Blind Love

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 16, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Blind Love

Part Three

By Chris

Jenna managed to avoid calling Marissa for the rest of the week and she was disappointed but not surprised that Marissa didn't call her. She awakened early Saturday morning smelling coffee. She was sure that she hadn't set her coffee maker to go off this morning as she never did that on the weekends because she tried to sleep a little later if she could. She got up wandering into the kitchen to see the coffee pot full and then she noticed Crystal at the pantry feeling of everything and then shaking some of the boxes.

"What you looking for?" Jenna asked as she headed toward the coffee pot.

Crystal jerked around and for a second she had this look of pure fear then she let out with, "Fuck, you about scared the shit out of me."

"Oh such language from such a proper girl, didn't your mother wash your mouth out with soap when you used such language." Jenna asked as she got herself a cup of coffee then she sat down at the table.

"She would have, had she ever caught me saying fuck, shit or whatever words I may chose to use. However I was smart enough to not say them in front of her or my father." Crystal told her.

Then before Jenna could say anything Crystal went on with, "Can we label these things in Brail so that when I want to get up early and fix our breakfast or cook our lunch, I can know what the hell I'm putting into the pan."

Jenna laughed and said, "I think we can do that. I got to go shopping tomorrow morning, when I get back, we can label everything. But you don't have to cook."

"I know I don't but I need to eat too and if you are going to spend all morning in bed then it is either wait for you to get your lazy ass out of bed or fix myself something to eat." Crystal said and then Jenna could see by the expression on Crystal's face that she was worrying that she had gone too far in kidding with her.

"Lazy ass, you'll think lazy ass when I have you cleaning out the spare bedroom as I sit on my lazy ass and supervise." Jenna said then she laughed and she saw the relief on Crystal's face as she understood that she could joke with her.

"So what do you want to fix?" Jenna asked as she took her coffee cup with her to where Crystal was standing by the pantry.

"I don't know since I don't know what you have but pick something simple. I'm not that great of a cook." Crystal told her.

"I'll tell you what; I'm going to show you my famous breakfast casserole however I'm going to have to kill you after showing it to you." Jenna told Crystal with a very serious tone in her voice.

Crystal giggled then she said, "Cool, show me."

"Let's have some fun then." Jenna said catching some of Jenna's youthful enthusiasm.

Jenna got the ingredients out telling Crystal everything that she was doing. She let her brown the sausage as she mixed up the eggs. Jenna was enjoying having someone to cook with and talk to, as Marissa always stayed in her study doing work as she cooked. They talked and giggled as they made the casserole. Then they sat and talked as it cooked with Jenna getting another cup of coffee into her system.

"Oh this is great, I love it." Crystal exclaimed as she chewed on her first bite.

"You had better enjoy it as it will be the last time that I'll fix it for you." Jenna said very seriously.

"Why is that?" Crystal asked and she had this concerned and worried look on her face.

"Like I told you, since you know how I make my secret breakfast dish, then I'll have to kill you this evening." Jenna told her keeping her voice serious and a bit ominous.

A little smile escaped Crystal's lips as she asked, "Why wait until tonight, why not do it right after we finish eating?"

"Because I need your help cleaning out the spare bedroom and shampooing the carpet." Jenna told her.

"Why clean out the spare bedroom, if I'm not going to be around to use it?" Crystal asked as her smile grew.

"It needs cleaning anyway and since I have some free labor, I might as well use it." Jenna told her.

"Smart thinking," Crystal replied as she was now smiling broadly and had resumed eating her breakfast.

They talked as they ate and Crystal gave Jenna some ideas as how she should be killed when the day was done. The longer they went, the crazier the ideas became, until they got tickled and laughed themselves to tears.

Once the breakfast things were put away, they went to the spare bedroom, Jenna in her cool knit nightshirt and Crystal in her PJ's, which appeared to be older and well used. The top was of a cotton material with a small lace trim. It buttoned in front and this morning, Crystal had all the buttons buttoned. The bottoms were of the same light blue color with lace around the waist and bottom had a Capri like length. And for socks, she had a thick pair of dark purple which contrasted with her PJ's.

The school had years ago set up a alliance with a local charity and a part of that was for students to bring in clothes that they no longer wore and they would be given to the charity to be distributed to the poor and needy. Jenna had meant to clean out her closets and take them to the collection depot at the school. She had got the picking out of the clothes from her closets and drawers done and she had put them into the spare bedroom. She had even gotten the boxes from the school. What she hadn't done was to sort them out and put them in separate boxes. The charity wanted everything separated into what types of clothes they were to help them get them to who needed them. So as Crystal cleaned up the kitchen, she went out and got the boxes from her garage.

"So how are we going to do this?' Crystal asked as they met up in the spare bedroom.

"I have the boxes set up in the hallway. The one closest to the bathroom is for coats, sweaters, and stuff. The next one down is for pants and skirts, next is for blouses, and the last one is for bras and panties. I'll tell you which one it goes in and you put it there. How about that?" Jenna asked.

"That works, how many clothes do you have anyway? Crystal asked.

"Let me put it this way, I haven't thrown anything away since I started college, ten years ago. And I love to go clothes shopping. Plus my mom decided she was tired of having all my high school clothes filling my old bedroom, so she sent them to me to give away." Jenna told her.

"So in other words, the bedroom is packed full of clothes right?" Crystal asked.

"Yep, that's pretty close to it." Jenna said with a laugh.

"I guess we'd better get started if we are going to get these clothes packed away and the carpets shampooed before you kill me this evening." Crystal said with a laugh.

"Yea," Jenna replied with a laugh.

She then began with the clothes stacked on the bed. Crystal made her describe everything that she was throwing away and how old it was. A couple of her old high school skirts, Crystal took for herself as they had been out of style for so long that they had come back into style. They took their time but kept at it. It was a late fall day but a sunny and warm one. So as they morning went along, the small bedroom began to get warm. Jenna felt comfortable with her nightshirt with no panties and bra. However Crystal with her Capri pants pajama set with long sleeves began to get warm. She first rolled up her sleeves, then the top and bottom button of her top was undone. Jenna found that when Crystal bent over, she was glancing down at her and cursing herself for doing so. She felt like a peeping tom but at the same time, she couldn't get Crystal's breasts out of her mind, since she got that first glance of them. But is just wasn't just her breasts that Jenna found herself interested it. She was starting to like the rest of her even more. That she was determined to keep control of, she didn't need to like the young woman any more than she already did.

It took them a couple of hours to get the clothes boxed up and moved into the garage by the car. That way Monday they wouldn't forget to put them into the car and take them to the school. They took a short break so that Jenna could get another cup of coffee into her body and Crystal a pop.

Next up on the list was the shampooing of the carpets. Jenna only had carpets in the two bedrooms, hallway, and the living room. There wasn't a lot of carpet to be cleaned or furniture to be moved but it was still a job. Jenna always liked a lot of open space and they only way to have that in a small house was to not put much into it in the first place. So they broke down the double bed in the spare bedroom putting it into the garage with the nightstand and dresser. Then they went to Jenna's bedroom doing the same to it. That left just the living room. Jenna backed her car out and that is where they slide the couch, coffee table, end tables, and her TV and nightstand. They went back into the house with the carpet shampooer.

They went first to what would become Crystal's room. Jenna started out telling Crystal everything that she was doing. Then when she was about halfway done, Crystal insisted on giving it a try. Jenna wasn't so sure about letting a blind girl shampoo her carpets but she could see that Crystal was determined to try. So she put her behind the small cleaner. She showed her how to turn it on. Crystal was at first standing too much to the side as she turned to move the cleaner and she couldn't get her back into it. Jenna went behind her placing her hands on Crystal's hips. Crystal turned her head back toward Jenna giving her a big grin. As Jenna moved Crystal's hips over, she could feel Crystal's warm skin under the worn pajama's bottoms and she could also feel no signs of any panties. This made her pussy pulse as she stood behind her keeping her hands on Crystal's hips though there was no reason to do so.

Jenna told her where to move the cleaner as she walked with Crystal around the room. She could smell that damn strawberry shampoo that Crystal used. She vowed to throw the damn stuff away because of how it affected her body. But it wasn't the scent but the fact that Crystal used it which made the scent affect her so.

Once that room was completed, they set up fans to help dry the carpet though she had bought a very good carpet shampooer that left little moisture in the carpet while giving it a good cleaning. Then Jenna stepped back as Crystal did the hallway on her own. It was just about four feet wide and so it was easy for Crystal to keep up with what she had done and where she had been. She overlapped herself more than Jenna would have but considering that she was blind in a house that she wasn't completely familiar with, she did a good job and Jenna told her that.

