Birthday Blow-and-Go

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 15, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


A week before the twenty-fourth of July, his birthday, I asked my roommate Ed what he wanted for his birthday. His answer surprised the hell out of me!

"I want a blowjob." he stated bluntly.

"You want a what?"

"A blowjob. That's simple enough, isn't it, Ray?"

Given that Ed was a major hunk, with golden blond short-cut hair, a massive set of shoulders tipped with globular muscles, a broad shelf of breasts and under that, a well-defined six-pack of abs like so many ice cream scoops, and just like the ice cream, I wanted to dive into them and lick them off of him if I could. He kept his chest shaved (I think, nobody is that hairless without a little help from the razor), but his navel on down had a light golden dust of pubic hairs that reached down and splayed out to encircle what I assume was a major dong. I'd known Ed since I had been about nine years old, but I had never seen him totally naked, not even in the showers at school, they'd had stalls and he wore a towel into and out of them, even though a lot of guys had strutted about with it all hanging out. My first realization that I was gay was when I feasted my eyes on Dick's long whanger one day and knew I would gladly drop to my knees and service him unceasingly if he'd've let me. But I'd never seen Ed's package other than from the outside, and believe me, it filled out his shorts and briefs very damned well, he had to be really packing a huge one!

"So..." I licked my lips which were suddenly dry as toast made in the oven. "How am I supposed to deliver you a blowjob?"

"Find a girl willing to just walk in the night of my birthday party, after I get into the bed and lay out the goods. No date beforehand, no dinner and a movie shit, no talking, even. Just come in, lean over, and blow my tool, just suck on it and suck on it until I cream in her mouth. Then she straightens up and takes off."

"You fooling?" I asked him dubiously. I mean, I knew Ed for a long time, but this was a new one on me!"

"I'm serious." Ed said. "You know how it went with Marilyn."

"Yeah." I nodded. Ed and she had dated for the last year or two. It had been a real roller-coaster ride for him and I'd had a front-row seat for every dip and curve it had taken. They had ended it formally just a week ago.

"So the last thing I want now, is a relationship or anything like it. But I still got my needs, you know, and it's harder just whacking it now I've been getting it, or did until Marilyn cut me off three months ago."

"I didn't know that."

"So I want to get off, no hassles, no worries, no nothing. Just a blow-and-go. Can you manage that for me, Ray?"

Ed knew I worked in a modeling agency and knew plenty of pretty girls. I knew all the plastic and fakery that went with it, but still.... "Yeah, I can manage that." I said confidently.

"I knew you could. So get me a girl who'll do me and do me good, and that'll be the perfect birthday present for me."

"You got it." I had said confidently. I knew just which girl to approach. And which of three others if the first one said no.

I took Ed's picture along with me and he really is a super-hunk. I hadn't expected what had turned out, which was that every one of them, Nancy, Sandy, Carlena and Moda, all four of them had said basically no way, Jose!

I couldn't believe it. Especially with Moda, who had been my number one choice. The girl was committed to doing anything it took to make it big in the modeling game, and I was in a spot to do her a favor or four, nothing that would be illegal, but anyone knows having a friend in the know was all the difference.

"But he's a gorgeous guy, Moda!" I'd gone back to her when the other three had also turned me down, which was why I listed her last above. Besides, if I'd started with her and a name like that, you'd've thought I was talking about cars or wines. "He's just out of a bad relationship and looking for a fun time and nothing else. Why wouldn't you be willing to give the guy a little head? I could be really grateful." Blunt, I know, but I was getting desperate.

"Because it is just a little head,' as you put it." Moda said. "It's too casual, too grotty, too low-class. All it would take is one gossip-rag to get word of it and my name would be Mud" for the rest of my life. You just couldn't live that down. I have to pass, though believe me, I'd help you if I could." Moda put her hand on mine. "Why don't you talk him into a blindfold and do him yourself, honey?"

I looked at her, startled.

"Of course I know. All the girls know. You're not that subtle about it. Ed doesn't know?"

"No." I said. "He never has, and never will, I hope."

"But you'd kill for the chance to work over that long pud you keep telling me about, wouldn't you?"

I didn't have to answer that one, either, my face said it all.

"Okay, honey, now listen up. I got a plan and in return for a bit of that really grateful,' you and me together can make this work."

And Moda laid out her plan. * * *

We had a party for Ed the night of the twenty-fourth, guys from his work, girls from my agency. Ed was looking them over very, very hungrily. I let him stew in that for a while and then I went over to him.

"Like the talent tonight, Ed?" I asked him.

