Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on Jul 27, 2023


Title: Black Eyes, Blue Tears 14/? Author: Stephanie M Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Feedback: This is not my normal type of story; I'd love to hear what everyone thinks. Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. The story is the result of a warped mind. Warnings: JC bashing - sorry if that upsets anyone. Discussion of abuse and rape. Status: WIP

Part 14

"Chasez, you've got a visitor." The guard said as he walked down to JC's cell.

JC arched his eyebrows, "Who is it?"

"A Mr Pearlman. He said that it's important he speak to you." The guard said as he led the man out.

The guard led JC to a small private interview room and let JC inside. With a nod at Pearlman he waited outside, whistling quietly.

"What are you doing here?" JC asked as soon as the guard had left the room.

Lou Pearlman grinned, "I'm here to help, Josh. I know that little slut is lying about you. Without Lance's testimony they won't have a case. I could help convince Lance not to talk in return for you agreeing to come back under my management."

JC smiled cruelly, "I'll work for you as long as you manage to convince Lance to disappear."

"I knew you would see it my way." Lou said before walking out the room with a grin. ******* Joey was sitting in complete silence, focused entirely on the man lying in the hospital bed. He couldn't help but feel guilty for never knowing Lance was diabetic. It was just one more thing he had missed. What did it say about their friendship if a complete stranger was able to see Lance was hurting, that he was afraid of JC before he did?

"Hey Joe. How is he?" AJ asked as he walked back into the room, having only gone to shower and change in the shower room couple of doors away.

"No change." Joey said with a shrug.

Lance struggled to open his eyes focusing intently he managed to say, "A--Alex?"

In a flash AJ was at Lance's side, gently holding the man's hand, "I'm here."

Joey's face fell, no longer was Lance calling to him to protect him and reassure him. He had lost his friend and he didn't know what to do about it. He moved back to let the pair talk in privacy.

"You look good." Lance said with a grin as he opened his eyes.

AJ grinned, "The others convinced me to have a shower. They threatened to make me leave otherwise."

"I'd like to go to your place. What's it like?" Lance said struggling to keep his eyes open.

AJ smiled realising Lance had heard his words, "It's a beach house. It is beautiful, really relaxing and quiet. I go there whenever I want to just be myself."

"Sounds great. How long until I can get out of here?"

AJ shrugged, "No idea, Sweetheart. We'll have to ask the doctor. You gave us all a scare earlier."

Lance said apologetically, "Jayce always had my medication. It was another way he could control me."

"So he wouldn't give you your pills unless...?" AJ said not knowing how to voice his fears.

Lance explained tiredly, "Too make sure I would be obedient and that I wouldn't tell anyone. That time he tied me up once after I tried to stop him raping me, well, when he let me out I was too weak to stop him. After he finished raping and cutting me, he unfastened the chains, gave me an injection of insulin and had some doctor friend of his check me out."

The doctor walked in and said, "You have been unconscious for the last four days. Once we are satisfied your sugar levels are okay you can leave. This time make sure you stick to your regime!"

"I will." Lance answered noticing the way the doctor sneered at their joined hands.

"In light of your lifestyle, I've arranged a blood test." The doctor said deliberately not looking at them.

AJ saw red at that statement, how dare this man treat Lance like that! Lance had been through enough without having to put up with homophobic idiots. He looked at the blonde and saw Lance was crying softly, making no noise. He wondered why the doctor who had admitted Lance allowed this homophobic scum to treat Lance after what he had confided.

AJ stalked towards the doctor, aggression radiating from him. Before he could hit the doctor Joey and the rest of their friends appeared. They eight immediately noticed the anger coming from AJ and the shame from Lance.

"AJ, back off! Lance needs you." Kevin said knowing exactly what to say to get a reaction.

AJ walked back over to Lance and said quietly, "I'm sorry for scaring you, baby. I promise not to do that again. I was just angry with him for saying that to you."

"It's okay. Y--you don't think I'm a slut like the doctor does, do you?" Lance said looking down at the bed.

AJ said seriously, "Of course not, Sweetie. He's just a jerk. I'm here for you and I trust you."

Howie and Chris glared at the doctor as they heard Lance's words. They couldn't believe the doctor had actually said that, nor could they believe AJ hadn't killed the man. They decided not to do anything in front of Lance, knowing the younger man couldn't handle the aggression right now.

Ben sneaked out the room to where the bodyguards were waiting. Maybe the singers couldn't do anything but he could. He quickly told the singers what the doctor had apparently told Lance and smiled when the guards promised to deal with it.

"What did you do?" Nick whispered to Ben as his fiance walked back into the room.

Ben just gave an innocent smiled, "I mentioned what the doctor had said to your guards to make sure they don't let the man in again."

"Thanks." Joey said knowing what the actor had been trying to do.

Looking at Lance Chris said, "We heard from the DA. The case is going to trial in two weeks. Apparently he rushed it through given the nature of the case, and our celebrity status."

"Oh. I should meet with him and discuss my testimony." Lance said wondering how he was going to handle it. He didn't like the thought of having to explain to everyone what had happened, and was sure he would end up in tears.