They stopped once that was done to rest and grab a bit of lunch. Jenna got out some sandwich making stuff and they both fixed themselves a sandwich. Jenna was hungrier than she thought that she would be but they had been working hard all morning. They cleaned out the carpet cleaner before starting on her room. This room was much larger and Jenna started off first getting most of the room done before Crystal took over. Jenna saw that Crystal again stood to the side of the cleaner but Jenna knew what Crystal was doing and waited for Crystal to correct herself when she figured out that Jenna wasn't going to come and put her hands on her hips to guide her.

Once that room was done, they went to the living room which was the largest room of the house. Jenna had the heat turned up and the fan going so that made the house even warmer. This caused Crystal to undo another button on top and bottom of her pajama top. They had to change out the water in the cleaner and put more detergents into it. Jenna was on one side and Crystal on the other. As Crystal bent over, her top opened up and Jenna found herself looking down that top. She couldn't see Crystal's nipples but she could see both sides of her breasts up to that point. Jenna stared until she saw that Crystal was waiting for her to take the container holding the dirty water. Jenna got her mind back to what they were doing taking the container to the kitchen to dump the dirty water and getting more to put in the reservoir. She went back to the living room hoping that Crystal hadn't decided to shed her top entirely and she hadn't. Jenna did her best to keep her mind on the cleaning and not on Crystal for the rest of the cleaning. They were both soaked in sweat by the time that they were done but Jenna was very happy with the results. Her beige color carpet was looking sharp again. When she had it laid down, she had bought the best carpet that she could afford and she liked for it to look that way.

They sat in the kitchen talking as they rested and waited for the carpets to dry. Jenna would move the fans that she had around to keep all the carpets drying and by the time that they got their energy back, they were able to start move the furniture back in. For being such a petite girl, Crystal was very strong in that she done her part in moving things out then in. Of course, they slid as much of the stuff as they could. Jenna was a little bigger and stronger but not by much on either count. When they had everything back in place, they were both tuckered out so they plopped down on the couch with neither talking much as they just rested.

"I'm too tired to cook, so what do you think about ordering out?" Jenna said after a while.

"How about Pettie's Pizza, they make the best." Crystal said as she sat up, showing the energy that Jenna wished that she had.

"Sounds good to me, let me go shower and then while you're showering, I will order it. That way by the time you're finished, the pizza will be here." Jenna said as she pushed herself off the couch.

"How thoughtful, thanks." Crystal said giving her a warm smile.

Jenna didn't think that it was that thoughtful but all the same, if Crystal said that it was then that was cool. Jenna went on to the bathroom, pulling off her nightshirt off as she was going. She felt tired as she stepped up under the water of the shower and it felt so good. The hot water seemed to just relax her muscles as she washed. Once she was done with her shower, she stepped out of the bathroom naked, calling to Crystal that the bathroom was free. She went on into her bedroom finishing drying her hair.

"I like about anything on my pizza, so order whatever you like." Crystal said shaking Jenna from her thoughts.

Jenna jerked around and she saw Crystal standing in the doorway. She gasped and wanted to cover herself even though there was no real need to do so. "Oh you scared me."

"Now we're even!" Crystal said as she laughed.

Jenna laughed, "Yes we are, so what did you say before you scared the shit out of me?"

"I thought I smelled something." Crystal said as she pinched her nose closed with the thumb and index finger.

"Oh aren't you the comedian." Jenna said laughing.

"I'm a barrel of laughs, didn't you know that?" Crystal said seriously then she said, "I said that I like about anything on my pizza, so you can order whatever you like."

"Okay, it'll probably take them about thirty minutes to get here so take your time." Jenna told her.

Jenna thought about what to put on figuring that she should get dressed at least sometime during the day but then it was late afternoon so she decided to just be comfortable and she slipped on another nightshirt, this one made of silk and had a plunging neckline that showed just a bit of her breasts. It was the one she took with her when she went to see Marissa but she wasn't sure when or if she would be seeing her again. That was still something that she had to resolve.

She went to the phone book, got the number of the pizza place, and called it in. Then she realized that she needed her robe as she didn't need to be answering the door in her nightshirt and give the driver a month of wet dreams. However the problem was that her robe was hanging on the back of the bathroom door. She was afraid to wait on Crystal to finish for fear that the pizza would arrive before she got out.

She knocked on the bathroom door and opened it a crack. "Crystal, I need to get my robe, is that okay?" She asked.

"Sure come on in."Crystal yelled over the sound of the shower.

Jenna stepped into the bathroom trying not to look toward the shower however her eyes betrayed her. She saw Crystal standing facing the door in the small shower stall, washing her chest. Jenna could see her almost clearly since the shower door was clear. She saw the white soap contrast with Crystal's Middle Eastern skin tone. She could see those dark nipples and the dark triangle of pubic hair. Jenna stood there for a few moments just staring and feeling the effects of Crystal's beautiful body had on her body.

"Thanks," Jenna finally spit out then as she went back out her mouth opened and she said, "Now don't do anything I wouldn't do while you're in there." Jenna then cringed as she realized what she had said.

"I won't." she heard Crystal said and then she heard a giggle as she closed the door.

Jenna was just glad that Crystal would only be there for a short while as she could see herself feeling much more for this girl than she wanted to. She went on into the kitchen to get the plates out. She also got some chips out as she liked to eat them with her pizza. She had picked that up in college as the salty taste of the chips just brought out the favor of the sauce of the pizza.

About fifteen minutes later, Crystal came into the kitchen wearing a red silky cami pajama set that looked like it came straight out of a Victoria Secrets catalog. "Those are very pretty pajamas. When did you get them?"

"I ordered them over the summer; this is the first time that I've worn them. Are they really pretty?" Crystal asked with a shy smile.

"Yes they are, you look beautiful in them." Jenna said and she saw Crystal's face glow from the compliment.

"So what do you want to do as we eat our pizza?" Jenna asked changing the subject before she said anything else on how sexy and pretty that Crystal was.

"I love to play Monopoly? You don't happen to have a Monopoly game would you?" Crystal asked.

"I do believe that my mom just happened to have sent me my old set, it's in the garage, I'll have to find it. Just let me know when the pizza gets here." Jenna told her.

"Cool, let me warn you, I play a mean game of Monopoly. I go for the throat when I play." Crystal told her.

"So do I." Jenna warned her and that seemed to make Crystal happy.

Jenna went on out to the garage to find the set. The people that had owned the house before her had put up shelving all around the garage which Jenna liked as it gave her plenty of storage room but it also took her a few minutes to find the set among the stuff she had stored there. She finally found the set and after getting a step stool to get it, she returned to the kitchen to find the pizza sitting on the table with cokes poured for them both.

"You should have told me that the pizza was here, I was going to pay for it." Jenna told her.

"It's cool, I got money; so did you find the Monopoly set?" Crystal asked.

"Yep, you ready to get your ass whipped ?" Jenna asked her as she put the set down on the table.

"We'll see who gets their ass whipped soon enough." Crystal said with a laugh then she said, "I got dibs on the top hat!"

"Okay I'll take the car so I can run your ass over." Jenna told her laughing.

"Yea, right!" Crystal replied giving her a look that said that she was out for blood.

Jenna set up the board as Crystal got them both a couple of pieces of pizza to eat. Jenna was going to be the banker but Crystal insisted on doing so. Jenna gave the money tray then taking her hand, she showed Crystal where the different bills were. Crystal took a bite of her pizza then began to count their money out. Jenna watched as Crystal's fingers deftly handled the money. Jenna didn't bother to count to make sure as she knew that Crystal was doing it correctly and not miscounting.

Once they were ready, they both rolled the dice to see who would go first, which Crystal did with a pair of five's to Jenna's four and three. Crystal rolled and Jenna told her what she got moving her piece for her. Crystal bought that property, counting out her money that she had separated out in front of her. Jenna found the card for the property giving it to her. She watched as Crystal felt the worn card carefully and then she set it to her right using her finger to measure how far away from the board it was. Jenna knew that Crystal was fixing location of the property in her mind.

They talked and joked as the game went along with Jenna taking care of the things that Crystal couldn't see but letting Crystal handle her own game as she was proving to be a very competitive player. She told Jenna that her brother and sisters wouldn't play with her because she always beat their pants off. Her mother would play with her and she was almost her equal in playing the game. The game went on and on as Jenna was determined to beat this young woman at her game, however wanting to do that and being able to do so were proving to be two different things. She would have Crystal on the edge of losing only to have her get a couple of lucky rolls that enabled her to avoid Jenna's hotels. Then she began to have a few bad runs and she ended up in jail where she couldn't collect on her rent that Crystal landed on. Slowly Crystal slowly began to rebuild her fortune.