"Yeah." Ed's answer was more like a long groan. "But which one's mine?"

I pointed out Moda to him. "See the tall blond over there?" I said. "She's the one. Shall I bring her over for you?"

"Yeah!" This one was more like the yip of a poodle.

So I brought Moda over and she talked and flirted with him for all he was worth. I also knew she was laying down the conditions for the evening's events, like she'd planned it.

I had had the staff in props fix up the stand. A small screen that would fit over Ed's neck, the cloth of the screen loose at the bottom, this would be fitted over him prior to the, uh, actual act. About four feet by four feet in size, no way could Ed see her servicing him once it was in place. That way, she explained, she would be able to pretend it had never happened. She needed that the same way he needed it to be anonymous, but after all, he knew what she looked like already, didn't he? Would he like a better look, maybe?

Ed was willing and more than willing to let her have the screen. He'd gotten enough looks at her (and that little dip she made to let one breast slide out of her gown's top) to be more than happy to let her have that time in private. Even offered to put a cover over himself if she didn't mind sliding inside.

She looked at me (hovering where I could hear but not participate) and I gave a shake. "That's okay, Ed, honey." Moda called everyone "Honey" when she liked them. "I want you where I can see you." And her hand played over his chest and poor deprived Ed nearly creamed his pants right then!

The party ended at ten o'clock (it was a Thursday night, after all) and Moda stuck around, as did I. Ed went in to strip himself bare and splay out on the bed. Moda went behind him, carrying the screen. I waited for a count of twenty (to let her get the screen set up) and then slid into the door which had been left ajar by her.

Ed was on his bed, on top of the covers, his face hidden from me by the screen, but otherwise totally visible, the light from his side table giving the entire room a yellowish glow. In that glow, his body looked like the body of a god! And the cock that jutted upwards. Dear God!

I'd always known Ed was hung, nobody bulges out his shorts every time unless they're well-endowed. But this! His prick was at least nine solid inches long, and thick, must have been three inches across, if not more. Like two cocks molded together, the seam along the bottom made a fairly deep indentation, and the sides were marbled with blue veins, that didn't protrude, but made themselves known in highway-like markings all over his shaft. And the tip, that was rounded like a plum (and about as big!), with the slit weeping a long streamlet of clear pre-come down the side. Ed was ready, more than ready, waiting for Moda to slip down and suck him dry. Moda was there, all right, but she was waiting for me to take over for her!

I slid into position at the foot of the bed, looking up at Ed with his feet closest to me, the massive, muscled, magnificent legs guiding me up to the towering inferno of a turgid prick at their junction.

Ed himself had made the rules. No talk, no words. No reason for him to know it was me on his bed, me sidling in to get my knees on the bed without touching him, me to lean in and stretch out my tongue to that gleaming glob of precome that had just oozed out to join the stream already there, a bulge on the flare of his glans and my tongue caught it, the heady, salty flavor sizzling on my tastebuds, and I licked it off, then with it making a rope connecting my tongue to his cock, I went down and got the rest of it from where it ended in a blob suspended in his pubic hair (fairly thick thatch, my suspicions he shaved his chest had more ammo), and sucked it up and then ran my tongue up the shaft to the tip and cleaned him off.

"Oooh!" Ed moaned and another pearl of pre-come, this one with a wisp of white inside it, oozed out. This guy was ready and then some! He was practically brim-filled with come. Well, that was what I was waiting for! I sucked the tip of his glans to salvage this new sphere of near-spunk, and when Ed moaned again, I quickly dipped down and sucked his glans into my mouth so I could get any further gushes fresh and hot. Sure enough, my tongue was dabbed with another heated gem of his cock's treasure pouches.

He wasn't going to last long, I could tell. I began to work his pud with my lips and mouth and tongue, playing him for all I was worth. I wanted this anonymous suck to be the best he'd ever had. He was my best friend, he was the birthday boy, he was a marvelously chiseled stud and he was mine, all mine!

I moved my mouth to left and right as I sucked on him, bringing different pressures on his cock with each rise and fall of my head.

His hands came up and brushed my ears and I worried, but he just clung to them and began to use his muscled arms to force my head up and down, to take him faster and harder. His hips, too, began to thrust upwards and push his prong deeper and deeper into me.

"Oh, man, I'm going to come, I'm going to come!" Ed groaned. "Come on, baby, suck it faster, harder, make me shoot the biggest fucking load ever, I mean ever! Come on, come on!"

I murmured my agreement and began to bob on him faster. I was amazed he had held out this long, I'd pegged him for a couple seconds and then ka-blooey! But he was still steaming hot with no geyser of jizz yet. Not that I cared.

