Blackstone House

Published on Feb 10, 2012


Blackstone House

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

God has sense of humor and by all rights, Blackstone House should have been made of white marble; it was a cheerful and happy place. Blackstone House was made of a dark and somber almost black stone. Sitting in the austere and always cloud covered landscape of Scotland, it was the perfect candidate to be the setting for a remake of a movie of any of Edgar Alan Poe's stories or a slasher movie.

Lord Anders MacFee was the laird of the manor, and the fifteenth Earl Mounthill. Born in 1950, he was undistinguished except for an unexpected skill for making money. His large estates were well situated to benefit from North Sea oil. Money flowed into his coffers.

While he was the fifteenth Earl, the Mounthill family males were noted for their reproductive weakness. The aristocratic requirement to produce an heir and a spare was well beyond their abilities. This odd characteristic became the root of the family's popularity. When Lord Anders' predecessor, Lord Philip, died there was a mad scramble to locate a male heir. The heirs were all distant and obscure. To become the next Earl Mounthill was akin to winning the lottery. Almost anyone seemed to have a chance of being the tenth Earl's sister's third husband's great-grand son. The papers had a field day with it. There was a mad scramble and the media loved it.

Lord Anders had been a professor at St. Andrews University who specialized in medieval English literature. He predecessor had been a used car salesman in Birmingham. Often it is better to be lucky than smart, but most of the Earls Mounthill were both. They and their estates prospered. The Earls' inability to reproduce remained a constant.

Most assumed the family had a heredity tendency toward impotence. Lord Anders' inner circle knew that wasn't the problem. Mounthill problem was the Earls' sexual tastes. The men tended exclusively to like sex with men. This seemed to be the only common feature in the family history. As far as his staff, tenants and associates were concerned that was good. Without an heir to take care of, Lord Anders could concentrate on their welfare.

When Lord Anders came to Blackstone House, he was shy and reticent. His life in the groves of Academe had been a form of monkish retreat for him. Medieval English literature doesn't seem to attract outgoing men. Ander's was too shy to investigate his own sexual interests. In some men, suppressing their sexual natures can make them mean and nasty, sometimes manifesting these repressed needs in unattractive ways.

Lord Philip, his predecessor, was out going and well experienced in the joys of man sex. He was a cheerful man who was always ready for a little fun. Luckily for him, our staff and his tenants were equally cheerful and willing. That was good for everyone. I wouldn't say that everyone was as dedicated to his sexual preferences as was Philip, but a little man-to-man fun was not a problem.

Lord Anders liked sex, but was shy and uneasy. He was polite and didn't want to impose himself on others. There had been a scandal at St. Andrews with a professor who took a student as a lover. It was not entirely clear if the professor took advantage the student or if the student took advantage the professor. This ended disastrously. The professor committed suicide. This affected Anders deeply.

The head of the household staff felt an obligation to keep his Lordship happy. The butler, Williams, always screened Lord Philip's playmates. His open and generous character could lead him to select unsuitable playmates. Williams' tastes were impeccable.

Blackstone is a large house with a large staff. A casual observer would see it as a Victorian throwback. In reality, the estate was a moneymaking entity with a most successful farming operation. We had a huge herd of cattle and some sheep as well as vegetable gardens. With the modern taste for locally grown produce, we did well. Part of the estate was well sheltered from the wind, and our walled gardens produced high quality vegtables for most of the year.

We had another group of household employees who were persons who needed help. They weren't precisely handicapped persons, but they had a much better life working for the generous Lord than they would in a normal business. Some tasks at Blackstone House were done by hand when a machine could do it more quickly. Lord Philip liked this arrangement and Lord Anders agreed.

Lord Anders was different from Lord Philip in one way. As Williams put it, "Lord Philip liked little fun. All sex with Lord Anders was big." Anders was average in height and weight, but his man parts were huge. This was a potential problem. A poke by Philip was a walk in the park. When Anders' cock paid a visit to a man's prostate, it would be an event.

The farm manager, Ralph wasn't worried. "What is a problem for some is an opportunity for others!" he said. "Everything will work out in time." He was right.

