Bisexual Mature Guys at the Pool

By Dave 'Speedo' Evans

Published on Jan 23, 2017



Monday evening, 9:45

When I moved to Montreal three years ago from Winnipeg, I chose the South West district of the city because of the George-Vanier sports complex and its amazing pool. I retired from competitive swimming after the London Olympic Games and went back to College to finish my MBA. After that, I went to work for Scotia Bank and... when the opportunity to transfer to Montreal reared its head, I jumped at the chance.

Anyway, ever since I'm been coming to this pool, I've had plenty of eye candy and plenty of frustrating -- and sometimes embarrassing -- hard-ons, but I've seen very little action. Sure a few hot guys have given me great fantasy jerk-off material, but I kept thinking, `Wow! Wouldn't it be great if they had a pool like this in the Gay Village instead of those disgusting bathhouses they call saunas? Shit! If I was straight I'd have so much pussy, my head would spin, but cock? Damn, am I the only gay man West of Peel Street?'

When I spotted Deimos, I literally gasped. I didn't know his name yet -- and maybe I'm giving too much away by revealing it now, but hey, why would I be talking about him if there wasn't a point, right? -- but I certainly knew that he was one of the best looking guys I'd ever seen. And in my previous line of activity, you can bet I've seen plenty. I didn't know where Deimos had come from, but there he was, making his way up the high-dive ladder as I completed a lap at the other end of the pool. I wiped the water out of my eyes a second time to make sure they could drink in his breathtaking beauty. I guessed almost instantly that he was Greek and thought, `Oh come on! What a cliché! A Greek god making his way to the summit of Mount Olympus? Sure! His name is probably Adonis, right?' I chuckled to myself, but still couldn't take my eyes off that amazing chiseled body, those incredible abs, rugged shoulders, cut biceps and strong legs coming out of a dark purple Speedo that just seemed to be overflowing with manpower.

My heart sped up and butterflies started flying around my taut belly as he reached the plank and walked to the end of it. The only thing I could think about as he got closer to the edge was how much I longed to see his ass in that tight swimsuit... and how amazing his back muscles would look -- and dared I dream, feel -- since his front was just mouth-watering perfection. As he reached the end of the board and I saw him curl his toes around the edge, he got up on the balls of his feet and I thought, `What are you doing, dude? You're too close to the edge to do that. You better have a hell of a good sense of balance if you don't want to fall over into the pool and make a fool of yourself.' But not only did he maintain perfect balance, he even managed to hook both of his index fingers under the Speedo's fabric on either sides of his crotch to adjust his swimsuit.

That's when our eyes met for the first time.

I suddenly felt as if I was staring at him inappropriately, as if I was some kind of sick voyeur prying through the window of his bathroom as he showered. Idiot!' I told myself. He's on display! He's at the top of a diving board at a public pool and there are about...' I looked around quickly, scanning the whole place. `... two other people here.' When my eyes went back to his, he gave me a coy smile and slowly came back down on his heels. He took a step back and pulled his Speedo away from his crotch with one hand and reached inside with his other hand, adjusting that generous package without taking his eyes off mine.

I wondered if he was getting hard because that bulge certainly looked impressive from where I was standing but I really couldn't tell.

My own cock twitched in my red Maple Leaf Speedos which, I thought, were luckily still underwater as I was in the shallow end of the pool.

When he took his hand back out of his swimsuit, even though I was very far away, I could see that he had stretched out his cock and had made it point to his right hip. He was getting hard... or was already there! He looked at me and I gulped, doing everything in my power not to lick my lips like a cheesy 1980s porn film model.

He stretched a little, maybe just showing off his muscles for me, and then wound up for his dive. It was absolutely perfect. The stuff of Olympic champions. I thought, `Hey, maybe he's just like me. Maybe he was in the Olympics, too, but on the diving side and now he's retired to Montreal, found a new career in... porn?' I laughed aloud. It didn't matter. Nobody noticed and my Greek hunk hadn't resurfaced yet.

