Bipartisanship - a West Wing Story

By Ann Douglas

Published on Mar 3, 2001


The following is a work of erotic fiction and includes scenes of sexual activity. It includes characters that are copyrighted by Aaron Sorkin and the NBC network. This story is intended for the non-commerical enjoyment of fans and should be considered a parody . No copyright infringement is intended and no profit will be made from the distribution of this story.

Bipartisanship - A West Wing Story (An Alternate Version of In This White House)

by Ann Douglas

Part Two

The bath in the executive suite was equipped with both a stand-alone shower and a Jacuzzi, the latter of which was more than big enough for two. C.J. turned on the water to fill the large oversized tub while Ainsley looked through the small collection of complimentary bath products.

Finding the one she was looking for, Ainsley poured the contents of the white bottle into the tub. Then, leaning past C.J., she pressed the button that started up the water jets. Almost instantly, the liquid she had added to the water began to transform into mountains of suds.

"I love bubbles," she smiled at C.J. before climbing into the tub.

C.J. followed her in, stretching out on the opposite wall. The two women just laid back for a minute, letting the hot water and bubbles wash over their bodies.

"Oh this feels so good," C.J. said as she let herself be carried away by the experience.

"Well I know how to make it feel better," Ainsley laughed softly as she turned her body and slid up alongside the taller woman.

Their bodies now covered with layers of suds, they pressed against each other, their wet skin causing them to slip and slide. Soft hands explored each other's bodies, covering every inch of the exposed flesh.

C.J. and Ainsley sat up on their knees, each taking a large handful of bubbles and washing the breasts of the other. Nimble fingers caressed twin sets of hard nipples, squeezing the supple flesh around them as well.

"Oh baby," Ainsley said as she wiped away enough of the soapy film to take C.J.'s nipple into her mouth, "you are so hot."

Releasing the nipple, the younger woman stuck out her tongue and traced a line around C.J.'s darker aerole. With a spirited eagerness, she tickled the stubby nub again and again. Her other hand continued to massage the matching globe beside it. C.J.'s own hands continued to explore Ainsley as well, sliding one hand beneath the water and between the blonde's legs.

Holding onto each other, they shifted position once more, this time with Ainsley pressing against the side of the tub, her breasts over the rim and C.J. pressing up against her back.

C.J.'s hands started at Ainsley's neck and slid then down her the smaller woman's back and then around her waist and up to her breasts. Soft kisses now followed the path her hands had just blazed, starting at the lobe of Ainsley's ear, then her neck. Ainsley shifted her body just enough to let C.J. reach her nipples. Lifting her body even more, Ainsley raised her ass out of the water, a soft, inviting treasure that quickly drew C.J.'s attention as well. Running her hands now up and down the full length of the blonde's body, C.J. went from massaging her soft globes to sliding down once more under the water to the hairless sex between Ainsley's legs.

"Oh baby, that is so nice," Ainsley said softly as she tilted her head back to kiss C.J. in appreciation.

Ainsley slid her body back and forth, keeping in time with the movement of C.J.'s eager hands as they played with her sex. The warmth of the water soon paled next to the rising heat of her body, a heat generated by C.J.'s talented touch.

"Yes, oh yes!" Ainsley called out as she felt the prerush of a rising orgasm.

With both of C.J.'s hands now occupied between Ainsley's legs, the lithe blond cupped her own breasts and played with them. All the while gyrating her body back and forth, urging on the woman behind her.

C.J. shifted to the right, just enough so that she could continue to play with Ainsley's bare mound with one hand while replacing the student's hand on her right breast with her own. Not satisfied with just being able to touch Ainsley's nipples with her hand, she continued to shift her body until she could take it once more also in her mouth.

"I'm going to come!" Ainsley gasped as she felt her last measure of control crumble under the storm of C.J.'s desire.

Her body quaked as C.J. held her tight, sharing in the climax she had produced. Their lips met zestfully, their tongues intertwining. Water splashed over their bodies and the side of the tub as they let the raging waves engulf them both.

