Blood Moon

By Lucky Venym

Published on Dec 22, 2008



All characters of the Twilight series are property of the author Stephanie Meyers. I only use them to tell a further story and respectfully thank her for spinning such a wonderful story. All characters in the story are fictitious. Thus this is a fan's work and feel free to email comments or suggestions. This piece takes place after Breaking Dawn.

If you were looking for a spank bank story you might want to keep going. It probably won't get interesting until several chapters in and if that's your goal let me save you some time. Secondly, this story deals with homosexual relations between men above the age of 18. Thus if such material is deemed unlawful in your area, you might want to switch to a different story. If you're under 18, same advice.

Lastly, I have no idea if the actors/ actresses of Twilight are gay. Quite frankly they are not the point of this story. Thus I make no assessment of their sexuality.

Blood Moon

Chapter 1 -- Awakened

"I wonder what she'd think of this mess" I thought with a mild amount of distaste. Edward grimaced and politely excused himself from the room. Since Rosie had died I was less than pleasant to be around for Edward. He had attempted to help me accept the loss but how does one move on from having your heart removed? He, himself admitted as much with his initial visit to those wretched Volturi. Jasper noticed the change in my emotion and began to mellow me out.

Being comfortable with my sorrow, I quickly exited the room with Alice and Nessie on my heels. Alice was one of few words since the war and it was impossible to be angry with the amber haired 9 year old about. If there was to be a hunting party, I could think of worse company.


It seemed fitting to return to the place where it all began to release some of my anguish. Being surrounded by the hills of my homeland, I remembered my blonde angle destroying the mother bear before she finished her meal. Since I never was one to talk much, I would release on whatever predator came into reach. Nessie, being only a child was exhausted from the incessant hunting. Alice grew bored with the whole matter and since she had eaten her fill, she began chasing rabbits at 50 yards with Nessie to see who could grab them by the ears. The two of them continued their game while I massacred the local wildlife hoping to bring some sort of closure to my heart.

Three grizzlies, two mountain lions, and a wolf pack later the solace of the moment finally took. I began to cry. It came as a shock. I had yet to mourn for Rosie. We hadn't had much time when we fled Forks. I wept for what I thought would never happen -- eternal separation. Carlisle once commented that changing someone was to extinguish and infinite amount of choices. This felt as if someone had snuffed out a larger set of infinity. We were meant to be together for eternity. Yet she had been taken away. And I was the only one left to ask the simple question: Why? Of course I knew.

She had no special gifts, which seemed to grace my family, to save her. Given if stubbornness and tenacity were considered superpowers he would have been married to the equivalent of Superwoman. I did it again -- thinking of her in past tense. As more tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt the corner of my mouth begin to smirk. I began the recall Rosie's final moments. Surely the Vikings had been writing about Rosie when they had been writing of the Valkerie.

The war began as an assassination attempt by the Volturi. The ancient clan had surprised the Cullens by attempting to ambush Nessie and Bella. Alice had seen all of this, mere minutes before the ambush went into play. Alice brought the rest of the clan and sent Edward to get Jacob and the pack.

When Rosie saw the jackals go for Nessie she became a scythe in the killing field. Fueled by hate and vindication, Rosaline was something to behold. The unwary laid dismembered in her wake towards her adoptive daughter. She and Jasper had easily dispatched 20-30 of the entourage, while the rest of us were dealing with their heavy hitters. Although she would never admit it Rosaline loved that little girl more than herself. Hell the only reason that she had accepted Bella was because of Nessie. Rosie continued her wake of death and mayhem on her path to Nessie and Bella. She failed to sense the figure coming up behind her.

I grimaced as I remember the cold calculating look on Alec's face as he hoisted his pike. Unable to stop myself I recollected my angel's final moments. Alec swung the pike with super human strength and speed. It cut through Rosaline's neck without and resistance. Her head silently fell to the ground and rolled slightly downhill. I don't remember much after that. Edward had arrived with the pack and Jasper was calming me down to stop me from eating Alec's carcass. Edward and Alice and dispatched Aro when the family noticed Esme on her knees begging for Jane to stop.

