on Jul 21, 2020


The following week after the orgy Billy and I spent more time getting to know each other, with each of us making revelations that that was unknown before. I discovered Billy was born in the deep south and grew up in a religious family that frowned upon same sex relationships. While he was interested in men, he exclusively dated women, entered marriage and had several children. Later, during his years in the military, he began exploring his bisexuality in adult bookstores and with other guys who were in similar situations. Later in life he knew men were his real interest, especially submissive, obedient men which led to his wife finding out and a subsequent divorce. The biggest disclosure he made was that he went to counseling for sex addition during his first relationship with a man.

"I found out that I had a lot of making up to do in regards to having sex with men," Billy laughed. "And my partner at the time, Marcus, couldn't keep up. I wore that ass out. That's when I also discovered that I really get turned on when the bottom guy is sexually passive. I love taking charge and calling all the shots in the bedroom. Marcus tried at first, but it wasn't natural for him, like it is for you."

I blushed at Billy's unfiltered honesty. "Was Marcus black or white?"

"He was black. I really don't have a racial preference. But I do obviously prefer a man who can follow orders. And a man whose sex drive matches mine. Again, you."

"So we're both badly oversexed to the point where we need professional help," I kidded.

"I figured out that sex is important in my life and that it does not mean anything is wrong with me. I just had to find someone who has similar attitudes," said Billy, getting up. "But you definitely have racial preferences. Where did that come from?"

I went on to explain that I was born and raised in a majority Black community and started sex very early when an older kid took advantage of me and basically bitched me out. Soon after I began a relationship with an older black man whom I fell in love with. But, considering the circumstances, it lasted only a couple of years. After that I had off and on relationships, soon discovering that I tended to gravitate towards blue collar type men who were strong and decisive. The only problem was that most were married or had relationships so anything long term was not possible. The relationships I did have were good for a short while, followed by a period where each of us either got bored of each other, or intolerant of bad habits that never changed. So I explained to Billy that my preference for Black men wasn't a Mandingo fantasy as I had often been accused.

"Interesting," said Billy. And in these relationships you've been primarily the bottom?"

"Yes, with an occasional experience as the top, but that was rare."

"Do you enjoy fucking other guys?"

"It's okay. But I definitely prefer being the catcher."

"Well surprised the hell out of me when you fucked Robert. I'll let other guys know you flip on occasion."

"Probably not likely that I flip. Surprised myself but Robert did have a nice butt."

"Don't worry, most of the guys I know want to fuck some good ass, but, on occasion, might want some dick, and you've got a nice one. So, on a different topic, this upcoming weekend we've been invited to a private sex party at a place downtown. Been to a few, they're really good. It's a leather event so you're going as my slave."

I thought about it for a bit, and gladly agreed. So far in our relationship I have been playing the part, but avoided the label, and some of the actions involved. Being a slave was something I could do with Billy and be comfortable with it. The master/slave dynamics required a lot of trust, mostly from the slave.

"So let's talk about the kind of slave I want you to be. Up until now our relationship has been me being the dominant and you the submissive. For the rest of this week, and during the weekend that changes. Your pleasure is inconsequential compared to mine. You're more like an expensive piece of furniture, to be valued and enjoyed but not harmed. Understand so far?

"Yes Sir," I said. I had previous experience in as a slave, but Billy was obviously more understanding of the role.

"I know you've from me that I love you, but this is not about romance. It is about command, respect, pleasure and control. And it is genuine. You are in many ways beneath me and worthy of being my slave. Hope you understand that."

"I do Billy," I said, getting a look of disaproval . "I mean Sir."

"Which brings about the next topic, that of punishment. I don't expect you to be perfect, now should you be. But along with your imperfections will come appropriate consequences. Now go into the bedroom and lie belly down on the bed."

I hesitated slightly. "Clothes off or on?"

"Now!" Billy exclaimed.

