Black Sheep

Published on Apr 14, 2022


Black Sheep 21

Chapter 9

Who is Jax Wallace?

 "What the fuck we doing here?" Jamila asks, "I don't got time for this shit."
I call Jamila and Joyous into the diner. It's a few days after the dumb ass Halloween party. My head is still spinning from everything that went down with AK and this strange guy that showed up to the party named Jax Wallace.

"You too famous now?" Joyous asks her.

Jamila rolls her eyes, "I got business to take care of. Unlike the two of you."

I slam my hand on the table to get their attention. I don't have time for this. Something weird was going down in this family and I needed to get to the bottom of this.
"Listen...I need to tell you both about this party and it's some serious shit. Some serious shit went down with Joshua."
"Nothing went down with Joshua," Jamila states, "He would have told me. I've talked to him a million times since then and he seemed fine."
"It's Joshua," I respond.

That seems to be all Jamila has to hear. My brother took his emotions and he bottled those bitches up better than a Pepsi bottling company. The boy had become a professional at it.

"You have a point," Jamila concedes, "What happened?"
I sigh a little bit. I am still trying to get my head over what happened that night. I don't understand it honestly my damn self.

"So Sheila told me she would invite AK to the Halloween party. She wanted me to get AK back with Joshua. Well for some reason she told AK to bring a date. Some guy named Jax..."
"Why the fuck would she have him bring a date if she wanted him to get back with Joshua?" Joyous asks me leaning in, "That makes no fucking sense."
"That's what I said," I tell Joyous.

"She's a sleazy bitch that's why," Jamila responds.
I was definitely thinking the same thing. It's been the first time I have agreed with Jamila in a really long time. It was nice that at least we had one thing to agree on. Our cousin was a sleazy ass bitch with no sense of direction. She probably learned her sleazy behavior from her oiled up sleazy father.

"So I go to talk to AK in private and Joshua shows up. And AK's date tells him that me and AK were going somewhere to fuck in private."
Jamila and Joyous both get quiet. I expect them to be shocked and appalled like I am but neither have that expression. Jamila looks pissed and Joyous just looks away as though feeling maybe some sort of disappointment. I can't really tell what Joyous is feeling because he isn't really looking at me.

"You are know that?" Jamila asks, "And I mean that. When is it going to be enough between you and Joshua. Honestly? Do you want to slowly kill him until he finally is dead? You might as well just take a gun and shoot him why don't you."
She was so serious.

What's worse is that Joyous doesn't even defend me. My brother who should have my back just turns away and acts like he doesn't hear this.
"You guys really believe this shit about me?" I ask.

"If the shoe fits," Jamila states, "It's not like you haven't done some shit like this before."
"Keon was different!" I respond.

I get so loud that a few people at the diner turn to look at me. Yes. I fucked Keon in the ass. I definitely did. I enjoyed every moment of it. Keon was mine to fuck in the ass. It was completely different. The fact that Jamila didn't understand that was her problem. Regardless that situation was different from this.

I'll admit it. AK was sexy. He has that whole thug with a soul thing going on for him. He had that grimy thing that said he probably fucked people without having any attachment what-so-ever so it was probably a challenge to get a guy like him. If you did get a guy like him you probably knew that you had him forever. That was the problem. Joshua had gotten through to AK. Joshua had AK forever. AK belonged to Joshua. I would never fuck AK in a million years.

"Well that's a crazy story man. But Jamila is right. This shit between you two is getting old and petty," Joyous states and starts getting up from the table, "If the two of you can't get along then maybe you shouldn't be around each other. Or maybe be around each other all the time. Go be sister wives or some shit. I don't know. Leave me out of it."
"Joyous are you for real?" I ask.

I expect Jamila to be acting all funny. She was far up Joshua's ass. I don't expect this from Joyous though. He was supposed to be more on my side with this.
"Yes. He's not your fucking enemy man. He's your brother!"
"You don't think I know that?" I ask shaking out of anger the more I realize they are challenging me, "I was NOT going to fuck AK."
Jamila rolls her eyes, "Sure."
"You are going to sound stupid when you find out that Jax's last name is Wallace."
Jamila and Joyous look at each other when I drop that bomb. At first, I thought it was going to rock their world but Joyous starts walking out.

I literally have to grab him to stop him.
"Did you hear me?" I say chasing him down, "The boy Jax's name was Wallace."
"You know how common that last name is?" he asks me.

