Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on Aug 6, 2023


Title: Black Eyes, Blue Tears 15/? Author: Stephanie M Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Feedback: This is not my normal type of story; I'd love to hear what everyone thinks. Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. The story is the result of a warped mind. Warnings: JC bashing - sorry if that upsets anyone. Discussion of abuse and rape. Status: WIP

Part 15

"I've got the pictures you asked for." The woman said emotionlessly, holding out a small brown envelope.

Taking the package Lou said with a grin, "You always do good work, Bobbie. Here's the $1000 as per our deal."

Bobbie nodded before walking out of the dark coffeehouse. She felt an overwhelming urge to go and wash herself clean, but she knew she could never wash away the feeling that she defiled something holy. Bobbie had no choice in the matter she reassured herself knowing if she hadn't taken the photographs Lou would have released her porn film to the world. A scandal like that would destroy her career plus she needed the money. It was amazing how much it cost to live in the lifestyle that was expected of her.

Walking to a nearby store Bobbie quickly bought an envelope and stamp, maybe she could make things right. She knew she was safe from being picked up by the bodyguards given that she had worn a wig and disguised herself as a nurse. People rarely paid attention to the face of hospital staff, she had found.

With a sigh she placed the pictures and the tape of what she had overheard the night before in Lance's room into the envelope. Writing the address carefully, she posted feeling equal parts fear and relief knowing Lou would be out for blood once he had discovered what she had done. ******* "Now what do you want me to do?" Nick asked Kevin wearily.

They had spent the last day rearranging the rooms so that Lance and AJ would be comfortable when they came back. They had made sure they got two connecting rooms in Lance and AJ's names but they knew only one room would be used.

Kevin grinned, "Nothing. Why don't you and Ben go and relax. We'll take care of everything else."

"Thanks." Ben said looking up from the book he was reading.

"You think we should go to the hospital and see how they're doing?" Howie said seriously knowing the pair would need their friends around them.

Joey shook his head, "Lance would just be nervous if we were around. He's a lot better though, he even suggested talking to the DA."

"The DA's going to see them today. She sounds nice." Chris said walking into the room.

Brian said anxiously, "We should give them a warning that she's going. You know how Lance is with strangers."

Chris smirked, "I've asked Kate to give AJ a message that she's going. We'd just be told to leave as soon as she turns up anyway."

Justin said thoughtfully, "Maybe its not just Lance that needs to see a shrink, what happened to him has affected all of us."

"Yeah. We'll have to do it after we've finished with the trial." Joey said seeing Justin's point. ******* "Lance? Can I talk to you about your testimony?" A tall slightly overweight woman asked as she walked into the room.

"Who are you?" Lance asked suspiciously.

The woman smiled reassuringly, "I'm the DA Irene Mills."

"Nice to meet you. Can Alex stay in here while I talk to you?" Lance said nervously.

Irene sighed, "I would prefer to you alone. However if there is no choice, I guess he can be present, but he's not to talk to you. It should be okay seeing as Mr McLean has already given me his testimony."

Taking a seat the woman continued, "Can you tell me about the first time Mr Chasez hit you?"

Lance sighed as he said, "Josh offered to teach me some moves I was having problems with, it was only a couple of weeks after I joined the group. He pinched me when we were rehearsing one of our dance moves. If I made a mistake he would pinch me. A month after I joined the group he told me he loved me. I told him that I didn't love him and he started punching and kicking me. He apologised afterwards and said he had just gotten upset because he loved me so much. Whenever I messed up in rehearsals the guys left Josh and me together for practice. He would punch me if I made a mistake; he said he was only trying to make me better. It worked and I always got the dance because I was afraid of him hurting me again. No one thought anything weird was going on when I said I bumped into something or fell down the stairs. I got used to it though, I thought he was only doing it because I was stupid and worthless."

"Can you tell me what lead up to the first time he raped you?" Irene asked gently not wanting to upset him anymore.

Lance reached out for AJ's hand as he said, "It was about 14 months ago. I told Justin that Josh was hitting me and asked him for help. Justin laughed at me and said I was lying. Then he told Josh what I had said. That made Josh mad."

"What happened after he got mad?" Irene asked when it became clear he wasn't going to say anything else.

Lance was caught up in the memory of the experience as he said, "Josh waited until we were in his room. He was really angry. I tried to get away from him but he kept punching me and kicking me. He knocked me down onto the bed and I tried to crawl away. He pinned me down and he handcuffed me face down to the bedposts. Josh tried to get my pants off, I shouted at him to stop but he didn't listen. He cut my pants off with a knife before undoing his own. Then I felt something at my anus, I shouted at him to stop and promised I would be good. He just said that he knew I wanted it, that it was just because he loved me and he needed to show me. He pushed inside me and I screamed feeling something tear. He thrust inside me, rubbing the knife against my back. After he came, he stayed inside me and said that it wouldn't have happened like that if I had been good. I must have blacked put because when I woke up he was in the shower. He unfastened the handcuffs and said he was sorry but it was my fault for teasing him and disobeying the rules. He said as long as I was good he wouldn't hurt me again."

