Blue Ribbon Band

By Bob

Published on Sep 1, 2020


The Blue-Ribbon Band 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

I started college in the fall. High School had been easy for me, college wasn't. I was in a large University, the sort of school designated as selective. The course load was heavy and after I got my first C, I hunkered down and worked much harder. I wanted to major in Physics, and the sciences were particularly demanding. I found new friends, but most were into Physics or Chemistry. The wasn't much opportunity for a social life and I was way too shy to explore the sexual potential. I did have a few run ins with guys late at night in a restroom, and one quickie in the showers.

I had another good quality. I was well read and could write well. A number of the scientific majors were weak in this area and I tutored them. Our English Professor, Dr. Miller, had no scientific interests and didn't understand the science majors. I got along well with him, and essentially translated scientific language into English for the science majors.

My only outside activity was the band. The school had a pep band, and tuba players were sparce. On my admissions submission I had included the band. The pep band was small, and I became the only tuba player. I could play standard band music, but the tuba was important when it played the rude noises suitable for a bad judgment made by a referee or umpire. I was six-three by then and I stood out. Outside of the Physics Department, I was known as the Tuba Guy.

We were a small band of 30, ten women and twenty men. Our director was a music professor, Mark Jerome. To say he was the low man on the totem pole in his department was an understatement. He was described as being unorthodox. We were too small to be a college band, so he developed us as a comic band, playing unusual pieces in unexpected arrangements.

We were popular with the public and the school. Unexpectedly we were selected as one of the ten most interesting college bands, and we were to go to a pre-Christmas parade in Omaha. At the same time Mark was hired by a bigger university to freshen up their band. We were there for four days, because the flights to Omaha were few without taking a flight to Chicago with an eight-hour layover if we were lucky and didn't hit a winter storm.

We got room in period Holliday Inn. It wasn't actually a Holiday Inn anymore. It was bought by someone who was into 1960's nostalgia. That seemed to be euphemism for run-down. One of the girls in the group was well off, so they stayed at a Hilton, paid for by her parents. The guys were in eight rooms at the older motel. Mark was at the better hotel with some men from his new position.

We were joined by a guy named Conrad. He turned out to be Mark's special friend. He was a handsome forty-year-old organist for a wealthy Episcopalian Church. Mark had the best gaydar of any man I have ever met. Six of the rooms were on the lower level, two adjoining rooms were on the upper floor of another wing.

I was in those rooms with Howard, the violinist, Henry, a trumpeter, Don, the drummer, Luigi a saxophonist, and Conrad. The motel heating system was either on at full blast or off. We turned the heat on in the end room and off in the adjoining room. That left both rooms only hot, but not unbearable.

After dinner and a trip down the parade route, we returned to the rooms. Conrad had been taking a shower and entered the room wearing only a towel around his shoulders. No one complained.

Don, the bear like drummer said. "I guess we won't be playing strip poker tonight." Everyone laughed.

"I was hoping we might get to know each other tonight," Conrad said as his cock firmed. "I'm a friendly guy."

"How friendly is friendly?" Luigi asked as he unbuttoned his shirt. "I'm not looking for love, but some fun would be great. How about you guys?' he asked as he looked at the rest of us. Everyone began to strip.

"Let me warn you guys. I tend to go as far as I can go," Conrad said. "If I'm going too far, just say so. I will stop."

"What if we go too far for you?" Don asked.

"If you go too far with me, I'll declare a national holiday and I will give you a medal," Conrad replied with a smile.

"If those fireworks are sicky and straight from your balls, let me know. I love the stuff," Howard said.

Looking back, I think Mark must have known the gay members of the band. Statistically it was impossible that all six men were gay. They weren't just gay, all of us were into it big time. No one was more so than Conrad. He was a handsome middle-aged man with a well-groomed hairy chest and a beautiful cock. He was not shy and didn't hold back at all.

I later found out that Don and Conrad knew each other, and they assembled the guest list with Mark. Mark never touched a student. He knew that could end his academic career. Conrad had no academic connections at all. Luigi, Don, and I were bears; Henry, and Howard were smooth, Don was a solid muscle man.

Don and Conrad had connected sexually before. The rest of us had never connected before. The was well over three feet of unexplored cock and ass available. You might think one or two members of the group would be shy. You would be wrong. I guess with a group of musicians who liked performing in front of an audience of strangers, no one held back.

I soon was sucking Don as Luigi played with my ass. Howard sucked Conrad as Henry nudged his cock into Conrad's behind. Luigi asked if I would like a deeper relationship. Of course, I said yes. Luigi had a good recreational cock. It was big enough to fill me, but not too big. He spent five minutes thrusting into me and then unloaded.

Don had a cock the size and shape of a sweet potato. After Luigi pulled out, Don told me he liked sloppy seconds and asked it that was a problem for me. I told him it wasn't a problem. Don's cock entered my ass like a hot knife through butter. It was thick but filled me in new ways.