The houses and hotels that Crystal had to sell to stay in the game began to reappear. Jenna started to worry as she saw her money go to Crystal's side of the board. Though they were both tired, neither wanted to give up or quit. So other than pee breaks, the game kept going. Jenna was tired but she was also wrapped up in the game as was Crystal. However as eleven PM passed, Jenna began to regain momentum over Crystal. She decided it was time to go for broke and either win the game or go down burning in flames. She on her next roll, she sold some of her hotels on the side of the board that Crystal had just passed and put every last bit of her money building hotels on the part that Crystal was approaching.

"Going for blood aren't you." Crystal told her after Jenna had explained what she was doing.

"Yep, I've played around with you for long enough; it's time to put you out of your misery." Jenna told her.

"Ah... but you see these dice are on my side. They'll steer me clear of your land mines." Crystal told her.

Jenna then rolled and she began to sweat as she was headed toward one of Crystal's hotels. Jenna moved her car telling Crystal each property that she passed and she ended up on one place short of Crystal's hotel. "Whew, that was close." Jenna said letting out a sigh.

"Oh I'll get you on the next roll." Crystal said taking the dice from Jenna.

"Just keep thinking that way." Jenna told her laughing.

Crystal blew on the dice and she rolled. "Oh yes!" Jenna cried out.

"What did I roll?" Crystal asked.

"A one and a two." Jenna said happily.

"Fuck!" Crystal cried out as she started to count out her money as she had landed on one of the more expensive hotels that Jenna had just put up.

"Oh such words from such an innocent face." Jenna said making Crystal smile in spite of herself.

"Oh shut up." Crystal said handing her hard earned money to Jenna.

Jenna rolled again and she was able to avoid Crystal's properties and then Crystal rolled getting another low number and more money moved from Crystal's side of the board to Jenna's. They played for another half hour before Crystal's money ran out and she had to start selling hotels and houses. Once she had to start doing this, Jenna put all the money into building more hotels that Crystal was finding hard to avoid. Finally at near midnight, Crystal landed on Jenna's most expensive hotel and she was done.

"Well done," Crystal said and she raised her hands in defeat.

"Well I got lucky there." Jenna told her trying to make the sting of Crystal's defeat a little less.

"No you saw an opening and you took it. It was a shrewd move and it worked beautifully." Crystal said getting up and stretching.

"Thank you; it was the only way I could see to defeat you." Jenna told her as she went over and put her arms around Crystal's shoulders giving them a squeeze.

"Well it worked but I demand a rematch." Crystal said turning her head toward Jenna and she smiled and for some reason, Jenna had a sudden urge to kiss those lovely lips.

She quickly released Crystal stepping away from her. "If you want your ass kicked again, I think I can accommodate you."

"Oh I've never lost two games in a roll and I don't plan on starting on with you." Crystal said seriously.

"We'll see but right now all I want to see is the bed. I am worn out." Jenna said and then she yawned as the day's activity had caught up with her.

"Me too, goodnight," Crystal said as she gave Jenna a smile then she went off toward the spare bedroom that was now her bedroom. Jenna bade her goodnight and she turned off the lights before heading off to bed, where she fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The next morning, Jenna warmed up the leftover breakfast casserole then she went onto the grocery store as Crystal caught up with her homework. When she returned, Crystal helped her put up the groceries as there was a bunch since there were now two of them living in the house. Jenna did her grocery shopping about once a month going only in-between to get milk and bread. Crystal got out her Brail label maker and she made labels for the stuff that Jenna had bought. They also labeled the items that were already in the pantry so that now Crystal could identify the items contained within.

"I've got to do some laundry; do you want me to wash any of your things?" Jenna asked once they were done in the kitchen.

"I'm already doing it and I am doing yours too. I figured that it was the least that I could do." Crystal told her.

"Well thank you, then I'll go strip the beds..." Jenna was saying before Crystal spoke up again.

"I've done that too." Crystal said smiling.

"You've not left me anything to do." Jenna told her.

"You can relax for the rest of the day while I study." Crystal told her giving her another smile.

"Well thank you, I'll do just that." Jenna said as she went into the living room and turned on the TV but there was nothing on that drew her interest. She wasn't used to just sitting around so she went into the bathroom and began to clean the shower and then the tub. So she spent the rest of the day finding things to clean as Crystal studied and did the laundry as she wouldn't let Jenna touch that saying that was her job now until the end of the semester. By about four, she was running out of things to do and she felt restless.

"How about us going out for supper?" Jenna asked as she came into the kitchen where Crystal was working on her computer.

"Sure, just give me about twenty minutes and I'll be done with this damn paper." Crystal told her.

"There you go with those naughty words again." Jenna told her sternly.

"Does it really bother you that I cuss from time to time?" Crystal asked with a little frustration in her voice.

Jenna came over to Crystal placing her hand on her shoulder and said, "Oh god no, I just like to give you a hard time about it. You got such an angelic face that I just don't picture you cussing. I'm sorry; I won't fuss at you about it again."

"No it's fine you can fuss now that I know that you are just messing with me but you had better not cuss as I will give it back as good as I get." Crystal told her.

"That's fine as I don't ever say any cuss words." Jenna told her.

"Yea, right, now get away so I can finish and then we'll go out to eat." Crystal said shooing her away.

It took Crystal about forty-five minutes to finish and then she was ready to go. Neither could decide what they wanted to eat so Jenna just drove around until they found a mom and pop diner where they decide was what they wanted. They took their time eating and Crystal got Jenna to talk about her job and how she got started there. Jenna had told her some of that before but this time she went into much more detail. Jenna thought that was a definite change from her and Marissa as Marissa had no real interest in her job while Crystal seemed to want to know everything about it. She could see that Crystal was genuinely interested in what she did for a living. They stayed and talked until the place as starting to close and then Jenna drove them back home.

"So what you doing?" Crystal asked as she came into Jenna's bedroom later that evening.

"Oh just playing a game on the internet." Jenna said as she put the game on pause and setting her laptop to her side.

"So have you decided what to do about Marissa?" Crystal said out of the blue.

"What?" Jenna asked more than a little surprised by Crystal's question. She had thought that she had gotten Crystal off that subject for good.

"I was just wondering if you had decided if you were going to break up with Marissa?" she asked.

"Not to be rude but that isn't any of your business now is it?" Jenna stated more than asked.

"No but I was just wondering. I just don't want you to be sad or unhappy." Crystal told her.

"Well I'm fine." Jenna told her.

Crystal sat there silently for a moment then she said, "Why don't you call her and suggest that you meet for dinner so that the two of you can talk. That way you're on even ground and thus neither have the advantage over the other."

"Why would you think one of us would have an advantage other the other?" Jenna asked of her wondering where she got that from even though she was correct about that as Marissa would have an advantage over her if she went to her place.

"I don't but if she came here to your home then she would be the one that was away from her home where she is the most comfortable and if you went to her place then the opposite would be true. At least it would seem that way to me. If I was facing a big problem I would want to face it from where I felt the safest and most secure." Crystal told her.

Jenna thought for a moment and though she hated that Crystal was messing in something so personal to her and something that hit a raw nerve, she knew that she had a valid point. "How about you stay away from my love life and I'll stay away from yours." Jenna suggested.

Crystal just smiled at her and Jenna could tell that Crystal knew that she had hit upon an idea that might work for Jenna and that pissed Jenna off but then she couldn't just discard it just because Crystal came up with the idea.

"If you like." Crystal said but Jenna didn't believe for a moment that Crystal was giving up so easily. She seemed set to butt into her personal life.

Jenna changed the subject and they talked for a few minutes before Crystal left to go to bed in her room. Jenna turned off the lights and she thought about Crystal's idea and the more she thought, the better the idea sounded. She knew that if she met Marissa at her condo, she would just end up in her bed and nothing would be resolved. Sex had seemed to have become a major part of their relationship and she needed to get past that. She wanted and needed more from Marissa.

Crystal didn't mention Marissa for the next two nights however that changed on Wednesday night when as soon as she sat down on the edge of the bed, she said, "So tell me about Marissa, what is she like?"

"I thought we agreed to stay away from each other's love life." Jenna said a bit irritated at Crystal for bringing Marissa up who had yet to call her and that was pissing her off more as each day went by.

"I just want to know what she is like. I'm not telling you what I think you should do." Crystal told her and she gave her that angelic look again that Jenna couldn't seem to stay mad at her when she did that.

"Okay but after this, I don't want to talk about her again, you hear me." Jenna told her.

"Yea I hear you." Crystal said smiling. Jenna had a feeling that while Crystal had said that she had heard her; she wasn't necessarily listening to her about that point.

