Blind Love

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 9, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Blind Love

Part Two

By Chris

Jenna rushed on out of the condo and down to her car. She held her tears back until she was out on the road as she didn't want Marissa to see her cry. She pulled to the side of the street a few blocks down. "God Damn her!" Jenna screamed as she let the tears go and her fists slammed down on the steering wheel. She let herself cry a few minutes letting the emotion out then the anger began to rise again. She was angry at Marissa for not at least denying who she was talking to, she was angry at herself for letting Marissa get away with this shit for so long, and she was angry at Crystal for saying that she could take care of her problems and not asking for help. She eventually got it back together; putting her emotions aside for the moment as she had a problem to handle then she would allow herself to cry again.

She got back out on the street and headed for the interstate. She focused on the problem or what she knew of the problem and she began to calm down as she studied it. She knew that she didn't need to come into an angry situation being angry herself but then again... Her mind went back to a conversation she had with the woman's basketball coach several years before. She had stopped in on some of the practices when one of her deaf students was on the basketball team. She saw the coach chew out a player getting right in her face and just let her have it and then a few minutes later she was encouraging the same player for getting it right. Jenna later asked her about it and the coach had told her that she just had to know when to show her anger and when not to. But to always let the players know that she did care for them as people and players.

She thought that maybe going in first to each girl, chewing them out and then sit and calmly talk it out. Scare them both first then be caring afterwards as she let them tell her just what was wrong. She then thought about who she would see first. She knew Crystal well and maybe she would be more sympathetic to her side so she decided to see Regina first and get her side of the issue. That way she could be fairer to both girls. She found that the interstate was about empty so she cranked her car up to about eighty-five and prayed that she wouldn't run into any cops. She wasn't sure she could explain why she was speeding unless the patrolman happened to have two teenage daughters. If that was the case, he might give her an escort. That thought make her smile as she thought of it and it felt good to smile for the moment. On the rest of the way to the campus, she tried to keep her kind on the problem she was heading into and not the huge one she just left behind.

When she got to the dorm, she called David and he told her what floor that they were on. She told him to leave Regina alone in the room for a few minutes as she got up there. She wanted her wondering what was going on and how long she would be kept there. She wanted her on edge to see what she would say. She hoped to scare her then get to the bottom of the problem with kindness.

"So where are my delinquent children?" Jenna asked as she approached David who was standing nervously outside what was obviously one of the study halls.

"Regina is in this room and Crystal is in one of the study rooms on the other end of the floor." David said then he paused a second before adding, "I'm sorry to have to call you and not being able to solve this on my own but they were about to kill each other and I didn't want to call the police and get them in trouble."

"They were the ones that needed to figure out how to solve this without threatening to kill each other. The school offers lots of ways to solve roommate problems. They should never have let this get this far, however I'm about to show them both the error of their ways." Jenna told him as she put her hand on his arm to reassure him that he did the right thing to call her and she would take care of the problem.

Jenna paused at the door to put on what she hoped was her angriest look on her face, and then she opened the door. She saw Regina sitting at one of the desk chairs and she had this superior look on her face. She had a look that Jenna had seen from some of the upper crust and politically important children that she went to college with. Regina was one of those that thought that she was better than everyone around her and she made sure that they knew it. She was in the dorm only because the school required all freshmen to live there and there were no exceptions. The university was private and every well endowed so they could afford not to buckle under the pressure of the parents and students who wanted to bypass the rules.

Regina slowly turned toward Jenna saying, "What right do you have holding me here? It's that damn blind raghead who is the problem. Get rid of her and all her kind and we'd all better..."

"Stop right there young lady!" Jenna screamed as she boiled over in anger. She didn't have to fake being pissed any more as she was thoroughly pissed off at the girl sitting in front of her. Jenna came up to the sitting girl putting her face mere inches from Regina's face. "I would suggest that you think real hard before you utter another word."

Jenna kept her face close to Regina's face making her be the one to back away which she quickly did. Jenna knew she had her attention and she pushed her head forward so that Regina's head was at the back of the chair and could go no further back to get away from the very angry woman standing in front of her.

"I am going to inform you of something young lady, we are a very diverse university and we welcome all people no matter of their race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation. That is something that I think you need to learn and we happen to have a class call Intro into Ethnic Diversity. It addresses what you seem to be having trouble with. It will be assigned to you next semester and you will make an A in it. If you don't then it will show up on your schedule the following semester. And it will stay on your schedule until you get that A or you leave the university, whichever comes first. It is your choice. Secondly, you will write a letter to Crystal apologizing for calling her what you did and for whatever happened tonight. That letter will be delivered to my office Monday morning." Jenna told her in a very firm voice.

"You can't do that." Regina told her but she didn't sound too sure of that.

"My name is Jenna Zimmerman and I work directly for the Dean of Student Affairs. Rest assured that I can do that and I am doing that. Do I make myself clear to you?" Jenna asked.

"Yes madam," Regina said as her body indicated that she had been put into her place.

"Good," Jenna said as she stepped back giving Regina a little room. "Now would you like to tell me just what is going on between you and Crystal and why you almost came to blows tonight?"

Regina studied her for a moment before replying, "We just can't seem to get along, that's all."

Jenna figured that Regina wasn't about to admit any guilt so she was going to say as little as possible. "You know you can talk to your RA and if that doesn't work then you can go see Assistant Dean and see if he can help. There are ways to deal with these issues whatever they are."

"Yes madam," Regina told her.

"Do you want to say anything to me about what is going on?" Jenna asked trying to get anything out of her that might indicate that Crystal had done something to her. She wanted to give her a chance to tell her side.

"No madam," Regina said then she hesitated for a second, "Other than I don't think Crystal and I make good roommates."

"That is an understatement," Jenna said. "She will be moving out tonight."

This brought a smile to Regina's face. "But this isn't the end of this matter. You will be taking that class and you will be writing that letter. As to anything else, I will be seeing the Dean on Monday to determine where we go from here. So I wouldn't be smiling just yet. You're not out of the hot water yet." Jenna told her as she went to the door and walked out.

David was waiting for her outside the door. "Keep the snotty little bitch here until I return. I'm going to talk to Crystal then I'm moving her out of the room."

"She is a little bitch isn't she?" David said then he caught himself. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"No you're right she is." Jenna told her giving him a smile.

"But where are you going to put Crystal. There's no place to put her. This dorm is full as is all the other's." David told her.

"I don't know, I'm going to bless her out then move her out. I'll figure out where once I get her out of here." She told him.

Jenna went down to the door that Cornelia was standing guard. She smiled at her before putting that angry look onto her face which made Cornelia smile her approval. She then flung the door open letting it hit the wall and then slamming closed as she stepped past it. The scare tactic didn't really work as she found that Crystal was sitting on a chair and she looked angry and ready to tear someone apart. She couldn't blame Crystal for wanting to kill Regina as she herself wanted to do the same thing and she had only spent a few minutes with the girl.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing? Threatening to kill your roommate, I thought you said that you could take care of this on your own!" Jenna yelled at her.

"Just bring that bitch in here and I will take care of it!" Crystal yelled back at her.

Jenna wanted to smile as she liked Crystal's backbone but she had to be the bad guy here. Jenna went over to Crystal, this time she placed her hands to the arm rests of Crystal's chair and then putting her face close to her face. She was breathing hard so that Crystal would know just how close she was to her. "You are not going to kill anyone and I don't want to hear you ever threaten to kill anyone. Do you hear me young lady?" Jenna spit out.

"But..." Crystal started to say before Jenna stopped her.

"I don't want to hear anything but yes madam or no madam and I would advise you to answer with the former." Jenna spit out at her.

"Yes madam," Crystal said and Jenna could see that Crystal was feeling defeated and alone at that moment. Jenna wanted to relent but she wanted to teach her another lesson first.

"Why didn't you tell me what was going on, or if not me then your RA or the assistant dean? You had your chances to do so. How many times did I ask you what was going on?" Jenna asked her.

"I don't know, a lot." Crystal told her with her head down.

"Then why didn't you speak up?" Jenna yelled at her.

"Because I wanted to prove to myself that I can handle anything that comes at me, but I failed. I guess I can't take care of anything." Crystal said and Jenna could see the tears begin to fall.

Jenna felt that she now had Crystal at a point that she would listen to her. She kneeled down at Crystal's feet and she took Crystal's chin in her right hand lifting it up. "You know sometimes the best way to take care of something yourself is to ask for help. That isn't a sign of weakness but that of knowledge. You take something as far as you can then you ask for help. God knows I do it all the time. I don't know all the answers but I do know where to start looking for them. Do you think I got my department started all by myself?" Jenna asked but she didn't wait for an answer. "I didn't. I had and have to ask for help all the time. I may have stood up to the board of directors once but after that I came to the meetings with my hat in hand asking and sometimes begging for help."

