Billy's Vault

By Art Thomas

Published on Dec 25, 1998



Christmas Eve! The noise of the celebration in the Officer's Lounge resounded down the hallway and invaded my room like a drunken brawl. 'I'm glad someone's having fun tonight' I mused, sulking because I was the Officer-On-Call and had to remain sober. Oh well, I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate anyway, I conceded with a sour grapes attitude. Looking out the window at the moonlight on the ocean I could almost imagine myself in some warm tropical paradise. But then reality hit when I saw the outside temperature gauge: -24 degrees! The Bering Sea is not the Gulf of Mexico, I sighed. This radar outpost at the edge of the the world was not where I wanted to be this Christmas Eve; I thought about John back in Houston and how we made such passionate love the night before I left to come to Alaska for a year of remote solitude. My body ached to feel him pressed against me with his hard maleness probing my orifice. Better not get too excited, I thought; it could only lead to heartache and the usual hand massage. Which wasn't all that bad mind you...better being an officer with a private room of my own rather than one of the young airmen who had to live with three others in his room and not have any privacy.

I thought about those young men on duty in the Ops and Comm Centers. My job as Site Comm Officer was to supervise the Communications and Crypto Operations. We had two youngsters on duty in the Comm Center and one in the Crypto Vault, waiting for something exciting to happen to relieve them of their boredom. But it wouldn't happen tonight; holidays and weekends are always boring with little or nothing to do. I felt sorry for those young guys, some of them not even in their twenties yet. At 25, I felt like a veteran even though I had only been in the service for two years. First Lieutenant Arthur W. Thomas, that's me. I was really proud of my rank and stature in this organization, it being my first true field assignment after Comm Officer's School. The Colonel seemed to like me pretty well and the job I've been doing in the seven months that I had been at this outpost, a DEWLINE station just across the Bering Sea from Siberia. I enjoyed my work, especially working with the hunky young studs in the Comm Center. Of course, I could never let on how I felt about them. I must maintain my aloofness and superiority. But, oh how I longed to touch them and caress their firm, proud asses. However, Uncle Sam has a way of discouraging that type of behavior. Especially, between officers and enlisted and most assuredly between members of the same sex! No, I would just have to continue the self gratification in my privacy until I rotated out of here next June. God, I thought, that's a long time to wait to get back to my true love. Would he still be there, in Houston, waiting for me? He promised me that he would but twelve months is a long time to be apart.

A blare of music and shouting blasted my reverie as someone came out of the lounge, staggering down the hall, probably going to take a leak in the latrine. As he passed my open door I saw that it was the Major, my immediate superior. "How'sh it goin, Art?" he slurred, leaning against the door jamb. "Fine sir" I said. "Sounds like a nice party in there." "Yeah, it's goin ta be pretty drunk out t'nite" he grinned. I thought what a hunk he was with his All-American good looks. And he really was an All American back at Michigan some years ago. He still worked out every day in the gym and was maintaining a great looking body. It was he that got me to work out when I first arrived; said it would help pass the time and ease the boredom and loneliness. Little did he realize that I went to the gym with him just to gawk at his sexy body! He rarely wore a jock strap and the best times were when his big cock and balls slipped below the hem of his shorts. He didn't seem to mind it, though, and just went on pushing the weights as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Was he secretly doing it for my benefit, I wondered? I never did find out and he left the site a few months later with nothing further happening. But, sometimes I would catch him out of the corner of my eye looking at me as I worked the weights. Maybe I missed a good opportunity to start something exciting, but now I'll never know.