Lance swallowed saying, "Josh raped me again four days later. Every time I kept shouting at him to stop, he always said it was my fault and that I should be happy that it was me he was raping and not Justin. Every time he raped me JC would take photographs and show them to me later saying they showed what he was going to do to Justin if I told anyone about what happened. He started withholding me medication and starving me whenever I managed to knock him off me. The last time he tied me up to the and starved me for days until I was too weak to stop him. Whenever he hurt me or I was suffering from the effects of not eating or having my medication he would get this doctor friend of his to come and check me out. The doctor's name David. The doctor would give me an insulin injection and sew up any tears on my body, normally giving JC any medication that was needed."

"Why did you come to the police now?" Irene asked giving Lance a couple of minutes to collect himself.

"I was running away from JC again when I bumped into Alex. You see, I normally manage to run away from JC at least once a month but he always finds me and hurts me even more as punishment. When JC found me last time he let some of his friends rape me and cut me as punishment. Alex let me hide out in his room, saying that no one would look for me there. He was right; Backstreet and Nsync don't normally hang out together much. He asked me why I was scared of JC and I refused to tell him. He let me sleep in his room. The next day he asked me again why I was scared and I told him that Josh hurt me."

"What happened after you told him?"

Lance grinned, "Alex was nice. He didn't yell at me or laugh at me. He asked me if he could talk to his friends about getting me away from JC. I said yes and he called them, all my group-mates apart from JC came to the meeting. They were angry when I told them that JC was hitting me, Justin laughed at me again. After they saw the cuts they believed me. Kevin asked if I was in a relationship with Josh and I told them all about the rapes. They all promised to help me, suspending the tour and making arrangements for someone to keep an eye on JC. AJ let me stay with him after the others left. We were asleep when Chris phoned and we had to leave the room. Alex took me to a small cabin he owns and we relaxed a little. He cleaned up my cuts and let me talk to him about what happened if I wanted. He just took care of me. It felt great, and I felt safe. I haven't felt safe for the last five years. I spend every second of the day afraid that JC is going to hit me or rape me."

Looking at AJ with shining eyes Lance continued his story, "Alex asked me if I wanted to go to the police to press charges, at first I was scared that everyone would find out how weak I was, that I hadn't managed to stop him and that everyone would hate me. Alex convinced me otherwise and promised that I wouldn't be alone, that he would stay with me. We came back to Chicago and I pressed charges. The police took photos and did a rectal exam. They gave me some cream for the tears in my rectum and then we went back to the hotel. We went to the hotel we shared with the rest of our groups. Alex and I went to sleep and I had a nightmare, I woke up screaming. Nick and Chris came in thinking I was being hurt and then yelled at Alex. Alex calmed me down and we went to see some friends of ours. Everyone was yelling and I was scared so I ran away and hid. Its safest to hide when people are yelling, that way you don't get hurt."

"What happened after you went into hiding?" Irene said not wanting to push too much but needing to know how Lance was psychologically.

Lance smiled, "Alex convinced me to speak to him. He said the others wouldn't hurt me, that they weren't angry with me. He started singing to me. It felt nice to think that he cared about me. We came out of the bathroom where I was hiding and went back to our room. Kevin said that I had to talk to the press but Alex realised that I couldn't until the trial was finished. I woke up feeling sick but I managed to get into the bathroom. I ran a bath when I started feeling light-headed, and my mouth went dry. I managed to inject my emergency insulin but it wasn't enough and I fell unconscious. I woke up in hospital and was told I had been in a coma for four days. I went to sleep and had a nightmare about Josh finding us. In it Josh raped Alex because he had helped me, then he started hitting and cutting us both. He gave us to his friends and let them rape us both while he took photographs. It ended with Josh shooting Alex in the stomach."

Irene looked the blonde in the eyes as she said, "Will you be able to describe what JC has been doing to you in court? I'm afraid you're the main witness we've got. The three others are willing to talk but they're not very dependable. Some of them started on drugs after everything happened as a way of coping with the pain."

Lance nodded seriously, "Yeah. If I don't then he could hurt someone else. I don't want that. What are our chances of winning the case?"

"They're good and the videos we managed to find will be useful. JC said he had raped men during his interview so we've got a confession. The next step is to convince the jury that he did rape you, which shouldn't be too difficult. We have got three people who will say that JC raped them and AJ has agreed to be a witness for us. I'm afraid we haven't been able to trace anyone else but its still early days. Lance have you been involved with any other people?"

Lance shook his head, "No. JC is the only one I've been with. Why would anyone want me after what he did? I'm dirty."

"You're not, Sweetheart." AJ insisted gently squeezing the man's hand.

"I am, you just don't see it." Lance insisted desperate to make AJ understand. He was sure that once AJ realised just how dirty he was he would leave.

"I'm going to go and let you rest." Irene said seeing she wasn't going to get anymore from Lance at the moment.

"Bye." AJ said for both of them while looking at Lance worriedly.

"Lance, we have the results of your blood test." A doctor said as he walked inside not bothering to introduce himself.

Lance said nervously, "Oh. Can I see them?"

The doctor quickly gave the blonde a piece of paper detailing his results and waited. He hadn't even bothered trying to move AJ knowing it wasn't going to happen. He watched as Lance looked at the paper and started crying.

AJ looked at the younger man worriedly as the man started crying. He held his arms open for Lance and fiercely hugged the blonde, feeling Lance's tears soaking through his clothes. AJ couldn't help but wonder what Lance had read to make him start crying.

End part 15.

Next: Chapter 11

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