Jenna saw that Crystal's tears had stopped and she was listening to her. "Let me ask you another question. If you had beaten the shit out of your snob of a roommate, would that have stopped the problems or made them worse?"

"It would have made me feel better." Crystal said and Jenna couldn't help but to laugh.

"Okay, I'll give you that one but the problem would have still been there. She would still be a bigot and then you would have had to sleep with one eye open." Jenna told her.

"I'm blind; I don't think that would do me too much good." Crystal said with a smile.

"Okay smarty pants, then with one ear open as she would get you back. Of that I am sure." Jenna told her as she let go of Crystal's chin and she was happy to see Crystal keep it up.

"I know, but what do I do now. If I have to live with her, I will kill her sooner or later." Crystal told her.

"Well first off you're going to write her a letter to apologize for calling her a bitch, I believe I heard you say when David called me." Jenna told her and she saw Crystal's face go red at the thought of that.

"The hell I will; not after what she called me." Crystal told her angrily.

Jenna put a little anger and firmness into her voice as she said, "Yes you will and it will be in my office Monday morning. This point is not up for discussion. Do I make myself clear? And before you answer, I'm going to give you the same option I gave you when I first came in, and that is that I don't want to hear anything but yes madam or no madam and I would advise you to answer with the former."

Crystal hesitated for a long moment before she said, "Yes madam."

"Good, now we are going to bring you and Regina back to your room and you can pack your things up with her watching so that there is no question of her saying that you are taking anything of hers. Then I'm going to bring you to my place until Monday when I can talk to the Dean and see what to do with you." Jenna told her.

"So she gets what she wanted, me out of her room." Crystal said a little put off.

"Only for the rest of the weekend, but this isn't over with for you or her. Since I don't know what to do with you, I'm going to ask for help from the Dean." Jenna told her.

"Point taken," Crystal said as she gave Jenna a half smile.

"Okay let's get this show on the road. I'm tired and it has been a really bad night for me and I want it over with." Jenna said and she saw Crystal's face turn sad. She realized what she had said and wanted to take it back but it was too late now. Plus she was still a little pissed off at Crystal for doing this to her so she just left it out there. She went to the door opening it and told Cornelia to go get David and for him to bring Regina to the girls' room.

Regina kept that little self satisfied smile on her face as Crystal got her stuff. Jenna so wanted to just slap the shit out of her thus knocking the smile off her face but she kept her anger under control. With the help of Cornelia and David, they got all of Crystal's stuff to her car. How the girl fit all her stuff in that small room, Jenna would never figure out.

"I'm sorry that I ruined your weekend but I do appreciate you coming to my aid." Crystal said after Jenna had gotten them off campus.

"Don't thank me yet, I do have a two bedroom house but I'm in the process of cleaning out all my clothes and they are all stacked on the spare bed. And I'm too tired to try and find a place for it so you're stuck with the couch for the next two nights." Jenna told her.

"No worries, I'll be fine on the couch." Crystal told her.

"But I am a neat freak so you won't find my clothes all over the place to trip over." Jenna told her.

"So you noticed that?" Crystal asked.

"It was hard not to, especially since most of her dirty clothes were around your bed and leading to the bathroom." Jenna said with a laugh.

"Yea, and then she would get pissed because I would scuff my feet to keep from tripping on them and thus move all her clothes around." Crystal told her.

"So what else did she do?" Jenna asked her.

She moved my stuff around in the bathroom, even though I kept telling her that I needed everything in its place so that I could find them easier when I got up in the mornings. It got to the point that I had to get up a half hour earlier just to find my makeup to get ready. All of that I could let pass, but after she figured out that wasn't going to get rid of me then she started with me being blind and then the breaking point was her comments about my ancestry. That was what sent me off the cliff." Crystal told her.

"Yea I got the blind raghead comment as soon as I went in to talk to her." Jenna told her.

"What did you do?" Crystal asked eagerly.

"Let's just say that she'll think about saying that again plus she will be attending the Intro into Ethnic Diversity and be required to get an A in it." Jenna told her and that brought a smile to Crystal's face.

"I want to take that class." Crystal said then after thinking a moment, "Did you tell her that she will have to interview at least five people of different Ethnicity and get to know them?"

"No I guess that I forget to mention that." Jenna said trying not to giggle.

"Oh I love it, it serves the bitch right." Crystal told her.

"It serves who right." Jenna asked her deepening her voice to the tone she used on her earlier.

"But she is a bitch." Crystal pleaded.

"That may be but unless you want to write her two letters then I would suggest you refer to her by her given name." Jenna warned her.

"But..." Crystal wanted to say more but she didn't.

"But what young lady?" Jenna asked.

"But Regina has a tendency to be a not so nice person at times." Crystal said with a tone that showed Jenna that it was killing her to not say "Bitch".

"Regina has a lot to learn and I don't know if one class with teach her what she needs to know. She may be a bigot all her life but you too have lots to learn too. As I am sure that you're not completely innocent. I'm sure you did a few things to get her back." Jenna told her.

"More than a few," Crystal admitted.

"That's what I thought," Jenna replied.

"So what is your house like?" Crystal asked and Jenna noticed the change of subject.

"It's a small two bedroom house, build long before you were born. It needed some work so I got it cheaply and then spent a fortune to get it fixed up. It's not much but it is my home and I do love it." Jenna told her.

Crystal asked what all she had to do to it and Jenna started to list them off as she had to have the roof redone as it sorely needed it. Then she had to redo the plumbing and the water heater. She also had a corner shower put into the bathroom as there was only an old fashion tub with no shower attached. This made for a crowded bathroom but she didn't want to get rid of the tub. She had to take loans out and have these things done for her as she wanted them done right and for it to be done by professionals. The rest of the inside she did herself, like the painting and putting up new tile in the bathroom as she said it had some color that came right out of the seventies. By the time she had finished going over what she had done, they had arrived at her house.

"What do you need and I'll get it for you and we can leave the rest out in my car until Monday." Jenna said as they were getting out of the car but then she saw Crystal frown but she didn't say anything. "Or if you are up to it, we can carry it all in."

"If you don't mind, or if you will show me the way I can get it." Crystal told her.

"No I'll help you; we'll get it done sooner. We've both had a long day and I know I need a shower." Jenna said as she grabbed a box giving it to Crystal to carry as she grabbed an armful of her clothes. She used her voice to guide Crystal along and she was glad that she didn't have any steps until she got the door unlocked and stepped into the house. They had to make several trips but they got it all inside. Jenna then guided Crystal around the house so that she would know where everything was and what obstacles to avoid so that she wouldn't trip over anything.

Jenna then went to hang up Crystal's clothes in the spare bedroom as Crystal took her personal items to the bathroom. Jenna really didn't like things out on her counter around the bathroom but Crystal was only going to be there two nights so she could live with it for that long. Once she had Crystal settled and sheets put out on the couch, Jenna bade Crystal a good night. She then went to the bathroom to take a shower. She knew she probably still smelled of sex and for some reason she wanted it off of her. She turned the shower on as hot as she could stand it, then she stepped inside. The hot water stung her skin like a thousand needles pricking her but it felt good. She got her body wet then she stood with her head directly under the water letting it run down over her.

Now that Crystal's crisis had been taken care of for the moment, her thoughts went back to Marissa. She could see clearly Marissa talking on the phone and then hiding it under the pillow. She also thought about the time that she had caught her talking when she arrived at her house and let herself in. Both times she got this deer caught in the headlights look before Marissa immediately recovered. Then there was Friday night when Marissa danced with all those men leaving her alone. As much as she wanted to deny to herself that Marissa was cheating on her she couldn't do so now. Not when Jenna had given her the phone back and told her to go back talking to her lover and Marissa saying that she would.

Jenna didn't want to cry over Marissa however the tears started on their own. The tears that were running down her cheeks soon became sobs that racked her body. She put her back to the shower wall slowly letting her slide downward until she was sitting on the floor of the shower and the hot water hitting her body. The emotion of such a long love affair ending was more than she could handle at that moment and her mind was forcing her to let it all out. Her thoughts were a montage of her life with Marissa going from the beginning to the end and the parts in-between. But always her mind came back to what had happened right after Crystal interrupted their lovemaking. She had a vast amount of anger directed toward Marissa however she also reserved some of her anger toward Crystal who had forced this on her. She was willing to continue to fool herself that Marissa would eventually see that she was meant for her and that they were meant to be together. But Crystal put a halt to that fantasy tonight. Jenna felt that anger rise up within her and she let out a wounded cry that echoed through the bathroom.

"Jenna, are you all right?" Jenna heard coming from within the bathroom.

Jenna started to yell at Crystal to get out of the fucking bathroom as she was naked but then before her mouth formed the words, she remembered that Crystal was blind and thus it didn't really matter where she was.

"Yea, I'm fine. Go on back to bed." Jenna told her.

