Blind Love

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on May 14, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Blind Love

Part Seven

By Chris

Jenna's mouth went dry and she couldn't get a word out as she watched Crystal come to the bed. She bent over letting her breasts hang freely as she pulled the covers down. Crystal calmly slipped into the bed, pulling the covers up to her breasts however she stopped there leaving them exposed.

"What are you doing?" Jenna finally sputtered out.

"Getting into bed with you." Crystal replied as if it wasn't a big deal.

"I figured that out but why are you getting into bed with me?" Jenna asked.

"Because you wanted me to." Crystal said keeping her voice even and calm.

That comment just went through Jenna as it reminded her of everything she went through with Marissa and how Crystal kept telling her what she should do and her doing it. "Oh girl you don't even want to go there. You have no fucking idea as to what I want." Jenna said as she sat up in the bed.

"You do want me, I know that you do and you know that you do if you would let yourself and get off the 'Got to find a girl my own age," thing. All you got to do is to..." Crystal was saying but Jenna stopped her.

"I'll tell you what I got to do. That's bust your ass and send you back to your bedroom and in the morning I will be taking your ass back to the dorm and you will never step foot in this fucking house again." Jenna said angrily as she pulled the covers off of Crystal pulling her over onto her stomach and she was surprised that Crystal didn't resist in the least.

Jenna placed her left hand on the small of Crystal's back and her right hand that she was going to use to spank Crystal, she placed on Crystal's soft bottom. That turned out to be a fatal mistake as she let her hand glide along those curved globes. She looked up to Crystal's face and it appeared calm and resigned to her fate. However there was this look of the innocence, who were about to be punished for something they didn't do but weren't going to fight it. Jenna wanted to raise her hand and really spank that cute ass hard but instead she just kept running her hand across it. Without realizing it she was now caressing that ass. Jenna studied Crystal's facial expression and she had to find out why Crystal was so calm and yet confident in her beliefs.

"Why do you believe that I wanted you to come to my bed?" Jenna had to ask.

"Because of the way you act toward me, how you show that you care for me." Crystal told her.

"You are one of the students that I am in charge of assisting, so of course I care about you and show that I care about you as I do all the students that my department assists." Jenna said not for a second believing what she was saying and she knew Crystal wouldn't either but she had to say something.

"And the fact that you told me that you loved me." Crystal then told her.

"Honey, I've never said such a thing and you know it." Jenna said angrily and she gripped Crystal's left ass cheek in her hand without realizing it though Crystal never flinched.

"Yes you did. It was our last night together before winter break. You were just falling asleep and I told you that I loved you. You immediately told me that you loved me too." Crystal told her.

Jenna released the tight grip that she had on Crystal's left ass cheek and let her hand rest on Crystal's ass. "Honey, if I was falling asleep, then I could have been talking about anyone, even Marissa since we had just broken up." Jenna told her yet she didn't that for a moment either.

"You said 'I love you too Crystal,' so you meant those words for me." Crystal told her.

Jenna knew that Crystal was telling her the truth and she felt the tears forming in her eyes. She did love this young woman and she could no longer deny it but that didn't stop her from trying to stop what she was feeling deep inside. "I can't love you..." Jenna said as the tears fell from her eyes onto Crystal's lower back.

"Yes you can." Crystal said as she turned over onto her back as Jenna removed her hand from her lower back and ass. Jenna then felt Crystal's hands on her shoulders pulling her down. Jenna had to resist a little but then she gave in and let Crystal pull her down to the bed and then onto her back. Jenna saw though her tearing eyes Crystal sliding up on top of her. "Just listen to your heart Jenna; it is smarter than your brain." She told her.

"I know but are you sure that this is what you want?" Jenna had to ask as she felt Crystal's fingers wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Yes you are who I want." Crystal told her as she gave her a soft kiss.

"You may live to regret saying that." Jenna had to say.

"Maybe but I doubt it." Crystal said as she kissed her again, this time leaving her lips on Jenna's lips.

Jenna brought her arms up from her sides where she had them laying and she wrapped them around Crystal's back pulling her in tight as they kissed. They were kissing slowly and sensually just using their lips as their hands caressed each other's arms and backs. Jenna was content to let Crystal control the kissing as she slowly accepted her fate and it was a relief not having to fight Crystal over staying there. It was like a big release and she could let her feelings go. She was crying as they kissed and she felt Crystal's tears falling down on her face. They kissed and cried for a while, and then Crystal gave her a last kiss before sliding down and laying her head on Jenna's chest. Jenna kissed the top of Crystal's head as her fingers played with Crystal's long fine hair. Soon she heard Crystal's breathing change and she knew that she had fallen asleep. Jenna lay awake for a while thinking about what had happened and wondering if she had made the right decision, of that she wasn't sure but she knew there was no turning back now.

She lay there for a few minutes listening to Crystal's even breathing and thinking about how Crystal had made her break with Marissa almost painless. She knew that Crystal could be a rebound girlfriend but she didn't think so. If that was what she was looking for she would have picked someone less irritating. She had tried her best not to fall for Crystal but she did so anyway, she wanted her to find a girlfriend at the university so that she could let her go before it went too far but Crystal had other plans and she got her way. While her mind worked, she began to get sleepy and soon she too was asleep.

Jenna woke up early the next morning and she saw that Crystal had turned over during the night and now had her back facing her. She had also taken most of the covers with her which explained why she was cold when she woke up. Jenna smiled as she slipped out of the bed but before leaving the bedroom, she gave Crystal a little kiss on the lips. She figured that two can play that game. As she was leaving the bedroom, she heard Crystal moan in her sleep as she rolled onto her back.

Jenna went on into the kitchen getting the coffee going. She then looked out the kitchen window and saw that the weather people weren't wrong on this storm. She could see icicles hanging from the powder lines and from the gutter on the roof. There were also several inches of snow covering the ground and big wet flakes were falling from the sky. She began to worry about the electricity and heating the house. As much as she hated to, she knew it wouldn't hurt to start a fire in her old wood stove. She went on into the bathroom to pee and then she slipped into the bedroom to get some warm clothes on.

"What you doing?" Jenna heard Crystal say sleepily as she was pulling on her jeans.

Jenna turned around and saw that Crystal was sitting up in the bed with her breasts exposed and she was stretching making them stick out more and that much more enticing to Jenna. "The snow is coming down hard and with the ice on the power lines, I figured I had better get a fire started in my old wood stove so we can have heat if the power goes out." She told her.

"I didn't know we had a wood stove." Crystal said as she started to get out of the bed.

"Yes we do." Jenna said with a smile at Crystal already taking partial ownership of her house.

"Then where is it?" Crystal asked getting out of the bed allowing Jenna to see her nude body and she felt the desire rise in her body.

"In the right side corner of the living room, I don't have anything by it that would have caused you to go near it. And I only use it a couple of times a year." Jenna said as she watched Crystal walk carefully to where she was.

Crystal held out her arms and Jenna pulled her in tight giving her the kiss that Crystal was seeking. She wanted to throw Crystal onto the bed and have her way with her and from the way that Crystal was passionately kissing her, that was what she wanted too.

After a long kiss, Jenna gently pushed Crystal away saying, "Now let me bring in some wood and then I'll make us some breakfast."

"I'll help and then maybe you can fix us your breakfast casserole." Crystal said putting a hopeful grin on her face.

"Yea, I'll fix the casserole but you don't have to help. I can do it." Jenna told her and she got a deep frown on her face as Crystal pushed back from her.

"I may be blind but I'm not helpless, you know." Crystal said definitively.

""Honey I know that but it is snowing and there is ice under the snow." Jenna said defensively.

"So you could fall just as easily as I could and thus you'll need me to help you up, so I'm going to get dressed and we're both going to go get the wood." Crystal said as she turned on her heels and marched out of the room with her ass cheeks swinging all so nicely.

Jenna knew it was useless to argue and she could probably do it faster by herself but Crystal was determined to help and she would have to let her help. So as Crystal got dressed, Jenna went and put some papers down by the back door to put the wood onto until they needed it.

"So why don't you use the stove much?" Crystal asked as she came into the living room all bundled up.

"Because it is so messy with all the dust and having to get rid of the ashes; you know how I am about having a clean house." Jenna told her as she went to the door and opened it feeling the frigid temperatures outside.

"So why did you put it in?" Crystal asked the obvious question.

"I didn't, it came with the house. I was going to have it taken out but that would have been expensive and then my father talked me into keeping it. He said you always need a second source of heat with our winters here. And he was right; I usually have to use it at least once or twice a year. And I have a feeling that today will be one of those days." Jenna told her as she checked the steps and found ice under the snow so she decided it was better to just leave the snow there and not sweep it off.

"Well I am glad you didn't have it taken out. I like to listen to a fire burning. It is so peaceful and romantic." Crystal said and she grinned when she said romantic.

"I guess it is, I've never had anyone to sit with me here as I had the fire burning." Jenna said to her as she started to help Crystal down the steps but Crystal took her arm away.

"You do now." Crystal said giving her a kiss on the cheek then she started to go down the steps carefully and slowly but all the same Jenna held her breath until Crystal got to the bottom.

"See I didn't fall." Crystal said turning around just a hair too quickly and down she went falling flat on her ass screaming out as she did so.

Jenna gasped and she rushed down the stairs to check on Crystal. But as her feet hit the ground; they slipped out from her and she went flying into Crystal scooting them both about three feet. "Are you all right?" Jenna asked grabbing a hold of Crystal.

"I was until you came flying into me." Crystal protested but then she began to giggle which caused Jenna to giggle too.

"I'm sorry but I was trying to make sure that you were okay and then I slipped on the same place you did." Jenna said as she hugged Crystal. "But if you ever want to become a figure skater, you got the spin down pat." Jenna told her as she began to laugh as her mind replayed Crystal spinning as she slipped down.

"Well if you ever want to be a bull dozer then you got that down pat too." Crystal flipped back at her.

"Bull dozer? Am I?" Jenna said as she got a hand full of snow and pushed it into Crystal's face.

"Oh that's cold." Crystal said scooping up some snow and she went toward Jenna's face and she let her do it.

