Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on Oct 14, 2023


Title: Black Eyes, Blue Tears Author: Stephanie M Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Feedback: This is not my normal type of story, I'd love to hear what everyone thinks. Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. The story is the result of a warped mind. Warnings: JC bashing - sorry if that upsets anyone. Discussion of abuse. Rating: NC-17 Status: WIP

Part 17

Five days later than originally planned Lance was finally discharged the hospital. The pair had spent their time at the Pedatrics Intensive care unit with Graham. They just talked to the boy and laughed with him in an effort to make their friend's last days as happy as possible.

"So how are you feeling, Scoop?" Justin asked as he and Kevin escorted the pair out of the hospital. AJ had one arm around Lance's shoulders as usual but for once their behaviour didn't cause any strange looks from the waiting media and fans.

"I just want to get back to the hotel. Have you heard anything from Mom and Dad?"

Kevin nodded, "Yeah. They called this morning and we told them you're okay."

"Thanks. Is Ben still here?" Lance said with a smile.

Justin smiled at Lance as the group got into the car, "He and Nick are making sure your room's perfect. We've been thinking that it might be better to rent a couple of places for the next month or two rather than paying for hotel rooms."

"Yeah. We're coming back to the hospital tomorrow." AJ said to Kevin who was driving.

Justin said anxiously, "Why? Are you ill, Lance?"

Avoiding the question AJ decided to tell them about Graham with a smile he said, "There's a kid called Graham there we want to hang out with. He's got AIDS. They think he's going to die within two weeks."

Kevin said seriously, "Maybe you two should back off a little. Its probably not the best thing for you to get so attached to him."

Lance said defensively, "You can't help but like him. He's nine years old and he's going to die. He's got a lot of friends on the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. The oldest is 14 and they're all dying, most of them can't afford the treatment that would save their lives."

AJ continued, "That's why we've donated money to the department and we're talking about starting a fund for terminally ill children."

"That sounds like a good idea." Kevin said wanting to calm the pair down.

Justin asked with a small smile, "So were you chatting up all the nurses, Lance?"

"No, there were only female nurses taking care of me and I don't swing that way."

As he stopped the car Kevin said, "We're here. Justin and I will go out first and try to draw some of the press away. This would have been a lot easier if we had kept the guards with us."

As AJ got out the car quickly moving to help Lance out the cameras started flashing as the reporters asked their questions each eager to get the scoop on the pair and the trial. It was one of the biggest scandals in the music business and the reporter who got an exclusive would be famous.

"Lance, would you like to make a statement?"

"How do you feel about JC's parents saying this is just a lovers spat?"

"Have you heard from any of the other witnesses?"

Lance and AJ didn't react visibly to the questions however AJ gently squeezed the younger man's hand as they rushed inside to where Justin and Kevin were waiting. Kevin smiled reassuringly at Lance making no move to approach him, ignoring the fact that AJ was still holding the man's hand. It was a common sight, which all the friends now understood to be comforting for both Lance and AJ.

Justin grinned at them asking, "Want to come and hang in Joey's room with the others?"

Looking at Lance for confirmation AJ answered, "Sure, we'll meet you there. We've got a couple of things to sort out first."

"Later." Justin said as he watched Lance and AJ walking towards the elevators. He grinned at the way the dark haired man was hovering over Lance, he wondered how long it would be before Lance complained. ******* "Going to call your mom tonight? She's probably really worried about you." AJ asked his friend not revealing his anger over the fact that she hadn't noticed Lance was being abused.

"I guess I should. I'm kinda worried about what she's going to say."

"How do you think she'll react?"

"She's probably feeling guilty and angry. She probably hates me for it."

"What JC did wasn't your fault. I'll stay with you while you talk to your mom if you want."

"That would be great, Thanks." Lance said looking at AJ in thanks.

AJ shrugged, "I told you I'm here for you."

Lance picked up his cell and pressed speed dial shocked when the phone was answered after the first ring. Obviously his mother was expecting a phone call.

"James, I'm so relieved to hear from you. How are you?" Diane Bass said as she saw recognised the number.

Relieved she wasn't angry with him Lance said, "I'm okay. The doctor said I'll have to take insulin injections everyday but apart from that everything is fine."

"Why didn't you tell me about JC, Son? Why did you tell this AJ McLean instead?" Diane Bass said unable to completely hide her pain.

Somewhat at a loss for words Lance said honestly, "I was too embarrassed and afraid to tell you but when I met Alex felt I could trust him. Alex is great, he's been there for me ever since he bumped into me about twelve days ago now. You'll like him. We're going to rent places here for the trial."

"Oh, AJ is staying with you?" Diane Bass said suspicious this AJ was trying to take advantage of her son.

"I asked him to. The other guys are staying as well. We'll probably rent a couple of houses if we can."

Diane Bass said anxiously, "All five of you couldn't stay in one house. Have you spoken to anyone about what happened?"

"Both our groups are staying in town. I've got an appointment with a shrink in a couple of days. My nurse Kim, recommended a woman who lives just a block from here."

"That's nice to Backstreet. We'll come out for the trial." Diane Bass said trying to figure out how long the trial would last.

"You don't have to do that, mom." Lance said wondering how he could explain to her that he didn't want her there. It was going to be difficult enough to explain everything in detail without having to look into his mother's eyes as he did so. He didn't think he could bear to see the pain and recriminations in her eyes.

"If that's what you want James. So what are you doing tonight?"

Looking at AJ who was gently holding his hand Lance answered, "We're going to hang out with the guys and probably talk later."

"I'll let you get back to it then. I love you son."

"Love you too." Lance said with a wide smile as he ended the call shocked.

"You okay?" AJ asked noticing Lance's pale complexion.

