
By naughtyboy

Published on Jul 17, 2017


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I was inhaling the jock, curled up on my couch naked when I heard the sound of my email on my phone. I quickly snatched my phone off the coffee table, clutching the scented jock for dear life. It was an hour after they had left, my Master and his Alpha. My heart jumped for joy and skipped a beat in sudden fear of what it might contain. While Master may have approved of me, Alpha still held that veto power that could toss me out into the cold, all alone again.

"Alpha and I have discussed it," my pulse raised, "we would like to include you in our little family." I fist pumped the air with enthusiasm. "We require you think upon this before accepting." I had nothing to think about. "Remember that you will be both of ours, but it will be me first, then Alpha then you. We do not want you to move in, at least not right away. It will take time for all of use to get use to the new arrangement." My heart fell, but I understood the reasoning. I wasn't sure if I could handle it. "Give us your answer on Friday. Until then, please cum as much as you like."

I quickly typed a response. "I will give you my answer Friday. I will think long and hard on it. May I still have contact with you both during the week? By the way, thank you for the present, I can't get enough of the aroma."

Two minutes later the reply came. "I will be out of town working, but you may contact on this email, both Alpha and I have access to it. You are welcome for the gift. Alpha is wearing yours on his head right now, laying on his back in total bliss." I smiled at the image.

I shot back a quick thank you and went to bed, my face nuzzled in the jock. The next day, I had an extra spring in my step. I wore the jock all day. I made plans with my friend Todd to do brunch and I had no choice but to tell him everything. He listened, without judgment, and told me if it made me happy, to do it. I thought I saw a little gleam of devilishness in his eye.

I knew Todd just wanted my best interest at heart, and wanted to see me finally happy in love, however different it maybe. I went about the day, falling asleep in the present. I still had that extra spring in my step the next day. My decision was weighing heavily on my mind as I pushed the fantasy aside and the reality to the front.

"You've given me a serious decision to contemplate. I want you to know that I am not taking it lightly." I wrote during my lunch. "Even if I decide not to, I would like us to be friends. I have few close friends and I think I would value you in my life as much as I do my own best friend, Todd." I nibbled on my salad as I thought about the opportunity.

That evening I received the response. "This is Alpha. I can tell you that we would appreciate you in both our relationship and friendship. Despite your decision we would like to meet face to face and build our bond further. I would be heartbroken if you did not chose to join us, but I understand. It's not the easiest decision. That is why Master asked you take this time to think about it. Have you cum wearing my jock? I shot so many loads in yours."

My cock groaned in frustration. I knew what I wanted, what it wanted. "I'm about to." I shot back. I sat the phone down. I grabbed the jock from my room, my favorite dildo, and lube. I sat on the couch as I sinisterly lubed myself and the dildo. I masked my face it the jock so I could inhale the erotic scent with every breath.

I slowly slid the latex member to my quivering opening. I gasped as I slid my slicked up hand across my throbbing cock. Inhaled deeply as I envisioned my hole being pounded by Master and my mouth filled with Alpha's thickness. I rolled my hips as I pushed into the dick doll into me. I reached down and pulled on my tight balls as I imagined the feel of Alpha's skilled mouth on my body, and Master's mouth on mine, plundering my mouth with his expert tongue.

I gripped my cock as I slid the dildo in about, my body slithering in motion as I breathed in the mix of Alpha and mine scent. My tongue darted out to savor the taste on my tongue as the fire in me stoked. I instinctively flexed my anus as I pleasured myself. I could feel the urge building in me in cataclysmic euphoria. Up and down, I pumped, squeezed and felt the flesh of my cock.

My breath was short, in pants. My body was electrified as I imagined Master pounding me furiously while Alpha invaded my mouth. My head whipped back and forth as they used my body in my mind, taking what they wanted, what I needed them to take from me. I felt my balls tighten, and ropes of white hot pent up lust spewed forth. I shook with every last drip drop that came forth.

It took a moment before I could recover. I reached for my phone and sent back a quick note. "I prefer the jock on my face when I shoot." With a picture of me the neck down with my juices covering me.

