Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on Dec 9, 2001


Title: Black Eyes, Blue Tears 7/? Author: Stephanie M Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Feedback: This is not my normal type of story; I would love to hear what everyone thinks. Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. Warnings: JC bashing-sorry if that upsets anyone. Discussion of abuse

Part 7

"I can't believe you're just going to sit while AJ has Lance hostage. I'm going to kill him!" JC said angrily, not noticing the nervous look Justin gave Joey.

Justin looked at JC and wondered just who the older man was planning to kill AJ or Lance? He knew JC loved Lance but from what Lance had told them, JC treated the bass singer as more of a possession than a human being.

"What can we do? We don't know where Lance is, and the Backstreet Boys aren't exactly going to tell us where AJ's staying." Joey reasoned trying not to show that hate and disgust he felt for JC.

Anger and guilt were warring for domination and Joey wasn't sure which would win. He was angry that Lance had turned to AJ and not him, stupid and petty he knew but he couldn't shake the feeling. The guilt was easier to understand although he would probably not get it in control. He felt guilty because he had ignored what he now knew were signs of abuse, a near stranger had figured out Lance was being abused before he did. That just felt wrong, he should have been the one to help.

"I'm going to make them tell us! If he's touched Lance I'll kill him, no one is allowed to touch Lance but me." JC thought manically as he stared out the window at the bustling town.

Chris walked into the room and went straight over to Justin, it was time to switch shifts even if JC didn't know it they were watching him. There was no way they were going to take the risk of leaving JC alone.

JC looked up expectantly as Justin's phone rang. His body looked like a coiled spring, just waiting to act. JC looked angry, almost homicidal Joey thought to himself as he watched JC's movements.

"Justin. What's up?" Justin said as he answered the phone, hoping that it was Lance.

"It's me, Justin." A man said, his voice low.

"I've been waiting for you to call. Where are you?" Justin replied cheerfully, hoping that JC wouldn't guess whom he was talking to.

"Room 124. I'll be waiting." The man said, his voice full of tension.

"I'll see you in a couple of minutes." Justin said as he ended the call.

"Who was that?" JC asked suspiciously, had Justin just been talking to Lance?

"It was a friend of mine. I forgot I was meeting him today. I've got to go, I don't want to be late." Justin said calmly, determined not to give the game away.

"Okay. If you hear from Lance, call me." JC said as Justin walked towards the door.

Justin nodded thinking to himself that hell would have to freeze over before he would break his friend's trust again. Justin walked to the elevator wondering if any of them would ever trust JC again. ******* Justin rapped on the door twice before turning the handle, knowing that Kevin would have left the door open. As soon as he was inside, Justin quickly locked the door, not wanting to be interrupted.

"How are you coping?" Kevin whispered into Justin's ear as he wrapped his arms around the younger man.

"I'm not, it's all my fault. You heard what Lance said, it was my fault JC started raping him." Justin said as he leaned back into Kevin's embrace, letting down all the barriers.

"He never said that. Its not your fault, babe. You look exhausted, did you get anymore sleep?" Kevin said as he turned Justin around so that he could see the man's face.

"No, I was too angry and worried." Justin replied wearily.

"Come on, babe. Time to go to bed then we can talk everything over." Kevin said as he led Justin into the bedroom, turning both their cell phones off.

As he watched Justin sleep, Kevin remembered the day the younger man had said he loved him. It had been one of the best days of his life, a day he had never thought would come. Their relationship had been strange from the beginning; they had started talking on the phone. They didn't even see each other until they had spent almost four months talking on the phone.


"I've got a confession to make." Justin said apologetically, making Kevin stare at the phone in shock, he had never heard the young singer sound so scared.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'll be here for you, no matter what." Kevin replied into the phone, worry flooding his voice.

"I lied, I'm not in LA." Justin said pausing before continuing, "I'm outside your room, and getting some weird looks from the staff."

"Y--You're where? I can't believe this!" Kevin said as he flung the door open and there stood Justin.

Justin was wearing black jeans and a red shirt, an apologetic grin on his face. Kevin's breath caught in his throat, as Justin held out a red rose. Grabbing Justin's shirt he pulled the blonde into his room.

Kevin held Justin tightly in a crushing hug saying, "It's great to see you. Why didn't you tell me you were here?"

"I'm just here to tell you I can't talk to you anymore." Justin said looking down at the floor.

"Wh--what have I done?" Kevin asked confused and guilty; he would do anything to make Justin talk to him.

"It's not you it's me. I can't talk to you, it would be wrong!" Justin said as he cupped Kevin's face tenderly.

"Wrong why?" Kevin couldn't understand what Justin was talking about; had he done something to reveal his feelings for the bewitching Nsync singer.

"It's wrong because I love you. I'm taking advantage of you." Justin said pleading for Kevin to understand.

Kevin said, "You love me? You love me! That's..."

Justin interrupted, "Sick? Perverted? I know."

"I was going to say wonderful. I love you too, Justin." Kevin said turning Justin's face to capture the man's lips with a tender kiss.

End flashback

Next: Chapter 3

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