Blood Moon

By Lucky Venym

Published on Jan 20, 2009



All characters of the Twilight series are property of the author Stephanie Meyers. I only use them to tell a further story and respectfully thank her for spinning such a wonderful story. All characters in the story are fictitious. Thus this is a fan's work and feel free to email comments or suggestions. This piece takes place after Breaking Dawn.

If you were looking for a spank bank story you might want to keep going. It probably won't get interesting until several chapters in and if that's your goal let me save you some time. Secondly, this story deals with homosexual relations between men above the age of 18. Thus if such material is deemed unlawful in your area, you might want to switch to a different story. If you're under 18, same advice.

Lastly, I have no idea if the actors/ actresses of Twilight are gay. Quite frankly they are not the point of this story. Thus I make no assessment of their sexuality.

Blood Moon Chapter 3 - Tasting Darkness

Scott McLain was unlike any other human I had ever encountered. The mere fact he wasn't digesting in my stomach attested to that. As I crashed through the door fully intending on eating Mr. McLain, Alice and Bella took defensive posts around him. This subtle gesture slowed me down. He was scared of me. The scent rolled off him like a breeze through a bakery. He obviously took care of himself, well muscled and didn't carry the stench of narcotics or other substances that would taint his blood. Then he did the unimaginable- he offered up his hand.

"Hello you must be Emmett. Nessie spoke very highly of you. Oh, I apologize my manners seemed to have temporarily taken a vacation. I'm Scott McLain Nessie's teacher."

Calculating just how long would be required to rip his hand free of his wrist and drink his blood, I took a small step forward. Bella, using vampiric stealth, intercepted me and said quieter than human ears could hear, "Easy Emmett. You don't want to blow this." Followed quickly by, "We were just talking about the incident today with Mr. McLain. He assures us that violence is not tolerated in the school by anyone. so calm down The young lady in question has received a suspension and is out of the school tomorrow. As you can see we have a handle on this. so unclench " Bella wove between normal speech and too fast for human ears to clearly hear. As I inhaled to speak, that ever so appealing scent wafted through my nostrils. McLain was subconsciously sizing up what was occurring. Shifting weight from one leg to another, with his head tilted ever so slightly. I could see his pulse in his carotid artery, seemingly taunting me to drink. He seemed aware of the body language and realized, at least on some level, to be wary of me. I wouldn't be denied of my prey so easily.

"As long as it's been dealt with. I hope I'll be seeing you around town." I said, my voice deep with hunger.

He shifted carefully again and cautiously replied "I'm sure you will and please feel free to say hello." His eyes hinted that he meant his words. Deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. Was he really making this as easy as it seemed? His body had interpreted the signs right -run- but he still continued to be inviting, even forward. Either he was courageous or down-right stupid. Regardless, this was going to be fun.

"You wouldn't happen to know where we could get a decent cup of coffee around here? I hate McDonald's and Emmett is pretty much a snob when it comes to drink choices." Alice asked. She smiled and turned to look at me. Hmm, maybe I had an ally in my need for carnage. I took a small step in McLain's direction and was again greeted by Bella.

Relax Em. You'll get through this. She whispered.

Who said I want to get through this? Maybe I just want to eat andÉ I replied but was interrupted.

"Well you could hit Moosetrax on 24th. They have an amazing selection and impeccable service. I need to run a couple of errands after I finish up here. I don't mean to be presumptuous, but if you met me back here at 8 I could show you where it is." McLain volunteered.

Before I could answer Edward responded "I know that tonight wouldn't be the best for Bella, Emmett or I but Alice you are more than welcome to go." Edward's eyes begged Alice not to play her hand out. She continued to smile.

"I don't know Edward I could be tempted." I said.

I think you've been tempted enough Bella growled.

"It sounds good, see you back here in a couple." Alice smiled as she danced out of the room. She definitely knew something that she wasn't sharing yet.

Not satisfied yet and being held at an impasse with Bella, I asked "So out of curiosity where are you off to?" hoping for a bit more information. Again pheromones rolled off of him like a tidal wave, signaling anxiety with the smallest hint of fear.

