Blue Ribbon Band

By Bob

Published on Sep 19, 2020


The Blue-Ribbon Band 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

I spent the summer at home. I now had friends and playmates at home and at college. I had hope for an assistant's job in the College labs, but you had to be a Junior to get one of those. Davis was off to Europe for the summer, so I was worried my sex life would be limited.

I found a job at the Public Library cataloging objects in the basement. The basement had filled with books and stuff over the years. The library needed more space but needed to find out what was in the boxes and crates. I'm didn't know much about books, but I was big. They needed someone who could lift and move the boxes. I was with another guy about my age, Louis Winer. He was a short, slight, library sciences-history student. It was a classic Mutt & Jeff combination. We had nothing in common.

Lou turned out to a fireball and more than willing to help with the heavy lifting. He never got tired. I soon realized he was one of those annoying men who are good at Trivial Pursuit. He knew tons of odd information that was useful when you are opening boxes of stuff. We got along well.

On the second day, we found six crates labeled "The Williamson Collection." The crates were dated December 12, 1941. They had been hidden by boxes of random periodicals dating from the 1950s. We opened the first box and found paintings. These included works by W. Homer, Hassam, F. Bierstadt, F. Remington, and others. I had heard of Remington. Mr. Trivial Pursuit knew all the names.

Lou exclaimed, "Holy Shit!" I knew that the paintings must have been important. Lou didn't swear. He told the Librarian, who called the State Museum. They would send someone the next morning. We moved the paintings upstairs to the librarian's office That afternoon the mayor came by to see them. We were told to say nothing to anyone about the paintings. When we left there were state troopers in front of the library, and town police to the rear.

After opening painting box, Lou and I opened the second box. It was filled with carefully wrapped china. I thought it was china. Lou said they were Chinese Porcelains. He went upstairs and found a book on Chinese Porcelains. The book was dated 1936 and was a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Williamson. The first porcelain we took out of the box was the frontispiece of the book. The caption said it was a Tang Dynasty Masterpiece. Of course, Lou knew the dates of the dynasty. The jar was 1,400 years old plus or minus. We told the librarian and she called the state museum again.

The assistant librarian, Dudley Conover, was asked to check the records. Williamson's made the donation anonymously in 1941. It was delivered to the museum five days after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The head librarian and two members of the staff soon joined the army. The librarian died in north Africa. The library originally intended make an addition for the collection, but that was forgotten due to the pressures of the war. Mr. & Mrs. Williamson died in the London Blitz. Mrs. Williamson was English, and her parents disappeared in 1942. They were searching for her parents when their hotel was bombed. The collection was never cataloged, so for all practical purposes it vanished.

My parents were at our lake cottage. Dudley asked Lou and me to have dinner at his place. We were all excited and wanted to talk. I have a good memory, so I remembered the names of the painters. Dudley cooked burgers and fries, while Lou and I looked up the painters.

Dudley knew the names of the major art auction houses, so we looked up the artists there. I was stunned. The lowest prices we found were $400,000 to $500,000 and the high prices were all a million plus. That explained the state troopers out front.

I thought you could buy a Chinese bowl or plate for ten to twenty dollars at Pier One type store. It was lucky I didn't mention that. Apparently, these stores are not selling Tang Dynasty Porcelains. Some were sold for well over a million.

As we talked and ate, I noticed that Dudley and Lou knew each other well. We were talking about old families and I mentioned I had met Davis Carter at a party. Both Dudley and Lou knew him.

"He gives good parties," Dudley said. "It's hard not to like them." He had placed emphasis on the word "hard." I knew what that meant.

"I didn't know what to expect," I said. "It wasn't exactly a ladies tea party or an ice cream social."

"It bothered you?" Lou asked.

I smiled and said, "Once I got into it, it was wonderful."

Dudley smiled. "Did it take you long to get into it?"

"I thought it might, but I'm afraid it took me maybe as much as a minute to get into it," I said. "I took to it like a duck to water."

"Dud and I are close, and I thought it might be embarrassing. We are both open minded," Lou said.

"I turned out to be open minded too," I said. "I didn't know my ass was so open to the possibilities."

"I made the same discovery," Lou said. "Is there any chance you play the Tuba?"

"That's me!" I replied. "Am I that famous?"

"Other than being a foot taller that the other band members and having the largest instrument in the band, you were an average guy," Lou said. "Is there any chance you might join in an intimate tea party with us?"

"Are you into it, Dudley?" I asked.

