Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Sep 25, 2000


Hi everyone, it's everyone's pal Stu here. I was sitting around today and I came to face the facts, I had to start writing a series again for the Nifty Archives. For all of you who don't know who I am, and I am shocked that there would be anyone out there that don't, I am the Author of the somewhat 'popular' retired series, "Nick, Lance, and JC". I also have a number of single stories in the archives, including the BBSA Award winning story, "After the Concert". Anywho, back to this new idea I have been kicking around, this series of mine won't be a lot like my old one. It is going to be more relationship based than sex based. And I know those of you who liked the old series are thinking, 'Great, and he was so good at writing those scenes', well I can be good at other things too, damnit. :o)

Now if, and I hope you do, like this soon to be series, then please send me all of your questions, comments and suggestions to

Legal Notice: Alright, this story is not to imply anything upon the characters involved, mainly the Backstreet Boys and Aaron Carter. It should not be taken seriously to the fact that this is FICTION. Also, if you are not of legal age in your habitat then please leave right now.

So without further ado, Stu Two Thousand and One Productions presents, "Black and Blue"

Black and Blue- Chapter 1

" So who is this Zack Maither person that you said was opening up for us on this new tour?" asked Kevin Richardson, always the serious side of the Backstreet Boys.

" He's a singer that we signed to Jive Records about two months or so ago. He should be here any minute, I heard that his flight was late." said the tall executive that was going through the BSB's 2001 tour information. " Anyway, he'll be opening for you, followed by Aaron, then you guys will be up, finished by a grand finale that all of you will sing together. Understand?" he said followed by everyone nodding their heads 'yes'. At the near end of the table sat Aaron Carter, younger brother of Nick Carter. He sat there seemingly depressed.

' Great, I have to tour with a bunch of old people, not one person near my age. Though, it is great to be with my brother.' He thought sighing a bit. This got his brother, Nick's, attention.

" Yo Aaron, you alright man?" he whispered, with Aaron responding by simply smiling. Nick just shrugged it off.

' I can't believe that they signed me to the Backstreet Boy's new tour. I get to open for one of the hottest bands on the planet, along with Aaron Carter.' I said to myself as I entered Jive Records. Maybe I should introduce myself to you all, my name is Zack Maither, I'm 14 years old and as you probably have guessed, I am a singer. I guess you could say that I was lucky to get this job, I mean, it's not every day that a kid from some small country town gets their chance at being a star...... well that's not true, but hell I'm still lucky. Anywho, like I said I'm a teenager and if you're wondering if I play for the other team, well I can't really say that I do. I mean if I think about it anything that looks good to a 14 year old will get their engines started, you know what I'm saying? Physically? Physically, I'm 5' 8" and about 145 pounds. I have dirty blond hair, which I will not bleach blonde because.... well let's just leave that at that. No I don't have a six-pack stomach like all those boy-toy jocks you'll find in my gym class, always flaunting it around like it's something to be proud of. Hell I'm opening for the Backstreet Boys! That'll burn their asses.

So anyway, I entered Jive HQ and headed towards reception. The woman at the counter gave me the room number and floor level. God I hate top floors, I hate heights so much you won't believe. So I hoped in the elevator and slowly made my way to the top, clutching the hand rails for dear life.

" One more thing guys, Nick and AJ, I'm not sure if you want to tell Zack when he gets here that you're gay, if you guys were planning on it, or not, that's up to you. But I would suggest that you do, because you'll be working a lot together and it may be easier." the exec said while sitting down at his desk.

" We were thinking about it, but we probably will tell him later on in the tour first, right Nick?" AJ stated, looking over at his love. Nick smiled and nodded his head. All of a sudden the buzzer on the phone went off. The Exec pressed a button,

" Yes Leslie?" he said,

" Mr. Jackson, Zack Maither just arrived, should I send him in?" the secritary asked.

" Yes please, send him in, thank you." Mr. Jackson said, " Well he's here."

' Ok, here I go.' I thought as I collected myself mentally. The secretary then lead me down a hall and opened up a door, where I was met with seven pairs of eyes. I smiled and blushed a bit as Mr. Jackson, or Stumpy as I call him, stood up.

" This is Zack Maither, Zack this is AJ, Nick, Brian, Kevin, and Howie of the Backstreet Boys." he started as I shook their hands. After I shook Nick's, the next person to him was..... damn he was fine, he was, " And this is Aaron Carter, Nick's younger brother." Stumpy said as I shook his hand, my eyes not leaving his.

" Uh.... hi Aaron." I said, feeling a bit woosy. I shook myself mentally and sat down next to Aaron. Stumpy then handed me a big ass packet of papers.

" That," he started, " is all of the tour info that I just explained to the rest of the guys." 'What an ass Stumpy is, my plane is late and I'm at fault. Oh well, this should be good kindling for a fire.' " Well, the car is waiting for you guys downstairs, and you'll be on your way to Atlanta to start the tour. Good luck guys, and have a great trip." Stumpy said before we got up and left the room. I felt like the odd man out, but I stood right next to Aaron.

" So Zack, where are you from?" Brian said braking my train of thought.

" Oh um, Clearwater, New York." I stated.

" Hmm never heard of that place, a small town?" Kevin said as we neared the elevator.