And so they played in the snow for a few minutes both getting soaking wet as they tried to put snow under each other's clothes. "Uncle!" Jenna finally cried out. "Let's get that wood before we both freeze out here."

"Too late my ass is already frozen to the ground." Crystal said laughing.

"Mine too." Jenna said as she got up then she helped Crystal up.

This time Crystal let Jenna help her over to the wood pile and they both got a hand full of wood and carefully made their way to the porch. The decided to go to the side and put the wood on the porch then go back for more. They made several trips getting enough wood to last a couple of days. Then they both helped each other up the stairs and from there carried the wood into the house, placing it on the paper that Jenna had put down. It was only a short distance from there to the fireplace so it was a good place to keep it.

"I don't know about you but I'm getting out of these wet clothes." Jenna said to Crystal.

"And put something dry and warm on." Crystal added.

They both began to shed their clothes dropping them on the tile entranceway. Once they had stripped completely, Jenna picked up their clothes following Crystal to the bathroom. She took in Crystal's feminine form and the way that her ass was moving which she could see that Crystal was swinging a little more than normal. Jenna put the wet clothes into the bathtub then she grabbed a big fluffy towel from the towel rack.

"Here let me dry you off." Jenna said as she stood behind of Crystal wrapping the big towel that she was holding around Crystal's body.

"Mmm... that feels nice." Crystal said as she leaned back on Jenna.

"Yes it does," Jenna answered as she rubbed the big towel up and down Crystal's arms.

Crystal then turned around taking the towel from Jenna. She slipped it around behind of Jenna who now knew what Crystal was after; she took the ends of the towel from Crystal and finished wrapping them both. Crystal snuggled in close to her as Jenna pulled her in close. Jenna held the towel together with her left hand while she used her right hand to rub Crystal's back.

"That feels so nice..."Crystal cooed to her.

"Yes it does, it has been much too long..." Jenna said and she felt Crystal raising her head up to her giving her that look.

"I know, don't say it." Jenna said kissing Crystal on her forehead. That got a grin from Crystal that Jenna had to return and she was glad that Crystal couldn't see her grinning but she knew that somehow, Crystal did know that she was smiling.

They stood there just holding each other for a few minutes, and then Jenna felt Crystal move her right hand from her back sliding it between their bodies. The hand kept coming up until Jenna felt it cupping her left breast. She was about to let out a moan when she felt Crystal moving her head down and her warm mouth covered her left nipple.

"Mmmm..." Jenna moaned as she felt her pussy begin to tingle. Jenna eased her grip on Crystal's body giving Crystal room to work. Crystal's hot mouth was now sucking harder on her nipple and the tip of her tongue was teasing the end of her nipple.

Jenna had her eyes closed as she enjoyed Crystal's mouth sucking and teasing her nipple. By then she sensed something had changed in the room. She opened her eyes to find that they were in the dark.

"Damn..." Jenna said as she pushed Crystal off her nipple.

"What's wrong?" Crystal asked with alarm in her voice.

"The lights went out." Jenna told her as she separated from Crystal.

"I can make love without seeing you, I'm sure you can do the same." Crystal said trying to pull Jenna back in close to her.

"That's not what I'm worried about." Jenna said as she took Crystal by the hand to lead her out of the bathroom. "What I'm worried about there not being any heat in the house and then them finding us frozen naked in the bathroom."

"Oh..." Crystal said as she let Jenna lead her to her bedroom where she went to find something warm to put on and Jenna went to her own bedroom so that she could do the same.

"Bring a couple of logs as you come." Jenna told Crystal as she came into the living room. She said this more so that Crystal would know where she was and what she was doing.

"So you got the fire going yet?" Crystal asked as she put the logs down and then sat on the floor. Jenna saw that Crystal was wearing a pair of flannel pajama with a pair of thick socks while Jenna had put on a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt.

"Just getting started, you know how to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together don't you?" Jenna asked.

"No why?" Crystal asked.

"I forgot where I put the matches and I never learned to do that either. We might just freeze after all." Jenna said putting concern in her voice.

"Are you serious?" Crystal asked as her voice went up a octave or two.

"Nope," Jenna said smiling as she struck the match and it flamed up.

"You shit, you had me scared for a moment." Crystal said as she reached over finding Jenna's shoulder then she slapped it.

"Ouch," Jenna said as she rubbed her shoulder. "You made me put out the match and that was the last one too."

"Yea right..." Crystal said sitting there waiting for Jenna to light the paper under the wood.

"That really was the last match..." Jenna said smiling but Crystal wasn't about to bite a second time not that she expected her too.

"Light the fire silly before we really do freeze to death." Crystal told her.

Jenna laughed as she lit the match, this time putting it under the paper before it went out. The paper caught fire and that got the small kindling going. Once that was done, Jenna put a log then a second one on the small fire and she blew on it a little to get it going. "We'll have a nice fire going here in a minute." Jenna told her.

"Good, I don't like the cold." Crystal said seriously.

"Don't worry honey; I won't let you freeze to death. We'll be nice and toasty here in a second." Jenna said and at that moment the lights came back on.

"Hey the lights came back on, see we won't freeze." Jenna told her.

"But we can keep the fire going?" Crystal asked.

"Yea, just in case the lights go back out." Jenna told her as she sat back to watch the fire and make sure that it was going to take.

"Well that plus I like a fire going." Crystal said with a little smile on her face.

"Oh yes, my little romantic at heart." Jenna said teasing her a little but then she leaned over to give her a little kiss.

"That I am I guess." Crystal said softly.

"That is a beautiful trait, don't ever lose it." Jenna told her and that made Crystal smile.

"Thank you," Crystal said blushing a little.

"Now let's go make that breakfast casserole before the electricity goes back out."Jenna said as she got up the reached down to help Crystal up.

"You don't have to make it if you don't want." Crystal said.

"Oh no I want to but let's hurry and get it on before the electricity goes back out." Jenna told her.

They went into the kitchen and Jenna got the fixings out as Crystal got the pans that they would need. They talked about the storm as they fixed the casserole. Crystal wanted to know what the snow looked like and Jenna had to think for a bit to figure out a good way to describe it. After several attempts, she was finally able to get a description that Crystal seemed satisfied with. When Jenna put the casserole into the oven to bake for a few minutes, Crystal sat down at the table sipping the hot tea that Jenna had made for her. Jenna stood at the counter getting a fresh cup of coffee.

She turned around to face Crystal and said, "Just to let you know I am still going to bust your ass as I said I would last night."

Crystal's jaw dropped upon hearing this and after a moment she asked, "But why? I thought that you accepted that we are a couple now."

"We are but that's not why I'm going to bust your ass." Jenna told her.

"Then why do you want to spank me?" Crystal asked.

"If for no other reason than you're a little know it all brat that doesn't know when to stop pushing." Jenna told her and she saw a grin come across Crystal's face.

"When I see something that I want then I go after it and when I see someone making a mistake then I got to help them see the error in their thinking." Crystal quipped back still grinning.

"Like I said, a little know it all brat." Jenna said and that just made Crystal grin even more as she was proud of being a know it all brat. However after a couple of minutes, she had this thoughtful look that turned into a frown.

"What about the other thing that you said..." Crystal asked.

"Oh I plan on doing that too. Come Monday morning, I'm hauling your ass back to the university." Jenna told her.

Crystal thought for a moment about that with a frown then she asked, "And if I show up on Friday afternoon at your car?"

Jenna paused for a minute or so just to make Crystal suffer then she replied, "Oh I'll probably fuss at you for a bit then let you in the car." That made Crystal smile again.

"But why fuss if you know you are going to be taking me home with you?" She asked with a quizzical look on her face.

"I've got to maintain my hard ass bitch reputation, you know." Jenna said smiling.

Crystal got up walking over to where Jenna was standing. She reached up and found Jenna's face curling her hand around her neck. She pulled Jenna's ear down to her mouth and said, "Even when you try to be a hard ass bitch, you can't. You got too big of a heart." Then she kissed Jenna on the cheek.

Jenna pulled Crystal around in front of her putting her hands on Crystal's hips, "Seems like I remember a time when I chewed your ass out but good." She said referring to the night that she had to come to the dorm to keep Crystal from trying to kill her roommate.

Crystal leaned in against Jenna who wrapped her arms around her, Crystal then said softly, "But then you sat down and talked to me and found out what was wrong. You took care of my problem and you took care of me, a hard ass bitch would have just chewed me out and sent me back into the dorm room with that... well you know what she was."

Jenna stood there caressing Crystal's back as she thought about what Crystal had said to her. Then Crystal added, "And a hard ass bitch would have been able to keep herself from falling in love with me. You couldn't do that and I knew you couldn't. I just had to keep showing you what was right in front of you."

Jenna had to smile as she kissed Crystal's forehead, "And that is what makes you a know it all brat that needs her ass busted from time to time." This caused Crystal to giggle.

"Just when is this to occur?" Crystal asked.

Jenna brought her right hand up cupping Crystal's chin and bringing it up, "I'll let you know." She said before giving her a kiss that lingered on as they held each other.

They held and kiss each other as the casserole cooked only stopping when the stove buzzer went off. Jenna gave Crystal a last kiss then she went to the oven taking the casserole out of the oven to let it cool for a few minutes. Crystal went to get the plates out and get Jenna a fresh cup of coffee and herself a glass of juice.

"Let's go sit in front of the fire." Crystal suggested after they had finished their breakfast.

"Okay, go ahead while I clean up the kitchen." Jenna told her as she gently pushed Crystal out of the kitchen.

"I can help you if you want." Crystal told her.

"Nah, I can do it." Jenna said but then she remembered the wet clothes sitting in the bathtub. "But you can get our clothes out of the bathtub and put them in the dryer before they decide to mildew."

"Okay," Crystal said happily as she had something to do to help.

Jenna went back to putting up the left over casserole and then washing up the few dishes. Crystal came through with their wet clothes putting them into the dryer and then giving her a kiss on the way out. Jenna heard her doing something in the living room as she finished up in the kitchen. When she came into the living room, she saw that Crystal had made them a little pallet of quilts and a comforter in front of the wood stove. Jenna went over sitting in front of Crystal who promptly slid up in her lap wrapping her legs around her.

