Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Dec 14, 2000


Hi everyone, Stu here again. Sorry about not posting this chapter earlier, but I got kinda busy, hope you all understand. Anywho, thank you so much to everyone who sent in e-mails, you have no idea how much I love getting e-mails from readers telling me their ideas for my stories, hell I use an idea that is given to me here and there. Well after reading my TENTH CHAPTER!!!! Yea!!! After reading this chapter, send me an e-mail, if you please, to

Legal Stuff: This story is that of pure fiction, it is not to seriously imply anything about the characters inside the story. If you aren't of legal age, then please leave the archives. Everyone else, please stay and enjoy.

To the story!!!!

Black and Blue Chapter 10-

"Alright guys, we have to get to the venue like, oh crap, RIGHT NOW!!" Kevin screamed at us while looking at his silver watch. We all got up quickly and threw on our jackets, then in a blur rush, we hopped into the awaiting limo outside. As the driver hauled ass to the arena, Kevin was shaking his head, " I can't believe that we're going to be late, and it's my fault." he buried his head in his hands. Brian reached over to Kev,

" There, there old man, you're getting very forgetful nowadays." then we all burst out laughing. Aaron and I were practically rolling on the floor of the car, had there been room to. We all calmed down after a bit, and soon my attention came to looking out of the window, just staring out into nothing, I was thinking. Thinking about how much my life has changed in the past two weeks. Pretty amazing now that I think about it, I've got a career, a boyfriend, and I ride around in limos, this rocks!!

" So Zack, what do you want to do tonight, when we're done with the concert?" he asked, with an innocent, yet devilish grin on his face. I wanted to burst out laughing at the look he was giving me, but I didn't know if he was being serious with me or just joking around.

" Oh I don't know," easy enough answer, " I'll probably be to tired to do anything." He looked at me a used the little puppy pout of his that was soooo cute, after I said that I would probably be too tired. I was just messing around with him, 'cause I know we would do something later on, a grin came to my face.

" So what are we doing today Kev?" Nick asked while being 'cuddled' by AJ. Kevin shook his head at the two,

" Well we'll be in the arena for practice, afterwards we'll be signing autographs for about a half hour, then we go to dinner, finally we come back here for the concert." he explained without looking at any itinerary whatsoever. Everyone shook their heads in agreement with the schedule, if we had any choice that is.

" So where are we gonna go for dinner later, I'm thinking Italian." AJ announced to us all, earning a big round of "oh's".

" Come on AJ, we've had Italian for the past three weeks, let's have something else." Brian complained to him, I giggled at the way his voice was saying the words, it was like a high pitched squeal or something. Brian quickly covered his mouth and blushed after he talked, and I laughed even louder. While chuckling, Nick just had to comment on the situation,

" And you said that you were finally out of puberty." and we all laughed even harder as Brian leaned across the limo and punched him in the arm.

" Ow!" Nick exclaimed, " AJ, aren't you going to defend my honor?" he asked in an over dramatic tone of voice. Before AJ and Brian could start to rumble, Kevin jumped in.

" That's enough you two!" he said in a thunderous voice. Then the limo slowed to a stop, " We're here!" Well duh!!!

The man walked up to the front desk of the Sheridan Hotel, his face freshly shaved, hair combed and parted evenly. The teenage woman behind the counter, about 19 years of age, or so she looked, greeted him with a bright smile.

" Hello!!" She welcomed him, " to the Sheridan Hotel, how may I help you?" the man smiled brightly, his several silver filled teeth showing.

" Yes, I would like the key to my son's hotel room, his name is Zack Maither, I'm his father and odds are he'll probably lose his copy of the key." Zack's dad asked politely and with a small smile. The woman checked her computer,

" I'm sorry sir, but I am going to need some ID first." she asked, and Zack's father pulled out his wallet and his drivers license. He handed it to her, and she handed it back, along with a copy of a key to the room. 'Well, that was too damn easy.' he said to himself before heading to the elevator.

" Come on Zack, keep those feet moving, this ain't a slow dance." Dave shouted to me, as I was practicing the steps to 'Let's Go', my god I was soo tired, we've done this dance seven thousand freakin' times already. As the music died down, yet again, I walked to the side of the stage, where Dave was standing, giving me a stern look. I grabbed my water bottle, which was next to him.