"You've been in here for over a half an hour and then I heard you cry out." Crystal told her and she did sound very concerned and worried for her.

"It's this old water heater, it just runs out of hot water suddenly and the warm water felt so nice that I couldn't bring myself to get out but then the water turned suddenly cold. So everything's fine, now go back to bed. That's what I'm going to do soon." Jenna told her hoping that she would buy the lie as she had put in an extra large gas water heater that would product hot water all day long if she needed it and could afford it. She did look up and saw the steam still rising from the water but with Crystal being blind, she knew that she couldn't see it. However she didn't think about Crystal being able to feel the thick steam in the bathroom even with the door being open for a few minutes.

"Okay, good night then." Crystal told her and Jenna waited for Crystal to leave the bathroom before she pulled herself up from the floor and started to wash. She was emotionally, mentally, and physical exhausted so that by the time she got into bed, she was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

Jenna woke up to the smell of bacon the next morning. She rolled over to look at the clock and found that it was already noon. She hadn't slept this late in years. She smiled at the thought of Marissa cooking her breakfast but then reality hit her as she realized that while her weekend had started with Marissa, she was waking up on Sunday morning with Crystal in her house and Marissa probably out of her life forever. When this thought went through her head she wanted to roll over and just hide under the covers but she had always faced her problems head on and she would have to do this one the same way. She gave out a long sigh, and then she pushed the covers back and sat up.

"That smells good, but you didn't have to cook anything." Jenna said as she walked into the kitchen after using the bathroom and getting dressed.

"It's the least that I could do, after all that you have done for me." Crystal said as she gave Jenna a smile.

"I made a pot of coffee for you too." Crystal said pointing toward the coffee pot.

"Let me guess, you smelled the coffee in my office when I met with you and your mom." Jenna said as she went to the pot and poured herself a cup and took a sip. It was a little stronger than she normally made it but it did start to knock the fog that was in her brain.

"Well no, it was you saying after my first class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's that you needed to pee real bad as your morning cups of coffee had reached your bladder." Crystal said with a giggle.

"Yea, I guess that would be a clue to me being a coffee drinker." Jenna said laughing with her.

"Just a little bit of a hint." Crystal replied giggling a little more.

They talked a little as Jenna helped Crystal cook them a late breakfast and then Jenna set about cleaning on her house and doing some laundry as Crystal studied. Jenna kept asking Crystal if she had written her letter to Regina and each time she got a frown from her and "No" as an answer. By the time that Jenna went to bed, Crystal still hadn't written her letter.

"Crystal, you need to get up." Jenna told her Monday morning.

"What time is it?" Crystal said as she rolled onto her back and stretched.

"It's five in the morning." Jenna said and then she waited for Crystal's response.

"Five, I don't have my first class until nine-fifteen." Crystal said as she rolled over so that she was facing the back of the couch and thus away from the idiot that was waking her up at such an ungodly hour.

"But I have to be at work at eight and I want to meet with the Dean and she gets into her office at seven every morning. So if I want to talk to her without an appointment then I got to get to her first." Jenna reminded her and she took Crystal by the shoulder turning her back onto her back.

"Oh yea," Crystal said sadly as she pushed the covers down sitting up on the couch. She was wearing some stylish PJ's with printed pink flowers on both the top and the pants. She did look cute in them Jenna noticed as Crystal got up and stretched.

"Go take your shower and I'll make us something to eat." Jenna told her. "What do you want to eat?"

"Just a roll or something, I'm not big on breakfast, especially this early in the morning." Crystal said as she shuffled off toward the bathroom.

"You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Jenna called to her.

"That's what my mother has been telling me for eighteen years." Crystal called back to her.

"Well she was right." Jenna told her.

"I know, I know." Crystal told her then the bathroom door shut making Jenna laugh.

"So what you having for breakfast?" Crystal asked as she took a bite of her sweet roll.

"Same as you except I'm having a cup of coffee instead of a can of coke." Jenna said.

"You know a couple of people I well respect have told me that breakfast..." Crystal was saying leaving the last part unsaid.

"So I've heard." Jenna said laughing at Crystal.

Jenna was driving them to the campus when Crystal pulled a letter from her backpack and handing it to Jenna. "Here's that letter for the..." Crystal told her then she stopped herself in midsentence pausing for a second before she said, "that not real nice person."

Jenna took the letter and she noticed that Regina's name was hand written on the front. "You hand wrote it?" Jenna asked a bit surprised.

"Yea, I figured that if I was going to do it then it may as well be personal." Crystal told her.

"I'm proud of you for doing this. I know it was something hard for you to do." Jenna told her.

"It was but you asked me to do it and maybe I needed to write it." Crystal told her. Then she got this frown on her face.

"What's wrong?" Jenna asked when she noticed the worried look on Crystal's face.

Crystal hesitated for a moment before asking, "What do you think the Dean will do? Will she kick me out of school?"

"Oh god no, you're not the first to argue with your roommate. She won't do anymore than what I have done to you. The only problem is that we have to find a place for you to stay. There isn't any dorm rooms open." Jenna told her and she glanced over at Crystal who seemed to want to suggest something and before she could, Jenna changed the subject.

"So how did you learn to write, your handwriting is so pretty and neat." She asked of her.

"My mom taught me. I have to take my time carefully writing out each letter. I don't do much actual writing, mostly I use my computer as it is faster and let the computer it put into regular print." Crystal told her.

Jenna got Crystal to talk about her learning to write the rest of the way to the campus. She walked with Crystal to the library before heading on over to her office. She put some coffee on and then she rushed up to the dean's office so she would be there when the Dean walked in. However when she got there she saw that the dean's office light was already on but the glass door to the outer office was locked. Jenna tapped on the glass door with her knuckle, hating to have to bother the Dean's quiet time before the day started but she wanted to get this over with. A moment later, she saw the Dean step into the doorway of her office. She was a big tall woman of African descent. She was a pretty woman who always had a smile on her face which made her even prettier. She smiled at Jenna but then frowned as she came to the door to let her in.

""Well Jenna, why do I this feeling that this isn't going to be good." The dean said as she opened the door.

"Because Shirley it isn't." Jenna told her.

"Well come on into my office and let's have a cup of coffee and you can tell me just what one of my students have done now. You take your coffee black don't you?" she said.

"Yes I do and I'm sorry to hit you with this so early but I thought you should know what I have done." Jenna told her as she followed her into her office.

"I would rather know sooner rather than later, you know that and that is why you are here so early right." She said as she poured herself another cup of coffee then Jenna one.

Once Jenna got her coffee and Shirley had sat down, she motioned for Jenna to tell her everything. Jenna started by saying that she was out of town visiting a friend when David had called her and she heard two girls arguing in the background. She went on through everything including making them both write letters and the class that she was making Regina take. She left taking Crystal home with her until last as she wasn't so sure that was a good idea but the only thing she could think of in the middle of the night when she was tired and angry.

"We'll deal with Crystal last as I am not sure what to do with her right now. Let's go with Regina. I do agree with you on the Diversity Class, I think that was a good idea and she can use it as an elective so it won't set her back as far as graduation. And if she or her family raises a fuss, we can document the reasons for making her take the class. We can document what happened can't we?" Shirley asked.

"Yes I have it right here. At least everything that I saw and done. I will have David write out what happened before I got there today and I will get a hold of Cornelia and have her do the same." Jenna said as she handed over the file that she was holding. She had typed everything out on Sunday as Crystal studied.

"I figured that was what you were holding." Shirley said as she took the file not bothering to open it but Jenna knew that she would do so before the day was out. "Now as to whom to put with this young woman, I don't want to cause some other young lady the same problem as Crystal had with her. But I also don't want her to think that she got what she wanted. She needs to learn a lesson from this if possible." Shirley said and then she leaned back in her seat and seemed to be thinking. Jenna had worked with this lady long enough to know that now was the time for her to be quiet and let her think; no matter how long it took. However Shirley was a sharp woman who usually came up with a solution rather quickly.

"You go to some of the ladies basketball games don't you?" She said out of the blue.

"Yes I do and some of the practices, I enjoy watching the women play. I played a little basketball and softball in high school." Jenna told her.

"I didn't know you were a two sports star." Shirley told her.

"Oh I wasn't a star in either by any means; I pretty much rode the bench on both teams. I just liked playing and getting to practice with the teams." Jenna said with a smile.

"Hey at least you went out and tried and at least made the teams." Shirley told her.

"Yea, I tried my best to help." Jenna told her and she didn't add that she went to a small school and they needed as many girls to go out for the teams and all that did pretty much made the team.

"Have you seen the three new freshmen that we have this year on the basketball team?" She asked.

"Yes, I believe the center is your niece. She's very tall and I think is going to be a great player." Jenna told her and Shirley smiled.

