Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Oct 23, 2000


Hi everyone, Stu here, and yes another chapter of Black and Blue!! Now people, I am getting a little hurt here at the lack of responses to my story, with the exception of Blake who responds to each and every one of these chapters....and in between too, lol, j/k Blake. Anyway, I really want to know who is reading my stories, so if you have only two seconds to spare, then just email me saying that you read my story, it doesn't even have to have commentary in it. As long as I know that people are reading my work, then that's good enough for me. So here is my e-mail address, and I put this in two places in all chapters,

Legal Notice: People, if I have to explain this again, it's really sad ok. The same rules apply for this chapter, as it does for the rest of them, ok?

P.S: I am so sorry about this being out a week late, but I got backed up. Enjoy the chapter.

Now to the story....

Black and Blue- Chapter 6

The sun shined bright in Savannah, Georgia, yet the air was bitterly cold. Temperatures were in the mid to high twenties, quite odd for this time of year, for it was only the middle of autumn. Anyway, the past day was pretty much action packed for Zack, he had found out what it was to shop with the Backstreet Boys, also how it was traveling on a bus with them. Him and Aaron had spent some real quality together, including getting each other off, to top the night off. That morning Aaron was the first one to wake up, in his and Zack's room of course. He opened his little blue eyes and saw his.... I guess you can say boyfriend, Zack, still asleep, looking like an angel in Aaron's eyes. He carefully, and quietly, slid out of the bed, trying not to wake Zack up. The window had been open a crack for some reason, and Aaron walked over, still in his boxers, to shut it. Upon shutting it he heard Zack begin to stir, so he quickly ran over to the bed, and slid back in.

I felt a light bump on the bed as I woke up, my eyes adjusting to the room light. As my eyes did their adjusting, I felt Aaron's warm body, closely snuggled against mine. I felt his heard beating pretty fast, so I guess he was up earlier. I shook him a bit, and he groaned and pretended to be asleep.

" Aaron," I said, leaning closely to his ear, " I know you're awake. So, if you don't get up, I'll just have to drag you into the shower myself." as I finished, I saw his small lips curl up and grin.

" You'd want to do that wouldn't you?" he said opening his eyes and looking right into mine. I chuckled lightly and then kissed him on the lips.

" Oooh, morning breath, yuck!" I exclaimed, earning a slap to my shoulder. He then hugged me and we leaned up against the headboard. " So, what are we doing today?" I asked and he just sighed.

" Mmmm not sure, probably dance and vocal practice at the arena....." he trailed off.

" Oh joy, another day with Ms. Sunshine!" I sarcastically said, Aaron giggling like he usually does. I smiled and shook my head it his giddiness. I got up from the bed, stretching my back, and headed into the bathroom. As soon as I shut the door, Aaron came a knocking. Opening the door I saw hm standing there, looking a bit mischievous.

" Ummm Zack, I just looked at the time and uh, we have to be in Nick's room shortly, so I was just wondering if I could.... uh we could shower together, just to save time of course." he said as a lump formed in my throat, that went straight to my hardening dick.

" Uhh," I studdered out, " ok. I won't look at anything, if you don't." I said, trying to hide my grin. Yeah like we're not going to see anything from each other.

" Oh come on Zack, we're both guys, see." he said before lowering his boxers to the ground!?! He just casually took them off like it was nothing, god he sure as hell isn't shy. But I sure was, even in gym class when we changed clothes for swimming, I tried my best to hide myself from the other guys. I just don't know how a lot of people can just do that, change in front of other people like it's nothing, oh well. Anyway, as I said, Aaron just took off his and smiled at me. I couldn't help but look at his package, like anyone else in love with him wouldn't. Hell at his age, I would have loved to have what he's got, a nice small patch of blond pubes above an erect four inch cut penis.

" See something you like?" he asked and I shyly turned away, before he got in the shower and turned it on. I then took my boxers off, hoping to god he didn't stick his head out of the shower, and then carefully slipped in the shower as well. He was standing, with his back turned to me, thank god, I didn't want him to see me naked, not that I am ashamed about my body, just uncomfortable about other's looking at it. He started to turn around when my heart started beating fast. I quickly grabbed his shoulders and stopped him.

" Aaron don't turn around man." I nervously said.

" Why not, we're just guys." he responded in a complaining tone of voice.

" Yeah I know, I'm just not comfortable.... yet." I confessed, feeling like I had hurt him. I hate that feeling.