Jenna sat up a little more and thought for a moment before she started to tell Crystal a little about Marissa, starting when she had met her in college. This was when their relationship was at its best and she spent most of the next couple of hours just talking about the things that they did and how loving Marissa seemed to be. She also told her that even then Marissa was very determined to go somewhere in her life. She had always been driven and Jenna respected Marissa for that. Jenna saw that Crystal was taking in everything that she said however she didn't realize just how much Crystal doing that. She talked longer than she had meant too but it did feel good to get it out. She finally stopped and made Crystal return to her bedroom as she needed her sleep. That night, Jenna slept better than she had in a while.

Friday night Crystal was back at it wanting to know more about Jenna and her relationship and after some fussing from Jenna and a angelic look from Crystal, Jenna found that she was back talking about her. This time she did mention that she suspected that Marissa had other lovers and for the first time admitting that out loud. She expected Crystal to jump all over that but she didn't. She just listened carefully keeping her mouth shut. They talked longer this evening but once Jenna said all she felt she could, she sent Crystal back to her bed.

"So what you got on tap today?" Jenna asked Crystal as they ate breakfast the next morning.

"I got to study for tests all next week. Why do all the professors give test the week of Thanksgivings?" Crystal asked her.

"Which would you rather have, tests before the holiday or after them?" Jenna asked of her.

"You got a point there." Crystal said after a moment's pause. "What you doing tonight?"

"I don't know, I haven't decided. What about you?" Jenna asked.

"I'm going dancing." Crystal told her smiling.

For some reason, Jenna felt a pang of jealously and she had to ask, "Oh that's nice, who's taking you?"

"You are." Crystal stated.

Jenna was taken aback by Crystal's assumption that she would be willing to take her and she challenged her on it. "And what makes you think that I'm going to do that?" She asked.

"Because you said you love to go out dancing and I've never been but have always wanted to so we both get to do something we like or want to do." Crystal said.

"I usually go to nightclubs and I don't know that they'll let you in." Jenna told her.

"Sure they will. They'll just mark my hand so I won't be served drinks since I'm not twenty-one yet. But I am eighteen so I can get in just fine. So will you take me out dancing?" Crystal asked.

"I'll think about it." Jenna said getting up from the table to work on getting her garage back in shape after she had gotten rid of a number of boxes of her old clothes that she and Crystal donated. She took a glance back at Crystal and she saw her smiling as if she knew that she would give in and take her dancing. Jenna knew that wasn't something that she should do and she would figure out a way to turn her down by that afternoon. She stopped for lunch and she fixed them both a sandwich. She figured that Crystal would mention dancing but she didn't as they ate. Jenna finished up the garage by four and came back into the kitchen where Crystal was just shutting down her laptop. Crystal looked up giving her a hopeful look and it got to Jenna.

"Oh fuck it! Go take a shower and get dressed, something you can move in." Jenna told her.

Crystal squealed out her delight then she jumped up heading toward her. Jenna held out her arms to catch her which was something she normally wouldn't have done but since Crystal was heading toward her voice, she had to catch her. "Thank you," Crystal said as she hugged her tightly.

Jenna found herself hugging Crystal back and she liked how Crystal's body felt against her body. It was warm and she seemed to fit perfectly against her. Jenna began to caress her back when she caught herself and she gently pushed Crystal away.

"Now go get ready before I change my mind." Jenna cautioned her. Then she turned her around and sent her toward the bathroom with a pat on her bottom which also felt nice and soft. Jenna hated that she was giving in to Crystal again but it felt better giving into Crystal's wishes than it ever did with Marissa. With her it seemed like she was giving up a part of herself but with Crystal, she felt like she was giving of herself.

As soon as Crystal was done with her shower, Jenna went in and took her shower; she was getting a bit excited herself about going out again. It had been a long while since she had gone out dancing and she missed it. She finished her shower and as she was exiting the bathroom, Crystal was waiting to go back in. She was wearing only her bra and panties. Jenna turned and watched her entering the bathroom. She stood at the sink, picking up her eye makeup, and she started to do her eyes. Jenna stood and watched her amazed that she could do it without seeing what she was doing. Jenna knew that she would have her face all messed up if she had tried that but then Crystal learned to do it without seeing what she was doing so not being able to see herself in the mirror as she put on her makeup wasn't that big of a deal. Crystal had told her before that she was determined to learn all the things a normal girl would do and she and her mother spent many hours practicing until she knew what she was doing. She never got too fancy with her makeup, using just enough to highlight her features, again with her mother's help. As she watched, Jenna's eyes took in Crystal's body. She admired her dark skin tone that a lot of women spent hours in a tanning bed getting. Her eyes gazed upon her feminine form and how her hips widened out to make for a very cute butt that was contained in the brief light blue panties that she was wearing.

"Are you going to watch me all night or go and get ready?" Crystal said not stopping what she was doing which was fixing her hair.

"I was just amazed how you can do all that without seeing what you are doing." Jenna told her.

"I can do anything that I set my mind to." Crystal said proudly.

"Yes you can." Jenna said and she started to go on to her room when she stopped, "How did you know I was watching you?"

"Didn't you know blind people have a special sense that enables us to sense everything around us." Crystal said seriously and after a moment's hesitation she added, "Plus the fact that you are standing on that squeaky board and it creaks every time you move."

"You got an answer for everything don't you?" Jenna said with a laugh as she stepped off the squeaky board.

"Yep, now go get ready before all the music plays out and we don't get to dance." Crystal told her and Jenna laughed.

Jenna decided to put on her short party dress that she loved to wear when she went out dancing. The dress didn't show off anything that she didn't want to show yet still showed off what she did want to show like her long firm legs and just a bit of her cleavage. When she came out of the bathroom after putting on her own makeup and fixing her hair, she saw Crystal coming out of her bedroom. She was wearing a longer skirt, one that was loose around her legs but tight around her ass and her breasts.

"Oh you look beautiful," Jenna gasped out.

Crystal blushed and she whispered out as she dropped her chin down, "Do you really think so?"

Jenna came over to her, lifting Crystal's chin up with her fingers and she said, "Yes I do and you are beautiful."

"No one other than my parents has ever told me that and they had to say it." Crystal told her.

"Well I'm glad that's I the first and I know that I won't be the last." Jenna assured her. "Now let's go find something to eat then hit the dance floor."

Crystal was so excited that she just picked at her dinner, Jenna tried to calm her down and get her to eat more but all the poor girl could talk about was getting to go dancing and how she had spent hours alone in her room dancing to the music that she was listening to. Crystal's excitement rubbed off on Jenna and she too wanted to hurry to get to the dance floor.

When they got out to her car after eating, Jenna turned to Crystal, "Now there are two nice places that I can take you to, one is a regular nightclub that caters to heterosexuals which means there will be lots of men asking to dance with you and the second is a nightclub that caters to gays and lesbians where there will be mostly women hitting on you to dance. They are both nice places to go to and neither puts up with anyone who gets out of hand. If you don't want to dance with someone then just tell them politely and they'll head on to their next conquest. So which would you prefer to go to?"

"I think the gay one but I just want to dance with you, do you mind?" Crystal asked her.

"No I don't mind, but I bet once you start getting all the attention, you will be dancing with everyone there." Jenna assured her and she squeezed her forearm before starting the car.

It took her about an hour and half to get to the nightclub with Crystal chattering the whole way. Jenna listened with one ear as she began to worry that Marissa would be there and ruin this time for Crystal. She didn't want to show up with Crystal and have to face her. Marissa hadn't bothered to call her and that was still an issue with her, a big issue. When they arrived at the parking lot, she quickly glanced around to see if Marissa's car was there however to her relief, it wasn't.

The parking area was only about half full which was fine with Jenna. That meant that there wouldn't be too many dancers on the floor and would give Crystal plenty of room to move around. Jenna wasn't sure just what type of dancing that Crystal had been doing in her room by herself so it was good that they would have plenty of room incase Crystal's dancing involved a lot of arm swinging, not that she thought that was probable. When they got out, Jenna noticed that Crystal's chatter had slowed down to nothing and that she was biting her lower lip.

Jenna smiled at her now nervous friend, "Do worry, I'll be right here with you. But if you want to leave then we'll go."

"No I want to do this, I just don't want everyone laughing at me and how I dance. I've never seen anyone dance before so I don't know how I'm supposed to dance." Crystal told her as they got close to the entrance and they could hear the music coming from within.

"You're supposed to dance anyway the music moves you. And I have seen some weird dancing done in here and I've yet to see them kick anyone out because they didn't like the way that they were dancing." Jenna told her then she smiled as she said, "Except for this one time..."

Crystal bit just like Jenna knew she would. She had a very nervous look on her face when she asked, "What happened? How bad was she dancing?"