"Thank you, I think so too but then I'm her aunt so I'm not sure that I have an unbiased opinion." Shirley said then she went on before Jena could comment. "You know Sheena never had a chance of being born petite. Her mother, my sister, is build like I am and her father played for twelve years on the offensive line for the Detroit Lions. He's six foot ten inches tall and when he was playing weighted about three hundred and fifty pounds." Shirley said smiling.

"Well she is a lovely girl and a very talented player." Jenna told her.

"Thank you again but she may be the solution to our problem. All three of the girls agreed to room together in a room for two to help us out but now is the time to let them get back to two to a room. And I think Sheena would be the perfect roommate for Regina. With her size, she intimates most people, yet she has the gentle nature of her father. However she is also like her mother in that she won't put up with anyone's crap. That I believe will serve us well in this situation." Shirley said.

"You sure that you want to do that to your niece? From what Crystal has told me and I'm sure she left a lot more out, Regina can be a real bitch." Jenna told her even though she loved the idea that Shirley had come up with.

"Oh I'll talk to her first to make sure but if I know my niece, she loves a challenge and she will go in determined to make Regina her friend. She has always tried to find the good in everyone and she usually does. I think she'll do just fine." Shirley told her.

"That sounds good but now what about Crystal. I know I shouldn't have brought her home with me but I couldn't put her in a strange hotel in the middle of the night. But after talking to Regina, I knew that I couldn't leave her there." Jenna told her.

"You are right, you shouldn't have however if I was there Saturday night, then I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing. She needed out of that situation and there were no dorm rooms available. Even with some of the freshmen getting homesick and going back home, we still don't have any rooms. We have the new dorm opening the beginning of the next semester but that doesn't help us right now. They are still putting the finishing touches on it and we can't put a blind girl in a room alone with all those construction workers around. We still have a month left in this semester to get through." Shirley said then she sat back again and Jenna waited. She didn't have a clue as to what to do with Crystal so she was glad to let Shirley handle this one. Shirley sat a minute then she got up and poured them both another cup of coffee. She didn't go back to her chair but instead she walked around the room for a moment.

After a few minutes, she came over and sat up against her desk and looked directly at Jenna who had a bad feeling about what Shirley was about to say. "We can put her into one of the local hotels but that will cost a lot of money not to mention getting her back and forth to the university. I also don't like putting a blind girl with just anyone and I don't want to put her in a situation that she feels like she is being punished for this situation. That doesn't leave me with a lot of options here does it?" She said and Jenna didn't bother to answer the question as she knew Shirley wasn't asking her anything but commenting. After a pause that made Jenna nervous for some reason, she asked, "How much of an inconvenience would it be if she stayed with you until the semester ended?"

Jenna didn't know how to answer the question; she didn't want to mention that Crystal had really pissed her off by her timing and the thing with Marissa. But at the same time, Crystal was a sweet girl that got put into a bad situation by being roomed with Regina and that wasn't her fault. "I have a spare room but I'm not sure how she will feel or her parents will feel. Plus she will be stuck on campus while I'm working. And she will be away from the other students and thus lose out on some of the company of people her own age." Jenna told her.

"Those are all questions she has to answer; now I want to know if you would be willing to take her in. Don't worry about her or her parents. I need to know how you feel about it. We can work around the other things. I want to know if you can and if you are willing to. You can say no and I will respect that. I'll figure something out that will work for her." Shirley asked her.

Jenna thought for a moment trying to figure out a reason to say no but in the end, she couldn't. "I'll be happy to take her in if she and her parents agree."

"I'll talk to them both this afternoon and see what they have to say. However we have dealt with Regina but other than finding Crystal a place to say, we haven't addressed her part in this. She isn't completely innocent in this is she?" Shirley asked.

"No she isn't. I gave her plenty of opportunity to tell me what was wrong and she failed to do so. And when things blew up she could have called me rather than threaten to kill Regina. Though I have to admit that when Regina asked me what that blind rag head said, I too wanted to kill her." Jenna said having to smile.

"I can sympathize with her too but had she come to you or even me, I think we may have head this off before it blew up in the middle of the night. At least I hope that we would have been smart enough to do something about it." Shirley stated.

"Well maybe we can all learn a lesson. But getting back to Crystal, I read her the riot act Saturday night but if you should give her a little speech then I think she will have learned her lesson. Plus I don't think that her mother will be happy. I will warn you that she will be first mad at you but then I think she will get on her daughter even worse." Jenna told her.

"Send Crystal up to my office at four, we'll have a little chat we'll then talk to her mother." Shirley said as she stood up, going back to her chair.

Jenna got up, "Sorry to start your day off like this."

"Now it wouldn't be a Monday if the day didn't start off with one of our students doing something they shouldn't have done over the weekend." Shirley said with a laugh.

"Maybe this will be the worst thing you face today." Jenna said as she went to the door.

"If it's not, you'll be the first on my shit list." Shirley said with a deep laugh.

"How about I stand guard by the door and if I see someone that looks like they have a problem, I chase them away." Jenna said as she stood by the door.

"I wish..." Shirley said laughing.

Jenna then waved and was off, heading back to her office to start her own day. She wasn't too surprised to see Crystal standing there and not at the library where she had deposited her. "What did she say?" Crystal asked before Jenna could even say anything.

"She says that you have an appointment with her at four this afternoon and not to be late." Jenna said trying to sound serious and a bit ominous.

"Am I in big trouble?" Crystal asked and Jenna could see that Crystal was getting very worried by the tone of the voice.

She wanted to ease her mind a bit however she figured that a day of worry would do her some good. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see now won't you." Jenna told her as she turned to unlock her door. "You're welcome to have a cup of coffee while you wait for your first class to start."

Crystal hesitated for a moment and Jenna could see her trying to decide if she should stay and try to get more out of her or leave. "Nah, I'll go back to the library, I need to do some research on the paper for English class that I have to do by Friday."

"I'll see you in class." Jenna called after her and Crystal just raised her hand to her as she walked away using her white cane to show her the way.

Jenna went on into her office and after putting the coffee on; she called David and instructed him to write out what had happened Saturday night. She got Cornelia's number from him and gave her a call. Unfortunately she woke her up but she didn't seem to mind. She asked Cornelia to do the same thing as she had David asking her not to get with David as she wanted it from her point of view and for her not to be influenced by what David saw. Once that was out of the way and she had a cup of coffee in her hand, she was left to her own thoughts. All of her staff wouldn't be into the office until later in the day since they all had students to help get to classes.

She sat back in her chair, letting her mind think about what she would have to do to get ready to have a roommate. It would only be for a couple of months but she had gotten used to having the house to herself. Plus the only roommate that she wanted was Marissa and she appeared to be out of the picture now because of her new roommate. She knew that even if she could get Marissa to give up all of her other lovers, she couldn't have her over since Crystal was there. At least she wouldn't have to change what she normally wore around the house which was a long sleep shirt that went down to mid thigh. When she got home from work every evening, she would strip naked and wash her face getting what makeup she wore off then slip into one of her several sleep shirts. She wasn't one to walk around nude but she did love the feeling of going without a bra and panties and still feel both uncovered and covered. But going back to her new roommate, she set about making a list of ground rules that Crystal would have to follow.

Crystal didn't say much to Jenna before or after her classes. She could see that Crystal's mind was elsewhere. She didn't even speak up during her classes as she normally would do. She was a very vocal student and enjoyed the discussions that occurred during her classes but today that joy was gone, replaced by this gloom that seemed to over shade her normal upbeat mood. Jenna felt bad for her but it was for her own good so she let Crystal fret and worry.

Jenna walked Crystal up to the Dean's office a little before four and it was only when Crystal was about to enter the Dean's office that Jenna gave her a small dose of encouragement. "No matter what awaits you, you're always strong enough handle it. Listen to what the Dean has to say, she's a wise woman and you can learn from her. She has been where you are now and she learned from her mistakes to find herself where she is now."

"Okay," Crystal said as she opened the outer door to the Dean's office and entered it. Jenna couldn't help but to think that the girl looked like she was walking out into a courtyard to face a firing squad.

"Come on down to my office when you are done." Jenna called out to her and Crystal nodded.

Jenna waited at the door watching as the dean's assistant called out to Crystal directing her over to her desk. She saw them talking for a moment then Crystal went over to one of the chairs to sit down. She waited outside of the office until the Dean came out into the office and called for Crystal to come on in as she was ready for her. Crystal got up and she could see how nervous she was when Crystal almost dropped her cane. However she seemed to get her back straight and she walked into the office trying to show how confident that she was. Jenna was pleased to see that Crystal was at least trying to show that she was stronger than she was feeling.

Jenna then went on back down to her office to get some work done. She had reports to file and she needed to talk to a few of her staff going over what they were doing and what she could do to help them if they needed any help. She was just finishing up when she heard the tap of Crystal's cane coming into the main office.

