Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Oct 30, 2000


Hello everyone, this here is, as you guessed it, Stu!!! And boy am I a very happy person. I was so overwhelmed from the response to the last chapter of Black and Blue that I was such in a hurry to start this next chapter!!! See what happens when you send the e-mails in!?! If all of you guys and gals can do that for every chapter, just a plain old 'Read your story and ___ it' would be good. Hopefully you'll put a "loved" in for the '___'. Anyway, if you have lost my email address here it is,

Legal Bid: You hate, you know it, but let's abide by it. 18+ stay, 17- leave.

Oh by the way, if you haven't already read the story, The Picture, please go and read it. I found the story and premise to be unique and excellent. I hope the author will continue to write such good works. Also, I would like for all of my viewers to say a small prayer or something for a friend of mine, I wouldn't mention his or her name. But a very close person to him, their cancer has spread out and it's not looking good. And if you're reading this, buddy everything will turn out for the best, that's what we're all hoping.

Now on to the story....

Black and Blue: Chapter 7

I felt so embarrassed it wasn't funny. My eyes were probably red from all the crying I was doing, god did I feel like such a wuss, but hey, a lot of people would have felt the same way. Brian was sitting there next to me, rubbing my back and trying to make me feel better. I heard Brian ask everyone to leave the room, so he could talk with me. I heard the door shut and he spoke up.

" Zack, look at me." he asked nicely. I lifted my head, reddened cheeks and well.... my whole face was red. " Now Zack, there's nothing wrong with what you two were doing. Well maybe there is, I mean, you two are a little too young to be doing stuff like this. But as far as you two being together, that's nothing to be ashamed of. The guys and I were just a little shocked to find all of this out, but believe me, there's nothing wrong with it. Nick and AJ were just the same when they came out to all of us, both of them young, but we were fine with it. Whatever makes them and you guys happy, then we are happy for you." after Brian's speech, I felt so happy. I hoped to god that he meant every word of what he said, and in my heart and soul, I did. For the first time in the past thirty minutes, yeah that's how long it has been, I smiled and then hugged Brian with all my might.

" Thank you so much Brian, that meant the world to me." I said squeezing him strenuously. At this time the door opened, and in walked.... well ran, Aaron. I stood up and he jumped into my arms, and we kissed. " Aaron," I said between a kiss, " they're fine with this." kiss, " really, it's all good." I finally finished, then continued to kiss. We continued like that 'till we heard Brian make a loud coughing noise.

" Alright you two, that enough, save it for later." he said before everyone else came back in. I put Aaron down as they entered, Nick, thank god, looked a lot better than he did when he found us.

" Ok everyone," Kevin started, " now we can get everything straightened up later on after the concert, but right now we got an autograph session, which we'll be late for if we don't move, move, move!!" He yelled as we ran past him, all with mock-salutes. We all ran to the limo and dove, head first, in. It took off in great haste, speeding to the mall where we were supposed to be. And what seemed to be like world record time, we were there. All getting out of the limo, we saw the major fanfare that were packing the mall, all cheering for the Backstreet Boys, Aaron, and for the first time I heard some people cheer my name, and that made me smile.

" Ready?" Aaron asked, grabbing my hand. I nodded and we ran like the wind through the crowded area, trying not to get mugged by the cheering masses of people. With our clothes barely attached to us, we made it inside, but the guys had a little more trouble getting in. Brian, AJ, and Howie made it in fine, but Nick and Kevin both got swarmed. The three who made it in came up to us.

" Oh my god." I said, " they've swallowed them whole." and we all laughed. Finally security broke off the crowds and Nick and Kevin got it. Kevin had a red spot on his cheek, and Nick's pants were torn to shreds, you could see what he had on underneath.... well what he didn't have on.

" The one day I decide to freeball, and they go after my pants." Nick sarcastically said, making Aaron and I crack up in hysterics. Nick went to the bathroom while AJ went to a store to get him a new pair of pants.

" Man it's scary how they can get." I declared.

" Yeah, we love our fans and all, but sometimes they go too far." Howie said with remorse in his voice, obviously something must have happened to him, something I have to find out later on. Finally Nick and AJ came back, Nick clad in a new pair of blue jeans that looked like he was vacuumed sucked into them.

" Can you even walk?" Kevin asked with concern.

" Yeah!!" Nick said gasping for air. We laughed.

" AJ, when was the last time you shopped for Nick's clothes?" Kevin asked, the question man Kevin is.

" Never." he replied. 'Nuff said' I thought as Kevin shook his head. Next thing that happened, this guy walked up to us.