"I've got to hit the gym around the corner. I missed my morning workout. See ya in a bit." McLain replied. I turned smiling and left flanked by Bella and Edward.

To their credit they at least waited until we were in the car before it started. "Emmett what the hell was that?" Bella began.

"Bella calm down, wait until Alice is around to explain." Edward urged.

"Bella did you smell him? It was intoxicating, how could you not be the least bit tempted? Or are you just playing the holier-than-thou card? " I rebutted. There was no way any vampire in their right mind wouldn't want a pint of McLain.

Bella sidestepped my questions entirely and began again "Emmett, we just got here. You can't leave a huge trail like that! It's too easy to follow. Let alone the ethics of killing someone."

Edward slammed on his brakes signaling the return home. He slowed down slightly to avoid going through the garage door, instead of under it. "Both of you shut up until we get inside." Edward looked worried, and confused all in one fowl swoop. This was not a look one likes to se on their brother.

As we went in Alice was perched on the sofa arm with Carlisle and Esme beside her. Edward scowled, Alice shrugged. "You know I'm right Edward so relax so we can talk about it." Alice's tone hinted that she also knew she would win this argument.

"Alice it can't happen yet. It's too suspicious if it happens so fast. That and Emmett is in no condition to control himself." Edward argued.

"Wait, who said I want to control myself?" I asked growing more and more confused by the minute. Sometimes these two forgot that not everyone can hear other people's thoughts. Hopefully, one of them would spill the proverbial beans before I lost it.

"Emmett is going to drink from Scott McLain. Period. The longer he waits the better it will be. I mean that on multiple levels, the situation for the family, how much he gets to drink, and for Emmett." Alice spoke clearly and pointedly. She was staring me down letting the meaning soak in.

"You have to be kidding me with this Alice. You want Emmett to eat the poor guy?" Bella was bewildered.

"Remember who was rooting for you Bella? Remember how well that turned out?" I smirked. Wait a minuteÉ Bella was a vampire now. Did that mean?

"Yes, Emmett. Alice sees you and Scott as the best of friends. The longer you get to know him the more likely he will be a vampire, and the more important he will become to you." Edward explained.

"What Emmett is trying to tell you is the longer you wait the more you'll get. You're going to get what you want. The trick is are you going to wait long enough to give Jasper what Edward gave me?" Alice smirked.

"Why is it you two are always trying to ruin the ending?" Esme scolded. "Let Emmett digest what he's been told and deal with it accordingly."

I bolted before she could finish. Was waiting even an option? Every cell in my body wanted to consume McLain. I highly doubted that I could contain myself. Shy of that hadn't I just gotten the ok from the family? Granted Bella didn't seem so keen on the idea, but she was new at this.

I perched on the top of the gym watching McLain through a skylight. "You know Jacob will be pissed if you eat him too fast." Edward spoke from behind me.

"What?" I said, more confused than ever.

"Today I found out McLain definitely bats for the other team. He was checking out Carlisle." Edward chuckled as he shook his shaggy hair.

"And this has to do with Jacob how?" growing more exasperated by the minute.

"So I threw wolfie out as the sacrificial lamb. I pretended Jacob was into him to see if he's take the bait. Scott pretty much slapped me in the face with it. I think Jacob has a bit of a man crush, because he put me in my place when furball couldn't." Edward explained.

"So he's gay huh? What could we possibly have in common?" I asked the obvious question because I wanted some answers.

"I'm not the one with the vision just the hearing remember?" Edward joked tapping his temple. It'd been a while since I had seen him smile. "Yeah it has. You've been enthralled with other things for a while. Now you've gotten caught on something and I don't know what to tell you on this one bro." Edward plopped himself down next to me.

I know I darkened, when he alluded to Rose. He grimaced "Sorry but you were always one for honesty. Speaking of which McLain definitely has that going for him. Hell even Nessie was impressed with him. And we all know the munchkin has the subtlety of a mack truck."

"So I'm going to have a new gay best friend?" I chuckled at the thought of becoming a sitcom.


