Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Sep 28, 2000


Hi everyone, Stu here again, bringing you the second chapter of my new series, "Black and Blue". I'd like to say thanks to everyone who sent me feedback to my story, Jason and Ray, are two of which. Thanks guys for reading!! Well, since I got the great feedback, I am going to put more effort into my writing, since you guys, and gals, like it so much.

After reading this, please send any and all comments, questions and suggestions to

Legal Bid: You guys know it, this story is that of pure fiction and is not to imply anything about the personality or sexual preferences of the Backstreet Boys or Aaron Carter. Also, if you are not of age to read this stuff from where ever you are from, then scram, the rest of you, please enjoy the second chapter to my story.

Black and Blue- Chapter 2

I just got done with talking to my mom as Aaron stepped out of the bathroom, water still in his angelic, blond hair. There I go again with the lovey-dovey talk, this is really going to get out of hand. Anyway, he was wearing a black pair of sweat pants and a white tee shirt, something I would wear to bed too.

" So Zack, are you excited about touring with us?" Aaron asked while rubbing a towel roughly through his hair.

" Hell yeah I'm excited!" I exclaimed a little too loudly and I heard him laugh underneath the towel, still placed on his head, " I'm just waiting until we get things going and I have my first large concert. I hope I don't screw up, or anything like that." Aaron then took the towel off his head and tossed it into the corner, I guess it was true that the Carter boys were a bit messy, that's fine in my book.

" Well you really don't have anything to worry about. The only really thing that I have ever worried about is if I were to get cough hard when doing a dance number." Well there was something I had never expected to hear him say... for some reason. Regardless, I blushed ever shade of red imaginable at that remark and had a grin on me that was larger than life, no pun intended. Aaron started to laugh uncontrollably, " Come on man, like you never talked with your buddies about that sort of stuff." he said smiling.

" Actually no, everything I know is from self knowledge. It sucks having no brothers or sisters, but that wouldn't help me either." I said to him getting up from the bed and walking towards my suitcase. We hadn't got to my family on the plane, just his.

" Oh man that bites, but what about your dad? Didn't he tell you anything." my head dropped down to the floor at the mention of that. I sniffled a bit,

" I haven't seen my dad since I have been six. Not even gotten one Christmas or birthday card from him since then." I said, a tear running down my face, I hated when I had to tell people about that, I guess you could say that it didn't float over for me as time went on.

" Sorry Zack," Aaron said giving me a hug from behind. " I didn't know,"

" It's nothing," I said still with my back turned to him, I didn't want to let him see me weak like this, " I got used to it," lying through my teeth.

" Well I know what'll cheer you up." Aaron said, then he started to tickle me on my sides! I am extremely ticklish there. I started laughing uncontrollably as we fell to the floor, Aaron on top of me with a vice grip tickle lock on. We were laughing so loud that the walls were shaking.

" C...come.... on... stop." I giggled out in between laughs. I thought he would never stop, but then there was a large knock on the door.

" Aaron, it's Nick, I got your food that you ordered. They sent it to our room by accident." then he let himself in the room, I guess he had a copy of a key card to the room. He entered and saw us getting up from the floor, me wiping tears from my eyes. " Everything OK in here?" he asked looking at Aaron.

" Yeah, laugh yeah I were just foolin' around. How come you never told me that he had a vice grip tickle move?" I asked while grabbing a burger from the cart. Nick and Aaron laughed at the same time.

" Oh just 'cause I wanted you two to find each other out by yourself's. Well guys, I'll be in my room if you need anything else. And get to bed early, we got a lot of work tomorow." he said while walking out the door.

" Since when did you turn into Kevin." Aaron shot out sarcastically at his older brother. Nick then simply shrugged and said 'goodnite'.

" Your brother's pretty nice, is he always like this around you?" I asked still munching on my hamburger. Aaron simply nodded, 'yes', as he inhaled his food. Gosh, for such a small kid he sure does eat fast, and a lot, reminds me of me, damn this burger is good. My god what have I been missing in that small town. All of the food there sucked, except for the Ice Cream at the corner store, now that was good. Anyway, as time went on we downed everything that they brought on the cart, and if it wasn't for the fact that the cart was not edible, we would have eaten that too.

" Well I'm stuffed, do you want anything now, or just go to sleep?" he asked as I glanced at the clock, ten to eleven.

" Nah, I'm pretty tired, plus I think there is a lot of things we have to do tomorrow." I said, grabbing my suitcase and taking some Adidas jogging pants out of it. As Aaron climbed into his bed and turned off the light, I took my A&F shirt, blue jeans and socks off, leaving me in just an old pair of faded blue boxers, then I slipped the jogging pants on and went to sleep.

