Black Master White Slave

By moc.oohay@wjhtiek

Published on Mar 12, 2017


Black Master white slave Life Journey

Part 4: Master Response #2

Thanks again for the emails asking about the life I live with my boy/slave/husband. Once again, I'm glad to answer your emails as you learn a little more of our life together.

When we first met, my boy was fantasizing about what my BBC would be like while in his mouth and up his ass. Knowing him as I do, he was probably also picturing a Suzy homemaker lifestyle with him fixing dishes in the crock-pot and us living in a home with a white picket fence. Meanwhile, I too was fantasizing.

However, I was wondering how good his gag reflex would be when I'd ram my hard BBC all the way down his throat that first time. I also shot a few loads myself picturing how he'd look wearing his slave collar and leg restraints, how his body would look shaved, and how he'd look serving me while I relaxed and enjoyed my status as his Superior. Obviously, my fantasy won, and I'm glad it quickly became a reality.

The first time I pictured him as my slave was a few minutes after we first met. I recognized his intelligence and charismatic personality immediately, and all through our first conversation, I also recognized that he had a submissive side to that personality in his trying to please me. His independent thinking and confidence he had at the time (and still has only in his career today) proved to me that he would probably not accept an immediate offer from me for a life in slavery. He would have to accept that submissive side to his personality first before he would realize he would be happiest spending the rest of his life in slavery. So yes, I never planned on him being an equal to me. I wanted him as a slave and only as a slave; luckily, he quickly accepted his fate as an inferior.

In his career, he is professional, knowledgeable, and highly respected. In his personal life, he is totally submissive and obedient, which has always pleased me. He had two probation periods (six months total) before we officially began living the life we now live as Master and slave. To help him recognize his submissive side, he was a submissive for three months. He then accepted my offer and began his slavery. I made a deal with him, that if he did not like his life as a slave, he had three months to tell me, and I would give him his freedom and end our relationship because I wanted him as a slave and not as an equal partner.

He accepted his destiny without question and with much enthusiasm. On Day 91 of his slavery, we opened a joint checking account, and he began transferring his assets in my name. For business purposes, he keeps his Discover card in his name, which also helps him to keep a credit rating in the event I die before he does. My name is listed first on all documents with his name listed second. However, he may not use his credit card or write a check at any time without first getting my permission. Other than his grandpa's 1950s Rolex watch, a few nice dress watches, his wedding ring, a signet ring that was his dad's, his clothes, and a few antiques he inherited when his dad died, he has only a few personal possessions, which of course, like him, are also my property.

Before he may buy anything personal, he must first get my permission. His weekly allowance must be used only for food, soft drinks, chips, etc. and may not be used for any personal items. He usually brings a lunch to work, since his $20.00 weekly allowance only goes so far. Receipts must accompany any purchase he makes with his allowance money.

He created a simple accounting form many years ago, and every Friday evening, he turns in all receipts and leftover money. When he returns home on Friday evening, he places his report, all receipts, and any leftover allowance money on my desk. If his leftover money and receipts do not match, he will lose his allowance for one month. In his sixteen years of slavery, this incompetence on his part only happened one time. I review his weekly spending report on Saturday morning before I enjoy my weekend of fun and leisure and he begins his weekend of domestic chores. This is one more reminder to him that he is no longer a free man.

Socially, I am in a Tuesday night poker club and a golfing group with both gay and straight friends. All my friends and family who visit my home have known he is my boy/slave/husband since I claimed him. He is always naked at home as are all slaves who come into my home. A set of cabinets I call his closet are in the garage. He dresses and undresses there when he enters or leaves home. He is also responsible for putting on his slave collar. I'll attach the lock to his collar whenever I want him to wear his lock. He's learned to dress and undress quickly in the garage since the outdoor temperatures may range from -10 º or lower sometimes to 100+ ºF throughout the year.

Friends (other than my Superior friends) visiting me have gotten used to seeing his nakedness while I have him serving us a meal, snacks, or appetizers while we're visiting and enjoying each other's company. At first boy felt uncomfortable in front of my friends, especially females, but now it doesn't even faze him. My golfing buddies are mostly Black professional men and are also used to seeing my naked white slave.

Last fall when I was still able to golf before the cold weather and snow started coming along, I met and then invited to my home a gay Black golfer who lost his partner of many years two years ago. After seeing how well trained my boy is, he later called me and told me he was now interested in becoming a first time Master and owning a piece of human white property. So far, he's still looking for his property to claim, and I hope he has success in doing this soon. He's a great guy who I think will make a great Master.

I was thirty when I took ownership of him, and I was at a point in my life where I was not willing to hide the fact that I enjoy being a Master and owning a slave. That's why I immediately started introducing him to my good friends and family members as the slave and property I now owned. Luckily, all but two of my friends kept our friendship and gave me their full support; even though, all these years later, some of them still don't understand how someone could give up all their freedoms for a life in servitude or how I could claim ownership to a man I've fallen in love with.

