Blood Moon

By Lucky Venym

Published on Jan 25, 2009



All characters of the Twilight series are property of the author Stephanie Meyers. I only use them to tell a further story and respectfully thank her for spinning such a wonderful story. All characters in the story are fictitious. Thus this is a fan's work and feel free to email comments or suggestions. This piece takes place after Breaking Dawn.

If you were looking for a spank bank story you might want to keep going. Well this chapter gets good, but don't expect it every round. Gratuitous sex isn't my strength in writing. Secondly, this story deals with homosexual relations between men above the age of 18. Thus if such material is deemed unlawful in your area, you might want to switch to a different story. If you're under 18, same advice.

Lastly, I have no idea if the actors/ actresses of Twilight are gay. Quite frankly they are not the point of this story. Thus I make no assessment of their sexuality.

Blood Moon Chapter 4 Ð The Reaper's scythe

Hmm swarmy little jerk isn't he. Granted he was arguing in the car, but why is he pulling this with me? Aren't I the innocent party? Screw it, I can be just as awkward. "Hey Nancy, I'll have the usual; and Alice what would you like?" I asked. Nancy gave me an appraising look when Alice ordered. "Something with cinnamon." Nancy went about her business making idle chatter with a telltale grin. I'd have to chat her up later and get her opinion. Emmett's scowl from the door had been replaced with a quizzical grin. Glad to see the desired reaction occurring, no need to come off as some sort of unholy harpy. Judging by his family and Emmett's current state I'll probably be called on it sooner rather than later. I might as well get comfy, I thought to myself as I plopped down on the worn out sofa in the corner of the room. Alice perched on the arm of the sofa, resembling some sort of raptor. Emmett placed himself directly across from me. His eyes glinted, mildly perturbed.

"What if I wanted something?" he asked with a slightly indignant tone.

"Well you have vocal cords, gross motor control, and a wallet if I'm not mistaken. The counter is right there and Nancy speaks English. You seem fluent." I couldn't stop the smile from sliding across my face. Emmett seemed to get my humor and his face softened with a mild glow. His eyes were a dark ocher at the moment, with the smallest metallic hint of bronze. I grinned at the thought of the bantering that was on the horizon.

"So you get Alice's but not mine." Emmett asked somewhere between and plead and a jab. The gauntlet had been thrown.

"Something like that. See I only pick up tabs for people who exercise enough good graces to put aside issues and hold the door for someone. I know it may sound petty but I saw you two on the drive over, and regardless of how attractive someone is, I'm a stickler for common courtesy. So I'm not upset but I refuse to reward poor behavior." I watched my words settle on Emmett's face. For a moment he looked like a 5 year old waiting before they opened a Christmas present. Alice soft laughter, signaled what I had realized a while ago Ð she had switched from active participant to amused observer. Her huge smirk seemed to mock Emmett in a manner that can only be described as gloating. To her credit she remain silent, holding her drink.

"I apologize. Alice was goading me about you. She seems to think that you are interested in me. Even if you were it would be pointless, I'm still getting over the loss of my wife, Rosie. Have you ever loss someone close to you?" Emmett replied. Over the course of four simple phrases his face went from joyous to somber. It was uncanny to watch. It was if I was seeing two people with the same face super imposed on each other. The transition was eerily flawless. Normally people had some signal that denoted a change in emotion. Edward almost seemed so impulsive that he wasn't aware that his frame of mind was changing. The two faces were complete opposites: one living for the moment; laughing, joking and having fun. The other was trapped in some macabre version of reality where all things gravitated towards his loss.

Don't get me wrong, his grief was real enough. I'm not some heartless jerk who is figuring out how to get into a guys pants after his wife died. The juxtaposition of emotions just struck me as extreme. He must have truly loved his wife and still mourning her loss.

I began to think of my mom, dad, brother, and finally gran. All of them on some level were a loss. Gran was the only one who had died but it had been some what expected. I had always been closest to her. After all wasn't it her who taught me to only regret what wasn't spoken from the heart?

"How do you do that? Switch from cavalier bantering to total sincerity? Yes I have several times actually. Granted the loss is typically self imposed and considering most are still alive I don't pretend to understand the depth of your pain. However, it grants me a small insight to what your feeling. I'm sorry for your loss seems so contrived. How about, given time you'll learn to appreciate what you had in an even deeper way, and the time that you had will become a treasured memory." It was much longer than I had intended but it was the truth. Time heals all is basically the same thing, but only hints at the meaning. Time changes pain to treasure.

