Blind Love

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 23, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Blind Love

Part Four

By Chris

She kept her head held high and she wouldn't let the tears come until she had gotten to her car, then they began to fall. She started her engine speeding out of the diner not looking back for fear of seeing Marissa walking out with their waitress or some other bitch that was there. She got a few miles down the road before pulling off into the parking lot of an old store that had long since been closed down. She quickly opened the door and stepped out. It was then that she stomach churned on her and she dropped to her knees and all that she had eaten that day came flying out of her mouth. She puked until she couldn't puke anymore and then she just stayed there on her knees as she cried.

It was like her world had ended and there wasn't any reason for her to go on. She felt a wave of depression sweep over her. She just wanted to lie down and die. However at that moment, the survivor in her came pouring out. She straightened her back and she felt anger slowly replace the depression that she was feeling just moments before. She realized that Marissa was the one who had done wrong and not her. Marissa had betrayed her which filled her with anger for the woman that just moments before she had hoped to work things out so that she could spend the rest of her life with her at her side. She stood up and got dizzy for a second causing her to have to sit on the edge of the car seat. She let her head clear and the tears stop flowing before she turned around sliding behind the wheel.

She started her car noticing that she was about sitting on empty, so as she got back on the road, she started to look for a gas station. As she drove, she also thought about Marissa and what she said about not being faithful in college. She had never suspected that Marissa was going out on her then but as she thought, she began to find clues that she was so lost in love at the time to see. Marissa would go out with men but she had told her that it was just for appearances and so she could tell her parents that she was dating. But it wasn't for her parents that she was dating, it was for herself. And that explained why Marissa wasn't in the mood to make love when Jenna came back from a weekend home. Marissa had been screwing her ass off while Jenna was gone. She felt like she had been so stupid not to see it but then she didn't know then what she now knew. And while she was getting angry at Marissa she was also getting angry at herself for not facing up to what she suspected of Marissa. She knew what had been going on lately but she chose to ignore it. She had put up with all of Marissa moods for all these years and it had gotten her nowhere. Yea the sex was great, but she needed more than sex in her life. She needed it and wanted it but it had to be with all the trimmings.

As she got near the interstate, she found a gas station with a store, so she pulled in. She filled her tank before going inside to get some toothpaste and a toothbrush as she had a very bad taste in her mouth from puking her guts up. She paid for them all along with some chewing gum then she went into the bathroom. She looked into the dirty mirror and saw her tear stained eyes. Normally this would have embarrassed her to be seen in public like this but tonight, that just pissed her off that much more. She brushed her teeth a couple of times trying to get the bad taste out of her mouth. Once she got her mouth tasting halfway decent, she threw the toothbrush and toothpaste away putting a stick of gum in her mouth. She opened the bathroom door and walked out of the store with her head held high thought her steps were quick from the anger she was feeling.

She drove much slower going home than she did going to the diner to meet Marissa. She was glad that there wasn't much traffic and it made it easier to drive and think. She had a lot of thinking to do. She had just ended a ten year relationship and that hurt. But how it ended made her angry. She also found that the closer she got to home; she thought more about the part that Crystal played in all of this. If she hadn't gotten into an argument with her roommate that one night, then maybe she wouldn't have said what she did to Marissa when she found her on her phone as she came out of the bathroom. Maybe she would have been able to get Marissa to change her ways without confronting her. And it was Crystal who had suggested this meeting that went so wrong. And she was also the one that suggested that she dress like she did and not sexy like she wanted to. Maybe if Marissa had seen what she was missing, things would have worked out differently. She was still angry at Marissa but she was also becoming angry at Crystal, rightly or wrongly, that was what was happening to her.

So when she pulled her car into the garage, she was like a stick of TNT just waiting to be lit. She parked the car and saw that the kitchen was dark. She was hoping that Crystal had gone on to bed for both their sakes as she wasn't so sure she would be able to hold her tongue if Crystal said anything to her. But the fact that the house was dark didn't really mean anything since the only person in the house was blind and so wouldn't have any reason to turn on a light. She opened the door to the kitchen, turning on the light as she entered.

"How did it go?" she heard Crystal say before she saw her sitting at the kitchen table working on her computer.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Jenna spat out as she slammed her purse down on the kitchen table. She heard Crystal gasp but she didn't apologize for scaring her, she just went on through the kitchen to her bedroom. She turned on her light and she saw the short skirt that she now wished she had worn. She pulled her sweater off throwing it across the room. She jerked her skirt down taking her panties with them so she just kicked them both off her feet and kicking them in the same general direction of her sweater. That left her in just her bra so she jerked it off too without unhooking it getting a scratch up her back that she never felt. She sat on the bed and she felt the tears wanting to come again only this time she fought them back. She was determined not to ever cry over Marissa again. She took in a deep breath trying to get her emotions under control and slowly she did. She never noticed Crystal listening by her door.

She got up putting on one of her long cotton nightshirt and she started out the door. Her emotions were under control but just barely so to say she was on edge would be a vast understatement. She never heard Crystal slipping away and back into the kitchen. Jenna turned on the lamp by the couch as she went to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. However when she got there she saw that the coffee was already in process of being made. She never thought about Crystal putting a pot on for her nor did she thank her for putting it on.

"Is it over between you and Marissa?" Crystal asked quietly.

Jenna took a deep breath in as she picked up her coffee cup, "Yes it's over." Jenna replied adding under her breath, "Thanks to you."

Crystal then said, "Good, you deserve someone better than that bitch."

That just set Jenna off and she threw her coffee cup to release the anger that boiled to the top. The cup went straight toward one of the panes of glass on the door leading to the garage. The cup shattered the glass as it went through and on into the garage. This did release some of the anger but not nearly all of the anger that Crystal's comment brought out, "You know I am fucking tired of your know it all attitude. You seem to have an answer for all my problems don't you?" She asked but she didn't wait for an answer.

"You have no right to call her a bitch, you don't even know her. She isn't a bitch or even close to one." Jenna spat out though she knew that Marissa really was a bitch but Jenna was angry at Crystal at that moment and directing that anger at her.

"And if it wasn't for your little stunt at the dorm that night, I would still be with her and be quiet happy. You have caused me more pain and heartache than she ever did!" Jenna told her.

"You weren't that happy, you rarely got to see her and she didn't love you like you should be loved. She was never loyal to you." Crystal told her calmly.

Jenna about burst a vein over that and she practically screamed at Crystal, "You know your mamma should have put you over her knee a lot more often and then you just might have learned when to mind your own God Damn business."

She then stomped out of the kitchen afraid of what she might do at that moment. She went as far as the living room before she was able to see anything more than the anger that she was feeling. She went to the couch, sitting down on the edge as she tried again to get her emotions under control. She didn't see Crystal come into the room until she felt Crystal's knees touch her right thigh. She looked up at Crystal who seemed to have this determined look on her face. Jenna just stared at her with death rays in her eyes wanting to make her disappear but her death rays weren't working as Crystal did not disappear.

What Crystal did next did shock the hell out of Jenna as Crystal calmly put her fingers to the buttons of her pajama top and began to unbutton it. Crystal slowly opened her pajama top revealing her breasts and she slipped the top off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor. She then hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her pajama bottoms pushing them off her hips. Jenna's mouth hung open wide as Crystal pushed them off her hips revealing her full black bush covering her pussy. Crystal calmly stepped out of her bottoms then she placed her left hand on Jenna's shoulder bending forward placing her right hand on Jenna's left knee. She then laid herself across Jenna's knees with her chest and head on the couch and her legs stretched out straight with her toes on the floor. Jenna was too shock to more or stop her before she was already over her lap.

"Just what in the hell are you doing?" Jenna asked her.

"You said my mother didn't spank me enough and since I was the cause of all your problems with Marissa then I obviously need to be spanked." Crystal told her however Jenna noticed a bit of nervousness in her voice.

"Oh get the hell off my lap and get your clothes back on." Jenna said pushing Crystal off her lap and onto the floor where she landed with a thump.

However before Jenna could get up, Crystal had scrambled back across her lap. "I need to be taught when to keep my mouth shut so teach me or is everything you say just a pile of shit."

Jenna was tempted to give Crystal what she was asking for but instead she said, "Just get the hell off my lap or you'll get a lot more than you bargained for young lady!"

"You can't spank just like you can't pick out a decent woman to love. You're about hopeless." Crystal said in more than just an idle challenge.

"Oh girl, you just said the magical words, you want a spanking then I'm damn well going to give you one!" Jenna said as she placed her left hand across Crystal's back gripping her side. She raised her right hand up in the air and though she had never spanked anyone in her life, she was determined to give Crystal the whooping of her life.

Jenna brought her right hand down landing on Crystal's ass cheeks with a loud smack. She felt Crystal jerk but no sound came from her. Jenna brought her hand back up and she smacked Crystal's ass mainly on the left cheek. She began to spank Crystal's ass hard and fast. Her anger finally had an outlet and that was Crystal's ass. She brought her hand down over and over again as Crystal's ass cheeks bounced from the impact of Jenna's hand. Crystal's ass turned pink and then red very quickly as Jenna's hand came down against those cheeks. Jenna didn't realize that she had started to cry, she just had her mind on taking all her anger out on Crystal's ass and it wasn't as if she didn't deserve a sound spanking. She was the one at fault, Jenna told herself as she just kept spanking those cheeks. Crystal never tried to stop her; she just let her spank her on and on. Jenna's was panting from spanking Crystal and her hand was stinging but she kept going. Her hand was a blur as she spanked her hard with barely a split second between spanks.

It wasn't until she heard a loud sob from Crystal that Jenna came back to reality and she saw what she was doing. Crystal's ass was so red and almost to the point of bruising. "Oh god what have I done!" She gasped out. "I'm so sorry." Jenna cried out to Crystal who was in the process of getting up.

"Oh no, I wanted you to spank me." Crystal said as she sat on Jenna's thighs with her sore ass between her legs.

Jenna felt Crystal's hands on her face, raising it up so that she was looking at her face. Jenna saw that Crystal's mascara had run down her cheeks from the tears that she was still shedding. "I wanted you to spank me; you needed to get that anger out." Crystal told her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Jenna said again and again.