"Nothing like getting up close and personal." Jenna told her.

Crystal giggled as she gave her a kiss, "You love it and you know it."

"Yea I do." Jenna said giving her a return kiss that lingered a bit.

"Can I ask you something?" Jenna asked her after the kiss.

"Sure, what do you want to know?" Crystal asked.

"Why did you shave your pussy for? You didn't do it just for me did you?" Jenna asked her.

"Well yes and no, I didn't do it to please you if that is what you're asking." Crystal told her.

"It is as I don't want you to do anything just to make me happy, I liked it just the way it was." Jenna told her then she asked, "So why did you do it?"

Crystal hesitated a second as if she was trying to decide if she wanted to answer the question or not. "You promise not to be mad or anything?" She asked.

Now it was Jenna's turn to hesitate, "Okay I promise."

Crystal hesitated for a moment more then she answered, "I knew that I had pushed myself onto you about as far as I could. I had this feeling that you were at the point that either you would ban me completely from coming here and actually mean it or let me into your life and I wasn't so sure which way it would go." This made Jenna smile as Crystal was pretty close to the truth there.

"So I knew that I had to do something and do it fast. I had planned on coming into your bedroom naked but I had to get to your bed before you could react. Jimmie and I talked about it and she was the one to suggest I shave myself clean and maybe your attention would be drawn there and I could slip into your bed before you could tell me to get out." She told her.

"So Jimmie knows about us?" Jenna asked.

"Oh yes, I told her I was a lesbian when I found out that we would be rooming together and that I was trying to seduce a lovely woman whom I was madly in love with. That way she knew that I wasn't going to come after her and we could be good roommates." Crystal told her.

"So you two have been scheming against me this whole time." Jenna stated.

"Sure, with me gone every weekend, she would be able to have her boyfriend stay in our room on the weekends while I was gone. So it was to her advantage to help me all that she could plus she thought it romantic and loved doing it." Crystal said proudly.

"I thought that she went home every weekend and that was why you wanted to spend the weekend with me." Jenna told her in mock surprise.

"Oops," Crystal said.

"I would say oops, I ought you bust your ass a second time for lying to me." Jenna told her as she moved her hand down and popped Crystal on the ass lightly.

"Well I had to do something; you were being so stubborn about it all. If you had just given in then I wouldn't have had to go through all of this." Crystal told her.

"So it is all my fault that you lied and schemed against me. Just how do you come to that conclusion?" Jenna asked.

"Sure, you made me do it. You were the one who kept resisting my obvious charm." Crystal told her as she gave her that innocent grin.

"You know what I ought to do to you?" Jenna asked.

"What?" Crystal asked with some trepidation in her voice.

"This," Jenna said pushing Crystal backwards so that she ended up lying on her back on the pallet of quilts. Jenna then fell on top of her taking Crystal's face in her hands kissing her. Crystal giggled in relief at first but then she wrapped her arms around Jenna and began to kiss her back. Their lips touched for a moment the parted for another kiss and then another. Jenna then pressed her lips upon Crystal's lips leaving them there for a longer kiss. She slowly opened her lips, slipping her tongue inside of Crystal's mouth making Crystal moan as she pulled down on Jenna. Their tongues kissed as their lips were doing inside of Crystal's mouth as the kissing became much more intense and their desire for each other grew.

Jenna slowly pulled her head back so that she could kiss Crystal's cheeks and chin before going on down to her neck. Crystal raised her chin up as Jenna kissed her neck, sucking gently in places but not hard enough to leave a mark. She went to the left ear, nibbling on Crystal's earlobe making her giggle. Jenna kissed her way around Crystal's neck to the other earlobe making Crystal giggle as she nibbled on it too. Jenna went back to Crystal lips giving her a few kisses before she moved downward. She moved her hands to the top of Crystal's flannel pajama top. She slowly unbuttoned the top letting her lips kiss the flesh that was exposed. She kissed down between Crystal's breasts and down to her stomach where she made Crystal giggle some more. She let her tongue dip into Crystal's belly button that really got Crystal to giggle however she had a cure for the giggles. Jenna slowly pulled Crystal's top open exposing her small pert breasts with the dark nipples that were already hardening. Jenna kissed her way up to the right nipple kissing it then she went over to the left nipple giving it a kiss. Now both nipples were very hard and she could see that Crystal's cheeks were turning red from the excitement that she was feeling. Jenna went to the right nipple again giving it a kiss before sucking it into her mouth. Jenna teased the tip of the nipple with the tip of her tongue. Crystal let out a loud moan as Jenna teased her nipple until Crystal had to cry out.

As she moved to the left nipple, Jenna felt Crystal reaching down to her sweat shirt. She moved her elbows in thus raising her chest so that Crystal could pull her sweat shirt up. Once she had it up above her chest, Jenna lowered herself back down so that Crystal could pull it on off. Once she was topless, Jenna went back to Crystal's left breast kissing all around the breast moving her way up to the nipple. She sucked hard on the nipple then began to tenderly bite it. This caused Crystal to cry out in pleasure. Jenna went to the right breast kissing and biting on the nipple making Crystal twist around.

Jenna kissed and bit both nipples for a few moments then she had to get a taste of Crystal's pussy. It had been too long and she needed it. She had Crystal all worked up so she moved her body down Crystal's body until her head was even with Crystal's waist. She could already smell Crystal's arousal. She untied the string holding Crystal's pajama bottoms up. She gave a kiss to Crystal's belly as she began to pull her bottoms down. She kept kissing the exposed skin as the bottoms went on down. Soon she reached the area that was once covered with a thick patch of pubic hair but as she kissed the skin she could feel how smooth and soft the skin was now. Crystal had done a great job of shaving her hair off making it soft and smooth. Crystal raised her ass off the quilts and Jenna pulled her pajama bottoms off of her ass revealing Crystal's now smooth pussy. Jenna could not find a hair that Crystal might have missed. Jenna sat up so that she could pull the pajama's bottoms on off. Crystal raised her legs straight up in the air thus exposing her pussy a cute little asshole. Jenna saw that Crystal even shaved there so that she was completely clean and Jenna admired Crystal's effort. As Crystal lowered her legs, she spread them out wide so that Jenna got a great view of her pussy. The outer lips were wet with Crystal's arousal and she could just see her inner lips wanting to peak out.

Jenna lay down between Crystal's lovely legs and inhaled her musky aroma. She kissed Crystal lightly on her inner right thigh about halfway between her knee and pussy and then on her left inner thigh. She very slowly worked her way toward Crystal's pussy. She could see it getting wetter the closer that she got to it. Crystal was moaning wanting Jenna to hurry up but Jenna was taking her time so that Crystal was out of her mind with desire.

"Please Jenna..." Crystal moaned as Jenna got all so close to her pussy. As much as Jenna wanted to dive right in, she continued to kiss the sides of Crystal's pussy and then going above it. She tenderly nibbled on Crystal above her pussy before going back to each side of her pussy.

Finally Crystal called out, "Jenna you bitch, make me cum."

Jenna raised her head and said, "Oh such a nasty mouth..." Jenna then blew her hot breath onto Crystal's pussy making her squirm. She knew that Crystal was at her breaking point so she put her tongue at the bottom of Crystal's pussy tasting all the juices that had collected there. She all so slowly went up Crystal's pussy taking in her juices and slightly parting her lips. Crystal moaned and groaned as Jenna went up her pussy. When she got to Crystal's hard little clit, she sucked it into her mouth.

"Oh fuckkkk..." Crystal cried out as an orgasm racked her small body.

Jenna gently licked Crystal's pussy drinking in her girlcum as she went through the throes of her orgasm. When Crystal began to calm down, Jenna used her fingers to part Crystal's lips so that she could get in deeper with her tongue. She pushed her tongue in deep wiggling it around inside of Crystal's pussy. Crystal raised her ass off the pallet of quilts pushing her pussy into Jenna's mouth. Jenna licked and sucked on Crystal smooth and hair free pussy lips before going up to her sensitive clit licking and sucking on it. She put two fingers into the entrance of Crystal's pussy, slowly pushing them in. She finger fucked her slowly at first as she licked tenderly on her clit. When Crystal began to push back, Jenna began to finger fuck her harder and faster. Crystal's tight pussy was gripping her fingers as she fucked her. Soon Jenna began to suck harder on Crystal's clit getting her closer and closer to an orgasm. When Crystal started to cry out, Jenna bit down on her clit.

"Oh fuck... I'm cumminggg..." Crystal cried out as her girlcum squirted from her pussy coating Crystal's fingers. Jenna licked and sucked hard on Crystal's clit making her orgasm more intense and she had one orgasm after another until she fell limp. Jenna removed her fingers licking them clean then she put her mouth against Crystal's pussy sucking all the girlcum out of her.

Jenna went up and pulled Crystal to her kissing her sweaty face and loving on her. It took a few moments before Crystal began to kiss her back. She rolled them over so that she was lying on top of Jenna.

"Damn, you sure know how to make me cum." Crystal panted out as she was still trying to catch her breath.

"Oh I'm not done with you yet little girl." Jenna warned her.

"You'd better not be but now is my turn to make you scream." Crystal told her.

"Promises, promises... that's all I hear from you." Jenna teased her.

"Oh is that a challenge?" Crystal asked her.

"Only if you're up to it..." Jenna told her.

"Oh I'm up to it girlie." Crystal said and before Jenna could respond, she found that her lips were covered by Crystal's lips and she was being kissed passionately. Jenna wrapped her arms around Crystal as she returned the kisses that Crystal was giving to her.

Crystal didn't kiss her for long as she quickly left Jenna's lips going down to her hard nipples that were dying to be kissed and suck upon. Crystal did just that as she kissed and sucked first on the left nipple then the right one. And whichever breast that Crystal's mouth wasn't on; her fingers were twisting and pulling on. Jenna moaned and groaned her pleasure and her pussy was becoming so fucking wet. It needed attention so she was pushing her hips up trying to rub her pussy against Crystal's body through her sweatpants. Crystal was quick to note this as she soon left Jenna's breasts kissing her way down Jenna's body. When she got to the top of her sweat pants, Crystal got up on her knees and quickly pulled then down and off of Jenna's legs.