A few more seconds passed and I started fantasizing that he was swimming over to me, underwater, and would go straight for my hardening dick, pushing against the stretchy fabric of my Speedos. My cock grew even more and I slipped my right hand into my swimsuit, squeezing my growing pole, helping it along. I scanned the whole pool, looking for him to surface, actually becoming more and more worried that something might have happened to him. Had he hit his head at the bottom of the pool and been rendered unconscious? Was he still swimming toward me, holding his breath like the athletic champion that he was? Had he died of a heart attack from falling in lust at first sight?

I took my hand out of my Speedos and off my hard cock, really starting to worry. I frantically looked around as I started walking toward the deep-end of the pool. One elderly woman with a flowery swim cap -- do those things really still exist? Well, I guess so -- was doing breast-stroke side laps and a nonchalant city employee was sitting on the side of the pool, reading a gossip magazine. I started to think I might have just dreamt Deimos up. That he was all in my head... but how could that be since he also seemed to have made his way to my COCK HEAD???

I dove under and scanned the bottom of the pool. He was nowhere in sight. I went back down a couple of times to make sure. No sign of my Greek god. I came back up again. Tried to make eye contact with the old lady and with the lazy employee, but they were completely oblivious to me or anything else that might be going on.

I quickly swam to the side ladder and got out of the pool, grabbing my towel and heading to the locker room, determined to find Deimos to confirm that I was not going out of my mind.

He just looked like he had vanished... or had never existed.

I dried off, got dressed and went home. That night, I jacked-off fantasizing about Deimos, replaying his walk up the ladder, his naughty little game on the diving board he turned into a stripper's stage and his amazing dive into the crystal-clear water.

I thought the powerful orgasm I had given myself would help me sleep like a baby, but I ended up having a crazy-hard time falling asleep, my mind working overtime trying to make sense of the mysterious Greek god's disappearance into thin air.

Tuesday evening, 7:15

The following night, I went back to the pool and decided to get there early in hopes of spotting Deimos again. There was no way I could have made it up. There had to be a logical explanation.

As I hit the locker room to slip on my steel-blue Speedos, I scanned the place like a mad man, desperately searching for any sign of Deimos. He didn't seem to be there. I went to the showers and rinsed myself off before going to the pool. There, I only saw two silver-haired guys who argued non-stop about politics as if I wasn't even there. I was fine with that as I really didn't want to get involved -- not to mention the fact that, with my rotten level of French, I definitely wouldn't have been able to keep up.

When I got to the pool, there were so many people -- families with young screaming children, older people swimming laps, a half-dozen pregnant ladies doing some kind of aquatic aerobics -- that I thought to myself, `Maybe he's here and I can't even see him.' I walked around the pool twice, looking for him everywhere, feeling really ridiculous because what were the chances that he would be back the next night -- some 22 hours later --, right?

`Are you here to swim or to look for a figment of your imagination?' I scolded myself.

I decided to follow in Deimos's footsteps and went up the ladder to the diving board thinking, `From up there, you'll be able to see everybody.' And just as I got ready to dive, jumping up on the spring board, I thought I caught a glimpse of my Greek god coming out of the locker room. As I came back down, I lost my footing and slipped off the board, free-falling toward the water and hitting the surface like a sack of potatoes.

The pain in my foot -- brought on by my ankle hitting the side of the board -- and the pain in my back from slamming against the water were nothing compared to the pain I was feeling in the area of my EGO!

As I came back to the surface of the water, I felt somebody grab me under my knees and under my back as if I'd been some kind of damsel in distress being saved from drowning, like a Disney princess being rescued by her Speedo-clad Prince Charming.

When the strong arms put me down on the floor on the side of the pool, I realized I'd been saved by... my Greek god.

"Ça va?" he asked with a peculiar accent, his right hand now holding the back of my head and his left hand resting on my chest as though he was making sure my heart was still beating in there.

"I'm fine. Je suis okay."

He smiled down at me and I felt my cock start growing in my Speedos.

"Thanks for helping me, I said, hoping to keep his attention on my upper body so he wouldn't notice what was going on down there. I felt really stupid."

"Nah," he replied with less of an accent in English than in French from what I could make out. It happens to the best of us. And from what I've seen, you're a pretty good swimmer... a really good athlete.

