Blue Love

By Blue Boy

Published on Apr 24, 2004


This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between consenting adult males and if this offends you, or if you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material, leave now.

This story is a work of fiction. It is a figment of my over-active imagination. Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that any members of the band Blue are gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people, no matter how much you would like them to be. I have no personal knowledge about their private lives.

Brief recap of the first three parts, as it's been a while: Duncan catches Lee wanking, convinces him to let him suck him off, Lee enjoys it and Duncan introduces him to gay sex. Ant nearly catches them at it in a hotel room, but then announces he's split up from his long-term girlfriend. Lee and Duncan immediately want to do something to cheer him up... but little does Ant know what kind of horny fun they've got in mind.


Lee was in an exceptionally good mood throughout the rest of the evening and even when he woke the next day, he had a smile on his face. Although that was probably something to do with the dream he'd been having involving his bandmates Duncan and Antony. As usual for first thing in the morning, Lee had a raging hard-on that wanted satisfying. He looked across at the figure snoring softly in bed next to him, and as fond as he was of Simon, he couldn't help but wish it was Dunc the Hunk.

Lee stroked himself gently, at the thought of his new-found love of cock, and he decided to set himself two missions for the next week. One was to fuck Duncan (so far Lee had only been a bottom) and the other was to get Antony in on the action. Sure, Duncan was beautiful, but Ant had a more manly kind of attractiveness, and Lee had recently found himself especially drawn to that hairy chest of his.

The rest of the day was spent in rehearsals for the night's gig – Ant was bearing up considerably well for someone who had just split up from a long-term girlfriend, and Lee and Duncan were bright and cheerful for their own secret reasons. Half-way through the day, during a break from rehearsals, Lee and Duncan disappeared for fifteen minutes, unbeknown to the other two, sucking each other off in a small deserted room.

The only thing that worried Lee was what would happen if anybody found out. Simon and Antony still had no idea. Lee was acting his usual, chirpy self, laughing and cracking jokes and generally goofing around like the joker of the band that he was, and he was sure that no-one suspected anything.

After the gig, which was another stormer, the boys and various crew members headed to the bar for a drink. The next gig wasn't for two days, so alcohol, in moderation, was on the menu.

"There's a double in there, just for you," grinned Lee, as he handed Ant a vodka and orange. Lee and Duncan had made it their mission to get Antony in on a threesome, but they'd decided that they'd need to get him pissed before there was any chance of him agreeing to anything remotely sexual with them, and even then it was gonna be a tall order.

"Cheers, mate, but I think I'm gonna head off to bed in a bit," said Antony, taking a sip of drink.

"No way, mate, we're having a big session tonight," grinned Lee.

"Nah, I don't feel like it."

"Come on, what you need is a good night out! A few drinks, maybe go clubbing, maybe something else..."

"Nah, I don't feel like drinking and I don't feel like partying. Another time yeah?"

"But you need cheering up, mate."

"I'm fine," smiled Ant.

Lee realised Ant was too level-headed to be swayed, and gave up hope of getting him drunk. Meanwhile, Duncan was watching the entire conversation from close by, a dirty little smile on his face, his dirty little mind ticking away, hatching a dirty little plan...

The next night was a night off, and after the boys finished their usual day of rehearsals, interviews and a particularly lengthy photo shoot, Duncan took Ant aside for a quiet word.

"You alright, Ant?"

"Yeah, man, I keep sayin', I'm fine."

"Well I hope you don't mind, mate, but I took the liberty of arranging something for you. I think you'll enjoy it."

"What?" asked Ant curiously.

"Just come up to Room 508 in an hour."

Ant surveyed Dunc with interest. "You've set me up with some woman, haven't ya?"

"Two," smiled Dunc with a wink.

"I knew it," said Ant. "Well, just cancel it, yeah?"

"Mate, it's what you need."

"I'm not in the mood!"

"Trust me, mate, you need it. And I promise you you'll enjoy it."

"I just don't feel like having sex at the moment."