" Yeah, pretty small, like two hundred people at the most. Practically everyone knew everyone. You can't pull any pranks in that place, 'cause everyone knows who y'are." I said with a grin and receiving a laugh from everyone. 'Phew, at least they have a sense of humor.' Then Aaron spoke up as we entered the elevator and started to go down to the lobby.

" So what do you do for fun, Zack?" he said in a charming voice.

" Umm I like playing video games, going on the Internet, and mountain biking." I said with a smile while looking at him.

" Video games! That's great, Nick and I love playing them too." he said getting a grin from Nick, who was holding hands with AJ.... what's up with that? Finally the bell sounded and we stepped off and headed outside where a big limo was waiting us, or at least I think it was.

" We're going to the airport in this!?!" I exclaimed.

" What, you never have been in a limo?" Nick asked as the rest of the guys piled in.

" No, this is so cool, I have to tell my mom about this." I said getting a giggle out of Aaron, who was right behind me.

When we arrived at the airport and boarded the plane, I sat down in my seat and buckled up, really tight.

" Hey Zack, if it's all right, could I sit next to you, AJ already took my seat next to Nick." Aaron asked me. I looked up at him and smiled,

" Sure have a seat Aaron, so what's the deal with AJ and your bro, they were holding hands in the elevator." I said to him. Aaron's smile faded.

" Oh, they're just really good freinds."

" That's cool, so what's it like on tour? The farthest I have been from home, that I've sung was Albany." I asked him as the plane took off.

" Oh it's real fun if you have someone to have fun with, like me and Nick, we'd do a lot of stuff on past tours. Now he's probably going to be with AJ and the rest of the guys." he said as I could feel us gaining altitude and my ears popping like crazy. God I hate flying. We chatted the entire flight down to Atlanta. We talked about everything, sports, family, video games, sitcoms on tv. Finally we landed in Atlanta and Aaron and I had become really good freinds. 'He's really cool, even though he is younger than me. Man come to think of it, if I were his friend back home, I'd be joked about by everyone. Ahh screw them, they never liked me anyway. Stuck up bast....' I was interrupted by Aaron.

" Come on Zack, aren't you coming?" He asked with a giggle, as the rest of the group exited the plane. I nodded and stood up, following him out of the plane. We got into another limo, this is so cool that I get to ride in limo's now that I'm on tour, and headed to the hotel. We got out and was greeted by a PR I guess.

" Hello guys, welcome to Atlanta. I hope your flight was good and that you have a good night's rest 'cause tomorrow you are going to be in the studios and rehearsing for the concert." he said, earning groans from everyone, I found that funny, " So you guys are on the top floor and management has arranged your rooms like this." He said while taking out a list. " Alright, Brian and Kevin are together, Howie has his own room, AJ and Nick are together, and then Aaron and Zack are rooming together."

' Well at least I get to room with Aaron, he's such a nice person, so funny and cute.... wait, did I just say cute?' I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and Nick handed me a card key to my room.

" Here ya go, and be careful, because Aaron might pull a prank on you when your asleep." he said with a laugh before walking off with AJ.... ok this is weird, he is always around him.

" Thanks Nick." I said before turning to Aaron. " Alright man, let's go." I said with a grin, as he walked along with me into the hotel.

" Man I hope that Aaron will get along with Zack, he seems to be like a nice kid." Nick said as he entered his room, dragging his luggage behind him. AJ followed behind him and shut the door. As soon as Nick dropped the load from his hands, AJ tackled him down to the bed and planted his tongue down Nick's throat. They wrestled around on the bed for minutes before Nick broke the kiss.

" Jeez babe, the tour hasn't started and your already all over me." He said with a smile before going back to making out. ----

" Alright Zack just make yourself at home." Aaron said as he threw his suitcase on one of the beds. I followed behind carrying mine, a small one, it had just enough clothes for a couple days, they said that being with AJ that we would be going to a lot of malls, and boy did I like spending money. I also had my Sony Playstation in it, I never let that out of my sight, and I couldn't just leave it at home.

" God am I hungry. When do you guys eat?" I asked as I sat down on the opposite bed from Aaron.

" Well the guys said nothing about going out, so do you just want to get room service?" he asked, picking up the phone.

" What's room service?" I asked, The hell do I know about hotel's and such, I haven't left my town like ever, all I did was sing good, that's how I got the job. Anyway, Aaron laughed and dialed a number.

" Yeah I want to order four hamburgers, two large fries, and two liters of pepsi please." Aaron said into the phone, " Alright thanks." he hung up the phone. " Man you have got a lot to learn if you're going to be on tour with us. So what do you want to do while we wait for the food?" he asked while stretching on the bed. God did he look so good doing that.... damnit I am doing it again.

" Well I'm going to call my mom, I promised her that I would do that." he nodded.

" Yeah, I'm going to shower, flying in a plane makes me feel dirty." Aaron said and I giggled. Then I picked up the phone and dialed home.

" Hi Mom, it's Zack. I'm doing great."

To Be Continued

Well that's Chapter 1. I know that there wasn't a lot of 'good stuff' in there, but hey, I am just starting. So tell me what you think, send all of your questions, comments and suggestions to

Thanks for reading!!!

Next: Chapter 2

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