Carlisle nearly beheaded Jane with a bite to her spine. Caius quickly grabbed Jane and with the help of the purple eyed tracker, Heidi, fled the field. The foot soldiers continued to fight inflicting heavy losses. The pack, having dealt with Victoria and her new bloods, knew how to effectively do their share of damage as well. In the end it looked as if Caius, Jane and Heidi were the only surviving court members. At least they were the only one unaccounted for by Edward.

The pack suffered the heaviest losses. Sam, Leah, Paul, Embry, Quil, and Colen had all perished in the war. The tribe was stricken with grief at the loss of their guardians and children. Jacob spoke at the eulogy and had the service on the border so that our family could pay our respects to our fallen comrades. I was so preoccupied by pretenses that I didn't have a chance to grieve for Rosalie at her funeral. No one was sure what to say at the funeral in Forks. Only Charlie, Bella's father, was able to crack my armor when his kind eyes spoke of sorrow, sympathy, and genuine care. A simple silent hug caused me to retreat home. Jasper greeted me at the door.

Since I was hysterical and depressed, my personal savior exhausted me until I couldn't stand. He held me as if I were a child and let me sleep. After I awoke we began to pack my things, separating out Rosalie so as not to have any needless reminders of her haunting beauty. The family gradually returned home and continued packing. While it was never spoken, the intention was clear -- we needed to leave. The Quileute, while bearing us no ill will, needed to be safe. Charlie and the Forks' police had 10+ dead bodies to explain and things were not looking good. While Charlie would cover for us he knew that the town wouldn't accept us remaining, if there was to be no explanation given. So it was silently decided that the Cullens clan with Jake and Seth would leave Forks and the many memories that had been created here. I think it had been hardest on Bella and Edward. Their story was written there and it was hard to know where they were headed without the solid history they had built. Esme came into my room that final night, and cradled me as if I were and infant, while I silently reflected on my beautiful amazon's passing.

And thus we moved to Port Jeddo, a minor town in Michigan. Not nearly as dark as Forks but the vast majority of days were cloaked in overcast from all the water in the area. In fact one of the towns few claims to fame was that the National Weather Service couldn't accurately predict the weather there due to the enormous amounts of water. Thank god we had our own resident weather girl Alice. Good schools for Nessie, large enough to afford a hospital for Carlisle, and small enough to have the required social castes that afforded privacy -- welcome home. It has been there that for 3 weeks that I have merely existed, until this trip.

Alice gently placed her arms around me as I continued to cry. Nessie merely curled into my lap and cried as well. "You do know Em, she'd never want you to be miserable." Alice whispered.

"I know it's just hard to focus on anything other than her, when I can't see, touch, hear, or feel her again. It just seems so final."

"You'll get through this Emmett. You just need time, blood and a little luck."

"Right. Because luck has been so forthcoming as of late. Hell I'm surprised we didn't run into a werewolf pack that tried to kill us out here."

"Uncle Emmett", Nessie began quietly, "Can we go home now? I miss Jacob and I have school tomorrow."

Even as Nessie's bottom lip began to protrude for a pout, Alice nodded and smiled. She knew that I had come to a decision regarding my stay with the family. If there was a way to get through this they were the ones to help me and lead me through the path. I picked up Nessie and had her hold on around my neck. Alice's sing-song voice rang through the forest "Beat you home!" I lurched forward refusing to lose.

The next morning was brutal. It was Nessie's first day of school. Edward and Bella had been hell bent on home schooling. Nessie was mortified. Jake sided with her. Big surprise I know. Esme, ever the diplomat and former teacher, achieved a compromise earlier in the week. There was a small woods behind the school in which Jacob and Edward could monitor her throughout the day without being noticed or interfering. Nessie given few choices quickly accepted the compromise. Now that it was the morning of; Bella and Edward insisted on meeting her teacher. Nessie was livid because the cover was Carlisle and Esme were her parents. Only after Jacob and Alice agreed to accompany them she calmed down. Jasper, Seth and I intended a lazy morning.

From Esme's recap when they got home Lake Kewahdin Elementary had never seen a first day like that. Edward later informed me that the faculty thought they might be on TV as the Cullen's looked like a celebrity family. Apparently while they had attempted to be subtle, the children, and families took notice. There was quite a bustle but no one said a word.

