Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on Oct 27, 2023


Title: Black Eyes, Blue Tears 19 Author: Stephanie M Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Feedback: This is not my normal type of story, I'd love to hear what everyone thinks. Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. The story is the result of a warped mind. Warnings: JC bashing - sorry if it upsets anyone. Discussion of abuse and rape. Rating: NC-17 Status: WIP

Part 19

A slightly greying male police offer said gently, "I'm Detective Sanders, doctor McNeil said you were there when Mr McLean was attacked. Can you tell me what happened, Mr Bass?"

Knowing the routine by now Lance sighed, "A little boy we both knew died today so Alex and I decided to take a walk. We were a couple of blocks away from the hotel when some guy just appeared out of the shadows. He had a gun and said he wasn't happy about having two fags there. Alex said he didn't want any trouble and pushed me behind him. The man just smiled and kicked Alex before shooting him twice. He grinned at me and left us there. I called an ambulance."

"So this man just attacked Mr McLean because he felt you were gay?" The officer asked writing down a few notes in his notepad.

Lance laughed bitterly, "Yeah. Stupid reason or what? Alex and I don't need this after everything."

The officer smiled, "Okay. I think that's everything, we would like you to come down the station to look at some mug shots later. Will you be available?"

"Yeah. I'll be upstairs with Alex." Lance said seriously.

The officer nodded before leaving the room silently just as nine worried men ran into the room, heading straight for Lance. He was mildly shocked to see none of Lance's friends tried to get within arms reach of the blonde. He thought they would have tried to help the clearly distraught man.

Wanting to know about his best friend Howie asked anxiously, "Heard anything?"

Lance nodded, "He's got a 30% chance of surviving and even if he does there could be brain damage."

"Oh. How are you handling it, Lance?" Brian said breaking the shocked silence.

"Honestly? I'm hanging on by a thread. Coming up to see Alex?"

Kevin interjected, "You guys go up. I'll call his mom and then join you."

"I'll stay with you." Justin said knowing how much it was going to hurt his lover to make the call. How did you tell someone their son, your friend was probably going to die? How could Kevin do so without breaking down?

"Thanks. We'll see you later. Keep an eye on him." Kevin said to Brian softly with a pointed look at Lance. ******* The first thing Lance noticed was how still AJ was, the man was deathly still and pale. Even in his sleep AJ moved more. Reassuring himself it was only normal, Lance took a deep breath and headed towards the room, before he could get there a nurse stood in front of him.

"What are you doing? Mr McLean needs rest and peace right now."

Lance was about to respond when he heard a familiar gentle voice saying, "Let him in, Steve. Mr McLean would want him there."

Lance turned around relieved to see Kim approaching. He could feel the others staring at him in shock when he practically fell into her arms. During his stay in the hospital he had come to like the woman, often going to her for help and advice. Kin didn't molly-coddle him and had urged him to seek help saying it would help everyone.

Kim smiled, "You too seem to have a lot of bad luck. You can sit with AJ, there's no point asking you to leave. Have you got your pills?"

Lance smiled in relief, "Thanks, the doctor downstairs said I could only stay for an hour. My pills are in my jacket, Alex made sure of that before we left. Graham died today."

"I'm sorry, I know how much he meant to you. Don't worry about the doctor, as long as you don't disturb AJ there's no problem with you staying."

"I'll be inside with him. Do you think he can here me?" Lance said anxiously.

Kim said logically, "Yeah, you heard him while you were unconscious."

Lance nodded and walked inside the private hospital room, gasping at the sight of AJ lying in the bed connected to all sorts of machines. AJ looked pale and exhausted but what hit Lance was how vulnerable his protector looked. He had never thought of AJ as someone who could need help but maybe he should have. AJ was going to need a lot of help when he woke up, and Lance was determined to be the strong one this time.

He started talking unable to bear the silence, "The guys are all outside. They're going to some in and see you later. Hope you don't mind me rambling on but I'm kinda nervous here. The cops don't look too hopeful about finding who attacked you. I'm going to talk to their sketch artist later. I hope I can give them a good description. The doctors don't think you're going to make it, but I know you will. You promised not to leave me alone, and I know you'll keep your promise."

Lance sighed, "Kevin's going to call your mom. I hope she'll still let me see you. I guess I should introduce myself to her although she's probably seen the report on what happened. I think almost everyone has, the guy who attacked you probably saw it. I bet it's the reason he attacked you. I promised myself I wouldn't let you get hurt and I failed!"

Lance mused, "At least you should be safe from Lou now. I think he's behind this but I'm probably being stupid. I mean I haven't got any evidence but it seems a little weird that you're attacked just eight days after he threatened to hurt you. I haven't told the cops because they won't believe me. Maybe I should tell the others though? They could find some way to make sure you're protected."

"I'm still going to testify at the trial. I know you want me to. I wish you could be there when I testify but I'll be okay. Maybe I'll ask one of the others to come with me. I think Nick would come if I asked him. I like Nick, he's nice and it feels like I can trust him. I wonder where they're going to get married? You know they've only got six weeks. I wonder if the trial will be over by then? I have a feeling they want to stay here until it finishes. I hope it does. It would be right for them to miss out on the most important day of their lives because of me."

Kim walked in silently. Looking at the blonde she said apologetically, "Lance? You've been in here for almost two hours, its time to go. The consultant is about to do his rounds and he won't be happy if you're here."

"Guess that's my cue to leave. I'll see you later, Alex." Lance said with a sigh as he kissed the sleeping man's temple.

End Part 19

Next: Chapter 15

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