Many weekends and holidays are spent with four other Master friends and their slaves. Occasionally my Brother (who lives two hours away) and his property will join us for these social gatherings. My Master friends include one Master who is bi-racial, one Hispanic Master, and two white Masters. Whichever Superior is hosting our get together names one slave to be the slave-in-waiting. This is viewed as an honor for the chosen slave, whose job for the event is to serve the Masters or visiting Mistresses. The slave-in-waiting gets us appetizers, drinks, coffee, desserts, fluffs our pillows, removes our shoes, or whatever else we may require of them. When not waiting on a Superior, they are required to stand in a military style attention pose with their hands behind their backs and their head lowered.

Superiors always get fresh plates, glasses, mugs, etc. One slave is in the kitchen hand washing and drying dishes while the other slaves are busy preparing the food. We keep the slaves busy the entire time we're enjoying ourselves. The slaves also know they should work as quietly as possible so they do not disturb the Superiors. My boy always gets nervous when it's his turn to be the slave-in-waiting because he knows if he messes up in any way which might embarrass me in front of other Superiors, he'll get the hardest spanking I can administer to him along with assigning him a very long and very severe punishment.

No slave in our group is ever shared with any other Master or Mistress. I am the only one who disciplines, punishes, uses, or rewards my boy. He's my property, and I know what's best for him. All the other Masters do the same thing with their properties.

My boy works out at the gym for at least an hour three times a week. On other days, I've given him a program of aerobics, yoga, and calisthenics to do first thing in the morning before he shaves his body and showers. He is 5'9", and I'm 6'1" tall. He has always maintained his swimmers build, and his weight may not get above 155 pounds. For being in his mid-forties, (45 this year) he still has a firm bubble butt, and I've always enjoyed seeing my dick give it a hard bareback fucking.

As I've told you before, his slave training was relatively easy for me. CBT and TT were hardest for him to accept. Today whenever I have my fun doing my two favorite pleasures to him, pleasure, and pain have become one emotion to him. This brings me a great deal of enjoyment, which is why I don't feel the need to have him bound and gagged as often as other Masters do to their properties. And yes, when I do have him bound and gagged, I enjoy it as well.

Had my first slave worked out, I would have had no problem owning a member of my own race, since I realized early in my life that I wanted a slave. Since I grew up in a very multicultural neighborhood and learned to appreciate all ethnic groups, owning a slave in any ethnic group would have made no difference to me. I just wanted to own my own slave.

I have to admit, however, I prefer owning white property. Through his ownership, I have learned to appreciate my own blackness and my own African-American heritage. I've always enjoyed seeing his white mouth around my dick as I fill it with my cum or piss or whenever I sit on his face and have him rim my ass. I like to remind him periodically, especially in February, that our situation has been reversed and he is now living his life in a home of Black Superiority and white submission.

Black History Month is a favorite time of the year for me since I enjoy watching Roots every year and then having him on the bondage table at least once every weekend for my fun. I enjoy abusing his white, inferior body after we watch any movie or documentary, which depicts the cruelty used on slaves and Black people from the days of slavery to the Civil Rights Movement and even in these modern times. Every evening in February he is responsible for giving me at least a one- minute oral report on any famous Black person in the world (living or dead) and why he enjoyed learning about their lives. As white property, he has learned to appreciate February as much as I do since he knows how much enjoyment it brings to me.

He now recognizes Black men as sexier and Superior to him than men from other ethnic groups. While other white gay men may find hunks like Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, George Clooney, and others sexy, my boy now recognizes Black men as being not only Superior to him, but also finds them to be both sexier and more handsome. That pitiful little white cock gets hard whenever he sees Cuba Gooding, Jr., Blair Underwood, and President Obama, who are his favorite Black men. He shared a dream he once had about him being President Obama's slave. In the dream, the POTUS had him on his knees under his desk in the Oval Office holding on to his leash while he worked. Yes, boy is now living proof of the old saying, "Once Black, you'll never go back."

For the most part, boy works very hard in completing his chores. However, like most slaves, it seems like he cannot handle success for too long a time, and he then screws up. Of course, this results in his being punished. He knows he can do 1,000 things correctly, but if he messes up one time, he'll be punished accordingly. One thing I cannot tolerate is when he questions my authority and acts like a free man, which usually results in a long and severe punishment, which may last at least a week, with a loss of many of his privileges he may have earned through his hard work and obedience.

His most recent punishment resulted because he was neglectful in his duties. While he was dressing me for work, I told boy to mail a birthday card to my elderly great aunt (88 this year), who has lived most of her adult life in Oregon. The card would have been mailed five days before her birthday, so she would receive it a few days early. That night, while checking the day's mail, which he puts on my desk and is not allowed to open, I noticed the card and two other items I told him to mail still on my desk. To a normal gay or straight couple, he could have said something like, "Baby, I'm so sorry, I forgot. I'll mail it tomorrow." However, this is not an acceptable excuse when you live your life as a slave.