"You don't get it," I tell Joyous, "It's almost like he wanted me to know that his name was Wallace. You know? It's almost like this guy was trying to prove a point by telling me that."
"What point?" Joyous asks.

"I don't know."
"So what the fuck are we talking about?" he asks.

"You guys don't get it!" I scream, "There was something weird about this boy Jax. The way he looked at me. The way he was so desperate to introduce himself to me. It was like he waited a long time to do that. He was so desperate to introduce himself man. He was so excited to be in the club and be in the mix. It's almost like someone who wasn't a part of things for a while."
"So...who is he?" Jamila asks.
"I don't fucking know."
"Call Sheila and find out."
"I ain't calling that bitch. That bitch got me fucked up," I state shaking my head.

"You're not calling cause you don't got shit and you sound stupid," Joyous responds, "You got caught being messy and now you want to backtrack and blame it on some random. What was so important that you had to talk to AK in private?"
I think about what was so important. AK didn't have sex with Joyous. That was what was so important. I had to make AK realize it. I had to do it in a way that AK believed it himself and connected the dots himself.

I'm so disappointed because I can't tell Joyous what was so important. I can't rat Keon out for the fucked up set-up he did.

"I just want you guys to believe me. I'm not starting no shit."
Joyous rolls his eyes, "I'm leaving. I don't got time for this shit everyday between you and Joshua. How about this? When you stop being a messy faggot hit me up man."

Joyous had never called me a faggot. The entire time he knew I was gay he had never crossed that line. The fact that he was crossing the line now hurt. That shit truly did hurt.
I head back to the house and I swear I just have a bad taste in my mouth. My siblings aren't believing me about this Jax thing and I am looking bad. On my way, I swear I pull out my phone and I'm ready to call Joshua to have some sort of sit down. The others are acting weird and I really feel like maybe it's time to clear things up with Joshua. I look at the phone for a second and damn near hit the person in front of me as I slightly swerve into the wrong lane.

A loud horn sounds as I swerve back to my side of the road. That is when I see a familiar face in the driver's seat of a Black Honda. It's Jax Wallace. At first, I think I'm imagining it. Maybe I just had him on my mind...but no. I see how he smiles when our eyes connect on the road. The same knowing smile that I had seen.

I roll down my window.
He ignores me and pulls off. I wouldn't be able to turn the car around and follow him if I wanted to. Besides I was more concerned to know why the hell he was on Keon's street.

What was this new guy up to?
I pull up to the house and I'm more confused than ever. Was this guy stalking me or something? All the lights in the beach house are off when I get there. I go through the garage and when I get to the main room I find Keon just sitting in the living room. He has whiskey and his robe on like usual. I have no doubt that he hasn't left the house.
"Keon, did someone come over?" I ask him.

He's sitting on the sofa and he doesn't respond to me. I think he doesn't hear me so I make my way around the sofa and stare down at him.
"Keon..." I start off again, "Did you get a visitor?"
"Come suck this dick."
I think I'm hearing it wrong when he says what he says. I look over at Keon and I feel like maybe I'm tripping, but then I see how he is posted on the chair. He has nothing underneath the silk robe. It folds over his thigh and I can see the thick meat sitting hard and swollen. He grabs his dick, outlining it in the silk robe.

"What?" I ask.

I think I'm tripping.

"Come suck this dick," he tells me once again.

This time he flips his robe open. His dick is completely erect. I smell some weed and I know that Keon must have been high as well as drinking heavily but the deep sound of his voice is so sexy that I don't know if I can resist.

Before I know it I'm on my knees. I let his dick in my mouth. My tongue whips around his heavy shaft. I start to please him licking on his balls, little on his taint and the beginnings of his asshole. I lick up and up working the shaft with my hands the whole time. I put the thick head in my mouth and make a long hard slurping noise as I suck him up. He looks down at me the entire time. He doesn't say a word. All you can hear is the loud slurping noise as I wet up his dick, letting my spit drizzle down the shaft of his dick.

At first, I think he's not even on it but then I hear him stop me.

"Lay on the couch. I'm about to fuck your face."
I don't hesitate. I slide on the couch. I face up to him. All of a sudden I feel how I did back in the day with Keon. I feel like this is most definitely the old Keon that I knew. There is so much passion as he slowly lowers himself over my face pushing his big cock onto my tongue. I start licking the head slurping on it and letting it ease into the back of my throat.