"Well it was a Saturday night in late fall, much like this one." Jenna said even though it was actually during the summer. "And the young lady had been drinking quite a bit. Obviously she felt that the nightclub needed a little excitement so she got up on one of the tables..." Jenna was saying as she paused again making Crystal squirm. "She started to dance putting on some really funky moves and then she..." Jenna was saying and she paused again, longer this time.

"She what?" Crystal cried out in her frustration of Jenna's slow telling of the story.

Jenna paused again, and then she said, "She pulled her top off revealing that she wore no bra, and then she began to undo her skirt just before the bouncers pulled her down from the table and escorted her and her friends out of the place."

Crystal grabbed her arm and then she smacked it. "Oh you had me going there." She said. "She didn't actually start stripping did she?"

"Yes she did and she was well endowed too. Her tits were shaking all over the place." Jenna said with a laugh.

"Well you don't have to worry about me doing that, I don't drink." Crystal said.

"You can't drink." Jenna corrected her.

"Yea that too." Crystal said with a giggle.

"Come on, let's go on in and start dancing." Jenna said taking Crystal by the elbow guiding her to the door. There they checked Crystal's ID and then stamped UNDER 21 on the top of her right hand.

As they entered the nightclub, Crystal grabbed onto Jenna's hand. "Don't worry so much, you're going to have fun tonight. I'll make sure of it."

"What if everyone stares at me while I dance?" Crystal asked.

"Oh they will be staring at you all right," Jenna said and Crystal gave her a worried look, "And they'll be thinking, 'Who's that sexy girl, I've never seen her here before.' And they will want to dance with you, hoping that they can take you home with them."

Crystal blushed as she giggled. "I don't know about that."

"Come on and let's find a table" Jenna said taking her by the hand and guiding her over to a table out of the way.

A waitress came over and Jenna ordered a drink getting a look from Crystal and she ordered Crystal a coke. She assured Crystal that it would be the only mixed drink she would have for the night. Jenna described the people there to Crystal and how they were dancing. Jenna kept talking until she saw Crystal start to sway to the music. She figured that Crystal was as ready as she was ever going to be.

Jenna took Crystal's hand and said "Come on, let's hit the dance floor and show these people how to dance."

"Let's wait another moment..." Crystal said biting her lower lip.

"Nope, it's now or never." Jenna said getting up and after a little urgent pulling, she got Crystal to her feet.

"Stay close to me." Crystal said gripping her hand a little tighter.

"I'm not going anywhere." Jenna said squeezing her hand.

Jenna led Crystal to the middle of the dance floor so that Crystal could hear that they were other dancers around them. "Now I'm going to step back a little but I will always be right in front of you."

"No don't leave me!" Crystal said loudly.

"Okay I won't." Jenna said as she came back up to her putting her hands on her forearms. There was a few dancers looking at them but they quickly glanced away.

"I don't think that this was a good idea, let's go home." Crystal said and Jenna saw how scared she was and how she was about in tears. She also knew that if Crystal left now, she would never try dancing again and that Jenna couldn't let happen.

"Okay we'll go home but I want to get one dance in first." Jenna told her.

"Well take me back to our table and I'll wait for you but don't take too long." Crystal said biting her lower lip harder.

"I want to dance one dance with you." Jenna said as she came up to Crystal.

Then before Crystal could say anything, Jenna told her, "Now put your hands on my hips and I'm going to put my hands on your hips."

Jenna put her hands on Crystal's hands moving them to her hips then she put her hands on Crystal's hips. "Now feel the sway of my hips and copy me." Jenna said to her.

She then began to sway her hips slowly not really matching the fast beat of the music just wanting to get Crystal to start moving. After a second, Jenna felt Crystal start to move her hips slightly. They stood there moving like that for the rest of the song.

As the music began again, Jenna told Crystal, "I know those young hips can move more than that, even these old lady hips can do more than that." This brought a smile to Crystal's lips and she started to move more. Jenna smiled and she could see the concentration on Crystal's face. Soon Crystal had her whole body swaying and Jenna took her hands from Jenna's hips bring a frown to Crystal's face. She took Crystal's hands off her hips and held onto them as she began to dance. Crystal then smiled again and she gripped Jenna's hands and she too began to dance.

When that song ended, Jenna let go of Crystal's hands saying, "I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere. Now shake that ass of yours and show me how you can dance."

Crystal grinned, shutting her eyes, and she began to sway to the music. She did a dance of her own and while she didn't dance to seduce as Marissa did, Crystal's way of dancing was just as sexy, if not more so. She wasn't trying to draw attention to herself, she was just dancing and Jenna felt like she was dancing for her. They went through two more songs before a love ballad came on. Jenna wasn't sure that she wanted to slow dance with Crystal but from the look on Crystal's face, she could see that was what Crystal wanted. Jenna only hesitated for a second before she went to Crystal, pulling her arms on her shoulders and bring her in close. Crystal smiled up at her before she placed her head on Jenna's shoulder. Jenna felt Crystal's arms wrap around her and she was holding on tightly as they swayed slowly to the soft music.

"So you still want to leave?" Jenna asked her.

"Maybe we can stay a little longer..." Crystal said.

"I think we can do that." Jenna said as she ran her fingers through Crystal's long black hair.

There was couples kissing all around them and Jenna was glad that Crystal couldn't see them yet as she looked down at Crystal's face she had that urge to kiss her. Jenna quickly looked away concentrating on the music and not on the soft warm body pressed against her.

As soon as the song ended, Jenna suggested that they go back to their table and rest for a moment. Crystal frowned but agreed. However, she didn't let Jenna stay at the table for long before dragging to her feet; making her lead them back to the dance floor. This time when Jenna let go of her, Crystal began to dance on her own. She was now more in tune with the music letting her body go free and letting the music take her where it wanted her to go. Jenna too began to dance for herself for once and not having to dance to please Marissa. Since Crystal couldn't see her, it didn't matter how she danced. However she did find herself dancing sexily for Crystal though she couldn't see her. They would stop and rest and visit the restroom but for the most part they spent the rest of the evening on the dance floor. Jenna knew that she had created a monster and Crystal would want to come back soon.

"Can we come back soon?" Crystal asked as they left the nightclub at about two in the morning.

"This coming from the girl who wanted to go home before she danced one dance?" Jenna asked as she guided Crystal to her car.

"Okay so I got a little freaked out there." Crystal said blushing, "But someone was kind enough to get me past that and I appreciate it." Then she moved in closer to Jenna who put her arm around her.

"You just needed some encouragement that was all." Jenna told her.

"All the same, I do appreciate you doing it. So can we come back again soon?" Crystal asked again.

"Yea, I think we can." Jenna said as she gave Crystal a hug then she regretted it as Crystal put her head on her shoulder.

Jenna wanted to push her away and at the same time wanted to pull her in closer. Jenna didn't know what to do so she did neither; she just let Crystal lay her head there until they got to the car. She helped Crystal into her car then she went around the car, getting them on their way home. Crystal asked several times about what Jenna thought of her dancing and Jenna assured her that she did just fine, and then she began to ask Jenna what she did when she danced. That proved to be a harder question to answer than Jenna thought it would be. She started and stopped several times trying to describe what she did when she danced. She wasn't sure that Crystal completely understood what she was talking about but she seemed to.

As they neared home, Crystal popped up with an unusual question, "Was Marissa there tonight?"

"I don't know. I didn't see her." Jenna said. "Why are you asking?"

"I was just curious. Did you look for her?" Crystal asked.

Jenna began to wonder if Crystal was jealous of Marissa but then dismissed that idea. "No I didn't look for her." Jenna said telling a little white lie as once they got inside, she did forget all about Marissa and if she would show up.

"So she hasn't called you yet?" Crystal asked.

"Why all these questions? I thought we talked about Marissa being my business." Jenna asked her.

"Sorry, I just happened to think that might be where you and she went dancing so I got curious if she was there." Crystal said.

"We have gone dancing there a lot over the years however that isn't why I took you there. I just thought that you would get hit on less there and thus be more comfortable." Jenna told her.

"I was comfortable there and I thank you for making me feel that way."Crystal said then after a moment's hesitation she added, "That is after you got me on the floor and got me to dance with you."

Then before Jenna could answer Chrystal went back to talking about the dancing that she and they had done. The anger that Jenna had felt when Crystal brought up Marissa went away as Crystal started talking a mile a minute about the evening. And she talked up to the point that Jenna parked the car in her driveway.

Jenna was just getting into her bed when Crystal appeared in her doorway wearing a pair of white cotton pajamas complete with footie's and not showing any part of her body. "Thank you again for taking me dancing; it's something that I have dreamed about doing all my life." She said and Jenna could see just how much this meant to Crystal by the soft expression on her face.

