Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on Dec 30, 2022


Backstreet Boys/Nsync Crossover Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys or their sexuality. The story is the result of a warped mind. Category: Drama. Pairings: Lance/JC, Lance/AJ, Kevin/Justin, Nick/Ben Affleck Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Feedback: This is not my normal type of story, I'd love to hear what everyone thinks. Warnings: Graphic discussion of abuse and rape. Rating: NC-17 Status: WIP Total Number of Parts: 22

Part 21

AJ beamed as Lance walked into the room, this was the one he had been waiting for. Now Lance was here everything suddenly seemed so much brighter. He grinned when Lance moved to sit next to him on the bed.

"How you feeling, Alex?" Lance asked seriously as he looked at the man thinking that AJ looked a lot better than he had been in weeks.

"I'm okay. How long?" AJ said concentrating on forming his words.

"Almost four weeks. Everyone said you might not wake up."

AJ said aghast, "I m...missed s...s...some of the trial!"

Lance nodded, "I gave my testimony today. It didn't go too bad."

"S...s...sorry I w...wasn't with you."

Lance said angrily, "It wasn't your fault! You didn't ask to get shot twice. What have the docs said?"

Looking the blonde in the eyes AJ said slurring, "I'll be out in a couple of weeks. I need physio."

"Makes sense. Has the hospital contacted your mom?"

"Yeah." AJ said quickly not wanting Lance to worry unnecessarily.

Lance said seriously, "She's been great. She didn't mind me staying here with you, sometimes she stayed outside so I could come in."

"S...Sounds mom." AJ said with a grin.

"Don't worry about having to give evidence, your statement was read out a couple of weeks ago. The closing statements are going to be made tomorrow, then all we have to do is wait for the jury to reach a verdict."

"That's good. Nick's wedding?"

"They postponed it cause you weren't there. Nick said he'd do it a little later when you are out of here."


Lance admonished, "Don't feel guilty, they wanted to do it. They've just postponed it. You want me to leave?"

"No! Just talk to me?"

Lance nodded, "Sure. The others probably want to see you too, though. I'll see if they're allowed in."

"Okay." AJ agreed watching as the younger man left the room. ******* "Can you keep an eye on him for a couple of minutes?"

"Sure. What's wrong?" Kevin smiled at the blonde happiness radiating from the whole group of friends.

Lance skilfully dodged the question, "Nothing. I've got to see someone on one of the upper floors."

Nick smiled at him asking, "Okay. You want me to come with you?"

At the same time Howie said, "I'll come up with you if you want, Lance."

"I'll be alright and to be honest you would just cause a crowd if you came with me." Lance said with a gentle, teasing smile.

Joey nodded, "If that's what you want, Scoop."

"It is. If Alex asks just tell him that I'm seeing Mason."

"Will do." Chris said seconds before the blonde left the room.

Heading towards the elevators Lance smiled in relief, for a second he had doubted being able to make his appointment. He really didn't want to tell the group about his HIV status yet. He couldn't stand seeing their pity, not when they were beginning to see him as a survivor.

Getting into the lift he absently hummed to himself as he thought about everything. He couldn't wait to show Alex the house he had bought for the two of them. He knew they were supposed to rent a place but he hadn't known if AJ would be capable of moving when he woke up. To that end the blonde had determinedly bought a house just on the outskirts of town where it was relatively quiet. It also meant he could get to the hospital in forty minutes.

Lance's doctor Mason smiled saying, "Lance, come in."

"Thanks. How are you today?" Lance said as he walked inside.

"Good thanks. Have you had any problems with the medication?"

Lance answered honestly, "No, everything's been fine. I was sick a couple of times but I think that was more nerves than anything else."

Mason said absently, "Only to be expected. Your T-Cell count is normal. I assume you caught the disease about seven months ago, since there was no sign in your blood test from eight months ago. I hear AJ is up, that must make everything a little easier on you?"

"It does. Maybe now I'll be able to sleep." Lance said with an overjoyed grin.

"You're still not sleeping? If you want I can give you some sleeping tablets. It wouldn't be a problem."

"That's okay. I think I'll sleep a little better now." Lance said quickly not wanting to become dependent on pills to sleep.

Dr Mason nodded, "If that's what you want. I've made some enquires into that support group for people with HIV, I've got all the information here."

Lance took the offered leaflets and placed them in the backpack he now constantly carried around with him. He would read them later when he was alone and could take the time to really understand what he was reading.