"I'm back here in my office." Jenna called out to Crystal. When Crystal came into her office she saw that Crystal had been crying by the smearing of her mascara. Yet she had a small smile on her face.

Crystal came on into the office, finding the chair that sat in front of her desk and sat down. "So how did it go?" Jenna asked of her.

"You could have told me that I would be staying with you for the rest of the semester. I was sure that the Dean was going to make me work it out with that bitch." Crystal spit out at her.

Jenna understood that Crystal was more than a little pissed off at her so she let that "Bitch" comment pass. "Yes I could have but I chose not to." Jenna told her.

"You chose not to..." Crystal said and she became visibly upset as Jenna saw Crystal's face turn red. "I thought that you were my friend. I thought you were here to help me."

Jenna raised her voice as she said, "I tried to help you but you wouldn't let me."

"I know and I spent the last two hours being reminded of that, first by the Dean and then my mother who was as pissed as I have ever seen her. She wasn't mad at the Dean for letting it happen like I thought she would be, she was just mad at me." Crystal said and then she began to silently weep.

Jenna came around the desk carrying a box of tissues, she knew that Crystal had been punished enough and chewed out enough. She put a tissue into Crystal's hand letting her blow her nose and wipe her eyes as she rubbed her back gently. When Crystal had pretty much stopped crying, she took the used tissue from her and threw it toward the waste basket. "You want me to let you in on what I believe happened with your mom and the Dean before you got there." Jenna asked of her.

"Yea, I want to know." Crystal said as she turned her head toward Jenna.

"If I know the Dean and I do, she took her medicine first. She called your mom and let her know what had happened and your mom let her have it. Then once your mom chewed the Dean out, the Dean turned the conversation toward you and what to do with you. I am sure your mom wanted to bring you home and the Dean talked her out of that. They then decided what was best for you. And then it was up to you to decide as an adult what you wanted to do. And I am glad that you wanted to stay here with us at the university." Jenna told her.

"I wasn't going to let that B..." Crystal was saying when Jenna cleared her voice. "She is a bitch and I'm going to call her that whether you like it or not." Crystal told her and Jenna laughed.

"Okay but remember that people can change." Jenna reminded her.

"Not her and she got what she wanted, me out of there. It isn't fair." Crystal told her feeling a little hurt about that.

"What makes you think that she got away with anything?" Jenna asked her as she got up sitting up on the front of her desk.

"Didn't she?" Crystal asked as her face perked up.

"I believe that right about now, her new roommate is moving in, that roommate is the freshman center for the woman's basketball team. And since you can't see what this girl looks like let me describe her. She is six foot six inches tall and it would take three of you to be one of her. She is a very nice girl however she doesn't take shit from anyone. She is also the niece of the Dean. So while your bitch got rid of a rag head, she got an African American girl in return. While she would never beat the shit out of Regina, Regina will know that she is more than capable of doing it; so Regina didn't get off scot free, just as you didn't get off scot free." Jenna told her and she saw Crystal smiling again.

"At least I got a better roommate." Crystal said with a big grin on her face.

"Did you?" Jenna asked and she saw Crystal's smile disappear. "I've got some rules that I want to spell out to you just so we both know where we stand as roommates." Jenna told her.

"Okay," Crystal said as she sat up to listen to Jenna spell out her rules that she had spent the morning making.

"First off, I'm not going to be your maid or your chauffeur. You'll do your own laundry and I'll give you a ride to campus and back only if you are up and ready to go when I am ready to leave. And if you want to wait until I get off of work to return home then you can have a ride home. Otherwise there is a bus that runs from the corner of the block that I live on and goes past the campus. It's a new run that the township that I live in and the city have set up to help bring workers into town and cut down on traffic. It runs several times a day from six in the morning to eleven in the evenings during the week and Saturday. On Sunday's you are on your own. I tend to get up early in the morning and I'm not going to be quiet just for you. If I feel like vacuuming first thing on Saturday morning then I will so I hope that you are a heavy sleeper. And speaking of cleaning, I expect for you to pick up after yourself and do your share in the cleaning. Are we straight on these things?" Jenna asked after she finished spelling out her rules.

"That's nothing I can't live with; just let me know the night before when you are going to get up in the middle of the night to come into work, that way I can set my alarm for five in the freakin' morning." Chrystal said with a laugh.

"That was your fault I had to do that." Jenna said with a laugh.

"As long as you don't call me a rag head then we won't have a problem." Crystal said.

"I won't but you had better not call me a bitch either." Jenna told her.

"I won't but if you do decide to get up at five on a Saturday and vacuum then don't listen too closely to me." Crystal said and she giggled a little nervously.

Jenna laughed, "I'll try to do my vacuuming a little later in the morning." She then hesitated for a second before saying; "I'll start at six in the morning at the earliest."

Crystal laughed at her little joke. "I think we'll do just fine but if you don't mind can we go on home. This day has worn me out and I still have some studying to do."

"Sure thing, let me lock up the office and we'll get going." Jenna said as she got her purse and went toward the door as Crystal got up following her out.

"You'll have to sleep on the couch until the weekend when I can pack up the rest of my clothes and take them down to Goodwill." Jenna told her as they walked to her car.

"Do you mind having me as a roommate?" Crystal asked seriously.

Jenna stopped taking Crystal's arm stopping her. "I'm not going to lie to you, this wasn't my idea and I didn't like it when Shirley mentioned it to me and I sort of hoped that your mom would put a halt to it. But she didn't." Jenna said.

"So you don't want me rooming with you." Crystal asked and Jenna could see the hurt on her face.

"Let me finish, then you can give me that hurt puppy dog look." Jenna said and that make Crystal smile just a bit.

"It has been a long time since I'm had a roommate and I'm set in my ways. And the next roommate that I planned on having was one with someone I was romantically tied to. But I knew that I couldn't let you go back to rooming with Regina and you are a sweet girl. So I said yes because it was the right thing to do. And if I was going to have to have a roommate then you are the best person that I can think of to room with. So I'm cool with you staying with me for the rest of the semester. Then when you come back from the holidays you'll have a room in the new dormitory that will be finished by the end of December." Jenna told her.

"You won't regret this, I promise." Crystal told her as they began to walk again.

"I had better not cause even though I'm not your mom, I won't hesitate to wear that ass out of yours if you give me a drop of trouble." Jenna threatened her making Crystal giggle at that comment.

Jenna got Crystal to talk about what happened up in the Dean's office as they walked to her car and drove home. The Deans did chew on her but not as much as she figured that she would however Crystal's mom more than made up for that. She did chew her out and Crystal was more than a little bit pissed at her but Jenna could see that Crystal would soon forgive her mother. She was just going to be pissed for a few days. By the time she was finished talking about the whole thing, Jenna was pulling into her driveway. Jenna could see that it did Crystal good to talk it out however now was the time to move on. That was all in the past now for her.

"So what do you want for supper, I know you got to be hungry." Jenna asked as they entered the house.

"I thought that you weren't going to be making me anything to eat." Crystal asked for her.

"I meant that I wasn't going to sit around and wait on you. Plus some nights I just fix myself a salad and if you want something else, you're on your own." Jenna told her as she locked the door. "Let me get out of these clothes and I'll see what I got for us to eat."

"That's fine, take your time. I want to change into my PJ's as I think I'll be turning in early tonight. Today has been a long day and I didn't sleep very well last night." Crystal said with a sigh that denoted just how tired that she was feeling.

"That's all over with now; you can forget all about that and move forward from here." Jenna told her as she went on to her bedroom to get out of her clothes.

"Good, I'm tired of dealing with it. I just want to get on with it." Crystal said from the spare bedroom where she was changing.

Jenna pulled her blouse off then unhooked her bra. She then saw that she had left her door open and went to shut it but then she realized that with Crystal being blind, she didn't have to worry about closing her door. She then pulled her slacks and panties down leaving herself nude. She went to her dresser drawer and finding her pink sleep shirt that she loved. She slipped it on, and then she went back to the kitchen to see what she had to cook. She was a bit tired too and she wanted something easy and fast to cook.

"How about a pasta salad tonight?" Jenna called out to Crystal.

"Sure, I like pasta salads. What can I do to help?" Crystal said from the doorway.

"You can cut up some tomatoes and onions as I put the pasta on to cook." Jenna told her then she turned to see Crystal standing there is her PJ's which were also pink in color with long sleeves and pants to complete the set. "Those are pretty PJ's, almost too pretty to sleep in." Jenna told her.

"Thank you, I have always loved PJ's rather than nightgowns. What do you usually wear?" She asked.

"I'm partial to cotton sleep shirts. I have a bunch of them as every time I go clothes shopping I end up buying another one of them." Jenna said with a laugh.

"Well I guess we both have a thing for sleepwear, just different types." Crystal said as she began to cut up the tomatoes that Jenna had gotten out for her.

"So did Regina give you her letter that she was supposed to write to me?" Crystal asked of her.