The rest of the week was the same. My mind was consumed with the thought of what I should do, what I would do. Every night I slipped the jock over my face and blew gluttonously all over me and sent the picture off. Todd checked in on me periodically. He seemed eager. He'd been trying to marry me off since he and his boyfriend had met over a year ago.

Friday evening came and my stomach was tied in knots. I kept looking at the jock and wondering what I would type in the message. I took a deep solemn breath and said fuck it. I sent the message out. "Let's do this." It was a weight lifted off my shoulders. I smiled to myself knowing that the decision I made was the best one, at least for me.

An hour later, the response came. "I'm glad you chose to pursue this. Both Alpha and I are eager to begin once the final test is done." I continued to read puzzled. "You'll be dressed in the jock and blindfolded tomorrow at seven. I will come in, dress you in an overcoat and bring you to our place. There, the final test. There is nothing you can do to prepare for this one but relax. I have seen the pictures of the jock, you may want to rinse it out."

I laughed and used it one last time to blow my load before hand washing my delicate treasure. I hung it delicately before calling Todd and letting him know what was up. Normally he and I had a standing date on Saturday nights to hit the bars but I had skipped out on him last weekend, and I was going to do it again this weekend.

Todd was understanding and I feel sleep knowing in less than twenty four hours my life would be changing. I was nervous the entire day. Todd took me out to lunch to try and take my mind off it, but I was a jittery puppy awaiting his owner to come home. I was a ball of energy that was awaiting to be released in an explosion of happiness.

I had the door unlocked and I stood in the middle of my living room fifteen minutes till in just my jock and blindfold. I heard a lite knock on the door and then heard the slide of the door open. My mouth was moist with anticipation. I felt his calloused hand against my cheek. His hand went to the pack of my head and I was pulled into a hungry kiss.

I melted into him as our tongues swirled with familiarity as he held me firm against his mighty frame. He broke the kiss leaving me longing for more. He held me firm, my legs weakened by the blind passion. "Mm." He growled softly. "I'm looking forward to enjoying this more often." He let me go, my legs regaining their strength. "Time to get going." He slipped my arms into a coat and tied them tight.

I heard him grab my keys off the table top and he guided me out the door. I forgot how it would look, me leaving with some strange man in a blindfold and coat to my neighbors, but pushed it aside. I rarely spoke to them anyways. Master's hand was on the small of my back, guiding me to his car. He helped me in and strapped me in.

We drove in silence. His hand slipped under my coat and stroked the inside of my leg. I felt unusually calm for the unusually strange situation. I could feel the cool air of the ac against my hot skin. I strained against the fabric, against the desire to tear the blindfold from my face and finally gaze upon one of the two men who would be, who have been brining me such joy. I refrained, holding my impulses at bay.

We arrived some time later, and Master quietly escorted me from the car into, what I assumed, was his home, their home. He silently removed the coat from me, the cool air surrounded me but did nothing to quiet the storm of excitement in me. I knew it was coming soon, finally seeing them. I did my best not to fidget.

Master guided me through their home. "Time to remove these for now." He slid my jock down exposing the physical manifestation of my desire. After he removed them he came behind me and pulled my hand back behind my back. "This is so you'll finish the test." He bound my hands in nylon rope. "I know it will be hard but I'm sure you'll get through it." His hot breath was hot on my neck, and sent shivers down my spine.

"This is only so we can make sure you face this with all seriousness." I felt my cock and balls being tied. Then I felt the unmistakable presence of Alpha close to me. I felt the tug of the rope and guessed that I was being tethered to Alpha. Master guided us a few steps and then we, as one laid on the bed together in one movement. Blindfold to blindfold, chest to chest, cock to cock.

"Close your eyes." Master ordered. "I will remove your blindfolds. Alpha will count to thirty and you will both open your eyes." I was a little perplexed but slightly intrigued by it all. I felt the cloth slip from my head. I expected to hear Alpha's voice, but instead I felt his wanting lips against mine, his soft, supple lips against mine. I could do nothing but concede and relish in the passion.

Alpha broke the kiss and I slowly opened my eyes. Alpha's face slowly came into focus and I screamed, "What the fuck?" I tried to turn away, forgetting we were tethered at the cock and felt the sharp pain. I stayed face to face, with Alpha, with Todd, my best friend. His eyes were imploring, hoping, and shy. "What is going on here, Todd?"