Crystal pushed her legs out wide as she lowered them back down. Crystal didn't bother with teasing her not that Jenna could stand for that right then. Crystal instead just dived right in licking Jenna's pussy. She licked the outer lips before pushing her tongue between her inner lips. She shoved her thin long tongue in deep and Jenna could feel it working inside of her pussy. Jenna had her fingers at her own breasts pinching and pulling on her hand nipples. She was so worked up that it wouldn't take much to get her off. Crystal worked her tongue in and out of her pussy before going to her clit to lick and suck on it. Just as Jenna was about to cum, Crystal went back to her pussy licking and sucking on her lips. She worked around her lips for a few minutes as Jenna pinched her nipples hard. Soon Crystal was back at her clit sucking it deep into her mouth. She bit down on it and that made Jenna cry out as she finally got the release of her orgasm which was a very intense one that left her panting and barely conscious.

When Jenna came around she expected Crystal to be there kissing her but she wasn't and that surprised her. Jenna slowly opened her eyes and she saw that Crystal was up on her knees between her legs. As Crystal came into better view, Jenna saw that she had her hands at her waist and when Jenna looked down there, she saw that Crystal had put her strap-on on and was coating the fake cock that was attached with some lube.

"What do you plan on doing with that?" Jenna asked her in a lusty voice.

"I'm going to fuck you until you pass out." Crystal said with a devious smile.

"Go for it girl, fuck me good." Jenna said as she opened her legs out wide.

Crystal grinned but then she put a serious expression on her face as she began to move forward. Jenna helped guide her by putting her knees to Crystal's hips thus giving her something to go by. Crystal had one hand to the floor beside of Jenna's side and the other was holding the fake cock. Crystal was concentrating hard on trying to place the end of the fake cock to Jenna's small hole when she couldn't see what she was doing. Jenna reached down taking the end of the cock in her hand. She hoped that Crystal wouldn't mind but she wasn't sure as independent minded that Crystal was. Crystal gave her a little smile once she realized that Jenna was helping her. She let go of the cock letting Jenna guide it in. She slowly lowered her hips as Jenna lined up the head of the cock to her entrance then she felt the cock slowly enter her pussy.

"Oh that feels good baby." Jenna said softly as Crystal lay down on top of her.

"Just wait," Crystal said as she gave her a kiss.

Crystal got up on her elbows then she raised her hips up a couple of inches. Jenna adjusted her ass over a fraction of an inch before Crystal's hips came back down. Crystal kissed her face as she slowly started to fuck her. Jenna wrapped her arms around Crystal's body and her legs around her waist. She began to push back in each in stroke of Crystal's cock. They soon got into a nice rhythm and Jenna loved the feeling of the cock going in and out of her pussy. It filled her so nicely and she loved feeling Crystal's body on top of her. She could feel Crystal's hard nipples pressing into her breasts. Jenna slid her hands down to Crystal's ass gripping a cheek in each hand. She pulled down on the cheeks making Crystal go in and out harder and faster. They both began to pant as the sweat soaked their bodies. Jenna moaned as the cock filled her pussy and she felt it rubbing against her clit. Jenna urged Crystal to go faster and harder with her moans and groans. Crystal lengthened her strokes using most of the cock and it felt so fucking good. They were both panting and Jenna felt the orgasm rising in her body. She gripped Crystal's ass cheeks hard urging her to go as hard as she could and she did. This was what she needed to send her over the edge and she cried out feeling her pussy gripping the cock as her girlcum flowed.

Oh that was wonderful," Jenna said after her had recovered and she gave Crystal a kiss.

"Thank you, I was hoping that you were in the mood to be fucked." Crystal said biting her lower lip.

"I always in the mood to be fucked by you sweetie." Jenna said giving her another kiss. "But the question is, are you in the mood to be fucked?"

"Definitely," Crystal said blushing just a little.

"Good as I was going to fuck you anyway." Jenna said giving her a last kiss before turning them over so that she was now on top. She sat up letting the cock fill her pussy completely and she had to sit there for a moment just enjoying the feeling before lifting her hips up and the cock slowly left her pussy. She moved down and began to take the strap-on off of Crystal's body.

"Let me go get the smaller dildo to put on this, you got my large one honey." Jenna said as she started to get up.

"No use that one," Crystal told her as she grabbed at her arm.

"Honey it may be uncomfortable at first." Jenna told her.

"That's okay; I still want you to use it." Crystal told her.

Jenna thought for a moment about this then got an idea that might make it better for Crystal and it would be something different to introduce her to. "You want to play cowgirl?" Jenna asked.

"What's that?" Crystal asked her.

"That's where you get on top and ride me. I think you'll like it." Jenna told her.

"But I want to feel your body against mine." Crystal told her.

"You will, when you're ready all you got to do is to lay down and I can still fuck you just fine but I got a feeling that you'll decide to ride me for a while." Jenna told her but she saw the doubt in her eyes.

"Come on and get up and let me lay down." Jenna told her before reaching out to help Crystal get up on her knees. Jenna finished putting the strap-on onto her body then she lay down on the pallet of quilts.

"Get up over me and I'll hold the cock up, that way you can lower yourself onto it." Jenna told her.

"Okay," Crystal said as she swung her left leg across Jenna's body.

"Now find the cock and line it up to your pussy." Jenna told her and Crystal reached down between her legs finding the cock. Jenna held onto the base as Crystal slowly lowered her body. She got it lined up then she pushed her hips on down. Jenna watched as the cock parted Crystal's pussy lips and the head popped inside of her.

Jenna looked up and saw the concentration on Crystal's face however she saw no sign of discomfort. Crystal slowly lowered herself down until she was sitting on top of Jenna and the fake cock was buried within her.

"See I told you this cock would feel just fine." Crystal said proudly.

"Yes you did and so how does it feel?" Jenna asked her hoping to get an honest answer.

"It is tight but it actually does feel good. It fills me so tightly." Crystal told her. "So what do I do now?"

"Well you can rise up a bit and then back down, try that first." Jenna suggested.

"Okay," Crystal said as she rose up a couple of inches and lowered herself back down smiling as she did so.

Jenna let her do that on her own for a minute or so then she began to flex her hips upwards as Crystal came down making Crystal moan. She watched as Crystal bounced on the fake cock that she was wearing then her eyes went up to those lovely breasts. She reached up cupping them in her hands and giving them a squeeze.

"Ohhh... that feels good." Crystal cooed.

"Yes your tits do feel good." Jenna told her and Crystal giggled but then her face went back to concentrating on riding the cock that Jenna had on. Jenna moved her fingers to Crystal's nipples teasing them before she began to pinch and pull on them causing Crystal to let out a moan. Crystal rode the cock sitting more or less straight up for a couple of minutes then she put her hands down on the pallet to each side of Jenna. She began to lay down when she stopped suddenly as a smile came over her face. She sat back up and then she bent forward again letting out a moan this time. She then began to move her hips forwards and backwards on the cock.

"Ohhh fuck..." Crystal cried out.

"I was wondering when you would discover that." Jenna told her then she gave Crystal's nipples another pinch.

Crystal didn't reply as she was busy moaning and moving her hips around on the cock. Jenna knew that Crystal was getting lots of pressure on her clit while having her pussy filled and the cock moving around inside of her. She herself liked fucking this way but Marissa didn't. Now she had a partner who enjoyed this way of fucking. Jenna kept playing with Crystal's nipples and caressing her breasts as Crystal moved her hips around. Jenna knew that Crystal forgot all about laying on top of her, she was enjoying this much too much. Crystal rode the cock for all she was worth and Jenna could feel her juices leaking down and soaking her crotch. Crystal's face was flushing and she had begun to pant as she got close to her orgasm. Jenna began to move her hips around as Crystal moved and it wasn't long before Crystal was gasping for breath and then she went stiff as her orgasm overwhelm her. Jenna caught Crystal as she fell forward pulling her in close and kissing her as Crystal enjoyed the glow of her orgasm.

"So we going to be playing cowgirl again?" Jenna asked Crystal as she gave her a kiss.

"Oh fuck yes," Crystal panted out as she got her breathing under control.

"I thought that you would like that. I always do so I figured that you would too." Jenna told her.

"Well I'm glad that you showed me." Crystal said as she moved up just a hair to kiss her and that raised her hips up off of her so that some of the cock slipped out of her pussy.

Jenna put her hands on Crystal's hips holding her in place as they kissed. She brought her knees up a little so that she could get her feet flat on the bed. She then brought her ass up driving the cock back into Crystal's pussy.

"Mmmm..." Crystal moaned into the kiss.

Jenna gripped Crystal's hips as she moved her hips up and down fucking Crystal's pussy with her fake cock. Soon Crystal was back to panting and she put her face into Jenna's shoulder as she let Jenna fuck her harder and deeper. Crystal began to move her hips back against Jenna as she went forward. Crystal started to bite Jenna's shoulder as she enjoyed the fucking that Jenna was giving her. They were both soaked in sweat as Jenna pushed her fake cock in deep and hard. Crystal was crying and moaning as she got fucked. Crystal didn't last as long this time as soon she let out a long moan and Jenna felt her girlcum leaking down onto her belly and then under the strap-on to her own pussy. This time Crystal collapsed down on top of her completely exhausted from the orgasms that she had just had.

After a few minutes Crystal was able to moan out, "Give me a few minutes then you can play cowgirl."

"Take your time sweetie, enjoy your orgasms." Jenna said as she eased Crystal over onto her side so that she could remove the cock from her pussy. She quickly removed the strap-on from her body and she lay beside a sleeping now sleeping Crystal. She pulled a quilt over them and she fell asleep herself as it had been a strenuous morning for them both.

An hour or so later, she felt Crystal moving beside of her and she opened her eyes to see that Crystal was just waking up. "Well I see that my cowgirl is back in the land of the living." Jenna told her.

"Yep and now it is your turn to play cowgirl." Crystal said feeling around for the strap-on.

Jenna found it first and handed it to her before saying, "How about a bathroom break and get something to drink first. I'm dying of thirst."

"Not a bad idea." Crystal said jumping up and reaching down for Jenna who took her hand letting her haul her up on her feet.