"Yes she did." Jenna said then she waited for the next question.

"Are you going to let me read it?" Crystal asked.

"Eventually," Jenna told her and nothing more.

"You know you always being so cryptic is getting on my nerves." Crystal told her.

"I know and I'm sorry. Sometimes I tend to be that way and I will try to work on that. But what I said is true, you will eventually read it but I think she and you can both do a better job." Jenna told her.

"So are you going to make me to write another one?" Crystal asked of her.

"No I'm not but if one day you should decide that you can do a better job and be sincere about it then you are welcome to do so. As far as I am concerned, you have both done what I asked of you. The rest is up to you." Jenna told her.

"I'll think about it but not tonight." Crystal told her.

Jenna then changed the subject and that seemed to brighten Crystal's mood as they just talked about nothing in particular, but just talked. Jenna liked that Crystal volunteered to clean up after they had finished eating. There weren't that many dishes so she didn't feel too guilty going on into her bedroom to catch up with her emails with her friends and doing some reading. When she was in the mood, Jenna loved to read romantic lesbian stories on the net. There were several sites that she was partial to that had authors who wrote stories such as these. She had just started to read one such story when she heard Crystal's computer come alive and she heard the soft voice of her computer reading out what Crystal was studying. Jenna listened for a moment then she blocked the voice from her ears as she began to read again.

She was lying in bed with her laptop on a tray in front of her. The story was one of her favorites and she had read it several times before. It started slow as it set up the characters. Jenna was normally a fast reader but with this story, she read slowly to take in what was happening and how the characters were slowly falling for each other. Eventually the story began to get a little steamy and since Jenna had been interrupted on Saturday night, and hadn't had a chance to finish what she and Marissa had started, she found herself getting wet.

Her hands had a mind of their own as they went to her breasts, pinching her nipples and feeling them grow hard. She would more her right hand to her mouse to move the page down then quickly it went back to her breasts, caressing and pinching her nipples. She felt her pussy getting wet and it began to pulse. She avoided touching it as the story went from the steamy scene to go on to another scene. Jenna felt her body cooling down but her fingers teasing her breasts kept her body at a state of arousal. Jenna kept reading letting the story evolve however the next scene was the one that always did Jenna in and that was what she wanted. Jenna used her right hand to move the page up then she placed that hand on her hot wet pussy. She let her fingers run up and down her lips getting them coated with her juices before plunging them deep inside of her as she read about the characters getting into a sixty-nine position. She read the words slowly as she began to fuck her pussy with her fingers. She bit her lips to keep from moaning aloud as she felt her pussy squeezing against her fingers. It was feeling so good that she was having trouble keeping her eyes open to read the words as she felt herself quickly approaching an orgasm. She took her left hand, and used it against her sensitive clit and she began to rub.

Just as she was about to go to that wonderful world that her orgasms took her, she heard a knock at the door. She glanced up to see Crystal standing there. Jenna gasped as she quickly withdrew her fingers and pulled her sleep shirt down though after doing that, she knew that wasn't what would give her away as the smell of her arousal filled the room.

"I'm heading on to bed but I wanted to thank you again for taking me in, I do appreciate it." Crystal told her.

Jenna said "fuck!" to herself before replying to Crystal in a voice filled with the lust she was feeling however it was fading fast. "What?... Oh that's fine; I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay," Crystal said then she turned and Jenna let out a sigh but then Crystal reappeared in her doorway. "What time do you get up; I need to set my alarm for the same time? I don't want to have to take the bus in the morning. I'd rather just get a ride with you if you don't mind."

"Ah..." Jenna said as she tried to get her mind on what Crystal was asking. "Oh I get up at six-thirty, and then leave here at seven-thirty every morning."

"I'll be ready then. Good night," Crystal said and again she turned and left the doorway.

Jenna waited for her return but this time Crystal didn't return. Instead she heard Crystal's alarm talking as she set in the living room. Jenna waited for a short time so that she was sure that Crystal had actually fallen asleep. She looked down at her sleep shirt that was pulled up to her waist and she smelled the aroma of the juices of her pussy. She knew there was no way that Crystal couldn't have known what she had been doing. She hated that Crystal had caught her masturbating but what she hated worse was that the mood was lost. Instead of feeling horny, she felt frustrated and a bit pissed at Crystal for yet again ruining what was going to be a wonderful orgasm. Jenna shut down her computer putting it on the floor. Then she turned on her own alarm and she turned off the light. She slipped down into the bed wondering if she was ever going to have another orgasm.

When Jenna heard her alarm the next morning, she also heard another alarm going off in the living room. She turned hers off and waited for a minute listening to Crystal's alarm going off and wondering if she was going to turn it off but she did and she heard a groan coming from the living room. That made her smile as she got on up and padded to the bathroom to get her shower. When she came out, she was drying her hair with her towel and nothing else on. She gasped as she saw Crystal waiting at the door.

"Morning," Crystal said as she slipped past her.

"Morning and I hope I didn't take too long, I forgot about having a roommate." Jenna told her.

"No that's fine; you got the bathroom nice and warm for me." Crystal said with a giggle.

Jenna went toward the kitchen to get a cup of coffee to drink as she dressed. She went into the kitchen and saw that there was a cup sitting by the pot already steaming with coffee. Jenna smiled as she picked up the cup and took a sip feeling the coffee waking her up. She went back into the bedroom and started to get dressed. She went from there back to the kitchen pulling out some yeast rolls that she loved and some cinnamon butter. She warmed the rolls in a toaster and she sat at the table eating the rolls and drinking her second cup of coffee. She heard Crystal come out of the bathroom and then she heard her messing around in the living room and then back in the bathroom. She clock was ticking down to the time to leave to go to the college. Jenna wanted to tell Crystal to hurry up and get something to eat but then she caught herself. Crystal could always get something to eat at the university if she wanted or do without. At seven twenty five, Jenna got up and went to get her purse and laptop case.

"I'm leaving with or without you." Jenna called out to Crystal.

"I'm coming," Crystal called back from the bathroom. Then she rushed out with her hair all in place and her makeup just perfect. That was still a wonder that Crystal could do all that just from feel and memory. Jenna had trouble getting her hair to look halfway decent and she could see what she was doing.

"There's a roll in the kitchen if you want one." Jenna told her as Crystal picked up her backpack and her white cane.

"Great, I'm starving." Crystal said as she dashed into the kitchen grabbing a couple of rolls before meeting Jenna at the door.

"I see that you already have the house memorized." Jenna said as she locked the door.

"Yea, just don't move any furniture without telling me." Crystal said between bites.

"I won't, I do tend to move things around from time to time but you came just at the right time as I just got through moving things around. So you should be safe." Jenna said with a laugh.

"So what are you going to do until your first class starts?" Jenna asked as they got into her car.

"Probably go to the library and work on my paper. I need to get it finished and then print it out." Crystal said then she seemed to want to say something more.

Jenna backed out waiting for Crystal to say something more but she didn't so she asked, "You seemed to want to ask me something, what is it?" Jenna asked.

"No I don't." Crystal said but then after a pause where Jenna didn't reply she said, "Okay I do but how do you know I wanted to ask you something?"

"You knit your forehead and you bit your lower lip." Jenna told her.

"I do?" Crystal asked.

"Yes you do so what do you want?" Jenna asked her.

"I know that you're not supposed to help me but I need someone to read over my papers before I turn then in. I tend to make my paragraphs too long and my spelling isn't the best in the world. I really need someone to read it over and show me where I need to change something." Crystal told her.

"I think I can do that. I won't tell you when I think you have made an error as far as content but doing a little light editing isn't against the rules. And to tell you the truth, I let someone read over any important reports that I do just to make sure that I didn't make any obvious errors. It is hard to edit your own stuff." Jenna told her.

"Thanks, I appreciate that. I was a little worried about this paper as it is the first important paper I've done so far. The rest have been little essays and stuff but this paper counts for a third of my grade so it's important." Crystal told her.

"If you can finish it today, I'll read it over when we get home and that way you can make any corrections before you need to hand it in Friday." Jenna told her.

"Thanks," Crystal told her then she added, "You know that is all that I seem to be doing lately is thanking you."

"That's okay; you'll be repaying me this weekend." Jenna told her.

"I will be, how?" Crystal asked.

"Yep, after we get the spare bedroom ready for you to use, I plan on cleaning the carpets. So you'll get to help me." Jenna told her.

"I'll be glad to; it's the least that I can do." Crystal told her as she smiled at Jenna who couldn't help but to smile back. Though Crystal couldn't see her smile, Jenna felt like Crystal knew that she was doing so.