"I didn't know." Todd explained. "Master, err, Jason didn't know either until I told him Sunday, when you told me about the arrangement." There was a softness, a gentleness in his eyes. "I didn't know what to do after you told me, and I thought about it, just as hard and long as you did and I decided I wanted to try. I mean, who else would I trust to share my man with, other than my best friend?"

"Todd." I was at a loss of words. My mind was scattered with thoughts. How he made me feel when we played, how Jason had made me feel. "I don't buy it. Jason knows what I look like." I contoured. "We've met, we've talked." I closed my eyes realizing the truth. "Of course I didn't recognize his voice. How stupid am I?" I almost broke down in tears.

Todd nuzzled my face with his. "Brad," I opened my eyes to find those loving green eyes, "we tried dating once, remember, found out we were both bottoms. You ended it and we became friends instead, you said we would never work out." I could hear the pleading in his voice. "Now we have a way it will work out. A way for all of us to work out."

His damn logic sunk into my head. My mind raced around the arguments, for, against, crazy, logic and everything else. I looked into his eyes and finally accepted what I had always known. I nuzzled him back and gave a coy smile. "Damn you." I kissed those pouty lips. "Leave it to you to find the flaw in my argument." I licked his nose playfully. "I can't believe I didn't recognize those lips.

Todd's hand flew out from behind him and swatted my ass lightly. "Behave, pup." He growled, a bit stern. "Remember who is Alpha here." It took me a minute to realize Todd's, I mean Alpha's hands were free. "You needed your hand's tied, not me." He smiled before reaching down and undoing the tether. "Call him." He ordered with a sly grin.

I thought for a moment on what to call him. Jason? Master? Finally I decided. "Master Jason, we are ready, sir." He entered in with a smug look of satisfaction on his face. I saw it now, what I had been missing when I had been messaging him, when he came over, when he talked. I chose not to see it. "I want to stay, Master Jason, if you two of you will have me.

He slide in behind me and pulled me close to his clothed body. "Mmhh, I'm glad." He untied my bods and then slid his hand down my side. I shuttered with pleasure as my facet leaked onto Todd's own spigot. He licked his tongue across the back of my neck. "I'm so fortunate to have two willing and sexy boys to play with, that will keep each other entertained while I am gone."

I felt Master Jason cuddle me close as Alpha Todd leaned in for a kiss. I was lost in passion and desire as both men took what I willing gave to them, my body, my soul. Master Jason pulled us closed together, our naked bodies pressed together against his still clothed body. "Teach him." Master Jason said, moving away from us.

Alpha Todd pounced on me as Master Todd slipped from behind me. He held my hands above my head as he ravished my mouth. Our legs intertwined as he ground his pulsating cock against my own. I could hear the soft chuckle of Master Todd as he stripped just out of sight. I moaned as Alpha Todd's tongue swirled around my neck.

Soon Alpha Todd's hands were replaced with Master Jason's and his good bits were dangling above my face. "Clean my balls, Beta." He ordered. I swallowed one then the other, lapping the musky scent into my mouth. He growled his pleasure as Alpha Todd moved up to take his Master's cock. We worked in unison to pleasure our Master, our bodies, grinding blindly against each other.

Master Todd released my hands and I reached down and cupped Alpha Todd's butt, pulling his hard exited body against mine. Master Todd continued to groan in pleasure as I finally got to enjoy the pleasure of both of their unmasked flesh. I suckled Master Todd's balls while I held on firmly, tightly to Alpha Todd, my hands finally exploring the body I had so long ago denied myself. I barely heard Master Jason over the slurping and sucking that I barely heard Master Jason's next command. "Feed and eat, Alpha."

Before I knew what was happening, Alpha Todd was off of me and Master Jason's cock. I was pulled from my home, nursing on Master Jason's balls and flipped onto my stomach. He took a fist full of my hair and slid Master Jason's cock down my throat. Alpha Todd slithered down my back and I felt the talented tongue circling my hole.

I let out a little gasp as he pierced me from behind with his tongue, my rose bud blooming before him so he could get at the tender petals. The familiar taste of Master Jason filled my mouth, as his cock drooled on my tongue. I moaned without thought as pleasure consumed my every thought and action, my pleasure, their pleasure. I was on all fours, bucking between cock and tongue, my own cock scraping against the bed sheets.