For this negligence, he was given a severe spanking with my cane every night, forced to wear his leg restraints the entire time he was inside my home, and required to kneel in the corner after serving me dinner until bedtime, until I received the call from my aunt that she had received her birthday card. His punishment lasted five days. My aunt had been away for a few days visiting her daughter and called me the evening she had returned home. My great-aunt knows I own a slave; even though, they've never met in person. During and after a punishment, he always feels so guilty for disappointing me that he then becomes even more submissive in trying to please me, which I gladly welcome.

While some of you might be thinking that maybe I was too hard on a normally loyal and obedient slave for making one simple error, I'll tell you that I was not. If I overlooked this error, he might then think that it's acceptable to neglect other tasks I give him and also begin thinking he can act like a free man. I'd then have to spend my valuable time retraining a normally well-trained slave.

Another thing I've always enjoyed is controlling when I allow him to jack off and shoot his useless load of slave sperm. Over the years, this reward is given to him with longer and longer periods in between. My plan is that eventually he will lose all desire in stroking his little white cock and shooting his pathetic load of useless white cum since he's always receiving my Superior piss and cum.

I know I'm making progress here because over the years each time I give him permission to jack off, it takes him longer and longer to shoot his pathetic load of slave sperm. In fact, the last time I gave him permission to do this, he couldn't jack off in the ten minutes I gave him to do so. That's no concern to me, since I gave him the opportunity, and he couldn't complete his reward. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of his ability and desire to want to jack off, which would be okay with me.

Last week he spent the week receiving additional training in the corporate office in Chicago, three hours away from my home. He left on Sunday afternoon and returned home on Friday night. For his trip, I gave him $100.00 to spend with the same rules regarding receipts and asking for permission the three times he needed to use his credit card.

The house was so quiet without boy in it doing his usual daily and evening household chores. I woke up every night he was gone and looked down at the floor on the side of my bed where he sleeps in his curled up position. I have to admit I missed seeing him lying there. Even in his mid forties, I know my boy is still a handsome man; even though, he's a slave. And, he still has the body that he could wear the bikini swimsuits he wore during his swimming competition days. Of course, I like his slave nakedness so much more.

The hotel offered him a free breakfast, which he ate every day. He then used part of the spending money every day I gave him to eat at a deli down the street from the corporate office. After leaving the corporate office, he was told to go back to the hotel room, order room service, and eat in his room. His usual 6:30 curfew still applied. At night after eating his dinner, he was required to write 500 lines (50 on the front side and 50 on the back side of each sheet of paper) of BLACK SUPERIORITY white inferiority before going to bed.

It was nice to hear the garage door open at 9:53 Friday evening and hear him turn off the engine to his slave mobile (a 2014 Toyota Rav4 to free people) and then hearing the garage door close. He quickly undressed and then turned in this more detailed weekly allowance report and his 2500 lines before kneeling before me in my bedroom. I was so glad to have him home, that I even gave him a kiss on his forehead. I then rewarded him with the honor of worshiping my feet, which had been socked for almost sixteen hours.

With his foot fetish, he was in slave ecstasy as he lapped up my foot sweat, cleaned the gunk between my toes, and then sucked my toes. I then had him wash my feet before I went to bed because I didn't want to fall asleep with his slave saliva drying on my feet while I slept.

The next day while I reviewed his weekly expense report and lines, he gave me both a manicure and pedicure. For the first year of his slavery, I had him get a monthly manicure and pedicure so he could then learn how to give them to me. As usual, boy is a quick learner and his work is just as good as if I went to a salon to have this done. I particularly like to have my feet looking good in the summer time when I usually wear slides with my shorts.

He then started his weekend routines of grocery shopping, housecleaning, laundry, cooking, ironing, and shining my shoes--business as usual. While he was cleaning, I went to the gym and then went out to lunch with a few of my golf buddies. When I returned home, he was finishing up with his housework and then started cooking three dishes to serve me for dinner in the coming week. While he was working, I relaxed on the sofa returning a few phone calls I missed while I was out before watching old movies on Turner Classic Movies.

Overall, we lead a pretty quiet life. I know some of you have this idea that my Master friends and I share our properties or that I keep him in constant bondage. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not the case. Or, it's not the case with my slave and my group of Master friends. The only thing you might find pleasure in is that he drinks my piss about 90 percent of the time.

So here's a little more information I'm sharing about the life I share with my boy/slave/husband. As the saying goes, "Some of us were meant to serve, and some of us were meant to be served," I'm so glad I'm able to live my life as a strict and dominant Black man to my inferior white slave.

Next: Chapter 5

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