When Lord Anders moved to Blackstone we had a period of adjustment as one would expect. Anders was both well educated and well read. He had no experience with running a large operation such as the estate, but he had good instincts. He was unfailingly polite and courteous. Philip had been a bull in a china shop in some situations. Sometimes you felt as if this was one of those situation comedies when the commoner becomes a duke and hilarious misunderstandings result.

Anders had no problems of that sort. The only strange situations arose when you asked him what he wanted. He wanted to know what was easiest for the staff. He seemed to believe he was there to help them out. Of course, the staff was there to do his bidding.

I am Travis, the valet. Williams recruited several men to be his Lordship's man. Philip liked young men, preferably cheerful and mindless. Ander's had a taste for more mature men who enjoyed good conversation. I was the third man to try out for the position. I was born to helpful and invisible. Anders is a pleasant and affable man and good company. Anders didn't have an imaginative bone in his body. He was weak on popular culture and I was able to guide him in those areas.

I am proper without being prissy, the prefect valet for our modern age. I have one major weakness. Williams regarded this as an asset, and at Blackstone House, this was a virtue. I am a pure, unadulterated size queen. Large cocks drive me crazy with lust and passion.

I was somewhat unaware of this until I helped his Lordship with his bath. I had regarded my interest in large cocks as a minor interest, not a great passion. That was true until I met Anders. When I saw his organ, I was transfixed. I didn't just stare at it; I tried to swallow it and sucked him until he filled my mouth with his creamy man seed.

He was shocked; I was shocked. We were both happy. His lordship seemed to have been entirely unaware his genitals were exceptional, or of interest. He had only limited experience with actual sex and his closest friend, a man named Reggie, seemed to think his cock was too big. Anders had spent far too much time studying the middle ages.

He was afraid he had offended me when he shot off in my mouth. I assured him that was not the case. He seemed relieved. We resumed our normal roles.

The next morning he asked me if I wanted to do it again. Of course, I said yes. He seemed pleasantly surprised. We did it a second time, and if anything, it was better than I remembered. When he flooded my mouth the day before I assumed he had saved his cream. I now understood his balls had a large capacity; they were very productive..

I wasn't normally interested in man seed, but Anders' brew was different. His organ was huge. The flow of rich, creamy man seed just reinforced his masculine aura. He was an ordinary, bald, bearded man, who looked very much the way an absent-minded professor should. When he was naked and his genitals exposed, he was super masculine. His oversized and bloated genitals oozing rich man juices and spurting man seed were intensely masculine, if not conventionally attractive.

Anders liked sex, but he seemed confused. "Do I need to do the same thing to you?" he asked. "I don't know what I am supposed to do."

I smiled. "You have done all I want. Nothing else is needed. Did you enjoy it?"

"Oh yes, I loved it. I've never done that before. Usually I need to clean up afterwards. This is not part of your job, is it?" he said. "You took it in your mouth! I don't know if I could do that."

"No, it is not part of my job," I replied. "I did it for personal enjoyment. It was very exciting for me."

"You are sure it's not part of your duties? I would hate for that to be true," Anders said.

"I was excited by your cock," I said. "I was afraid you would be offended that I took liberties with you. It was entirely pleasurable for me."

Anders looked me in the eye. "It was pleasurable for me too. Indeed, I'm not sure I have experienced anything as physically pleasurable before," he said. "It was lovely."

"Forgive me for asking, but I take it you are not experienced in sexual matters?"

Anders blushed. "I think that is probably true, but I don't know enough about sex to have an opinion, I am afraid," he replied. "Are you experienced?"

"I don't think of myself as a libertine, but I have some experience," I replied. "I certainly have enjoyed what I have done."

I spoke with Williams the butler about this conversation. He was most interested.

"Keeping his lordship happy is an important part of our task here at Blackstone House," Williams said. "Lord Philip was an open book sexually. He was ready, willing and able at any time. He made many friends and greatly enjoyed living here. He was a generous man sexually. While I am sure he received more than his share of enjoyment, his partners and play mates were happy men too."