Next to us, it was clear that Conrad could entertain two men simultaneously, without breaking a sweat. Soon he was sixty-nined with Howard as Henry pounded Conrad's ass. We mixed and matched playmates for the next hour or so. My well used ass attracted Conrad and Henry. I discovered the lubricating value of sperm. Howard was interested in my ass and the sperm that drooled from it. Just before we went to bed, Conrad sat on my cock. I shot off quickly and Conrad seemed to like that.

Orgasms are conducive to sleep and we all slept well. We got the Silver Medal in the competition the next day.

When I went home for the Christmas Break, I reconnected with two of my pals Joey, and Scooter. Darrel had joined the army and LeRoy had a construction job out of town. Davis was still in town and Phil had moved in with him. Joey told me that Davis wanted to get together again. I had family things scheduled for much of the pre-Christmas time. Mom and Dad had been invited to some old friends' 35th wedding anniversary out of town on New Year's Eve. They said they would cancel it, but I said I was fine with them going to the party. The party was going to a big event and you couldn't just bring along your son. It was a $2,500.00 a plate event.

Davis had at a party on New Year's Eve, but he was having a more informal event on the afternoon of New Year's Day. "Most of the guys there will be older, but I can assure you that you boys will have a good time. You might get a bit of a workout, but I suspect you can give as much as you can take," he explained. "By the way, it will be nude." I talked to Scooter and Joey and they were more than willing.

We were at Davis' door at 2:00 in the afternoon on New Year's Day. Phil greeted us and took us to a second-floor bedroom where we stripped.

"For your information, everyone here is into it. Let's just say they are slightly oversexed and very friendly," Phil explained. "No one will be offended if you aren't interested. There is no shortage of horny men." We went to the attic rec room.

As three young men walking into a group of horny, middle aged guys, we were an immediate focus of attention. It turned out that Joey knew two of the men, and Scooter knew three of them. Much to my surprise I knew two of the men, Dr. Woolard, who was my father's cardiologist, and Fire Chief Frederic.

They came over to me. "Greg, I didn't know you were coming. If you are uncomfortable, I understand. We can stay apart," Dr. Woolard said.

"I don't want to cause any embarrassment," Chief Frederic added.

"I have a feeling that I will have amnesia about anything that happens here," I said, smiling. "You don't need to worry."

Chief Frederic smiled. "Damn, you've got a nice one," he said as he dropped to his knees and sucked my cock.

"The Chief is enthusiastic," Dr. Woolard said. "I hope Davis told you that this isn't amateur night. Several men here are aggressive tops."

I smiled and said, "Let's just say, I've entertained on the back porch and some guys even left a thank you present."

The Chief got up and Dr. Woolard replaced him sucking my cock.

"Are you squeamish about taking sperm?" the Chief asked. The Chief was as tall as me, but beefier and hairier. He had big balls and a beer-can cock.

"It's only good when served directly from the cock," I said.

The chief smiled. "We need to get together later. It's too early to shoot my load. If you want it later, it's yours," he said as he and Doctor Woolard went to talk to another guy.

A butch guy who I thought I had seen at auto repair place came over to me with a delicate looking man. He looked a little like Bluto. His friend was short and sleek. He looked like a swimmer or dancer.

"I'm Rod and my pal is Edward, welcome to the group," the Bluto look alike said. "Are you the Tuba Guy?"

I said yes, but I was at college now.

"The guy who replaced you in the band doesn't have your flair. It's kind of ordinary now," Rod said. "My nephew, Tommy Smith was in school with you."

"He was a nice guy, but we weren't in classes together much," I said.

"Well, let's just say over achievement in school is not a family characteristic," Rod said. "Edward does all my book work." Rod was a mechanic. Edward was a staff decorator for a local furniture store. We talked a little longer. Edward was a top and Rod was a bottom. Apparently, Rod wanted to try mine on for size. Edward's cock was as long as mine but lacked the heft.

I thought neither man was exactly my type, I decided to be polite. The second my knob was on the dark side of Rod's sphincter I discovered he was my type after all. I know it may be superficial, but sex is a powerful emotion. Rod later told me my cock just barely fit. He was stretched to his limit and loved it. His ass was shrink wrapped to my cock; it was wonderful.

Edward upped the emotional level by slipping his long tool into me. When you are fucking the man fucking your lover it can be odd. It was good. I don't know if it was because our cocks and asses fit or was due to the prostate stimulation. It was emotionally complex. Edward injected some high-pressure sperm into my ass, triggering my orgasm. There was polite applause by the men who were watching us go at it.

I was surprised that I enjoyed the applause. I seemed to have discovered my inner exhibitionist. When I showered and my cock was still semi-erect. I was still in the mood. I was showering with a man who seemed slightly familiar. He was also semi-erect.

"I'm Wally Dennis," he said. "Something is familiar about you? Have we met?"

I knew the name. "It was a long time ago. You were the science teacher in Eighth Grade," I said. "I'm Greg Mooser."