"No baby, I'm okay and I did need a good spanking." Crystal said and then she hugged Jenna to her body.

"It's okay now, I got you." Crystal whispered into Jenna's ear as Jenna pulled Crystal into her body and holding onto her as she let her sobs out.

Crystal caressed her back as she whispered into Jenna's ear, "I'm holding you now and I'm not going to let go. Let all that anger and pain out baby."

And Jenna did just that, the anger was gone, taken out on Crystal's poor ass and now with Crystal holding her so tightly, the pain wasn't so painful. Jenna cried and cried until she felt Crystal's lips kissing her ear and then her cheeks. Something was happening but Jenna wasn't sure what, the kisses felt good and reassured her that she was going to be okay. Crystal kissed her right cheek as she whispered to Jenna that she was going to take care of her. The kisses went to her left cheek and Jenna started to feel better. She felt the soft lips on her cheeks and they felt good. After more than a few kisses on her cheeks and then her forehead and finally her nose, she felt those soft lips touch her lips.

Jenna felt herself kissing Crystal back but then her brain finally caught up with what Crystal was doing to her. Jenna placed her hands on Crystal's shoulders pushing her back. "NO, we can't do this!" Jenna told her.

"Yes we can." Crystal said so softly that Jenna felt her will begin to break. She looked at this beautiful woman who she realized that she had grown to like without wanting to. She saw Crystal's head moving back in and Jenna wanted to stop her but she couldn't. She needed those lips and she moved in so that their lips met again. This kiss was just as sweet as the first one, if not sweeter. Jenna felt herself giving in but before she could so completely, she pushed Crystal back again.

"Crystal, this isn't the right time or place. I'm not the one for you. We have to stop this now. I..." Jenna was saying when she felt Crystal's hands reach up to where Jenna's hands were on her shoulders. Jenna allowed Crystal to move her hands down to Crystal's breasts. Jenna felt her hands touch those lovely breasts.

"You are the one for me and I'm the one for you." Crystal told her as she pushed Jenna's hands against her breasts.

Jenna's hands had a mind of their own as they squeezed those breasts and Jenna saw Crystal coming in for another kiss and this time she had no resistance left. She wanted and needed for Crystal to kiss her. Jenna returned Crystal's kiss as her hands caressed those breasts that she had lusted after since Crystal had moved in with her. Crystal pressed her lips hard against Jenna's lips and Jenna let her for a moment, then she gently pushed Crystal back a bit. As her hands were caressing Crystal's breasts thus keeping them partly separated, she moved her lips in giving Crystal gentle and tender kisses on her lips. She could feel Crystal's heart pounding away under her left breast so she continued to give her tender, soft, but brief kisses until she felt Crystal begin to relax.

Keeping her left hand on Crystal's right breast as she moved her right hand to Crystal's face, she caressed her cheek before curling her fingers around the back of Crystal's neck. She guided Crystal back in for a longer kiss. Their lips touched and this time Crystal let her control the kiss as she responded to what Jenna did to her. Jenna parted her lips slightly and so did Crystal. They kissed that way for a moment before Crystal slipped her tongue into Crystal's mouth. She ran the tip of her tongue across the edge of Crystal's top teeth then the bottom before pushing her tongue in deeper touching Crystal's tongue. She heard a grasp from Crystal then she felt Crystal's tongue pushing back.

They kissed with their lips and tongues for a few moments as Jenna's left hand went over to Crystal's right breast, there she teased the nipple with her fingernail making Crystal moan into their kiss. The she gave the nipple a tender pinch making Crystal grasp but she also pushed her breast toward her fingers so Jenna' knew that Crystal liked having her nipples pinched. She moved her hand to the left breast giving the nipple a pinch before teasing it. Crystal was moaning as she kissed her. Jenna slowly ended the kiss making Crystal groan then she used her right hand to get Crystal to tilt her head to the other side and she started to kiss her again. Crystal had her hands on Jenna's hips holding on tightly but those hands began to lessen their grip. She felt them grip her night shirt and pull upward but she was sitting on it and with Crystal sitting on her legs, it wasn't going anywhere.

"Hold on a second babe." Jenna said softly as she ended the kiss. She dropped her hands down to her hips and she rocked her hips a little and pulling up on the nightshirt until it was out from under her ass. She saw Crystal's smile turn to a pout as she got the shirt free of her ass but when Jenna took her hands putting them back at the edge of her nightshirt, Crystal smiled again. She knew that Crystal wanted to be the one to take her nightshirt off. Jenna kissed Crystal again placing both of her hands on Crystal's breasts, letting her fingers tease the nipples and then cupping the breasts with her hands. Crystal was now giving her short soft kisses as she pulled Jenna's nightshirt up. When the nightshirt got above her breasts, Jenna released Crystal's breasts raising her arms above her head. Crystal gave her a final kiss then she pulled the nightshirt on off. Crystal brought her hands on down to Jenna's shoulders feeling her way down to her breasts. There she stopped as her palms were lightly pressed against her breasts. Jenna saw Crystal bite her lower lip and Jenna decided to help Crystal out a little.

'You know my breasts loved to be caressed, squeezed, and have their nipples pinched just like yours do." Jenna whispered softly to her and she made her point by giving Jenna's breasts a squeeze.

Crystal giggled a little and she stopped biting her lip. Jenna felt Crystal's hands gripping her full breasts a little harder and they both moaned. Jenna knew that Crystal was getting just as much pleasure out of caressing her breasts as she did having her own breasts caressed. Jenna went back to kissing Crystal's lips as they both caressed each other's breasts. Jenna could feel her juices beginning to run and she could smell Crystal's aroma begin fill the air around them. After a few minutes of passionate kisses, Jenna lowered her lips kissing Crystal's chin and then on down her neck. Crystal raised her chin up as Jenna kissed her way down her throat. She moved her mouth on down as she moved her hands from Crystal's breasts to her waist slipping her hands around to her lower back. Crystal kept her head back as Jenna kissed her way on down until she was between Crystal's breasts. Crystal's breathing quickened as Jenna kissed her way over to Crystal's left breast then kissed her way up to the nipple. She gave the hard dark nipple a kiss and she heard a long "Oooo..." come from Crystal's throat. Jenna sucked the hard nipple into her mouth and used the tip of her tongue to tease the tip. Jenna felt Crystal shake and she figured that Crystal just had a small orgasm just from having her nipples sucked on. Jenna sucked and kissed this nipple before going to her other nipple giving it a kiss then sucking it into her mouth. There were all sorts of weird noises coming from Crystal's mouth and Jenna knew that Crystal loved every second of what she was doing to her.

Jenna made love to Crystal's nipples for a couple of more minutes but then she felt her legs begin to go to sleep on her from having Crystal's legs and thus weight on the top of her thighs. She let go of Crystal's nipple that she was currently sucking on and pulled Crystal to her hugging her tightly. "Babe, let's move to my bed." Then she gave her a kiss.

Crystal let out a groan but then she gave her a kiss back before sliding back a little then she stood up. Jenna was now facing Jenna's pussy cover with her thick black bush, she saw the moisture on the lips peeking from within the thick black hair and she so wanted to lick that moisture up. However about that time, she felt Crystal pulling up on her arms. Jenna smiled as she knew that Crystal wanted to get to the bedroom and start making love again. Jenna stood up, feeling the blood go back to her legs, and she had to lock her knees for a second before she could move. Crystal grabbed onto her arm pulling her and Jenna smiled at her eager little friend. Crystal moved in front of her sliding her hand down to Jenna's right hand and was pulling on it. As Crystal turned to go toward the bedroom, Jenna saw Crystal's poor ass. It was beet red and she knew that she had spanked Crystal much harder than she should have. She felt so guilty about what she had done but Crystal didn't seem to care about her ass anymore as she was pulling on Jenna's hand. So she let Crystal pull her into the bedroom.

When Crystal got to the bed, Jenna turned her around and she took Crystal's face into her hands, "Are you sure that this is what you want?" she asked softly.

Crystal bit on her lower lips as she nodded her head up and down. Jenna leaned in giving Crystal a kiss making her stop biting her lower lip to kiss her back. As she kissed her, Jenna felt Crystal's hands come up and cup her breasts. She felt her squeeze them then the fingers pinched her nipples. Jenna groaned as she slipped her tongue between Crystal's lips. This time Crystal's tongue came out and met her tongue. Jenna dropped her hands from Crystal's face down to her waist pulling them together thus trapping Crystal's hands between their bodies. That didn't stop Crystal from caressing her breasts as they kissed. Slowly Jenna pulled back keeping her hands on Crystal's waist so that she stayed in place. She ended the kiss by giving Crystal a gentle kiss to her lips.

She turned to Crystal's side and scooped her up in her arms with one arm under her butt and the other along her upper back. She turned around and gently placed Crystal upon her bed. She saw Crystal squirm a bit as she sore ass touched the bed but then she settled down. Jenna looked down as the lovely creature lying nervously on the bed waiting for her to do something.

A part of her brain was telling her to stop right now before she went any further. She felt like she was taking advantage of this poor girl as she was obviously just doing this because she had broken up with her lover of ten years so Crystal was just catching her on the rebound. She was about to tell Crystal that she just couldn't go any further when Crystal raised her arms up to her and she saw her mouth the words "Please." Jenna then felt her heart take over her actions, it could see what Crystal wanted and what she herself wanted.

She placed her knees on the edge of the bed and she leaned down placing a kiss on Crystal's lips. She felt Crystal's arms coming around to embrace her and pull her down to her but Jenna pulled back making Crystal groan, "Nooo..." in frustration.

Crystal's hands were pulling at her when she went down giving a kiss to Crystal's right nipple. The "nooo...," turned into a "yesss..." and then an "Ohhhh..." as Jenna sucked the hard nipple into her mouth. Jenna placed her left hand on Crystal's flat stomach as she sucked and used her tongue to lick at the hard nipple in her mouth. She slowly moved her left hand downward until she felt the beginnings of Crystal's bush touch them. She switched to Jenna's left nipple as her fingers combed through the thick hair above Crystal's pussy. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see Crystal opening her legs so that Jenna could do whatever she wanted to her.