Turns out Nessie had one of the few male elementary teachers in the building. She was in the buildings GT program due to her high intellect. Edward was less than pleased given the reputation of male elementary teachers. Jacob seemed ambivalent but he was a bit more curious than anything. I'd let Edward and the furball figure that one out.

Seth, Jasper, Bella, and Alice decided to get registered for the high school today. Given my current state it was mutually decided I would enroll at the community college. It allowed me the freedom I may need to sort some things out. With Emse in tow, they left. Carlisle had departed earlier that morning to get "Orientated" at the hospital. It was his least favorite thing about being a doctor. All hospitals thought they had special rules, but when it cam right down to it -- they were there to help people. So Carlisle would be home with a small chip on his shoulder for the next couple of days, due to the "legal ramifications of liability."

"Well screw mopping around all day" I muttered to no one in particular. I began to unpack all of my boxes. I then proceeded to get some of the art hung. I'd have to see if Edward would help me patch the holes I put in the walls by scaling up. I'm sure I would get chided by Esme and Carlisle would chuckle. Oh well they could deal with it, I needed to be productive. After finishing up in the living room I ventured down Edward and Bella hall. They still needed some help unpacking. They had been so worried about Nessie and I that they had neglected to get their stuff put away. Same with the furballs over the garage but they would be pissed if I "stunk" up their place. Deciding that I needed to help them out to return their kindness I started unpacking. While bolting in the steel reinforced bed and snickering, I smelled it.

Diving over the counter and bulldozing through the furniture I came face to face with Nessie. She smelled like nothing I'd ever smelt before. Warm musky, like cinnamon and honey dew. The warm coppery scent caused my mouth to water in anticipation. The delectable earthy scent needed to be drunk with care to savor. Nessie was the first to shock me out of my predatory trance. "Uncle Emmett why are your eyes black? Oooh are we going hunting again? Can I go?" Nessie asked. I smirked. Just then the door collapsed under Edward. His stare was wrought with fury and concern.

"Unplanned trip Nessie. Care to join me Edward?" I asked in a pleading voice. Edward nodded and called Jacob who was on his way home as we spoke. As soon as we both were in his car I asked "What the hell was that Edward?"

"Nessie picked up a scent at school. I heard your thoughts and got home as soon as I could. I'm just thankful your exercised some restraint. We need to figure out where the scent came from. I don't want you mistakenly eating my daughter." Edward coldly replied.

"Fine but I should eat first so I don't cause a scene." I nodded ignoring the cold air that passed between us. After several minutes or silence I added, "You know I would never hurt Nessie." Edward nodded apologetically. The silence was no longer awkward just settling after a fight. Edward had seen my thoughts so I couldn't blame him. Yet in the end I had restrained myself so he should understand.

"I do" he quickly interjected. "But it's my daughter. Some things don't go away as fast as you would like. We'll be fine let's just get this out of your system." The rest of the way was uneventful.

Once we reached the park, the hunt began. Since we had no time for a longer drive the prey would be less exotic- probably deer or some other herbivore. Lord this is almost too easy. Hunting is usually a relaxing experience. Turning over to baser instincts and letting go. Since Edward and I were on a mission it was just a hit and run ordeal. No time to relish the hunt, release or anything fun. The only upside was I beat Edward to the punch.

"You ready to start tracking?" Edward asked as he cleaned himself up.

"Yeah I just wished we had more backup in case I snap." I replied putting on some new clothes.

"I have a feeling you'll get it when we get to the school."

Pulling into the school nothing looked out of the ordinary. It was a standard school built in the 50's. Playground out front, red brick, a modern addition jutting out in the middle of the building, and a small second story that was rarely seen on an elementary school. As we parked only a couple of lights were on in the building. The plan was to get in, find the scent and get out. No need for me going nuts in the middle of building with witnesses around.

As we entered the school Edward froze and began pulling me towards the door. I started to go with him when it hit me like a tidal wave. The mellow sweet musk filled my nostrils and my predatory side took over. I had slipped in the past and so it would be again. Remorse, ethics and kindness did not factor in this hunt. Want, take have. I flew down the hallway knocking Edward aside like a rag doll. If I would have been in any other state of mind, I would have noticed the door I went through. Three figures were in the room; Bella, Alice and my prey.

Next: Chapter 2

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