"What Edward? You never were one to deal in partial truth - at least with me. What's the real reason why you seem so - uneasy?" I turned to look him square in the eyes. Usually he would look away smiling. This time he met my gaze head on.

"Well you bolted before you got the whole scoop. Alice sees McLain much different than most humans. He looks like a broken mirror to her. Shards all showing the same picture but slightly different. Kind of like those picture puzzles you do when you're a kid. Each shard has a unique image of what may happen. The larger the piece, the higher the probability." Edward continued. "When Alice looks at him all pieces have him dying at your hands. Not the best situation, but she says that you've made you decision."

I nodded and let him continue.

"Ever the curious cat, Alice started looking for how he dies. A few small pieces show a violent death in which you exhibit pure blood lust. Thus its highly unlikely. Most show you getting carried away when he offers his blood to you. This ends with you turning him." Edward paused again. He looked as if he were teetering on a cliff.

"Again your holding out on me Edward. What?" I asked. His eyes shifted to examine the shingles as he began to tell me the rest of what Alice saw.

"Well this is awkward. Several others have you turning him while you get carried away during sex." Edward kicked at some imaginary dirt on the roof.

I smiled. "Yeah right. What was that like a sand speck of a fragment? What like 1:100000000 chance. I'm not gay Edward. Remember our honeymoon? When the neighbors ran to the storm cellar." I chuckled when I shook my head. Ever the jokester, Edward had to be playing me.

Slowly he raised his chin and caught my eyes. "Yeah I remember but more likely than eating him, less likely than friends at this point." Edward went back to staring at what must be the most interesting piece of roofing in the history of the world.

"You have to be fucking with me Edward! No way in hell am I going to fuck a dude. Friends with a gay guy, sure - but Shawshanking? No way. So the longer I wait the gayer I get huh?" I asked standing up.

"Not exactly," Edward squirmed in his seat. "Some of the gayness scenarios happen tonight. Alice is a bit impatient to get Jasper a friend. She thinks he's too lonely." Edward went back to laughing.

How could he be so flippant about this? They wanted me to be a pole smoker? Granted I had no issues with 2 guys who were into each other, but this was different. I wasn't into McLain that way. Before I could respond there was a loud clang on the weight floor. I laughed when I realized that Scott had dropped the weight. I turned around and saw Edward was still smiling. He raised a single hand and said "Truce. We don't want you gay. We want you happy. Truth be told Alice and Esme want you gay. Carlisle is a little creeped out by it. Me I just think it's a sign of a higher power. I'll be happy with whatever happens, because you'll be happy again. So I guess that I'm saying is keep an open mind and go with the flow." Edward quickly spun and darted down the side of the building.

I sat back down and let my thoughts envelop me. Why on Earth was this a sign of a higher power? If anything, it was a sign of my hormones running rampant. If this was what waiting resulted in I'd give him 24 hours to get his affairs in order before I took care of business. It was the least that I could do.

I jumped down off of the roof and made my way back to the school. I saw Alice sitting on the hood of the car as I approached. She was smiling even larger than before. "You know a violent death isn't even in the picture now?" I wanted to punch her in her smug little face. Sisters can be total witches at times.

"Drop it Alice. It's a possible future; not a definite." I growled. As my steps crunched on the gravel, Alice hopped off the hood and started walking towards me.

"Why are you fighting this so hard Emmett? The worse case scenario is you get involved with a guy. What is so horrid about that? It's not like he kills people. He's a teacher; a brazen teacher whose already put up with more than he should." Alice retorted not leaving well enough alone.

"I said drop it he's here." I grumbled. The red pickup pulling into the lot, was heralded by the popping of limestone gravel. I steeled myself as I knew that the scent was coming soon. I had already detected his slight heartbeat masquerading behind a noisy muffler. He looped around in his truck and rolled down his window. I felt my lip curl in something shy of a smile. I would hunt and he would be mine.

"Hey Chuckles-A-Plenty, get your poop in a group. Were heading out." Scott called from his truck without slowing down. Alice waved and nodded. She slid in the driver's seat and rolled her eyes. "Get in" she said as she pushed open the passenger's side door. I shook my head and hopped in.

