Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on Oct 20, 2023


Title: Black Eyes, Blue Tears 18/? Author: Stephanie M Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. The story is the result of a warped mind. Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Warnings: JC bashing - sorry if it upsets anyone. Discussion of abuse and rape. Rating: NC-17 Status: WIP

Part 18

"Target is approaching you, Jade." Russell said into his mike as he watched Lance and AJ leave the hotel closely followed by Nick and Ben Affleck.

Jade looked through her lens saying, "I've got them. What's Affleck doing here?"

Russell smiled, "According to my sources he's here to see his lover, Carter. Have you placed the bug on their car yet?"

"The bug and homing beacon are in place." Jade affirmed as she got into her car ready to follow them.

Unaware of their tail the friends laughed and joked, Nick and Ben doing their best to cheer Lance up knowing the man was nervous about the trial.

Lance asked nervous, "You think Graham's okay?"

"Yeah, he was doing fine yesterday." AJ said reassuringly as he drove the car towards the hospital.

"Are you sure he won't freak out over meeting us?" Ben said nervously biting his lip.

Lance nodded, "Yeah. He's just a little kid who's alone in the world. We just want to help him, he's got no one else."

"Heard anymore from the prosecutor?" Nick said seeing the subject of Graham was a little too fresh.

Lance answered, "She came to see me three times while I was in hospital. She went through everything. I thought I would just end up breaking down when I testify but I'll be okay."

Gently squeezing the tense man's shoulders AJ smiled, "Good. Its not like you'll be alone, we'll be with you."

"I know." Lance said softly.

Ben grinned, "Had any thoughts about where you want to live?"

"We were thinking of somewhere on the outskirts of the city. Less people and less noise," said Lance honestly not mentioning their attentions of having a state of the art security system.

"Yeah. Somewhere we don't have to worry about being spied upon would be nice." Nick agreed seeing the sense of their choice.

Ben said honestly, "Kev and Just would love it. You know how much they hate the spotlight."

Nick nodded knowing the pair where close to burnout after everything. All both groups wanted was to live their lives, to be free to love each other. However they had all found their careers meant their lives were always on display, and they were tired of it. Just because they were celebrities didn't mean they had no right to privacy. ******* The four friends walked into the Intensive Care Unit in complete silence, the feeling of death almost stifling them. They knew walking down that long corridor that it was time; Graham was going.

"He waited for you." Janie, Graham's nurse said as she led them to the young boy's room.

Before they walked in AJ said anxiously, "We're here now. Can we be alone with him?"

"Of course. I'll be outside." The nurse replied as she ushered Nick and Ben out to the waiting area knowing the pair needed time alone with their young friend.

Graham smiled joyfully as he saw the pair standing beside his bed. Unable to believe they were there Graham said seriously, "Lance...AJ, its good to see you. I'm tired but I wanted to see you before."

Holding the boy's hand AJ said softly, "We're here now, Gray. You can go to sleep now, everything will be okay."

Graham coughed as he said, "I know. I hope you get better soon, Lance."

Lance smiled softly, "I'll be okay. Close your eyes and sleep, we're watching over you."

"Night...guys." Graham said as he closed his eyes.

Seconds later the unmistakable sound of a flatline came from the heart machine, in the middle of the room Lance and AJ held onto each other. Each one was crying for the loss of their friend, a boy who had suffered so much.

"He's gone. Would you like to go to the relatives room?"

"That's okay, we're going...home. I'll call you later about the arrangements. Where's Sarah?"

"At home with her parents. They're looking after her now she's over the worst of her chemotherapy."

Lance said still in shock, "Oh. I should call and tell them."

"That's okay, Lance. I'll do it." Janie said seriously as she walked the pair out of the ward to where their friends stood anxiously.

"We're so sorry about Graham." Ben said sincerely knowing how attached the pair were to the child.

One arm around Lance's shoulders AJ nodded absently, "Thanks. We're going back to the hotel. Coming?"