"Juice him." Master Jason commanded. "Prove your dominance." I was too lost, too consumed to know what was happening. Alpha Todd's tongue retreated and I felt the familiar tip of a cock against my door. I had not expected this, not from Todd, but this wasn't Todd. This was Alpha Todd. I arched my back as his seven and half inches entered me with cautious intent.

His hands gripped my hip as he gasped slightly, settling in balls deep. My eyes rolled back in my head as I looked up at Master Jason with his sadistic glee on his face. "He's making you his, and by that making you mine." I resumed my efforts on his cock with reverence zeal as my tongue explored his fleshy boy treat. I hugged his cock with my throat, while doing the same to Alpha Todd with my ass muscles.

Both groaned their approval as I bounced back and forth between the two, roasting myself on their human spit. Finally Alpha Todd took control and slammed into me, with animalist rage as his fingers dug into my skin. Balls slapped my ass and chin as I relished in the duel attention being lavished on my holes. The hunger in me was all consuming as I swallowed them from both ends.

Finally Master Jason removed himself from my mouth with a whimper from me as Alpha Todd thrust hard and deep. I watched at Master Jason's slick soaked cock moved away from me, behind Alpha Todd. "Open up for me, Alpha boy." He growled. Alpha Todd slowed his movements. "That's it, boy, let me slide in." I slowly fucked myself on Alpha Todd as he took Master Jason into him.

"Let me guide you, boy." Master Jason snarled as he thrust into me through Alpha Todd. The duel force of their cocks dug deep into me. "Fuck him, boy." Alpha Todd growled with desire as he rode me and Master Jason. "Blow that fucking load for me." I heard him order Alpha Todd. I bounced back against his thrusts as momentum built up. "Suck that cum out of me." Master Jason ordered.

"Fuck, me!" I begged. Alpha Todd roared and thrust hard into me, bouncing off of me, into Master Jason. I could feel Alpha Jason throb inside me as he stiffened and fill my inside with his meaty goodness. "Give it to me!" I cried, wanting to feel him, truly feel him in me. I was suddenly on my back, Alpha Todd's dick leaving me for the briefest of instances.

"Jack it." His eyes burned with lust as he pulled my legs apart like some sex wish bone. "Cum for me," He glanced back over his shoulder, "Fill me up, sir." I did as I was told stocking my aching cock, looking up at the two as Alpha Todd took Master Jason's cock, Alpha Todd thrusting deep into me. The sight of it all was too much as my balls shot their overloaded content forth, coating myself with my own juices. I clamped down as my body shuttered, triggering Alpha Todd to mark his territory with a yell of his triumph, as his cock swelled in me as he blasted load after load into.

Alpha Todd shuttered as the pleasure of finally owning me took place. He collapsed down onto me, allowing me to wrap him in my arms and comfort him for a job well done. I kissed the top of his head and saw Master Jason grab hold of him and mercilessly pound his boy's ass. I saw the sweat bead upon his forehead as he drew closer and closer till he left out a magnificent roar showing us both who owned this pack.

There was a look of pride and satisfaction as he withdrew his magnificent saber from Alpha Todd and collapsed upon the bed. "Come here boys." He patted the spaces beside him Alpha Todd gave me a sly grin and we scurried to snuggle next to our Master." He kissed Alpha, then me before pulling us close to him. "I'm so glad you decided to join us Beta."

I smiled shy at the words. "I am too." Alpha Todd added. "It'll be nice to be able to have someone I am allowed to play with while Master is gone." He gave Master Jason his best puppy dog eyes. "I am allowed to play with my new squeaky toy, right?" I must have turned three shades of red as the two laughed.

"You two may play as much as you like while I am away, but with me while I am in town." He hugged us close. "And he's not a squeaky toy, he's a little lion waiting to come into his own." Alpha Todd reached over and stroked my face. "But you two little filthy cum sluts got me all nasty. I think we should go shower."

I whimpered my discontent. "Just a few more moments, please, Master?" I pleaded with my eyes.

"You're so adorable, isn't he Alpha?" I relished in the praise. "But no, get your ass in the shower."

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