Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on May 13, 2002


Title: Black Eyes, Blue Tears 9/? Author: Stephanie M Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Feedback: This is not my normal type of story; I would love to hear what everyone thinks. Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. Warnings: JC bashing - sorry if that upsets anyone. Discussion of abuse

Part 9

Chris looked down at his pager in alarm, recognising the message he wondered what was so important that Howie had sent their emergency signal. Had something happened to Lance?

Looking over at Joey he caught his friend's eye and motioned towards the door.

"I'm going to talk to Johnny in case he's heard something." Joey said looking over at JC.

Chris said quickly, "I'm going to have a word with Howie and see if Backstreet know anything. Josh, can you stay here in case we hear anything about Lance?"

"Yeah, I hope AJ hasn't hurt him." JC said seriously, he loved Lance and couldn't stand the thought of someone hurting the younger man. He ignored the fact that he had done nothing but hurt Lance for years.

"Thanks." Chris said as he and Joey left the room.

"Can you make sure JC doesn't leave the room?" Joey said to the five bodyguards waiting in the corridor.

"Don't worry, Johnny already told us that JC's under house arrest," The five said together.

Chris knew that once their bodyguards found out why Lance had disappeared JC would need new bodyguards to protect him from the current bodyguards.

"Thanks. I've got my cell if you need anything, I'm just going to talk to D," Chris said as he headed towards the lift.

The only reply was a brief nod as Chris dragged Joey into the elevator after him.

Pressing the correct floor Chris looked at Joey worriedly. He knew Joey would automatically assume he was to blame for the years of abuse Lance had suffered. Chris couldn't let that happen seeing how they were partly responsible, having ignored the signs of abuse.

Chris said seriously, "It's no good beating yourself up over what JC did, it won't help Lance. He is the one we should be focusing on."

"Thanks, any idea what Howie wants?" Joey said with a half-hearted smile.

Chris answered thoughtfully, "No, but he sent the emergency code so it's big and probably to do with Lance or AJ."

"Oh, you think we should call Justin?" Joey asked worriedly.

"Yeah." Chris answered as he took the phone from his pocket and quickly dialled his young friend's number.

"Justin's phone." A man replied with a faint southern accent, a voice that was familiar to Chris.

Arching an eyebrow Chris replied, "Er hi, is that Kevin Richardson? Can I speak to Justin?"

Kevin replied, "Yeah, it's me. I'm afraid he's a little busy, Chris. Can you give me a message?"

Getting a little annoyed Chris replied, "Look we're meeting in Howie's room, something has happened to AJ and Lance."

"We'll be there as soon as possible." Kevin answered ending the call.

Chris couldn't help but wonder what Justin was doing with Kevin. As far as he knew Justin couldn't stand the Backstreet Boys, so why was Justin hanging out with one of them? Was it something to do with Lance or was something else happening that he had missed? ******* Kevin put the phone down, looking at his lover who was still asleep. It still amazed him how innocent Justin looked when asleep, as if he was an angel.

Stroking Justin's arms Kevin whispered, "Baby, we have to go. Something has happened to Lance."

Justin's eyes flew open, "Is he okay? JC hasn't caught them, has he?"

Kevin said quickly, "No, Chris called you and said everyone's meeting in Howie's room."

"I guess we should get going." Justin said standing up and stretching slightly.

Kevin smiled pulling Justin to him, "Yeah, I think we should tell them that we're dating. Chris was a little suspicious when I answered your phone."

Justin said thoughtfully, "We should wait until we get Lance sorted. It's not fair to tell them when they've got other things on their minds."

"They'll be okay with it, remember how Nick reacted?" Kevin said with a grin.

Justin smirked, "Yeah. He just told us to keep down the noise and he'd cover for us."

"Let's go," Kevin said standing up placing a chaste kiss on the younger man's cheek.

The pair walked out of the room, remembering to let go of each other's hands at the last minute. They hadn't kept everything such a closely guarded secret to have everything wrecked now. ******* "Everything will be okay, Curly. I don't want to worry you but I think Chris knows," Nick whispered as he hugged Justin when the younger man came in, eyes still red from crying earlier.