"I met Lord Anders closest friend and only sexual playmate, Reggie. He lectured at St. Andrews too. Reggie was an average man of minimal achievement who had a greatly inflated view of his attractiveness. He seemed excessively self-centered. He was a boaster and a fool as far as I could tell. He treated Anders as if he was a naughty and unintelligent dog," Williams explained. "He was most unsuitable."

"How did you get rid of him?"

"One week at Blackstone House was too much for him. He liked the company of younger men and drinking at pubs. Reggie fell in love with a handsome farm worker and they went away," Williams said. "Reggie thought he deserved a much younger man. I don't think he had looked in the mirror recently."

"Did Reggie's leaving bother his lordship?"

"I don't think so," Williams answered. "We found out from the farmhand that sex was for Rod's entertainment exclusively. He returned nothing except abuse. He seemed to be of the impression that being in his presence was enough. Anders needs some new playmates that he can enjoy."

I had no idea how one would look for a sexual playmate. I assumed William's would not put an advert in the Times saying, "Well endowed nobleman seeks sexual companion. Commodious ass required." I also knew a rent-boy or professional companion was out of the question. Treasure hunters were defiantly not desirable. The Blackstone House estate was a well-oiled machine producing income and prosperity. There was no need for a cash leak.

After one of our post bath interludes, I asked Lord Anders if he had some unfulfilled sexual desires. Of course, he was shy about answering. No man wants to expose his sexual desires in a bald and open way. I took the first step.

"For years I tried to pretend I had no sexual urges," I explained. "I couldn't admit to myself I had these desires. Acting on them was impossible. I was too embarrassed to even look at a naked man, not to mention sucking a cock."

"You seem to have overcome that problem," Anders remarked.

"I realized I wasn't the only man to have these urges," I explained. "Sex plays a role in everyone's life. Some may not acknowledge it. They may try to suppress it, but it's always there. I was embarrassed to admit it, but I think it's better to admit it is a part of me, than it is to ignore it. That seems turn men sour."

"My parents were very strict and puritanical," Anders said.

"Did that make them happy?" I asked.

Anders thought. "They were good people, but not happy," he said. "They were very serious, but they never seemed to be happy. I think they saw the world as a difficult place, filled with pitfalls and dangers."

"Could they see the potential for joy and happiness?"

"My father was happy when he was fishing in a stream. He saw that as beautiful and enjoyable," Anders said. "I'm afraid my mother thought it was a waste of time. It was easier to buy a fish at the market. I was an only child. Looking back, I think that once I was born, there was no need to have sex again. My mother was content, but I was never sure about my father. At least he enjoyed fishing."

A week after this conversation we were to go to his Lordship's yacht, Salamander. It had been a favorite of Lord Philip and had been undergoing reconditioning. This was our first visit to the ship. It dated from the 1930s and was very elegant in the style of that period. The interior was elegant and modernist, quite simple but with beautiful streamlined decoration and sculptures.

While the ship appeared to be period reconstruction, the engines, communications and all other aspects of the ship were completely modern. In this respect, it was much like Blackstone House. The house preserved all of it ancient character, but had modern plumbing and heating. We had a tour of the ship with the first mate, Donald. We were near the end of the tour when we met Captain Geoffrey Hawkins.

The second Lord Anders saw Captain Hawkins I saw him connect. Hawkins was about Lord Anders' age, but was slightly taller, and more muscular. His weather beaten face indicated he spent most of his life outside. With a bushy white beard and unruly hair, he looked more like a captain of a fishing trawler than a luxury yacht.

"We had a problem with the engines," the Captain said. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you."

"I hope it wasn't a major problem?" Anders asked.

Hawkins laughed. "This is the maiden voyage of a nearly 80 year old ship. Computers run the new engines. We had a software glitch. We found the reset button!" he explained. "We can manually override the computer in an emergency. We found that button too."

"It sounds complicated," Anders said.