"Yeah, but it's not just any old sex. You won't have to do a thing."

"What d'ya mean?" asked Ant, with renewed curiosity.

"Just be there. It'll be worth it, I promise you."

Ant thought about it.

"Trust me," urged Duncan.

Fuck it, thought Ant. Maybe this is what he needed. "Alright," he conceded.

"You'll be there, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'll be there." He gave a weak smile.

An hour later, a leather-trousers-clad Antony was approaching the door to Room 508 with mixed feelings. He was more relieved than anything that he and Lucy had split up, because he'd known for a while that he didn't love her, and now they could both get on with their lives, and move on. That said, he wasn't at all bothered about sex right now, but something about the way Duncan had set this up filled him with interest and curiosity. He'd never done anything like this before, so in a way it was kinda exciting. After all, it was just going to be sex, and he could leave any time he wanted, it wasn't like he was going to be tied down or anything...

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Your palace awaits," grinned Duncan, as he opened the door to let in his curious bandmate. Ant looked around wide-eyed and open-mouthed. The room was twice as big as the other rooms in the hotel, and in the centre was an elaborately decorated four-poster bed.

"Fuck me," whispered an impressed looking Anthony.

"Honeymoon suite. D'you like it?" asked Duncan.

"The last time I stayed somewhere as nice as this was my birthday last year. Lucy booked us a–"

Ant stopped abruptly, when he realised he was talking about the girl he was trying to forget.

Duncan ignored him and walked over to a dresser by the side of a bed, where a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold lay.

"You'll be needing these," he smiled at Ant.

"What for?" asked Ant, a worried look sweeping across his face.

"It's gonna be an experience you'll never forget."

"Woah, wait a sec, Dunc, there's no way I'm gonna let her handcuff me!"

"Loosen up, man. And I told you, there's two of 'em."

"Are you sure about this, Dunc?" Ant looked as unsure as he sounded.

"Trust me. This is just what you need, mate. You're gonna love it."

Ant still looked suspicious, but Dunc was one of his best mates and he trusted him with his life.

"Here's the deal," continued Duncan, as Ant listened intently, eager not to miss a word. "You're blindfolded and tied to the bed." Ant opened his mouth to protest, but Duncan quickly continued. "Just hear me out, yeah?"


"So you're blindfolded and tied to the bed, and these two women come in and... they have their way with you. Just let them get on with it. Simple as that."

"What are they gonna do?" asked Ant. "No weird shit?"

"No weird shit. Just... good shit."

"No whips or anything?"

"Christ, no!" said Duncan. "Normal stuff."

"So why do I have to be blindfolded?"

"It's all part of the sensation. Y'see, when you can't see 'em they can be whoever you want 'em to be. Kylie, Dannii, Britney, Rachel, it's up to you. It's all down to your imagination."

Antony looked like he was slowly beginning to see the sense in it.

"I find Kylie and Dannii usually do it for me," said Dunc with a wink.

"Yeah, I bet they do," laughed Ant.

"Look, I had these two girls last week, mate, and they're hot," said Duncan. "I was in fuckin' heaven! Oh, the things they did to me..."

"Alright, mate, you've sold me. I'm well up for this," smiled Ant.

"Nice one," said Duncan, as he took out his mobile and began dialling a number. "You're so gonna love this!"

Ant grinned, as Dunc started speaking into the phone.

"Hello?" Ant heard him say. "He's ready for ya."

"Who, Ant?" said Lee at the other end.

"Yeah, Ant."


"Yeah, now."


"Room 508."

"Right, see you a minute."

Lee hung up.

"Be gentle with him," Duncan continued to speak into the phone, for Ant's benefit. "He hasn't done this sorta thing before."

Duncan hung up. "They're on their way up. Better get ready."

"Ready?" asked Ant.

Duncan picked up the handcuffs in response to Ant's question. Within moments, Duncan had Ant lying on the bed, topless, blindfolded and handcuffed to the bedposts. Duncan looked ravishingly at his innocent bandmate, his mouth watering at the sight of Ant's soon-to-be-played-with hairy chest and soon-to-be-removed leather trousers.