"Didn't you miss making love to me? I know I missed making love to you and just being with you. It was hard always having to fight my way to your heart." Crystal said as she suddenly turned serious.

Jenna pulled Crystal to her and she told her softly, "Yes baby, I started to miss you as soon as I dropped you off at the airport for winter break. I just kept telling myself that you needed to enjoy your college life as it only comes once. Spending time with me would take away from that." Jenna was saying when Crystal interrupted her.

"But I..." Crystal was saying when Jenna put her finger to her lips.

"I know, this is what you want and I now accept that. I stopped fighting you and myself last night." Jenna told her.

"That wasn't what I was going to say but that works as long as we are together." Crystal told her.

"Well what were you going to say?" Jenna asked her.

"It doesn't matter, what you said was just fine." Crystal said as she broke away grabbing Jenna's hand pulling her toward the bathroom.

"I take that this is the end of this conversation." Jenna stated.

"Yep, I got to pee now." Crystal told her.

"I said it first so I get to go first." Jenna said.

"Not if I get there first." Crystal said letting go of Jenna's hand and running down the hall with her hand on the wall to guide her. She was giggling all the way and went past the bathroom by a step before she could stop and head into it. Jenna didn't try to catch her though she really did need to go. She stopped just outside of the open door as she heard Crystal already peeing.

"You can come on it, it won't bother me. I don't have a shy bladder." Crystal called out to her.

"Well maybe I do." Jenna said as she entered the bathroom.

"It's not like I am going to see you peeing." Crystal told her as she finished and she got some toilet paper to wide herself clean.

"True but you'll hear me." Jenna told her as she sat down on the toilet seat when Crystal had gotten up and was standing by the toilet.

"Then I'll put my fingers in my ears." Crystal said as she did just that.

"Oh quit being silly." Jenna said trying not to laugh at her.

"Stop doing what, I can't hear you. I got my fingers in my ears." Crystal said smiling broadly.

"Oh you silly fool." Jenna said as she reached grabbing Crystal by the hips and pulling her down on her lap.

Crystal laughed as she sat down then she said, "See I knew you didn't have a shy bladder if you can pee while I am sitting on your lap."

"That's only because I had to pee so badly." Jenna told her as she finished peeing but was now stuck on the toilet with Crystal sitting on her lap.

"Oh being shy about anything is the last thing you are." Crystal said as she hugged Jenna and giving her a kiss.

"I wouldn't say that but I would say that it is time for you to get off my lap." Jenna told her.

"Why?" Crystal asked.

"Because I am done peeing and also my ass and legs are going to sleep." Jenna told her then she gave her a light spank to her bottom.

"Ouch," Crystal said getting up and rubbing her ass.

"Does that count as my spanking?" She asked smiling.

"Not by a long shot." Jenna told her as she wiped herself clean and she got up.

"Figures," Crystal said laughing. "Come on and let's get something to drink so we can play some more."

"You're horny this morning aren't you?" Jenna commented following Crystal out of the bathroom.

"Is that bad?" Crystal asked stopping and turning around so that Jenna almost ran over her.

"Only when you stop being horny all the time, you know I love to make love too. I was just messing with you." Jenna told her giving her a hug then wrapping her right arm around Crystal's waist and taking her into the kitchen.

Crystal got some bottle water and Jenna got her a cup of coffee. Crystal then led her back to the wood stove where they sat on the pallet of quilts that smelled of sex making Jenna a bit horny but first she wanted to get a cup of coffee down.

Once they settled down, Jenna just had to ask Crystal one question, "So you going to keep your pussy shaved or let your hair grow back?"

"Which way do you like it?" Crystal asked.

"You already asked that question and I answered it. I like it both ways. So now answer mine, are you going to let it grow back now that shaving it off has served its purpose that being shocking me long enough for you to slip into my bed naked." Jenna told her.

Crystal sipped her bottle of water as she thought for a minute and Jenna was patient as she could see that Crystal was trying to decide what she wanted to say. "I hate to say this but I really don't know. I liked it when I had all my hair there. It felt natural and comfortable to me. But having it shaved off makes me feel kind of..." Crystal was saying and she paused as she tried to find the right word.

"Naughty?" Jenna said and Crystal blushed and she knew that she had nailed her.

"Yea, it does. It is also a little more sensitive when we make love so I might keep it this way for a while but I may also let it grow back one day." Crystal told her.

"That's fine. I mean I like burying my face in your full bush but I also lick licking you with no hair to get in my mouth. So either way is fine with me, just as long as you keep presenting it to me." Jenna told her giving her a kiss as Crystal blushed a little.

"Oh I plan on doing that lots and lots. But right now it is your turn to present your pussy to me." Crystal told her as she reached out to her.

"How about a little TLC first?" Jenna suggested as she put her almost empty cup onto the bricks that the stove sat upon.

Crystal stopped and had this questioning look on her face, "TLC?"

"Tender Loving Care," Crystal explained.

"I knew what it meant but not what you want?" Crystal said with a confused look on her face.

"What I want is for you to slide up on my lap and give me lots of hugs and kisses." Jenna said as she put her hands on Crystal's hips pulling her forward.

"Oh that I can do, I'll give you all the TLC that you need." She replied as she scooted her ass forward with her arms open.

She slid up on Jenna's lap wrapping her arms around her. "I think you have been without real affection for much too long, but that is over now." Crystal said giving Jenna a soft kiss to her cheek.

Jenna laid her head on Crystal's shoulder holding her tight and being held tightly by Crystal. She felt the soft kisses that Crystal was giving to her neck and cheek. Jenna had her hands on Crystal's soft smooth back and she felt Crystal hands tenderly caressing her back. Jenna felt her soul melting and she felt the tears coming to her eyes and going down her cheek. She wasn't sure why she was crying but she was.

"I'm sorry..." Jenna said as she started to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"Shhh..." Crystal said as she pulled back and she kissed the tears as they fell. "You act all tough but you're just like the rest of us, you need affection and I'm going to give you lots of affection, even after you get through busting my ass."

Jenna laughed at that comment but she knew that Crystal was right; she had been starved for real affection, something that Marissa was incapable of giving. However Crystal was more than capable and was more than willing to give it. "Oh I'm going to bust your butt all right." Jenna said all tough like then she pulled Crystal in close kissing her.

"Just to let you in on a little secret, I kind of like you busting my ass." Crystal whispered into her ear.

"I know, otherwise I wouldn't do it to you." Jenna told her then she pulled her in close again.

They sat there for a while, just holding each other taking time out to kiss for a few minutes before going back to hugging and caressing. Jenna felt like she had finally made it home and everything was going to be alright. Their fingers went up and down their backs feeling and caressing. Then when Crystal began to kiss her again, Jenna opened her lips letting Crystal's tongue enter her mouth. She sucked on it and she felt Crystal's tongue caressing her own tongue. Jenna felt her body heating up and she felt the need arising within her body. She gently pushed Crystal back going down with her as they kissing became more urgent and passionate. Jenna started to move down Crystal's body when she felt Crystal's hands on her shoulders stopping her.

"Turn around..." Crystal whispered and Jenna knew what Crystal wanted.

Jenna gave Crystal a kiss then she got up on her hands and knees. Crystal was already widening her legs opening her pussy to Jenna's eyes. It looked so pretty, shaved bare with her aroused lips swollen and she could see the moisture on them. Jenna placed her knees on each side of Crystal and she felt Crystal's hands touch her ass. She let Crystal pull her ass down and soon she felt Crystal's tongue on her pussy.

"Oh fuck that feels good baby..." Jenna moaned as she stayed there for a moment feeling Crystal's tongue licking at her pussy. Crystal first used the flat of her tongue to lick her outer lips before using the tip to go between them. Jenna let out another moan then she went on down to that pussy that was waiting patiently for her mouth. Jenna pushed Crystal's legs up and out as she lowered her mouth to that pretty pussy. There was lots of juices to lick up as she went from Crystal's sensitive clit down to the bottom of Crystal's pussy and then going further to lick the juices that had run down to Crystal's ass.

She ran her tongue across Crystal's asshole making her groan. Crystal raised her legs up even higher exposing her asshole even better to her mouth. Jenna smiled as she licked harder against that cute tiny hole running the tip of her tongue across it and then she pressed the tip of her tongue against it. Crystal moaned as she licked harder against Jenna's pussy making Jenna moan. Soon Jenna felt Crystal's tongue move up to her asshole and they both pleasured each other there for a while before returning to their pussies to lick up the juices that they had caused to flow. They both licked deeper and harder as they moved to each other's clits sucking and nibbling until they were both cumming hard. Jenna tried to continue licking up Crystal's girlcum as she experienced her own orgasm though she knew she wasn't doing a very good job of it.

They rested for a few moments until Jenna felt Crystal moving around a bit then she felt the strap-on run across her leg. "It's your turn to play cowgirl." Crystal told her.

"My pleasure," Jenna replied as she got up and moved back around.

She helped Crystal put the strap-on onto her body getting it on tight. Then she got up over Crystal's body. Crystal was holding onto the base holding it upright and she placed her other hand on Jenna's hip. Jenna lowered herself down feeling the head rub against her pussy. She got the head wet with her juices then she lowered herself on down. She felt the head pop into her pussy and she moaned. She slowly lowered herself on down until her pussy touched Crystal's hand.

Crystal started to take her hand away but Jenna stopped her by saying, "Feel your cock going in me babe."

Crystal blushed a little but she did as she was told moving her fingers up against Jenna's pussy. This made it that much more exciting as she could feel Crystal's fingers rubbing her pussy lips as she went on down until she trapped Crystal's fingers between their bodies.

"Oh you're filling me so good baby." Jenna moaned as she leaned down giving Crystal a kiss.

Jenna straightened back up sitting there pausing for a second then she moved her hips forward then back. She started slowly then picked up speed going forward and then backwards letting the back of Crystal's fake cock rub against her clit and the cock moving within her pussy. "Ohhhh..." She moaned as she felt herself getting so aroused and she juices leaking around the fake cock. Crystal's hand that was on her hip went up to Jenna's right breast giving it a squeeze then going to her nipple to pinch and pull on it. Jenna groaned as she raised herself up and she started to fuck that cock of Crystal's. She needed to cum and was ready to cum. Crystal put her hand that had been on Jenna's pussy up to Jenna's left breast. Jenna felt those wet fingers coated with her juices pinching and pulling on her nipples.