I did as told, mulling over the change in relationship dynamics we were experiencing. I knew Billy well, but this part caught me by surprise. Not so much that he was into the role as master, but how good he was at it and how innate it was. Billy came in as soon as I was face down on the bed. He went into the closet and pulled out a box of BDSM gear, verifying my thoughts that he had done this was not new to him. "Have you done this before Sir?"

"Yes, had a slave for about a month, tried it with Jeremy but his ass was too dumb to follow directions," Billy said as he fastened my legs and arms to the bedposts. We have 3 days training to do James before Friday night. It's actually a fundraiser for AIDS research where there will be an auction for slave ownership. It's all in good fun but the person who bids the highest does keep the slave for the remainder of the weekend. Any questions so far?"

"So whoever gets me, I stay with that person until Sunday? And have to be that person's slave?"

"Depends on the person, but, yes that's a possibility," said Billy as he tightened the ropes that held me spread-eagled on the bed, then raised my butt by putting a pillow under me.. I'm about to find out your pain tolerance because that will be a determining factor. James, you can tell me to stop whenever, but the longer you can go the more you are worth. Ready?" he asked.

"Yes Sir."

"First a wooden paddle with clothes on." Billy administered 5 hard whacks with the wooden paddle. By the fifth one, the pain was already getting bad. On a scale of one to ten, what level of pain are you feeling?"

"5 Sir."

"Good, when we get to a level ten we'll stop. When your pain level increases, let me know. If you say nothing, I'll assume you're at the same level." He then gave 5 more with the wooden paddle. "Now without the pants" he reached under me and unfastened my jeans, pulled over my butt, leaving me just underwear. After a few strikes I cried out "6!"

"Good boy we're up to 18. Try to get to 50. He put away the wooden paddle and pulled out a plastic one with holes, then administered more swats until I cried out "7!"

"Got to do better than that James,'" said Billy, pulling down my underwear to expose my bare ass. By then I was crying out with each swat. Billy used a variety of paddles from leather to wood to plastic, but it was the last few with his bare hand that prompted me to yell out "ten!"

""Okay, okay James, you've had enough," I heard Billy say while caressing my burning butt cheeks.

"How many was that?" I asked, watching Billy get up to get some aloe gel.

"Forty-six, not bad."

"Damn, felt like more," I said, enjoying the cooling effect of the aloe. "But didn't make it to fifty."

Billy unfastened the ropes, tossed them into the box and sat down on the bed. "Yeah, you disappoint me James," he said, continuing to rub my ass. "Stay there." He took several pictures of my ass, then showed them to me.

"Damn, it's beet red."

"Yeah, I whipped your ass pretty good, but there won't be any marks left behind."

"Hard to believe."

"Just lie here for a few minutes, let that ass cool down," Billy said as he got up to get more gear out of the box. I was impressed by how well organized he kept everything, either folded neatly or placed into plastic bags. "Lift your head up," he said as he fastened a leather, metal studded, collar around my neck. "Perfect."

Just then the doorbell rang. "Expecting someone Sir?" I asked.

"Just a guy from the cable company to hook up another cable in the bedroom, be right back. Stay right there."

Realizing I was in the bedroom where the cable was going to go, I got up to go to my bedroom, but it was too late. The cable installer was in the living room talking with Billy, so he would have seen me. I then remembered Billy telling me to stay there on the bed, so I turned around and went back there not knowing what to expect.

Billy walked in with a large Latino man. "This is Matias, he's going to be installing cable. Stay where you are." Laying naked on my belly, having just been spanked, I felt embarrassed and humiliated. I had no idea how Matias would react, but Billy was obviously unconcerned as he showed what how he wanted the cable hook up. Even more strange was how Matias was equally oblivious to my presence. He was solid young man, about 6', 250# with a scraggly dark beard on a round, light brown face. The tool belt he wore sagged under his belly, but kept up by a round, firm butt.

"Alright, I will leave you alone to do your job," said Billy, walking past me, then closing the bedroom door behind him which I thought to be strange.

"What's up?" said Matias, looking my direction.

Next: Chapter 10

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