Emmett nodded and quietly said "Thank you". His tears were sitting on his eyes waiting to be spilled. Again it struck me how he went from berserker in my class to mourner now. No wonder Nessie had mentioned him. Waters ran deep with Emmett. He's still a train wreck. He's a good guy just tore up.

Alice suddenly stood up and said "Well unfortunately it's a school night so I need to bolt. Em you coming?" Alice was obviously saving face for her brother. She hadn't even touched her coffee.

Emmett leaned in and nodded. The he said "Let me share a little advice with you. Live everyday as if it were your last. You'll never know when the end will come. Typically the best lives, are the ones that the Reaper doesn't have to wait on to tie up loose ends." There was something that resonated in the back of my mind that this was a statement meant to warn rather than advise. When he turned to the door I couldn't leave him that raw.

I gently grabbed his sleeve. "Fair enough but three things before you leave: one my advice is be happy. Living isn't worth living if your miserable. Second, Alice is right I think. Third, since this is my last day and allÉ" I leaned in and kissed him. It was meant to be a quick peck to brighten his spirits or at least bring a grin. Granted this was a little more than brazen, but he looked like he needed it. Before anyone accuses me of playing the martyr card, yes I wanted to kiss him. While originally intended to be a slut free embrace, there was a spark there. I was shocked by the coldness and restrained intensity of the moment. So I finished "and I know I don't have a chance but hopefully you can forgive me considering its my last day and all."

Alice looked a little more than smug when I walked her to her car. I nodded silently to her and made my way to my car. I was proud that I went for it, and that I read him well enough to know I wouldn't get my ass beat. Hopefully it was just me that felt that connection and he wouldn't freak out. Friggin' sexually repressed straight boys. I shook my head with a smirk. I knew what I would be doing tomorrow Ð The I can't have him so now I get to be a whore dance. Otherwise known as blowing off some steam at the local pub. I picked up the phone and called Carl.

Carl is the local proprietor of the only gay bar in town Ð Finders. Finders is located in the seedier part of Port Jeddo. Unless you knew that it was there you'd never find it or want to. It was one of the reasons why Carl selected the site. Fewer straight guys stumbling into the bar. Carl always wanted a heads up when I was returning to my old stomping grounds. My presences usually heralded a night of untold debauchery among my former customers.

The standard clientele is 40-50 year old single closeted gay men. So when an assertive, flirtatious, 20 something former bartender shows up all hell breaks loose. Mind you nothing harmful, just boisterous. So the drinks flow freely, the cash register rings regularily and I get a keg of thank you beer. Definitely a mutually beneficial relationship.

After leaving a quick message on Carl's phone, I pulled the truck into the garage. As I climbed the stars I was greeted by Nick's playful banter. Apparently both of the guys from last night had called him today. This did wonders for his mood. Thinking of Emmett's last bit of advice, I grabbed Nick in a bear hug. He looked shocked when I gave him a peck on the cheek and told him how happy I was for him. I then walked to my room and thought some more about what Emmett had said. What would I do if it really were my last day? Well if I'm going to hell, might as well drive the party bus! I laughed as closed my eyes and wandered into the land of dreams.

I awoke early the next morning and decided that I needed an AM work out to figure out what I was going to do with the day. The ending seemed fitting enough. Party at Finders and celebrate the hell out of life. Work, however was a different story. I loved my job so I knew I was going in. But what was really important? Friends, family, love? All of these things were important but treating people with empathy and kindness seemed a much better fit after last nights talk. So during a 10K run I decided to scrap my lessons for the day and do some character development.

After the run I hit the locker room and began to strip. This time I made sure to lock up my kit. As I walked bare assed to the showers I got a familiar whistle. Rounding the corner, in one of the stalls I saw Kyle rock hard, stroking his cock. Kyle and I have an understanding: we don't date, only mess around. If it's before 6:15 AM he knows I'm game to mess around because everyone on the floor finishes up at 6:45. That and his shift for personal training starts at 7AM.

I quickly stepped in the stall without looking back and closed the curtain behind me. Kyle quickly pinned me against the wall and began to forcefully kiss me. He was obviously feeling a bit horned up and aggressive today. Aggressive I could handle. His large firm hands began exploring my shoulders, back and finally began cupping my ass. Knowing this wouldn't last long, I began rubbing my growing cock against his rock hard member.