" Oh god AJ, more, more!!" Nick squealed as AJ pushed his massive cock into his lover's tight ass. The condom and KY Jelly provided enough lubrication and it slipped in easily. The lights in the room were dimly lit and ecstacy filled the air so much that you could cut it with a knife. Nick's legs were over AJ's shoulders and his head was resting on a pillow as AJ sped his paces up, fucking Nick like no tomorrow. The headboard was banging loudly against the wall as Nick felt the blood rush through his loins and his cock reading for release. " Ugg, umpph, yeah!!" Nick shouted as semen shot out of his throbbing erection, blasting AJ in the face, which was scrunched up in a passionate look telling Nick he was 'almost there'. Finally AJ's hardon shook with such a force that it sent chills all over both their hot sweaty bodies and he shot his load inside Nick's love shute. They laid there, panting like two dogs who had just got done running miles. As AJ collasped down on top of Nick they both heard a loud pound on the wall.

" Damnit Carter, can't you keep it down." Brian's muffled voice said through the cheap plaster that was the barrier between them. Nick giggled as did AJ and they soon fell asleep, in each other's arms.(Ok everyone together, "AWW!!" lol)

The morning sun soon graced the city of Atlanta, as many people got up and got ready for work. Amongst these people were those of the Backstreet Boys and their two younger performer's, Aaron Carter and Zack Maither.

I was sleeping heavily as I was soon awoke by a small shaking. " Zack.... Zack, wake up man." I heard only as a whisper. I opened my eyes slowly, they settled on an image on Nick standing, fully dressed, above me. " Come on Zack, time to wake up and get ready for today. We got a long day of work ahead of us."

" Ugg, morning Nick." I said lifting my head from the bed. " What time is it?" I asked.

" It's quarter after seven, come on, Aaron and everyone are in my room eating breakfast." he said tossing me a tee shirt.

" Thanks for waking me up Nick." I said as I threw on the shirt, while walking down the hall. He smiled at me,

" You remind me of me when I was your age, and me of, oh god, Kevin!" He said laughing. This got me cracking up too. As we neared his room I heard sounds of people talking and laughing, something not heard in my house back home, it was too quiet there every morning.

" Mornin' Zack." everyone said at the same time. I laughed,

" I feel like Norm in Cheers." I said and the guys laughed, " Holy crap that's a lot of food." I said in awe at the trays in front of me. Tons and tons of breakfast food was there, eggs, bacon, toast, coffee, sausage, pancakes, the works. " How do you guys eat so much and still look like a toothpick?"

Kevin laughed, " Oh when you meet Fatima, and she works you like a dog, you'll know how we stay so thin." ' Hmm this ought to be interesting.' I thought as I piled eggs and toast on my plate. I walked over to Aaron and sat down next to him, who was also next to Nick.

" Hey Zack, sorry I didn't wake you up when I got up, but you were out like a lightbulb." he said, stuffing his face with a pancake. I swallowed a bunch of eggs and smiled. The rest of us talked on for almost an hour. Lot's of stuff came up, Brian is so nice, he keeps asking me stuff about basketball, hmm I should make a note of that. Kevin seemed, a bit too organized, he really didn't pay too much attention because he was going through a bunch of papers. Howie and AJ reminded me of these two guys I knew from the highschool, Howie being the seemly horny one, and AJ to be the guy who was always half riled up on marijuana, he's so crazy, not to mention his thing with hats. Then there was Nick, who would probably remind me of an older brother who was very protective of his younger brother, him and I are going to get along so well. Anyway, we all got done eating and Kevin announced that we had less than an hour to get ready for today. SO I headed back to the room with Aaron at my heels.

" Ok Aaron, I'll hop in the shower and be out in a bit." I said as we got in the room. We said 'ok' then plopped down on the bed and turned on MTV.

' The Backstreet Boy's opening concert for their 2001 tour will start tomorrow in Atlanta, Georgia. With Aaron Carter, and new comer Zack Maither opening up for them. Zack comes from a small town in New York and should be a great addition to the tour. More news to come at the top of the hour, every hour, here on MTV.' I heard the news anchor say as I closed the door.

' They haven't even heard me sing yet, but it's a nice compliment thought.' I though as I stepped into the hot shower's stream of water. I let the water run over my body and through my brown hair, soaking in the pleasure. Minutes later I finished showering and got dressed. Clad in a pair of khakis, another A&F shirt, and my pair of Nike's, I went downstairs to where everyone was waiting. And there was Kevin, standing in the middle of the lobby looking at his watch, and boy did he look pissed.