" Hello guys, I'm Josh Harper, the manager of the Shady Trees mall. I'm glad you could have this autograph session here at our mall. And if you'll follow me, I'll take you to your signing table." he said before turning his back and walking before we could even respond, how rude. We went through a few large, and wide open halls before getting to our autograph area, where hundreds of fans were lined up and waiting for us to start this thing. Music from the Backstreet Boy's new album 'Black and Blue' was playing throughout the mall. We sat down and the security guards let the first wave of fans at us. Surprisingly, they all lined up in nice lines to get our autographs. 'Ok they've got this part right, now only if they could do this outside the arenas and such.' I thought as I looked at the stack of pictures that I would be signing. They were all from the photo shoot we did in Atlanta, and thank god they weren't the swim suit ones, 'cause I was freezing while doing them. The first fan, a girl, came up. I said the stuff that Kevin told me to say. You know, hi there, how are you, what's your name, etcetera. It was like that for four hours straight. By the time we finally were allowed to leave, my hand was so sore, it wasn't even funny. I had signed four hundred sixty seven, and I counted them, pictures. But that was not all, I signed CD's, Backstreet Boys, I don't have one yet. Also large pictures of the whole band, Aaron and I, that was taken right before our concert in Atlanta. I went to use the restroom before we left and Aaron followed me in. I went over to the sink, turned the cold water on, and stuck my hand in. Boy did that feel good. I let out a loud moan,

" Man does that feel good!" I exclaimed, and Aaron, who had walked in, chuckled.

" I bet it does." he walked up to the sink next to me and turned on the warm water, and lightly splashed his hair with some water. Then, in one of the sexiest moves I've seen him do, he quickly whipped his head backwards and water just flew backwards and everywhere, all over the stall walls. We both laughed, finished fixing our hair, then exited to the outside.

The man sat in his dimly lit apartment, smoking a cigarette and flipping through the channels on his small television. His face hadn't been shaved for three days and the rugged stubble made the ugliest look upon him. He finally stopped going through the channels, stopping on MTV.

' With their first concert under the 2001 tour, the Backstreet Boys, have made another impact on the music scene. Accompanied by Nick Carter's younger brother, Aaron Carter, as well as newcomer Zack Maither......

At hearing that name, the man's ears perked up.

' their tour is selling out venues across the country. Look for more news on this at Remember news at the top of the hour, every hour, only on MTV.'

As the tv went back to commercials the man put out his cigarette. He got up and through on a wrinkled shirt,

" So my son is famous. I guess it's time for me to cash in on this." he said before leaving the apartment.

" Alright guys, it's time to go get ready for the concert!" Kevin announced loudly as the remaining people in the mall cheered loudly. We all raised our arms and let out loud screams, AJ and Howie both howling like a wild pack of wolves. Everyone chuckled and we headed towards our awaiting limo, you know, they could have a little variety. Why not next time they pick us up in a "Pope Mobile" car? Anyway, we piled in and headed towards the arena. All of us chatted up a storm, Aaron and I talked about things to come.

" So what are we going to do tonight? Still want to get some whipped cream?" I asked, with a devilish grin. He leaned in closer,

" Or some hot fudge." and I gulped a large lump in my throat, he sure as hell knew how to get me riled up. Then we both heard the guys talking.

" You know what," Brian started, " it's been quite awhile since we last played "Truth or Dare". You guys up to playing tonight on the bus?" he proposed to us all.

" Hmmmm, sounds great." Nick and AJ said at the same time, talk about 'in stereo'. Howie agreed as well.

" Umm I don't know guys, aren't we a little too old to be playing that sort of game?" Kevin asked, not surprising to anyone.

" Well I don't know about Kevin, but we're both in." Aaron said for the two of us. Everyone's attention was to us.

" You guys can't play, you're too young." Nick said forcefully, man did I hate hearing that line from anyone.

" Oh come on," Aaron started, " or should I tell the guys about what game you and Angel were playing last Christmas?" he finished, making Nick turn bright red.

" Alright, you can play." he quickly said, turning even redder, I had to find this out.

" What game?" I asked Aaron, and he leaned close to my ear.

" He was having a tea party with her last Christmas, dressed up in a bright pink dress." he said then burst out in laughter. I did the same and they all were asking "What game?". We both shook our heads 'no' and continued to laugh all the way to the arena.

" Where the hell are they?" Fatima asked, pacing back and forth, Dave at her side asking the same question. Finally the limo pulled up outside and all the guys stepped out, laughing up a storm. She, and Dave, walked up quickly to them. " What's so funny?" she demanded to know. All most immediately all of their smiles dropped.

" Are we late?" Kevin asked sarcastically, an uncommon trait for him. She smiled an nodded 'yes'.

" Now move your asses into those costumes, get to make up, I want it done now!!!" she yelled at them.

" Yes Ma'am!!!" we all yelled in unison and quickly headed to the clothes racks. We were late for our concert, but it would soon start begin, and after it, was going to be a time for all of us to have fun.... or humiliation, whatever came first.

To Be Continued.....

Well there you go, chapter seven. Not as long as the others, but hey, I'm trying to do my best here, lol. Well, as usual, please send me an e-mail to

It doesn't even have to be a long one, just a short thing that says, read your story, loved or, hopefully not, hated it.

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 8

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