Blackstone House

Published on Mar 29, 2012


Blackstone House 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

I soon realized Karl and Eric were very experienced. They soon understood that I was accommodating. That produced a good night. I would say they were aggressive, but if there was an opportunity for enjoyment, they took it. The last few days had been tiring, and I was ready to sleep. I didn't need to do anything. Karl and Eric were willing to do it all. My only task was to relax and have orgasms.

When I woke, early the next morning, Karl was already at work getting breakfast ready. Eric only had to get dressed to take the Count and Anders to the conference. He very politely asked if I was willing to play. I said yes.

Eric was a young, rather muscular man. He wasn't handsome; his face wasn't symmetrical, and he seemed to have a permanent snarl. He was polite and pleasant, in contrast to his facial features. He spoke some English, but not very well. I spoke no German at all, but we could communicate.

The night before, he deferred to Karl in sexual matters. Now that he was alone, he was more adventurous. From what I could gather, Eric normally bottomed for older men. He enjoyed the top, but didn't have the opportunity to top often. While he was beefy, his cock was long, thin, and very easy to take. He was a vigorous fucker, but remarkably had a long fuse. We went at it for a good fifteen minutes before he finally shot off.

I had to go to dress Anders, but Eric told me he would like to do it any time I was willing. I had no idea when I would have spare time, but I was interested. I helped Anders dress and then made sure all is notes were ready for the lecture. Williams, the butler, had a checklist of things to do before his lordship left.

His Lordship was very much the absent-minded professor, and the checklist was a godsend. He and the Count left at 8:30, and the household staff began preparations for the dinner that night. This dinner was catered, but there was still much to do. I again helped. It was to be an informal dinner party compared to the next night's formal banquet.

"Informal" was a comparative term. It was to be served buffet style. The guest list had expanded to over fifty, and the Count was known for his hospitality. Everything had to be just right and reflect well on the Count.

While the Count said it was to be a casual and informal affair, Karl didn't see it that way. As the head of the staff, he was fine with some informality as long as everything was perfect, perfect. The florist arrived at noon, and it looked as if they had looted every greenhouse in Austria. The food arrived and hour later. It was already prepared, but many items would need to be heated or cooked at the last minute. Only the head cook, Otto, could speak English. Fortunately, all the wait staff spoke English. While the conference was presented in English, French and German, English was the common denominator.

The Count and Anders returned at 5:00. The dinner was scheduled for 7:30, beginning with cocktails and with the food served at 8:30. Anders and the Count were in high spirits. They had enjoyed the day's presentations. Anders' paper was well received. The Count had been worried about a last minute substitution for a major speaker. Anders' paper was good and the count was relieved.

I was surprised the two men were so friendly. I found out there had been several neo-Nazis at the event who had tried to create an incident. An American academic gave a paper on the Viking funeral in myth and reality. The Nazi tried to interrupt his lecture and turn it into a tribute to Hitler's death. The academic, Morris Schmitmayer, was caught off guard.

Anders is not a particular aggressive man, but disrupting a lecture with shoddy reasoning was beyond the pale. He pointed out that the Viking funeral rituals did not involve the leader's suicide, and certainly did not involve leading the entire tribe to their deaths. Vikings may have admired death in battle, but certainly not been impressed by a man who had been hiding in a bunker for months and had others do the dying for him.

Anders proceeded to say the only well documented mass suicide he was aware of was at Masada. "It is possible Masada was an Aryan death ritual, but I am unaware of any scholarship to that effect. Indeed I am unaware of any scholarship that indicates the "Aryan" race exists at all, in any place but the minds of pathetic men who drink themselves into oblivion in back street bars," Anders said in conclusion. The audience gave him a standing ovation.

The organizers of the conference were relieved. Anders had converted an embarrassing incident into a triumph. The mild mannered professor taking on the thuggish Neo Nazis was the sort of image you expected in a Hollywood movie of the 1940s. Anders had saved the day.

The Count was most distinguished looking; he was almost the caricature of the Nordic nobleman. Anders told me the Ernst had a good sense of humor, and was superbly educated. They got along well. Ernst came by his room with a tray of pastries and wine to tide him over until dinner. He asked if Anders needed anything. Anders had just emerged from the shower and the Count saw Anders naked.

Ernst did a double take when he saw Anders' impressive genitals. It was clear to me the Count was impressed and interested. Anders was a bit shocked, but then recognized the Count's interest. He did not cover up as quickly as he could have done and his robe soon developed a gap. They talked for a while and then Count left, but I had a suspicion they might get together after the dinner.

The dinner was a complete success. It was both informal and perfect. I helped the household staff. Karl ran a tight ship, as one would expect of a good butler. There were unexpected problems as is normal. One of the guests was vegetarian and two were kosher. I have always thought that if you had specific food needs you should either warn the host in advance, or keep your mouth shut. Otto had prepared for that and all was well.

By 11:00, the party was over and most of the guests left. Anders was soon in his room. There were several other houseguests that night, so Karl stayed in the main house in case he was needed. The additional guests were quite elderly. I went to the quarters with Eric. I suspected Ernst might well pay a visit to Anders' room that night.