Duncan's filthy thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a ringtone. It was Ant's phone and it was in his pocket.

"Could you get that, mate?" asked Ant.

"Yeah, course," replied an only too eager Duncan, as he slid his hand into the pockets of Ant's leather trousers and held it there for a second longer than necessary, rummaging around in there for a second longer than necessary and moving his hand in an inch deeper than necesssary... Ant squirmed a little, whether it was in response to Duncan's prolonged probing or just to help him get at the phone. Eventually he pulled it out and answered it.

"Hello?... I'm afraid he's a bit, um, tied up at the moment," said Duncan, grinning at his own wit. "Yeah, I'll get him to call ya."

"Who was that?" asked Ant, as Duncan hung up.

"No-one important. Anyway, mate, I'm outta here. Have fun."

"Yeah, I will," smiled Ant.

Just as Duncan turned to leave, there was a knock on the door.

"Dunc?" said Ant.


"Cheers for doing this."

"The pleasure's all mine, mate," said Duncan, hiding a wicked grin from Ant. "The pleasure's all mine."

He answered the door to Lee, and immediately put his fingers on his lips to instruct Lee not to say anything. He let him in and closed the door, and both boys walked towards the bed.

Lee's jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw Ant half-naked, handcuffed and blindfolded on the bed. Duncan smiled with satisfaction at the look on Lee's face. With another finger to his lips to remind Lee to stay silent, Duncan sat down next to Ant and started rubbing Ant's chest.

"Hello girls," said Ant timidly.

Duncan said nothing but beckoned Lee over. Soon both boys were running their hands through the soft black hair on Ant's chest, all three boys with huge smiles on their faces. Duncan then bent down and started licking at Ant's left nipple, while Lee took the right one, still in disbelief that Duncan had managed to set this up. Ant purred softly at the sensation – he had never had a threesome or more before, and to have two people simultaneously licking each nipple was a huge turn on.

Duncan moved across and, taking Lee by surprise, started licking at the same nipple, and then Lee's tongue, before forcing his tongue into Lee's mouth and locking him into a hot kiss, both their heads resting on the fur of Ant's chest. "Wow," whispered Ant. He had obviously guessed what was happening.

Lee and Duncan kissed for a while, before Duncan broke off and started licking his way back across Ant's chest and up to his armpit, which was fully exposed by the angle at which his arms were stretched back to be handcuffed. As Lee looked on in amazement, Dunc took a long sniff of Ant's armpit, and then began licking it.

"Woah!" said Ant, taken aback by this completely unexpected move. Nobody had done this to him before and it was a strange new sensation.

Lee thought about taking on the other armpit, but decided there were other areas he wanted to explore. He ran his hands up and down Ant's thighs, enjoying the feel of the smooth leather, and Ant's bulge started to visibly grow in his trousers. Lee started to gently massage Ant's crotch, as the bulge started to rise further. He softly squeezed Ant's hard-on through his trousers, and Ant moaned with pleasure. Lee felt a bulge of his own beginning to form.

Meanwhile Duncan, done with kissing and licking at Ant's armpit, put his lips on Ant's and Ant was only to eager to let him in. The boys kissed slowly and passionately, exploring each other's mouths for the first time, as Duncan softly ran his hands through the hair on Ant's chest. A few moments later, he heard the unzipping of flies and broke off from the kiss to find Lee pulling down Ant's trousers to reveal no underwear, just a fat, throbbing eight inches of meat. Ant hadn't had sex in a while, and the head was already glistening with precum. Ant's crotch area was just as hairy as Lee had expected it to be, and he was captivated by the big, hairy balls. Duncan slid down the bed and ran his hands through Ant's thick pubes and then over his cock and balls, Lee licking his lips at the sight.