That evening, Jenna did read over Crystal's paper and was impressed with it. There were some grammar errors but as far as she could tell it was an excellent paper with Crystal making some solid points in what she was writing about. When she complimented Crystal about what she had written, she saw Crystal's face light up and that made Jenna feel good. Then when she went over what she thought Crystal needed to change as far as grammar. Crystal didn't seem to mind being corrected. Once she had gone over everything with Crystal, Jenna went on into her bedroom leaving Crystal alone to study.

That night when Jenna went to bed, she forwent the reading of any erotic stories as she didn't trust herself and she was afraid of Crystal walking in on her again. She stayed with more work related stories online which would do nothing to arouse her. She was just getting ready to turn off the light when she heard footsteps approaching her bedroom door. She looked up just as Crystal appeared in the doorway.

"I'm going on to bed, I just wanted to tell you goodnight." Crystal said to her.

"Okay, well goodnight, sweet dreams." Jenna said and she almost told Crystal that she didn't have to tell her each night when she was going to go to sleep but she held it in.

Crystal stood there for a second and then she bit her lower lip and her forehead knitted up. Jenna smiled as she saw Crystal did want to say something more than just goodnight. Jenna had the words out of her mouth before she knew it. "Would you like to come over and talk a few minutes before we both go to sleep?"

"Sure, that'll be great." Crystal said as she smiled at her. Then she eased her way over to the bed, sitting down on the edge as Jenna put her laptop away. Crystal was wearing a different set of PJ's. This one was light blue with long pants and the top only had three buttons each widely spaced apart and the first button was just above her breasts and the second one below them and then the last at waist level. It was very pretty as were all the PJ's that Jenna had seen Crystal wear.

"So what you want to talk about?" Jenna asked her.

"Mmmm... What music do you like to listen to? All you play on the radio back and forth to campus is that public broadcasting station with the news on it." Crystal told her.

"Don't you like to keep up with what is going on in the world?" Jenna asked of her.

"Yea, but not all the time. You need to relax sometimes and forget all the bad things going on." Crystal told her.

"So what do you like to listen to?" Jenna asked her.

"I asked you first but I'll listen to anything, you name it and I'll listen to it." Crystal told her.

"Well that doesn't tell me anything, I can't pin you down on anything if you like everything." Jenna told her.

"Well I do. I guess I like to listen to country music the most but as long as it is music I'll listen to it." Crystal said excitedly and as she said that she turned slightly. That caused the space between the first and second button to open up some. The top was loose fitting so there was plenty of space between the top and Crystal's body.

Jenna glanced down and she sucked in her breath as her eyes got a full view of Crystal's right breast. It was so firm and the dark nipple looked so wonderful. Jenna stared at the nipple and she felt her body react to it. She had never thought about Crystal being anything more than just a student that her department was helping however looking at her bare breast, she couldn't help but to think of her as a sexy young woman, a desirable woman. It was then that she heard Crystal saying, "So what do you like to listen to?"

"Oh, I don't know..." Jenna said as she tried to get her eyes off of Crystal's breast and she was thankful that Crystal couldn't see where her eyes were glued. Crystal moved a little which caused the opening in her PJ top to close and Jenna was able to look again at Crystal's face and get her mind on what they were talking about. "I guess I like more soft songs, you know ballads and stuff. Something romantic that gets your mind to think about love and all that mushy stuff that us girls like. Plus since I have found the public broadcasting station, I have gotten into listening to some of the classic music."

"OMG, can you get any more boring..." Crystal said with a fake sign then she began to giggle.

"Watch it little girl or I will go out and buy a bunch of CD's of classic music and make you listen to it every morning and night. And besides you said you liked any music and Classic Music is music." Jenna told her.

"I bet you would too." Crystal said laughing. "Okay I will make a correction to my statement; I like all music that has singing to it."

"That means you like opera, right?" Jenna asked her.

"Uncle! I give up; let's go to another subject that I have a chance of winning an argument with you." Crystal said laughing.

"So have you made some friends since you have been here?" Jenna asked of her.

"You mean other than Regina?" Crystal asked.

Jenna laughed aloud, "Yea, other that your close friendship with Regina."

"Yea I have made a few but with me being blind, it is harder to make friends and with you in class with me, my classmates treat me differently." Crystal said and then she put her hand to her mouth and quickly added, "I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I like you helping me in class."

Jenna put her hand on Crystal's knee giving it a squeeze and said, "I know what you mean. I do put off the other students around you. I try to be as invisible as possible but it is hard to do. Maybe I shouldn't walk with you between classes so you can be a little freer to meet people."

"No, I don't want that. I consider you my best friend here and I like talking to you, when you're not yelling at me that is." Crystal said giggling again.

Jenna laughed at Crystal's little joke then she became a little more serious, "You need to find someone your own age to be friends with, I shouldn't be your best friend here."

"No I like having you as my friend. I feel like I can talk to you and trust you, beside I have always been more comfortable being around older people rather than people my own age." Crystal told her.

"Well all the same I want you to try and make other friends. Maybe when you get back into a dorm after the holiday break, you can be better able to get to know your fellow students." Jenna told her and she saw Crystal frown a little.

"We can still visit and talk can't we?" Crystal asked of her.

"Sure, that won't change. You can come and talk anytime you want and need to. I'll always be there for you, you know that." Jenna told her.

"As a friend or just because it is your job?" Crystal asked as she bit her lower lip.

Jenna knew this was more than a simple question and if she said that it would be as a friend, then Crystal would take her seriously and if she said it was because of her job, it would hurt Crystal's feelings. The longer she took the harder Crystal bit her lower lip. She looked at Crystal carefully and she had to admit that she liked this young woman even though she had caused her a lot of problems, more than any other problems than any other of her students. However there was a lot to like about this bright young woman and she couldn't help but like her.

"As a friend..." Jenna said and she was going to say that it was also because she was a part of her job but Crystal didn't give her a chance as she went to her giving her a heartfelt hug.

Jenna wrapped her arms around Crystal, holding her close and for the first time she felt something that she hadn't felt in a long, long time, holding someone who really wanted and needed to hold her. For the first time since Saturday's disaster, Jenna didn't think about Marissa but about the young woman she was holding. She held her tightly for a few minutes before she realized that her heart was starting to get attached to Crystal and she gently pushed her away.

Jenna got her mind back together and she told Crystal, "Now don't let me be your only friend. You go out there and find you some friends and a young man to go out with."

Jenna saw Crystal was about to say something but then stopped herself and she just said, "I promise to make more friends." However she didn't mention anything about finding a man to date.

Jenna let that go just glad that Crystal would try to make more friends and maybe that she felt like she had a real friend; it would make it easier for her to try and make more friends. "Now how about us getting some sleep. This old lady needs her sleep."

"Okay but you're not an old lady; you're just the right age." Crystal said as she gave Jenna another quick hug before getting up off the bed.

Jenna didn't ask her the right age for what, though she felt like she should have, "Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite."

"Oh now you've done it, I'll be up all night thinking about bed bugs." Crystal said laughing as she went out the door.

The next day as she was eating the sub sandwich that the office assistant had gone out and gotten her, she looked at her phone. She thought about picking it up and calling Marissa. She wanted to talk to her and find out where she really stood with her but she was still angry at her for at least not denying that she was seeing other people. She was always the one to call with Marissa only calling her to cancel whatever plans that they happen to have. Jenna picked up the phone then put it back down. She decided it was time to let Marissa be the one to call her. She knew she was taking a chance as Marissa wasn't the type to admit that she needed anyone or missed anyone. Jenna wanted to blame Crystal for causing this crisis in her relationship with Marissa but she knew that Crystal didn't have anything to do with it. This was between her and Marissa and they would have to work it out or she would break it off completely.

"You seemed distracted today, is something wrong?" Crystal asked her after she had come into Jenna's bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed later that evening.

Jenna sat up in her bed noticing that Crystal had the same damn pair of PJ's on and her eyes went to her top which thankfully had no space open and thus she got no peeks at her breasts. "No, it was just a busy day." Jenna lied.

"If I could see, I would say that you have your forehead knitted and are biting you lower lip but since I am blind, I will just have to say that your voice is telling me something else." Crystal said smiling at her.

"You're too smart for your own good, you know that." Jenna told her.

"So I've been told. So do you want to talk about it?" Crystal told her.

"It's just a relationship problem that I have to work out for myself. I know you want to help but I need to think about what I want to do first." Jenna told her putting her hand on Crystal's arm to tell her that she appreciated the offer but she really didn't see how this young woman with probably no relationship experience could help her with.

"Well if she's screwing around on you, then I'd drop her like a hot potato." Crystal said firmly.

"What makes you think she's screwing around on me?" Jenna asked as she was surprised by Crystal's response.

"While I don't know you all that well yet, I have figured out that you are big on loyalty and you could probably put up with anything except someone being disloyal like a girlfriend who screws around on you. That's it isn't it?" She asked.

Jenna smiled at her smart friend, "Yea I think she's screwing around on me."

