Blue Ribbon Band

By Bob

Published on Oct 23, 2020


The Blue-Ribbon Band 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

My plans to get back to school were delayed. Somehow there had been an accident in the college power plant. Calling what happened an accident was like referring to the bombing of Hiroshima as an incident. The main boiler exploded, and destroyed the adjacent boiler, the boiler building, and the electrical service to the entire campus. This caused multiple electrical shorts elsewhere in the campus. These had been particularly serious in the science buildings. Delicate instruments are not tolerant of electrical surges.

I had doubts about the story. Getting heat and electricity to a 15,000-student campus seemed to be a major task. I wasn't sure how a boiler blew up during the summer when it wasn't in use. That struck me as odd. I suspected something else had happened. I knew that the school had been reducing staff to meet reductions in State funding. That seemed to involve getting rid of older, higher paid staff and replacing them with younger men with less experience. Classes were now to begin after the Christmas break. Whatever had happened I was free for the next three months.

My tuba came to the rescue. Mr. Jones's mother was sick, and he had to take leave to help her. The school had to find someone to substitute for the Band Director. I was sort of famous, so I was asked to take over. I knew the band routines by heart, so I said yes. I was even paid to do it.

I got in the local headlines again as the Tuba Guy comes to the rescue. That job was for three days a week, and I continued to work at the library for three days, so I was busy.

At the school I met a new Science teacher, Mark. He was a big ungainly guy who was weak on the social graces. He was impressive teaching Chemistry and Physics, but if you said "Hello" to him he got tongue tied.

The first time I met him, I realized for the first time that my gaydar was now fully operational. I knew he was gay, and he seemed to recognize me as a member of the fraternity. My parents were home, so my social life was limited.

I saw Mark on the way home after school. I was walking home too, and he asked if I would like a cup of coffee. We went to his house. He was renting a little house on a side street. After making coffee he asked if there was any place to meet people in town. He had only met other teachers, but he was 27 and much younger than most of them.

I said I was born there, so I sort of knew everyone since I was born. He was glancing at my crotch. "I do have some special friends," I said. "We let off steam once and a while." Mark scratched his balls. I smiled.

"I'm big and not much of a catch," he said.

"I'm not exactly a dreamboat," I said. "Luckily, I am big in the right places."

"That sounds good to me," Mark replied. "I'm average just about everywhere. Is that a problem?" he adjusted his balls again.

"It has never been a problem before and I doubt it would be a problem now," I said. By that time, we both knew exactly what we were talking about. Five minutes later we were naked in his bedroom. Mark sucked me; he liked my cock a lot. I was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't that shy when he was naked and erect. It took some time to get on the bed so that I could suck him as he sucked me. After fifteen minutes or so, we took a breather.

"I'm kind of new to this," Mark said. "It's been mostly behind the bushes or in the janitor's closet stuff for me."

"What if the janitor interrupted you?" I asked.

Mark laughed. "Well, I solved that problem. I was with the janitor."

"Was it a good experience?"

"I was surprised. Mr. Smithson was a dirty old man, but he was a nice dirty old man. I was born on the wrong day, so I was eighteen and older than the other students. I knew him, and we had sex the day after my birthday. We played every month or so. He fucked me as a graduation present," he explained.

"Was that an ordeal?"

"I think he had quite a bit of experience entering virgin's behinds. It was okay. I think it get's better in retrospect," Mark said.

"Did he ever get caught?" I asked.

"He died pushing three kids to safety from a speeding car," Mark said. "He was killed instantly. By the way, I have noticed that your cock is several sizes larger than his was."

"You like the bottom? Do you top?" I asked.

"I seem to bottom most of the time," he said. "Technically, I bottom all of the time. I've never topped."

"Is than on purpose or accidental?"

"I like the bottom, but once a guy has shot off, he doesn't seem to be interested anymore." Mark said.

"I do both," I said. He was on the bed next to me and was hard. There was a bottle of lube next to the bed. I slopped some on his cock and sat on it. It took at least 20 or 30 seconds to realize Mark liked the top. He was a size queen, so he enjoyed stroking my cock as I bounced on his.

A little later I eased my cock into him. I took my time, and it was good. Apparently, the Janitor's cock had bypassed his prostate so getting fucked by me was a memorable feeling for him. After an hour or so, I went home. I had a new friend.

Remarkably, my parents realized I was an adult, and they now had the opportunity to do many things they hadn't done when I was a kid. They had spent much of the summer at the summer house, and they decided to take a Christmas cruise in the Caribbean. While I didn't have a wild and crazy social life, but I could see friends.

I introduced Mark to some of my pals. He was an intelligent, nice guy. Luckily, his lack of social skills was insignificant compared to his sexual skills and his willingness to bottom. He asked me if that was a problem. I told him that if both he and his playmates enjoyed it; it wasn't a problem.

I encountered several men at the library. My parents were consistently polite and pleasant to everyone they met. When it got colder in the fall, we had men who came in to get warm. They were mostly older or had problems of some sort. Since I was a big guy, I was the semi-official caretaker. Some liked the magazines and newspapers. Officially you were not supposed to sleep in the library. I interpreted that as a no snoring rule. They also understood that occupying all of the upholstered furniture was discouraged.

One of our most voracious readers was the Episcopalian Minister, the Rev. Mr. Thurston Throckmorton. He had a large and mostly wealthy congregation, All Saints Episcopal Church. He had an assistant minister and a youth minister on his staff. Throckmorton was a bit hyperactive and he assigned his assistant to develop activities for older residents. The church, All Saints, faced the library across a landscaped square.

