
By Moore

Published on Aug 29, 2001




"Good practice, good practice." "We gonna whip ass." "Coach got nothin' t' worry about." The Daley High School football team, city champs, came clamoring into the locker room.

Coach Johnson followed them in with a confident look on his face. The team looked stronger then last years' undefeated squad and he knew how to keep morale high. "Ok men, listen up. I want you all to get a good nights sleep, no screwing around. I want you ready for tomorrow's season opener. Be at the field at ten. When your through in here, clean up. The principal gets pissed at me when you guys leave a mess."

"We s'posed to have a team mascot to be pickin' up our shit", somebody called out. "Like last year, Coach. How come we don't got no mascot this year?"

Coach looked over at Reggie, and said, "That's your team captain's responsibility and Reggie told me he's working on it. So talk to him." As Coach left he said, "I'll see you men tomorrow.

Reggie huddled with his co-captains, Bull and Digger, while the rest of the team moved on to the showers. "There was a kid here earlier who I got my eye on", Reggie said before his co-captains could say a word.

Bull asked, "Was he in that class where Coach keeps all the kids who don't play ball? Dontcha love it when Coach keeps that class standin' around bare assed? Did ya see one of 'em gettin' a hard on when the team came in? Ain't that how y'got Richard?"

"Yeah, he's in that class", Reggie answered, "but I didn't see him getting hard. He's been goin' to my brother's store checking out the gay mags. It's almost time to put the squeeze on him. Richard was different. I got lucky with Richard."

Digger laughed out load and said, "What'd you say to Richard when you dragged him into the shower last year? How'd you get him to blow you that first time? You never told us?"

Reggie said, "It hardly ever works, but when I had Richard alone in the shower room I told him I had pictures of him playing with another boy's cock."

"You did?", Bull asked.

"No I didn't", Reggie laughed. "I didn't know shit about him. I didn't know if Richard was queer, straight or what until...., until he got all red in the face and said, 'Please don't show those pictures to anybody. Please, I'll do anything, please.' Then I knew I had him."

Bull and Digger were choking with laughter.

"Then I told Richard in a quiet friendly voice that I would bring the pictures to his house that night if he followed my instructions now. 'Anything you want, anything', he cried.

"So I told him to lose the shorts, get on your knees, suck my cock and swallow my load. He bitched a little, as you guys probably heard, but then he gave me a pretty good blow job."

"We all got a blow job that night", Digger said remembering the night Richard became the football team's mascot.

On the way to Richard's house that night, Digger recalled Bull asking. "Tell me again Reggie. Why we goin' to this kid's house."

"You may be a great fullback, Bull, but your head must be full of rocks. We're going to Richard's house so he can volunteer to be the team's mascot. Do you remember what I told you the mascot does for the team?

"Yeah sure", Bull said. "He cleans up the locker room and shower, puts our dirty jocks and stuff in the laundry and takes care of our dicks. Is he really gonna suck dick? Why would anybody volunteer to be a cocksucker?"

Reggie said, "It's part of being the mascot Bull. You got the digital camera, Digger, and fresh batteries like I told you?"

"I got it from your brother, Reggie. You take it since you know how to use it."

"There's the house. Let me do the talking."

"Good evening Mrs. Blowstein. My name's Reginold. We're Richard's classmates and we came to study biology with Richard."

"That's nice. Come in boys. I'm Richard's grandmother. He didn't tell me friends were coming over. Richard's in the shower, but you can wait for him in the living room. It's the third shower he's taken since he came home from school. Oh, my ride is here. Would you tell Richard that I went to play bingo and I'll be home by midnight?"

"Sure Mrs. Blowstein. We'll tell him. Good luck at bingo."

Digger remembered how the three of them went quietly upstairs after the old lady left the house. They saw Richard come out of the bathroom and the followed him to his bedroom.

"Hi Richard", Reggie said as we entered the room, closing the door behind us.

"What, who, how did you get up here? Where's my grandma?", Richard sputtered. "I thought you were coming later..... alone. Who are these two guys?"

"Oh", Reggie said. "Grandma went to play bingo and these are my pals, Bull and Digger. Say hello to Richard."

"Hello Richard", Bull said eyeing the towel around Richard's waist.