"It does take some getting use too," the Captain admitted. "The computers allow us to reduce fuel consumption by 20% to 30 %. When we get it working right, it will be worth it." I went to his Lordships suite to unpack. When I returned to the main salon, Anders and Geoffrey were on a first name basis.

I went to see Donald, the first mate. The Salamander had a cook, and a steward, but it was a small staff. I offered to help serving. Donald was about my age. I was positive he had a naval background. The cook, Emile, was French. The steward, Tony, was in his thirties. He seemed affable but was inexperienced. He had a bad scar on his head and he obviously suffered a major injury. He was a big lumbering man who did not look the part of a steward.

Donald explained the situation. "Tony was a local fisherman who was injured in a boating accident. He has no skills as a steward, but he loves the sea. He is a slow learner, but well meaning and we hope it will work out. He is happy to be at sea again."

"Let me assure you his Lordship would have no problem with that," I said. "I am not as open minded on the subject. I don't think sloppiness is acceptable on a ship like this."

"Things take Tony longer than might be desirable," Donald said. "I think that will improve. Emile is prone to be dramatic and a diva. He is a good cook."

The plan was to have a four day cruise on the North Sea. It was summer and comparatively warm. Donald referred to the weather is being brisk. It wasn't bad, but brisk was a charitable description. Anders loved it. I had packed his heavy tweeds and that was a good choice.

While it was chilly on deck, the ship had a complete spa adjacent to his Lordship's suite. It was modern and it had the look of what I would assume was Las Vegas Modern. That was Lord Philip's tastes. The original plan was to have a personal trainer on the ship, but as of now, Tony was in charge.

The captain asked that we use the spa, since it too needed to be checked out. Anders did not like the ultra modern appearance of the spa, but he enjoyed the facilities. He was use to the cold winds of Scotland and liked the even colder winds of the North Sea, but it was nice to be warm. The spa had a steam room and a whirlpool.

Tony got everything working. His Lordship had me enter the whirlpool first. He had never been in one before and was cautious. After he joined me, he asked Tony to join us. Tony agreed a bit reluctantly. He stripped and entered the pool. Tony would have made a fine Viking raider. He had a bushy, blond beard. The blond hair was continuous from his beard to his toes. Since he was pale, it was hard to see the hair, but he was abominable snowman like in that respect.

Tony was not accustomed to being naked, but he relaxed when he saw Anders. He did a double take when he saw Anders' genital equipment. I took that as a good sign. The Captain looked in and Anders' asked him to join us in the swirling water. He was hoping for an invitation I think.

Captain Hawkins was a powerful man. He was built more like a 19th century wrestler or boxer than a modern body builder. He seemed well endowed, but his endowment took the form of being thick. From my own experience, I guessed his cock might well be wider than it was long.

Anders rose from the water and sat on the edge of the pool. "It is getting too hot," he said.

"I will adjust it for you," Tony said.

"There is no need to do that. I enjoy the heat, I just need a break from it," Anders said. Hawkins saw Anders' cock and clearly liked what he saw. When Tony got up to adjust the controls, he was partially erect. Both Anders and the Captain liked that.

Tony sat on the edge of the pool too. He wasn't erect, but his cock had filled out. A former friend of mine described that as being, "Tasteful without being vulgar." Anders and the Captain noticed the display. They looked at each other, smiled and retuned their gaze to Tony's cock. They understood each other.

"I take it Lord Philip loved the Salamander?" Anders remarked.

"That he did, sir," Tony replied. "He was a playful man, very informal in his ways. He said it was hard to enjoy himself with all the ancestors looking down on him. The Salamander was his getaway."

"You could say the crew was with the program," the Captain said. "Everyone seemed to have a good time."

"Did he play with you?" Anders asked. I was surprised he was that direct.

"Lord Philip liked men with less mileage, you could say," the Captain replied.

Anders laughed. "No one has less mileage than! I have heard Philip was open minded,"

"If you pardon me being direct, but while you may have less mileage, you are far better equipped than Philip," the Captain said.

"Are you sure about that?" Anders asked.

The Captain smiled. "As the Captain of this ship I can assure you of that. You are an impressive man."