My fingers began to stroke and play with his balls, feeling the fuzz of his pubes tickle my fingertips as I nuzzled those twin orbs. They were still pretty loose in their sac, Ed wasn't ready to come yet by any means.

Good! The longer, the better, far as I was concerned. I shook his hands from my head and began to work him for the long haul. Not trying to make him squirt in a hurry, just loving and lazing my way through serving the man I loved. God, this big hunk was writhing and squirming and thrusting up at me at times, and I got all the taste, all the smells, all the feels of his body as he moved, and still he thrashed about under me.

"Oh, God, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Ed moaned after a long time. Moda had long ago given up and left, though the plan had been for her to be seen at the end, wiping her mouth of his "load" while I slipped out unobserved. "Take it, baby, take it all, here it comes, here it comes!"

I wasn't going to let one drop escape! Not with this being my only time, my only chance to take that hot load! Mine, mine, mine!

Ed groaned and erupted into me, his cock was the volcano I'd been waiting for, Ed had saved up this huge load after I'd promised to deliver for him, I got a massive wad in my mouth and gulped at it hard, barely swallowed it when another spray rushed in and filled my mouth again. Swallow, gush, swallow, gush, swallow, gush! I had no time to breath, no time to do anything but keep up, such a monstrous man-spunk cargo he had been packing, rich and creamy and plentiful and mine!

"Oh, oh, oh, God, God!" Ed groaned. "So damned hot, so damned good!"

He was done, he was slack with his chest heaving. I had to get out of there! Fast! Before his eyes could focus. Blow and go! Time to go!

I left the screen where it was (Moda was supposed to take it with her when she left, the bitch!), and hot-footed it out of there. Leaving Ed to clean up as it were. I'd siphoned off all his cream, but he was sweaty and his cock was practically waterlogged from all my spit on it as I'd sucked him.

I needed a shower myself. That was a hell of a lot of exercise I'd been taking, and that in full clothing. I hadn't had a chance to undress during any of it, nor did I want to leave any evidence behind by accident. In my own room, I got off my clothes as quick as I could, Ed might want to pop in and give me a report on the night's events.

But he didn't. I showered and got in bed, whacked myself off. God, I knew what he meant, when you had someone, jerking off is about the most unsatisfactory thing you can do! But I managed, easing my nuts if not easing my mind, and with that, I slid into sleep, there to dream over and over about me and Ed being together, only to wake up over and over and find it was only a dream, feel the pang over and over, over and over.

I was bleary-eyed the next morning and looked it. Looked at the clock and decided to call in sick. It was due to ring at six-thirty, but I killed it at six-oh-five. I'd call in at nine.

Rolled over into yet another dream-that-would-turn-into-nightmare. Only this one was interrupted by Ed knocking on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I groaned. God, let him wear something besides what he usually wore at such an hour, not that....

Pair of briefs and nothing else like always, Ed walked in. No, there was one more thing, not worn but carried. The screen. "Morning."

"Good morning." I managed. "I think I'm hung over, going to call in sick."

"Yeah, me, too." Ed said. "I worked on my birthday, I deserve a day off and a three-day weekend sounds about right."

"Lucky you."

"Moda left her screen behind." Ed showed it to me.

"I'll take it into her on Monday."

"Have you seen her screen?" Ed held it up. "Nice and solid, isn't it?"

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Do me a favor." Ed stepped into the room and closed the door. "Turn on the light by your bed."

I did. "Okay."

"See?" Ed held the screen up over his face. You could just see him through the fabric. "Can you see me?"

"Yeah, I see you." I said, and then it hit me. The angle, it was the same as it had been last night when... "Oh!" I said, a small sound.

Ed turned partways to open the door again. "How long we known each other, Ray?"

"Uh..." I had to count it up! "Nearly fifteen years, I guess."

"Yeah. All this time, all the things we've been through together."

God, he was going to move out! I'd gone too far, crossed the line. "A lot of things, Ed. But let's not be hasty here."

"I mean, God, Ray! You wanted to suck my cock!"

"Yeah." I whimpered.

"All you would have had to do was ask." Ed said. "Remember that next time, okay?"

And he walked out the door.

I thought it over and went over to Ed's bedroom. He had gotten back in bed. "Ed?" I said as I peered in.

"Yeah, Ray?"

"You said all I had to do was ask? I'm asking."

Ed threw back the covers; he was naked under the covers. "Then come and get it."

I saw the huge prod waiting for me and I went over to get it.

No more blow-and-go for me!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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