"Hey Art," he said on his way back to the lounge, "have you checked on the kids in Ops tonight?" "Uh, no sir" I replied, immediately feeling guilty as if I was shirking my duty. "Well, why dontcha go down there and wish them a Merry Christmas" he said. "I'd go but I don't want them to see me in this condition." "Yessir" I replied hopping up off of the bed where I had been laying. "And why dontcha take them some of those cookies and punch we had in the mess hall. It'll be ok for this once since it's Christmas" he said. "OK sir" I said, knowing that food and beverages were not normally allowed in the Ops Center. "Just tell 'em not to spill anything" he shouted and went on his way. Since I was in jeans and a polo shirt, I decided I'd not get dressed in my uniform and just go as I was since this was a special occasion. I made my way down to the mess hall where everything was pretty quiet except for the party noise coming from the NCO Club next door. As I was getting the cookies and punch put together, my NCOIC of Comm, TSgt Baxter, opened the door to the kitchen and walked in with an ice bucket in his hand. "Hi Lieutenant" he said spying me. "Whatcha up to?" "I'm taking some cookies and punch to the guys in Ops" I said. "The Major asked me to since it's Christmas Eve." "That's great!" he said. "I was going to go down to the Comm Center and check on the guys myself but I've got bartender duty here" he explained. "Who's working tonight?" I asked. "Let's see, Joe and Brad are in the Comm Center and Billy's got the vault" he informed me. "Billy Tompkins?" I questioned, knowing that he was our youngest (just barely 18 years old) and newest man. "Yeah" said the sergeant "it was his turn for duty and since things are pretty slow I thought he would be ok in there alone. Will you check in on him while you're there?" he asked. "Oh sure" I answered, feeling a slight tug in my groin. Airman 2nd Class William Joseph Tompkins was the cutest thing I'd seen since my little nephew! When he reported for duty two weeks ago I nearly creamed in my pants at first sight of him. Talk about a twink! He was short, about five feet seven with light brown hair and the most beautiful brown eyes I'd ever seen! I sat mesmerized by his gaze as he was telling me about himself that first day. I caught myself falling right into those brown pools and being completely captivated by him. He had a soft southern drawl (he was from Alabama) and seemed like he was scared to death. I tried allaying his fears of being so far from home and told him that he would do just fine. "Uh, sir" Sgt. Tompkins said "you alright?" I jerked back to reality from my dreamlike state, thinking about young Billy. "Oh, uh, yeah" I said, "just a little tired." "If you need some help carrying that stuff I could ask one of the guys in the club to help you" he offered. "No thanks, I can manage it" I replied.

With my arms full of goodies, I made my way to the Ops Center. A1C Brad Jefferson answered my ring at the door and let me in. "Hey Brad" I said "how's it goin?" "Pretty slow, sir" he replied. "We ain't had no traffic in a coupl'a hours." "Yeah, well I guess it's going to be like this at least through New Years" I said. "Yessir" he mumbled. "Here's some goodies for you and the guys. The Major said it was ok since it's Christmas Eve. Take some for the guys in Ops and I'll take some to Billy" I announced. "He's probably asleep" said Brad "haven't heard a peep outta him since we came on duty." I walked up to the vault door and was about to press the bell when, instead, I decided to use my key and let myself in. That way I wouldn't wake him if he was sleeping. I eased the door open and silently closed it behind me. For some strange reason, I slipped the slide bolt closed so no one else could enter with a key. ' Now why did I do that,' I mused? Oh well, I thought, I'll just put the goodies on the bedside table and leave quietly so I don't disturb him. The door to the room with the bed and telephone was slightly ajar and I could see a low glow from the bedside lamp. Easing the door open slowly I first saw a pair of stockinged feet on the bed. I heard some low moans but thought it was him dreaming. As the door opened wider I realized that his pants and undershorts were down around his ankles and I began catching glimpses of his bare legs. Pushing the door further and with my heart starting to pound I first saw his hand around his enlarged member and the other pulling on his balls. I was stricken with lust and my own penis began a rapid ascent. As the door opened wider I could see he was naked up to his neck where his tee shirt was gathered above his shoulders. Billy was slowly working his hard penis back and forth, up and down, and moaning with each stroke. I saw something on his belly; it looked like a picture of someone and I thought 'He's jacking off to a picture of his girl'! I didn't know what to do. I was paralyzed watching him do to himself what I had fantasized about doing to most of the young studs at this place. I wanted to stay there and watch him but my arms were getting tired from holding the cookies and punch. Just as I was about to drop them, he jerked around and saw me standing there. "Oh my God!" he said, trying to cover himself and jump up at the same time, but only managing to fall over the edge of the bed. As he hit the floor I rushed in, threw the cookies and punch on the table, and tried to catch him before he hit his head on the bedstead. "Billy!" I cried, "are you ok?" I cradled his head in my arms so he wouldn't hurt himself and tried to ease him down to the floor. "Billy!" I yelled again "are you alright?" "Oh God, oh God" he kept repeating. I was afraid that he had hurt himself and was about to call for help when I realized that the vault door was bolted and nobody could get in. "I've got to get help" I said, trying to pick him up and lay him on the bed. "Oh sir" he cried, "please, no, oh my God sir" he kept crying. "What is it?" I asked. "Where did you hurt yourself?" He looked at me with those big sad brown eyes and burst into tears. "Oh my God" he kept saying "Oh my God." "What is it?" I kept asking. "Oh God, sir" he wailed "you'll court marshall me for this!" Then I realized that he was not hurt but was fearful for being caught in such a compromising position. "It's OK" I murmured. "It's OK, just take it easy." I put my arm around him and tried to comfort him. It was then that I noticed that he was still exposed from the waist down and although no longer hard, his penis was nestled between his legs with some of the biggest and most beautiful balls I've seen. Again, I felt the stirring in my groin and pressed him closer to me. His sobbing continued as he thought that he had disgraced himself and his family.