They held each other tight as the tides they generated subsided both in the tub and within their bodies. Ainsley kissed C.J.'s cheek, then began to move down her body as she gently guided her to the small shelf on the wall side of the tub, spreading her log legs once she was seated.

Ainsley ran her hand up and down the length of C.J.'s chest, rubbing her breasts and stomach, then returning to her legs and the treasure between them. C.J. also caressed her body, following the wet trails Ainsley left behind. Lifting herself a little higher, the shorter girl kissed first C.J.'s belly, then moved down to the left thigh and over to the right. She repeated this two more times, moving closer to the center with each repetition.

Finally her oral caress reached the brown haired center, planting first soft kisses, then probing thrusts into the center of it. The effect on C.J. was apparent as she leaned back against the wall for support.

Parting the folds with two of her fingers, Ainsley's tongue once more found the sweet prize she had only sampled a short time before. With a practiced skill, she tickled it with her tongue, alternating between that and her equally soft lips.

C.J. closed her eyes and let the sensations wash over her. Using the wall behind her to keep her steady, she alternated her own touch between Ainsley and her own body. The blond girl returned the gesture, using her one free hand to massage C.J. as well.

The encouraging moans of the older woman filled the room, growing in volume and intensity. Ainsley continued her efforts, spurred on by C.J.'s response.

Knowing that C.J. was close to the edge, but not wanting to have her reach it just yet, Ainsley shifted her attention upward. Her darting tongue worked its way up the tall woman's body, stopping to pay carefully attention to her highly sensitive breasts. Pressing her body against C.J.'s, she sought out her mouth one more time, sharing the passion she felt inside her.

As they kissed, she ran one hand down C.J.'s wet body, sliding two fingers up inside of her. She pumped them in and out as they continued to kiss, moving her hand faster and faster.

It didn't take much of this to shatter C.J.'s control, just as she had shattered Ainsley's. The nimble blond quickly once more replaced her hand with her mouth, just in time to savor the rapture of C.J.'s own climax.

They slid back into the tub, both of their bodies stretching out the length of the Jacuzzi. This time it was C.J. on the bottom, her arms wrapped around Ainsley, holding her tight against her and letting her share the warmth of her body.

They floated there for a while, trading kisses and soft touches. The automatic timer on the water jets had shut them off and finally not even the heat of their bodies could keep the water from growing cold.

"The water's getting cold," C.J. said as she kissed the top of Ainsley's head. "We should get out of here, but I don't want to let go of you."

"I don't want to let go out you either," Ainsley said as she nestled her head between C.J.'s breasts, "but I don't think you're looking at the big picture."

"Which is?"

"Well, we do have a whole suite to ourselves," Ainsley said in that adorable southern drawl. "Which happens to include a big, warm, and an ever so soft bed."

C.J. thought about for a second, then agreed that she was indeed not looking at the big picture.

Before the night was over, they sampled the softness of the bed, as well as that of the couch. The thick rug on the sitting room provided a more than adequate surface as well. They even found the time to sample the hotel's delicious cuisine through a very early morning call to room service. Although Ainsley insisted that they really couldn't call it early morning if they hadn't gone to sleep yet. Merely using the bed didn't count.

Together they watched the sunrise, still naked in each other's arms as they fed each other some of the delicacies they ordered.

"Omigod, I can't believe we've been at it all night," C.J. said as she looked at the clock on the wall. "It's been a long time since I've pulled an all-nighter."

"Are you complaining?"

"Not at all," she replied as she kissed Ainsley softly.

The ringing of the telephone interrupted the kiss and C.J., reluctant to let the outside word intrude on their joy, hesitated to answer it. Finally, on the sixth ring she picked it up.

"Good morning, Ms. Cregg," a too chipper young male voice said as she put the receiver to her ear. "This is the front desk with your wake up call. I'm told that the Agency car will be around to pick you up in an hour We hope you had a restful night."

"Oh shit!" C.J. exclaimed as she hung up the phone without even thanking the desk clerk. "I forgot all about the discussion panel. My ride is going to be here in an hour."

"Then I guess we better get going," Ainsley laughed.