"Kinda. She's trying to lay the guilt trip on me for telling you first. She's unhappy because I don't want her to come to the trial."

"Oh. I'm here if you want to talk about it. She's probably just feeling guilty herself." AJ said as Lance moved to lie next to him.

Lance smiled, "I know. Lets go and see the others."

"We don't have to if you want to stay and talk or rest." AJ said wanting the other man to take time to heal.

Still amazed at how caring AJ was Lance grinned, "I know but this way I can convince the others I'm okay."

"They'd understand if you didn't want to hang out too much."

Lance nodded, "I know but I'd like to just relax for a while. I don't normally do that."

Deciding to drop the topic AJ said, "Okay. Are you going to tell them about your illness?"

"After the trial has finished, I don't want anymore stress. What do you will happen there?"

AJ shrugged, "No idea. The defence will probably insist you and JC were happy together until I came along and made you say he was abusing you."

"You wouldn't do something like that and its not like you've got a problem with him!" Lance protested shocked.

As they left their room AJ shrugged, "All they care about is getting him free. Had any thoughts on where you want to live around here?"

"Not really. I'd like it if we could share but that's it." Lance said thoughtfully.

"Do you want some of the others to live with us?"

Considering the eight carefully Lance said, "Maybe Howie and Joey."

"Kev and Justin will be living together as will Nick and Ben. It'd make sense for the four of them to get a place together."

Lance frowned, "They'll have to make sure it's somewhere with four bedrooms, I don't think they're ready to come out."

AJ said thoughtfully, "I think Nick and Ben might be. I'm not sure about Kev and Justin."

Not bothering to knock AJ walked inside the room first with Lance just a second behind. Their friends looked up as they walked inside but didn't rush to greet them, not wanting to make Lance feel uncomfortable.

"You okay now, Lance?"

"Yeah." Lance said with a small smile.

"What do you think of your room?" Ben said hoping it was suitable.

AJ smirked, "Its great, although there are a lot of video games. I guess that was your doing, Nick?"

"Yeah. Feel like watching a film?"

"Sure." AJ said as Lance nodded next to him.

"Okay. Move over guys and let them lie down!" Joey said to Nick and Ben who were occupying the bed.

AJ lay down on the bed, not reacting when Lance joined him getting as close as possible to the man. Although Lance knew he was safe with the others but it was still reassuring to be as close to Alex as he could be. Alex was comforting and safe, something Lance wanted to savour while he could.

The friends decided to watch Monty Python and The Holy Grail as they could all do with a good laugh after everything that had happened recently. When the film finished Chris turned the lights back on and looked at the bed in shock. Nick and Ben were asleep lying in each other's arms while Lance gazed at AJ, who was asleep.

"Are you going to wake him up, Lance?" Joey said amused.

"I guess so." Lance said as he gently touched AJ's face causing the older man to wake immediately.

As he focused on the man looking down at him AJ asked groggily, "You okay, James?"

"Yeah. Coming back to our room?"

"Sure. Have you taken your pills?"

"Not yet. I'll take them when we have something to eat." Lance said as he helped AJ stand.

Waving at their friends, Lance and AJ walked back to their room focused entirely on each other. Once they were inside, AJ picked up the phone intent on ordering some food. Looking at the blonde AJ asked, "What do you want to eat? I'm having a steak with boiled potatoes."

"Sounds good. Can we have some peach water as well?"

AJ nodded as he ordered the food before putting down the receiver.

Picking up his clothes he headed towards the shower knowing he couldn't continue to coddle Lance. If he did it would probably do more harm than good. ******* "What medication is he on?" Chris asked shocked.

Howie said thinking quickly, "Probably stuff for his diabetes."

"Yeah. Anyone going to wake the sleeping couple?" Kevin said firmly.

"Sure." Justin said with a grin as he walked over to Nick and Ben gently shaking their shoulders.

Nick swatted the hand groaning, "We're awake, J. Chill."

Ben asked at the same time, "We didn't do anything stupider than normal, right?"

"We're in a hotel in Chicago, remember Lance?"

"SHIT! Is he okay?" Nick said as he looked around to find Lance and AJ were nowhere to be seen.

"Yeah, he and AJ are talking about something before going to sleep." Brian said reassuringly.

Ben pondered aloud, "He looks better, but how come they kept him in so long?"

"I guess they just wanted to make sure he was okay." Joey said shrugging in confusion.

"Yeah. We're going back to our room. We'll see you tomorrow." Kevin said with a smile at his lover.

"We're going too." Ben said with a pointed look at Nick.

Their friends said goodbye as the four left the room, talking quietly amongst themselves the small band decided to go to Nick and Ben's room to talk for a while. They had already decided they wanted to rent a place together as they spent most of their time together. ******* In a small rundown hotel Lou Pearlman was carefully going over his plan. The trial started in eight days. He would stop Lance from testifying if it was the last thing he did. Lance would pay for all the embarrassment and loss of income Lou had endured because of the blonde's interfering. Lance Bass was going to learn Lou Pearlman wasn't a man to mess with!

"Have you got the profile I gave you?" Lou said looking at the man.

"Yes. Don't worry, we never fail. The target will be removed." A graceful tall brunette man said with a cruel smile.

Lou nodded, "Good. Remember make it look like an accident, no one can suspect I'm involved."

"Of course, Sir. We will return when we have completed our mission." A woman said as she appeared from out of the shadows.

"Go then. You have five days to finish your mission." Lou said as he waited for the pair to leave.

The mercenaries did so silently showing just why they were the best in the business. They had a new mission to complete, this time they would have to be especially careful given the high profile nature of their target.

End Part 17

Next: Chapter 13

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