"I can second that. You have a beauty," Tony added. His cock had enlarged again and he was clearly on the way to a full-scale erection. He got back in the water. Anders was shy, but few men object to having their genitals praised. He glowed.

"I have had a problem knowing what to do with it," Anders said. "It seems oversized. I'm afraid there aren't many places it will fit."

"Let me assure you, that is not true," the Captain said. "I hope you are willing to have an exceeding pleasant voyage on the Salamander. We have an all male crew and this is a happy ship. Sailors know how to enjoy themselves on an ocean voyage."

Tony was next to Anders who was still sitting on the edge of the pool. He first licked Anders' cock them swallowed it. The Captain looked at me. I knew what he wanted so I began to nurse his organ.

Sometimes sex can be wild and intense. This was not one of those times. While only Anders and I knew each other, the sex was friendly and casual. It was as if the Captain and Tony had known us for years. Both men seemed to completely at ease and comfortable in the sexual situation.

In his role as the Captain, Hawkins was authoritative and demanding. He maintained absolute control over the Salamander and its operation. His approach to sex was different. He was a master of the stealth approach to achieving his objectives. He always got his way, but he eased you into the situation he desired. While it was pleasurable and enjoyable, I was unaware of the building intensity.

His thick cock appeared to be short. That was an optical illusion. It was so thick I assumed it was five inches or so. It was a hefty seven. He was fully erect when he traded places with Tony. Anders was excited by Tony' ministrations and was eager to connect with the Captain. Essentially Tony had primed Anders' pump.

Of course, I had done the same for the Captain, and when Tony came over to me, I was like the girl at the ball who suddenly had no one to dance with. Tony wasn't my type, but he was there. Like most men, availability played a role in my actions. I was excited and stimulated and I wasn't going to wait for someone who was my type.

Tony was an oversized bear of a man. He was graceless and appeared to be clumsy. He had a good cock. It was slightly over average size, although his balls were generous. While I expected the Abominable Snowman, I found an attractively sexually driven Winnie the Poo. He was also the most entirely masculine man I had ever met. I took one lick of his drooling cock and I was his.

To this day, I think Tony's balls produced some special ingredient that drove me crazy. I loved it. It was as if I was in a dark room, tasted his rich cock brew, and suddenly there were fireworks. I lost control.

I also discovered the as Tony and I went at it like dogs in heat we inspired Anders and the Captain. The captain's stealth campaign had built up enough steam and Anders was fully engaged. Anders enjoyed his interludes with me, but the Captain excited him.

We all left the whirlpool and went to his Lordship's suite. Tony was a playful bear, but he was much bigger and stronger than I was. The spa included a full collection of lubricants and salves; all the items necessary for anal sex. Eventually I was on my hands and knees taking Tony's man meat. this excited Anders.

I think Anders was shocked at first. He had never seen two men fucking. Hawkins had seen men fucking many times and saw this as a teachable moment. He explained what was happening and he knew what I was feeling.

I hadn't been screwed in years and Tony's cock was larger than I thought, and much more effective. Tony's precum had driven me crazy. Once his cock was in my ass, I was gone into la la land. I had been entirely unprepared for Tony's organ and was unable to maintain my normal aloof persona. I didn't hear Hawkins's commentary nor did I seem Anders' reaction.

I must have gone into a sexually induced trance. When I came out of it, I was on the bed. Tony was holding the Captain's legs open and Anders' cock had vanished in the Captain's ass. The Captain's cock was fully erect and had drooled a puddle of his rich man juices on his hairy gut. I leaned over to lick it up. As I licked his bloated knob, he began to shiver and twitch.

If I hadn't bee so excited I might have choked on his cream. I took it all. Anders' began to moan. The Captain's twitched had induced an orgasm in Anders.

"I can feel your cock squirting in my ass!" the Captain cried. Anders pulled out and sprayed my face with several massive ejaculations.

"Shove it in again!" the Captain cried. "Fill me up!" Anders obeyed and set of a new round of ejaculations in the Captain.

Next: Chapter 2

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