"I need a shower," C.J. said, becoming all too aware that their bodies were covered with the after effects of the night's exertions. "I can't show up there smelling like ..."

"Like what?" Ainsley asked jokingly. "Like a woman who had a good night?"

"You know what I mean," C.J. laughed back. "You might be able to joke about it but if I don't show up there on time, the Agency is going to want to know why. I can't exactly tell them that I was having the best sex of my life."

"Why, you think they'd be jealous?"

"Very funny," C.J. said, making a face at Ainsley. "You might want to jump under the shower yourself. As much as I love smelling you like that, the other panel members might not understand."

"We could share a shower," Ainsley suggested with a wicked smile.

"Not if we want to be dressed in an hour," C.J. said. "I can't picture us getting right in and out of there."

"Probably so," Ainsley finally agreed as she jumped naked out of the bed. "In fact, maybe I should just get out of here and meet you at the studio. Just so you don't have any more distractions."

C.J. watched as Ainsley quickly put back on the no longer fresh clothes she'd worn the previous night. She said her apartment was close to the studio so she'd grab a change of clothes there. Still buttoning her blouse, she leaned across the bed and kissed C.J. one last time. To the Public Relations Agent's gratification, even this last kiss was as fulfilling as had been the first.

As she watched Ainsley's grab her bag and run out the door, C.J. found herself wondering if it would've really been so bad if they'd spent just ten or twenty minutes in the shower.

After a frantic race across town in which she came to the conclusion that the limo driver spent his summers on the Nascar Circuit, C.J. made it to the college studio with only twenty minutes to spare. A staffer rushed her through make-up, applying just enough that she wouldn't actually look as tired as she felt under the harsh studio lights. She hoped Ainsley made it here in time as well since she didn't see her when she arrived at the studio. C.J. was tempted to ask about her, but then might be asked how she knew the law student.

C.J. was even more confused when she stepped out onto the auditorium stage and found her nameplate on the table representing the liberal position. There were three other nameplates, the chairs behind all of them already filled. Ainsley filled none of those chairs.

"Thirty seconds," a loud offstage voice announced.

C.J. slid into her chair, wondering what had happened to her overnight guest. The answer came a few seconds later as Ainsley appeared from behind the curtain on the other end of the stage. C.J. had to say that the younger woman looked as fresh as if she'd slept the entire night, which of course the panel member knew hadn't been the case.

"Maybe she's one of the panel's moderators," C.J. thought as she remembered that she had never actually asked Ainsley what her part was in the debate.

There were few times in C.J. Cregg's almost four decades of life that she had been taken totally by surprise. In that moment, she knew that number had just increased by one.

Ainsley, now dressed in a soft blue dress, walked over to the moderator at the center table. She leaned over to say something to the young man on the other side of the table, incidentally giving C.J. one last view of the perfect ass she had so lovingly admired only a few hours before.

Then to C.J. `s disbelief, her new found love passed behind the moderator's desk and sat instead at that of the opposition. Only then did C.J. finally notice the nameplate that read Ainsley Hayes on that table.

Over the next hour, C.J. discovered that Ainsley's debating skills were at the very least the equal of her lovemaking talents. One by one, C.J. and her fellow panel members found themselves on the losing end of an argument. Then, before she knew it, the house lights went up and it was all over.

Still stunned, C.J. sat in her seat as the fellow members of the panel quickly left for other appointments. When she finally rose to her feet, she saw Ainsley standing by the same curtain she had entered from. It was obvious that she was waiting for her.

Moving to her side, C.J. opened her mouth to say the words that had been on the tip of her tongue for the last hour, but Ainsley held up her hand to stop her.

"Backstage," she said as she pulled aside the curtain. "We'll be able to talk more privately."

C.J. followed her a dozen feet down a now empty corridor, stopping when the blond turned to face her. Finally, she couldn't hold the words in check any longer.

"You're a Republican?" she said, her tone a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"You don't have to say it like it's a disease," Ainsley replied.

"You're a Republican?" C.J. asked again, her voice rising in volume. "And we ..."