"Pinch and pull them hard, I'm about to cum." Jenna ordered her and she did. Crystal was squeezing down on her nipples causing her a little pain and she was stretching it out.

"Fuck yes!" Jenna cried out as she felt her pussy spasm and she came hard. She fell down on Crystal and she felt Crystal pushing her hips up forcing the cock in and out of her as she came hard.

Crystal hugged and kissed her as she rode out her orgasm. It felt so nice that she just lay there enjoying the attention for a few minutes. Then Jenna kissed Crystal and said, "How would you like to fuck my ass now?"

"Your ass, won't that hurt?" Crystal asked a bit shocked.

"No, it feels good sometimes." Jenna told her giving her another kiss.

"Okay if you want but how?" Crystal asked still not sure about this.

"I'll ride you this time but next time you can do me doggie style." Jenna said as she sat back up and then rose up off of Crystal's wet cock.

"Your cock is wet enough but my ass needs a little lube to help ease it in." Jenna said as she reached and got the bottle of lube that was by the pallet of quilts. She handed the bottle of lube to Crystal.

"Put a little on your fingers and rub it on and in my ass." Jenna told her as she reached to her ass parting her cheeks for Crystal who put some lube on her fingers. She reached down to Jenna's legs finding her place. She brought her fingers up to Jenna's ass and Jenna felt the cool liquid against her asshole. She rubbed her fingers against Jenna's asshole before getting some more lube and this time she pressed her middle finger inside of Jenna's ass.

"Mmmm... that feels good. I like that." Jenna told her and this seemed to encourage Crystal who pushed more of her finger inside of her. Crystal finger fucked her ass for a moment until Jenna said. "Okay, I'm ready now. Take the cock and put the head against my ass."

Crystal put her hand to the head of the cock and using both hands she found Jenna's asshole and placed the head against it. "Now bring your hips up and push it inside of me."

"Okay," Crystal said with still a little uncertainty in her voice.

Jenna relaxed her asshole when she felt the cock head press against it. Slowly her ass opened around the head of the cock as it entered her.

"Oh yes baby, push it deep in my ass." Jenna urged her on.

Crystal pushed her hips on up and the cock went deeper into Jenna's ass. Crystal kept going until she got it all inside of her. Jenna groaned as she pushed downward forcing Crystal's hips back to the pallet of quilts.

Jenna lay down on Crystal giving her a kiss. "See I like it. Reach around and feel your cock deep in my ass." Jenna told her.

Jenna felt Crystal's hands go to her ass cheeks and then to her asshole now filled with the fake cock. "Cool," Crystal said as she finally smiled.

"Now fuck my ass girl." Jenna told her as she rose up a bit and moved forward so that Crystal would move her hips.

"Gladly," Crystal said as she began to move her hips and the fake cock that she was wearing began to move in and out of Jenna's ass. Jenna moaned as she felt her ass filled and she was rubbing her clit against Crystal's body. She loved how Crystal was fucking her slowly making her feel the cock move in and out of her asshole. Jenna just lay there enjoying the feel of the cock in her ass however soon she needed and wanted more. So she sat back up on Crystal so that as Crystal came up with her hips she would move down. The cock moved faster and harder into her ass and it felt good.

"Rub my clit honey," Jenna told Crystal and she immediately felt Crystal's fingers caressing her clit and then pulling on it as she pinched the sensitive nub.

"Oh fuck yes!" Jenna cried out feeling the nearing of her orgasm. Her ass was clinching down on the fake cock and her pussy was leaking juices all over Crystal's fingers. Soon she cried out and she flooded Crystal's fingers with her juices. She fell forward into Crystal's arms feeling the love and kisses that she was giving to her. She lay there contently resting from the massive orgasm that Crystal had given to her.

"You really enjoyed that didn't you?" Crystal said as she wiped the sweat from Jenna's brow.

"I wouldn't have had you do it to me if I didn't like it but like I said before it isn't something that I want to do every day, just when I'm feeling really good. And you have made me feel really good today sweetie." Jenna told her giving Crystal a brief kiss to the lips.

"I am glad that I did; you made me very happy this weekend too. You make me happy every time I'm with you." Crystal replied then she hugged Jenna tightly against her body.

Jenna held her tightly giving Crystal little kisses all over her face. She could see that Crystal was so happy and contented to be there with her. However Jenna had one problem that needed to be taken care of.

"Honey, I hate to break this up but that big cock you got up my ass is beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. How about us cleaning up and enjoy a couple of cups of coffee." She suggested and the cock up her ass comment made Crystal giggle.

"Okay, I might even join you in that cup of coffee." Crystal said giving Jenna a last kiss before releasing her so that Jenna could ease herself off the cock that was implanted in her ass.

Jenna helped Crystal take off the harness holding the cock and they went to the bathroom. Jenna washed the cock off real good with soap and water then let it soak in some toy cleaner to get it clean and ready to be used again. Crystal took the time to pee and then she washed off her pussy as Jenna cleaned. Once she was done, she went on into the kitchen to put a fresh pot of coffee on as Jenna cleaned herself up.

When Jenna got to the kitchen, the coffee was about done so she fixed a cup for Crystal putting lots of creamer and sugar into it as she herself used very little of either. Once they had their coffee, they returned to the living room. Crystal sat down on the couch as Jenna put another log on the fire then she sat with her. They talked for a while, just relaxing as Jenna listened to all the plans that Crystal had already in mind for them. They were dreams of youth and normally Jenna would have set Crystal straight but Crystal enthusiasm began to get to her and she began to believe that Crystal was just the person to make her dreams come true. And for the first Saturday in as long as she could remember, Jenna was perfectly content to be lazy. There was no cleaning done, housework was the last thing on her mind. She and Crystal just talked or sat silently leaning against each other listening to the wood pop and crackle in the old woodstove. The power for the most part stayed on just going flickering off a couple time but always coming right back on.

That evening when they went to bed, they came together to made love slowly and softly. They used their fingers to caress each other's pussy as they kissed. They took their time to bring each other to orgasm coating their fingers with the other's juices. Then they took turns licking those juices from their fingers. Then Crystal climbed on top of Jenna, turning around in a sixty-nine position. They again licked and teased her other slowly and tenderly until the desire build up in them to the point that they had to cum. The need was too great to go slowly so they licked deeper and harder making each cum in turn. When Crystal turned around and lay beside of Jenna, they whispered sweet things to each other pillow talking until their eyelids became so heavy that they couldn't hold them open anymore and they fell asleep.

Jenna woke up the next morning freezing to death. She felt for the covers finding that there wasn't any. She opened her eyes looking over at Crystal who was snug as a bug in a rug with all the covers wrapped around her. "I see who you love." Jenna said aloud.

"What?" Crystal mumbled out in her sleep.

"Nothing dear, just go back to sleep." Jenna said smiling and she saw that Crystal did just that wrapping the covers even tighter around her body.

Jenna slid out of bed and found that the house was cold; she tried the lights on the way out the door and found that they didn't work. The first thing Jenna then thought was "Oh shit, no coffee this morning." Then she thought about heating some water on the stove and thus make her coffee that way. It might not be the best coffee in the world but it was coffee. If the people at the ranch that Crystal took her to could do it so could she. She went to the stove, putting a couple of logs on the fire, getting it back going so that some heat would return to the house. Once that was done, she got a pot of water bringing it over to the stove. She put the pot on top of the stove to get the heat from the stove to warm her coffee water. Only then did she go into the bedroom being as quiet as she could, getting some warm socks, and a nightshirt to put on. She also got her jeans as she needed to get more firewood for the stove. Her boots were by the back door so she put her jeans and heavy jacket on, and then went out into the frigid cold to get some wood. She did like she and Crystal had done the previous day, putting the wood on the porch first before transferring it inside.

She put another log on the fire getting it going hot as the house was cold. The water had heated up enough by this time for Jenna to make herself a cup of coffee. She had to jury rig a way to make her coffee. She got a filter putting a little coffee into it and the poured the hot water over the filter making a cup of coffee. The first cup was much too weak but was drinkable and that was all that mattered to her. She returned to the living room sitting on the couch relaxing and drinking her cup of weak coffee. She thought about Crystal sleeping in her bedroom and the thought made her smile. She knew that she had wasted ten years of her life with Marissa but it did teach her something about herself. She was just giving, never demanding of Marissa what she needed but always giving in to Marissa's needs.

With Crystal, that wasn't the case. Crystal took from her but she gave back much more. She wanted and needed to give her love and affection and that was what Jenna needed the most. She had been starved for attention but never allowing herself to acknowledge that fact. She wasn't ever going to let that happen to herself again. Her lovers were going to have to be able to give as well as receive. As she thought this, she corrected herself. She knew there wasn't going to be any more lovers for her now. She had Crystal and Crystal wasn't going to let go of her, no way no how.

Jenna was on the second and much stronger cup of coffee when she heard the shuffling of feet and a few minutes later the toilet flushing. A couple of minutes later; Crystal came into the living room wrapped in a quilt from the bed. There was still sleep in her eyes and her hair was a mess but she looked beautiful all the same. "Well I be, there is my quilt, I woke up this morning looking for it. I thought that a quilt thief had come into the house last night and stole it." Jenna said kidding Crystal but also letting her know where she was.

"Did I steal the covers again?" Crystal asked grinning as she came over to the couch.

"Yes my little quilt stealer, you did but I forgive you since you were kind enough to bring it back to me." Jenna said as she wrapped her arm around Crystal who had snuggled up against her on the couch with the quilt still covering her body.

"Is that coffee I smell?" Crystal asked.

"Of course, don't I always have a cup of coffee in my hand?" Jenna told her.

"Let me have a sip, I'm still cold." Crystal said pulling her hands from within the covers reaching out for the coffee.

"Steal my quilts and now my coffee, is there nothing of mine anymore?" Jenna asked as she handed her cup to Crystal. "Be careful it's hot." Jenna warned her.