"I'm embarrassed," Wally said. "That was my first-year teaching. All the kids seemed to blur into a generic student. I'm not into kids at all."

"I've kind of filled out," I said. "You weren't bearded then."

He smiled. "Thanks for not mentioning that I have filled out too," he said. "I met Davis when I was here. It was the high point of my sexual life up to that point." Chief Frederic came over to us as were dried off.

"Do you guys know each other?" the Chief asked. "Wally was the first man to use my prostate as a punching bag. I didn't know anything could feel so good."

"I also gave the Chief's ass a sperm bath. I thought he hadn't noticed, but he later told me I shot off like a fire hose. He felt every spurt," Wally added.

"Sometimes a cock is just a warm dildo," the Chief said. "Wally's different. His tool is friendly, cheerful, and engaging. Fucking isn't just a mechanical process for him. It's more of an art. His cock has a personality."

"I came out early and I had a few guys who shoved their cocks in me. They pounded as hard and as fast as they could, and shot off as quickly as possible," Wally said. "Frankly, I didn't like it much but an impersonal cock in my ass was better than no cock at all. I had only been with younger guys until I met the Chief."

As we talked, another man joined us, Carl. He was a real estate agent. He looked like a jogger, thin and toned. He also looked nervous and on edge. "I was watching you, Rod and Dennis going at it. That was a hot scene," he said to me. I've seen stuff in videos, but never up close and personal," he said.

"Did you like it?" the Chief asked.

"I did but I'm more of a one-on-one kind of guy," Carl replied. "It was hot!"

"I have a feeling that Greg is multitalented," Wally said as he smiled. "He certainly can fuck while being fucked."

"Well, that's not exactly a magic trick," I said.

"Guys, I think it's time to make some magic," Wally said.

"Amen to that brother!" the Chief exclaimed.

Ten minutes later the Chief's legs were on my shoulders and my cock was the dark side of his sphincter. He was a big impressive man. He was all but purring as I slowly pulsed in his ass. Wally was in my ass perfectly coordinating his thrusts with mine into the Chief's ass. Wally and I shot off together. When we broke apart, I noticed the Chief was still hard. I sat on it and he began to shoot the second his cock head penetrated my sphincter. I was a good start to the new year.

Three days later I was at college back in classes. My second semester was better than my first. I had come to grips with the workload, my science classes were smaller and more interesting. One semester of science was enough for many of the students, and the professors' lectures were better when they had a class of only interested students. I was selected to be a lab assistant for one of the top physicists. The department had a policy of introducing students with potential to lab work early. I would be doing clean-up tasks, but it was a chance to meet senior staff.

I also got a call from a local English teacher, Dennis Monroe. He taught at a community college and told me that Wally was a friend of his and told him we might get along. He said he lived a few blocks away from my dorm and asked if I might drop by for coffee. I said that was fine, but I was busy. He suggested Friday night. The science labs were all closed from Friday night until Sunday morning for maintenance, so I was free.

I wandered over to Dennis's apartment after dinner. It wasn't a fancy apartment house, but his apartment was nice. He was a few years younger than Wally. Dennis was average height and thick. He had reddish blond hair and a beard. He was nervous.

"I hope you don't think I asked you over to mess around," he said as he gave me a cup of coffee.

"I didn't know what you wanted," I replied. "I don't want to sound too forward, but I wouldn't mind messing around some any way."

"I guess you can tell I'm not a good pick up artist," he said. "Wally told me you were nice and might not mind a little sucking and fucking."

"That's almost but not quite right," I replied. "I tend to like a lot of sucking and fucking." He laughed. We talked for a while as we finished the coffee. Dennis said he knew he wasn't movie star material. I told him I wasn't that experienced, but I had yet to encounter a movie star or even a movie star want-to-be.

He said had just come in from teaching and he needed to shower. Naked Dennis's coat of curly, red hair and solid figure made him look like a brick. I was bigger than he was, but I have a thin waist and broad shoulders. Dennis was rectangular. His cock seemed small, but it grew into a respectable six or seven inches. I took a quick lick and tasted precum. Dennis was ready to boogie.

Fifteen minutes later his cock found a home away from home in my ass. It was love at first ejaculation[BW1]. I later found out Dennis had never fucked a man before and I was the first. He has no ideas what it would feel like, and my ass didn't disappoint. Dennis didn't disappoint either.

After a spectacular orgasm, we talked. He told me he had no idea what sex was. He had guesses, but had been too afraid to explore, experience, or even talk about sex. I asked if he expected a lightning bolt from heaven when I sucked him.

"No, but I was uneasy when you sat on my cock. I didn't know you could do that," he said. "You like it? You didn't feel violated?"

"As far as I can tell when God created man, he included a cock. Not only is it useful, it is incredibly convenient. When it's good you don't care who is doing what to whom," I said. "Were you fucking me or was I jacking you off with my ass?"

"Do you get to fuck me now?" he asked.

"It doesn't work that way. Fucking is intense. You need to want to be fucked," I said


Next: Chapter 3

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