Blue Moon Series

By Not Important

Published on Jun 26, 2013


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is fictional, of course. This is my first submission. I attempted to create a full novel with a complete plot. I have over 12 chapters written so far and will post more if there is interest.

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Chapter 11

The hours melted by as the two lovers embraced. For the first time Sean did not feel tired, instead he felt a sort of Zen calmness. His mind was able to process a hundred things at once; he focused most on his intense happiness, something he never thought he'd find. Max was in his arms and the tingle of their love making still thrummed within him. He felt that he could lay with Max in his arms forever.

Soon enough the sun's first light began to shine into their room. Sean stared in wonder at the dust floating in the rays, his vampire eyes were able to make out the subtle air currents and patterns the dust made. When the ray's finally made their way onto the two lovers he noticed their skin wasn't burned as he assumed, but it shined as if imbibed with diamonds. He ran a hand across Max's side and marveled at the effect.

The boy rolled over and faced Sean nose-to-nose. Without words they kissed, at first it was a short peck but quickly turned passionate. Each ran their hands over the other. Sean began to kiss his way down Max's body slowly. He licked and nipped at each of the boy's nipples before making his way to his soft belly. After tonguing the boy's belly- button he found the four inch erection and quickly consumed it. Max moan audibly as the man sucked him. Sean had retracted the boy's foreskin with his lips and expertly swirled his tongue around the sensitive head.

Within five minutes Max was bucking his hips, his hands gripped the sheets under him as his orgasm approached. Sean began to bob his head in long arcs to stimulate the boy sensing he was about to get a treat. He hungrily sucked and soon felt Max tense, the boy's penis going impossibly hard as it erupted the familiar fluid. The man easily swallowed Max's juices as his own organ dripped in anticipation. As he swallowed he could almost hear the bells going off in Max's head.

After five incredible spasms Max slumped on the bed and Sean slowly pulled off the sensitive organ. The man lay next to the boy he loved and wrapped an arm around him. He kissed the boy's cheek gently and whispered, "I love you."

While Max glowed in his post-orgasmic bliss he smiled, "Love can't describe what I feel for you." He paused and collected his thoughts. "I never thought I'd find happiness like this again, I feared the world had changed, that people had changed and I would never find someone who would love and accept me. I had some dark times when I thought all was lost. Then you came and rescued me, not only from the Volturi cult but from my own darkness. There is no single word that describes how I feel. Devotion, Love, Trust, and never wanting you to leave my side come close. You've given yourself over to my way of life, you left everything for me, and for that I am forever grateful."

Sean was sure his unbeating heart couldn't ache more for the boy in his arms but he found himself holding tighter the boy spooned into him. "When I found you it was like I found purpose again, you pulled me from my own darkness and showed me that my feelings are not for nothing. If anything you rescued me from a life of sadness and self- hatred, and for that I never want to leave your side."

"Red-ringer or not," Sean continued, "You've given light, hope, and purpose to my life."

The boy turned in Sean's arms to face him, "Haven't you noticed," Max said touching Sean's exposed shoulder, "You are no longer labeled."

Sean looked and saw that the tattoo was gone, that no trace of it remained, his skin was smooth and pale and free from burden. He felt like crying but no tears came, he almost choked on his response, "How?"

"Venom cleanses the body," Max said rolling Sean onto his back and lying on top of the man. "I even made sure you were shaved before the venom made it permanent."

Sean reached up and gently held the boy's face, pulling him into a kiss. It didn't take more than a few seconds for his organ to react. Soon his 6 inches poked Max in the back and the boy smiled as he pulled away from the kiss. Without words Sean watched the boy move his body up and over his organ and using one hand Max placed the tip at his entrance. With a steady motion the boy pushed down and felt the electrifying sensation of Sean filling him.

Inch by inch Max pushed Sean into him and soon he was sitting on the man's lap squeezing the organ inside him. Sean moaned and held the boy's butt, is penis engulfed in the tight sheath was sending fireworks though his body. The boy put his hands on the man's chest and began to rise. Max was overjoyed their love making had become so sensual, gone was the scared man who hesitated with self-doubt, in his place was a lover who gave himself over to his desires.

When Max felt the man was about to pop out of him he pushed down again slowly consuming the organ once more. Once he had all Sean could offer inside him again he paused to kiss him. Sean's hands roamed up the boy's sides and found the small face and the two kissed with a passion neither thought was possible. Max squeezed the organ inside him and began to pull himself up again.

Sean moaned into the kiss and grabbed the boy's rear squeezing as hard as he dared, trying to hold on to the moment. Their love-making had transcended sex; it had become a merging of souls. He felt like he was flying among the stars, though his eyes were closed he could picture clearly their two bodies on the bed. He felt electrified with each of the boy's movements.