" Zack, you're five minutes late. You have got to learn how to get your priorities prioritized. Now come on before Fatima kills us." He said dragging me along to the limo.

" Kev it's his first time, could you be a bit less harsh. You're treating him like you would to me if I was late." Nick said stepping in on my behalf. I had to step in,

" No Nick, it was my fault. Sorry guys." I said as we got in the limo. Well we rode to the Georgia Dome and as we pulled near the entrance I managed to overhear Brian talking to Howie.

" Oh I can't wait till I see Zack after the she-devil get's through with him." he said and they laughed together. The limo then pulled to a hault and we got out and entered the Geogia Dome. Going through a bunch of halls, we went through a few curtains and then we were standing on the stage that would soon start my career and the tour. I gazed in complete awe, (there goes that word again) at the huge stadium, I swear 40,000 people could easily fit in this place.

" Alright guys, now I've heard about enough of this Fatima, who is this person that you guys seem to be so afraid of." Then I heard the loudest yell in my life.

" KEVIN!!!" a woman yelled from behind all of us, then stormed to where we were standing.

" Speak of the devil." Howie said with a grin as she got right up to us.

" So which one of you made the rest late!?!" She asked in a half yell, half angry tone of voice. Everyone, including Aaron pointed to me and backed away. The woman then looked me in the eye. " So it's the new boy, well since you made the other's late, I want you to run twenty laps around the stage." I laughed at that.

" And you would be?" I asked sarcastically and the guys, in unison said, "Oooh". She extended her hand and I shook it.

" I would be Fatima, your choreographer. Now move your little butt, now!!" she yelled at me and I looked back at the Aaron and the guys, and they all waved to me with big grins on their faces. I whimpered and then began to run around the huge stage.

So about a half an hour later, I got done, and was a little tired. I bent down to catch my breath, and heard 'her' voice again.

" ZACK!!! Get your behind moving, I want to see another five laps!!" I groaned and continued. As I ran around the stage, I could see Aaron dancing to his version of "Crazy Little Party Girl" 'Nice moves.' I thought.

After lap twenty-five I was more tired, but Fatima was there waiting for me. " Alright Zack, now that you are done warming up you can start learning your dance moves to some old Backstreet songs, since you don't have any songs out now, you'll be in the studios working on that tomorrow before the concert."

'Oh goodie, I get to stay away from her for a day, yippee!' I said as she looked over my head.

" Nick!! Can you come here for a moment." She yelled over to him. He jogged over, some sweat running down his face from his dancing practice. " I need you to show him your steps to Larger than Life." At this point Aaron came over too.

" Alright Zack, just watch me do these steps and see how much you can do without my help first." he said as he started to dance to the "Larger than Life" music that was blaring through the speakers. I got a few moves down right, and I mimicked them perfectly, up to the middle of the number. " Whoa hold on, you've got to dip more like this." he said placing his hand behind my back and pushing a little hard. "Just a little more." then BAM! I fell hard right on my ass.

" Ow!" I yelled a bit, then got back up. As Aaron shook his head laughing, he got behind me.

" Nick you're too rough with people at times." he laughed and got behind me. " Just lean back, Zack." he said, and I did so. I flet his hands brush right against me back as I got to where he was waiting. " There is where you should be on that move." he said with a smile as I got upright again.

" Thanks, so we start from the beginning again?" I asked and Nick nodded. So we practiced for hours, I learned the steps to "Larger than Life", "Everybody" and "Quit Playing Games", which I would be singing tomorrow.

" Alright Zack, before I let all of you go, I want to see you dance and sing "Larger than Life" perfectly, right through it without a hitch, and guys 'she said to Aaron and the BSB', you guys sit in the front row, so he'll get an audience. Then they went out in front of the stage and the music started, and I was handed a microphone. So I started dancing and the song started.

I may run and hide, when you scream my name, alright. But let me tell you now, there are prices to fame, alright. All of our time spent in flashes of light.

All you people can't you see, can't you see. How your love's affecting our reality. Every time we're down, you can make it right. And that make you larger than life.

Lookin' at the crowd and I see your body sway, come on Wishing how thank you in a different way, come on. Cause all your time spent, keeps up alive

All you people can't you see can't you see How you're loves affecting our reality. Everytime we're down, you can make it right And that makes you larger than life.

'At this point the song switched to the chorus again'.

All you people can't you see, can't you see How your loves affecting our reality Every time we're down, you can make it right And that makes you larger than life.