Justin replied just as softly, "I know, Nick."

"Are you okay, Justin?" Joey asked as he realised that the younger singer had been crying.

Justin flashed a smile saying, "Not really, but I don't matter right now. The only thing that matters is making sure Lance is safe."

Seeing the worry on Chris' face Kevin whispered, "Justin was worried that he was to blame for Lance getting raped. I talked everything over with him and he's okay."

"Thanks. Did you manage to find out where they are?" Chris replied needing to get back to the issue of Lance and AJ.

Kevin said quickly, "I know they hired a car at the airport but that's all."

"If I can have your attention, I'll tell you why I asked you all here!" Howie said loudly causing everyone to stare at him.

Smiling at the shock on everyone's face he continued, "AJ called me earlier Lance has decided to press charges and is coming back to talk to the police."

Kevin asked quickly, "When are they coming back?"

"Is Lance okay?" Chris asked at the same time.

"How are we going to stop JC from finding them?" Justin asked nervously.

Howie took a deep breath, "They're going to drive back when I give them the info on where they are going to stay. Lance said he doesn't blame any of you for what happened. They're going to stay somewhere away from the public eyes so no one should spot them."

"That still doesn't help us deal with JC." Brian said thoughtfully. Would JC be able to find the pair if they went to ground?

Realising Howie's plan Kevin said, "If we hide them well enough, we won't have to worry about JC."

Taking charge Howie ordered, "Nick, can you phone around some of the small motels? Get a double room in the name of Alex Carter, it'll make things easier."

Joey snarled, "A double? Have you forgotten Lance has spent the last six months getting raped every week?"

Howie said patiently, "I haven't forgotten anything. AJ is the only one Lance seems to feel comfortable with, its not fair to separate them. They slept in the same bed in AJ's room, so Lance will be okay with it."

"I'll book rooms in a hotel in New York under their names and charge it to AJ's card. That way if anyone looks they'll think the pair are in New York not here in Chicago," Kevin said dialling a number from memory.

Howie said taking his cell from his pocket, "I'm going to call them. Anyone want to talk to them?"

"Yeah. I need to talk to Lance." Justin said softly hoping Lance didn't hate him.

Brian said seriously, "I'll talk to him as well."

"Chris, call Johnny and let him now that Lance is pressing charges." Howie said quickly knowing that Lance would need to see the police as soon as possible so that he wouldn't change his mind.

Nick said hanging up the phone, "Okay, they booked in at room 1474 at the Star Motel. I got them the room for a week starting tomorrow."

"Johnny?" Chris said hearing the phone being picked up on the other end.

Johnny said quickly, "How is Lance doing Chris? Has he made any decisions?"

"He's going to press charges. He and AJ are coming back to stay at a hotel here. Once their settled the police will have to see him."

Johnny asked hesitantly, "Does Lance have any photographs or other evidence we can use?"

"That wasn't really one of my main concerns. We'll get Lance to call you after they come back," Chris answered ending the call. ******* "Yeah?" AJ said into the phone looking down at Lance reassuringly.

Howie replied seriously, "It's me. We've got a place for you two to hideout."

AJ smiled, "Thanks. Where is it?"

"The Star Motel, in the bad part of town. No one will look for you there."

"What name is the room under?" AJ asked getting a pen and paper.

Howie said with a small smile, "Alex Carter. You're booked for a week starting tomorrow. Do you think you can get here for eight tomorrow morning?"

AJ said, "Yeah. Wait a sec..."

Turning to look at Lance he said softly, "Angel, we're going to go back to Chicago and stay in a little motel for a while. We're going to drive at night, it'll be easier that way."

"Okay. Will we have to go to the cops or will they come to us?" Lance asked knowing that the bulk of the evidence was still in the JC's hotel room.

"They'll come to us. Why?" AJ answered concerned.

Lance said haltingly, "Jayce has s...some p...photographs when he...raped me. They're in a s...secret compartment in his case."

Gently running one hand through Lance's hair AJ got back on the phone, maybe one of the Nsync boys could get the photographs?