"Not anymore, I've claimed half ownership of everything you own including you." Crystal said grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh you did, did you? When was this exchange of ownership contract signed?" Jenna asked her.

"When you let me into your car Friday night," Crystal stated then she leaned up and gave Jenna a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh I see, you don't happen to have a copy of the contract that I might see do you." Jenna asked her.

"It's right here, you can see it anytime you want." Crystal said opening the quilt enough to point at her heart and Jenna also saw that Crystal was naked underneath the quilt.

"And you're out of coffee, make us another cup." Crystal told her.

"You giving me orders now too?" Jenna asked smiling at her and taking the now empty cup.

"Yep," Crystal said then she added, "Please..."

"Well since you added please, I guess I can get us a cup." Jenna said as she got up.

"Why is it so cold in the house is the power out?" Crystal asked.

"Afraid so, by the clocks it has been out a couple of hours. Hopefully they'll get it up and going soon. But at least we got wood stove to keep us warm." Jenna said going to the stove and putting on an oven mitt to get the pot of hot water to make them both a cup of coffee.

"How you making the coffee if the powers off?" she asked.

"I'm heating the water on the wood stove and then pouring the water over a filter filled with coffee grounds. It's not the best coffee I have ever made but it is coffee and it's hot." Jenna told her as she took the water into the kitchen and doing just that to make them each a cup of coffee.

When she brought the coffee back, she held onto Crystal's coffee cup until she could snuggle back up against her then they sat and talked as they sipped their coffee for a while. Jenna was wondering what she could fix for breakfast as she was getting hungry when the power came back on. She immediately got up going into the kitchen to heat up the leftover breakfast casserole so that they would have something warm to eat while they could. Crystal came with her with the quilt around her body but Jenna did see that she had at least put on a warm pair of socks. Once the casserole was warm, they took their plates back into the living room sitting by the stove where it was nice and warm.

After breakfast and while the power was still on, Jenna with Crystal's help gathered up their dirty clothes and put them onto wash. Jenna thought about washing the pallet of quilts that they had made love on the previous day but then she knew that they would be using that pallet that day and that brought a smile to her face. So she left them in place ready to be used again. Crystal went to the kitchen to do a little studying as Jenna began to clean some starting in the living room getting up the particles of wood that had fallen onto the floor.

Though their lives had changed vastly that weekend there was still homework for Crystal to do for her classes and Jenna had to ensure that all of the students under her care had everything that they needed. None had called her but she made a few calls to a few of them to make sure that they were doing okay. She also found out that all the classes for Monday had been canceled which made Crystal happy as that meant that she had one more day to spend there with her.

It was mid afternoon when Crystal got up from the table declaring that she was done with schoolwork or at least what she wanted to do that day. Jenna had been waiting for her to quit her school work and was ready for her when she entered the living room.

"I do believe that the hour of reckoning has come for my Know it all Brat." Jenna said calmly from where she was sitting naked on the pallet of quilts. She had her legs stretched out straight in front of her ready for Crystal to lay across them.

Crystal at first grinned but then she bit her lower lip nervously as she stopped in place and stood there facing the direction that Jenna's voice had come. "Well come on over here girl, the longer you wait the harder the spanking becomes." Jenna told her sternly and that made Crystal bite her lower lip harder.

Crystal started forward letting the quilt that had been wrapped around her all day fall to the floor leaving her naked. Jenna knew that Crystal wanted her to see her body and was hoping that it would have an effect on her which of course it did. She got to the edge of the pallet of quilts stopping and stepping up on it. She had her left hand out reaching for Jenna who moved forward letting Crystal's left hand touch her shoulder. Jenna then moved her shoulder back slowly until she had it straight again and Crystal knew where she was sitting.

"Now lay across my legs so I can try cure you of thinking that you know what everyone else wants or needs." Jenna told her.

"I was right wasn't I?" Crystal said proudly as she stood there right beside of her.

"Oh you got a little attitude don't you; well I think I can adjust that attitude while I'm at it." Jenna told her having to smile at Crystal.

"Go for it if you think you can." Crystal dared her.

"I think you had better get over my lap before I make you go get my hairbrush." Jenna warned her and that took the grin off Crystal's face and made her start to bite her lower lip again.

"I thought that would wipe that grin off your face." Jenna told her and she could see Crystal so wanting to spit something back at her but the threat of the hairbrush had her fooled. She wasn't sure if she was serious or not and obviously wasn't going to take a chance.

Crystal went down to her knees and she put her right hand on Jenna's right leg. She then started to take her hand off of Jenna's shoulder as she brought it down, she stopped. Jenna knew what Crystal had just realized that she was naked too. Crystal slowly let her left hand go downward. She went down to Jenna's right breast stopping there for a second. Jenna could see that Crystal relaxed the bite on her lower lip and was trying not to smile. Jenna let her go slowly as she couldn't see so she had to use her own way to see. Besides feeling Crystal's hand on her body was arousing her even more than she already was. The hand went on downward but it paused just above her pussy. Jenna was just grinning as Crystal let her fingers moved around against her now smooth skin where before she had always just trimmed her pubic hair short. Crystal let a smile come to her face as her fingers went on down to find that Jenna had shaved her pussy completely clean while she was studying.

"You... you shaved?" Crystal said caught a bit off guard.

"You're not the only one who knows how to use a razor. Now get down on my lap before I make you go get that hairbrush for real and I will you know." Jenna told her as she placed her hand on the small of Crystal's back and pushing down.

"I can see that." Crystal said as she fell upon Jenna's lap.

Jenna moved her left hand to Crystal's lower back, placing her right one on Crystal's ass with those firm rounded cheeks that had gotten them to this point now with Crystal now firmly established in her life. "Now let's see if I can get some of that know it all attitude out of you."

Crystal tensed up a little on her so she just let her hand caress those ass cheeks getting her to relax a little. Once those cheeks did relax, Jenna left her hand there for a moment more just caressing those cute cheeks and feeling her own pussy get wet. Jenna finally raised her hand up quickly and brought it down just as quickly. Crystal let out a grunt and Jenna watched the cheek bounce from the spank that wasn't all that hard and barely colored Crystal's skin. Jenna then began to give her light to medium spanks. The feel of Crystal's ass cheeks upon her hand did excite her. After a few spanks, Crystal's body started to relax as she realized that Jenna had no intention of really spanking her hard like she had the first time. Jenna knew the spanks stung Crystal's ass as her hand could feel the sting too but weren't coming close to really hurting her.

After a couple of minutes, Crystal's ass was starting to turn a deep pink so Jenna stopped. She placed her hand back on Crystal's ass caressing the cheeks that she had just spanked. She caressed them lightly for a few moments before letting her hand go lower with her fingers dipping down between Crystal's legs, which Crystal naturally opened for her. Her fingers went across Crystal's pussy lips. She felt them beginning to get wet and she heard a low moan coming from Crystal's mouth. She just left her fingers tease Crystal's pussy lips but for a moment before she withdrew them to begin spanking Crystal's ass. This time Crystal was raising her ass up to meet the spanks like she wanted them to be a little harder. Crystal breathing had quickened as she spanked her. The moans came a little more often from Crystal and her legs were opening wider. Jenna did spank her a bit harder but not as long as Crystal's ass cheeks were becoming redder. She lay her hand on Crystal's now warm ass caressing it a minute or so and when her fingers ventured down to Crystal's pussy, Jenna found it to be very wet.

"I hope that you are learning your lesson." Jenna stated as her fingers ran up and down Crystal's wet pussy lips.

Jenna smiled when the only response Crystal got out was a grunt. Crystal had her ass way off of Jenna's lap and she grunter harder as Jenna slipped two fingers into her wet pussy. She moved her fingers in and out slowly making Crystal want so much more but not giving it to her. When Crystal began to pant, Jenna withdrew her fingers and began to spank her again. Crystal let out a groan of frustration dropping back down on Jenna's lap. Jenna spanks went now from one cheek to the other giving each several spanks before moving over. Crystal started to move her ass around as the spanks began to add up. Her ass was getting redder by the moment but she was far from being in any real pain. Jenna spanked down to Crystal upper right thigh going back up to her ass then back down to her left upper thigh. Again she went for a couple of minute using fast spanks of medium strength.

This time when she stopped, Crystal immediately raised her ass up and opened her legs up more. Jenna caressed her ass cheeks longer this time making her wait before her fingers went back to her pussy which was practically dripping it's juices. Jenna caressed the lips for a moment then went to her clit rubbing on it and making Crystal cry out. Jenna got her close to an orgasm before stopping. She let her finger go back across Crystal's pussy lips caressing them. She moved her hand out a few inches bring it back down not against Crystal's ass but her pussy.

"Ohhh..." Crystal cried out not expecting Jenna to do that to her. She closed her legs to protect her pussy from another hit. Jenna waited a second and sure enough, Crystal opened her legs back up after she realized that the spank shocked her more than it actually hurt which was what Jenna was after. Jenna spanked Crystal's pussy again using just enough force to make Crystal's pussy tingle but not hurt her. She had done this to herself and she knew just how hard to do it to cause a little sting but no real lasting pain. Crystal let out a moan but she left her legs open, even opening them up a little more. Jenna gave her another then another spank to her pussy making Crystal moan before going to Crystal's ass spanking it much harder than she had her pussy. She spanked her until Crystal's ass got red and was becoming a little painful before she stopped.

She moved her fingers back to Crystal's pussy pushing two fingers in deep and hard. She began to fuck Crystal with her fingers as she reached under her with her left hand to pinch her left nipple making Crystal moan. Jenna then withdrew her fingers so that she again could spank that wet pussy splashing her juices all over both of them. She gave it ten good spanks before she cupped that pussy with her hand using her palm to rub against the lips and her fingers against her sensitive clit.

Crystal's body began to shake as she just let out squeaks and moans. After a brief moment, Crystal's body stiffened as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Her girlcum coated Jenna's fingers and she eased off of Crystal's clit as she knew that it had became too sensitive to Crystal for her to touch.

