Blue Moon Series

By Not Important

Published on Jun 26, 2013


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is fictional, of course. This is my first submission. I attempted to create a full novel with a complete plot. I have over 12 chapters written so far and will post more if there is interest.

I thought I'd receive some feedback regarding the last chapters cliffhanger, but alas it seems my readers are doing so in silence. Either that, or they knew it was coming. So here we go, Seans new life.

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Chapter 10

Sean's conscious mind caught only words as his eyes saw blinding white pain. The words frightened him, he caught the voice of Carlisle say 'nicked the artery', 'morphine', and 'time'.

After Max snuffed what remained of the attacking force he quickly carried his dying partner to the Cullen home. Edward, Bella, Carlisle, and Esme all aided in getting Sean's cloths off only to find a bullet wound in the man's chest and his legs crushed. Carlisle gave the man a large dose of Morphine which helped clear some of the blinding pain.

Sean looked around and saw all the faces of the people he had only just met, they seemed like ghosts, pale and perfect. He saw Max last, the little face full of anger, pain, and dread. He managed to say, "I love you."

"He's bleeding out," Carlisle said in a rush, "Turn him now or he won't make it."

Max touched Sean's face gently and asked, "Is that what you want?"

"Yes," Sean managed to say. His vision clouded over and he once again passed out.

Max leaned down to the man's neck and carefully bit down, flooding Sean's body with venom. He then bit the man's wrist and legs. The others in the room stood back, knowing to let Max alone change the man he loved.

After Max had finished Carlisle administered another large shot of morphine. The group stood back and listened to Sean's rapid heartbeat for any sign of hope. Max stood by the man's side, gently touching his face. He was filled with so much emotion but could not shed any tears. The Volturi would pay dearly, to that he was dedicated. For now he wanted Sean to pull through. He had chosen only two others to be his companion in his long life and he didn't want to lose the third so quickly.

The venom coursing through Sean's body made it to his heart in only a few seconds and quickly repaired the gushing artery. Soon after, it began to alter the man irreversibly. The broken bones in his legs were mended and the bullet hole closed. The small group watching knew the change had begun and left Max alone with Sean.

The fire inside Sean woke his mind with sudden force. He fought the urge to scream and put the advice Bella had given him to use. He focused his thoughts on Max, on the gentle touch he felt on his face, and tried to ignore the burning. It was as though his body were on fire; his very bones were white hot iron burning him from within. He kept his eyes closed to the world and his mind on the boy he loved so much.

---------------- *** ----------------

Time had lost all meaning to Sean as he burned. Hours seemed like days, and just when he thought he couldn't contain the pain any longer it started to slowly ebb. First he realized his feet and hands no longer burned, then his legs and arms. It seemed to take forever. When the venom finally finished, all he was left with was a thirst unlike anything he had ever experienced. His throat burned with it. And he knew the only thing that would calm it was the life blood of some living thing. Oddly he felt at peace with this fact, he knew he didn't have to kill a person to quench the thirst.

Sean slowly opened his eyes and found the Cullen family around him and Max at his side.

"Welcome to the family," Max said with a smile. "How do you feel?"

"Thirsty," Sean said honestly. He moved to get up from the table he had been lying on and realized he was dressed.

"We should hunt," Max said and grasped Sean's hand. He made for the window and Sean hesitated.

"The window?" Sean asked.

"Don't worry," Bella said. "And Edward and I will go with you."

Max opened the window and gracefully fell to the ground landing as though he had stepped off the front porch. Sean followed and found himself almost floating to the ground. His mind was far more aware than he first realized. Bella and Edward were soon at his side.

The first hunt was nothing spectacular; Sean zeroed in on a good size buck and took it down with ease. He fed on instinct and knew his new-found strength and speed would take some getting used to. Just as he finished feeding he caught a new scent, no it was ten scents mixed together, he sniffed the air and turned toward Edward.

"I smell it, too," Max added.

The four figures turned toward the scents and Sean saw a large force coming at them. With his newly enhanced eyes he could pick out the faces of the charging force. He didn't know how to react; they were draped in the same cloaks the figures who attacked him on Halloween wore.

"I can't read them," Edward said surprised. "They are not friendly."

Bella immediately put up her shield around them and Max turned three to ash before they attacked. Sean was knocked back into a large tree but surprisingly felt fine as instinct took over. He noticed one of the force turn and speed away as the battle ensued.

Edward had torn the head off one figure as Max turned two more to ash. It was Max they attacked most intensely; he was repeatedly knocked around and couldn't zero in on another figure.

Then without warning six gigantic wolves appeared and began to tear the remaining four apart. It was a frenzy of limbs and animal growls. Sean found himself at Max's side daring the last attacker to lunge. A single moment of hesitation was all Max needed to turn the man to ash and for a second everyone remained on alert.

Edward turned toward one of the wolves and said, "Thanks again, Jacob." He turned toward Bella suddenly and saw the woman he loved leaned up against a tree. She was holding her left arm, which was detached from her body. Edward moved to her so fast even Sean had trouble seeing it.