"I need to talk to Chris!" AJ said not raising his voice in case he upset the shaken man in his arms.

Chris said confused, "What do you need AJ?"

"JC has photographs from when he...hurt Lance. They're in a false back of his suitcase."

Chris promised, "I'll make sure the police get them. Tell Lance that the police will want to take photographs of his injuries and will ask him to explain in detail what happened. Can you put Lance on?"

"Chris? I'm sorry about all this!" Lance said into the phone AJ had handed hi.

"It's not your fault, Lance. JC needs to be stopped and we're going to do it."

"Thanks. Is Justin there?" Lance said lying down his head on AJ's lap. He wondered exactly what it was about AJ that made him feel so safe, he had never been so tactile with anyone ever since the rapes had started.

Feeling the need to cheer up the bass singer Justin said in a happy voice, "Hey Scoop. What have you been doing?"

"We had lunch and started watching The Hunt For Red October but I fell asleep. I've been sleeping most of the time apart from when I talk to AJ about what happened."

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you man." Justin said passing the phone to Brian.

Brian said kindly, "Hi Lance, it's Brian. If you ever want to talk you can come to me. I'm here for you."

"That's nice of you to offer," Lance said before giving a loud yawn.

"Can you put AJ back on?" Brian asked politely.

Taking the phone AJ asked, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to tell you that if you need someone to talk to I'm here. Be careful with him."

"Tell D to make sure my lawyer is at the hotel tomorrow for seven a.m." AJ answered finishing the call. ******* Chris looked over at the others wondering how he was going to tell them about Lance's request. He didn't know how the others were going to react to seeing the photographs. He wasn't sure he could cope with seeing them.

Swallowing Chris said, "Justin, can you get JC out of his room?"

"Yeah why?" Justin asked perplexed at the request surely it was better to have JC where they could keep an eye on him?

"Apparently JC has photographs from when he raped Lance. He keeps them in his case hidden by a false back. The police could use them for evidence I guess?"

"Maybe we should leave the photographs there for the police to find," Nick suggested knowing it would help Lance's case.

Brian said slowly, "D? AJ asked if you can make sure his lawyer is there. I guess he wants someone there to make sure Lance is treated okay."

"I'll call later," Howie said looking at the others.

"I guess that's it until tomorrow." Kevin said and the group slowly disbanded. ******* Four Hours Later ******* "Are you okay?" AJ asked as they walked towards the motel. He had decided it would be safer to walk anyway rather than drive. Howie really wasn't joking when he said the place was in a bad neighbourhood but hopefully as long as they didn't do anything to attract attention they would be okay.

Lance asked nervously, "Yeah. Ya think we'll be okay?"

"I told you that I won't let anyone hurt you," AJ answered with a small smile.

Lance just grinned and the pair walked inside the motel, holding hands drawing only a few raised eyebrows from the people hanging around outside, most of whom were too high to care about the strange pair.

"I have a room booked for a week under the name Alex Carter," AJ said with a small grin at the woman at the counter.

Giving a disgusted sigh at their joined hands the woman handed over a key saying, "Room 1474."

AJ took the key and gently directed lance towards the stairs seeing that the man was still half asleep. Over his shoulder AJ was carrying an army holdall he had got from a friend that was carrying clothes for both him and Lance and a first aid kit.

Once they got to the room, AJ pushed the chest of drawers and up against the door not wanting to take the chance that anyone could get in and hurt Lance. Whilst he was doing this Lance had changed into a pair of boxers and a T-shirt his sleeping clothes.

"Do ya really think we need to do that?" Lance asked anxiously.

Changing into a T-Shirt and boxers AJ replied with a grin, "No but I'm not going to take the chance."

"Night, Alex." Lance said with a grin as AJ got into bed beside him and gently ran his fingers through Lance's hair. Lance was wondering just what was so fascinating about his hair, it seemed that AJ was always running his fingers through it.

"Night James." AJ replied squeezing Lance's hand slightly before closing his eyes.

*********** To be continued in Part 10, in which JC faces the cops and a few secrets come to light. **********

Next: Chapter 5

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