"So when are you getting married, Nick?" AJ asked changing the subject quickly.

Nick grinned. "In two months and then we were going to spend three months sailing around the world."

"Sounds great." Brian said grinning at the couple who were happily holding hands.

"Has anyone heard from my mom?" Lance said nervously.

Justin nodded, "She was going to come up here as soon as she heard you were in hospital but Chris said it would be best to leave it until you were a little more coherent."

"Thanks. I'll explain everything to her once I'm out of here." Lance said yawning loudly.

"I think that's our cue to leave. We'll see you tomorrow, Poofu." Justin said with a grin before the singers walked out, AJ remaining behind.

"What does the DA think the chances are of winning the case?" Lance asked seriously.

Happy that he could give some good news AJ grinned, "He said they're good. A couple of other guys have gone to the police about JC but they dropped the charges."

"Oh. When did they do that?" Lance asked wondering if he was somehow responsible.

AJ said with a frown, "Er...1999 and 2000, I think the DA said."

"He started rapping me in November 2000. I've wondered why he didn't do it earlier." Lance sighed.

AJ smiled reassuringly, "Why don't you go to sleep? I'll be here when you wake up. The doctor who admitted you said sleep was probably the best thing for you." ******* AJ's bodyguard was busy chatting up a nurse at the nurses' station and so he didn't see the figure approach the room he was supposed to be guarding. The figure grinned and slowly moved out of the shadows to reveal a slim woman with short platinum blonde hair. She was wearing a nurse's uniform and carrying a clipboard.

The woman slowly opened the door of the hospital room, relieved when it didn't make a sound. She looked at the bed in the centre of the room, which was illuminated by the moonlight streaming in through the blinds. The white light only served to highlight the bed and the nearby chair. The woman was giddy to see Lance was asleep, his right hand holding AJ's. The older man was sleeping on an uncomfortable looking chair, positioned as close to the bed as possible. She reached into a concealed pocket in her clothes and took out her camera; she was going to get so much money for this picture!

As the flash went off, Lance started quietly sobbing causing the woman moved back into the shadows. Lance started shaking as he was crying, causing AJ to quickly wake when he felt Lance moving his hand.

"Shush, its okay. I'm here, Lance." AJ whispered waiting for Lance to show some signs of relaxing.

Lance jumped up from the bed, waking himself up. He blinked rapidly as he tried to figure out where he was and what had woken him up. As memories of his nightmare returned, Lance started shaking in fear.

"Sweetheart? I'm here like I promised. I'm not going to leave you alone." AJ said gently.

Lance said hoarsely, "Fuck! Even when I'm asleep he haunts me! Will I ever be free of JC?"

AJ said seriously, "I'm not going to lie to you, Lance. It will take time and it will be difficult. But you will manage to get through this and heal. You won't be alone; I'm not going to leave you. You're so strong, Lance."

"Strong (!) JC beat me and raped me for years and I wasn't strong enough to stop him!" Lance said angry with himself and JC. Sometimes all he felt was anger and pain, so much that he didn't think it would ever go.

AJ said intensely, "You are. If that happened to me, I would have completely fallen apart. You haven't, you are still sane and alive. You were strong enough to press charges and strong enough to tell me, a complete stranger what had happened."

Lance smiled, "You're different, Alex. I just felt like I could trust you, it was the first time I felt like that in years. I knew you wouldn't laugh at me like Justin did. "

"Do you want to try and go back to sleep or want to talk for a while?" AJ asked willing to do whatever Lance wanted.

"Would you...could you...sleep in this bed with me? There's plenty of room, and I'd feel safer if you were there."

"Lance, I'll do anything for you all you have to do is ask." AJ said as the younger man held up the covers.

AJ got into the bed careful not to dislodge the IV in the blonde's hand. Once he was in the bed, he wanted for Lance to give some sign of how he wanted to sleep. Lance moved out the way slightly and gestured for AJ to lie down on his back. As soon as AJ had done so, he lay back down with his head on AJ's shoulder.

Lance grinned as AJ started to gently run his fingers through his hair, it was becoming an addiction for both of them. For Lance the feeling of AJ running his hands through his hair was reassuring and made him feel safe. The simple touches always made AJ feel calm and content as it allowed him to both comfort and connect with Lance.

After the pair had fallen asleep the figure took out her camera and snapped one last picture before leaving the room. She couldn't help but feel guilty for what she was doing, but she pushed away that emotion. She didn't have the time or money for morals or guilt. They had no place in her life anymore, survival was more important. Stopping to listen for any sounds she walked out of the room.

"What were you doing in there?" Paul, AJ's bodyguard asked as he spied the woman leaving the room.

The woman answered with a smile, "I was just checking Mr Bass' vitals. We need to make sure he's okay."

"How is he?" Paul asked seriously knowing what had happened to Lance.

"Fine, better than he was." The woman answered quickly before walking away from the hotel room and disappearing down the corridor.

End Part 14

Next: Chapter 10

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