Jenna kept her fingers above Crystal's pussy pulling and tugging on Crystal's pubic hair as she sucked on her right nipple. Ever so slowly she eased her fingers lower until she felt the little bump of Crystal's clit. "Ohhhh..." Crystal cried out as her body stiffened and she had a mini orgasm. Jenna could smell Crystal arousal and she let her fingers go past Crystal's sensitive clit, splitting her fingers so that two went to one side of Crystal's pussy and two went to the other. She was amazed as to just how wet she was. Jenna ran her fingers up and down the sides of Crystal's pussy lips as Crystal twisted around on the bed. Jenna bit down on Crystal's right nipple as she closed her fingers together onto Crystal's pussy. She found that Crystal's inner lips just peeked between her outer lips.

"Yesss..." Crystal cried out as she opened up her legs more. Jenna ran her fingers up and down Crystal's wet slit from the bottom up to her clit giving it a moment of attention. Then she went back to rubbing her lips. She switched nipples as she curled her middle finger into Crystal's pussy. She slipped it inside of her until she felt Crystal's hymen that was still intact. She pressed against it just a little making Crystal groan then she backed away just using the tip of her finger to fuck her tight pussy.

Jenna could feel Crystal's body tensing up and she didn't want Crystal to cum with her fingers but her mouth. She eased the pressure that she was using on her fingers as she began to kiss her way down Crystal stomach. She moved her body around until she could lay between Crystal's legs. The black hair surrounded Crystal's pussy and went on down to her asshole. She used her fingers to move the hair from around Crystal's pussy then she lowered her mouth down to that lovely pussy. She touched the bottom of Crystal's pussy getting a taste of her sweet juices. Jenna found that she liked the taste of Crystal's juices even more than Marissa's juices and she loved the taste of her. Jenna ran the tip of tongue up the slippery and wet slit going up to Crystal's clit. She sucked that into her mouth for a second making Crystal push her ass up off the bed and into her mouth. Jenna just sucked on the small sensitive nub for just a second before going back to that pussy so that she could lick up more of her juices. She ran she tongue all along those lips getting a few hairs in her mouth as she went. She then pushed her tongue into her pussy going in as deep as she could with it.

"Shit!" Crystal cried out as she brought up her knees trapping Jenna's head between her thighs.

Jenna grabbed onto Crystal's hips as she pushed her tongue in and around inside of Crystal's pussy making her groan and cry out. Jenna was holding on tightly as Crystal moved her hips around on the bed. Crystal was producing lots of juices, so much so, she was having a hard time drinking them in and she wanted them all. When she knew that Crystal was about to cum, she moved her mouth to that clit which was now extending from its hood. She sucked hard on it as she used her tongue to caress and tease it.

"Oh fuck!" Crystal screamed and Jenna felt a creamy liquid squirt from her pussy hitting her chin. Jenna went down to get that delicious cream as she used her nose to rub against Crystal's clit. Crystal's body just shook as she moaned from the intense orgasm that she was having and with every lick of Jenna's tongue she let out a louder moan. Jenna sucked up those juices that flowed from that sweet pussy until she felt Crystal begin to come down from her orgasm.

As much as she hated to stop licking Crystal, she just knew that Crystal needed something else right then. So she eased Crystal's legs apart, so that she could free herself. Then she went up Crystal's body laying on top of her then pulling them both to their sides. She pulled Crystal in close and she felt Crystal's hands gripping at her arms. Jenna kissed Crystal's face tasting the tears that were falling from her eyes. When she saw Crystal's eyes begin to flutter open, she gave Crystal a kiss on the lips which Crystal began to return after a moment's hesitation.

"Ohhh... that was so wonderful, better than I ever thought it would be. I thought I was going to die." Crystal said in a contented sigh.

"I was hoping that I could make it enjoyable for you." Jenna said smiling.

"Oh fuck Jenna, you made it much more than that." Crystal gasped out.

"Those nasty words coming from such an innocent mouth, am I going to have to get a bar of soap out?" Jenna asked her.

Crystal giggled before saying, "After what you just did to me, I'm allowed to say anything I want.

"I guess you are." Jenna said with a little laugh then she pulled Crystal to her giving her a kiss with her girlcum coated lips.

Crystal kissed her back passionately this time being the one to push her tongue out and thus into Jenna's mouth. Jenna sucked on that little tongue as she used her tongue to caress the underside of Crystal's tongue. The kiss went on for a few minutes before Crystal pulled back.

"I want to make love to you but..." Crystal was saying when she stopped and Jenna could see the doubt in her face.

Jenna started to say that she didn't have to but she could see that this was something that Crystal had to do, needed to do so Jenna put her fingers to Crystal's face caressing her cheek as she said, "Just do whatever you feel like doing, I assure you it will be the right thing to do." Then she kissed her lightly on the lips.

Crystal smiled at her as she pushed Jenna onto her back. Jenna watched as Crystal moved her left hand to her stomach as Crystal found a landmark to let her know where she was. Crystal moved her right hand up to Jenna's left breast cupping the lower portion as she moved her mouth to where her hand was resting. She kissed Jenna's breast just above the nipple but quickly corrected herself as the next kiss was on her nipple. She sucked on it for a second and as she did this Jenna placed her left hand on Crystal's lower back. She just let her hand rest there slowly caressing Crystal as Crystal sucked on her nipple. Jenna felt her body become aroused again and she knew that Crystal wouldn't have any problem in getting her to orgasm.

Crystal kissed her way over to her other breast and this allowed Jenna to lower her hand down to Crystal's ass. She could feel how warm those cheeks still were and she raised her hand not wanting to cause Crystal any pain but as she did so, Crystal was raising her ass up so that it made contact with Jenna's hand again. So Jenna started to tenderly caress those warm cheeks. She loved the feel of Crystals firm ass cheeks. She let her fingers go across those cheeks and then let them run down her crack and back up. As she was doing this, she felt Crystal's left hand move down her stomach. She opened her legs up for those seeking fingers. Crystal's fingers stopped as they touched the trimmed hair above her pussy. Crystal's sucking and kissing on her nipple slowed as Crystal's fingers went across those short hairs. Slowly those fingers went on down to her pussy which was soaking wet. There she shaved completely so she was free of hair. Jenna could feel how nervous those fingers of Crystal's were but as they moved down her pussy she forgot about how they were feeling her but only that they were.

Jenna let out a long moan as those fingers started to move up and down her pussy lips and she opened her legs more. This made her outer lips part thus opening her pussy to Crystal's fingers. The fingers entered her pussy a little and Jenna let out a louder moan. Then she felt Crystal moving downward and the fingers leave her pussy. She opened her eyes and she saw Crystal moving her fingers to her mouth. It looked so erotic, as she watched Crystal tentatively put her fingers to her mouth tasting her for the first time. She saw a smile come to Crystal's lips and that made her smile. Jenna watched as Crystal moved down between her legs. She felt Crystal's hands on her inner thighs as she found her way to her pussy. Jenna first felt Crystal's breath on her pussy then she felt her tongue touch her pussy lips. Crystal licked slowly as she learned the anatomy of Jenna's pussy. Even doing that felt great to Jenna as she had needed this for a long time. Soon Crystal was licking harder and deeper and Jenna laid her head back on the pillow and just enjoyed what Crystal was doing to her. She didn't tell Crystal what to do; she just let her lick away. She was enjoying Crystal's inexperienced tongue just moving around her pussy. Then she felt Crystal's tongue go to her clit. She licked at it before sucking it into her mouth.

"Oh baby, suck hard I'm going to cum!" Jenna cried out as she felt her body stiffen and then she felt the release of her first orgasm in a very long time. Crystal sucked long and hard as Jenna went through the throes of her orgasm.

As she came back around, she felt Crystal licking her pussy lips getting the girlcum that she had squirted out. Jenna started to reach down to pull Crystal up to her when she felt Crystal's fingers replace her tongue. Jenna was torn between bringing Crystal up to her or letting her finger fuck her pussy, the latter won out as she felt two of Crystal's small fingers enter her pussy. They went in slowly as if Crystal was afraid of hurting her. They moved in and out slowly as Crystal licked around her fingers. Jenna wanted her to go faster so rather than telling her, she began to push back and Crystal seemed to have gotten the message as her fingers sped up. Jenna was pushing back as Crystal's fingers went in. However Crystal's fingers were just too small for Jenna to get the real effect.

"Honey use a couple of more fingers, you won't hurt me." Jenna finally grunted out.

She felt Crystal stop finger fucking her for a second as she seemed to be thinking this over. Jenna was about to tell her again when she felt Crystal's fingers at her pussy and this time there were definitely more fingers there. Crystal pushed them in slowly and she kept going until Jenna felt her knuckles. "Oh yes baby that feels great." Jenna said as she felt her pussy being filled up with those fingers. Again Crystal started to fuck her slowly until she was sure that this was what Jenna wanted and it was as Jenna was pushing back hard against those fingers.

"Fuck me hard baby!" Jenna cried out as she gripped the sheets in her hands.

She felt those fingers going in deep into her pussy and it felt great, Crystal was filling her so wonderfully. Then she felt Crystal's mouth lock onto her clit, licking and sucking on it hard. This was what she had needed for so fucking long. She tried to hold off her orgasm for as long as she could as she wanting it to be intense and it was as the first wave hit her. Her pussy clamped down on Crystal's fingers and she cried out her pleasure. She was gasping for air as her body convulsed from the intense orgasm. Crystal was still fucking her with her four fingers and licking her clit as she went higher and higher with her orgasm until she just couldn't go any higher. She had to reach down and push Crystal's head away and grab onto her hand to stop it.

She took a few minutes to recover from such an intense orgasm and when she opened her eyes she looked down to see a worried Crystal who still had her fingers in her pussy. Jenna smiled at her to reassure her but then felt stupid as Crystal could not see her smile so she gently pulled Crystal's hand from her pussy bringing it up to her mouth so that she could lick her juices off the fingers. She saw that made Crystal smile as she took each finger in turn into her mouth to suck the last of the juices from her fingers. Then she pulled on that arm making Crystal come up to her. She looked at Crystal's smiling face with all of her juices covering it. Once she got her up there, she kissed and licked those juices off as Crystal tried to kiss her back.

