Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Oct 5, 2000


Hello everyone, I'm back!! Stu is here bringing you another chapter of Black and Blue!! I want to thank everyone who responded to my last chapter, especially Casey and Blake. So anywho, I can't belive, well I can but you just say that, that this story has gone as far as it has. You people crave more, and damnit 'ole Stu is going to give it to you. After reading this chapter, please, as usual, send all questions, comments, and suggestions to

Legal Stuff: This story is that of pure fiction, as usual, it is not to imply anything upon the characters involved, it's just my ideas of what could happen. If you aren't of legal age in your area of habitation, then please leave now before I have to release the dogs.

Oh by the way, it might be of some good use to go back and read the whole story first, that is if you are a new reader.

Now onto the story!!!

Black and Blue- Chapter 4

" Well!?!" Nick shouted at Aaron and I, both in only boxer shorts and him straddling me, lips right against mine, as he had caught us. " Get off him!!" he yelled and Aaron complied, sliding off me and sitting right down next to me.

" We... we were just.... just.. just." Aaron managed to studder out.

" He forced you do make out with him didn't he!" Nick yelled at his brother than glaring right at me, which sent shudders down my spine. At this point, AJ had made his entrance to the room.

" What's going on here?" he asked with a yawn. Nick replied,

" Zack forced himself on Aaron and was putting the moves on him." my eyes bulged out of my head. I didn't force myself on Aaron, he did that to me, not that I minded but that's besides the point.

" He what!" AJ exclaimed before turning to me and backing me into a corner, giving the same look Nick was giving me.

" Hold on a second!" Aaron shouted, " Zack didn't force himself on me, and he didn't put the moves on me either. I was doing that to him." he stated, making AJ's jaw drop.

" Tell me I didn't hear that!" Nick yelled sarcastically. Oh but he heard that loud and clear, and so did I. AJ had backed away from me now and was looking at Aaron in shock.

" Yeah you did Nick, your little brother put the moves on another guy." He said getting a little on the offense. Nick looked at him, then at me,

" No, Aaron you can't be, you won't be, how can you be?" he said confused at the hole thing.

" Nick, how can you say something like that when you in fact are the same way." AJ said and I nearly gagged on my tongue.

" Whoa whoa whoa, what do you mean, you in fact are the same way." I asked him.

" Well," Nick started, scratching the back of his head, " AJ and I are, you know, a couple." now he wasn't even looking at me.

" So why are you so bugged by all this?" I asked, hoping for some damn logical excuse.

" Look I don't know, I just don't want Aaron to have the same thing happen to him as I did, ok!" Nick said, rubbing his face, which was a bit too red for normal.

" And what the hell do you mean by that!" AJ yelled, and made me jump.

" Look AJ, something like this very thing happened to me a long time ago, and I don't want the same thing to happen to Aaron." he said before getting up and storming out of the room. AJ swore then left the room in chase of Nick. I looked at Aaron, who was shaking from the entire experience. I walked over to him and threw my arms around him.

" Shhh, it's ok Aaron, it's ok." I said while sitting him down on the bed. He began to sob, just like earlier.

" Why?" he said as I thought the very same thing.

" Alright Nick, spill it. What happened to you when you were Aaron's age?" AJ said while shutting the door to their room. Nick slipped in bed and turned his back on AJ.

" I'm not saying anything, it hurts just remembering it." he said, wrapping the covers around his slim body. AJ walked over in a huff and threw them off him.

" Nicholas Gene Carter, I am your boyfriend and I'll be damned before I let something like this go, now you sit your nice and smooth ass up and tell me what happened." he demanded, Nick knew that AJ was serious because he mentioned his full name and his ass in the same sentence. He turned over to AJ and sat up. AJ slipped behind him and wrapped his legs around his lover.

" Alright, before I was a Backstreet Boy, around twelve years old, I had the biggest crush on my best friend, we did everything together, ride bikes, play games, and one night had sex. I thought we were just going to be 'us' forever. Then one day that all changed. We were in gym class, changing, and no one was looking, so I gave him a nice pinch on the ass, just as he had done to me in the past. Instead of him smiling at me and giving me a wink, he frowned and shouted. 'Hey everyone, the faggot Carter just pinched my ass!' Loud enough for everyone in the locker room. They then beat the crap out of me, so much that it left bruises on me. You know that scar on the back of my neck?" AJ nodded, " That's from the fight, and many others that would soon follow. That's why my family was so approving of me joining the band at such a young age, because they knew it wouldn't happen again, to me at least. Of course I didn't tell them why they beat me up, I just said that it was name calling gone bad. AJ," Nick looked at him with tears rolling down his cheeks, " I don't want the same thing to happen to Aaron. I don't want him to fall in love with someone who he thinks he's in love with, only to be stabbed in the heart like I was." he explained to AJ, clutching on to him for dear life. AJ, a bit wide eyed from the whole story just rubbed Nick's back.

" Nick, I'm so sorry that this happened to you. Why didn't you tell me this before?"

" 'Cause I didn't see the need to. I was just happy that this was all over, then I saw Aaron and Zack making out and it came back to me." he started sobbing again.

" Look, Nicky, I really don't think that this is the same situation. I've seen the way they've looked at each other and if my gaydar is still kicken' then I think the feeling is mutual for 'em." AJ explained to him as Nick's eyes stopped crying. He looked up at him,

" Really!?!" he asked, and AJ nodded, " but he's your brother and if you don't want the two to 'be' together then I just can't make you say that they can. You have to do what's right for Aaron, and not for you."

" I'll talk with the two tomorrow, I can't go back into that room tonight, not after all this." Nick said before he fell asleep, again in AJ's arms.

" So is he coming back to yell at us some more?" I asked to Aaron, sleeping in his bed, facing me.