"Billy," I said in as soothing a voice as I could "it's OK. Everyone does that. I'm just surprised that it doesn't happen more often. You know, you have it tougher up here than I do because you don't have any privacy like I do in my room." He looked up at me with those sad, tear streaked eyes and said "Do you jack off, too, sir?" with wonder in his voice. I chuckled at his naivete. "Well, I am a male and I do have desires just like everyone else" I laughed. He kept looking at me with the most angelic expression and I had the strongest urge to lean down and kiss his soft, full lips. My eye caught a glimpse of something on the floor and as I reached down for it I realized that it was the picture that had been lying on his abdomen. As I picked it up with the photo side down, I noticed that someone had written on the back "To Billy, my own true love, I'll be here waiting for you. Love, Ronny." I thought 'what a nice thing for his girl to send to him' and turned the photo over. Imagine my surprise when the picture is of a very handsome young man, completely nude with a huge hard on! As Billy realized what I had seen, he began wailing again "Oh God, oh God" he kept crying. He wrapped his arms around his head and just started bawling like a baby. "Oh God no!, Oh God no!" he sobbed.

I sat stunned for what seemed like minutes but was really only a few seconds. Then I realized that this beautiful little boy was gay! I was thrilled! As I looked at him in the throes of his anguish and fear, thinking that this was the end, I just wanted to hold him and protect him. I reached out and placed both arms around him and pulled him close to me. "It's OK, Billy" I cooed. "Don't be afraid. Nothing's going to happen to you. I promise you." As I held him, my own desires welled up in me and my lust began to overtake my thoughts. I wanted this boy and I desired his body. My senses seemed to leave me in spite of all the training and conditioning I had. I knew this was wrong but my lust was too great to suppress.

Billy began calming down as I kept telling him that I wouldn't let anything happen to him. He relaxed in my arms and looked at me again with those soft, loving eyes. He seemed to have questions in his eyes that he wanted to ask but didn't know what to say. "Do you...are you..." he was stuttering, not quite knowing how to phrase the words. "Yes, Billy" I said softly, my mouth close to his ear "I will take care of you." His expression became one of pure love as he realized what I was saying. "Will you love me?" he whispered.

I slowly turned and laid him down on the bed. His eyes never left mine, always with a look of wonderment and love. "You are so beautiful" I whispered. "Love me" he prayed. "Yes, my love" I answered as I leaned down to kiss his forehead. He closed his eyes and I continued kissing each eyelid, then his cheeks and made my way to his mouth, just brushing my lips across his. His moans told me that he was aroused and I saw his penis begin to rise. I gently laid his body on the bed, stood up and began taking my shirt off, then my shoes and my pants. My raging hard on was forcing my briefs out to the breaking point. He reached up with his hand and caressed by tumesence through the sheer cloth. I gasped as my body shook in the throes of ecstasy. Reaching down, I removed his pants and boxers as he pulled his tee shirt over his head. He clawed at my briefs and succeeded in ripping them down my legs. We were both naked, devouring each others body with our eyes. "Love me!" he growled, demanding the love that was raging within me. I threw myself on top of him, crushing my nakedness to his, grinding my cock into his and smashing my mouth to his lips. My tongue leaped out demanding entry which he quickly gave. We writhed in ecstasy, not able to get enough of each other, demanding more closer contact, grinding our bodies to become one. Our hot tongues clashed as swords trying to find deeper penetration. I slowly lifted my head and looked into his eyes. "I love you so much" I gasped. "Love me, love me" he kept panting. "Yes, my darling, I'm here and I will always love you" I moaned.

I began kissing and licking his neck, then his chest, nibbling at his nipples as I made my way down to his glory. His cock was spewing gobs of precum and I began licking it off of his pubes and then his purple head. His moans got louder and told me that he was near to climax. I engulfed his cock in my mouth and swirled my tongue around his head. I was delirious with love lust and pressed on taking more of his cock into my mouth. Bobbing up and down with my mouth on his circumcised cock and pulling on his ball sack I knew he was very close. I wet my finger with my saliva as I sucked his throbbing cock and then moved my finger below his balls, searching for the entry. He moved allowing me to enter him with my finger and he let out a sharp yell. I was afraid that I had hurt him and said "Oh darling, I'm sorry." "No, no" he gasped "more, more, put it in" he demanded. My finger re-entered his love hole and my mouth engulfed his cock again as he thrust his pelvis up to go deeper in my mouth. As my finger brushed against his prostate he screamed out and a torrent of cream filled my mouth. "Ungh, ungh" he gasped as his cock spewed forth it's love juice. My throat quickly filled with his cream and I tried to swallow but couldn't take it all. Semen leaked out of the sides of my mouth and down his cock as his body slowly came to rest. His chest was heaving and his eyes were closed with an expression of pure satiation on his face. A smile began at the corners of his mouth and he reached down and pulled me up to his face. "God, I love you, sir" he said. I smiled at his expression of servitude. He leaned up and kissed me with a tenderness that brought tears to my eyes. "Oh Billy, Billy" I said "you are awesome!"