"And I love women too. You make it sound like a contradiction in terms," Ainsley said. "That's pretty arrogant don't you think? Why is it so hard to accept that not everyone fits into some nice little mold. That you can have dark skin and hold conservative beliefs, or that you can love another woman but not blindly accept a liberal agenda. I don't love my country any less than you do, and I want the best for it as well. It's only the path to what's best for it that we disagree on."

"But you're a Republican!!!" C.J. said a third time, now practically shouting loud enough for those stagehands beyond the curtain to hear. This time it was now a statement rather than a question.

Ainsley realized that nothing she could say at this moment was going to make the least bit of difference. Whatever had happened last night, however wonderful it had been, was never going to get past those three little words.

"I'm sorry C.J., I really am," Ainsley said before she turned and walked away. "I think we could've left politics at the door and really had something together."

With that she was gone, leaving C.J. standing there alone.

C.J. was still alone, sitting in her office and staring at the drink before her. The memory of that night had never left her, or the promise it had contained. All because she couldn't see beyond her black and white views. They were the good guys, she thought, which obviously made the other side the bad guys. It wasn't until she really got to play in the big leagues that she finally understood what Ainsley had been trying to say.

The tragedy was that she had come to understand it far too late to make a difference. And now that choice had come back to haunt her.

"Knock, knock," a quiet voice said from the open doorway.

C.J. looked up to see the newest Associate White House Counsel standing out in the hallway. C.J. couldn't help but notice that she was smiling.

"I noticed that you weren't at the party," Ainsley said.

"I guess I wasn't really in the party mood," C.J. replied.

"Was it really the party, or just who you might run into there?" Ainsley asked. "I've gotten the impression this last week that you've been avoiding me."

"That's nonsense," C.J. forced a laugh as she stood up from her desk and made a show of packing up her things. "Whatever would I want to avoid you for?"

"Well, you didn't exactly act like someone who shared what we once shared," Ainsley added, stepping closer to the desk, "even if it was only that once."

"Like you said, it was only that once," C.J. said as she picked up her purse and keys. "It was so long ago, I thought you might even have forgotten all about it."

"Even if I didn't have a photographic memory, I don't think I'd easily forget something like that," Ainsley countered. "Or you," she added.

"Well be that as it may," C.J. said as she ineffectively tried to minimize the importance of her own memory of that night, failing even within herself, "we're different people now, with different lives."

"I'd heard that there was something between you and Danny Concannon," Ainsley noted, "or is that just the usual gossip?"

"Sometimes people make things out to be more than they really are," C.J. commented as she thought of the bearded White House Correspondent.

"I thought that might be the case," said Ainsley.

"Ainsley, I was about to call it a day," C.J. finally said in a voice that began to reflect some of her fatigue. "Can we just let the past stay in the past, or at least leave the discussion of it for another day."

"Sure," the younger blond smiled. "It's been a long day for both of us. I guess I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten, and if you ever wanted to ... to pick up where we left off, well I'd be open to that as well. If not, then we'll just leave it as a very pleasant memory."

Ainsley leaned over gave C.J. a quick kiss. A touch that while quite brief, still contained a remembrance of the passion of that night in Boston. Then, without speaking another word, she turned and walked out of the office.

C.J. stood there, listening as the echo of Ainsley's footsteps faded down the hall. She looked again at the untouched drink she had poured what now seemed so long before. Picking it up, she drained it in one shot.

The fiery liquor raced down her throat, warming her stomach. What was it they called it, liquid courage?

Picking up the telephone, she punched in the button that instantly connected her with the Secret Service detail at the main gate.

"This is C.J. Cregg," she said in a determined voice. "Ainsley Hayes should be passing by there in a few moments. Please ask her to wait for me, I could use that ride home after all. No, I wouldn't rather have a car from the White House carpool. I'm sure we'll manage quite well on our own."

As she put down the phone and hurried out the door, she said a small prayer that the World would do her a favor and remain uneventful for at least tonight. That she could simply be a woman for a few hours instead of the public voice of the President of the United States.


(missing parts may be found at)

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