Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Jun 27, 2001


Well, well, well, look who decided to show up and start writing "Black and Blue" again! Oh you better believe it, 'cause Stu is back baby! That's right, and for all of you out there wondering why I was gone for so long was because I lost interest in writing the series.... but that was until I looked over at the Boy Band Story Award's website, and noticed, that even with my absence since...... well, I forget how long, I racked up four, count 'em, FOUR, nominations. That's right, and whoever got me on those ballots, huge props go out to you, 'cause your guys, or gals, inspired me to get off my ass, and continue this story. A thousand apologies to all of you who I kept saying, 'Oh the next chapter will be out in a couple days, or a week, etc etc etc.' So, let's get to everyone's favorite section before the story. Oh by the way, here's the categories I am nominated in.....

  • Best Use of the Backstreet Boys in a Novella (Whatever the hell that is) - Black and Blue - Best Original Character in a Novella (Again with that word) - Zack Maither - Upcoming Author of a Novella - Stuart for Black and Blue - Author's Choice for Novella - Black and Blue

So, if you just so happen to swing by the Boy Band Story Award's website... kindly place a vote or two for your good 'ole pal Stuie, won't you? Pretty please? Oh, if I do, crosses fingers, win an award, I'll kindly accept it, and say the usual 'oh everyone who were nominated, should be standing up here with me.' and the always, 'I'd like to thank everyone I know' routines, before writing the biggest ass chapter that my fingers will allow me to, before cramping up on me. Hehe, ok, onto the favorite part.

Legal Note: This story has nothing to do with the real life persona's of the Backstreet Boys and/or Aaron Carter. Also, there is no real life Zack Maither, or a Cindy Maither, or a Jack Maither, or any other characters in this story. If there is, then it is a MAJOR and total coincidence. In that case, my bad. Oh, if you are not of legal age in your neighborhood, village, town, city, state, province, country, continent, hemisphere, planet, and/or universe to view this type of material, then beat it! For the rest of y'all, enjoy the story.

Black and Blue - Chapter 15

" Ok Aaron, do you want more of the main course, or dessert?" I asked while eyeing the ice cream sundaes, drenched in hot fudge and whipped cream, that were lying on the bottom shelf of the room service cart. He giggled before rolling his head to it's side, and taking a glance at the same thing I was staring at, then stated,

" Oh I think we both know the answer to that." With that, I grabbed one of the bowls, a spoon, and sat myself so that my back was firmly pressed against the headboard of the king size bed we were 'relaxing' on. As I started to eat, Aaron shifted around, so that he was now laying on his stomach, looking straight at me.

" What?" I asked before serving myself a spoonful of vanilla ice cream with a hint of hot fudge. He pouted, giving me his patented 'puppy dog' look, which for some reason, always has the 'melt factor' effect on me. So, being the kind person I am, I got another spoonful of ice cream and fed it to Aaron, his face lighting up with a smile afterwards. He took the spoon from me and ate, while crawling up and laying his blonde hair-covered head against my chest. " You know Angel, we may be young and all, but that doesn't mean we don't know what love is. No matter what your brother, any of the guys, or anyone else says for that matter. I'll always love you, and I know you will too.... right?" With that Aaron put the bowl on the nightstand next to the bed, and turned so he was facing me.

" Of course I will, you know that." and I smiled... but soon the smile was taken away and replaced by the realization that Aaron was possibly the only person left in this world who truly loved me. My mom was dead.

" Baby calm down, now slowly tell me what the doctor told you." Brian said softly into the receiver, while his wife, Leighanne, frantically told him the news.

" Well, you know how I thought I was pregnant... well I'm not." and she started sobbing again. Brian let out a sigh of relief, after placing the phone on his shoulder so his wife wouldn't hear that.

" So maybe now's not the time for us to have bring a child into this world." Brian knew right off the bat that wasn't the best comment to say. He knew damn well Leighanne wanted a baby, and wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. Every night he had off on his vacation, he had been 'on duty', so to speak, with his wife to create a child, but nothing seemed to be working.

" Yeah but that's not what the problem is." Leighanne spat out before bursting out in more tears on the other end of the line.

" Well what is honey?"