I thought I felt his hand move on my chest and one of his fingers graze my right nipple which was already erect from the serious case of goosebumps I had. An electric bolt shot right to my cock making it pop up. I quickly looked down, making my abs contract and thanking my lucky stars that it hadn't just slipped out of my Speedos.

I smiled at him.

"You look pretty amazing yourself when you go off that diving board."

It took everything in me to not ask, `Where the hell did you go after that dive last night? Is there a secret underwater passage I don't know about in the deep end of the pool?'

I sat up, thinking we needed to change positions because all these people using the pool would probably think we were a little too close for comfort. At least their comfort because, as far as I was concerned, I was very comfortable.

"I'm Deimos, he said, sticking out his right hand."


He was still in the pool and I realized he'd been hanging on by his elbows as his feet couldn't reach the bottom at this end.

"So you come and train here regularly? he asked."

"Almost every day."



I looked up and this mini version of Deimos, in a mini ocean-blue Speedo with an orange Nemo right there, was standing next to me.

"Did you save him? Is the man alright?"

Deimos chuckled.

"Why don't you ask him yourself, Lucas? Jason, this is my son, Lucas. Lucas, this is my friend Jason."

My head started spinning and my cock started deflating! My Greek god/Prince Charming/superhero lifesaver was a dad... to an eight-year-old Mini Him?

"Hello," said the little man, offering his hand for me to shake. "Can we go swimming now?"

Deimos looked at me and smiled, shrugging.

"Sorry. I'm glad you're okay."

Then, he turned to his son and said:

"What are you waiting for? I'm already in the pool. Come on in!"

"Daddy! Shallow end!"

Deimos sighed and swam away looking at me saying:

"See you around..."

I just sat there, totally stunned, before hearing him warn his son:

"No running, Lucas."

Then, I saw the little man jump into the water, joining his father.

I got up slowly, worried my ankle might hurt a little. It was okay. Again, my ego was hurt more than anything else. And now that my hot, Greek dream lover apparently was a straight dad to an eight-year-old future heartbreaker -- and who knows how many other gorgeous children he'd spawned with who knows how many beautiful, exotic international goddesses, for that matter --, my heart was even more bruised than any part of my body could have been.

That night, I jerked off to a porn video of a Japanese swim team orgy, desperately trying to get my mind off Deimos pushing baby carriages and changing diapers. Just as I was about to cum, my Greek god snuck back into my fantasy, rubbing his hard cock through the fabric of his dark purple Speedos, and my cock exploded, shooting hot cum up to my face and into my hair!

"Damn you!" I whispered, sighing.

Wednesday evening, 9:30

The next evening, I decided I'd avoid the after dinner crowd of bopping pregnant gals and over-excited children so, after work, I went out for a drink and some dinner before heading home. Around 8:30, I started doing some core exercises, working on my abs and quads, deltoids and glutes. As I was working out, I kept cursing myself out because I knew -- for once -- I wasn't exercising for the right reasons. I was only doing my reps in hopes of impressing Deimos if he happened to show up at the pool later on that night.

"You're sooooo vain!" I said aloud, my cat Chinook turning to me and looking over to see if I was addressing him.

At 9:20, I grabbed my swim bag and trekked on over to the pool, determined to concentrate on my swimming and keeping my brain away from my Greek god. Anyway, what was the point? He was just one of those bi-curious macho guys who just wanted to get everybody into them with cute winks and seductive smiles only to string you along and then say, `Oh but I'm not gay, dude!' I knew the type.

It took me ten minutes to get to the sports complex. I was like a missile on a mission. A horse with those eye thingies, focused on the prize. Getting into the pool and swimming my laps. That was it. Nothing else.

I hit the locker room to slip into my black Speedos, not even taking time to adjust my cock and balls, not even caring what my package looked like. I wasn't there to make an impression, I was there to swim. Period.

Quickly, I rinsed off under the shower as recommended before you hit the pool and I headed straight for the water, not even looking around, as though I'd been completely alone. I flicked my towel onto one of the benches around the pool, dove in and swam almost a full length of the pool underwater as if I was trying to forget and cleanse myself of the dirty thoughts I'd had the last two days. When I came up for air, I didn't even open my eyes and went straight back down again, swimming the rest of the way.