"Come here and sit down a minute." Jenna told her and Crystal came over to the bed, placing a hand down until she found the bed and she sat on the edge, turning toward Jenna by placing her left knee up on the bed.

"I was very happy to take you dancing and I had a lot of fun too. I really did. I missed not going and now I got a dancing partner when I want to go. At least until some coed takes you and you won't need some old maid like me to accompany you." Jenna said.

"I like going dancing with old maids. They dance worse than I do." Crystal said with a giggle.

"Oh I see now, one time dancing and you think you're better than me." Jenna said as her voice when high to show Crystal that she was acting surprised.

"Yep," Crystal said as she laughed. Then she turned serious, "No I'm sure you are much better than me but it was fun and I do appreciate you taking me."

"It was fun for me too as I said and we'll go again." Jenna said putting her hand on Crystal's knee and giving it a squeeze.

Crystal put her left hand on top of Jenna's giving it a squeeze. The hand felt nice and she almost turned her hand over to grasp Crystal's hand but she stopped herself, yet she didn't move her hand away. She left it on Crystal's knee for a moment longer then she said, "Well I don't know about you but this old maid needs to get some sleep, she's about worn out."

Crystal smiled at her and she said, "This young maid needs some sleep, an old maid wore me out dancing." Then she took her hand from Jenna's and slipped it under her hand giving it a squeeze. Then she got up holding onto Jenna's hand for a moment before going toward the door. Jenna was surprised by the move and it was only when Crystal got to the door before she could say, "Sweet Dreams."

"Sweet dreams to you too," Crystal said from just outside of the door.

Jenna turned off the light, pulling the covers up, and laid her head on the pillow. She thought about the night and how Crystal had a way of dancing that was all of her own yet it was beautiful all the same. It took Jenna more than a few minutes to get Crystal out of her head and only then was she able to go to sleep.

Sunday Crystal studied and did the laundry, again not letting Jenna touch it. Jenna on the other hand did some cleaning then she laid down on the couch to watch a movie only to find herself sound asleep before it was a quarter way through.

"Hey sleepy head," Jenna head as she felt her shoulder being shaken.

"What?" Jenna said as she opened her eyes to see a smiling Crystal standing over her.

"I've decided that I'm going to take you out for dinner." Crystal said as Jenna sat up trying to get the fog out of her head.

"You have?" Jenna asked still a bit confused. "What time is it anyway?"

Crystal felt her watch and said, "It's about a quarter till four."

"You let me sleep most of the afternoon away. Why didn't you wake me?" Jenna asked as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

"Well you were sleeping so soundly, I didn't have the heart to wake you but then I started to get hungry and was tired of studying. So I'm going to take you to supper, now get up and get dressed." Crystal said putting her hands on her hips and trying to put a stern look on her angelic face and not quiet pulling it off.

"Yes madam," Jenna said demurely then she laughed and so did Crystal.

Once Jenna got her head clear and she had changed into something she could wear outside, she drove them to where Crystal wanted to eat. Though she protested a little over Crystal paying, she did let her pay when she saw that Crystal wasn't about to give in. When they returned, Crystal had a little more studying to do, so Jenna got online and entered into one of the few chat rooms that she talked on. The one that she found herself on the most was a lesbian chat room for mainly professional women, though about any woman could enter it. Jenna enjoyed talking to other women who faced similar problems that she did. However where a lot of them kept the fact that they were lesbian from their work, Jenna was more open about it. She didn't shout it out to the world but if asked, she answered honestly. So most of the people she worked with and for knew that she was a lesbian and they had no problem with it. She knew that she was lucky in that where she worked who you loved didn't matter, only that you could do your job well.

A lot of the women she talked with worked for either very conservative companies or the location of the company that they worked for, being gay was way to find yourself escorted out the door sooner or later. Though the company would claim it was for different reasons, everyone involved knew why the person was let go. Jenna talked for a couple of hours before it was time to go to bed. She got up to go to the bathroom and she heard Crystal on her computer working away. She started to go tell her that she needed to get some sleep but then realized that Crystal knew when to stop studying, so she went on to the bathroom then returned to her bedroom. She figured that after her nap, she would never be able to go to sleep but it only took her a little longer than normal.

Jenna and Crystal were both busy with work and school for the next three days. It was a short week and like most short weeks, they seemed to take forever to get through. But Wednesday did finally arrive. Crystal was flying home and Jenna was driving to her parent's home for Thanksgiving. So after Crystal's last class, Jenna took off early from work to take her to the airport, which was a couple of hours from the campus. The airport was crowded with holiday travelers so Jenna parked her car then guided Crystal through the terminal to get her checked in and her bags checked. She also arraigned for one of the airline personal to help her to the plane once she had gone through the checkpoint which Jenna couldn't pass through as she wasn't flying anywhere but driving.

"So you going to call Marissa and arrange to meet her for dinner since she obviously isn't going to call you?" Crystal asked her as they got to the security checkpoint.

"God you just don't give up do you?" Jenna said with a loud sigh to show Crystal that she was tired of her messing with her love life.

"No, so are you going to call her?" Crystal asked again not put off in the least by Jenna's sigh.

"I don't know... I'm thinking about it." Jenna told her just to shut her up.

"Good, now have a Happy Thanksgivings." Crystal said then she turned and put her hand on the rope that guided the passengers through the mini maze that led to the security checkpoint.

Jenna waited and watched Crystal make her way up to the security point. She saw the security guard talking to her and then she saw Crystal arguing back as she held onto her white cane that guided her. The line was backing up and Jenna was tempted to go up there and tell the stupid guard that she needed the cane but about then a supervisor walked up and then the lady from the airline approached. The matter was quickly settled and Crystal was allowed to keep her cane.

Jenna smiled at how Crystal handled the situation and after she had turned the corner, Jenna made her way back out of the terminal. She did think about calling Marissa, though that pissed her off as it was what Crystal had suggested for her to do.

The visit with her parents went well. The house was full on Thanksgivings day and she helped her mother fix the food for all of the family that came over. She was the only one of the three children that had moved away so the house was filled with her brother's and sister's kids. The long weekend went well and she had enjoyed herself forgetting all about Marissa and her love issues and also Crystal who seemed to have taken over her life and she didn't seemed to be able to stop her.

On the way back to the airport to pick up Crystal, she thought again about calling Marissa. She had so wanted Marissa to be the one to call her but obviously she wasn't going to, so she got her cell phone out and speed dialed Marissa's number. She figured that Marissa would be home on a Sunday and while she hoped that she would answer, she was also a bit thankful that she got her voice mail. Crystal was waiting for her out front of the terminal when Jenna pulled up; it seemed that for once a plane arrived early instead of late. Crystal asked Jenna about her weekend and listened intently before she started to talk about her own weekend.

Tuesday evening, Crystal came to Jenna's bedroom door, walking on in and sitting on the edge of her bed. She had stopped asking about coming in and she now just walked right on in. She had on a new pair of pajamas and these caught Jenna's eyes. The top was cotton knit and fit snugly around her breasts. The material was white in color and Jenna could just make out the dark areolas and her nipples poking against the top. The bottoms were also white and fit just a snugly so Jenna could see that Crystal had failed to put any panties on underneath. Jenna wanted to ask her if she had gotten the pajama's a size or two too small. However she didn't as she enjoyed the view. Crystal was talking about her upcoming finals which would start the following Thursday. So she had just over a week before they started. She would have classes on Monday and Tuesday of that week then Wednesday they gave the students off to study for their finals. Crystal had just gotten her test schedule and she had two tests on Thursday and Friday and then one on Monday. She got lucky that she didn't have any on Tuesday so she got out of school a day early. She was excited about getting through her first semester of college but nervous about her finals however Jenna assured her that she would do just fine.

Then Crystal changed the subject from herself to Jenna, "So did you call Marissa about meeting her for dinner?"

Jenna wasn't surprised by the question only that it took her this long to ask it. "Yes I did." Jenna said but she didn't elaborate further.

"So what did she say?" Crystal asked as she knitted her brow.

"Nothing, she didn't answer so I just left her a message." Jenna told her.

"Do you think she'll call you back?" Crystal asked with a worried look to her face.

"I don't know it's up to her." Jenna said wishing that she was surer that she would call back than she wouldn't call back.

"Will you call her if she doesn't call you soon?" Crystal asked.

"I think that's my business and not yours isn't it." Jenna told her and she saw that Crystal didn't like that answer.

"Yes," Crystal said then she hesitated a second as her brow knitted up and she bit her lower lip. Jenna knew that Crystal wanted to say something else but Jenna didn't want to know what that was so she kept quiet.

"I guess I need to go on to bed, night." Crystal finally said as she got up.

"Sweet dreams," Jenna said and then she watched that cute bum walk away from her.