I was surprised to find Eric had a friend visiting, Gunter. Gunter was a chauffeur for one of the older guests. Like Eric, Gunter had been bottoming for the older man. You could say Gunter and Eric fucked me to sleep that night. Gunter was younger than Eric was and had a thick cock, very different from Eric's thin probe. At one point, both managed to share my ass. Having both cocks in the tight confines of my ass was good for all of us. It was another good night.

The next day, Saturday, was the final session of the conference and all our guests left the house. The dinner was at the hotel, so we had a room there. It would easier to dress there than to come to the Count's house to dress and then return to the hotel. I arrived at the hotel at noon and discovered Anders was a celebrity. The hotel provided him with a suite. Several other presenters and guests were going to change there too. Anders had volunteered the room. He was a naturally generous man. Many of the guests were elderly and Anders sent them to the suite to take a nap and rest.

I was busy with them. One man had forgotten his medications and I had to call his home, and find a way to get them. The hotel staff was very helpful and they had a doctor on call. My valet nature also came to the fore. Several of the older men's clothes were not in the condition one would hope. I knew exactly what they had eaten at lunch. It was displayed on their shirts and ties. I did what I could.

I did have a chance to go to the final session of the conference. A Frenchwoman, Mme Elise DuPlayel gave the last lecture. I do understand some French and she was an engaging speaker. I was at the back of the room waiting for Anders. There were three men napping in the suite and I wanted to alert him. In the rush as the audience left, he slipped by me.

I heard a commotion and yelling from the lobby. I raced out. The Neo-Nazis of the day before were waiting for Anders. They planned to rush him and push him down the grand staircase to the lobby. Fortunately, Anders is a very solid man with a low center of gravity. He was hard to push over. Mme DuPlayel was with him and was no shrinking violet. He had her laptop in a briefcase and she used it as a weapon. Morris Schmitmayer also came to Anders' defense with his umbrella. I was shocked at how much damage a briefcase and an umbrella could do.

Gunter, the chauffeur, was coming up the stairs as they tried to push Anders down. He was able to stabilize his Lordship. The hotel doormen, bellboys and security rushed in to save Anders.

By the time I got to Anders, it was not clear if the staff was saving him, or saving the Neo Nazis from Mme DuPlayel and Schmitmayer's aggressive counter-attack. The police arrived in force a minute later. Anders remained calm and in control. There was blood everywhere, all of it from the Neo-Nazis.

The Vienna police were not open-minded. The shocking event reflected badly on the city. Fortunately, Anders was unhurt. Mme DuPlayel and Schmitmayer were exhilarated by the fray. It is rare when a speaker has a chance to attack a heckler physically.

We returned to our room. The hotel manager came to offer apologies. Anders was unworried and thanked him for the staffs' quick reaction. He said the conference was a great success and he was enjoying Vienna greatly. That was the official line that I repeated that night and the next day.

That night's banquet was also a success. I was in the suite, taking calls of concern from Anders friends, and receiving flowers from the Hotel and other well-wishers. Twenty or thirty people came to the suite after the banquet. I must confess that while the conference was scholarly and academic, those who came to the suite were ready to party. I had to call the main desk for additional liquor. They responded with a bartender, maid and hors d'oevres. One could easily have thought we had planned the party well in advance.

I think the last guest left at 2:00 in the morning. Morris Schmitmayer spent the night on the couch. The Baron shared a bed with Anders, and I was on the floor. When I woke at 11:00, Anders told me he was going to extend his visit to Vienna. He had accepted several invitations, both academic and social. While Anders would never say it, I suspected he also was interested in the Baron.

Morris was spending a month in Vienna at a library and became part of our party. The baron asked that he stay with him. The baron was a courteous man, but I also think he was worried there might be another attempt at an assault. His house with its servants was a safer place.

Anders said Morris was a gifted scholar, although he was socially inept and physically unimpressive. He was short, bald and slender. Morris was from a modest background. He had a dry, almost desiccated, sense of humor. In many ways, he was much like Anders, other than the inherited title and great wealth. He didn't impress me when we first met, but Anders told me that once I came to know him, I would like him. That turned out to be true.

I suspected Morris was a fifty-year-old virgin, too shy to initiate sexual contact. The interlude with the heckler horrified him, but when he got through the heckling, and then participated in the counter attack, he discovered he liked being bold. Eric, who was perpetually in heat, discovered Morris' sexual tastes. Eric was without a shy bone in his body, and his cock was the least shy part of him. Eric made a pass. Morris accepted the pass and he was in heaven. Eric also gave him a complete account of the sexual likes and dislikes of the count, his staff and guests.

I was the beneficiary of Morris' first efforts to take the initiative. I would hate to be thought of as being easy, but I rarely reject an opportunity for sexual pleasure. At five feet four tall and perhaps 130 pounds, he was easy to ignore. He had a deep, impressive voice and was much more memorable on the telephone that in person.

Sexually he was much more enjoyable that I had suspected. His cock was a bit above average in size, but his balls were impressive. That was nice, but Morris was exceptionally responsive and appreciative of anything I did. I felt like the world's greatest lover when I was with Morris. His enthusiasm for sex was contagious. He loved it and soon I loved it too. It was great fun.