"Yeah." Nick replied for both of them and the friends walked outside an air of sadness surrounding them. ******* About two blocks away from the hotel Ben pulled the car over and asked the grieving pair, "How about you let us take care of somewhere for you to live? That way you can focus other things."

"Sounds good. I'm going to go for a walk first and clear my head."

"I'll come with you, Alex." Lance said standing to join the man who was ready to leave the car.

AJ nodded as he got out the car first Lance at his side. The pair walked in silence too caught up in their grief and shock to talk, it was impossible to believe the boy they had come to think of as a little brother had died. The only consolation they had was that Graham didn't die alone and in pain.

Skulking out of the shadows Russell took the gun out of his pocket and approached the pair. Wearing a cruel smirk the assassin said in a strong Texan accent, "Lookie here, two fags! What ya doing in this part of town?"

"We don't want any trouble, man." AJ said honestly as he gently moved Lance behind him.

"Too late. Time to teach you what we do to fags here!" Russell said seriously before kicking the brunette and shooting him in the chest.

Then he left, as silently as he appeared. Leaving behind a crying Lance who was desperately trying to stop the blood pouring out of AJ's wound.

"Mission completed. Proceeding to extraction point." Russell said into his earpiece.

Five minutes later Russell got inside a large black van where his partner was waiting. In a quick movement he pulled at the mask on his face, tearing off with a groan. He smiled at Jade as she headed back onto the main streets.

"Everything go according to plan?" Jade asked on reflex.

Russell nodded, "Yeah. McLean's dying, the apparent victim of a gay-bashing incident."

"Will McLean survive?" Jade said as she turned the corner.

Russell answered immediately, "Only a 30% chance. I made sure of it."

"Okay. Time to collect our money."

Jade quickly drove the non-descript van to Pearlman's hotel ready to finish with this mission and lie low for a while. They had fulfilled their part of the deal if Pearlman tried to con them out of their deserved payment, they would have to deal with him. To people who had killed hundreds another death didn't matter. ******* "Alexhasbeenshot. You got to come to the hospital! They won't let me see him!" Lance said crying into the phone.

"WHAT? We're coming right away! Everything will be okay." Nick said quickly before ending the call.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked worriedly recognising the expression of fear on Nick's face.

Not really seeing the man Nick looked up, "AJ's been shot. We need to get to the hospital."

No one bothered to answer as they grabbed their coats and ran out the room before a minute had elapsed. How would Lance cope now his rock was injured? Could Lance cope and if not what could they do? Lance still didn't trust them enough to let them inside. ******* Inside the hospital Lance could do nothing but stare into space, reliving the scene over and over. The man had just shot Alex for no reason; Alex didn't even make any remotely threatening move. How could this happen to the man he had come to care for? How was he going to cope without Alex beside him? First Graham and now Alex, maybe it was just his fate to be alone?

"Are you here for Mr McLean? Are you a relative?" A longhaired brunette woman said as she walked over.

Lance said as tears fell from his eyes, "No but Alex is everything to me. Is he going to be okay?"

The doctor sad seriously, "My name is Dr Lara McNeil. I'll be honest with you, it doesn't look good. Right now the chances of him surviving are very small."

Lance swallowed to remove the sudden limp in his throat before asking, "How small?"

Dr McNeil answered quickly, "No more than 30%. He took bullets to the heart and lung. We've managed to repair the ruptured vessels in the aorta and corrected the collapsed lung. All we can do now is keep an eye on him but you have to prepare yourself for the worst. Is there anyone I can call for you?"

"Our friends are coming now and I'll call his mom." Lance said softly.

Dr McNeil nodded, "Okay. When the others come you can go up to Intensive Care, you'll only be allowed to see him one at a time."

"Thank you." Lance said returning to staring into space praying that Alex would be okay.

"The police will want to speak with you."

"I'll be right here then." Lance said not intending on leaving until Alex was well on the way to recovery. He refused to accept the possibility of Alex dying and leaving him alone.

End Part 18

Next: Chapter 14

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