" The doctor said, in so many words, that my reproductive system was shot to hell, and that for me to have a child, was impossible. Don't you get that Brian! We can't have our own child!" with that Brian hung his head down and took the phone away from his ear, fearing a ruptured eardrum. After minutes of silence, and a glass of water, Brian brought back the phone and spoke,

" I'm sorry hunny, I know how much you wanted your.... our own child, but since the worst has come to worst, there are alternatives to child birth."

" No! I don't want to adopt a child, not knowing that he or she's not my own, and can turn out to be a horrible kid. I'm sorry Brian, but it's either our own, or none. I'll call you tomorrow babe, I'm going to be going to out shopping with Cathy. Buh bye." Brian responded the same, and hung up the phone, before burying his face in his hands, letting a sigh, soon turning into a cry, escape from his lips.

" No Alex, we can't do it in front of a camera, it's too embarrassing. Plus, what happens if the tape falls into the wrong hands...... or even the press!" Nick explained to AJ, while sitting on their bed, naked from the waist up, while AJ while he was setting up a video recorder in the corner of the room, facing it towards the bed.

" Oh come on, where's your sense of adventure. And you were the one who wanted to do it in Central Park last year when we were in New York!" he stated while letting out a snicker, and turning the camera on. " Besides, I'll destroy the tape once we've looked at it, does that make you feel better?"

" No." spat Nick, who crossed his arms and looked away from his boyfriend, who plopped down on the bed next to him, wrapping his arms tightly around Nick's swimmers-like physique. AJ then leaned in closer to Nick so that he could whisper in his ear.

" I'll tell you what." AJ started, " You do this with me now, and tonight, we'll play cops and robbers." AJ knew what Nick's button's were, and definitely knew how to push them. Turning around, Nick kissed AJ on the lips and pushed him lightly back on the bed, so that he could straddle his hips. With AJ lying back on the bed, and being onto, Nick knew he was in control, and took control of the situation he did. He leaned down, getting closer and closer to his boyfriend's hot, muscular, sexy body. Extending his tongue out of his mouth, Nick moved it around AJ's lips, caressing them with the slightest touch, soon protruding inside his hot, moist mouth. AJ loved the way that Nick kissed, he had it down to a science. They wrestled their tongues around, playing tonsil hockey while exploring each other's bodies. As Nick broke the kiss, he sat up, taking off his red, white and blue Tommy tee shirt, exposing his well defined pecs and six pack stomach. AJ reached up and tweaked Nick's nipples, making him moan in pleasure as the tweaking got harder and harder.

" Oh god Alex." Nick growled, as he felt AJ's tongue licking his nips, then teeth gnawing at them. He had his eyes closed, and his hands grabbing the back of AJ's head, begging for more. AJ moved his hands to Nick's back where they moved up and down, rubbing harder and harder. The heat between their bodies, and the sexual arousal he was feeling, was unbearable enough for Nick to push AJ back down on his back and rip his shirt clean off his body and tossed across the room.

'And I liked the shirt too, oh welllllllllllll' Aj though while Nick started leaving trails of sloppy kisses down his chest, over his stomach and right to his jean covered crotch, that Nick inhaled the concealed musky aroma, that was uncovered as Nick unzipped AJ's jeans, sliding them slowly down his legs and off of his bodies, leaving him in nothing but green and blue boxer briefs. Moving back up so that AJ's crotch was staring him right in the face, Nick wasted no time in taking off his lover's undies and bringing the 'monster' to life. He took AJ's meat in his hand, and toyed with the head, using his tongue of course. He slipped it in his mouth, and slowly nursed on the hardening cock, bobbing his head up and down, up and down. Faster and faster Nick went down on AJ's tool, while his boyfriend's hands found their way on the back of his head, urging Nick on, as he felt his climaxing coming.

" Oooh I'm almost there baby!" AJ shouted, and Nick stopped, pulling the dick out of his mouth with a 'pop', making AJ's head snap up in panic. " Wha.... what are you doing? I was almost there." he said with a pout.