I frantically started swimming laps, not even counting them, just beating the surface of the water with my arms and feet, torpedoing from one end of the pool to the other as though my life depended on it.

When I was completely spent, I got out of the pool, grabbed my towel and dried off, first fluffing up my hair and then going down my body till I was bent over to rub the water off my calves. Suddenly, I felt something pressing against my butt and I bounced up. Before I could turn around, I felt a warm hand between my shoulder blades and another hand reaching from behind to cover my eyes.

"Guess who?"

Really?' I thought. What are we, 10? Or 8, maybe? Had he learned this from his 8-year-old son?'

I decided to play it cool... and straight.

"Hey, man, what's up?"

"Can't you feel it?" he asked with a playful, almost childlike tone.

I could actually feel his hard cock pressing against my butt and my own dick inflating like one of those blowup thingamajigs you rent out for a kid's party. His left hand pressing against my backbone felt like it was radiating heat and his right hand had slipped off my eyes, resting around my throat as if he was going to snap my neck if I made a false move. His warm breath on the back of my neck was giving me goosebumps all over and I felt an irresistible urge to pinch my nipples but I resisted it. Although I felt I was slowly melting into his arms, I was suddenly overtaken by the thought of other people that might be here and might be put off by this erotic display on the side of a public pool.

I pulled away and quickly wrapped my towel around my waist to hide my bulging Speedos. I swiftly glanced around and didn't notice anybody else in or around the pool. Okay. At least he wasn't completely nuts. He'd made sure we were alone before he engaged in homoerotic craziness in public.

"I gotta go."


"Yeah. I... I'm meeting up with a girl from work. We, er... We're gonna have a drink, you know? And, uh... see what happens."

Ugh... `You are the worst liar in the world,' I thought to myself, hoping it didn't show on my face.

"Oh, I thought..."

I didn't even want to hear the disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah, well... you know... shit happens."

What did that even mean in this context? I was just spewing nonsense and felt like a bumbling idiot. I took a look at my wrist as if I was checking the time on my watch, even though I didn't even have one.

"I'm sorry. I'm gonna be late if I don't get going."

"Sure. I understand."

I looked down at his Speedos. He was wearing a little yellow number with vertical red lines on each side of his huge bulge. His cock seemed so hard it was pushing the Lycra fabric away from his crotch and I could see inside the top of his swimsuit, getting an eyeful of his forest of dark pubes. I just wanted to cup his balls and pull him into a kiss but I resisted. When I looked down at the front of my towel, I realized it wasn't doing what I had hoped. My cock was so hard it was tenting under the towel!

"So, uh... see you around!" I blurted out, turning away and heading to the locker room.

"Yeah. I, uh... I hope. It was really nice seeing you again."

"Totally," I shouted out, walking away, trying to sound as aloof as I could.

"You gonna be here again tomorrow? I heard him ask."

But I pretended I hadn't heard him. I walked straight to the locker room, pulled my Speedos off my throbbing hard-on, had the hardest time stuffing it into my boxer briefs, got dressed and rushed home to masturbate.

That night, I had the worse time trying to fall asleep, going back and forth in my mind, wondering if I'd done the right thing, playing hard to get or if I'd just been completely ridiculous, running away like a virginal Catholic school prude.

Thursday evening, 8:45

After a weird day at work during which my brain kept wandering off, questioning my actions of the night before, I wondered if I should go to the pool early and face the mob of families and swimmers of all ages -- avoiding some potential private time with Deimos -- or go later and face the possibility that I might have to deal with him on a more tangible level.

I opted for something in between. I showed up in the locker room at 8:45, just as the last of the dads with their kids were packing up their stuff to leave. I stripped naked, put my stuff in a locker and headed to the showers with my forest green Speedos with yellow pin stripes and towel in my hands. I washed off the weirdness of my day and my mind started drifting off as I lathered up my cock and balls.

"You need help with that?"

I was startled, but somehow, I wasn't surprised that Deimos had cornered me in the showers. I couldn't help but spontaneously mutter: Ugh' and think: Really? That's your line?' Yes, I was annoyed but also really aroused, which made me very angry at myself.

"I know, right? Sorry. That was really cheesy."