"Hi Dick, its ok to call you Dick", Digger said with a grin on his face.

Richard looked at Reggie and said, "Did you bring the um, package like you promised?"

"I got it", Reggie said patting his pocket. "Before I give it to you though, you have to tell me why you did it."

"Please Reggie, I don't want to talk about it. You didn't show the pic, um package to them did you?", Richard said pointing to Bull and me.

"Not yet, but I will, unless you tell me."

"Can't I tell you alone? Without them here."

"No!", Reggie said in a stern voice.

Bull and I had no idea what Reggie and Richard were taking about, but we soon found out as Richard started to explain in a nervous, halting voice.

"It was my cousin's fault. He's two years older and he made me do it. He was visiting for the weekend. We were alone in the house, in my room, surfing the web on my computer. We found some x-rated sites and we both got, you know, excited. Then my cousin said that we should jerk off together, and I said ok. So we dropped our pants and started to jerk off. And then my cousin said that if I put his, you know, his penis in my mouth that he would do me too. I didn't want to do that but he kept saying c'mon don't be a baby, so I did it."

Reggie interrupted. "So let me get this straight, you sucked your cousin's cock, right Richard?"

Richard was crying a little as he said, "It was supposed to be just kinda like uh, you know, putting it in my mouth just a little, but then my cousin grabbed my ears and pushed his whole thing in my mouth. He's much stronger than me and I couldn't stop him."

"So you sucked your cousins cock, admit it", Reggie demanded.

"Yes, I sucked my cousin's cock", Richard said sobbing. He was holding my head and pushing his cock in and out of my mouth telling me to suck, suck and then he, oh god, you know, he shot his spunk in my mouth and forced me to swallow it. When it was over I said now it's your turn to do me. But he only laughed and said no way only faggots suck cock and that I was a faggot cocksucker. There, I told you so give me the package and go."

"Not so fast. I want you to show me on Digger here, what your cousin made you do", Reggie demanded. "Then I'll give you the package and we'll leave. I promise. If you don't do it I'll give the package to your grandma. Digger, drop your pants."

Digger remembered the look of horror on his face as Richard dropped to his knees, hesitated, how he looked at Reggie and at the cock in front of his face, how he closed his eyes and how he allowed Digger to sink the head of his 8" black dick into his sucking mouth. Digger remembered Reggie taking the digital camera from his pocket, calling out to hold his head still and quickly snapping a bunch of pictures.

"Bull, it's your turn", Reggie said. "Take out your dick and switch places with Digger."

Richard was helpless to resist as my cock was replaced by Bull's 12" monster. Reggie continued to take pictures.

"Suck Richard suck", Reggie said into Richard's ear as Bull unloaded a tremendous spurt of cum into Richard's mouth. "Digger quick, jerk off on his face. I wanna get some shots of him covered with spunk."

It didn't take long before I was unloading my cream all over Richard's face while Bull was milking the last of his jizz into Richard's mouth. Reggie got the shots he wanted. Richard had cum in his hair, cum dripping down his face and cum drooling out of his mouth.

Bull and I sat down on Richard's bed, truly spent. Richard lay flat on his back on the floor, naked, his towel long gone. Eyes closed, he was sobbing softly. Reggie was fiddling with Richard's desktop computer. The room reeked of sweat and cum.

"Richard, Richard", Reggie called out. Look at yourself, you're a mess. You gotta learn to swallow faster. I said get up and look at yourself.... cocksucker."

The last was said in such a menacing voice that Richard rose on wobbly legs to stand in front of the full-length closet door mirror.

"Look at yourself. Your cousin was right, Richard. You are a faggot cocksucker, a cum covered faggot cocksucker."

"I did what you wanted", Richard said without turning from the mirror. Can I have the package now? You promised."

Reggie laughed and took an envelope from his back pocket. "Here's your package. I always keep my promises. We're gonna leave now, but I left you a present on your computer. It's in a file named faggot. Check it out and see me at school tomorrow.

As they left Richard's house that night Digger remembered Reggie saying, "We'll see Richard tomorrow, I promise!"

"C'mon Digger let's shower and get somethin' to eat. I'm starvin'", Bull hollered. "Say Reggie, we gonna kick ass t'morrow."

Next: Chapter 7

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