"You're impossible you know. You never argue with me when it the outcomes of a game. You never argue at the blackjack table. You never argue in a life threatening situation. But the moment it involves your love lifeÉ" Alice was venting more to herself than to me.

"I said to drop it. If you don't I'll hop out of this car and finish up the deal now." I threatened with one hand on the car door handle.

"Fine, fine disappoint Jasper. I already told him and he's nipping at the bud to meet him."

"YOU WHAT!?" I roared.

"I already told everyone else. You expected me to hold out on Jasper?" Alice asked incredulously.

"Alice do me a huge favor. Afford me the same privacy you afford Edward."

"OK but you know how I get when a new family member is an option, I get excited."

"We are not going to be - life partners - or whatever you call two guys in love. His blood is an exceptional scent, nothing more. I feel bad that he's a good person but I can't afford to blow our cover by having him alive." I started to stew. Somehow Alice always managed to negotiate a conversation where she wanted it to go. The remainder of the short drive as in silence.

When we arrived, McLain hopped out of his truck and began to walk in. He held the door for Alice and I. He didn't even flinch when I intentionally let the second set of doors close on him. Instead he walked over to the counter and greeted the barista. "Hey Nancy, I'll have the usual; and Alice what would you like?" he asked.

"Something with cinnamon" she replied with a knowing grin. Slowly Alice was becoming more of a murder target than McLain. He paid for the two drinks and took a seat.

"What if I wanted something?" I asked. I was intrigued by his obvious lack of concern. Maybe he was into Alice. How screwed up would that be?

"Well you have vocal cords, gross motor control and a wallet if I'm not mistaken. The counter is right there and Nancy speaks English. You seem fluent." A slightly sarcastic grin grew on his face. Hmm this could be fun.

"So you get Alice's but not mine." I said. Even as it came out of my mouth, I realized I sounded like a pouting little brat.

"Something like that. See I only pick up tabs for people who exercise enough good graces to put aside issues and hold the door for someone. I know it may sound petty but I saw you two on the drive over, and regardless of how attractive someone is, I'm a stickler for common courtesy. So I'm not upset but I refuse to reward poor behavior." Alice laughed softly. Scott glanced over at her sporting a quirky grin. That little prig, had the gall to be smug about this. Huh? I knew I was pissed at Alice, but I counted one separating myself from my prey by being a tool. Now my curiosity was piqued.

" I apologize. Alice was goading me about you. She seems to think that you are interested in me. Even if you were it would be pointless, I'm still getting over the loss of my wife, Rosie. Have you ever loss someone close to you?" I asked.

He looked at me with his head slightly crooked. It was almost as if I were under a microscope. I scooted suddenly feeling ill at ease and raw. His face changed from a blank stare to a warm smile. It washed over me like a warm bath of sunlight. It was eerily comforting.

"How do you do that? Switch from cavalier bantering to total sincerity? Yes I have several times actually. Granted the loss is typically self-imposed and considering most are still alive I don't pretend to understand the depth of your pain. However, it grants me a small insight to what your feeling. ÔI'm sorry for your loss' seems so contrived. How about - Given time you'll learn to appreciate what you had in an even deeper way, and the time that you had will become a treasured memory." He replied without a hint of ill-will.

I nodded appreciatively, thinking of Charlie at Rose's funeral. A simple "Thank you" was all I could get out. Alice abruptly stood up.

"Well unfortunately it's a school night so I need to bolt. Em you coming?" Alice asked. Granted she could be a total pain at times, she was a one of a kind sister. She knew when I needed to bail and be alone with my thoughts and gave me a loophole. I nodded and turned to Scott.

"Let me share a little advice with you. Live everyday as if it were your last. You'll never know when the end will come. Typically, the best lives are the ones that the Reaper doesn't have to wait on to tie up loose ends." I turned to exit with Alice. I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve, and turned around.

