Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Jan 8, 2001


Hi everyone, Stu here bringing you Chapter 12 of this ongoing saga of mine! First off I would like to say thanks to everyone, and there is a huge group of you, but thanks to all who read and responded to my last chapter, and those who continue to do so. You have no idea how much I love hearing from my readers out there, so either e-mail me at or Instant message me using AIM or AOL Instant Messager, my screen name is ComicGuy22.

Legal Bid: Ok peeps, if you're not of legal age in your area of habitation then please leave now, or if you don't enjoy this sort of literature, then please leave as well. For the rest of you, enjoy!

Onto the story!!

Black and Blue Chapter 12

He kissed me right in front of everyone! Aaron keeps surprising me every day. I felt my entire body turn red as he brought his lips off mine and I looked at the faces of the guys sitting around my bed. Thank god the doctor walked in the room at that time, or I would probably have passed out again. He held a chart in his hand and greeted everyone, before turning to me,

" Well Zack, how are you feeling this morning?" he asked while sitting down on the edge of the bed. I sat up and leant back against the two flat hospital pillows.

" Actually I feel great, except I'm a bit groggy." I responded, which was true, I did feel a bit woozy.

" Yeah I figured you would be, that's the painkillers we gave you last night, otherwise you would have woke up in pain 'cause of your two bruised ribs, which aren't cracked or broken thank god. Also, your left wrist is fractured, not too much, but just enough that you'll have to keep the brace on for a couple weeks." he explained to me as I saw a look of concern in Kevin's eyes.

" Will he be able to preform?" he asked, odd that he did, but even more so, would I be able to preform at the concert. Then the doctor spoke,

" Well, I don't know if he should have any problems preforming during sexual intercourse at his age, which in my view I think he's a little too young...." he was going on, getting me confused.

" No!" Kevin exclaimed over dramatically, " I mean for the concerts and such." every, including myself burst out laughing.

" Oh ok!" the doctor said before chuckling to himself, " Yeah, as long as he doesn't fall or anything, he should be fine, just needs to take it easy. Well, I'm gonna go now, you guys can take him home, just make sure you check him out of the hospital. You have no idea how many forms we have to fill out when people don't sign out before leaving." he said with a laugh before leaving the room. I shook my head and chuckled some before Nick spoke up,

" Here Zack," he handed me a bag, " There's some clothes for you to put on so we can get out of here. Ready to go back to the grind?" he asked as I pulled out my favorite blue A&F shirt.

" Hell yeah!" I exclaimed and the guys left the room, leaving me with Aaron, who turned to me with a wide smile on his face. As I swung my legs off the bed, he got up and straddled my hips, wrapping his arms around my neck.

" Zack, now that they're gone, I was wondering if we could talk." he said, looking deeply into my eyes, and sure enough, did 'I' spring to life.

" Um, sure, Aaron, about what?" my voice, almost a whisper, answered. He gave me a small kiss on my mouth.

" Ever since you were taken away, I didn't know what I was going to do." he started, then gave me another kiss. " I thought I was going to die, the loneliness I was going through." another kiss, " All the time you were away, it made me realize how much I love you Zack." as he finished that sentence, I felt tears coming out of my eyes, he loved me! Then I realized, I was laid down completely back on the bed, making out with my angel. His clothed body lying on top of my 'hospital' dressed body, nothing but a bed gown and a pair of boxer shorts. As our breaths became heavier, I felt his silky smooth tongue part my lips, slowly making it's way into my dry mouth, wetting it with his saliva. My hands roamed up and down his back, coming up to his neck and the back of his head. Slowly my fingers ran through his flattened hair, obviously not spiked like he used to have it. I could feel both our chests moving hard up and down with each breath, his hips grinding slowly into mine. His soft lips lightly sucked on my lower lip, slowly using his tongue to caress it. I wanted this to keep going forever, but as my eyes opened I saw my angel's face move away, and his lips form back into a smile.

" Oh god have I missed that. I hated every day I was away from you, it's all I could think of was getting back to you somehow. Then when I heard Brian's voice that one day, I knew I was safe, and would be with you soon enough. Aaron, I love you too!" I said, with tears coming out of my eyes, and his face lit up in joy! I put my right hand on his cheek and leaned and kissed him some more, before the door behind us opened.

" Ug, would you too give it a rest and get Zack dressed so we could get out of here? You'll have plenty of time to do that once we get on the bus and out of this place." I heard Nick say before the door closed again. I looked back at Aaron who said,

" He's right, I'll help you get dressed and we'll be out of here. I've got a surprise for you on the bus." then he got off me and grabbed the bag of my clothes. I sat up and got off the bed,

" Ooh, I like surprises." I said with a grin before grabbing a pair of jeans out of the bag and slipping them on carefully, and the rest of my clothes came on with his help. Now with all my clothes on, Aaron and I walked out of the room, I sat down in the awaiting wheel chair and we were out of the hospital, and onto the bus.

" What fucking morons cops are." Jack Maither said as he dropped the dead body of Detective Marks into the lake. He wiped his knife clean and stuck it into a sheath, then into the trunk of his car. " He may have saved Zack, but I can get him again, I just have to think of a better plan this time." And with that, he got into his car, and drove off.

" Alright Zack," Nick started as the bus rolled into motion, and pulled out of the hospital parking lot. " Since you 'missed' Christmas in your absence, you can open your gifts from us now that you're back." He said handing me a large package. I took it and looked at him, then AJ, then Brian. Howie was laying down on the couch, and Kevin was taking a shower.

" You guys didn't have to get me anything." I said before tearing the paper right off the box, then opening the box. As I saw Nick sit down in AJ's lap, and Aaron sitting down next to me, I pulled out a Green Bay Packers jersey, numbered 99, and printed on the back was 'Z. Maither'. I smiled and pulled it over my head, feeling the silky material on my arms. " Aww thanks guys."

" We didn't know exactly what to get you, but this was Bri's idea." AJ explained, and my attention turned to Brian, who was kinda blushing. I hopped off the chair and into his lap, throwing my arms around him.

" Thanks Bri, first you save me, and now a great present, this means so much to me." I said as my grip tightened.

" Hey, no problem Zack you're my little buddy..... um... you're.. Chhoking me!" he got out before I realized it and let go.

" Oh, sorry about that. Man this is too much, I wish I had stuff for you guys." I said before plopping back down on my seat.

" Relax Zack, you don't have to get us anything. Right now, why don't you just go on back to your bunk and get some rest, it's only eight, and you had quite a night." Nick said while ushering me to the back, Aaron at my side.

" Alright, sounds like a plan, you wanna come to A?" I asked while slipping into my bunk, on the very bottom.

" Of course." he said with his normal enthusiasm, and got in the bunk with me, as Nick shut the curtain between the sleeping section of the bus, and the front. He got under the covers with me and together we fell asleep, I was in heaven.

To Be Continued.

Alright guys and gals, that was Chapter 12. Short as it may be, I promise the next chapter will be even longer. Alrighty then, please send me your questions, comments and suggestions to or IM me at ComicGuy22

Thanks for reading!!!

Next: Chapter 13

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