"Did... did I please you?" Crystal asked biting her lower lip again.

Jenna kissed her lips making Crystal stop the biting of her lower lip. "I just sucked a gallon of my juices from your fingers and my ass is laying on soaking wet sheets and you have to ask that question?" Jenna asked her then before Crystal could say anything, "So yes you pleased me very much."

"I'm glad; I just tried to do like you said." Crystal said.

"Well you're a natural." Jenna said giving her a kiss and hugging her to her as she rolled them both over until she was laying on her back and Crystal was laying on top of her with her head resting on her shoulder.

Jenna held her a few minutes feeling Crystal warm naked body against her; she was running her fingers through Crystal's long straight black hair. Eventually her hand went down to Crystal's ass and she felt the warmth there from where she had spanked her for so long and hard. She also began to think about what she had just done which probably made everything worse and she needed to correct that and the sooner the better.

"I'm sorry that I spanked you, that was wrong of me and I'm sorry." Jenna told her as she caressed Crystal's bottom.

"Well I kind of didn't give you any choice on that now did I?" Crystal said with a giggle. "I mean I did lay across your lap and practically dared you to spank me."

"Yes you did and you stripped first which wasn't necessary if all you wanted was to be spanked." Jenna told her.

"Well the stripping part was just me hoping to get you here." Crystal said giggling again.

"We need to talk about that too but I do hope you forgive me for the spanking first then I will ask for forgiveness for this." Jenna told her seriously.

"You don't have to ask for forgiveness but I give it to you anyway. I mean I knew you were angry and hurt when you got home and I egged it on. I wanted you to let it out and then when you said you were angry with me and said that I needed to be spanked more often then I figured that I would let you spank me and thus get rid of your anger. It was a perfect solution, if I say so myself." Crystal said proudly.

"I bet your ass doesn't think it was so perfect." Jenna told her.

Crystal laughed, "No it wasn't so keen on that idea."

"That brings me to what we just did, you know I can't let this happen again." Jenna told her.

That got Crystal's attention as she propped herself up on her elbows as if she wanted to look at Jenna to see if she was really serious. "Why not?"

"Because I just broke up with my girl friend of ten years and you caught me at my weakest point. And I'm ten years older than you and I work at the university that you attend. All those things tell me to end this before it begins." Jenna told her as she caressed Crystal's face with her fingers trying to get her to understand.

"I don't care that you're ten years older than me and you're not any of my professors so that doesn't matter either. There's no reason for this not to go on." Crystal told her and that about broke Jenna's heart but she knew she had to do the right thing even if it hurt Crystal, it would be better for her in the end.

"I'm sorry Crystal, I really am but it is better for both of us if we just end this now." Jenna said firmly though there were tears running down her cheeks as she said it as she did care for Crystal, she really did, more than she cared to admit to herself and definitely not to Crystal.

Jenna saw the tears form in Crystal's eyes and that made her own tears fall faster. She then saw Crystal's fingers heading for her face and she was a fraction of a second late in stopping them. Crystal's fingers touched her cheeks feeling the tears and she saw a soft smile on Crystal's face. She was thinking of an argument to counter whatever Crystal came up with but Crystal surprised her by saying, "May I at least spend the night with you?"

Jenna knew better than to say yea however she didn't have the heart to hurt Crystal anymore that night so she said, "Yes."

Crystal gave her a sad smile then she laid her head back down on Jenna's chest. Jenna went back to stroking Crystal's hair letting her fingers run through the long strands running down her back. Jenna's other hand was on Crystal's head just caressing her. She felt Crystal's breathing slowing as she thought about the evening and everything that had happened that evening. All the anger and hurt that she had felt earlier that evening seemed to have for the most part faded into the background. It was still there but the young woman that lay sleeping in her arms seemed to have taken all that hurt and anger away. She felt her heart go out to this young woman and she was having a hard time stopping those feelings. This she would have to control but how do you control a heart that had never listened to her before. She worried about this until she fell asleep.

When she woke up the next morning, she saw that sometime during the night, Crystal had slipped off of her and was now lying on her stomach beside of her with all the covers. She slipped off the bed trying not to wake Crystal and while she did stir, she appeared to go back to sleep. Jenna stood by the bed looking down at the sweet, stubborn; know it all, young woman. She knew that whoever ended up with this woman was going to have days that she regretted having ever met her but the rest of their days; she would love her to death. She felt a part of her wanting to be this person and she knew that was her heart talking to her however she knew better than to listen to her heart and got her brain to take over. She looked down at her for another moment knowing that was what she had to do then she went to the kitchen turning on her coffee pot. While it made, she went to the bathroom to pee and get a robe to put on as the house felt colder than normal that morning.

She returned to the kitchen and felt a cold chill for some reason. She went to the coffee pot and started to look for her coffee mug. It took a moment of looking before she realized where her coffee mug was and why it was so cold in the kitchen. She turned to look at the door leading from the kitchen to the garage and she saw one of the four panes of glass broken out. She knew that her coffee mug was somewhere on the other side of the door. She found some plastic in one of the drawers and some duck tape in another. She taped the plastic to the broken pane so that the flow of cool air would stop. That did make it feel better though it wouldn't stop all the cold for that she needed a new pane of glass or a new door as she never liked that door anyway.

She made her a cup of coffee, taking a sip before turning around and leaning against the counter when she saw Crystal appear in the doorway naked except for a pair of thick wool socks. Her long black hair was a mess and Jenna realized that she had never seen Crystal with a hair out of place. Even in the mornings when she got up, Crystal always went to the bathroom when she was in the kitchen and when she came out; her hair was all in place. However it wasn't just Crystal's hair that Jenna was looking at but her whole body. She was so shocked at seeing Crystal naked that she almost dropped her coffee cup so she put it on the counter. She was about to tell Crystal that she needed to put some clothes on when she saw her navigated her way over to where she was standing. Jenna just stood there as Crystal reached out to her and she saw her touch her robe and then she saw her untying the rode and opening it. Crystal then put her cold hands to Jenna's sides and she moved in against Jenna.

"It's cold in here." Crystal said sleepily as she put her head against Jenna's left shoulder. Jenna did what came natural to her and that was to wrap her open robe around both of them. She felt Crystal's now warming body against her skin and she felt her nipples harden as Crystal's nipples were already hard from the cold however they remained hard as they pressed against her.

"Why is it so cold?" Crystal asked her as she pulled her body in even closer to Jenna's body.

"Well if some idiot hadn't thrown her cup through the garage door window, then it would be warm in here." Jenna said smiling and she saw Crystal's face break out in a smile.

"I wonder who that idiot is and I think she needs her butt busted for doing it don't you?" Crystal said.

"She probably does, but who would be the one to dose out that spanking?" Jenna said playing along with the joke that she had started.

"I will, I will!" Crystal said much too eagerly.

"I bet you would." Jenna said as her hands held Crystal to her tightly though she knew she shouldn't. She should be pushing Crystal away and making her go get dressed however she didn't she just held her tightly to her body.

She held her there for a few moments but then she felt Crystal's lips against the side of her neck. She felt one kiss then another and she closed her eyes as the kisses felt nice. She felt her body relax as the kisses moved up to her chin and she turned her head toward those kisses and then she felt Crystal's lips touch hers and they were kissing. Jenna just felt herself melting to Crystal's strong will and she couldn't stop herself.

"No!" Jenna said suddenly as she pushed Crystal back. "This is how it got started last night and it can't happen again."

Crystal gave her such a sad look that it almost broke her heart. She felt herself wanting to give into that look but she refused to be taken in again. "Please just let me have this weekend, that's all I want." She said in almost a whisper and then she gave her that sweet innocent look that Jenna just couldn't resist.

Jenna didn't know what to do, she wanted Crystal as much as Crystal wanted her but this just wouldn't work. Crystal needed to be with someone her own age who was a student at the university. Jenna decided to make a deal with a devil as Crystal in all her innocent looks was surely a she-devil if there ever was one, or at least she was a she- devil to Jenna. "If I give you this weekend then when you come back from Christmas break will you agree to move into the new dorm and let us just become friends, friends with no benefits."

"Yes I will, I promise." Crystal said and before Jenna could check her fingers to see if they were crossed, Crystal was back in her arms kissing her. Jenna wrapped her arms around Crystal pulling her in tight, returning those sweet kisses.

"Let's go back to the bedroom." Jenna gasped between the kisses.

"Okay," Crystal said then she jumped up wrapping her legs around Jenna's waist. Jenna barely had time to catch her before they both fell to the floor. Jenna reached down grasping Crystal's ass cheeks in her hands holding her up as Crystal wrapped her arms around her neck.

Crystal kept kissing her face and lips as Jenna slowly worked her way around the kitchen table and on out of the kitchen. She could feel Crystal's pussy begin to get wet as it rubbed against her stomach. As they walked, Crystal was working Jenna's robe off her shoulders. Jenna let go of Crystal's right ass cheek and let Crystal pull the robe off her left arm. They repeated the process on the other arm so that by the time they were through the living room, Jenna's robe was left behind.

When she got to the bed, she turned so that her back was to the bed then she sat down. She reached down putting her hands on Crystal's thighs pushing them outward so that Crystal would unwrap her legs from around her waist. Jenna slipped her ass backwards until she was out from under Crystal who was now on her knees and still kissing her. Jenna swung her legs around and as she lay back on the bed bringing Crystal with her. Now they were both lying on the bed with Crystal partially on top of her however Jenna quickly changed that as she turned Crystal over onto her back and she was now laying on top of her.

Jenna took change as she was the one doing the kissing and Crystal returning the kisses. Jenna kissed her lips then her cheeks before moving to her neck. Crystal was letting out little coo's as Jenna kissed and nibble on her neck going from one side to the other. Crystal had her hands on Jenna's shoulders gripping them and that grip got tighter as Jenna kissed her way down to Crystal's chest. She kissed and bit Crystal tenderly between those breasts as her hands grasped and caressed those firm lovely breasts. She had Crystal moaning long before her mouth made its way up to the right nipple. She kissed it then bit it gently before she sucked the nipple and part of her breast into her mouth. She was pinching the other nipple with her fingers as she pulled up on it.