" Naw, you know where that's going." Nick said with a grin while taking his pants off. AJ smiled then flipped Nick down onto the bed and lifted his legs in the air, kissing the bottom of Nick's ball sack, tracing down to his sweet rosebud hole. He lined his tongue at Nick's entrance and pushed up, opening his ass slightly at the entrance. Nick moaned as AJ moved his tongue in and out, rimming him ever so gently, in such an erotic way that Nick's penis had precum flowing like a river, out of it. As Nick's asshole relaxed, AJ brought his head up, and pointed his dick at it's 'target'...

" Oh shit, forgot the condom." AJ said, but before he could move, Nick stopped him.

" AJ, forget about that, I love you enough not to use one." he said, making AJ's heart melt. (By the way, I just want to hop in hear for a second and say that even though I'm writing this, it is totally wrong to 'do it' without a condom, or some sort of protection, no matter who you're doing it with, or how safe you think you are. Practice safe sex folks, it's a little foolish not to. Back to the story.) And with that, AJ pushed in with a big shoved, letting Nick's ass take in half, if not a bit more, of his raging hardon. " Push it all in baby, I want it!" he shouted enough that the entire floor could have hear it, luckily the BSB had the entire floor to themselves.

" Zack, please calm down, it's alright, I'm here." Aaron trying to comfort me as I cried my eyes out. How the hell could I of acted the way I did?

" Aaron you just don't understand, how the hell could I do what I just did? My mother was killed by my father, and the next thing I do is try having sex with you! What the hell is the matter with me!?"

" Hold on Zack, I'm going to go get Brian." my angel said before leaving me... and now I'm alone, so alone! I felt a tap on my shoulders, it was Brian. Without saying one word, he brought me in and embraced me, letting all of my emotions, and tears seep into his warm body. Phrases like, 'It's ok buddy.' and 'Shhh, I'm right here, tell me anything.' came from his lips for what seemed like hours. Several times I tried pulling away from him, looking Brian straight in the face and telling him what I was feeling, but it brought nothing but more and more tears out of my eyes. This was killing me inside like no pain that I have ever had before.... and I got kicked in the nuts last year in the boys locker room! That hurt like hell, and still isn't topping this. For god only knows how long we sat there, the three of us, Aaron, Brian and myself, with nothing but the sound of me weeping filling the room. I needed to get a breath of fresh air, I saw Aaron crying as well, his eyes red and puffed up.

" Aarrron, wwwhyy are you ccrying?" I asked through sobs, moving my hand to his face to wipe some of the tears off. Tears on Aaron's face just doesn't go well together. Corny? Yeah sure, but I can't cry and have him cry at the same time dammit.

" Alright Zackery Maither, tell me what's wrong, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me." Brian said with assertiveness. I looked up at him, and he wiped my tears away, before I started to explain.

" I'm just a horrible excuse for a person Brian! I find out my mother's dead, and after the short time I grief for her death, what do I do? I try having sex with Aaron! What the hell is the matter with me!" I shouted, then went back to crying uncontrollably.

" Zack, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just the way you chose to mourn for your loss. Some people do it by crying, or writing, or in your case, trying to have sex. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just how you cope with the situation. I know losing a mother can be hard, but believe me, you have me, and Aaron, and any one of the other guys to help you through this."

" Thanks Brian, come here angel." I told Aaron, and he crawled over the bed, into my arms, before a the door opened up and Agents Jackson and Jader walked in, both with odd looks on their faces.

" Is everything alright in here?" Agent Jader asked, and I nodded my head.

" What's going on?" Brian asked, and the two shut the door behind them, then sat down on the opposite bed from us.

" Well, apparently we won't be having to protect you guys any longer. We found Jack Maither..."

" Really!?" I exclaimed, " Did you guys arrest his ass?" I asked almost too cheerfully, as I wiped the remainders of tears away from my face.

" Acctually." Jader continued, " He got in a speedy chase with the cops, and got in a horrible accident... he died on impact when his car slammed into a telephone pole. I'm sorry for your second loss today son." he said before patting me on the shoulder. " Oh, one other thing, the District Attorney back in New York has filed a series of documents with the local courts. Since there are no legal guardians of Zack that are living, he will be placed into a foster home if suitable guardians are found."

To Be Continued.

Well there's Chapter 15! It took me a couple of months, but dammit, I got it done! Anywho, you can all give me an e-mail at and tell me what you think of my chapter...... and don't forget to vote for me at the Boy Band Award's Website!

Thanks for reading.

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