Blue Love

By Blue Boy

Published on Sep 18, 2003


The usual disclaimers:

This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between consenting adult males and if this offends you, or if you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material, leave now.

This story is a work of fiction. It is a figment of my over-active imagination. Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that any members of the band Blue are gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people, no matter how much you would like them to be. I have no personal knowledge about their private lives.

Thanks to those of you who responded with comments about Part One, hope you enjoy this one just as much, and keep the emails coming to let me know what you think -


Lee took another shower to wash off the mess he'd made over himself, and went up to the bar to join the rest of the Blue lads. They all had a couple of drinks and chatted excitedly about how well tonight's gig had gone, but Lee was quieter and more distant than his usual self. He was still in a state of shock and wonder at how much he'd just enjoyed Duncan's wank and blowjob.

Duncan, having noticed the effect he'd seemingly had on Lee, was wearing a satisfied smirk on his face. Lee looked at him and wondered how many other dicks he'd sucked before. Simon and Anthony, completely oblivious to Lee's change of mood and Duncan's smirk, continued to discuss the gig.

They were all exhausted from the show, and had an early start the next morning, so after a couple of drinks, they all went back to their rooms for an early night. Anthony's girlfriend was on the tour with them, so they shared a room, and the other three would take it in turns to share a twin and have a room on their own. Duncan and Anthony were sharing a room, which meant Lee was on his own tonight.

Lee got back to his room and started to undress. Whenever he had a room to himself, he would usually sleep naked. He stripped down to his boxers, and then slid them down, letting them fall to his ankles. He glanced down at his dick, recalling with a smile that not long ago it had been inside Duncan's mouth. Still smiling, he climbed into bed and turned out the light.

He lay there reflecting on the evening's events, and subconsciously started touching his cock and balls, and running his fingers through his thick blonde pubes. In no time at all, Lee found he was rock hard and horny again.

He pulled his foreskin back, and touched the sensitive head, sighing with pleasure. He closed his eyes and started stroking his cock, gently at first, before gradually picking up pace. He used his other hand to run his fingers through his pubes again, as this always turned him on.

As he wanked in bed, Lee slowly opened his legs and moved his hand from his pubes down to the inside of his thigh. Then he did something he'd never done before --he pressed his finger against his arsehole. He trembled at the sensation, then tentatively started to insert his finger into his hole. It felt a little weird at first, because he'd never had anything up there before, but he found he liked it, and soon he had his whole finger moving in and out of his tight virgin hole. It was a different sort of pleasure to sex or wanking.

Lee lay there in the dark, simultaneously jacking off and finger-fucking himself under the covers, and soon he had shot his load all over himself for the second time in two hours. Using his fingers, he rubbed his creamy spunk all around his chest and nipples, like it was massage oil. And then he did something else he had never done before; he took some cum on the tip of his finger and brought it to his mouth. Hesitating a little, he stuck his tongue out and licked it off. It was a strange, salty taste, and he wasn't sure about it. But he took some more and decided he could get used to the taste. He started wondering whether Duncan's cum would taste the same as his, what Duncan's cock looked like, whether it was bigger or smaller than Lee's, whether his pubes were as bushy, what colour they were and whether he'd ever get the chance to find any of this out. He fell asleep still thinking about Duncan.

The next morning, the boys were due in a meeting first thing to discuss, amongst other things, promotion plans for the next single. Joining the boys were their manager, PR lady and various other people from the management company and the record label. They'd hired a conference room in the hotel and the twelve of them were seated along both sides of a table, Lee in between Anthony and Simon, and Duncan opposite him.

TV shows and magazine names were mentioned, and ideas for the video were being thrown about, but Lee wasn't taking in a word of what was being said; his mind was elsewhere. Duncan was playing with his dick, Duncan was giving him the best blowjob ever... As the memories of Lee's first ever gay experience returned to him, they were making him as horny as hell again, and his hand automatically slid down to his crotch under the table. He gave his dick a firm squeeze through the material of his jeans and it responded with an eager twitch. Before he could stop himself, Lee had a boner again. He put one hand on the table and moved his chair further underneath to make sure there was no chance of anyone seeing what he was up to with the other hand. Feeling like a naughty schoolboy, he slowly unzipped his flies. He knew he was living dangerously but he was feeling so horny he couldn't help it. He slid a finger into his boxer fly and ran it along the length of his stiff cock, which gave another little jolt. Had he not been surrounded by people, this would have been accompanied by a long, satisfying moan. He moved his finger under his foreskin and touched the head. Drops of precum oozed onto his fingertip. He moved his hand out from under the table and put the tip of his finger in his mouth, under the pretence of biting his nails, bringing back the familiar salty taste from last night.