Crystal let out a groan but she didn't try to stop her so she released the nipple and did it again. Jenna began to bite on the nipple in her mouth so that both nipples were receiving some pain with the pleasure. Jenna swapped nipples kissing and sucking on the nipple that she had been pinching and using her fingers to tease the one that had been in her mouth. Crystal twisted her hips around on the bed as she pushed her hips upwards. Jenna pinched and bit Crystal's nipples for a couple of more moments before she left Crystal's breasts to her fingers and she slid her body downward giving Crystal love bites along the way. When she got to Crystal's belly button, she ran the tip of her tongue in it making Crystal giggle then she pinched both nipples turning the giggles to groans. She moved on down until she got to Crystal's full black curly bush. She could smell Crystal's sweet aroma coming from her pussy. Jenna pushed her face into that bush blowing out her breath making Crystal suck in her breath.

Jenna went on down giving a kiss to Crystal's clit as it was emerging from its hood. Jenna had brought arms down putting her hands under Crystal's knees so that she could bring Crystal's legs up then push her knees out. She saw Crystal's pussy open up for her and she could see the juices within. With her arms on the outside of Crystal's hips, she brought her hands back up to Crystal's breasts. She gave each a squeeze as she lowered her mouth down to Crystal's pussy. She took a long slow swipe of her tongue going from the bottom of Crystal's pussy to her clit which she sucked on for a second.

"Ohhhhhhhh..." Crystal moaned out. Jenna began to lick on Crystal's pussy going up and down the slit and then sticking her tongue in deep so that she could tongue fuck her. Her fingers were back to pinching and pulling on Crystal's nipples making her groan and moan at the same time. Jenna could feel Crystal's pussy trying to grip her tongue as she stuck it inside of her. Jenna moved her tongue back to Crystal's clit licking it with the flat of her tongue. Crystal raised her hips off the bed trying to get more pressure on her clit. Jenna licked harder as she pinched harder on Crystal's nipples. As Crystal started let out a long moan indicating the beginnings of her orgasm, Jenna pinched hard on her nipples pulling up on them even harder.

"Oh Fuck!" Crystal cried out as she came hard.

Jenna felt Crystal's girlcum squirt out and she went down to suck it up as Crystal went through the throes of her orgasm. Jenna brought her hands down to the back of Crystal's knees again. She pushed the knees back and out as she began to lick Crystal's pussy deeper and harder getting all of her girlcum. Jenna was licking Crystal from her cute little asshole to her clit taking in all the juices that she had produced. As she felt some life come back to Crystal, she went back to that cute little pussy licking up and down the slit and then into it parting those lovely lips. Jenna felt Crystal's hands pushing her hands away. Jenna thought for a second that Crystal didn't like that she had done that to her until she saw Crystal's legs go back and out more. Jenna smiled and with her hands freed, she used her fingers to pull Crystal's pussy lips apart opening up the pink flesh inside. Jenna licked lightly on the sides of her pussy teasing her a bit before she stuck her tongue in deep. Jenna moved her tongue in and around as far inside as she could.

''Ohh... Fuckkk..." Crystal cried out as he wiggled her ass around which was now off the bed. Jenna moved her tongue up to her clit giving it a few hard licks making Crystal groan. Then she licked her way downward giving Crystal's pussy plenty of attention. She kept going downward until she got to the bottom edge. She hesitated for a second before going on. She wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing but since this would be her first and only weekend making love to Crystal, she would introduce her to everything she could. That way Crystal could take what she liked to her next lover. She let the tip of her tongue go across Crystal's asshole and the response she got surprised her but then again it didn't.

"Fuck..." Crystal cried out then she added after a moment's hesitation, "Do that some more!"

Jenna liked that response and she did as she was told. She brought her tongue back across her asshole then back again. She then started to use the tip of her tongue against that cute little hole making Crystal moan. And from the juices that were leaking from Crystal's pussy, she was definitely enjoying it. She licked her asshole for a few moments before going back to Crystal's pussy. She licked in deep moving her tongue around inside of her, at least as deep as she could. Then she moved her mouth up to Crystal's clit, licking on it first before sucking it into her mouth. She was using her tongue to tease the tip of the clit as she sucked hard. Jenna curved her middle finger of her right hand into Crystal's pussy. She pushed it in until she felt Crystal's hymen. She pressed against it for a second feeling how strong it was before backing off and using the tip of her finger to fuck her.

"Fuck me deeper, I want you too!" Crystal moaned out to her.

Jenna wanted to be the one to take Crystal's cherry but she also knew what that would mean to Crystal. Jenna eased off what she was doing as these thoughts went through her head which obviously displeased Crystal a great deal as she cried out, "Fuck you Jenna, take me now!"

That settled it for Jenna as she sucked hard on Crystal's clit. She placed two fingers at the entrance of her pussy. She knew the best way was to just break it quickly. She stiffened her fingers then drove them in fast and hard. She felt the tissue hold for a split second then give away.

"Ohhh..." Crystal cried out as Jenna's fingers sank deep into her tight pussy. Jenna held her fingers still as she licked gently on her clit letting Crystal experience and get over the pain of losing her cherry. After a moment, Jenna pulled her fingers back and she could see traces of blood mixed with Crystal's juices. She slowly began to fuck Crystal's tight pussy with her fingers. Slowly Crystal calmed down and she began to push back on her fingers and Jenna knew that Crystal was ready to be really fucked. She slowly picked up her speed of her fingers as she sucked and licked on her clit. She soon had Crystal moaning and approaching an orgasm again. Jenna fucked her harder and faster as Crystal seemed to enjoy and want it. Jenna drove her fingers in hard until she felt Crystal's pussy clamp down on her fingers.

Crystal released her legs letting them fall to the floor. Jenna eased off on her finger fucking and clit licking as Crystal experienced her intense orgasm. Jenna pulled her fingers from Crystal's pulsing pussy and she saw more blood than she thought that she would. She felt the need to take those fingers into her mouth and lick the blood and girlcum from them. It was like she had to complete what she had started. So she brought those fingers to her mouth and licked them. She looked down and saw a little blood mixed with the girlcum oozing out of Crystal's pussy. She used her fingers to open Crystal's pussy and she began to lick the girlcum and juices from her pussy. She could taste the coopery taste of the virgin blood but it wasn't bad and it felt like she was drawn to Crystal at that moment. She kept licking getting everything that came out only stopping when she felt Crystal pulling up on her.

She came up on top of Crystal who reached up to her face; Jenna just lay there as Crystal's fingers covered every part of her face as she knew this was important to Crystal. She was using her fingers to remember what Jenna looked like. After Crystal finished touching her face, she put her hands to the back of Jenna's head bringing it down for a kiss. Jenna returned the kiss letting Crystal take it where she wanted it to go. Crystal was kissing her lightly letting their lips touch for a moment before parting them to kiss again. Jenna had her hands to the sides of Crystal's head and was using her thumbs to caress her cheeks. Soon her thumbs came in contact with the tears that were coming from Crystal's eyes.

Jenna then moved her head to kiss those tears away. She knew that Crystal was crying from happiness and not sadness. Jenna felt her heart going to this young woman and she was powerless to stop it. She wanted to please Crystal and make her feel things that she had never felt before. She kept kissing Crystal's cheeks until the tears seem to slow to a stop. She then moved down to her lips and then her chin. Jenna kept going downward toward Crystal's breasts and had just gotten to the bottom of her neck when Crystal grabbed her shoulders stopping her.

"No I want to make love to you." Crystal pleaded.

Jenna came back up giving Crystal a kiss then she said, "Babe, you're in my bed and that means that you're under my control. So lay there and enjoy what I am going to do to that beautiful body of yours." Jenna kissed her again and when the kiss ended she saw Crystal was going to say something. Jenna placed her finger over Crystal's lips stopping her from speaking.

"Shhh..." Jenna whispered to her giving her another kiss then she kissed her way back down to her breasts again. This time there was no pinching or biting but loving kisses and gentle nursing on Crystal's sensitive nipples. She loved on those breasts until Crystal began to moan and she knew that she had Crystal back in the palm of her hand. She kissed and loved on those lovely firm breasts for a couple of moments before going back up to give Crystal's lips more kisses. From there she went back down Crystal's body stopping for only a moment at Crystal's breasts to give each a loving kiss. Then she went on down her body trailing kisses along the way. When she got to Crystal's pussy, she could see fresh juices and the bleeding of her broken hymen that had now stopped. She knew that Crystal might still be a little sore so she intended to just use her tongue and lips.

She kissed Crystal's sensitive clit, sucking for just a moment. Then she went on down to those swollen and aroused lips. She ran her tongue down the right side and back up the left. She stopped at the clit to give it a couple of kisses. She ran her tongue down the slit and back up a bit until she got to the entrance where she licked in deeper parting those lips. She pushed her tongue in deep making Crystal moan as she raised her ass off the bed. Jenna moved her tongue around inside of her pussy getting fresh juices. She brought Crystal along slowly, never staying in any place for long, as she wanted Crystal to slowly work up to another orgasm. She wanted this one to be even more powerful than the last one.

She just kept licking, sucking and kissing every part of Crystal's pussy. Slowly Crystal began to twist and groan as she got closer and closer to her orgasm. Jenna would lick on her clit bring her close before backing off going back to the lips to get the juices. Jenna used this method of teasing getting Crystal higher and higher until she could get no higher, then she went to Crystal's clit sucking it into her mouth and she used her tongue to lick it. Crystal cried out something that Jenna couldn't understand as she came hard. Crystal's ass was high off the bed as Jenna held on sucking and licking on her clit. Crystal's girlcum squirted out hitting Jenna's chin.