Kyle groaned. This new experience must have flipped his switch. He grabbed my thighs from behind and lifted me in the air. He pinned me against the cold, wet, tiled wall. His kiss continued to smolder like something out of a porn flick. He stopped and looked up with a boyish grin. He reminded me of a kid who'd been caught with their hand in the candy jar: blonde matted hair going every direction; brown doe eyes knowing he was getting his treat; and the smile that said he was taking it now.

Helplessly pinned against the wall, I threw my face into his, consumed with passion. His mouth covered mine as I yelled in pain as he roughly shoved his aching member into me. I recalled how large he was, but usually he took his time working up to this Ð giving me time to adjust. I suppose it was a good thing I already ran, because I couldn't se myself walking out of the showers after this onslaught. Kyle was a man possessed. He was pummeling me double time, so turned on his erect nipples were rubbing against my upper abs.

Kyle continued to jackhammer my ass. He also was flexing and rubbing his 8 pack against my straining cock. His tongue went back to exploring my mouth. His entire body went rigid with anticipation. This was my cue to continue bouncing on his dick while he unloaded. He leaned back against the other wall to support my weight. I could tell this was going to be a hell of an orgasm for him. I continued to bounce on his cock flexing my ass, clutching his biceps for balance. His eyes were wild with lust. He dead lifted me and turned me around. With his dick still in me he lifted me so I was wrapped around his waist with my legs pressing against the wall to support myself. Kyle quivered as he pushed as far as he possibly could into me. I felt his balls tense as they rested against mine. He grunted as he swelled inside of me and released. I felt him run down the inside of my thigh as he pulled out of me a little. Kyle continued to fuck me slowly this round. He also reached around and began stroking my dick.

"Scott you in there?" I heard someone ask. Kyle froze. If he got caught he could lose his job. I poked my head out of the curtain, being held like a frigging wheel barrow, and saw Emmett smirking at the end of the row of showers. "Hey you almost done in there?" he asked trying not to laugh. I couldn't help myself.

"Dude I need to finish up in here. I'm a mess right now." I'm not sure how else you would describe cum dripping out of your ass. "Gimme a minute" I said. Kyle looked panicked . Having been in this situation before I told him to stand on the bench in the corner of the stall. I quickly finished washing up.

I mouthed to him that everything was ok and to hop down once I had left the stall. I intentionally left the water running as I exited the stall and shut the curtain. I heard Kyle climb down as I started looking for my towel. I slapped my head when I realized I left it in the locker. Oh this should be interesting, I'm still hard up. Well Emmett knows that I'm turned on by him, lets just hope that he draws that conclusion on his own.

"Hey did you need something Em?" I asked with my cock bouncing proudly in front of me, on my way to my locker. Emmett smirked as he pulled down his jeans, revealing a huge bulge in his boxer briefs.

"Nah I was hoping that I could grab you and use you as a spotter. I couldn't sleep so I came over to check out the gym. Once I pulled in I saw your car and got my hopes up." Emmett continued to talk as he undressed. I tried to keep my eyes on my locker dial as he stood before me stark naked talking. I quickly glanced over and saw that he was facing me with an enormous erection. He must have seen me check him out. "What you think you're the only one to walk around with a hard on? Sorry bro doesn't work that way." He winked and began dressing.

Being flustered wasn't something that occurred in my world since middle school. Hell, I just had sex with a guy in public. Yet when it came to Emmett I was standing here blushing like a little girl. I quickly began to dress sneaking peeks at his statuesque body. As I got ready to leave I was harder than ever. I turned to leave and Em bum rushed me. Picking me up in a bear hug he whispered, "Sorry to interrupt your morning wank. Hopefully, the free sneak peek was enough to make amends." He set me down. I think I blushed 20 shades of red, while I stared at the ground. "By the way, I like how you start off your last day." Emmett called with his back turned to me.

"Umm it can't be my last day, tomorrow we are suppose to work out." I called back at him, stabbing to find some of my normal bravado. Emmett turned around looking surprised.

"Was that a question, statement or command?" Emmett asked innocently.

"More of a statement. See you here tomorrow at 4:45 AM if I happen to make it through the day." I laughed, relieved that he seemed to get my humor. He nodded and smirked as I exited the lockerroom.

Today had begun with an exceptionally close call. If Emmett had any clue what he interrupted Kyle would have been out of a job. As I hobbled out of the gym to my car, I realized running around with the kids at recess today was out of the question.

Thanks for reading more to come.

Next: Chapter 5

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