" Zack, I love you so much. Now if we're going to be a couple, we are going to trust each other. You have nothing to worry about ok. Now I'm turning around, so don't try to stop me." he said before forcing my hands off him and turning around. I closed my eyes, feeling so embarassed. I felt like there were a thousand eyes on me, yet they were only his. " Wow you've got a nice body!" he exclaimed to my surprise. I thought he was going to start laughing or something.

" Whh what?" I asked, confused.

" Look at you, Zack. You're so nice and smooth, and your dick, it's almost like mine, except a bit bigger." he said cheerfully. I opened my eyes and smiled. What he just said like took a thousand pounds off my shoulders.

" So you're not going to laugh or make fun of me?" I asked, hoping for a 'no' in return.

" No," thank god, " why should I. Now come on, wash my back." he said handing me a bar of soap. A quick thank to god and we showered.... together.

" So do you think they've already done the horizontal mambo?" AJ asked Nick while setting his hair right. Nick's eyes bulged at the comment.

" AJ don't even joke about that. I'm fine with them being together, but I really don't think they should be having sex together." he said, putting on a white tee shirt in the process.

" Yeah well you never know, kids these days...." AJ started

" Alex honey, shut up!" Nick yelled with a laugh. AJ chuckled too and continued to fix his hair.

" That was nice." Aaron said, stepping out of the shower. I soon followed and was janded a towel by him. We toweled off, each of us sneaking looks at each other. We were finally dry and we headed back into the room, heading towards our suitcases. I opened mine and took out a pair of blue jeans, some blue silk boxers, a white Tommy Hilfiger shirt, and my Green Bay Packers hat. After putting them on, I noticed Aaron who had dressed himself in the exact same things, except for the baseball hat, he kept his head only covered in hair.

" This twin thing is going to freak people out." I announced, making the both of us laugh. Aaron stopped and rubbed his neck.

" Oh god, do I have a kink here." he said and I walked over to him.

" Here, let me get that out." I said, placing my hands on his neck, and massaging it. He brought his arms to the dresser in front of us and started to moan.

" Oh yeah, that feels good." he said and I put more pressure on.

" Come on J, let's go get them." Nick said, walking out of his room. " I hope they aren't asleep." he said before reaching his brother's and Zack's door.

" They're probably having sex, Nick." AJ uttered, before breaking out in hysterics. When they reached the door, Nick's ears perked up, and so did AJ's. They leaned against the door and listened. They both heard Zack and Aaron moaning. Aaron saying, 'Oh yeah Zack, that feels great!' and Zack saying, 'God Aaron you're so tight.' " God I hate it when I'm right." AJ said before moving away from the door. Nick went back and charged right at the door, busting it wide open.

" What the hell are you doing!"

Nick said as Aaron and I jumped, a bit frightened. " I was only giving Aaron a massage, his neck was tight." I said, shaking a bit. AJ laughed and shook his head.

" Man Nicky, you're too jumpy." he declared before leaving the room. Looking embarrassed, Nick turned away and headed out of the room, before saying,

" Come on you two, breakfast is this way."

'What the hell was that about? You try to give someone a massage and you get yelled at. Remind me not to try to rub Aaron's feet.' I thought to myself, while walking out of the room, my hip attachment I like to call Aaron, with me. As we walked in, I was met with several questioning eyes, show biz. " What?" I asked.

" Nothing, just wondering what all the yelling was about." Brian explained, a piece of french toast resting in his hand.

" Oh, it was nothing, Nick just found out that he 'is' ugly." I said, making everyone laugh out in hysterics. Nick looked like he was about to explode, but AJ calmed him down. As usual, I grabbed a plate full of eggs and toast, hey it's the only thing for breakfast that I like. I sat down and Kevin pulled out his big ass planner.

" Alright guys," he started, " we are at the arena today for rehearsals, then to a mall for an autograph session, then it's back to the arena for the concert. Any questions?" Kevin said, running through the list of things to do. At this point, Nick raised his hand.

" Yeah can we like just skip all of that and like sleep?" he said, laughing with AJ and I. Kevin smacked him upside the head.

" Any intelligent questions then." he questioned, with everyone else shaking their heads 'no'. " Good, then we've got about thirty minutes to finish eating and head to the arena." After that it was the usual talking and such, really Aaron and I keeping our conversation to ourselves. At one point Aaron leaned over to me and whispered,

" Tonight, let's get a can of whipped cream, and have a little fun with it." he said, making my blood boil. I whispered back,

" Yeah but I think we're on the bus tonight." I said back, earning a whimper from him. I chuckled quietly.