"Mhmm..." I'm moaning.

I whip my own dick out, maneuvering it out of my pants. I grab it with one hand and start slapping it in my hand.
"This is what you wanted huh?" he asks me.
"Yes...give it to me, daddy."
"This is what you wanted?"
His voice gets deeper and more aggressive. The passion I heard almost seems angry with his tone all of a sudden. I am blindsided by it but before long I notice him shoving his dick deeper and deeper down my throat. I find myself gagging as he pummels into my throat, choking up my air with how aggressive he is being. I try to stop him and push him off.

He keeps doing it until I can't help but to push him as hard as I can off of me. He falls onto the arm of the couch.
"What the FUCK is wrong with you?"
"This is what you wanted? Right. I'm giving you what you wanted," he tells me, "You wanted this dick so bad that you ruined my fucking family. You wanted this dick so bad that you ruined my life."
Did he think that was all I was worried about? Dick. I feel a sick feeling in my stomach at that moment and almost want to cry. The burning feeling in my eyes lingers for a second and I swear it's going to come out. This was the man that I loved for years telling me that all that I cared about was his dick.
"I didn't ruin shit..."
"Bullshit," he tells me, "I did get a visitor today."
Fuck. Jax.

That motherfucker found out where Keon lived? I definitely wasn't tripping at this point. This motherfucker was fucking with me. He was going out of his way to fuck with me for whatever reason. What the fuck was this about?

"Keon don't believe shit that guy said!"
"So you didn't try to hook AK up with Joshua at the club?" Keon asks me.

The look on Keon's eyes is pure betrayal. I don't even know what to say. I'm just shocked that this Jax guy was going out of his way to fuck with me like that. He really came back to Keon to tell him that I was trying to reunite AK with Joshua.

This was absolutely crazy.

"Keon I'm sorry..."
Sorry doesn't seem enough for Keon. There is so much anger in him. He looks like he wants to cry but he doesn't. His eyes just get red and he comes at me. I think he is about to hit me but it's even worse than. He turns spits on his palm with one hand and uses the other hand to try to pull down my pants.

"This is what you wanted so fucking back, turn around, I'll give you this dick since you wanted it so fucking bad."
Keon is emotional. He's not even acting right.

"Keon stop...this isn't you."
He pushes me up against the wall. I'm shocked. Keon pulls my pants down and I swear he is FORCING himself on me. I feel him attempting to ram his dick into me but for some reason, his dick isn't even hard as he's trying to do this. If it were hard I knew Keon would have some sort of sick revenge sex.

I manage to maneuver out of his hold and I look at him. There is so much pain his eyes. I swear I see no love. Not even the slightest bit of love when he looks at me.
It's becomes very clear that night. It's more clear than ever before.

Keon hated me.
The following night I show up at English's house. He opens the door and the look on his face tells me that he doesn't expect to see me. He is dressed nice, like he always is. He has on some expensive looking sweater and polished shoes with slacks even though I'm pretty damn sure he isn't going to work or anything today. He smells so good when he opens the door.

"Jamison? You OK?"

My eyes are red. I look like shit. I've been crying all day. What's more is that I have all my stuff out here. I took everything I could grab and stuffed it into one of the spare suitcases to make my way over here.

"I can't...stay with him anymore," I state.

"Keon kicked you out?" he asks me.

No. Keon hadn't kicked me out. I still remember how brutal the rest of the night was when he had me pressed up on the wall. I remember Keon's facial expression. I remember how angry he looked. I had never seen so much anger on his face before.

"He tried to force himself on me," I state.

English sounds pissed. This sounds bad. It was bad, but Keon wasn't a rapist. Maybe that's why it hurt even more. Keon knew I wanted it. I wanted him. I just didn't want him in the way that he was trying to give himself to me.
"Not like rape. Just...force," I explain to English, "It's almost like he was trying to prove some sort of a sick point. I tried to force my way into his life so he's was forcing himself on me."
English shakes his head, "Yo that dude ain't right in the fucking head man. We should call someone..."
"No! Please..." I stop him, "I just need...I just really would like to crash here for a while."
Shit. I can see him hesitating and I just feel so fucking stupid. Why did I think I would show up at English's house and he would just accept me in?

"This was a bad idea," I start off.

I had nowhere else to go. I guess I could hit up Joyous. He was pissed at me right now and he lived in the hood. It would probably be dangerous and extra but at least it would be a roof over my head until I was able to find a job and get back on my feet.