Lee's hand returned under the table and this time he slowly, cautiously, took his dick out to meet the air. It felt good for it to be released. Careful not to make it look too obvious, he started moving his fingers up and down his shaft. Whenever someone was speaking, he would look at them so it looked like he was paying attention, when in actual fact he wasn't hearing a word they were saying. He was too busy enjoying the sensation of a slow wank under the table, buzzing with the added thrill of knowing he was doing it surrounded by a room of people, all of them completely unaware of the concealed actions taking place under the table.

"What do you think, Lee?" came a voice. Lee looked up at the sound of his name, startled. It was Fiona, one of the record company people, and he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Lee?" repeated Fiona.

"Sorry, I... I was miles away," said Lee, and flashed a quick look at Duncan, who had a thin smile on his face. Duncan had guessed the cause of Lee's lack of concentration, and had a pretty good idea what Lee's hand was doing under the table.

"A raunchy look for the next video?" asked Fiona impatiently.

"Yeah, sounds good to me," said Lee eagerly, pretending suddenly to be rapt with attention.

"So we're all agreed..." continued Fiona, and her words again trailed off in Lee's mind.

Meanwhile, Duncan was casually playing with the ring on his finger, slipping it on and off. He was eyeing Lee with mild amusement, and Lee was sure that once or twice, he directly at the point where Lee was playing with his exposed dick, as if he could see through the table. Becoming increasingly turned on, Lee continued his subtle wanking.

Duncan slipped his ring off a little too forcefully, and "accidentally" let it drop on the floor.

"Sorry," he muttered, and then pulled his chair back and, much to Lee's horror, disappeared under the table in search of it. Panicking, Lee let go of his dick. Duncan's suspicions were confirmed and next thing Lee knew, Duncan was squeezing and stroking his cock under the table for a few seconds, before re-appearing clutching the ring, and coolly sliding it back on his finger.

"Sorry," he repeated, taking his seat again and trying to hide a huge, mischievous grin. Lee stared at him amazement, unable to believe what he'd just done. Seeing the look on Lee's face made Duncan want to burst out in laughter, and he had to cover his mouth with his hands to stop anyone noticing his amusement.

"Something funny, Duncan?" asked Fiona.

"No, I'm sorry... I'm... just in one of those moods," said Duncan, no longer bothering to hide his grin.

"And Lee, are you still with us?" she asked, the way a school teacher would scold a pupil in class. Now Lee definitely felt like a naughty schoolboy.

"Yeah," mumbled Lee, quickly forcing a smile.

"Right, let's carry on, then," she said, clearly a little annoyed at the lack of attention the boys were paying to the meeting. Even Simon and Anthony, unaware of what was going on, were eyeing Lee inquisitively.

Fiona resumed a discussion about which TV shows they were booked for, and Lee reached down carefully and put his dick away, resolving to pay attention to the rest of the meeting.

After lunch, the boys had a couple of interviews and a photo shoot, and it was evening by the time they were ready to jump on to the tourbus and move on to the next city on the tour, where they were playing tomorrow night.

Throughout the day, Duncan and Lee acted completely normally with each other, as if nothing had happened between them, and even on the odd few occasions when they were alone and out of earshot of anybody, knowing glances was the most that was exchanged on the extra-curricular activities of the previous night.

They arrived at the hotel at around ten, and tonight it was Simon's turn to have a room to himself, which meant that Lee and Duncan were sharing.

Lee didn't know whether this was a good or a bad thing; he was struggling to fight his attraction to Duncan, and this worried him. He'd never really thought about guys before, certainly not the way he'd been thinking about Duncan these past twenty four hours.

The day's interviews and photo shoots had been particularly gruelling, so the boys all opted for an early night. Even as Lee and Duncan unpacked in their room, they were still acting completely normally with each other, talking casually about the day's events, and Duncan even commented on how good-looking one of the female interviewers had been. But Lee didn't want to talk about girls tonight, in fact he didn't want to do much talking at all tonight. He wanted their bodies to do the talking instead. The trouble was, he was too uncomfortable making the first move, so he was constantly on the look out for some kind of sign from Duncan.

As the boys were getting ready for bed, Duncan emerged from the bathroom with his top off, wearing just a pair of combat pants. Lee hadn't taken much notice of Duncan's body before, but it suddenly occurred to him how much of a hunk he was. "Dunc the hunk," he thought to himself with a smile. Sensing opportunity, Lee quickly removed his top to reveal his equally sexy young body. But Duncan walked past him without acknowledging the gesture, and went to stand by the window, casually gazing down at the street.

Just as casually, Lee started fingering his nipples, hoping that Duncan would notice.