"Thanks. I've got to go now. Same time in a fortnight?"

The doctor nodded, "Yeah but don't hesitate to call if you need anything, both myself and Blair are here if you should need to talk about anything."

"Thanks. I might take you up on that." Lance said seriously as he left the office. ******* Lance grinned at his friends as they sat outside the courtroom waiting for permission to enter. The jury had come back with a verdict, the friends only hoped it was the right one. If it wasn't, there was nothing they could do. JC couldn't be put on trial for the same crime twice.

AJ looked at the television screen worriedly as he waited, he prayed with all his heart that JC would be forced to pay for what he had done to the kind-hearted beauty that was Lance. He stiffened when the news report switched to the courtroom, focusing on Lance who was sitting down surrounded by all his friends.

"Madam chairwoman, have you reached a verdict?"

The woman nodded as she answered, "We have Your Honour."

"Is it a unanimous verdict?"

The woman said calmly, "No, Your Honour."

"Is it a verdict to which the majority of you agree?" The judge asked seriously.

"Yes, Your Honour."

The judge took out her pen and said, "On the counts of rape against James Lance Bass, how do you find the defendant, Joshua Chasez?"

Looking at the other members of the jury the woman said softly, "Not Guilty on all counts."

"On the charges of assault and battery how do you find the defendant?"

"Not Guilty."

"On the charge of blackmail how do you find the defendant?"

"Not Guilty."

The judge nodded, "Thank you, you may sit down," With a quick look at the shocked faces she continued, "The defendant is cleared of all charges and is free to leave."

A gasp of shock went through the courtroom at that statement. The camera focused on JC who smirked before focusing on a pale shocked Lance who was staring straight ahead seemingly oblivious to the worried people around him. ******* Lance couldn't believe what he had heard, he had suffered all that pain and humiliation for nothing. He had told everyone exactly what had happened and no one believed him, to the world he was simply making it up. He wondered how everyone could think that after JC's confession and his own testimony. Suddenly feeling sick he stood and ran out of the room to the toilets.

"Lance? You okay in there?" Howie asked gently as he knocked on the door three times, doing his best to ignore the sounds of the blonde being sick.

Looking up from the toilet Lance pondered the question. Was he okay? No, and he probably never would be but he could deal with it. He would have to. Staggering over to the sink, he washed out his mouth before washing his hands and face. He wanted to run and hide, maybe they could get away now?

"I'm coming out now. Can we go out the back home soon?" Lance asked after he opened the door to look at the others. He was shocked when Ben was the first to reach for him. The actor gently hugged him, moving slowly to give the blonde a chance to move if he wanted.

"Its okay, we know the truth. We're not going to let him near you again." Ben whispered gently as he cradled the younger man to his chest.

Lance gave a bitter laugh, "Its not going to be that easy."

"I know but we're all here for you. You ready to go and see AJ?"

"Yeah! God, I wish he was here." Lance said gently before feeling guilty knowing the other man needed to be in hospital were he could heal.

The nine friends walked out of the courthouse in silence, this time Lance was tightly clutching Ben's chest. Since the day Alex had been injured the bass singer had become close to Nick and Ben, who had always been there for him. They had even let him sleep in their bed to help soothe his nightmares.

The flashes of cameras went off as the friends walked outside, it was the first time anyone had seen Ben Affleck with the singers. People started murmuring when they saw the tender way the actor was holding Lance, as if afraid the man would break. What was the relationship between them? It looked a little unusual for two people not related to hold each other like that, causing many came to the conclusion that they were lovers.

A young woman reporter shouted, "Lance, how do you feel about the not guilty verdict?"

Another reporter asked at the same time, "Do you plan to stay in the group with JC?"

Kevin said commandingly, "We have no comments to make at present. When we wish to give our feelings on this matter, we will issue a statement."

Silence descended for a few seconds giving the group of friends the opportunity to escape, they quickly got into the waiting jeeps and headed towards the hospital. From a window in the courthouse JC watched the cars speed off, he was confident that he had won the battle. No one would ever trust a word Lance said now, it would have to do until he could make Lance pay.

"Your money is in the required bank accounts." Lou said patiently as he looked at the six jury members.

The six nodded at him slightly before leaving in silence determinedly not thinking about what they had done. They had abandoned their beliefs for money, but there was nothing they could so about the outcome now.

End Part 21

"You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way ... people look at reality, then you can change it." -- James Arthur Baldwin (1924-87), American writer, critic

Next: Chapter 17

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