" What's so funny?" Howie asked us.

" Nothing much, inside joke." I said and he shrugged it off. Well we finished eating, and as usual, went down to the garage of the hotel, and hopped in the limo that would take us to the arena, I hope this isn't what my life is going to be like forever, although spending it with Aaron would be nice.... oh who am I kidding, it would be great. We got to the arena, to be met by Fatima, and as usual, she was pissed because we were five minutes late.

" Alright Zack and Aaron, you two have a new choreographer." Fatima stated, making me feel a little bit better, " his name is Dave, and he's over there." she said pointing towards a guy, who looked to me like he was in his early twenties, he had brown hair, somewhat like mine before I had it bleached. We both walked over to meet him, each thanking god that we didn't have to work with Fatima anymore. Anyway, we walked up to him, and he gave us a welcoming smile.

" Hi guys, I'm Dave, your new choreographer. Now I know how much Fatima works you and I'm not like her....." we both released a big sigh of relief. " no, I'm more worse than her, we're going to get every move right, you'll learn each routine like the back of your hand, and I will not tolerate any mistakes. Understand?" he explained, a vein popping out of his forehead, and if it was possible, dark black clouds would be forming about his head. Both Aaron and I were scared out of our wits. " Oh come on, I'm not that bad, now, it's time to get warmed up." he said, walking us over to the middle of the stage. By the time we were done, Dave had made us do what seemed like every kind of stretch there was. Every body part of mine had felt like it had been stretched to the limit, my back, my neck, my lower intestines, everything.

" Man I don't think I can keep up." Aaron panted out, through quick breaths.

" Don't worry, it'll be over soon enough." I responded, with a reassuring smile. We laughed a bit between ourselves before Satan, err, Dave spoke up.

" Alright guys, Aaron you can take a break. Zack, you're going to be learning the new steps to 'Let's Go'. Aight?" he asked, I nodded and Aaron quickly made a b-line to the vending machine. As Dave and I went over the steps, he introduced me to my backup dancers, the same ones who were backing me up at the first concert. There were four, two guys and two girls. As the questions went back and forth between us I found out a lot about them. The guys, Jack and Steve, were dating the two girls, Cindy and Casey, respectively. Anyway, we finally got everything straightened out and I stared to dance.

" So Brian, have you called Leighanne yet?" Kevin asked his younger cousin. The color drained out of Brian's face.

" Oh shit, I forgot to, she's gonna be pissed." he said before bailing to the back to find a phone. Kevin chuckled to himself quietly before being approached by Nick.

" So what's on your mind Train?" he asked with a bottle of spring water in hand. Nick took a sip and glanced over to where Kevin was looking. He was looking at Nick's brother Aaron, who was in turn, staring at Zack, who was trying to keep up with the choreographer.

" You know Nick, your brother really seems to be head over heels for Zack." he stated, as a matter-of-fact. Nick looked at Kevin with one of those 'No shit Sherlock' looks.

" You know, I noticed that too!" he said with a sarcastically high voice. Kevin playfully smacked him in the arm.

" Seriously though, you are going to have a chat with them. Because if they make that one mistake of showing their affection in public, it could be disastrous for us, and them." he said, bringing that 'father' image back to himself.

" You don't think I know that? I just haven't found the right time yet. I promise tonight, that I'll talk with the two, ok?" he said, a little irritated at Kevin, for the obvious reason, he had gone through the same damn thing when him and AJ came out to the guys. At this point, Howie had walked up and joined in the conversation.

" So Nick, how are we going to get those two to open up to us?" he said, indicating Aaron and Zack.

" Guys, let's not force it out of them. They'll open up to the rest of you when they are good and ready." Nick said before storming off. Howie and Kevin shrugged it off.

" Alright this is what we'll do." Kevin said, as Brian and AJ walked up to him and Howie.

" Alright, you've got it!" Dave yelled as my music stopped. We had gone through the freakin' set five thousand times. I must really look like hell, because I feel like it. And there's still an autograph session to go, as well as the concert! As the dancers left the stage, I looked around for a bottle of something, I didn't care if it was piss.... ok maybe I did. I looked and saw Aaron, sitting in the chair, downing a bottle of fresh spring water. I walked over to him.

" Aaron," I pleaded, " can I have a sip of your water. I'm dying of thirst here." and he looked at me and laughed!?!