We lay there for several minutes, my head on his chest listening to his beating heart. I was so filled with love for this boy; I couldn't imagine anything more wonderful in the world than to be laying there with him. Then I realized that I was crushing him with my 6 foot, 200 pound frame and started to rise. "Where you going?" he said in a panic. "Shhh" I whispered, "I'm just trying to give you some breathing room. I'm not leaving." Calm returned to his face and he gazed at me with those warm eyes. "Sir" he began but I quickly put my fingers on his mouth to stop him. "Billy, sweetheart" I said "when we are together like this I want you to call me Tommy. It's a name only my dearest and closest friends use." He grinned and said "OK, Tommy. I love you!" "Oh, I love you too, my wonderful one" I gushed with my heart about to burst. "Please make love to me Tommy" he whispered in my ear. "I want to feel you in me" he said with a yearning. "I don't want to hurt you" I replied. "It's OK" he said "Ronny would make love to me a lot back home." "He must be very special for you to allow him to do that" I murmured. "Yes, Ronny is the only one I've ever loved. Until you!" he hastily added. "Well, we don't have any lubricant" I said "and I'm afraid that I will hurt you without it." "Here, let me show you how Ronny and I did it" he explained. He moved down the bed until his lips were brushing against my engorged cock. As he opened his mouth and took me in I was overcome with emotions that I never knew I could experience. His warm moist mouth and tongue began sliding up and down my cock until I was sure that I was going to blow my wad any second. "Easy, easy" I gasped. "I'm almost there." "Then I'm ready for you to enter me" he smiled and brought his body back up the bed. As I raised up, my cock dripping with Billy's saliva all over it, I knew that this was going to be the most wonderful moment in my whole life. I helped him raise his legs as far up as he could. I gazed at that sweetest of all orifices and leaned down to inhale his exquisite scent. My tongue stretched out and lightly licked his quivering rosette. I pressed further, pushing my rigid tongue to probe his sweet hole. He moaned and shivered as my tongue bathed his love nest and tried to bore through. "Ungh, ungh" he began thrashing back and forth in the throes of ecstasy. "Now, please, please, do it it now!" he pleaded. Raising up I placed my shiny cockhead at his hole and pressed forward. His sphincter muscle refused me entrance. "Relax, Billy" I said softly. "Just relax my darling." As his body began to relax I felt his muscle give way and my head popped in. "Ungh!" he cried with pain. "It's ok, love" I cooed. As he relaxed some more I pushed harder and got almost all of my 6 1/2 inches in. The warmth and tightness was overwhelming! I just stayed there for a minute relishing in the warm sensations he was putting on my cock. Then Billy started pushing back on my cock and it went all the way. "Oh Billy, you are so warm and tight" I gushed. "Fuck me!" he demanded. I started a slow and deliberate movement, in and out, in and out. I was getting more aroused if that were possible. I could feel the juices boiling in my groin and I knew it would not take me very long to come. My strokes speeded up and Billy was now pushing back every time I pulled out. Our rhythm set, we both let the sensations overtake us. I think I swooned because there was a moment or two when I was out of touch with reality, just floating in space. Then Billy's muscle clamped down and sent shock waves through me. I started slamming into him harder and harder. "I'm coming, Billy" I cried. As my balls emptied their love potion I could feel Billy's rectum spasm as he began coming on his chest. My explosion was tremendous as I filled his gut with my juices. "Yes, yes" I cried out as the orgasm completely enveloped my being. My cock felt like it was as big as my arm, expelling load after load of cream. As I descended from my ecstatic state, I realized that this was the first time I had ever experienced an orgasm like that. Billy was laying limp, hardly breathing and I had a fleeting wave of panic thinking that I had killed him. Then he moaned and opened his eyes and said "Wow! Now that was awesome!"

I slipped out of him and leaned down, taking him completely in my arms. "I love you! I love you so much!" I gasped, showering his head with kisses. We laid there for several minutes before I realized how long I had been in there with Billy. Anxiety filled my mind, wondering what Brad and Joe would think about me staying in there so long. "I've got to go" I whispered in my lover's ear. "No! Please stay here with me" he cried. "Billy" I said "I've got to go before someone comes looking for me. We will be together again soon. I promise." He looked at me with a loving gaze and I leaned over and kissed him as tenderly as I could. "I love you so much!" I said. "Will you love me again?" he asked with pleading eyes.

"Oh yes, my love. Merry Christmas, Billy!"

The End ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Much of this story is true-well, the location and characters are. The sex is all fantasy (wishful hoping on my part!). If you like it, tell me. Write to I welcome criticism since this is my first attempt at writing. There will be more stories about other encounters during my time in the military.


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