Well, at least, he acknowledged that. The water was cascading down my back and the jet from the shower head was powerful enough that it was giving me a soothing massage. Today, he was wearing black Speedos again, but the skin-hugging short boxer kind with white stripes on the sides. He was sexy as all hell but I couldn't help but notice that I preferred his tanned, olive skin in eggplant purple or vibrant yellow. I cupped my cock and balls in my hands as if I wanted to send the message: `Your eyes don't get to see this, dude. Off limits.'

"Your son with you tonight?" I asked, with a snippy tone before turning my back to him and rinsing off my front so I could slip on my Speedos.

I know. It was childish.

"Nah. He's with his mom."

"Your wife?"

`Straight boy!' I mouthed without making a sound, my back still turned to him.

"My ex. We have an open relationship."


"Had. We've only been living apart for three months so I haven't really gotten used to it yet."


I really desperately wanted to sound like I didn't care.

"She's bi, too."

`Aren't all straight women in straight men's fantasies?' I bitched to myself.

"I, uh... I'd really like to get to know you better, Jason."

My heart leapt, but I definitely didn't want him to see that. I turned off the water and started walking out, mumbling:

"Sure. Maybe we can talk sometime..."

As I passed him, he grabbed my arm at the elbow and said:

"How about right now?"

And he turned me toward him, placing his free hand between my shoulder blades again, pulling me into him for a passionate kiss. He pressed his crotch against mine and, even though my Speedos were still wet from the shower water, I immediately felt pre-cum ooze from my ever-growing pole. His cock was clearly fully erect and pressing hard against me as he rocked his hips. He backed me up and I soon felt the cold wall against my back. He was visibly not planning on releasing me from that kiss anytime soon.

When he finally did, he was still holding me tightly as if he wanted to make sure I wouldn't go anywhere. His deep, brown eyes were full of fire, passion and... sincerity.

"Now would be good, I whispered, barely able to catch my breath."

He kissed me again his Speedo-clad crotch grinding against mine. I felt his hands crawling down my back, his fingers kneading my muscles as though they knew something about acupuncture pressure points. He was making me melt into him. I was putty in his masterful hands, moaning with ecstasy into his mouth as his fingers slipped into my swimsuit and I felt him pulling my ass cheeks up and into him.

He pulled his mouth off of mine just long enough to swab the back of my ear with his tongue and whisper:

"Now is very good."

Just as he was about to kiss me again, I placed my hands on his beautiful, strong pecs, stopping his movement.

"What?" he asked with a puzzled, amused smile.

"Where did you disappear to after that dive Monday night?"

"I didn't disappear. I wasn't even there, he said, winking."

He came in to kiss me again, his hands still kneading my butt cheeks under the fabric of my Speedos.



"I looked for you everywhere. I really did think I'd dreamed you up."

"You did! he said emphatically yet chuckling."

:Come on! You were there the next night and last night and you're here again now."

"Oh you feel that, do you?"

slapped his left pec.

"Okay, fine. I did disappear. I was embarrassed. I got shy. As soon as I hit the water, I swam to the other end of the pool. I could see your legs and your hand in your swimsuit. That was so hot! But I felt silly for what I'd done and I crept out of the pool while you were looking toward the diving board. I snuck into the locker room, got dressed and left."

"But you came back the next day."

"I did."

"With Lucas. Your son."

He scoffed, looking embarrassed.

"I knew that if he was with me, I'd have to behave myself."

"And then I crashed and burned on the diving board and you felt compelled to jump in and save me."

"Maintaining the illusion for my son that I am a true superhero."

I smiled and a guy walked into the shower room, prompting Deimos to pull his hands out of my Speedos and backing away a bit, trying to look normal.

"So yeah, tomorrow would be great, he said, too loud to sound really natural. You have a good workout now and I'll see you then."

And he was gone, leaving me with a tent and a major case of blue balls in my Speedos. The hairy, naked forty something hunk showering in front of me was looking over, avidly soaping up his soft cock and low-hanging balls, smirking to indicate that he knew what had been going on.

I swam about thirty laps with a stupid grin on my face, literally bounced out of the pool, got dressed and went home to masturbate to the movie playing in my head, over and over, of Deimos grabbing my arm, kissing me, our crotches grinding together. I couldn't wit for Friday night... and not for the usual reasons.