One night, Anders found us going at it and joined us. We discovered Morris had another sexual skill. Morris didn't have a gag reflex. I had noticed he swallowed my cock effortlessly. More remarkably he had no problem with Anders' organ either. He swallowed it without effort. I thought he could have been a good sword swallower in a carnival, if he hadn't been so interested in medieval literature.

Morris also had what must have been the anal equivalent of no gag reflex. My cock easily slipped into his ass, but Morris had no problem taking Anders' oversized member to the hilt. Anders had the Mount Everest of man meat. He appreciated the effortless penetration Morris. There was no drama, no tension and no unease. Once you were in his ass, his ass was firm and responsive. His sphincter seemed to rest during the actual penetration, but firmed and tightened on the cock once the organ was several inches in the rectum.

Morris told me he had led a mostly sex free life. The combination of being ordinary looking, with being painfully shy and timid was bad. He had fifty years of pent up sexual needs. Sex free is not the same as fantasy free. For an unattractive man he possessed a lovely cock. It wasn't particularly large, but was the sort of cock that might be used for anatomical illustration.

Morris had lived with his mother until his death several years before. She was sickly and needy. Reading between the lines, I suspected she was a manipulative woman who wanted to control. She was apparently puritanical in her attitudes and Morris was terrified she would discover the remains of his solitary pleasures. He went to great lengths to avoid an orgasm.

For a top like Anders, this was a dream come true. He could fuck for hours and Morris was still enthusiastic and willing. Morris seemed to have an unlimited ability to feel sexual pleasure; he never got tired. Anders was worried that Morris was getting the short end of the stick. While the remains of several orgasms filled his ass, he remained fully loaded. Eric and Anders felt this wasn't fair. Since Morris seemed to enjoy himself so much, it didn't seem to be a problem to me.

Anders and I entered into a little conspiracy to get Morris to have an orgasm. After some experimenting we discovered when Morris and I sixty-nined while Anders fucked him doggy style we could build up to a full-scale orgasm. When he finally popped, it was spectacular. Morris must have lost weight he shot so much sperm.

I have a taste for man cream, and it was almost too much. Almost is the key word. I found myself dreaming about it that night. The next day Anders had Morris sit on his cock while Eric sucked. I thought I liked man seed, but Eric loved it. He tired to suction every drop of man seed for Morris' quivering body. While Morris physically loved being milked to completion, intellectually he was uneasy. He was accustomed to hiding his feelings and that is hard to do during an orgasm.

This wasn't a problem since Morris was so accommodating he was a pleasure to be with even if he didn't climax. However, his orgasms were spectacular. He had what seemed like a total body orgasm. It was as if every cell and organ in his body participated. While Eric and I had enjoyed his spurting cock, Anders enjoyed his twitching ass. With each ejaculation, Morris' ass contracted and caressed Anders' meat. That was a new and very welcome experience for him.

I had never thought of myself as a user. I enjoy sex, and them to think of it as a shared experience. Morris wanted to be used, but his inferiority complex made it hard to think of his own needs. He was so willing to open his ass for out pleasure. It was difficult to think of him other than as a sex toy.

Once he completed his daily trip to a library, Morris was happy going to his bedroom after dinner, taking a shower and then serving anyone who had a need. One night when Anders was at a dinner, the Baron had some friends over. They discovered Morris. There were five men and Morris served them all, both orally and in the ass.

The Baron was handsome and attracted young musclemen. Morris told me about it later. While this had all the makings of an unpleasant situation, it unexpectedly became a wild and exciting experience. Morris was usually ignored or over looked. He liked any attention, good, bad or indifferent. He was willing to serve any of them.

The musclemen weren't attracted to him, but the Count was a top, and while they had not problem taking the handsome nobleman's organ, some were willing to let off some steam in Morris' ass. Since the scholar was more than willing, all was well.

Morris wasn't just willing and accommodating, his ass was welcoming. While the count had a long and intimate connection with one of the men, the others amused themselves with Morris and discovered his charms. His ass could do a good imitation of a milking machine. That was good, but it became much better when they discovered he could take two cocks simultaneously.

The men were macho types who didn't show much emotion, but they had never shared an ass before. While Morris's sphincter never resisted entry, it tightened once the organs were in his rectum. They found their cocks tightly gripped and enveloped in Morris' ass. The men lost it. They were penis to penis in his ass. They soon were sharing Morris' hole with their pals' cock and seed. Morris thought they had never used their best friends' sperm as lubricant before. It was a good experience.

Eventually the five men and the Count all took turns as duos in Morris's cum filled, quivering hole. As I have mentioned, Morris had a long fuse and he never got tired. The men wore out and many drifted off to sleep. Morris had a chance to suck on the soft, but still drooling cocks.

As he sucked on man, he was shocked when the Count began to lick his ass and eventually eat out his sperm filled hole. From time to time, one or two of the men would wake up and returned to his ass. Technically, it was a gangbang, but Morris enjoyed it. In some ways, he was just happy to get the attention. He also understood he had helped push the men into new areas do sexual pleasure.

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