" If you want it." he started, " come and get it." he said before taking off. I ran after him, rushing right by the guys, as I love to call them, and we went through all sorts of hallways and staircases. He then disappeared into a room and I had him trapped. I went in and nothing but black. I searched the walls for a light switch, but found nothing. I tripped over and few cables and fell down. As I rolled on the ground, a dim light came on and a whole stream of water splashed on me.

" There you go." said Aaron in his chipper voice. The lights had come on and we were in a dressing room/sitting area. I looked and there was a couple of bottles of water sitting of the coffee table. I crawled over, grabbed one, threw the top off and downed it faster than ever. After it was gone I inhaled deeply.

" Better, way better." I said, before taking a seat on a couch. He plopped down next to me.

" Well now that I've given you something. You've got to give me something back." he said with a devilish grin, must run in the family, 'cause Nick give AJ the same look at times.

" Oh I'll give you something, come here." I commanded, and he did. I grabbed him lightly by the back of the head and brought him in for a kiss. As I was about to break off, he kept moving closer to me, pushing my back down on the couch. As I was completely laying down, I opened my eyes, and Aaron was smiling right down at me. He lifted up and then took his Tommy shirt off, revealing his smooth, not yet muscled, but flat torso. He was straddling my hips as I leaned forward and he grabbed my shirt from behind and was halfway off with it when,

" Oh my god!!!" yelled a person in the direction of the doorway. Still in the same position, Aaron and I turned our heads and sure as hell, there was Nick, AJ, Kevin, Howie, and Brian, all standing there, their jaws on the floor. My heart was beating so fast that I though it was going to burst out of my chest. Nick looked like he was about to explode. He rushed over, grabbed Aaron by the arm, as well as his shirt and dragged him out of the room. Leaving me, on the couch, embarrassed as all hell.

" Zack, what the hell was just going on here?" Kevin asked me, his voice seeming like thunder. How the hell was I going to respond? I couldn't! I was completely frozen. Not one thing of mine moved, except my rapid beating heart. " Well?" he asked impatiently. I was trying my best to keep calm but I just started bawling my eyes out. I felt alone.

" What the hell were you doing with him!?!" Nick yelled at Aaron, who had just thrown his shirt on.

" What did it look like Nick!?!" Aaron retorted, feeling a bit hurt.

" Don't get smart with me Aaron, it looked like you two were going to have sex!" Nick stated, hoping that no one was going to hear him.

" Maybe." Aaron said before turning his back on Nick. But before he could, Nick spun him back around.

" Aaron, you are way too young to even think about having sex. Now what has gotten with you lately? I sure know that mom never brought up you this way, 'cause she didn't for me." he said, trying to figure out what was wrong with his brother.

" What's gotten with me? Nothing's gotten with me Nick, this is how I am. And it's not like I don't know what sex is, I've seen Cinemax." he said, trying to ease the tension in the hall.

" Don't even start Aaron. Do you know what young sex can lead to?" Nick said, trying to get his point through with Aaron.

" Yeah I do, pleasure, smoking, a desire to raid the fridge. Nick, I love Zack, now why don't you just let us be together?" he asked, in a raged confusion.

" Fine Aaron, if you want to be left alone, and to be with Zack, then fine, you can be. But there are two things that I want to go over. One, tonight, the three of us will have a little talk. And two, if he breaks your heart, don't come crying to me. Now come on." Nick said, before extending his hand, which Aaron accepted.

" Come on Zack, calm down buddy." Brian said to me, with an urge to comfort. It felt good to have him try to calm me down, but it wasn't working.

" Look, if it's about you and Aaron, we're fine with it. Ok?" Howie asked me, rubbing my back. I finally got the urge to talk.

" Ttthhen... whhy dddid yoou yyyyelll." I studdered out, my tears running down my face.

" We were just," Kevin said with a pause, " a little surprised Zack. How would you of felt if you walked in on one of your friends, having an intimate moment with another?" he asked me. Well it was true, I would have probably felt the same way. But I felt so embarrased, and they just continued to try and comfort me.

To Be Continued.

Well there was chapter six of Black and Blue. So Zack and Aaron's secret is no more. But Zack seems to be really out of it emotionally. What does the future hold for them? All that, and more, to be found out in chapter seven. I am so sorry that this chapter was out a week late, sorry to everyone I said that it was going to be out last Sunday. Please forgive me, and send your comments to

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 7

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