Friday evening, 7:00

The whole day through, sitting in my office, I kept getting flashes of Deimos the night before and Deimos and I later that night, oscillating between a full hard-on and a semi all day. I could actually feel like my cock and balls were marinating in pre-cum.

When Melanie -- my co-worker -- came into my office and asked me if I wanted to hit a bar on Crescent Street for Happy Hour, I didn't even hear her.

"Hello? Jason! TGIF! Brutopia! Tonight, baby! You in?"

"What? Oh. Sorry. No. I can't... I... I have a date."

She gave me a blank stare.

"With a Speedo?"

I smiled.

"You might say that..."

Her face lit up.

"Oh you mean you have a date with a Speedo filled with someone else's junk?""

I burst out laughing.

"Promise you'll tell me all the details Monday. Promise."

"I promise."

"Good luck! she said in a singsong tone."

When I finally got home, I took a shower, eager to clean off all that pre-cum and change my underwear. I got to the sports complex early because I wanted to get my laps in before Deimos showed up, but then, I started to get worried that he might not come at all.

I slipped on my "hot coral one solid Speedo brief" and went to the showers to rinse off. Of course, I couldn't help but think about what had happened there the day before and what was going to happen in a few hours... I started getting hard again and squeezed my pole a few times, positioning it in my Speedos.

Once I'd done my laps, I came out of the pool and looked around to see if Deimos had arrived. Sure enough, he was standing atop the diving board, looking down on me like a bird of pray, wearing a green and black "sprint splice Speedo brief". So hot! I smiled at him and watched him dive. He swam over to me and came out of the water saying:

"Hey there... you ready to get out of here?"

I chuckled.

"Didn't you just get here?"

"Yeah, but I'm feeling like a different kind of workout tonight."

He dove underwater again and, without any warning, started nibbling at my crotch through the fabric of my swimsuit. It felt incredible, his lips and teeth working on my inflating shank, and his hand between my legs, holding on so he wouldn't float up. He was caressing my balls with his thumb at the same time and I looked around to make sure we didn't seem suspicious.

When he came back up, he said:

"I wish I could hold my breath under water longer, but I'm just too excited right now. It's making me short of breath."

I smiled at him.

"That's okay... it's my turn anyway."

I dove underwater and kneaded his bulging cock from base to tip toward his right hip before I started nibbling on its head. He pushed his hips forward and bent his knees. After only a few seconds, I reached into his Speedos and pulled out that torpedo so I could wrap my lips around it. It wasn't the best place to apply suction without swallowing water so I quickly put his meaty prick back into his swimsuit and came up for air.

"What do you say we get out of here? I asked."

"Not just yet, he smiled before going back under water and yanking my Speedos off and coming back up."

"Are you crazy? I whispered, chuckling. There are people here. Gimme me that."

He gave me another coy smile.

"If you want it, you'll have to come and get it."

And I saw him stuff my bright orange Speedos in the front of his green and black suit. Ugh! Again with the childish behavior. But I couldn't help but be amused and find it cute. Not to mention that I was seriously aroused by the fact that I was standing naked in a public pool with a few oblivious people just a few feet away.

I slowly slumped down without taking my eyes off him until my head disappeared into the water. I moved in closer to him and placed my hands on the outsides of his thighs, moving up slowly and back so that my fingers could slip in through the pant legs of his Speedos to massage his butt cheeks while my teeth grabbed the top of his bathing suit, pulling it off his cock and balls and releasing my Speedos which started floating around.

His cock had sprung up and I just wanted to swallow it whole but I resisted.

I grabbed my Speedos, keeping them underwater as to not attract attention to the fact that they weren't on my body anymore, and came up for air.

"Are you just going to let my cock and balls float in the wind like that? he asked."

"Actually, they're floating in water..."

I winked at him and discretely slipped my Speedos back on, tucking in my fully-erect cock. I then swam to the side of the pool and got out, quickly wrapping myself in my towel and making my way to the locker room.

