Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Jan 2, 2001


Hello everyone and Happy New Years to all!! Well I hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday season as I have, grins, and I'm pleased to announce that here is another chapter of the beloved, Black and Blue series!! This would be chapter eleven if I'm not mistaken, so all of you new readers, you really should go back to the first chapter of this story and read it through, otherwise you might get confused of the storyline.... or maybe not, who knows. Anyway, when you're done reading this chapter of my story, please e-mail me at

Legal Bid: You know the drill by now guys and gals, 18 years of age and over, please stay. Under 18 years of age, bail out now before the cops get ya. Oh, btw, if this kind of reading material offends you.... then why the hell are you here? For those who are of age, and enjoy this sort of thing, then please stay and enjoy.

Onto the story!!

Black and Blue - Chapter 11

" He's what!?!" Kevin replied to Brian's rant, not believing what he just heard. Brian leaned up against the door frame, his arm giving him balance. While still catching his breath he repeated,

" Zack's been kidnaped. Some man was pulling him through the hallway. Zack was trying to get away, he was screaming. I tried to stop the man, but he threw me into a vase or something. Before I could get up, the elevator door closed. I tried Kevin...." with that Kevin pulled his cousin into an embrace.

" Shh, it'll be ok Brian. Now, did you see what the guy looked like, or what he was wearing?" Kevin asked a shaking and trembling Brian, who looked up at Kevin with an angry face.

" Don't ask me any questions, call the fucking cops!! They'll find the son of a bitch and they can ask me questions." and with that Kevin went into his room and picked up the phone.

As he heard the commotion coming from outside his room, after he was told to go back in his room, Aaron Carter sunk to the floor and burst into tears. He buried his head into his arms and sobbed like there was no tomorrow.

" Why Zack? Why not me?" his voice sounded in between deep breaths of air.

" Come on you little basterd!! Don't even try to run from me or I'll rip your little head off and sell it to someone as a bowling ball." my dad yelled at me as he is dagging me through the parking garage by my hair, god that hurt. I am so scared right now, is he going to kill me or what? Why is he doing this? I tried to run off as he looked for his car, but he just threw me up against the concrete wall of the garage. I can fell blood gushing out of my head, god this hurts.

" I told you not to run off on me." and with that I felt a hard thump on my head and the lights went out.

It's been a month and a half since the kidnaping, and still the police can't find Zack, or his father. Unfortunately for the Backstreet Boys and Aaron Carter, their tour could not of been postponed because Zack was just an opening act, or so that's what management said. Out of all six, Brian and Aaron were taking it the worst, Aaron being Zack's boyfriend, and Brian... well Brian just saw of Zack as his 'little buddy', kinda the kid who needed someone to look up to. Well the tour was stopped and on break in Charlotte, North Carolina when the guys got some good news from the cops. It was during breakfast when everyone was eating, not talking up a storm as their usual selves would be.

" Alright guys," Kevin started, " The police have a witness who said she saw a man of the very same description of Zakc's father. He's said to be somewhere in Tallahassee, Florida. Anyway, the police have asked us to send a couple of people down there to answer some more questions. I have to stay here, I can't go, management has already said that. Howie can't go because he's sicker then a dog right now, so the rest of you guys can go." and with that Brian, Aaron, AJ and Nick all agreed that they would go to Florida, hopefully to put an end to all of this. Aaron was hoping that the woman who was the witness got the right man, he was so lovesick that he hadn't eaten for days, and had lost a couple of pounds because of it. All the way down to Florida, while on the plane, Aaron's eyes never left the necklace he held in his hand, the very one Zack gave him not so long ago. After seemling forever, the plane landed in Tallahassee and the guys were off to the police station.

I woke up to the same room I have for the past month or so.... I don't know how long I've been locked in here, lost count of the days. My head still hurts from getting hit with some blunt object from my father, I can't believe he's doing this to me, and it's been so long already. I swear that I have a few broken ribs, 'cause I can't even breath right. I have a couple bruises on my arms, I've got blood stains all over my shirt. It's like I'm being held hostage or something in some small South American country that's ruled by drug dealers. Oh shit, the door's opening up, Dad, bringing me my daily 'rations' if that's what you want to call it.

" Here's your food ya little shit!" He said before kicking me in the ribs again. Fuck that hurt, see now I know I'm hurt because I'm swearing here. And with that he left the room and I heard a giant lock snap shut. God I miss Aaron so much, his smile, his giggling, his jokes, just him, I miss him. I wish that dad would just get this over with and kill me, 'cause if he don't, it's torture just being away from Aaron, and locked away like this. What the hell did I do to deserve this?