" I don't think so, god he is so over protective. Why can't he let us be together?" he said with emphasis on the word 'us'. I smiled at him,

" Well Aaron, there really isn't an 'us' now, but there can be if you want an 'us'." he smiled at me too. Then slipping out of bed, still in his boxers, a nice look for him I might add, Aaron climbed on top of me.

" Zack, in the past few days you and I have gotten to know each other so much, and I want to keep it that way. Yeah Zack, I want there to be an 'us'." he said to me and I felt my heard melt, he's in love with me. And so am I, I'm in love with him. Instead of answering with words, we leaned forwards and just like we did earlier, we kissed. But this time it wasn't for a thank you like he had said. It was for a better cause, we were in love. We kissed and kissed and kissed some more, our tongues speeding in and out of our mouths. Aaron slid underneath the covers with me, and it got even hotter. His arms wrapped around me like two slim pythons. Our passion lasted for what seemed to be like forever, but as time wore on, the days events had worn our young bodies out, and we fell asleep.

The next day I was waken up by a loud knocking on the door. Aaron was still asleep on top of me and I did my best to move him off without waking him up too. I got up from the bed and wrapped the blanket snugly around him. The knocking on the door continued as I opened it up, Nick was standing outside, not someone I'd like to see after last night.

" Hello Nick," I greeted unenthusiastically, " What do you want?" I asked while walking back into my room. He followed me in and looked at his wrapped up brother.

" Look Zack I want to apologize for what I said last night. You just don't understand how much I care for Aaron, he's my younger brother and I don't want to see him hurt. So do you really have feelings for Aaron? Or is this some childish fling?" he said looking straight into my eyes. I looked right back,

" Nick, last night Aaron and I because a couple. He has very strong feelings for me, as I do for him. Nick, this isn't some childish fling, I love Aaron with all my heart." I said giving the best damn answer that my heart could give. Nick looked at me with an astonished look on his face. We stood there just a little bit more before we heard someone talk to the side of us.

" And I love him too Nick." he turned and saw Aaron, sitting up in bed and smiling like he never had before, much larger than he did last night. He got up from bed and ran to me, I held out my arms and we hugged in front of Nick, who was still stunned to say the least. We lightly kissed each other before turning to the taller blond. He looked down at us,

" As long as you two are happy, then I'm happy. But later on all three of us will have to have a serious talk about your relationship." he said and then walked to the doorway, with AJ as usual, standing there with a smile on his face. They hugged and walked out together.

" So you really are in love with me?" Aaron beamed at me, and I smiled at him.

" Aaron, I really do love and care for you. And I really want us to be together." I explained to Aaron, looking into his gorgeous eyes, so hypnotizing, almost like one of those kaleidoscopes that you look into, wait, I'm trailing off again, stop it! " So do you know what we're doing today?"

" Ummm, I think that I heard Nick say something about us going shopping then hitting the road on the tour bus." he said as he headed towards his suitcase. He started pulling out some clothes, but I stopped him.

" No no no, here, " I said pulling him aside, I took out a pair of khakis, a white, oversized tee shirt, and an orange Aeropostel vest, " put that on. But first, you have to shower." I said and he shook his head and grinned.

" Nah, we're short on time so just take a sailors shower, as Nick would call it." and he took out some deodorant and a bottle of cologne. He sprayed some cologne on me and then put some of the deodorant on me, which we giggled at. He did the same as me and then picked out my clothes, consisting of tight blue jeans, a beater and another one of my Abercrombie shirts, hey I know I have a lot of them, but damnit I like 'em. We dressed, brushed our teeth, and headed for Nick's room for breakfast.

Upon entering, as usual everyone was in their normal spots, AJ and Nick together, Brian sitting in a chair talking on his cell phone, and Howie sitting near the large window, staring out into the city. Again we filled our plates up and sat down on the floor at the base of the bed. I dived into my eggs and Kevin spoke up.

" Alright guys..." he started

" Yes sir!!!" everyone else responded with laughs.

" Yeah yeah, shut up," Kevin said with a grin, " alright I got the fax from management, we are all to report to the tour bus at noon and then we'll be off to Savannah, Georgia for a concert there. But until noon we can do anything we want, so what do you want to...." Kevin said, yet again being cut off,

" Shopping!" We all responded.

" Nothing ever changes with you guys. I'll call down to the garage to get the limo ready, and this time don't forget your disguises." He said picking up the phone.

" Umm, disguises?" I asked confusingly. Aaron perked up and whispered into my ear,

" A pair of sunglasses and a baseball hat. We wear them because we never get a chance to ourselves when we're in public, and fans will sworm all over us when we're trying to have a good time." he said, 'makes sense' I thought.

" Oh by the way, Zack this arrived for you." Kevin said handing me an envelope. I opened it up and found inside an I.D. card and what I swear to god looked like a credit card.

" What's this?" I asked holding them up. Nick then looked at them,

" Oh I remember those, basically what Jive has done for you is kinda made a company credit card for you. So when you go out shopping and don't have cash on you, you can use that instead. Basically use it for buying clothes or any personal items, 'cause they don't care about that stuff. Things like food, other than the stuff you get here at the hotel, you pay with your own cash." he explained as I stared at the card, 'Oh baby!' rang through my mind. We all finished up breakfast and headed downstairs to go out shopping. The past twenty four hours of my life I know I will never for get. My singing career is off, and I have someone who equally loves me, as I do him.

To Be Continued

Well there you go, chapter four is complete!! I love writing this series and I hope youm the readers, do too. But I can't tell that on my own if I don't get responses from you. So please, for god sake, send anything regarding the story, or anything at all to

I am a good listener and I have heard it all, so don't be afraid to write, I respond to everyone who e-mails me about the story. So bye bye!! Oh what the hell, bye bye bye.

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 5

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