" Zack, you are missing steps that you shouldn't be. We've done this same routine over and over, and you keep missing the same damn steps!" he admonished me, and I thought my sixth grade teacher was bad.

" So what, I'll get them for tonight, don't worry about it." I replied, turning my back on him and headed to the stage again, 'cause I'm sure that he would start up the music again, and we would go over the routine again. As I got out into the open, I heard footsteps storming up behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and was spun around.

" Zack, don't you ever use that tone of voice with me again. I'm your choreographer, and if you screw up, it's my fault. So we'll go over this routine, time and again, until you know it like the back of your hand! Do you understand me!!!" and I could feel everyone's eyes right on me. I looked at his cobalt colored eyes and nodded 'yes'. My music started up again and we went over it, and I kept missing the same fucking move!!! And now I'm using very bad language, as my old seventh grade science teacher would say, he's the one who had me say 'penis' in front of the entire class. At the end of probably the tenth time over, Brian came up to me as I was wiping the sweat off my forehead.

" Zack, what's the problem bud?" he asked, convincingly concerned for me, he was such a good friend.

" I keep missing the same stupid step in this dance. And I don't know why I am missing it!" I shouted in a purely perplexed state of mind. He shook his head and smiled at me,

" You remind me exactly like how Nick was at your age." Hey is that an insult? " Dave! Can I see the packet of steps for this routine?" he asked Dave, who was talking to somebody, there's so many people in this business that I don't know. Dave came over and handed Brian the packet of moves, I gave Dave the finger as soon as he turned his back, Brian slapped me on the shoulder.

" Ow! First you call me Nick at a younger age, and now hitting. What's next?" I asked as we went onto the stage and Brian laughed to himself. He stopped at a page in the middle of the packet.

" Ok, now what step are you missing?" he asked showing me the page. I pointed to the one labeled 'Turn & Flail 34'. " Ok, Doug!" he called to our sound guy, " Could you start the song at :45 seconds please? Thanks." he asked and then I watched him as he walked in front of me. The music started, " Ok Zack, this is the move you're missing." and he did the steps that I knew and, oh!!! That's what I was leaving out, damn, no wonder why Dave was giving me the evil act. " Alright?" Brian questioned me, I nodded 'yes'.

" Good!" exclaimed Dave from behind us. " If you can do the moves, all the way through the dance, then you'll be done. Thanks for your help Brian." he said as my music blasted through the speakers yet again. I pulled of and executed each move perfectly, even the one I had missed before. The look on everyone's face when I was done was such a Kodak moment, I wish I had a camera. As I finished up, I looked over at Aaron who was smiling at me. I jogged over to him and gave him a hug, there wasn't anyone around so I knew we could pull it off.... no not in that way!! What kind of sicko's are you people!?!

" So Zack, you want to take a shower before we go and sign autographs... because you reek!" he yelled humorously and then bolted for the backstage rooms. I chased after him, and cornered him in the bathroom, where he already had a steamy shower going. " See how good of a boy scout I am."

" Yes you always prepared, now come on, let's get in." I said while peeling off my shirts, and attempting to get my pants off. He did the same, and we quickly hopped in the shower, the hot water cascading down our sweaty bodies. This was turning me on so much, and my dick sprung up in agreement with my mind. Aaron turned around and started making out with me, grinding his slightly smaller prick into mine. My hands slid down his back, and even farther to his butt... oh my god, I was grabbing his ass!! Aaron grunted in approval, and grinded into my even harder. I'm glad we were doing this in the shower because well... I would surely be sweating like a pig if we weren't, and damnit I was loving this. I started to squeeze his cheeks, hehe, that's a funny word, cheeks. Anywho, I was squeezing it as hard as I could, but Aaron begged me for more. After what seemed like hours, but possibly minutes, of this heavenly pleasure, I felt tingly all over, and I finally had an orgasm, and shot my cum all over his stomach and so did he to me. Aaron broke off of my lips, and looked into my eyes,

" I love you so much Zack." he said and smiled.