The rest of the week passed quickly for both of them with Crystal spending her evenings studying hard, harder than Jenna thought that she should but she kept her mouth shut. It hadn't been that long ago, she was panicking over her first final in college. By Friday, Marissa hadn't called her back and she didn't think she was going to by this point. She just figured that was the end of her relationship with Marissa. Crystal was still sweating over her tests and she had a big paper to finish for her English class. So early Saturday and Sunday mornings, she took Crystal to the library to do some research for her paper. She would come back late each day and pick her up, take her to dinner to make sure that she got a break, and then it was back home so that Crystal could study some more.

Wednesday as Crystal stayed at the house to study, Jenna went on into work. It was as she was eating lunch at her desk that her cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw the number and name, it was Marissa and that made her heart skip a beat. Her first thought was that just maybe, Marissa did love her and wanted her back in her life. The phone rang another time before Jenna realized that she needed to answer the phone before Marissa hung up.

"Hello," Jenna said somewhat nervously.

"Hi there honey, I can't talk long, you know how busy I am." Marissa told her quickly.

Jenna thought that Marissa would never change, it was always about business. "Yea I know, I was just wondering if we could get together and talk one night this week." Jenna told her.

"I don't know, I'm booked up this week, let me check my calendar real quick." Marissa said and Jenna could hear her flipping through her little calendar that she always carried with her. "Hey I got to fly out Saturday morning so maybe you can come over Friday night and we can have some fun, how about that?" Marissa asked.

Jenna knew better than to go to Marissa's house as they would just end up in bed and any talk of their relationship would never come up. Marissa would avoid it and she wasn't sure that she could resist Marissa's sexual advances as she needed to feel loved and be made love to. "I want to talk first, let's meet for dinner Friday night, okay?" Jenna asked.

"Why do we need to talk, just come on over Friday night." Marissa more or less demanded.

Jenna was feeling frustrated and for some reason she had this vision of Crystal with her hands on her hips looking at her through eyes that didn't see but saw the real her all the same. She said to Marissa firmly, "No, we need to talk."

She heard nothing from the other end of the phone and she was worried for a moment, but then there was this sigh, "Okay whatever you want. Where do you want to eat?"

Jenna wasn't ready for this as she wasn't sure that Marissa would ever agree to just meet to eat. She thought quickly and the first place that came to her mind was where she and Crystal had eaten when they went to go dancing. It was halfway between them and easy to get to. "How about meeting halfway?" Jenna suggested.

"Sure, wherever you want." Marissa said and Jenna could tell that she was about to lose Marissa as she could see that Marissa's mind was already back at work. So she told Marissa where to meet her. Jenna then said her goodbyes to Marissa who she could tell was only half listening. When she got off the phone, she wondered just what their dinner would be like. She really had no clue as to what would happen when they met. However she did feel good that she was going to meet with Marissa and finally find out where their relationship stood.

"You seem happy tonight, why?" Crystal asked as she sat down on her bed.

"Do I have to have a reason to be happy?" Jenna answered.

"No of course not but there has to be something." Crystal said then a frown came to her face. "She called you back didn't she?"

Jenna hesitated for a moment wondering if she should tell Crystal about the call and she could see the worried look on Crystal's face. She didn't know what to do, lie or not. In the end she went with the truth, "Yea, she called me at lunch."

"Is she going to meet with you for dinner like I suggested or you going to her place?" Crystal asked and she looked worried.

"Though it isn't any of your business but we are going to meet for dinner on Friday." Jenna told her.

Crystal seemed to be relieved that it was just dinner and she said, "Well I hope that it goes well and you get what you want." Crystal told her and then she got up walking out of the bedroom without saying anything more.

Jenna wasn't sure about Crystal's reaction so she just figured that it was just nerves over her upcoming finals. Jenna put her laptop back on her knees and browsed the web playing a game or two before shutting it down to go to sleep.

Crystal was quiet the next morning, not saying much. She seemed down for some reason and Jenna tried her best to cheer her up as they ate their breakfast rolls and then again on the way to school. Crystal had two tests that day and they both had been put into Brail so Jenna didn't have to be there. Yet she felt like this was the one day that Crystal needed her by her side even if only for moral support. So as Crystal took her tests, Jenna was left in her office working and worrying. Jenna figured that Crystal would stop by between tests to tell her how it went but she didn't.

"So how did your tests go?" Jenna asked Crystal when she met her at her car at the end of the day.

"They went fine." Crystal said as she got into the car.

"Did you have any trouble with anything?" Jenna asked trying to get a little more out of her as she started the car.

"No," Came a one word answer from her.

"Is there anything wrong Crystal, did someone say or do anything to you?" Jenna pressed further.

"No, I said everything was fine." Crystal said forcefully.

"Okay, I was just asked. You don't have to bite my head off." Jenna said a bit perturbed at Crystal.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." Crystal told her but as far as Jenna could tell, she really did mean to but Jenna let it pass. It wasn't worth arguing about.

They spent the rest of the ride home in silence that bothered Jenna as she was used to Crystal chattering away and she wasn't sure she liked her being so quiet. She knew something was wrong and the last time Crystal had a big problem, it changed Jenna's life completely. And now that she was about to meet Marissa, she didn't want Crystal to mess it up like she did the last time.

When they got home, they both changed into some sweats and as Jenna got supper started, Crystal set up her laptop on the kitchen table. If she was going to be here longer, Jenna would have gotten her a desk so that she could study in her room. Crystal still wasn't talking and Jenna had given up trying to get her to talk. So they ate in silence and then Jenna left Crystal to study as she went into the living room to watch the news. When that was over, she went to her bedroom to pick out something to wear when she went to meet Marissa the following night.

She didn't want to wear something too sexy so that Marissa would only want to go back to her place to make love yet she wanted to wear something that would let Marissa see what she was missing. She went through everything that she had and still nothing jumped up at her. She thought about the cute little red dress that she had but it was at Marissa's condo and she didn't think it was a good idea to go and get it tonight. So she went through her closet a second and third time picking out different outfits that she thought would work for her purposes. After a couple of hours, she had narrowed it down to three different outfits. One was causal look, tight jeans and a top that was almost see-through. The next was a long dress that was tight at the hips and showed her bust and cleavage. The third was a short skirt that barely covered her ass and the top was another sheer blouse that had a matching bra to it.

"What you doing?" Jenna heard from the doorway and she gasped as she was so into what she was doing, she had forgotten that Crystal was even in the house.

"Oh just picking out something to wear for tomorrow night." Jenna said then she turned around gasping again as she saw the beauty standing in the doorway. Her shinny black hair wasn't put up as she normally wore it but hanging down. She was wearing a pair of pajamas which Jenna hadn't seen before. It had a cami top with boy shorts. While she couldn't see anything, the set was very sexy on her and it seemed to make her hair look that much darker.

"That is a pretty pajama set." Jenna couldn't help but to tell her.

"Thank you, so what have you decided to wear?" Crystal said as she came over to the bed and as she felt the edge of the bed to sit down, she felt the clothes that Jenna had picked out. She sat down and began to pick each one up in turn.

"I have three outfits picked out..." Jenna said and she proceeded to tell her about each one.

"I don't think you should wear any of these." Crystal told her straight forwardly.

"And why is that?" Jenna asked out of curiously rather than really wanting her opinion.

"You're trying to show her how sexy and desirable you are, aren't you?" She asked.

Jenna was quiet surprised that Crystal had pretty much hit the nail on the head. "Maybe, what's wrong with that?" she asked defensively.

"Because you should want her to want you as you are. Wear something comfortable that tells her that this is who I am, take me or not." Crystal told her.

Jenna was prepared to reject whatever Crystal came up with except that she found that a part of her was agreeing with her. Jenna hated it when Crystal was right about something that was personal to her like her love life so she just had to reply, "Well all the same, I'm going to go with something that I have picked out."

"Okay, I was just adding my opinion for what it's worth." Crystal said and she gave her a smile that took some of the sting out of the correct advice that she had given her.

"Thank you but I know a lot more about Marissa than you do and I know what she will respond to." Jenna told her.

"Her heart or another part of her?" Crystal asked.

"Let's just drop what I'm going to wear; it's my decision and ONLY my decision." Jenna told her.

"Okay, sorry..." Crystal said but Jenna knew Crystal wasn't sorry in the least.

"So how did your tests go today, you never told me." Jenna said changing the subject.

"They went well; I think I got everything right on both of my tests. Tomorrow and Monday will be my hardest tests but I'm ready for them now that I have taken a couple of finals and know what to expect." Crystal told her.

"That's good," Jenna replied as she started to look back through her closet looking for something that was less revealing and more comfortable, not that she was going to wear it, just to have a forth outfit to chose from.