"I'd love if you stayed here. It's just that Joshua was heading over with the girls. I was going to cook dinner..." he states, "You could join us if you would like."
"I'll just stay in the room..." I respond.

I try not to act like it gets to me. I'm lucky that English is even considering keeping me here. He asks me again about Keon but I tell him I'm good. By the time I get upstairs I can see him kind of looking over my body. I think he's trying to see if I'm bruised but I'm not 100 percent sure. I can tell he wants to do something about Keon but I don't want him to.

Keon was...unstable at this moment and maybe a lot of it was my fault. I literally had come out of jail and destroyed his family and the more I think about it, I feel like I really did completely fuck up even the hope of a friendship with Keon at this point.

Keon really did hate me.

English is still staring at me from the guest bedroom.

"English, I'm fine."
"Let me know if you need anything."
I shut the door. He's concerned and hell maybe he has a fucking point. Shit was getting really out of control in my life and I had to find a way to normalize it. I just didn't know how especially with this guy Jax out here causing trouble for no clear reason. At least with Joshua, I kind of knew what to expect from him. Joshua was predictable. I knew he had motives. This guy Jax...I didn't know from a can of paint. Why the fuck was he coming in my life and ruining everything?

Who the fuck was Jax Wallace?
I'm thinking it to myself the entire time but I just don't know. I find myself laying down on the bed wishing English was laying down there with me.

I doze off and wake up to someone blowing up my phone. I pick it up and realize that it's a collect call from an inmate at local prison.

What the fuck?
"Yo----I need bail money," the voice says.

I know immediately who it is. There is only one person in my life that is short and demanding like that. It's Joyous. It's clear as day that it is him.

"What the fuck you doing in jail?"
"Man someone set me up. This car was trailing my ass. I thought I was tripping. So I stop, run into a store to get a Newport to ease my nerves. I come back out and someone called the cop saying there was a bag of coke on my seat."
"Fuck were you doing driving with cocaine on your seat."
"That's the thing. I was being set up. I didn't put that cocaine in my seat. Someone had fucked with the car door. Honestly."
Weird. Why the fuck was someone trying to set up Joyous?"
"The car that was following you was it a black honda."
"YEAH! How you know?"
"It's Jax Wallace, Joyous..."
Joyous pauses. He's thinking for a minute.
"Yo, we got to talk about this later. I'm running out of time. I need bail money."
"I don't got shit."
"You know who does..."
I sigh. Hard.
"Joyous the last thing I want to do is talk to that motherfucker right now."
"The last thing I want to do is being in fucking jail!" my brother barks at me, "So ask for the motherfuckin' money!"
Joyous bangs on me. A lot of people listening in would think Joyous treated me like shit. He really actually did but I also knew that was just how he was. If I was locked up I knew Joyous would move mountains to get me out and right now he is just expecting the same sort of loyalty. I just hate the fact that he wants me to ask our not-so-loyal brother.

Luckily I at least know where he is.

I head out into the living room. The kids are playing in the playroom English set up for them. As I walk past I hear nothing but giggling. Sure enough, Sean is having a good time with his cousins. He doesn't even notice me as I walk past. I've never seen the kid smile so much. I guess regardless of if I hated English and Joshua together I could stomach the fact that Sean is building a much better relationship with his cousins than I have with their father.

"Yo, you got to be fucking kiddin' me," I hear screaming.

I close the kid's door so they don't hear it to. I know the voice anywhere. It's Joshua. I hear him screaming from the living room.
"He's the father of my son," English explains.

"He's my shady ass brother!"
English and Joshua are arguing. It seems to be getting heated. I can tell that something is really getting underneath Joshua's skin. It's rare and that is maybe what is causing me to spy a little bit. I walk to the edge of the wall and I see Joshua raging. They are done eating dinner and English is cleaning up.
I wonder what was discussed that could be causing him to be so mad. It definitely seems like they must be talking about me.

English reveals the details when he tells Joshua, "Jamison is Sean's Dad. I'm not going to leave Jamison out on the street..."
"You saying you like me and yet you think it would work if you are living with the brother that broke up my family?" Joshua asks English.

I'm pissed. Joshua wouldn't even know English if it weren't for me and now he was trying to make English choose sides. It's so clear what he's doing.

What is surprising is English's response?