" What the hell do you mean, 'you don't know'?!?" Aaron screamed at the officer as Nick tried to restrain him.

" I'm sorry son, we don't know exactly where your friend is, other than in this city." the officer explained to the group. They stood in a large room in the police station, this one set up for abductions and such. As an ominous silence filled the air, the phone suddenly rang. The officer picked up the phone,

" Tallahassee P.D., Detective Marks speaking..." he said into the receiver. He listened to the voice and handed the phone to Brian. " He wants to talk to you." Brian took the phone and put it up to his ear.

" Hello?" he said,

" Hello Brian, remember me? I think the last time we saw each other, you went flying into a wall." an evil look appeared on Brian's face.

" Look you son of a bitch, you hurt Zack one bit and I am going to hunt you down, and torture your sadistic ass by shooting you with the lowest caliber bullets on the market. You better get on your fucking knees and pray to god that I don't find you first, 'cause I'll make it my duty to rough your sorry ass up, do you fucking understand me!!!" he yelled into the phone, scaring the shit out of the rest of the guys in the room. Aaron clinched onto Nick's sleeve.

" Oh Brian, you really don't mean that do you? Well just to show you that Zack's alright, I'll let you talk to him." Zack's dad then put the phone up to Zack's mouth,

" Brian." a hurt and gargled voice said on the other line. " Help me Brian. He's going to kill...." and with that Zack's father came back on.

" See, he's just fine....." and the phone line was cut.

" You Mother fucker!!!!!!!!" Brian yelled as he slammed the phone hard onto the ground. " Did you locate where the call was coming from?" he asked the officer.

" Yeah we did, I'll send a squad car out right now...." Marks was saying before Aaron cut him off.

" No!! Do you have any idea what'll happen if Zack's dad hears a cop siren? He'll kill Zack." he said before going back to hug Nick.

" I'm going no matter what any one you guys say." Brian spoke up while grabbing his coat and putting it on.

" Alright, you all stay here, Brian and I will go undercover and get Zack." Marks said while grabbing his extra gun from underneath the desk and loading a clip into it. He cocked it back, put it under his shoulder. With Brian at his side, Detective Marks walked out of the station, leaving Aaron, Nick, and AJ behind.

I ate my sandwich of what I think is dog food, a bitter and hurt kid. I wanted to thrown up but dad would probably beat the crap out of me some more. I sat there, crying and looking out the barely clear window, then heard the door open, dad walked in. He looked at me with disgusting eyes,

" So Zack, I bet you're wondering why I'm doing this to you." he said to me while coming closer. I nodded, clearing my watered eyes. " Well it's very simple, after you were born, your mom, well Cindy, payed more attention to you, than she did me. Because of you, I didn't have sex for two years straight being faithful to her, that is until I hired a prostitute and fucked her royally. But I always thought of your mom as a whore, she looks like one," he siad to me as tears flowed like a river out of my eyes and I whimpered. " She acts like one, and more importantly, she screamed like one when I slit her throat last week and killed her bitch ass." I couldn't breath, I screamed out a 'no' before he smiled and left the room. I felt like killing myself, he killed my mother, no.....

" Alright, we're hear. That's the house over there. We'll stay here until Zack's father leaves, we brake in, find Zack, and get the hell out of the house. Got it?" Marks said to Brian as we parked the car a hundred feet away from the house, which looked like a run down crack house on the outside. Singles falling off the roof, faded paint on the sides of the house, grass that hasn't been cut in a long time. They waited in silence for the moment to come.

" Aaron, don't worry, Zack will be just fine, just wait, anytime now we'll get that phone call from Brian and Officer Marks saying they have Zack and he's fine. You'll see." Nick consoled his brother inside Marks' office, Aaron's head was resting on Nick's lap, and he stared at the phone, tears falling out of his eyes and wetting Nick's jeans. AJ sat next to Nick, Aaron's legs on top of his lap. He too was consoling Aaron and trying to calm him down.

" Yeah Aaron, I'm sure that Zack is just fine. Don't worry so much, I just have a feeling that he's fine." AJ said and then gulped a lump in his throat.

" Hey... hey!" Brian yelled quietly as he nudged Marks beside him. " That's him, he's leaving, come on." Marks looked and saw Zack father leaving the house and heading down the street.