"I am, but you need to know we both top, bottom and exchange sperm," he said. I smiled and we went to the bedroom. We had been working hard all day doing the heavy lifting, so we showered. Dudley sported a beer can cock. Lou's cock hung to his knees.

"You are big boys," I said.

"Is that a problem?" Lou asked.

"Not for me. I think it is an opportunity," I said. "I see you guys are close. Is there a problem with trespassing?"

"I like Lou's ass after a guy rear loads him. Sometimes I add to the cum in his ass and make sperm soup. Sometimes I eat it from his ass," Dudley said.

"I've taken gallons of cum from Dudley. Sometime a guest's cum sometimes is the best seasoning," Lou said.

Lou and Dudley were exactly as advertised. They gave, they took, and they shared. It wasn't romantic or meaningful. It was three men with cocks, mouths and ass holes trying to see how much fun they could have. Lou and Dud had a lot of practice in the sexual arts and were more than willing to share the knowledge with me. They taught by example and demonstration. I was excited, but they were excited too.

I was at the library early the next morning and opened the third crate with Lou and Patrolman Jones helping. Jones was a big, young guy with a good attitude. The Police chief was supervising and controlling the distribution of coffee and doughnuts. The third box contained small bronze statues. Even I could recognize the signature in the bases, Rodin. Below the statues was a second box. It was filled with old master prints. I was impressed because I has seen one of them in an Art History class I had been forced to take. I was a German artist whose name began with a D.

One of the librarian's friends did some research at the local paper. The paper had an unpublished article from December of 1941 about the collection. It was to have been announced on Christmas Eve, 1941 as a major gift to the city. There was to have been a campaign to raise money to build a gallery wing to the library to house the collection.

The families of three local boys who had been reported as lost on the USS Arizona, were formally notified of their deaths on Christmas Eve, and the article was shelved and forgotten. By the end of the war the staff of the newspaper and the library had changed and the boxes in the basement were forgotten.

The State Museum Curator and Director were dazzled. So far there were eighteen major paintings, 150 Chinese porcelains, 12 bronzes and 100 or so prints. Two boxes were unopened. Remarkably the works were in good condition. The Library was a WPA project built in 1936 and the basement was dry and had a more or less constant humidity and temperature.

The Museum people were still looking at the works when Dudley arrived with the complete inventory of the original gift of 1941. The remaining boxes contained Old Masters in one and Modern paintings in the other. I knew who Rembrandt and Picasso were, so I knew they were valuable.

The Director of the local University art museum and the President of the University arrived as did the Mayor. They had to decide what to do to protect the collection now, and what to do with it in the future. The State Museum had conditioned storage and conservation laboratories. They also had impressive security. The collection would go there.

The library was not equipped for display, but the University Museum was well regarded and was planning to expand. There was no trouble converting it into the Williamson Memorial Museum. Our head Liberian looked relieved at that possibility.

When the news of the discovery came out, I became a celebrity of sorts. The headline in the paper was, "Local Tuba Player Discovers Multimillion Dollar Art Collection." The headline was dramatic enough to be picked up across the country. I was interviewed by a television station. That got national exposure. The discovery of the collection was notable, but when the reporter said I was falsely modest, I replied, "I have a lot to be modest about." That played very well on television.

There were some other unexpected benefits of the discovery. Johnathan Dewing, the director of the museum discovered Dudley's sexual orientation and joined our playgroup. Patrolman Jones hit it off with Lou.

A week after the discovery things had calmed and we were back to our normal jobs. Dudley decided to have a party on a Saturday afternoon. Lou invited a school friend, Milton Malone. Dewing and Jones were invited. I thought the threesome was good. A sextet was better.

Milton was a shy, conservative man with an out of control sex drive. Dewing was sexually experienced and inventive. Jones was an "aww shucks," guy who was up for anything involving a cock. Our group was a dream come true for him. Dewing had been in a sexual desert since he came to the University. We were an oasis of dripping cocks in a vast sperm desert.

Jones was new to the scene, but more than willing. Lou had done things with his cock that Jones didn't know were possible. For Lou, Jones was a blank canvas on which he would paint a masterpiece. Dewing came to the local museum after his partner on many years died. Their sexual relationship had been sedate, oral with no swallowing.

Dewing introduced me as young, but full service. "I need to warn you new guys, that we are an all fucking and all sucking group. That may be too much for first time visitors, so just let us know. We aim to please."

I hadn't thought of myself as full service before. I didn't plan that, but I seemed to like pretty much everything a cock could do. It hadn't occurred to me that my ass was with the program, but that was because I hadn't thought anal sex was a possibility.