Before I knew it, Deimos had followed me and was pushing me into a bathroom stall, slamming the door behind us and sliding the locket shut. He squatted behind me and started gnawing at my butt cheeks through my hot coral Speedos. I slapped my hands against one of the stall's partitions and spread my legs as if I was being strip-searched. I felt Deimos hands creep up my body to my torso and he started softly pinching my nipples, prompting me to push my butt against his face, smothering him with the fabric of my swimsuit.

When he grabbed the top of my Speedo with his teeth and pulled it off my ass without letting go of my nipples, I was impressed. He kept nibbling at my bare butt cheeks and started licking also, sending shivers through my whole body. Overcome with lust, I took my hands off the wall to slip my swimsuit off completely, freeing my suffocating cock which I couldn't help but start rubbing furiously. When Deimos took his fingers off my nipples so he could spread my butt cheeks and poke my ass hole with his tongue, I almost lost it. It was as if he'd pressed the bottom of the toothpaste tube, bringing the paste to the brink. I let go of my cock so that I wouldn't blow my load right away and turned around, grabbing him by the shoulders, pulling him up and slamming him against the opposite partition so I could kiss him with everything I had.

"Oh, man, you taste so good, he whimpered."

I kissed and licked his neck before going up toward his ear and I whispered:

"I want to taste you, too. Without the chlorine."

I squatted and pulled his Speedos off his gorgeous olive-skinned, uncut cock, freeing it with care. It snapped out and slammed against his lower abs. I gave his tennis-ball-sized ball sac a few licks before tracing my way up his shaft with my tongue. He let me control the situation, trusting me with his precious package.

I used my hand to pull back his foreskin and waited for a pearl-size drop of translucent pre-cum to emerge from the pee slit. I swabbed it with my tongue and waited for a second drop. When that one came, I crushed it with the tip of my tongue. He moaned. When the third drop surfaced, I circled around it with my tongue, licking his gorged cockhead like an ice cream cone. Then, I opened my mouth and swallowed his cock whole, feeling its head crash against the back of my throat. He moaned again.

The feeling of driving him crazy with ecstasy was making my own cock bop between my legs like a maestro's baton.

I deep-throated him, playing with, kneading and squeezing his balls all along, until I felt the cum bubble up inside him and rush up his cock like hot lava from an active volcano. His cum erupted and cascaded down my throat, not even touching my lips or tongue. I was disappointed I hadn't had a chance to actually taste his cum, but the moans and groans of passion coming from my lover's throat were a great consolation.

When I knew I'd sucked every last drop of cum out of him, I stood up and kissed him passionately, caressing his manly chest.

"That was so amazing, he whispered under his breath when we stopped kissing."

I smiled and kissed him again.

"You're still hard, I said, wrapping my fingers around his pole."

"So are you."

He kissed me and spun me around, grabbing my cock with his right hand and tracing my ass crack with his left index finger. When I suddenly felt the digit inside me, I was surprisingly comfortable and pushed against his hand, whispering:

"I want to feel your cock inside me."

He kissed my neck as I spread my legs and he easily slid his slab of man meat inside my man hole. I pushed back against him, fucking myself with his pole. He let me do that for a while before grabbing my hips and taking control. Then, he switched it around again, letting me regain control of the situation. I rocked his cock, rubbing my ass cheeks up and down against his pubes. This movement was perfect for him to jerk me off at the same time. Before we knew it, he'd reloaded and was ready to shoot again and I certainly was ready to join him. We coordinated our cum shots so that he would flood my insides while I sprayed the stall's partition, arching my back so I could kiss him at the same time.

We stayed in that position for a while, kissing, until his cock finally just naturally slipped out of me.

"Did that really just happen? I asked."

"No. I'm not actually here right now. Just a figment of your imagination."

We chuckled and kissed again, this time facing each other.

"Do you have plans for the weekend? he asked when we stepped out of the shower."

"No. Why?"

"I'd really love it if you came away with me. I have this country place in the Eastern Townships. It's in the mountain. In Sutton."

"Sure. I'd love to. If you're really here and you really exist, of course..."

"I think I want to spend the next few days, weeks, months, years... proving to you how real I am."

Again, my cock started getting hard and I knew I needed to put some clothes on before someone else walked into the locker room.

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