Every time we're down You can make it right That's what make you larger than life

All you people can't you see, can't you see How your love's affecting our reality Ever time we're down, you can make it right And that make you larger than life That makes you larger That makes you larger than life!

As the music slowly died down and I wiped the sweat off my forehead the guys and staff were all on their feet cheering loudly. I blushed crimson red and was handed a towel as they all walked up to me.

" Man that was great Zack, you can really sing!" Howie said slapping me on the shoulder. I smiled and Aaron was the next,

" Yeah, you were even better than Nick was when he did the song." we laughed together.

" I heard that you little brat!" Nick yelled as he chased Aaron around the stage. Fatima came up, 'Oh crap, Lady Hitler isn't done with me yet.' I thought with a grin on my face.

" You did good kid, but tomorrow's going to be even harder for you. Now go and get showered, you're sweating way too much to go out in public like that." she said laughing as I fell back in Kevin's arms, who was behind me.

" She's so rough with me." I whimpered and he threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the back as I kicked my feet and giggled loudly. We got to the back and he left me off his shoulder.

" Alright Zack, sorry about before in the hotel lobby, it's just that I hate to be late for things. Now go and get showered because we have a photo shoot to go to in a half an hour." he said before going back to the stage. I hoped in the shower and was soon clean, yet tired from today's 'work out' as Fatima had described it. I walked out to the stage where they were standing in a circle talking quietly.

" Guy's I'm done." I announced as they turned to me, " And on time."

" Alrighty guys, the limo is waiting to take you to the photo shoot, and good work today." a 'suit' said from the doorway to backstage. So we exited the Georgia Dome and got in the limo, where I took a nap for the ten minute ride to a large, open area where numbers of crew workers were running around frantically.

" Man you guys weren't kidding around when you said those things about Fatima. My leg's are killing me." I said as we got out, soon to be followed by Brian's laugh.

" We told you, but really that's not as bad as she will be tomorrow. She always gets worse on days of the concerts." He said as we neared a trailer.

" She more worse than 'that'! Man how can you guys stand it?" I said sarcastically as a photographer came out of the trailer.

" Alright guys, get changed into whatever you want inside, except for Zack, who I need to be in a swim suit." he said as all the guys hooted and hollered. I looked at him like he was crazy.

" Excuse me," I said sarcastically, " It's like nine degrees out here, there is no way I am putting on 'just' a bathing suit and coming out..." I was stopped by Kevin.

" Look Zack, I know it's freezing out here, but you have to put it on, if the photographer wants you to put on something specific, then you will put it on." he said as we got in the trailer. 'You have to be kidding me.' I thought as I was handed a small bathing suit, luckily I barely was able to put it on, and I was more lucky that there was a heat lamp to where we were taking the pictures. As I stepped out of the trailer, I got more cat calls from Aaron.

" Oh shut up!" I laughed and yelled at him. Nearly freezing, I posed for the camera. Nearly fifty pictures were snapped before we were done.

" Ok Zack, now change into whatever you want and we'll take some more pictures." he said and I ran like the wind to the trailer. After slipping on the biggest sweater vest that I could find, and a pair of cargo's, along with a new pair of Nike's, which a decided to get sometime in the future. I had my picture taken some more by the guy. As we finished up Kevin announced,

" Alright guys, we are done for the day!" and getting lots of cheers from me and Aaron.

" Hey Zack I really like that outfit you got on, it's really nice on you." Aaron said as we made our way to the changing trailor.

" Yeah I wish I could keep it." I said, and I heard from the photographer that I could. " Alright then, I'll just throw my other clothes in a bag then." I said wrapping my arms around him and we re-routed to the limo. The guys had not finished changing, so Aaron and I talked some more.

" Umm Zack, I'm telling you, that bathing suit didn't look to comfortable on you. It seemed so tight that your butt imprint was showing!!" He said, and started to laugh. I punched him playfully in the arm.

" Hey at least you didn't have stand in that thing with the winds blowing up your hole." I giggled out and I started tickling him. The door to the limo opened up and Nick got in with AJ and Howie.

" Come on you two, stop it." Nick scolded us, but with a smile on his face.

" We're sorry." Aaron and I said together like four-year-old's. Earning a rough 'noogie' from him. Anyway we ended the day by going out to eat at a nice restaurant, then we headed back to the hotel, where I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Well there you go, Chapter 2!! I hope you guys and gals like the story and I would appreciate it if you would send your questions, comments and suggestions to

Thanks for reading!!!

Next: Chapter 3

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