" Ditto." I replied. And we kissed some more before finishing our shower. After toweling off and getting our clothes back on. We fixed our hair in the foggy mirror and I placed my hand on the doorknob. But before opening up the door, I heard some loud grunts coming from opposite of the door. I looked at Aaron with puzzled eyes, and we opened up the door and saw,

" Oh my god!!!" Aaron shouted at the 'scene' in front of us. I slammed the door quickly. Aaron started to hyperventilate.

" Holy crap, we just walked in on AJ and Nick having sex!" I spoke and covered my mouth after doing so.

" What the hell was AJ doing to Nick, he had his dick up his butt!" Aaron exclaimed to me and it just dawned on me.

" I think that's how two guys have sex together. But Nick and AJ?!? That's gross!" I said while pacing across the floor.

" Yeah I know, I just saw my brother doing the nasty with AJ! It's going to haunt me for the rest of my life." Aaron said sarcastically and then the door opened up. It was AJ and Nick, obviously.

" Ok, now I know what you saw and believe me, we didn't know you two were in here..... by the way, why are you in here?" Nick asked us, his head facing the ground. Aaron's and mine dropped to the floor as well.

" Uhh we were just um showering together, nothing else!" I explained quickly, and they nodded in return.

" Umm, let's just forget about this and go outside, I bet they're all waiting for us." AJ announced, and we all followed him out to the car.

" Well ain't this a nice room?" Zack's dad said to himself as he walked into Zack and Aaron's hotel room, completely cleaned up from the housekeeping service. He sat down on the bed and looked at his son's suitcase, which was labeled with his name, he opened it up and looked inside, looking at different clothes, some stationary that his mom gave him. " I can't believe that bitch is babying him so much, fucking stationary, that's so fucking gay. No son of mine should be a faggot." he said before tossing the papers into the garbage can.

" Well, I'll be back in a couple hours to 'check up' on my son.

The concert was another smash hit. The fans cheered like crazy for everyone, Aaron, me and the guys. I was on fire on that stage, I hit every move that I was supposed to, even though I almost lost my balance on one move, but hey, who's counting. We all got cheered out of the building, Nick nearly losing his pants again to the mass crowd. We piled into the limo and rode back to the hotel, Aaron and me hand in hand along the whole way. As we got there and headed to our floor, Aaron I and stood at our hotel room door.

" Ok Aaron, go inside and I'll be there in a minute. I've got to get a few things from the shop downstairs first." he kissed me and went inside. I turned around and started towards the elevator, which was around the corner. As I walked around it, a large man came flying at me.

" Ah!!!" Zack screamed before his father's large hand came down upon his mouth.

" Shut the fuck up faggot!!" he whispered/yelled at Zack, and then slapped him with the back of his hand. Zack stared at his own father with curious eyes, " Don't you even know your own father when you see him Zack?" he asked and Zack's eyes nearly popped out of his head. " Didn't think you would ever see me again would you?" Zack shook his head 'no' and got another slap to his face. All of a sudden Brian came around the corner, saw what was happening, and charged at Zack's dad, who quickly stepped to the side, and tossed Brian into a vase sitting upon a small table. The elevator bell, dinged and Zack's dad dragged his son in there with him. Brian got up and tried to stop them, but it was too late, the doors had shut.

" Shit!!" he exclaimed, then hobbled back to the guy's rooms. He reached Kevin's and slammed his fist against it. " Kevin!!! Nick!! Howie!!! AJ!!! Anyone!!" finally Kevin answerd his door.

" Brian, what are you screaming about!?!" He yelled at his younger cousin.

" Zack's..... Zack's... Zack's" he tried to explain while getting his breath back.

" What's happened to Zack?" Aaron asked as he opened his door. Kevin looked at him,

" Nothing Aaron, go back inside." he said and Aaron complied. Kevin then turned back to Brian, who looked at him with a worried face.

" Zack's been kidnapped."

To Be Continued....

Well there you all go, Chapter 10 of my ongoing saga!! Lol, ok, you know the drill, please send me an e-mail to

Thanks for reading!!!

Next: Chapter 11

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