"I'm shagged," said Duncan, now turning round and taking his trousers off to reveal a sexy pair of Calvin Kleins, still without even flinching at the sight of Lee subtly rubbing his chest. Before Lee got a chance to properly check out the package he was concealing in his boxers, Duncan climbed into bed. Lee stopped playing with his nipples, disappointed. He couldn't decide whether Duncan genuinely hadn't noticed, or whether he was deliberately playing hard to get. He even wondered whether he'd entirely imagined last night's events.

Frustrated, Lee took his trousers off for bed, and in a last ditch attempt to get Duncan's attention, he also stripped off his boxers.

"Night then," he said to Duncan.

Duncan turned his head to face Lee's naked body.

"Night," said Duncan, cool as anything, and looking Lee right in the eye. Then he turned round and went to sleep.

Lee lay awake for a while, trying to figure out whether he was going mad, before finally drifting off to sleep.

That night, Lee had the strangest dream he could ever remember having.

He was naked and hard, and bent over with his legs spread, and Duncan was pumping his hot meat into him from behind. With every thrust he would feel Duncan's pubes brush against his butt cheeks. At the same time, Lee felt Anthony's pubes on his lips, as he had Anthony's seven hard inches in his mouth and was sucking hungrily.

"Oh yeah, that feels so fuckin' good, man," moaned Anthony.

Lee took Anthony's cock out of his mouth, and wanting to please him even more, started licking and sucking on his hairy balls, as Anthony's moaning grew louder. Lee was also aware of the pain that surged through him with every one of Duncan's thrusts, but it was a strangely pleasurable pain, and Lee wanted more and more of it.

He looked up at Anthony's face. His eyes were closed, as he enjoyed Lee's mouthwork. He was wearing nothing but an unbuttoned shirt, and Lee ran his hands up Anthony's body, stroking his lovely, furry chest, and finding his erect nipples. Then Lee looked down Anthony's hairy legs and saw that, as well as the shirt, he was wearing a pair of white socks, and this really turned Lee on.

Suddenly Lee felt something warm and wet on the end of his cock and looked down to find Shane from Westlife sucking on it. Nicky from Westlife was, in turn, sucking off Shane, who had the biggest cock Lee had ever seen. He guessed it was at least ten inches, and Nicky was visibly struggling to get it all in his mouth.

Duncan had stopped fucking him now, and was walking over to the Westlife boys with an eager grin on his face. Duncan was topless but was wearing a pair of tight black leather trousers, ones he sometimes wore on stage, with his flies undone and his fat nine inches of meat sticking out. Lee found it hard to imagine that the whole nine inches had just been deep inside him.

Duncan bent down and started fingering Nicky's hole, evidently preparing him for a good rodgering, whilst jacking him off with the other hand. Nicky thrust his hips backwards and forwards in response to Duncan's touch, while continuing to suck off Shane who, in succession, was still sucking off Lee. Then Anthony bent down and put Duncan's boner in his mouth, while running his hands up and down Duncan's leather-clad legs.

The sight of all these naked boys was becoming too much for Lee, and he felt his orgasm rise inside him, Shane's warm mouth still gliding smoothly up and down Lee's rigid shaft. A few seconds later, Lee was no longer able to control himself, and erupted, shooting his hot cum into Shane's mouth...

And then Lee woke up, still in mid-orgasm, still shooting his load.

It was a few moments before he realised where he was, and what had happened. Duncan was fast asleep in the bed next to him, snoring softly. He reached down and found that his chest and stomach were covered in a mixture of sweat and warm, sticky cum, and that the odd remaining drop was still oozing from his slowly softening dick.

He hadn't had a wet dream since he was at school, and even then he'd never had one as erotic as this one. He thought of the boy band orgy he'd just dreamt about and couldn't quite believe it had got him so horny that he'd shot his load in his sleep. He knew he shouldn't be having dreams like this, and he wondered what the fuck had happened to him. He speculated jokingly whether there was such a thing as gay viagra and whether he'd accidentally taken several doses of it.

Having got back to sleep, Lee awoke again a few hours later. Daylight was trying to fight its way in through the curtains, and a quick glance at his watch told Lee it was nine o'clock. He looked over at "Dunc the Hunk", who was asleep on his back, and as Lee's eyes moved down the bed, he noticed there was a huge lump in the quilt; Duncan had a hard-on!

Lee immediately began to feel horny again, and he sat up in bed, his stare fixed on the bulge in the quilt. He was aching to get a glimpse of Duncan's cock, out of curiosity if nothing else, and this could be the perfect opportunity. Feeling audacious, Lee got out of bed and tiptoed towards Duncan's. He reached for the quilt and slowly, silently, began lifting it up, ready to feast his eyes on the prize underneath...

So there you go, thought I would end it on a little cliffhanger. I haven't decided what happens next, so if you've got any suggestions, email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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