Jenna kept licking and sucking on Crystal's clit until Crystal let out a load groan and Jenna released the clit and easing Crystal's ass back to the bed. She went down to Crystal's pussy, licking up the girlcum. She kept licking until the flow of girlcum stopped then she moved up in the bed until she was laying to the right side of Crystal. She pulled Crystal to her holding her tightly and kissing her face as Crystal's breathing slowly slowed down to normal. Jenna held and caressed Crystal until she felt her relax completely and she knew that she had gone to sleep on her. Jenna started to ease off the bed but then she felt Crystal's hands trying to grab onto her. "Nooo," Crystal said in her sleep. Jenna eased back next to Crystal holding onto her as she let herself fall asleep.

She woke about an hour later when she felt Crystal squirming in her arms. "Welcome back to the living babe." Jenna told her quietly.

"I thought you were going to kill me that last time." Crystal said as she smiled. "But now it is time for me to try and do the same to you."

"Oh no you don't, I got a window or door to replace and you got to study." Jenna said and she saw Crystal frown and she could see the hurt on her face.

"However tonight, I will be at your mercy." Jenna said as she gave her a little kiss.

"You promise?" Crystal asked with a bit of doubt in her voice.

"I promise, anything you want to do, you can." Jenna told her as she sat up pulling Crystal up in the bed with her.

"Anything?" Crystal asked and Jenna could see that she was thinking that one over.

"Well..." Jenna was saying but Crystal interrupted her.

"Too late, you already said anything and I plan on making you live up to your promise." Crystal said happily. "So you thinking of getting a door, you mentioned glass pane or door." Crystal said as she slipped off the bed.

"Yea, I have never liked that door but I hate to buy a new door when all I need is a window pane." Jenna said following Crystal into the bathroom.

She watched as Crystal went to the corner of the bathroom where she had the small shower added. Jenna watched her cute little ass as Crystal leaned in to turn the hot water on. Jenna didn't seem to be able to move from the spot that she was standing. She just stood there and admired the view as Crystal adjusted the temperature of the water.

As Crystal stepped into the shower, Jenna turned to leave when she heard Crystal say, "Well you going to come in? We need to hurry and get to the door store and get a new door."

"We do, do we? What about your final on Monday? You need to study you know." Jenna told her even as she coming back into the bathroom.

"Let me worry about my final. I've got to help you pick out a new door that you'll like." Crystal proclaimed.

Jenna laughed as she entered the shower with Crystal moving back to make room. "I'm not sure that there is enough room for us to shower sweetie." Jenna told her though she knew that there was. It was a small shower but not that small. She just had to make one attempt to back out.

"Sure there is," Crystal said reaching out for her.

Jenna stepped into Crystal's arms letting her pull her in close. She could have stepped away but she couldn't do that to Crystal making her try to find her. Crystal put her hand to the back of Jenna's neck pulling it down to her lips that were waiting to kiss her. Jenna gave into Crystal, letting her kiss her and kissing her back in return. Jenna got more and more aroused as she felt Crystal's body rub against her. The more aroused that she got the tighter she held Crystal against her and the more passionate the kisses became.

"Now wait a minute," Jenna said breathlessly as she pulled back.

"What?" Crystal asked as she tried to pull Jenna back to her.

"If we keep going, we'll never make to the door store to look at doors." Jenna told her pulling free. "But then again that was your intention, wasn't it?"

"Maybe..." Crystal said sheepishly.

"Well it's not going to work." Jenna said as she reached behind of Crystal to where she had her and Crystal's soaps and shampoos. She grasped a bar of moisturizing soap placing it into Crystal's hand.

"Now get to washing!" Jenna ordered her as she moved up under the spray of the water leaving Crystal behind her and thus out of site to wash.

Jenna was just starting to relax when she heard Crystal say "Ops," then she heard something hit the shower floor.

"What did you do?" Jenna asked her as she turned back around.

"I dropped the bar of soap." Crystal said and Jenna looked down to see it between Crystal's feet.

"Here let me get it." Jenna told her as she started to bend down however Crystal was a step ahead of her.

"No I'll get it." She said as she dropped down to her knees causing Jenna to quickly straighten up less they bang heads.

"Okay, you get it." Jenna told her smiling.

"I will." Crystal said giggling.

Jenna watched as Crystal felt around the floor of the shower for the bar of soap. Just as her fingers touched the bar, it went sliding away from her. Jenna stated to giggle but she stopped herself. Crystal's hand went back out trying to find the bar of soap only to have it slip away from her. "Slippery little bastard," Crystal said as she raised her head up giving Jenna a grin.

"Let me help," Jenna told her.

"No! I'll get it." Crystal said much too quickly and Jenna began to suspect that she was up to something especially when the bar of soap ended up between her feet.

"Step back against the wall and I'll get this slippery little devil." Crystal said and Jenna saw Crystal place her hand on her thighs pushing her toward the shower wall.

Jenna closed her eyes letting out a sigh as she said, "Oh come on and get the damn soap." However she let Crystal push her against the wall. She felt Crystal's hands at her feet pushing them outward and she just let her. She was going to give Crystal about thirty more seconds before she hauled her to her feet and get the damn soap herself. She counted to herself however she only got to fifteen when she felt Crystal's hot breath at her pussy. She then realized that Crystal had played her like a finely tuned violin.

"Oh no you don't!" Jenna said as she reached down grasping onto Crystal's head just as Crystal's mouth grasped onto her clit.

"Oh Fuck!" Jenna cried out as her clit was being sucked into Crystal's hot little mouth. After making love to Crystal that morning without allowing Crystal to return the loving, she was on edge and Crystal's mouth sucking on her clit was more than she could resist.

"You are in so much trouble you little bitch!" Jenna said as she put her hands to Crystal's wet hair pressing her head into her pussy.

Jenna felt Crystal's mouth leave her clit long enough to giggle then she felt Crystal's tongue go down to her pussy and she began to lick as the warm water ran off both of them. "You are in such bad trouble, little girl!" Jenna groaned out as she pressed Crystal's face to her pussy.

This time Crystal giggled into her pussy as she licked her. Jenna opened her legs wider feeling Crystal's tongue moving between her pussy lips and her long tongue going into her pussy.

"Oh god your tongue feels good, I needed this so bad!" Jenna cried out.

"I know you did Jenna." Crystal replied as she moved her tongue to her clit where it began to lick. Jenna felt two fingers at the entrance to her pussy. The fingers slowly went inside of her making her moan. Crystal had lost her fear of hurting her as she pushed the fingers in deep and began to fuck her hard. The long slim fingers felt so good fucking her pussy as her tongue licked hard against her sensitive clit. Jenna didn't even have to tell Crystal to use more fingers as soon a third finger was entering her pussy and finally a forth. This stretched out her pussy lips, really filling her up.

"Oh fuck girl, fuck me baby!" Jenna cried to Crystal as she pushed her hips downward toward those wonderful fingers.

The fingers seem to go deeper and deeper into her as Crystal fucked her hard and her tongue was lashing her clit so hard and fast. Jenna felt her knees began to shake as she felt an overpowering climax was gathering strength within her body. Jenna moved her hands to Crystal's shoulders to hold herself up as the fingers went so deep and Crystal's mouth locked onto her clit sucking hard.

"Oh fuck, I'm cummm..." Jenna cried out as she felt wave after wave of an intense orgasm wash over her.

When Jenna was able to open her eyes, she saw Crystal standing against her helping to hold her up. "I found the bar of soap" Crystal said with a giggle and a smile that filled her face.

"I don't think that was the only think you went down there to find." Jenna said pulling Crystal in closer.

"Oh it was, it's just that I happened to find your pussy first." Crystal said still grinning.

"You know little girls that lie get spanked." Jenna told her in a firm voice that she used to mean that she was serious but Crystal didn't pay her any mind as she just put her hand to the back of Jenna's neck, bring her head down for a kiss.

Jenna gripped Crystal's shoulders as she returned her kiss. They used their lips then tongues as they kissed. Jenna felt like she could just stay in this shower forever holding and kissing Crystal and that was when her mind took over and she slowly ended the kissing.

"Turn around and let me wash you." Jenna told her taking the bar of soap from Crystal's hand then turned her around so that Crystal's back was to her. She soaped up Crystal's back and began to slowly bath her.

"You know I almost had my whole hand in your pussy." Crystal said excitedly.

Jenna smiled as she replied, "Yea, it felt good, maybe one day we'll try for your whole hand."

Crystal turned around quickly, so quickly that Jenna's hands went from Crystal's shoulders to her breasts. "Oh my, won't that hurt?" Crystal asked.

Jenna smiled as she gave Crystal's breasts a caress before taking Crystal's right hand in hers. "Since you were gifted with small hands, I believe that your hand would fit nicely but I wouldn't dare try it with anyone else." Jenna told her and then she wondered why she left out "Who had any bigger hands." which was how she had intended to end the sentence.

Crystal smiled brightly at her and Jenna could almost see her glow, a glow that she hadn't seen before in Crystal, a glow that Jenna knew that she was responsible for giving her. Jenna decided that she needed to get Crystal's mind off making love so she said, "Now turn around and let's get washed up." Then she made Crystal turn back around so that she could finish washing her.

"So what type of door do you think I should get?" Jenna asked her.

"One with unbreakable glass." Crystal said with a giggle.

Jenna popped Crystal on her wet bottom and said, "Very funny!" which elicited a "Ouch!" from Crystal

"I thought so," Crystal said now giggling again.

"I bet you did." Jenna said as she let out a giggle as Crystal had zinged her good.

"What type of door do you want?" Crystal asked as Jenna began to wash her back again.

Jenna thought for a moment as she worked her way down Crystal's back to her ass then she began to tell Crystal of the different types of doors there were and what she wanted. Jenna hands went over Crystal's cute little ass and between those cheeks that made Crystal moan as Jenna's fingers went across her little asshole. Jenna washed Jenna's legs and feet before making her turn around and she worked her way back up her body. She soaped up Crystal's full bush and she could smell her arousal even over the smell of the lightly scented soap. However she didn't stay at that pussy though she wanted to, she went on up to her stomach and breasts, where she did give the nipples a pinch before going to her neck and face. She made Crystal rinse off then she shampooed her hair. Once Crystal was clean, Crystal took over and she washed Jenna clean. Jenna enjoyed the way Crystal's soft hands washed her. She closed her eyes and just let her body feel those hands move across her body. She did have to bend down to let Crystal's wash her hair and once rinsed, they stepped from the shower to dry and then get dressed.