She kept the conversation on Crystal and off of her love life until it was time for them both of them to go to sleep. They said their goodnights and Jenna couldn't help but to watch Crystal walk out of the bedroom with that long hair hanging down to almost her waist. She had to admit that Crystal was one desirable young woman that would make someone very happy while at the same time pissing them off. She offered her sympathies to that lucky / unlucky person.

Crystal was quiet that next morning, like something was on her mind. Jenna figured that it was her final but yet she could sense there was something more bothering her. Jenna kept up her side of the conversation but Crystal barely kept up her side.

As the day went on, Jenna became more and more anxious about the evening to come. She had begun to go over the conversation that she would have with Marissa and all she wanted to talk to her about. The main thing that Jenna knew she had to get from Marissa was a commitment from Marissa to her. She was someone who didn't like to share her love and she expected the same from her lover. It was hard for her to concentrate on her work and she was lucky that it was a slow day and no one really needed her assistance. However that made for a long day that she thought would never end.

They were both quiet on the way home and Jenna knew why she was quiet and she figured that Crystal was quiet because of her one final yet to come which she said would be hard. Jenna did talk a little bit just to break up the silence but neither of them was into any long conversations. As soon as they entered the house, they both went to their respective bedrooms.

Jenna striped out of her clothes and jumped into the shower. She shaved her legs and trimmed up her pussy hair just in case everything went well and she did end up at Marissa's condo that night. When she came back into her bedroom, she looked over the four sets of clothes that she had picked out. She stood for a moment before deciding on the short skirt and sheer blouse. She slipped on a pair of thong panties and the bra that went with the blouse. Then as she started to pick up the skirt, her eyes went to last outfit that she had picked out, the one that Crystal had suggested. It was a wrap around skirt that went just past her knees and a turtle neck sweater that was just a bit big on her but kept her nice and warm. This outfit did make her look attractive but wasn't sexy.

Jenna went back to the short skirt and picked it up but then Crystal's words went back through her head telling her to be herself and not some sexy woman that looked to be begging to be fucked. Of course, Crystal didn't put it in those words but at that moment, that was what Crystal was saying. "Damn her..." Jenna said as she threw the short skirt down, picking up the wrap around skirt and putting it on. She then slipped the sweater on and as she looked at herself in the mirror, she knew that this was the right choice. She then went into the bathroom to finish her makeup and get her hair right. As she looked down at the sink with Crystal's makeup spread out each in their own spot, Jenna felt a pang of guilt go through her, like she was going out on her. She quickly shook that stupid thought from her head and went about fixing herself up.

"So what did you decide to wear?" Crystal asked her as she went through the living room where Crystal was sitting with a sad look on her face.

Jenna wanted to lie to her and say the short skirt but she couldn't so she just told a little white lie, "It's cold outside so I decided to go with my rap around skirt and sweater."

"I think that's the right choice." Crystal told her.

"I'm glad that you approve." Jenna said with just a bit of sarcasm in her voice and she wanted to go change just so she wouldn't be wearing what Crystal wanted her to wear.

Jenna, just a little pissed off, went to the kitchen to get her purse and keys from where she had left them then grabbed her jacket to head out the door. She could feel Crystal's unseeing yet seeing eyes on her. She had just gotten to the door and was opening it when she heard, "Make her give up all her lovers before you take her back. Don't let her screw around on you anymore."

Jenna's blood just boiled at that comment and she almost went back and gave Crystal a piece of her mind but she was out of time and she didn't want to start something, however she was pissed at Crystal of reminding her of something she already knew and didn't need to be reminded of, not tonight, not with so much on the line for her. And she was pissed because she knew Crystal was right. She remained pissed at Crystal for most of the way to the dinner to meet Marissa. She was going to tell that young lady off for once and for all when she got home whenever that may be. She was tempted to go back to Marissa's that night no matter what she said just to get in one last fuck and just to piss Crystal off whom obviously did not approve of Marissa as her lover.

She got to the diner a few minutes early so she checked her face in the rearview mirror before getting out and going into the diner to get them a table. She was able to secure them a table in the back corner away from everyone else. This was a table that the hostess normally filled last because it was so out of the way but that is why Jenna chose it and why she chose this diner. She wanted some privacy for her talk with Marissa. The diner didn't offer any alcohol so she ordered a cup of coffee for herself and a glass of water with lemons for Marissa. As the minutes passed, Jenna began to reflect about everything that had happened to her since she had last seen Marissa. She felt like she had changed some and she knew that she wanted and needed more now. She wanted Marissa to be that person to fulfill those needs and she hoped that she could be. They had so much invested in each other and she wanted that to continue. She just needed to convince Marissa of that.

Just as the waitress arrived with their drinks, Jenna saw Marissa coming toward the table. She was wearing one of her business part suits with heels that made the conservative suit look sexy on her. Jenna felt her heart skip a beat upon seeing her and she felt that familiar tingling in her pussy. That girl could always get her motors running, that was for sure. Jenna stood up and she embraced Marissa smelling her perfume that she always wore.

"Hi hon, how are you doing?" Jenna asked as she sat down.

"Oh worn out from work, you know how they are. I think I do most of the work around that damn place." Marissa said and Jenna could see at least that part of Marissa hadn't changed. "I wish you had picked a more upscale place to eat. They don't even serve drinks here."

Then before Jenna could respond, Marissa went on with, "You wouldn't believe how busy I've been lately. I've picked up two more product lines that weren't selling and they want me to make them top sellers. They knew who to give those accounts to; didn't they? If anyone could make they sell, it's me and I will to."

Marissa then went on to tell her about the accounts and what she was going to do with them. Jenna was used to this and she figured that she would let Marissa talk it out before she got her to focus on what she had brought her here to talk about. Marissa talked right through dinner, telling her everything but what she wanted to know and that was if she missed her or not. That is what she desperately needed to know.

After their plates were cleared away, Marissa stated to Jenna, "How about us ditching this place and going back to my condo for some fun before I have to fly out tomorrow." Then she started to get up.

"No I want to talk." Jenna said putting her hand firmly on Marissa's arm forcing her to sit back down.

"Okay but make it fast, I want to get to that pussy of yours and make it hum."

Marissa said giving her a wink that for some reason didn't have the same effect that it normally would on her.

Jenna hesitated for a moment to collect her thoughts and she could see that as every second ticked by, Marissa was becoming impatient for her to get it together and say whatever she needed to say. "I need to know something from you and it's important to me." Jenna said.

"Okay sure, what do you want to know?" Marissa said somewhat impatiently.

"I need to know where you think our relationship is going? Where do you see us in five years or even ten years?" Jenna asked her.

"Oh hell I don't know probably the same as it is now." Marissa told her.

"And just what exactly is it now to you?" Jenna asked though she was afraid of the answer.

"You're fun to be with and a wildcat in bed. I enjoy having sex with you from time to time. We got the perfect arraignment with the way that we are seeing each other now. I don't see any need to change that." Marissa told her.

"What about love? Do you love me?" Jenna asked but then she went on to say, "I need to know that you'll be there for me when I need you. When I need to be held and when I just need to be loved, not just there for the sex. I need for you to be faithful to me. Love me and only me, like we were in college. Can you ever see yourself being that way with me again?"

"Jenna, I've never promised to be faithful to you. I wasn't even faithful to you in college. You know my career is the most important thing to me. And besides you are strictly into women, I'm bi and always will be. There are times when I want to be with a man and times when I want to be with a woman. And when I want to be with a woman, you are by far the one I want to be with but if you aren't there then there are others." Marissa told her and Jenna felt her world fall apart.

"I didn't know you were bi, why didn't you tell me?" Jenna asked as she felt like she was going to throw up her dinner right there.

"You never asked sweetie and besides you never wanted to know what I did when you weren't around. You knew I wasn't being faithful to you and you can't expect me to change for you now. Hell I like things just the way they are and I hope that you will just forget all about this silly faithful to only me thing." Marissa told her.

"I can't, I always thought we would be together and that one day you will be ready to settle down and now that your career is set, you can do that." Jenna said almost pleading with Marissa.

"Jenna I am just getting started, I want to be a CEO of a big multinational company one day and I'm going to be. If you want to come along for the ride then that's great but I can't have someone trying to keep me at home when I need to be at work or on the road. I got things to do and I plan on having fun along the way, be that with you, or some other lovely lady, or some hunk that can fuck with the best of them. I'm sorry if that isn't what you want but that is what I want and you know me I get what I want." Marissa told her straight out.

Jenna knew that her life had just ended but she was going to have the last word, "Well I'm not going to be one of your fucking sluts anymore!" she then stood up and walked as quickly as she could out of the diner.

End of Part Three.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 4

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