"Your old fiancé tried to force himself on Jamison,"
"Bullshit. I know you don't believe his lies. He's making some shit up to try to live with you."
"Because he wants you!"
"If he wanted to be with me he would have made a move a long time ago," English argues.
The sad thing is he was right. I had more than enough opportunities to start something with English but I fucked it up chasing Keon and look how that turned out. Hearing English defend me though really is turning me on. He's sticking up for me and nothing Joshua is saying is breaking the ice with him.

Joshua is pissed, "You really going to argue with me about this knowing my history with Jamison?"
"I'd love to keep getting to know you but if you are trying to make me choose between getting to know you and being there for Jamison. I'm going to choose Jamison every time."
I walk out. It seems a good time than anything. I have to admit a little petty part of myself walks out just to see Joshua's face so that he could know I heard every single word. This little bitch was going out of his way to get with the guy who has been raising my son, come into his household and then try to talk smack about me. I'm lucky that English isn't having it.

Joshua looks at English and then looks at me.
"I should go."
I think Joshua expects for English to tell me to leave instead. That's what Keon would have done. Keon would have dissed me and told me to beat rocks for Joshua.
It's clear now that English isn't Keon though.

"Drive safe," English tells him.

He might as well have hit Joshua with a fucking shovel. Joshua honestly looks like he wants to bury himself. I find myself smiling a little bit. Joshua starts walking out and I swear I am so happy that I forget that I actually had a reason for coming out to the front room.

"Hey Joshua," I stop him.

"What the fuck do you want?" he asks me.

I bite my tongue and hold it to stop him myself from cursing him out. I actually needed him in this moment.

"Joyous is in jail. He needs to be bailed out."
Joshua looks highly irritated, "Are you fucking kidding me? I'm trying to build this family name for it to actually mean something and he's still in the streets?"
He sounds so fucking stuck up. I just want to take the stick out of his ass. He's saying "in the streets" as though we weren't all raised in the same place. Sure it took Joyous a long time to get out but since I've been out of jail I've noticed a big difference. Joyous was known to surround himself with nothing but the shadiest goons I've ever seen. I hadn't seen those kind of people around Joyous since I've got out. He was doing better.

"It's a setup," I tell Joshua.

"Whatever man. I'll call Marcella to get the money. I'll have Joyous out ASAP."
Joshua starts walking away but I stop him, "Joshua I'm serious. Joyous isn't doing funny shit. Someone set him up."
"That guy from the club who said me and AK were hooking up," I state, "He's been fucking with us."
I shrug, "I don't know. Has anything weird been going on with you? Anyone trying to sabotage your life the last couple of days?"
Joshua gets quiet. He looks at me hard. Hell, he probably thought it was me. I'm not sure what kinds of things Joshua is thinking about. I doubt he is going to tell me because he clearly doesn't trust me. Whatever he is thinking though must be ringing a bell.
"Jamila relapsed..."
"What?" I ask, "How the fuck?"
My sister had supposedly been clean for years.
"I'm not sure. Someone has been leaving drugs at her gym, in front of her apartment, at the club. She relapsed. Luckily I got to her before she went too far," Joshua states.

I'm shocked.
"So you believe me?" I ask Joshua, "You believe me when I say someone is fucking with us."
Joshua nods.

Weird. It's weird as fuck that right now the person I hate the most in my life is actually the person who is acknowledging what the fuck is coming out of my mouth. There is hesitation in his voice. Hell, there is hesitation in mine to. I don't like Joshua and don't want to trust him but if someone is coming at us then they are doing it for a reason.

"What's his name?" Joshua asks.
"He calls himself Jax Wallace."
Joshua's eyes get wide.

He gets real quiet and then his eyes hit the floor. I know that look on my brother. That's the look he does when he has something on his mind and is thinking really hard on it. When we were kids I used to swear he was looking down all the way to hell to ask the devil for some weird plot.
"You know the name?" I ask him.

Joshua nods, "I got hit with a lawsuit in regards to Big Mama and Dad's estate. Someone wants his share...of everything and supposedly the share would be bigger than all of ours due to all our family owes him."
I laugh. The idea of someone suing Joshua is hilarious until I realize that this person is probably trying to take away any hope of me ever seeing inheritance on my end as well.

"You're serious..." I state.

"Dead serious. I thought it was a joke when I got the paperwork. The person's name was Jax Wallace and he's claiming to be our brother..."

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Next: Chapter 22

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