" Let's go." he said while getting out of the car, Brian too, and they bolted across the street. They got up to the door, locked, but Brian kicked the door in, much to Marks' surprise for some reason.

" Zack!! Where are you Zack?!" Brian yelled while running down a hallway.

" Zack! Where are you Zack!?" I heard... it was Brian's voice!!! Brian's here, umm.

" Here! I'm here Brian!" my voice croaked out, very dry and soar. I heard the unlocking of the door, and there was Brian. He ran to me and I wrapped my arms around him, he hugged me tight and I yelled in pain. " My chest Brian, it hurts." he looked at me and picked me up in his arms before exiting the room with some guy holding two guns, police I guess. They ran me out of the house, and up to a car, where Brian put me in the back seat and got in the front, but the police man stayed outside the car. He handed Brian the keys and told him to drive me to the hospital, he was stay here to wait for my dad. Brian got in the driver's seat and we sped away, I was saved by Brian, my best friend.... next to Aaron, who I would soon see. After five minutes we arrived at the hospital, and Brian brought me into the hospital, in his arms. He called for a doctor and I was put on a stretcher, and taken away.

As soon as Zack's stretcher was out of sight, Brian picked up the payphone and dialed the number he had for Marks' office.

'Ring, ring, ring' the phone went off in the office and Nick reached over his sleeping brother, picking up the receiver.

" Brian?" he said into the phone.

" Nick, I'm at St. Mary's hospital and Zack's in surgery now. You guys, come over here now, I'm going to call Kevin." Brian said on the other line.

" Brian, how is he?" Nick asked.

" I don't know, he looked really beat up when we got to the place, but now he'll be fine." Brian said, apparently out of breath.

" Alright, thanks man, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, not for me, but from Aaron. We'll be there soon. Bye." Nick said before hanging the phone up. He shook Aaron awake. " Aaron, we got Zack, he's at the hospital right now, come on, we're going."

I awoke to a cold, dimly lit room, but the sun outside was shining brightly. I looked down and I saw my undressed chest bandaged up and my left wrist in a brace. I started to shiver, but then felt a warm hand on my right arm, I looked over and there was my angel, Aaron, standing next to me, smiling brighter than ever. Without words, he leaned down and I hugged him as tight as I possibly could. After so long we were back in each other's arms, I didn't care about anything else right now, just about him. I saw his face lift up and his eyes locked view with mine, and his lips came down upon mine. This wasn't like the first one we shared while eating ice cream that time, nor anyone to date. This one meant a lot more, and words can't describe how much this one meant. His lips just wouldn't give up, nor did mine, but we soon had to break off to get some air. Through his little gasps my angel spoke.

" I missed you so much Zack." he said while beginning to cry again. My hand reached up and cleared his eyes.

" Aaron, baby, don't cry. I missed you too, but now we're together." I said while letting some tears roll down my face.

" Why do you always have to be the strong one?" he asked before giggling between sniffs, and so did I. We went back to kiss some more, but the door opened up, and in walked in Brian, Nick and AJ.

" Told you they'd be doing that!" Nick said to Brian before laughing. Aaron got off the bed and sat down in a chair beside my bed. The guys all pulled up chairs to my bed as I sat up and moved the pillows to give me support.

" Hi guys, I'm glad to see you." I said while squinting to the new light coming from the ceiling lights.

" Not as glad as we are to you." Brian said before squeezing me hand. I smiled at my 'savior' and he smiled back. " Where's Kevin and Howie?"

" They couldn't come, Howie's sick with the flu or something and Kevin's taking care of him....." suddenly the door opened again and in came the two, with big ass balloons and a tray full of food. " What are you guys doing here?" Brian asked them.

" Well when we got your call last night, Howie insisted that we come here, he didn't care about his damn flu." Kevin explained before pulling the tray of food up to me. Oh god did that food look great, and I dove right in. As I devoured the food, I noticed everyone staring at me. I looked up,

" What?" I asked with a mouthful of eggs, and they burst out laughing.

" I'm surprised you like hospital food, it sucks." Brian said with a laugh, followed by everyone else.

" I'm just hungry as hell, is this all I can get?" I asked before downing all of the milk.

" Well it's good to see that you're back to normal Zack." Aaron said before coming at me with a kiss, bringing his tongue into my mouth and the guys burst out with cat calls and whistles.

To Be Continued.

Well what did you all think?? Good, bad, ugly?? Lol, just kidding. Anyway, please send me your thoughts to and the next chapter of the story should be out by this Friday.

Thanks for reading!!

Next: Chapter 12

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