Dunc smiled at him, before he finally bent down to get a taste of Ant. He wrapped his lips around the head and used his tongue to lick the piss-slit. Ant moaned uncontrollably, as Dunc started wanking the base of his cock while continuing to lick the head. This technique was a personal favourite of Dunc's, having got women to use it on him many a time. Lee, meanwhile, was so turned on at the sight of this, that he had his cock out of his jeans and was gently stroking its fully erect length. He wanted nothing more than to thrust it into Antony's mouth and start fucking his face, but knew he couldn't give the game away. Duncan had come up with a blinder of an idea (quite literally), he had to give him that.

Feeling keen to join in the action, Lee took to massaging the insides of Ant's hairy thighs, while Duncan continued to suck him off. Duncan's free hand immediately found Lee's body and started feeling its way up and down, finally settling on his cock. Soon Dunc was simultaneously giving Ant a blowjob and Lee a handjob. Ant moaned loudly with pleasure, as Lee tried hard to control his own moaning, for fear of Ant recognising his voice. The horniness of the situation made this all the more difficult to do, and Lee found himself stripping off to release some of this horniness. Within seconds, he had his top off, exposing that perfectly-toned chest and six-pack of a stomach, and had stepped out of his shoes and let his trousers and boxers fall to the floor, before stepping out of those too. He stood there naked, enjoying a wank from Duncan, and his eyes feasting on the sight of Ant getting a blowjob from Duncan.

It was time to reveal some more flesh, decided Lee, and took Dunc by surprise in slowly starting to undress him as he sucked. One by one he unbuttoned the buttons of Dunc's shirt, taking his time to play with his rapidly hardening nipples, before sliding it off and then going to work on his jeans. They, too, were soon off, leaving Duncan in nothing a pair of black silk boxers, the outline of his erection showing clearly through it. Lee fondled the hard-on, enjoying the feel of the soft silk on his fingers, pressing and squeezing at it, making Duncan sigh loudly as he sucked.

As smooth as the feel of the silk was, it was no substitute for the feel of a cock, and Lee decided it was time to let out the beast. He unbuttoned the boxers, and Dunc's nine fat inches shot out willingly, another feast for Lee's hungry eyes. Taking this mouth-watering cock slowly in his hands, he moved them slowly and carefully up and down the shaft, like he was handling a delicate object. But temptation soon got the better of him, and he thrust his face into Dunc's crotch, taking the whole nine inches in his mouth. For a few moments, Lee was lost in that crotch, his face buried in those pubes, forgetting all about Ant, as he slid his hungry mouth eagerly up and down Dunc's throbbing shaft, relishing the growingly familiar taste of precum and loving the smooth feel of the silk on his face with every thrust. Dunc put his hand on the back of Lee's head in response, softly massaging his hair. Lee clenched his lips tighter around Dunc's shaft, as he began to suck more and more vigorously.

After a few moments, Dunc forced his cock out of Lee's mouth and rose from the bed.

"You girls are fuckin' amazing," said Ant. Lee and Duncan grinned at each other, and then Duncan whispered something in Lee's ear. Lee looked shocked at the suggestion, but Duncan smiled encouragingly, as he helped Lee onto the bed, and into a crouching position over Ant. Duncan took Ant's still intact erection and held it pointing upwards, as Lee lowered himself slowly onto it. Duncan put his finger on his lips to remind Lee not to make any sounds which might give their identities away. Duncan had been waiting for this moment with more anticipation than any other.

Lee felt the tip of Ant's cock press against his hole, as he took a deep breath and steadied himself. He lowered his arse further, letting in the first couple of inches. He felt the muscles in his arse contract, just like the first time Duncan had fucked him, and paused to let his hole get accustomed to the intruder. Then, inch by inch, he lowered himself further, letting Ant's cock deeper and deeper inside him, until the feeling of Ant's pubes on his arse cheeks told him he was sitting proudly on top of Ant's cock, the entire length inside him. Slowly, he lifted himself again, until he felt only the tip inside him, and then back down. Gradually, Lee started building up a steady rhythm, and was soon enjoying an intense, if somewhat unusual fuck. Duncan took to taking Lee's balls in one hand to stop them from slappin against Ant's skin, and playing with Lee's cock with the other.