As Sean approached his crescendo he broke their kiss and squeezed the boy's butt. "Oh Max," he moaned as his body reached the abyss. As the orgasm hit he pulled the boy's body trying to get every millimeter he had inside the tight folds. His mind exploded with light as the first streamer of fluid erupted into Max's bottom. His ears were ringing with bells as the second round shot into the boy.

Max gripped the man's organ rhythmically trying to coax out every drop as he felt the fluid rush inside him. It felt like a garden hose was filling him, their first two rounds had produced nearly a half-cup of fluid and the third was just starting. Max had never felt so much emotion wash over him as his body tried to absorb the tide. His own body reacted immediately by going into another orgasm. His penis began to shoot long streams of the clear fluid. His own vision mirroring that of Sean's blinding white light.

All the man could do was grunt as his body pumped fluid into Max. His mind was unable to process his surroundings as it was filled with blissful light. He lost count of how many times he shot. Five? Six? Seven? It was as though it would never stop.

Having just climaxed Max's orgasm was not nearly as long as Sean's. After three good spasms and a fourth small one he returned to reality. He felt Sean below him still in bliss and could feel the man still injecting him with his treasured seed. He squeezed the organ again as the man squirted. What Max noticed after getting his bearings that they were no longer on the bed but above it about two feet as Sean thrust in shallow jerks inside him.

After eight mind bending spasms Sean was finally spent, his body had produced over 20 ounces of fluid and just as he relaxed the joined pair fell back onto the bed. The man barely noticed the drop but Max was beside himself with wonder. He'd never had THAT happen before. It took another two minutes for Max's body to absorb the last of Sean's seed and the boy gracefully moved to withdraw the shrinking organ and lay down beside the man he loved.

It took ten minutes before Sean could form words. His mind was a whirlwind of emotion and thought as he processed the act they just shared. He had reached a level of bliss he thought only the Devine could access. He was covered in Max's fluid but was already used to it, he knew it was part and partial to the process. It showed that Max had experienced just as much pleasure as he did. For that he was very glad, he didn't want to be a selfish lover. He was left with a gnawing thirst; he needed to hunt to replenish himself.

"I need a shower I think," Sean said finally. The pair laughed as they made their way to the bathroom. Each washed the other carefully, relishing the intimacy.

As they dried off Max decided to bring up the gnawing issue of their floating off the bed, "So did you notice anything odd about that last orgasm?"

Sean smiled, "It was intense, my head was flying."

"We were flying," Max said as he pulled on thin white bikini briefs, "Literally. About two feet off the bed."

"I thought we dropped, but I thought it was just my imagination." Sean said as he pulled on a shirt and jeans. "Is it normal?"

Max shook his head, "It was a first, and I have never heard of it either."

"Really?" Sean responded, "Think it could be a power?"

"Yes, were you imagining something at the time?"

Sean sat on the bed, "I could see us, like I was outside my body, then I felt like I was floating. Do you think I can fly?" Sean was hopeful.

"It might be more than that," Max said and grabbed a decoration from an end table. He held it in his palm in front of Sean.

The man just looked at the small glass pyramid then at Max quizzically.

"Try to move it," Max said simply.

Sean took a deep breath and stared at the small decoration. He began to concentrate and started to see the subtle reflections the glass made. He then tried to move the object. At first there was no effect. As Sean focused on the object his eyes started to pick up subtle flaws in the glass, he could see small bubbles inside the glass and subtle scuffs on its surface.

His mind formed a mirror of the object in his mind and rather than move the object in front of him; he moved the object in his mind. Sure enough the object lifted up above Max's hand about six inches. Sean held out his hand and moved the object to land carefully in his palm. After his fingers felt the cool glass he let out the breath he was holding.

"Impressive," Max said. "I've never come across telekinesis before."

"Really?" Sean responded. His mind was buzzing with the possibilities. Out of habit he walked over to the end table and set the object down. Only after placing it did he realize he could have put it there using his mind.

"Come," Max said as he took one of Sean's hands in his and started to walk downstairs. "We should share with the family."

The duo made their way to the living room where Sean saw three unfamiliar faces. He and Max sat together naturally. Sean scanned the new faces. Two were female, the one smiling at him had very short hair and the other sat with whom he knew as Jacob. The man sitting with his arm draped around the short haired woman was looking at him intently. Sean squirmed feeling uncomfortable with the attention.

Carlisle gestured to the woman smiling at him, "This is Alice and her husband Jasper, and over there is Renesme." Carlisle paused, "This is Sean, the newest member of the family."