Crystal wouldn't let her fix them something to eat before leaving, she wanted to stop and get something to eat along the way. So after measuring the door, getting the glass up off the floor, and retrieving her mug which had somehow survived being flung through the window; Jenna guided Crystal into the garage.

"So will the store deliver the door today?" Crystal asked as the garage door opened.

"I doubt it but then I don't need them to. If we find a door that I like, then we'll just bring it home." Jenna told her.

"What you going to do, tie it on the top of your car?" Crystal asked.

"I don't have that much rope so I thought that I would just have you lay on top of the door to keep it from flying off." Jenna told her.

"Yea right." Crystal told her as she gave her a look of disbelief.

"Okay maybe that isn't such a good idea." Jenna said laughing.

"No kidding, that would be like letting me drive us there." Crystal said with a laugh.

"It's about time that you drive, I'm tired of always being the one to drive us to wherever we go." Jenna said with a laugh as she took Crystal out of the garage.

Crystal laughed then she said "Okay how are we getting the damn door home?"

Jenna laughed, "With my old truck."

"I didn't know that you had a truck." Crystal replied.

"I rarely drive it. It was my father's truck, the one he taught me to drive in." Jenna told her as she guided Crystal toward a small building around the side of her little house.

"And the truck is still in one piece?" Crystal asked.

"Oh you are on a roll this morning, keeping that up and you'll be riding in the back." Jenna warned her as she got to the building, opening it up.

Crystal laughed then she asked, "Why don't you keep it in the garage with your car?" Crystal asked.

"Because the garage attached to the house is only for one vehicle and it was cheaper to build a little building for the truck than extend the garage." Jenna told her as she took her into the building and opening the passenger door of the truck for her.

"So did your father give you the truck?" Crystal asked her as Jenna got into the driver's seat of her Ford truck as her father had always bought Fords as his father before him.

"He probably would have but I tricked him into letting me pay him for it." Jenna told her as she backed out.

"Well I hate to tell you but when most people trick others, it is to get out of paying for something not into paying for it." Crystal told her.

"Yea, I know, I'm kind of weird that way." Jenna told her with a laugh.

"Okay you got me hooked, just how did you talk your father into letting you pay for the truck?" Crystal asked.

"I was home not long after I had bought my house and we were all talking. My father mentioned that he had gone into town the previous week and was driving this truck which he rarely drove anymore. It was one of his favorite trucks and he never could ever sell it but now that he was retiring, he couldn't see paying for insurance and tags for the truck since he didn't use it. So he said that a man at the Co-Op offered him five hundred dollars for his old truck. However my father couldn't see selling it to some stranger who wouldn't take care of it. So I got up and went to my purse to get my checkbook and I wrote my father a check for the truck. When I gave him the check and told him to sign it over to me as I would take care of it. He of course refused the money but I made him take it and then once he figured out that I was as stubborn as my mother, he took the money. Then he asked me why I wanted the truck now when I hated it when he taught me to drive and it was the only thing that they would let me drive when I was a teenager." Jenna told her.

"What did you tell him?" Crystal asked now absorbed in Jenna's little story.

"I told him that when I was sixteen, driving around in an old beat up Ford Truck didn't do much for my image when my friends were driving new Chevy's. But now what I was driving didn't seem to be quiet as important as whether it would get me where I was going. And with the new house, I needed a truck to haul things I needed to work on the house. This of course made my mother smile as I spent my teenage years worrying about how cool I looked or didn't look and now it wasn't important to me anymore." Jenna told her.

"Oh I bet your mother ate that up." Jenna said with a laugh.

"Oh she did and she has asks me how the truck is doing every time I go home to visit. That part isn't so bad as my dad does the same thing except my mom has this look on her face that it is all her doing that I finally grew up right after all." Jenna said with a laugh.

"Mom's have a way of doing things like that which makes you want to punch them if you didn't love them so much." Crystal said smiling.

"Well I do love my father's old truck, which he happened to have named Betsy." Jenna said patting the dashboard of the old truck.

"Betsy, that's a weird name for a truck." Crystal said.

"It was the name of his first girlfriend in high school but don't tell my mom that." Jenna said with a laugh that Crystal joined in.

"I won't I promise." Crystal said laughing more.

"Your mom really doesn't know who he named the truck for?" Crystal asked after the laughter died down.

"Oh she probably does but she doesn't let on. See how she was the one who married him; she let Betsy have a truck named after her." Jenna told Crystal.

"That was good of her and it lets you and your dad keep a secret from her." Crystal said.

"Yea she can be nice when she wants to be, which most of the time she is." Jenna said then she asked Crystal, "So what about you and your mom, are you real close?"

"Yea we are, she has always been there for me, helping me, protecting me, and pushing me but..." Crystal said then she paused.

"But you want to stand on your own two feet now, right?" Jenna said.

"Yea, like that thing with Regina, I would have liked for her not to be brought into it. Why couldn't you have worked it out with just me and not include her?" Crystal asked.

"Because she is still responsible for you, your parents pay for your tuition to the university and the money for you to live in the dorm. You may be an adult but you aren't independent of your parents yet." Jenna told her.

"I know but still." Crystal said.

"Baby, your day is coming, don't rush it, responsibility isn't all that's it made out to be." Jenna told her and she reached over taking Crystal's hand in hers giving it a squeeze.

"Of course, if she knew what we did last night, she might second guess her decision to let me stay with you." Crystal told her.

"And that is why this little affair ends after this weekend. When you come back from winter break, its back to the dorm where you should be and you can find a girlfriend your own age to love." Jenna told her taking her hand away from Crystal's as it was feeling too nice and sending the wrong message to Crystal.

Crystal frowned but then she said, "But we have this weekend right?"

"Yes we have this weekend that is the deal we made." Jenna said and then she felt Crystal's hand take hers back again holding onto it tightly.

Jenna relented and let Crystal hold her hand as they went on into town where they stopped at a little diner for a late breakfast then it was onto the door store. Jenna described each door that she liked and Crystal felt of each one trying to get it pictured in her mind. There were several that Jenna liked as she wanted one that had some glass to it but was also secure in case someone got into her garage, they would have a much harder time getting into the house. They spent a couple of hours in the store trying to decide which door that she wanted. It finally came down to two doors and Jenna let Crystal decide between the two of them. She picked the one that Jenna secretly wanted the most as it had several panes of opaque glass that looked really pretty and would enhance the look of her kitchen.

"So how you going to get this door put up?" Crystal asked after Jenna had backed the truck into the garage.

"I'm not, we are." Jenna told her as she slid the door out of the back of the truck and began to take the cardboard off.

"Okay, how are we going to get this door up?" Crystal asked.

"I don't have a clue but after we get the old door down, we'll figure out something." Jenna told her.

"That really assures me." Crystal said quiet seriously.

"Don't worry, I've done more things around this house that I never thought that I could. You just got to keep trying until you figure something out. I mean, how hard can it be to hang a door?" Jenna asked.

The answer to that question turned out to be very hard. Getting the old door down was hard enough as Jenna got her variable speed drill and took the screws out of the hinges as Crystal held onto the door. It went fine until Jenna got to the last screw and the door fell almost landing on top of her as it was much heavier than Crystal was expecting it to be. Crystal was almost in tears feeling bad that with her blindness, she wasn't as much help as she wanted to be so Jenna made sure that she let Crystal do a lot putting the new door up and thus restore her confidence. She got Crystal to help her put the door in the frame to check to make sure it would fit which it did. So next, she put some shims down that made the door level and she could start to screw in the hinges. She got a screw in each of the three of the hinges so that it would hold the door up.

"Now you can put in the rest of the screws." Jenna said to Crystal as she placed the drill in her right hand.

"Oh no, I can't see where they go." Crystal replied her she tried to hand the drill back.

"You can feel the screws and the holes that they go into it, that's all you need to do." Jenna told her as she handed the first screw to Crystal.

"I don't know when to stop the drill, I don't want to ruin the door." Crystal said in almost desperation.

"You won't, I'm here to help you and besides I got the torque turned down on the drill, it'll stop when you've gone far enough. Now go on up there and try one." Jenna ordered her as she guided Crystal over to the door and she took her free hand placing the right index finger at the hole she wanted Crystal to put a screw into.

Crystal tried one more time to give Jenna the drill and screw but Jenna just pushed her hands away. Crystal sighed as she felt for the hole again and she tried to put the screw in only to drop it before she got the drill to it. "See I can't do it." Crystal told her.

"Yes you can, now try again only this time put the screw into the bit and then put both to the hole." Jenna told her.

"I can't!" Crystal pleated.

"Now shut that I can't business up and get up there and put the damn screw into the damn hole." Jenna told her forcefully.

Crystal gave her a mean look but Jenna saw a look of determination onto her face as she fit the head of the screw into the bit then she used her fingers to find the hole and put the screw into it. She slowly pressed the button on the drill and it wobbled a bit and Jenna helped her to steady the drill. The screw went in about a quarter of the way then stopped. "Press the trigger further in." Jenna said calmly.

Crystal did so and the screw went on it until the drill stopped. "See there you did it." Jenna said proudly giving Crystal a hug.

"I did, didn't I?" Crystal said proudly then she felt the screw and found that it wasn't all the way in. "I didn't get it all the way in." She said sadly.

"Feel the one above it and you will see that I didn't put mine all the way in either. We'll go back and put them in the rest of the way in by hand." Jenna told her and that made Crystal smile again.

"Can I do another?" Crystal asked.

"You can do the rest of them if you want." Jenna told her. "Just go down to the next hinge and do it then the bottom one and then you can go back to the top and do the last three.

Crystal went down to the next hole and the screw flipped out of the hole and Jenna handed Crystal another screw as she went to retrieve the screw that flew into the kitchen. Crystal was biting her lower lip hard and she concentrated on getting the screw into the hole. It took Crystal a couple of tries in each hole but she did get them in and Jenna had to retrieve a couple of more screws but when they were all in Crystal stood up with this proud look on her face.