"Ohhhhhhh!" came the moans from Ant. This was by far the tightest "pussy" he had ever fucked, and he had never experienced such an intense sensation before. Lee's arse muscles were gripping his cock and squeezing it tightly, forcing him to clench his fists and pull on his handcuffs.

This was easily the most erotic thing Lee had ever done, and he could never have imagined he would be bouncing up and down on Ant's cock like this. As he became more and more comfortable with it, he started to increase his rhythm, forcing himself down harder and harder each time. Not only did this make Ant moan even louder, sometimes even breaking out into a scream, but several times Lee let out involuntary sounds of his own. Duncan, becoming slightly concerned that Lee wouldn't be able to control himself, decided he needed to make sure of it. So he stood up on the bed and quickly stuffed his cock into Lee's mouth to stop him from letting out any more revealing sounds. He put his hand on the back of Lee's head, forcing him to take the entire nine inches, and soon Lee was sucking off Duncan in time to fucking Ant.

"Ohhhh yeah, fuck yeah," moaned Ant, as he continued to unknowingly fuck his bandmate. This was quite possibly the most amazing sensation he'd ever felt, and he felt an immense orgasm start to build inside him. He knew he was only seconds away, and he was gasping and moaning and whimpering like he never had before. And then he exploded, and Lee felt load after load of hot, creamy spunk begin to fill his arse cavity. But as if one orgasm erupting inside him wasn't enough, he suddenly felt another fresh spurt of cum hit the back of his throat, and realised Duncan was cumming at the same time. After the first couple of loads, Duncan removed his cock from Lee's mouth and, much to Lee's surprise, continued to wank in front of him and shot the rest of his load all over his face. Soon, both Lee's chin and arsehole were dripping with cum.

Duncan and Ant were both smiling with post-orgasmic satisfaction, as Lee, still sat on Ant's cock, tried to get his breath back. His cum-covered face looked so cute, thought Duncan, and he leant forward and kissed Lee on the lips, before moving across his face and licking off his own cum. Lee closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of Duncan's warm tongue across his nose, up and down both cheeks, and finally down to his chin, lapping up every drop of his thick, juicy spunk. Duncan loved the taste of any cum, be it his own or someone else's, and he swallowed it all eagerly.

Now that both Ant and Duncan had shot their loads, all that was remaining was for Lee to do the same. Duncan helped Lee off the bed and led him into the toilet, where they showered and Duncan sucked Lee to orgasm, swallowing yet more of his favourite drink of the moment.

"Thanks for that, girls, you were amazing," said Ant, as he heard the boys return to his bed after their shower. Lee and Duncan exchanged satisfied grins, before silently getting dressed.

"You don't say much, do you," commented Ant, with a smile. "Suppose you let your actions do the talking."

The boys continued to grin at each other, before Duncan gave Ant a parting kiss on the lips, and unlocked one of his handcuffs. He would be able to unlock the other one himself, before taking off his blindfold, and this gave the boys time to get to the door and make their exit.

No sooner had the door closed behind them that Lee suddenly stopped and patted his back pocket with a horrified look on his face.

"What?" asked Duncan.

"I think I've left my wallet in there. It must have dropped out of my pocket."

They both knew it was too late to go back in there, as Ant would have his blindfold off by now.

And indeed he had, lying on the bed, grinning from ear to ear at the slightly bizarre but horny threesome he'd just experienced. Now that his hands were free, he slid them around his sweat-covered body, and found that his cock and balls were covered in his sticky cum. He massaged it into his pubes, still thinking of the two horny bitches that had given him such a good time. He decided he'd go and have a shower and then find Duncan and thank him for setting up this amazing afternoon for him. Rising from the bed, Ant noticed a wallet on the floor. Perhaps one of the girls had dropped it and not realised? It looked kinda familiar though. He picked it up and wondered whether to have a look inside. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

(To be continued)

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