Dudley and Dewing connected immediately. Lou was with Milton renewing their relationship. I was with Jones. He was six or seven years older than I am. I decided to greet him by sucking his cock. I almost got whiplash from his speedy erection. I later found out he had experienced the quick rest stop or dark corner of a park blow jobs, but no relaxed sex. I gave him the total cock exam followed by working him up to an orgasm. When I looked up at his face, I realized he was on his first trip to the moon.

I was enthusiastic too. Let's just say that Tuba Players are not featured as romantic lead in movies for a good reason. Jones was a handsome man with a great body with the genitals to match. I tended to be intimidated by handsome men. Jones and his cock were friendly and into it big time. He seemed to think I was doing him a great favor, especially when I took his first load of the evening. No one had done that to him before. He said his cock head got too tender, but it continued to drool and drip as I nursed it. I felt if he was generous enough to feed me his ball juices, I should take it

I asked him if he might like to unload in the deepest part of my ass. He said he would be glad to do that after he recharged. Lou offered to keep him company until he refilled his balls. He told me that Milton had a tight hole that needed to be worked. I am nothing if not accommodating and went over to Milton. It turned out that Milton had a tight ass, but also like big cocks. I thought my cock was average, but that wasn't the way other guys saw it.

Dudley shot off as Dewing sucked him. I went over to Dewing and sucked him. He seemed to like that a lot. During a lull he mentioned he like to top. My ass was already lubricated so I rolled onto my back and pulled my legs up to expose my hole. After a half hour of gentle fucking, Dewing shot off in my ass. I could feel every squirt deep in my ass. That turned out to be the first new man he had fucked in twenty years. I was the first man to take his load in my ass. He was almost crying it was so good.

Milton was so turned on watching us, he poked his cock into my hole and made deposit. Dewing was inspired and returned to fuck me a second time. He soon shot off again and reloaded me. my cum lubricated ass love it.

Jones had been sucking Dudley, but Lou wanted him, so Jones came over to me. He wanted me to fuck him. He told me he was pretty new to fucking and asked me to take my time. I soon realized I was the first man to fuck him and I took my time. Once I got my knob past his sphincter, all was well. My knob met his prostate and Jones understood why men wanted to be fucked.

We all had a wild half hour and Dudley called for a time out. "We all need to take a brake and rest a little. It's clear we had all hit it off, but our balls need a chance to recharge," he explained. I have drinks and some nibbles so you can relax." I took a Coke and sat with Dewing and Jones who had beers.

"My late partner and I were strictly monogamous for 15 years. I came here to get a new start. I forgot what a warm, quivering ass feels like. I forgot how excited I got when I popped past a man's tight sphincter. I could feel Greg react as I rubbed his prostate," Dewing said. "My partner was not into cum. I was wonderful to just let it go. Are you okay with it?" he asked me.

"I could feel you squirting; it tickled my ass," I said. "It's strange. I wouldn't have thought it would have felt so good when a close to being a stranger injects it into my ass."

"It was sort of like becoming a blood brother like they did in old cowboy movies," Jones said. "Until we met, I thought a blowjob behind a bush was a good as it got. I never got to know the guy. When I say it didn't know a guy, I didn't even know his name." Dudley was with Lou and Milton. They joined our conversation.

"I used to think fuck buddies were at the bottom of the list of sexual partners, one step above a blowjob at a rest stop," Dudley said. "I was looking for true love. I have since discovered that true love can last a year or so. The true loves have vanished. Friends remain. Friends with benefits have moved up in my regard."

"When I was a teen, I was just entranced by cocks. Just seeing one was naughty and dangerous. I wasn't a jock, so I missed the shower room frolics," Lou said. "I guess I could have looked, but I didn't want to be thought of as gay. I knew how to jerk off, but that was all. I was at a hardware store downtown and went to the men's room. There was a guy at the next urinal. He looked at mine and I looked at his."

"There is a room in the back that is private. Follow me if you want," he whispered. He left and I followed. The guys name was Josh and he told me the room was safe, the owner didn't mind. Josh sucked me and asked if I would do him. I wasn't sure I wanted to do that, but fair is fair."

"Was it okay?" I asked.

"Let's just say the heavens opened and a chorus of angels sang a hymn of thanksgiving. It was wonderful," Lou said. "Bill was a nice guy and he warned me that he was going to shoot. I asked if it tasted good and returned to sucking. He let loose and I took it all. It was wonderful."

Next: Chapter 4

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