"Then drop her and find someone who will love you and be loyal to you. You deserve nothing less." Crystal said confidently.

"It's not that simple, we have been together since we were in college together. I can't just drop her without finding out what she wants." Jenna told her getting just a bit irritated at Crystal for trying to make something very complicated so simple.

"And I bet she was screwing around on you back then." Crystal told her.

"I don't think so, you don't know Marissa like I do; she can be very loving when she wants to be." Jenna told her.

"How often does she want to be loving?" Crystal asked her.

Jenna wanted to say all the time but she couldn't. She was great in bed but outside of the bedroom she could be cold and unloving but she didn't want to admit that to Crystal who was so sure that she was right. "A lot," Jenna said lying to Crystal and to herself.

"I bet." Crystal told her and Jenna got angry at the way that Crystal said that but more so because deep in her heart, she knew she was right.

"Just how many boyfriends have you had by the way, you obviously have had more experiences than I have." Jenna challenged her.

"I haven't had any boyfriends and I don't want any. And I haven't had any girlfriends yet but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about love." Crystal told her and Jenna was a bit surprised by Crystal admission that she too was a lesbian.

Jenna was at a loss of words for a moment then she decided that now was a time for a change of subject, "So how was your day, I haven't asked you?"

"Smooth change of subject there," Crystal said smiling. "I had a good day for the most part but then you know that since you were with me during my classes."

"True but I wasn't with you the rest of the day now was I?" Jenna said.

"No," Crystal said and then she went on talking about her day and thus Jenna was able to stay away from her relationship with Marissa until it was time for them both to go to sleep.

Once Crystal was settled in the living room, Jenna was left to her own thoughts and they were on her conversation with Crystal. What Crystal had said about Marissa irritated her on two levels. One, she didn't know anything about hers and Marissa relationship and thus shouldn't have said what she did and secondly, it irritated her because she knew Crystal was right. Crystal had this way to get under her skin and it also pissed her off that she had hoped that Crystal's PJ top would come open during their conversation which it didn't. Crystal just seemed to find a way to irritate her yet by morning, Jenna knew that one smile from the smart, cute, young woman would have her smiling too. She tossed and turned for a while thinking these things over before she decided to just become a nun and forget women entirely, they just weren't worth the stress and heartache that they caused.

The next day at lunch, Jenna pulled out her cell phone and got to the point of pressing the key to call Marissa then she snapped the phone closed. She wasn't going to call her yet. She went back to her work so that she wouldn't have time to think about her problems with Marissa.

That night after dinner, Jenna went on into her bedroom to watch some TV leaving the living room to Crystal to study. Crystal had offered to study in the kitchen but Jenna said that she wanted to relax and the bed was the best place to do so. Jenna turned on a movie catching the last half of it. Then she put in a CD and turned it on and as it was about to come in Crystal appeared at the door. This time she was wearing what appeared to be one of her older pair of PJ's. It was white with teddy bears prints. It looked very cute on her but it also appeared to be thin in places.

"What you watching?" Crystal said as she came over to the bed.

"A movie that I have always loved though I hate to admit it." Jenna told her.

"Interesting, now you got to tell me what it is." Crystal said turning around so that she was now facing the TV which she obviously couldn't see.

"It's a musical called Mary Poppins, my mom bought it for me when I was little and she used to sit with me and watch it. I know it is a little kid's movie but I still love it and when I feel..." Jenna started to say down but stopped herself.

"When you feel what?" Crystal asked her with concern written on her face.

"When I want to feel like a little girl again," Jenna said making herself giggle a little. This was partially true but she didn't add and "Be in my mother's arms where nothing was wrong in my life and I didn't have any concerns or cares."

"Can I watch it with you? I want to be a little girl too." Crystal said with a little laugh.

"You are a little girl." Jenna said and she laughed when Crystal pouted at her.

"No I'm not, I'm eighteen and a legal adult." Crystal told her. "Anyway can I watch it with you?

"Sure but you can't see it." Jenna told her.

"Yes I can, you just have to tell me what the characters are doing and I can follow with the words and songs. You don't need your eyes to see everything; you ears can be your eyes too." Crystal told her.

"You're right but we have to do something first or the mood won't be right to watch the movie." Jenna told her.

"What's that?" Crystal asked turning back toward her which pulled her PJ top in tight and Jenna could see Crystal's right nipple pressed against her top. Jenna swore that she was going to have to get Crystal some new PJ's that didn't open up or wwere too thin.

"Ahhh..." Jenna said then she got her mind working again as she said, "We have to pop some popcorn with lots of butter and salt."

"Yummy, come on and let's make it." Crystal said reaching out for Jenna's hand.

Jenna quickly put the DVD on pause before taking Crystal's small hand and letting her pull her out of the bed. Crystal practically pulled her into the kitchen and there she waited for Jenna to get the popcorn maker out and she put the oil and the popcorn into the machine. Jenna always liked to make her own popcorn and not use those microwave bags of popcorn. Jenna described what she was doing so that Crystal could understand what was happening with the popcorn and how she made it. This all seemed to fascinate Crystal as she listened to every word that Jenna was telling her. As it popped, Jenna melted some butter in a small pan and got out her popcorn salt. Once popcorn was done, Jenna gave the pot of button to Crystal with a pot holder. She guided Crystal's hands over the corn and she let her pour the butter on. She then had Crystal put the salt on the corn, which Crystal did but she put the salt into her hand then on the popcorn so she could tell how much she was adding. Crystal then had her shake the bowl to mix the popcorn, butter, and salt together. Jenna poured them a large glass of pop to wash down the salty popcorn.

"Come on and let's watch the movie." Jenna told her once she felt the popcorn was ready. She grabbed the glasses of pop as Crystal brought the popcorn.

"Damn this popcorn smells great." Crystal said from behind Jenna.

"No tasting until the movie starts." Jenna said then she heard Crystal bite down on a few pieces.

"Too late..." Crystal said giggling.

"What am I'm going to do with you?" Jenna said with a sigh.

"It's your fault; you made it smell and taste too good." Crystal told her.

"You know flattery will get you everywhere." Jenna told her with a laugh.

"Cool, I'll remember that and use it when I need to." Crystal told her.

"I bet you will." Jenna told her as they entered her bedroom.

Jenna put their cokes on the night stand by the side of the bed before getting on the bed, sitting with her back against the headboard with pillows to cushion her back. She set up a place for Crystal to sit before taking the bowl of popcorn from Crystal who took another few cornels into her hand popping them into her mouth.

"Stop that or there won't be any left for the movie." Jenna said slapping her hand.

Crystal giggled more then she said, "Well hurry up and put the movie on silly."

Jenna laughed, "Okay, but save some popcorn for me."

Jenna took the bowl from Crystal's lap placing it between them and then she started the DVD. Jenna Got their cokes as she told her a little about the movie before it started then she began to tell her what was happening on the screen as the movie started. After years of doing much the same thing for students she was in charge of helping, she had developed a skill and a sense of when to say something and when to keep quiet and let the song or conversation tell the story. Crystal seemed to really get into the movie and she kept her eyes toward the TV where the sound was coming from. They hands did touch from time to time in the popcorn bowl and Jenna noticed that brought a smile to crystal's lips each and every time. Jenna found that she was enjoying just watching Crystal enjoy the movie sucking it all in. She even began to sing along with some of the songs though she was a bit off tune, but she was trying and she got the words right.

"So what do you think?" Jenna asked her after the movie ended.

"Oh I loved it; we'll have to have more movie nights, with your popcorn of course." Crystal told her smiling from ear to ear.

"Sure, but I tend to like old movies and ones with lots of romance in them." Jenna warned her.

"I love romance." Crystal said as she got off the bed then bent over to get the empty bowl that had been sitting between them. As she did so, her PJ top came away from her body and Jenna found herself looking at a perfect pair of breasts with their dark areolas capping them with the nipples being about a quarter inch and appeared to be aroused. Crystal seemed to pause for a moment as if she knew just where Jenna was looking and allowing her to do so for an extended moment. Jenna wasn't so sure that Crystal wasn't doing this on purpose.

"Well maybe this weekend, we can do it again." Jenna finally said.

"That's a date." Crystal said smiling. Then she went to the door pausing to say "goodnight" before going on out.

Jenna turned everything off then set her alarm before sliding down in her warm bed. She turned onto her left side so that she was facing where Crystal had been sitting. She pulled the pillow that Crystal had been leaning against and she could smell the scent of Crystal's strawberry scented shampoo. This made her think about the young woman sleeping in the living room. It also made her think of those lovely breasts that she was finding herself growing attached to. As irritating as this girl could be, she was finding that she was thinking about her much too much. That did ease the pain of the situation with Marissa but Crystal wasn't the answer to it, Jenna was at least sure of that. Still, that night Jenna's dreams were filled with a lovely young woman and not of her lover for the past ten years.

End of Part Two.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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