"See I told you that you could do it." Jenna said giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you," Crystal told her.

"Hey, I was just getting you to do my work for me." Jenna said with a laugh.

"All the same, thanks," Crystal told her.

"Sure now let's get these screws the rest of the way in then put in the door knobs and dead bolt lock." Jenna said as she got her screw driver out and finished putting the screws down. The next thing that had to be done was to drill out the holes for the door knob and dead bolt. She got out the instructions and taped the outlines for the holes to the door. She then had Crystal hold the door as she got her drill and began to drill the holes out. She did both and with Crystal's help, she drilled out a space for the latches. She had to do a little extra drilling to get everything to fit but she got them done and they put both the door knob and deadbolt in.

"We did it girl!" Jenna said as she opened the door and did the locks a few times to make sure that it worked.

"Yes we did, how does it look?" Crystal asked.

"It looks great and you did great." Jenna told her.

Crystal beamed from the compliment and that made Jenna feel good. "I don't know about you but I've worked up an appetite." Jenna told her.

"Yea me too, what we having for supper?" she asked.

"I don't know what do you want?" Jenna asked.

"How about tacos? Do you have the stuff to make them?" Crystal asked.

"I got everything but the beef but then we can cut up a couple of the chicken breasts that we cooked on Thursday and have chicken taco's." Jenna told her.

"That works for me, I like chicken in my tacos better than beef anyway." Crystal told her.

"Well let's wash up and we'll get them going." Jenna said as she put her tools on the counter then caught up with Crystal who had headed toward the bathroom.

Crystal was at the sink when Jenna walked into the bathroom, so she went on to the toilet and started to pee. "What you doing?" Crystal asked as she turned toward her.

"I'm peeing what does it sound like I'm doing." Jenna said with a smile.

"I could have stepped out if you wanted." Crystal asked.

"Nah, it doesn't bother me, does it bother you?" Jenna asked as she wiped her pussy clean of leftover pee.

"No, I'm cool with it." Crystal said as she went back to brushing out her long hair.

Jenna got up off the toilet, pulling her jeans and panties up then she washed her hands. "Here let me do that." Jenna said as she took the brush from Crystal's hand.

Jenna began to run the brush through Crystal's long fine black hair, which was so soft and silky as it ran through the brush and her fingers. "I just love your hair." Jenna said softly.

"I hope that isn't all you love about me." Crystal said just as softly.

"It isn't," Jenna said before she could stop herself. Then she cursed herself for saying that and she knew she had screwed up when she looked into the mirror and she saw that Crystal was beaming.

Jenna brushed Crystal's hair for a few more minutes then she put the brush down on the sink counter. "Come on and let's make those tacos, they're not going to make themselves."

Jena turned to leave the bathroom but then she felt Crystal grab the back of her shirt. She turned back around to see Crystal biting her lower lip again and she had this look on her face. Crystal stepped up close to her, putting her hand to Jenna's shoulder then sliding it around to the back of her neck. Crystal pulled Jenna's head down to her for a kiss. Jenna put her hands on Crystal's hips drawing her in close as their lips touched. Jenna held her tightly as their lips parted and their tongues met in Crystal's mouth.

"Mmmm..." She heard and felt Crystal moan into her mouth and Jenna let out a little moan of her own. Jenna let the kiss linger for a few minutes before she pulled back just a bit. "Let's save that for later on tonight."

Crystal laid her head on Jenna's shoulders as Jenna brought her hands up to Crystal's upper back. She held her for a few more minutes before separating. She took Crystal's hand in hers, leading her out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen.

They cut up the chicken breasts and Jenna heated them in a pan with some seasoning to make the tacos a bit spicy as she liked them. Then they sat in the kitchen eating as they talked about the door and how they got it put up. Jenna could see that Crystal was proud that she was able to help and even put some of the screws in that held the door up. Once they had eaten, Jenna fixed a pot of coffee and Crystal got a soft drink and they went to the living room to relax. They sat on the couch and talked about a little of everything and about nothing much. Jenna had on some of her favorite CD's and they listened to them as they talked.

After a while, Crystal, who had been leaning against Jenna, turned a little and she slipped her ass up on Jenna's lap. She brought her right hand up to Jenna's face and Jenna turned her head to kiss her palm. That made Crystal smile as she put her hand to the back of Jenna's neck. Jenna put her right arm around Crystal's back letting her hand rest on her side. Crystal leaned in and they bumped noses making Crystal giggle but then she tilted her head slightly and she kissed her. Jenna opened her lips welcoming the kiss as she placed her left hand on Crystal's tight stomach. Their lips kissed as their tongue moved from one of their mouths to the other. Slowly Jenna brought her left hand up until she was cupping Crystal's right breast.

Crystal moaned as Jenna squeezed her breast through her blouse and bra. Crystal began to wiggle her ass as Jenna caressed the breast and pinched the nipple through her clothes. Jenna then moved her fingers to the top button of Crystal's blouse. She used her fingers to unbutton the blouse which wasn't easy just using one hand but she was able to do so. She unbuttoned the blouse down to her jeans then she pulled the blouse open. Crystal began to kiss her more passionately as Jenna brought her right hand around to Crystal's back and she was able, after a little work, to undo Crystal's bra. Jenna slipped her left hand up under Crystal's loose bra to her right breast. She gave it a squeeze making Crystal moan. She used her fingers to tease the already hard nipple then she moved her hand over to the other breast teasing and pinching that nipple. She had Crystal panting at this point and their kissing became lighter kisses just using their lips.

"You promised that I could do anything I wanted to you tonight." Crystal gasped out.

"You will but first I'm going to get you off." Jenna said forcefully.

Jenna then put her hands to Crystal's shoulders pushing her back a little. She could see that Crystal's face was already flush and she was very aroused. Jenna pulled Crystal's blouse off and then her bra. Jenna laid Crystal back onto the couch as she slipped out from under her. She got up on her hands and knees over Crystal putting her hands down to the snap of Crystal's jeans as her mouth went down to Crystal's left nipple giving it a kiss before sucking it into her mouth. She sucked hard on the nipple and breast as her fingers got Crystal's jeans undone and she began to push them off Crystal's hips. Crystal raised her ass off the couch letting Jenna get them past her ass to her thighs. Jenna swapped breasts with her mouth as her right hand went to the top of Crystal's pussy.

She let her fingers tease Crystal's clit feeling how wet she already was. Crystal's legs were trapped closed by her jeans so she couldn't part her legs very wide but Jenna was still able to get her middle finger down between those lips. She used that finger to get Crystal very aroused as it went around then inside of those lips. She was going from one nipple to the other biting and sucking on them. Once she had Crystal wiggling around on the couch, she gave a final kiss to both nipples then she moved down Crystal's body to her legs. She pulled them up until they were standing straight up in the air. Jenna then pulled Crystal's jeans and panties on off, throwing them down on the floor. She pushed Crystal's right leg against the back of the couch and the other she push outward thus opening up Crystal's pussy.

Jenna went down and saw Crystal's pink pussy opening from the cover of her full black bush. Jenna used her fingers to part the hair as she brought her mouth down to that sweet pussy. She began to lick the juices from the lips of her pussy and the hair surrounding it. She had to pick a hair from her mouth then she began to lick in earnest. Jenna felt Crystal's hands touch the back of her head then they pressed her mouth into her pussy. Jenna licked in deep, moving her tongue within Crystal's pussy lips getting up all the juices. Then she would go to the clit licking and sucking on it until she felt Crystal approach an orgasm. At that point, she would back off bringing Crystal down again. She heard Crystal moaning as she licked her clit and then groan when she left it. Crystal was bringing her hips up off the couch pressing her pussy into her mouth. Jenna knew that she was teasing Crystal to the point of no return. She then moved her tongue back to Crystal's clit only this time she put two fingers at the entrance of Crystal's pussy. She pressed those fingers into Crystal's tight pussy making Crystal groan from the pleasure. Jenna licked Crystal's clit lightly as she began to slowly finger fuck her pussy. As she picked up the speed and depth of her finger fucking, she increased the pressure that her tongue was using on her clit. Soon she had Crystal crying out as she fucked her pussy hard and licked at her clit just as hard.

"Fuck I'm cumming!" Crystal cried out as her pussy squirted out its girlcum and it clamped down on her fingers. Jenna licked Crystal's clit hard as she felt the girlcum leak out around her fucking fingers. As Crystal's orgasm reached its height, Jenna gave a last hard lick to her clit making Crystal groan then she pulled her fingers out so she could lick them clean and to lick up those delicious girlcum juices.

"Now it's my turn right?" Crystal asked as her eyes fluttered open as Jenna was kissing her face and holding her tightly.

"Yes it is but I have a suggestion for you if you like." Jenna said.

"What?" Crystal asked with a frown.

"I'll show you but if you don't want to you don't have to." Jenna said as she slipped off the couch helping Crystal up.

"Okay but first I got to get you naked." Crystal said as she put her hands to Jenna's blouse and began to unbutton it.

Jenna stood there and let Crystal undress her enjoying the kisses that Crystal gave her body as her clothes were shed. Crystal was going faster than she would have liked but she could understand Crystal eagerness and besides she was very eager herself. As soon as her breasts were bared, Crystal's mouth latched onto her left nipple sucking on it before biting it. She was pushing her jeans and panties down as she switched to the right breast which she kissed first before sucking it into her mouth.

Then once she had Jenna's jeans down to her thighs, she dropped to her knees so she could push the jeans and panties on down and she helped Jenna step out of them. Crystal's mouth went straight to her pussy and began to lick, making Jenna moan as she was already highly aroused from making Crystal cum. Jenna let her lick her pussy for a moment before pulling her up as she was more than ready to show Crystal what she had in mind and hoping that she would go along.

"Come with me my dear." Jenna said taking Crystal by the hand, leading her to the bedroom. Jenna stopped her short of the bed as she sat down on the edge. As Crystal waited impatiently, Jenna pulled something out of her nightstand.

End of Part Four.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 5

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