Jenna pulled her hand away licking the juices off her hand before pulling Crustal up to her. Crystal was like a wet dishrag as she had no control over her body. Jenna got her so that she could sit into her lap that she had folded under her. Crystal head fell against her shoulder and Jenna held her tightly kissing her sweat soak head. Jenna gently rocked her until Crystal slowly became conscious again.

"Oh fuck that was intense," was the first thing that came out of Crystal's mouth.

"Well I hope that has taught you a lesson about butting in on other people's business and sticking your nose into their love life." Jenna said to her trying to be stern.

Crystal turned her face up toward Jenna and she had this mischievous grin on her face and she said, "Oh it did," then she paused before saying, "At least for a week or two."

"That figures," Jenna said laughing while she pulled Crystal in tight to her body.

"You know me, I'm a stubborn brat." She said proudly.

"That you are." Jenna replied then she gave Crystal a kiss on the nose.

"You surprised me when you spanked my pussy." Crystal said as she lay against her and her left hand went up and began to play with Jenna's right nipple.

"I know but you liked it didn't you?" Jenna asked thought she knew the answer.

"Yea, once I realized that it didn't hurt that much, but I should have known that you would never do anything to really hurt me. That's when I opened my legs back up to let you do it again if you wanted and you did." Crystal told her.

"Haven't you even done that to yourself?" Jenna asked.

"No, it never occurred to me to do that and I don't plan on doing it to myself either." Crystal said.

Jenna pushed Crystal back to see her face and she said "I thought you liked it. I would never have continued if I thought you didn't..." Crystal stopped her there by giving her a kiss.

"I'm not ever going to do it but you CAN spank my pussy any time you want." Crystal said grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh you..." Jenna said pulling Crystal back into her body.

Crystal giggled and said, "I got you."

"Yes you did and you'll pay for it too." Jenna told her kissing her forehead as she reached down and patted Crystal's pussy a few times making her giggle.

Crystal moved her head up giving Jenna a soft kiss to her lips then she snuggled down in Jenna's lap so that her mouth was at her left breast. She kissed the nipple making Jenna moan and her right left hand went to Jenna's left breast cupping it in her hand. Jenna closed her eyes as she felt Crystal's mouth sucking and teasing her nipple with her tongue and the other breast was being squeezed and the nipple teased and pinched. Jenna was already very aroused and she needed to cum. All that spanking and teasing had almost the same effect on her as it did on Crystal. She let Crystal play with her breasts for as long as she could but she reached a point that she needed Crystal's mouth at a different place.

"I'm sorry baby but..." Jenna moaned out as she pulled Crystal from her breast.

Crystal gave her a worried look until Jenna lay back as she took hold of Crystal's right hand placing it on her wet pussy. Crystal smiled up at Jenna as she lay down between her legs. Jenna closed her eyes as she felt Crystal's fingers pulling her pussy lips open and then it was pure bliss as Crystal's long slim tongue moved up and down her wet slit. Crystal was still teasing her a little but in the place her wanted and needed to be teased. Jenna moaned as she placed her hands on top of Crystal's head running her fingers through Crystal's fine hair as Crystal's tongue moved in and around her pussy. Jenna opened her legs wide giving Crystal's mouth plenty of room Crystal's hair fell around her smooth pussy tickling it and her thighs. Crystal would only let her tongue tease her clit but for a brief moment before going back to her pussy. This made Jenna moan and want to pull Crystal's mouth to her clit and force her to stay there until she came but she didn't do that. Crystal's tongue and mouth was feeling too good and it was taking her up higher and higher. And she kept climbing that ladder until there were no steps left to climb. Crystal picked that moment to shove three fingers into her pussy and her mouth latched onto her clit sucking hard. Jenna felt her pussy explode and she cried out in passion as she fell off the ladder and soar upward toward that white light that was calling her.

When she came back down to earth, she felt her pussy was even fuller as Crystal had four fingers in her pussy and was sucking tenderly on her sensitive clit. Jenna pushed her hips back toward those fingers and she felt her pussy opening more. Crystal stopped sucking on her clit giving it a break as her fingers went in deeper and deeper. Jenna was so relaxed from her massive orgasm and she was so wet that Crystal's hand was slipping easily into her pussy. Jenna felt her pussy lips stretching more and more until it was just wanting to hurt and that was when Crystal's hand popped into her pussy.

"Fuck baby, fist my pussy!" Jenna cried out as she pushed her pussy onto Crystal's hand. She felt Crystal pulling her hand back and forth and her pussy felt so fucking full. Then she felt Crystal's tongue licking around the edge of her pussy lips where her hand was fucking her. Crystal went slowly at first but with Jenna's urging, she got going quicker and harder as her hand really began to fuck her. Jenna was still highly excited from her previous massive orgasm so when Crystal began to lick at her clit, she was soon back to climbing that ladder again only this time she went up faster and fell off soon thereafter. This orgasm wasn't as intense but just as enjoyable. When she came back around, Crystal was just pulling her fist from her pussy. Jenna reached down to help her ease it out slowly and once it was out, she brought that hand up to her mouth so that she could lick her juices from Crystal's hand. She felt Crystal move up on her and she felt Crystal's tongue touching hers as she helped her clean her hand.

Once the hand was completely clean, Jenna moved Crystal's hand out of the way allowing their tongues to kiss and then their lips kissed. Jenna rolled them onto their sides as they kissed and cuddled. They stayed on the pallet of quilts for a long while kissing and talking softly before their stomachs began to talk to them and they made themselves get up to clean up and figure out something to fill their empty bellies that were made that way by their intense lovemaking.

After eating, Crystal said that she wanted them to sleep in front of the fire that night. After two lovemaking secessions on the quilts, Jenna decided that it was time for them to be cleaned. So she gathered them up and let them wash as she put a movie on for them to watch with Crystal listening and Jenna giving her a play by play when needed. The plot was a simple one with the dialog telling the story for the most part so Jenna really only had to tell her a few things along the way. Later that night, they cuddled on the pallet of freshly washed quilts talking softly. The pallet wasn't anywhere near as comfortable as her bed, but it made Crystal happy and that was what mattered.

The next day the sun came back out so the snow and ice began to melt. Crystal was sad as that meant it was back to school the next day so while she studied, Jenna told her that she had to run by the school to pick up some things at her office which she had to do but it wasn't the only reason for going to the school. She had to tell the dean about her relationship with Crystal. Though she wasn't a professor, she was still working with Crystal and was responsible for getting her help for her classes and she felt she needed to let the dean know. So she arraigned a meeting that she hoped would go well but she could only wait and see what the dean would say.

They met in Jenna office and Jenna told the dean about what had developed between her and Crystal. The dean wasn't very happy about the situation but then she was the one who put Crystal in her lap and while she didn't know Crystal was a lesbian, she did know that Jenna was. Jenna admitted fault in letting the situation develop however she did say that Crystal was persistent and wore her down. After the dean got done chewing Jenna out, they talked about the situation and finally came to a way out without Jenna having to resign which she didn't want to do but was prepared to do so. The dean's assistant had started out on Jenna's staff and still knew her Brail so she would take over Crystal's needs from then on out. They then talked for a while before going their own way with Jenna feeling better about things but hated that she wasn't strong enough to resist Crystal's moves. But then she knew she wanted Crystal to win their battle of wills. If she had really wanted to stop things, she could have. But Crystal was everything that she wanted and needed in a partner and that she couldn't let Crystal slip through her fingers.

When she got home, she pulled Crystal from her studies taking her back to their bedroom and they made love the rest of the afternoon. It was intense and passionate at first with the strap-on coming out and they took turns fucking each other and once their lust was worked out of their system, they made love slowly showing their newfound love for each other.

When Jenna pulled into her parking place early the next morning, Crystal turned toward her and she had this look of fear and uncertainty on her face. She bit her lower lip as she seemed to want to say something but not sure what she wanted to say. Jenna sat there patiently while Crystal got her thoughts together. "Well you've made good on your other promise, you've hauled my ass back to school." Crystal finally said.

"So I have." Jenna said and she didn't say anything more and that brought a frown to Crystal's face. She knew what Crystal wanted from her but she decided to let her mean streak come out that morning and make Crystal ask her. Besides with all the trouble and worry that Crystal had caused her over the past few months, she deserved a little of her own medicine.

Crystal sat there for a couple of more minutes and she almost looked like she was going to cry before she finally asked, "And if I show up here Friday afternoon, what will you do?"

Jenna smiled as she hesitated for a moment before she said, "I'll tell you to get your fucking ass in the car before I take off without you."

Crystal let out a giggle more from relief than anything else. Then she became thoughtful again, "And if I want to come home with you one evening?"

"Give me your phone." Jenna told her and Crystal gave her a confused look and when Jenna didn't say anything more, she fished into her backpack pulling the phone out.

Jenna took the phone from her and said, "Then you get this little thing that they call a cell phone and you call me and say, "Hey bitch, I'm coming home with you tonight, you better not leave without me."

Crystal laughed then she held her arms open for Jenna who leaned over into them. Crystal hugged her tightly whispering into her, "I won't call you a bitch but I will be calling you." She then gave her a kiss before getting out of the car. She gave Jenna a quick wave before unfolding her white cane and she went on her way with the cane tapping in front of her.

Jenna sat in her car until Crystal turned the corner and was out of sight. Jenna had a big smile on her face that she couldn't stop even if she wanted to. But then her personal cell phone rang and she smiled bigger just knowing that it was Crystal calling her. She pulled out the phone looking at the number and name and it wasn't Crystal but Marissa. This did make her smile go away. She started to open the phone and tell Marissa a few things that she needed to be told but then she decided she wasn't worth it. So she opened the phone then shut it back closed thus hanging up on the woman she had wasted ten years of her life on. But then she sat back and realized that maybe Marissa did serve a good purpose. She would always appreciate Crystal more after knowing Marissa.

She then reopened her phone and dialed Crystal's number. It rang a few times before Crystal answered it by saying, "Jenna, is something wrong?"

"No I just forgot to tell you something." She told her.

"What's that?" Crystal asked with her voice sounding a little more worried.

"I forgot to tell you that I love you." Jenna told her.

"I love you too..." Crystal told her and Jenna got her smile back that lasted throughout the day and for the rest of her life with Crystal.

The end.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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