"Will you burn the bodies?" Edward asked the wolf and picked up Bella. In the next instant he was gone.

"Go," came a voice behind Sean, "We'll finish this mess."

Sean turned toward the voice and found a man where the wolf had once stood. "Jacob, I presume?" Sean asked simply. The man nodded once and began to pile up the fragments of the fallen.

Back in the Cullen home Carlisle was trying to tell Edward that Bella would be fine; the venom would work its magic. Everyone watched as Carlisle moved Bella's arm into position. It was as if Bella were a Lego set, once the arm came in contact with her shoulder it almost clicked into place. In a matter of seconds she was moving her arm around like it had never left her body. The only sign that something happened to it was a faint scar where it had detached.

"Amazing," Sean said.

Carlisle stepped back and said, "Only the loss of the head is fatal, everything else just re-merges with the body."

Edward looked distraught, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Bella said simply and wiggled her fingers for Edward.

"That was too close," Edward said. "And they must have a shield like Bella because I couldn't read any of them before the one fled."

"It seems the Volturi are recruiting defenses against us," Esme said simply and sat on the couch. "How can we possibly stand up to them?"

"They have a weakness," Max said simply. The group all looked toward the boy. "Arrogance."

"Just how do we use arrogance?" Esme asked.

"That is a discussion for another day," Max said and grabbed Sean's hand. "We are retiring to our room." He looked at Sean and the man saw the meaning. He allowed himself to be led away from the group.

As they entered their bedroom Max asked, "So how do you feel?"

Sean took a moment and pondered, his mind raced so fast he felt as though an hour went by before he answered, "More alive than ever, ironically enough."

The man watched as the boy undressed, taking in all he could with his new senses. As he shed his own cloths he saw that Max was nude, so he shed his briefs as well before crawling into bed. As he cuddled close to Max he noticed a subtle scent of lavender and honey from the boy.

They lay nose-to-nose for a while before Sean asked, "Do you think I have an ability?"

"Hard to say," Max whispered. "Was there anything that came naturally to you?"

"Besides my love of boys?" Sean smiled and thought about his human life, the memories of which seemed clouded compared to the clarity with which he was now experiencing. "I guess I could learn fast, I could look at a problem and just understand it. And not just math, but car engines, computers, and all things."

Max remained silent and was about to suggest something as Sean continued, "I don't know, what I do know is I have you in my arms and an eternity to figure out this new life."

Max moved his hand down to Sean's penis which responded quickly. He wanted the man inside him, to secure their bond even further now that Sean was changed. Max slowly kissed the man and rolled onto his back.

Sean let himself be led as he kissed the boy deeply and soon Max had his legs wrapped around him. Then as he aimed his straining organ he hesitated. "Don't you need to wet it first?" He whispered.

"Not anymore," Max said simply, squeezing his legs. He no longer needed to worry about hurting Sean. Max stared into the man's red eyes as he felt the man poke at his rear.

Sean flexed his hips gently and slowly pushed into the boy he loved. Inch by inch he was devoured by Max's body until he could push no more. His body was electrified; he no longer felt his organ was in a cold sheath but a warm one. He held steady for a minute, letting his new senses absorb the flood of data that assaulted him. He could feel the boy flex his body around him, squeezing him, trying to pull him deeper.

When Sean began to draw back he felt Max squeeze his organ. Then just when he was about to pop out completely he pushed back in. He took his time, each withdrawal and reentry brought him into a state of bliss he never knew existed. Their very souls were as connected as their bodies.

Max had his hand around his own erection and masturbated as the man made love to him. He was happier than he'd been in centuries. The act itself solidified his bond with the man, which would only strengthen with time.

As Sean felt the deep tingles of orgasm he sped up his movements. He thrust into the warmth of Max's body with ease. And just as he felt himself nearing the edge Max cried out and began gushing the clear liquid as he masturbated. Sean felt the boy's body squeezing his organ with each spasm, this sent him over the edge and he pushed as hard as he could into the boy.

Sean finally got a sense of what Max had felt each time he came. The first round wasn't a quick shot like he was used to but a long stream of fluid that nearly produced two tablespoons worth of liquid. As soon as the first shot was done his body rumbled with another that produced just as much. After a third and fourth shot he felt the last which only shot a quarter as much. Finally after he had deposited all he could his body shuttered with the afterglow, his penis turned hypersensitive and he dared not move it.

Max's body was quickly absorbing the fluid Sean had injected into him. He was covered in his own and felt it running down the sides of his chest and stomach. For a brief moment Sean did not move. Time seemed to stop for the two lovers. As soon as Sean withdrew himself from Max's body he watched the boy's entrance, it seemed untouched. He leaned down and tried to lick up what fluid remained on Max before lying beside the boy.

"That was," Sean paused, "amazing."

---------------- *** ----------------

As you might have already guessed this story is meant to be a continuation of the Twilight series. I felt the canon had left potential for more and felt a boy love plot would fit nicely. All original characters of Twilight are copyright Stephanie Meyer. I tried my best to remain faithful to her characters.

Feedback can be sent to blstories79 (at) gmail (dot) com

Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 9: Blue Moon 11

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