Sean reached out and shook Alice's hand, "We meet again," Sean said.

"You've met?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes, at that hotel a while ago." Sean answered and he turned toward Renesme, "I heard about you, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." The woman smiled at him. Jacob, however, was not smiling.

"Jacob, relax, Max can decide who he is with," Edward said.

"So glad you finally got together," Alice said still grinning.

"You saw?" Max asked.

"Only flashes, and only in the last year."

The conversation stalled and Sean caught Jacob's eyes again. The man looked very uneasy. "Jacob," Sean started, "You are not thinking anything new. The fact is I was born the way I am and have been struggling with it for as long as I can remember."

"You don't have to defend yourself," Max interjected. "This goes to you as well Rose, I am lucky to have Sean, I have found happiness in life that I have not felt in 500 years. Love is love, we can't choose who or what we love, we simply must follow the path we're given. That path put Sean into my life."

"I'm the lucky one," Sean said and hugged the boy next to him.

"They make a great couple," Alice said.

"So what's the plan?" Emmett asked and Sean was grateful for the change of subject. "How are we supposed to use arrogance?"

"I'm not so sure Aro is as arrogant as you may think, Max." Carlisle said. "The last time, yes they were but this is different. They seem to be recruiting against us."

"Not all of us," Max said and looked up to Sean. "Go ahead and show them."

Sean scanned the faces around him, Alice and Edward were smirking, everyone else looked curious. He looked at the coffee table between the couches and focused on it. Now that he knew the process it didn't take long before he had raised the table off the ground. By the time he had set it back down the room was all smiles.

"Telekinesis?" Carlisle said in wonder, "I've never even heard of it."

"How powerful is it?" Bella asked.

"I don't know," Sean answered, "I only just discovered it." Max leaned up and whispered in his ear, "Try lifting their couch."

So Sean closed his eyes and pictured the couch directly across from them. He opened his eyes as he lifted the object in his mind to see the couch where Carlisle, Esme, Alice, and Jasper were sitting was now five feet in the air. The feet of the occupants dangled in the air.

"Impressive," Jasper said.

"How about multiple objects?" Bella asked astonished.

Sean formed her and Edwards chair in his mind and lifted it along with the couch. He was impressed with how little effort it took. His mind was now a powerful tool and he knew care must be taken. As he set the furniture back down he said, "I could probably find a lot of uses for this little trick with practice."

"Instead of moving something, could you keep it from being moved?" Carlisle asked secretly glad he was back on the floor.

"Hmm," Sean thought. He pictured the coffee table again but imagined bolts securing it to the floor. "Someone try moving the coffee table."

"On it," Emmett said and walked to the oval table. He squatted down and lifted knowing he could lift it without issue. But the table didn't budge. He put just a little more effort into the lift and the wood splintered and broke under the force.

"That's enough," Esme said, "Can we please spare the furniture?"

"Very impressive," Carlisle said.

"Can you break stuff?" Emmett asked after returning to Rose's side.

"Probably, but why would I want to break anything?"

"It would come in handy in a fight," Jasper said. "Plucking the head off an enemy from a distance would be very handy indeed."

Carlisle was in discovery mode now, "Let's start with something simple." And with a whoosh he was gone and back with a tree branch in his hand. It was about three feet long with twigs at one end. Several leaves remained attached.

Sean took a deep breath and with a flick of his mind the leaves fell to the floor, another flick separated the twigs. Sean pictured the remaining nickel thick branch and managed to break it in half leaving the echo of a crack in the silent room.

Though impressed, Esme just looked at the mess on the floor and sighed. Sean smiled and levitated the detritus to the garbage in the kitchen. Carlisle was staring at the remaining branch in his hand.

"A unique gift," Carlisle said as he felt the wood splinters where the branch had broken.

"Too right!" Emmett said, envious of his new family member.

If Sean could blush he would, he relished this new power but deeply he felt a fear of it.

"As well you should," Edward said. "The wrong thought to the wrong person would be very bad."

"With time and practice he will master the ability," Max said and smiled up at his mate.

"We may not have much time," Alice warned.

---------------- *** ----------------

Authors note:

Tell me what you think of Seans ability! I thought for weeks as I was writing on what he should have. I wanted it unique to the lore as well as compliment Max's ability. Plus, it is one I've always wanted to have myself.

One chapter left before the 'main event'!

As you might have already guessed this story is meant to be a continuation of the Twilight series. I felt the canon had left potential for more and felt a boy love plot would fit nicely. All original characters of Twilight are copyright Stephanie Meyer. I tried my best to remain faithful to her characters.

Feedback can be sent to blstories79 (at) gmail (dot) com

Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 10: Blue Moon 12

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