"Fair enough but three things before you leave: one my advice is be happy. Living isn't worth living if your miserable. Second, Alice is right, I think. Third, since this is my last day and allÉ" he quickly pulled on my shirt and put his lips on mine. I thirsted for his blood. The warm heartbeat pulsed on my lips. The gentle rhythm called to me like a siren's song. Forbidden, but undeniable. I was caught in the passion of my hunger and frozen to avoid an uncontrollable scene. He gently pulled away bearing an impish grin. He continued "and I know I don't have a chance but hopefully you can forgive me considering its my last day and all." He quickly walked out the door following Alice.

I turned to see the barista, Nancy, smiling and shaking her head. This boy had a death wish, and I was only too happy to oblige. I quickly got in the car and Alice remained graciously silent. However, the epic grin she wore spoke volumes about what she thought. I still couldn't believe how upfront he was about everything. It was almost as if he could accept anything as long as you were upfront about it. I'll give him this; he had moxie but hadn't Edward already told me that? I guess I could see about us being friends, but having sex was out of the question. I still couldn't believe he kissed me. His breath was still tickling my olfactory senses. Being that close to him and tasting his lips was like riding a rollercoaster without a seat belt. It made the ride that much more exciting and dangerous. I licked my lips hoping to get another quick taste of McLain again. Alice's laughter shook me out of my daydreams. As Alice parked, I realized I was smiling. Maybe happy was easier than anticipated.

Once across the threshold, Alice reverted to the little sister role. Alice hollered to no one in particular "Emmett got a kiss!" and took off sprinting. I blushed and took off for my room not willing to face anyone yet. I froze as I hit the top of the stairs. I smelled McLain.

Furthermore it was coming from my room. Maybe the 24 hour rule didn't have to be followed. I mean if a pizza shows up at your door you don't refuse to eat it based on principle. I quickly yanked the door open, and was greeted by that familiar musk. It splashed me, causing a blood lust to surface again. Slightly sweaty with the spicy sweetness that was only his scent. I inhaled deeply and turned in the direction of the aroma. Located in the middle of my desk was a jockstrap with a note that read as follows:


Figured this would tide you over for the next 24 hours.


PS Let me know if you want to talk LOVER BOY.

I hate brothers.

OK so I hope that you all enjoyed the next chapter. Not quite as long as the last one, but it's what I could bang out given the time constraints. Sorry about the delay on this one. Work has been kicking my butt this last couple of weeks and I've been in over-drive. Throw in hockey and I'm toast.

Alright so upon some reflecting and writing (I'm up to chapter 8 at the moment) I've decided to keep the story alternating between Scott & Emmett's point of view. If you would like to just read one person's POV read either the even chapters (Scott's POV) or the odds (Emmett's POV). The story will make sense either way you do it, there is just a lot of details in both stories.

Lastly, I'm a bit of a dork when it comes to writing and I write every chapter out long hand and edit & revise in the typing process. Originally I thought it would take a week per chapter since they are already written. However, the realist in me says give it a couple of weeks a chapter as I like writing more than typing. I apologize but I'm having too much fun writing to sit down and type more frequently than that.

Thanks again for reading.

Oh yeah on last thing: unanswered emails. I swear my parents raised me better that that. I just have been swamped so please accept my apologies.

Sam- Glad you like it. Hope you like Chapter 3.

Phoenix - Great to hear you like it. Love the Mama Cass quote!

Allen - HUGE apology to you. I know I know I'm a loser and have been slacking the response department. Read the story however you like. Personally I agree with you on keeping one POV, but the story is much more fun to write when it fluctuates. That and it is much more intriguing to read.

David - I'm blushing over the compliments. Hopefully this chapter lives up to your high standards.

Michael - Thank you for the offer to edit and such. Unfortunately my writing changes while I type and I go with it. However, I may take you up on it when I hit later chapters that are pushing 20-25 pages. ;-)

Superman - Thanks

Jason - lol thanks Emmett always seemed more fun than Edward.

Jason - OMG hopefully 3 weeks wasn't too bad.

Kyle - Here it is!

Will - Hopefully this feeds you new found addiction, which is akin to my love of caffeine.

Everyone else whose reading but not sending emailsÉ Shame on you ;)

Next: Chapter 4

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