When I met the assistant minister, Rev. Kip Moore, I new he was a member of the club. He was 45 and was the perfect assistant. He knew about the men at the library and invited them to a free lunch and discussion at noon on weekdays. This had been a program for older members of the congregation. Most had died off. The Library patrons had friends and soon the class had 25-30 members. The Presbyterian, Methodists, Catholics, Baptist Church's joined in as did the Synagogue.

Mark was a member of All Saints. We got together every week or so. Once, when I dropped into see him, he had a visitor, Rev. Moore. I must have taken five minutes to realize we were all there for the same reason. I was uneasy about getting it on with a clergyman. Remarkably, socially inept Mark solved the problem by having an obvious erection. He was wearing light weight jogging shorts.

"Maybe I should leave," I said, "I seemed in interrupt you."

"I was wondering if you might join in and help Mark with his problem?" Kip suggested. "Perhaps we could turn his problem into an opportunity?"

Lust often prevails when I make decisions. We went to Mark's bedroom.

"I have a warm spot for meaningless sex with no strings," I said. "Is that a problem.

"I get affectionate when I'm hard. The affection vanishes when my erection fades," Kip said. "Some men want more."

"Hot sex and an orgasm meet my needs," I said. The guys laughed and all was well. It took Kip and Mark some time to warm up. I don't have that problem, so I got between them and alternated sucking them. Mark was hard first, but Kip was the first to ooze precum. They weren't daring, but once they warmed up, they began to enjoy themselves. Mark knew only what we had tried. Kip was a member of the I am scared shitless school class of gay sex.

Luckily, while his mind was scared, his cock loved what I was doing. As is often the case, the mind follows the cock's lead. We got on the bed and as I sucked Mark, Kip sucked me with increasing excitement. During a break I went to get drinks. When I came back Mark and Kip were talking about fucking.

Mark had told Kip about his interludes with the school janitor. Kip said he had no idea what his cock would feel like in a guy's ass. Mark said he would like to help, but he thought his ass was too tight. Somehow, I was selected to take Kips tool.

When I looked back, it seems that I may have volunteered to take it. I had mentioned I liked anal sex both as a top and bottom. Kip had a nice cock which looked a bit thicker that average. He coated his cock with lube and Mark lifted my legs onto Kip's shoulders.

Kip pushed in gently until he encountered my sphincter. He toyed with the barrier and then made a hard thrust. A second later he was in deep with my ass molding itself to his tool.

"I'm going to shoot!" he cried.

"Try to hold back for a while. It's much better after you been edging for a while," I said. "When you shoot, you will feel the orgasm and the sense of relief after the struggle to keep you cum in your balls.

Kip managed to hold back for almost ten minutes. During the wait, he became a skilled fucker. I don't think he had a clue that he was born to fuck. He was a naturally gifted top. At some point his cock and my ass all but merged. I couldn't tell what was happening, it was beautiful. He had a massive orgasm. When he pulled out, Mark went in. My cum lubricated ass loved that, but not as much as Mark loved my ass. When he shot of it was beyond intimate.

I often feel embarrassed after an orgasm. It was as if they knew much more about me than I wanted them to know. I was on the bed with my ass on display, drooling their sperm. Kip used his finger to push the cream back into my ass.

Suddenly my ass was in the air and Kip's tongue was licking my hole. He had been pushing the drool into my ass with his finger, then he was licking up the cock juices. A minute later his cock re-entered. When he pulled out, his cock was coated with the opalescent cum and Mark was licking it from his cock. I had thought I had over reacted. We were all carried away with the moment.

Unexpected events happen. Kip's sexual experiences had been limited. He later described it as ladies' tea party sex. Mark and I caught him off guard and his sexual urges took charge. The sex had been intense and deeply pleasurable. The Genie was out of the bottle, and no one could pretend they had only moderate interests in sex with men. You tongue doesn't end in another guys ass by accident. Kip and I dressed and went home. I knew we would meet again.

A week later I had a call from Fire Chief Frederic. He said he was having some friends at his hunting camp and asked if I would like to join in. "Several of the guys are coming with friends I don't know. It might be interesting," he said. The band was off for this weekend so I said I would be glad to come.

"You may be the youngest guy there, so you might get a lot of attention," the Chief added.

I laughed. "I'm a big boy. I can handle things. Big boys don't cry," I said.

In this area, camps were rustic shacks intended for men fishing or hunting. A cottage in the woods was a fully equipped house with all the modern conveniences. The Chief owned a camp. It was one large room with an iron wood stove, a sleeping loft, and a bathroom. The bath was the only modern feature.

Dr. Woolard came with a friend, Nate. I think Nate was nurse. Rod, the guy who looked like Bluto was with Wally Dennis. The County Sheriff, Eddie was there with a younger guy named Troy. There were two older men, Zeek, and Tom. Most of the guys knew of me as the Tuba Player-Treasure finder. I didn't take me long to realized that I was to be the main course for most of the men.

I was in the cusp of feeling that I had been used. When I looked at the men, I realized they all looked either good or good enough. I could deal with it.

Zeek came over to me. "Are you uncomfortable with all these old guys?" he asked. I smiled and said I was pretty open minded. We talked a while he was an insurance agent who was thinking about retiring.

"My wife died a few years ago and I have been spreading my wings. To tell you the truth, I didn't know I had wings anymore," he said. "Luckily, none of my basic equipment atrophied and fell off."

"Maybe the long dry spell reduced the milage and wear and tear?" I suggested. He leaned closer to me and said. "Tom and I are old friends. I'm not sure if we are old fogies or dirty old men. we can still get it up." A few feet away Chief Frederic and Dr. Woolard were undressing.

"I guess it's time to get more comfortable," I said. Seconds later I noticed that everyone was stripping. Zeek and Tom were tanned and in shape. They were hikers and joggers.

"Tom and I like it all," Zeek said. "Sucking, fucking, topping, bottoming, cum eating, and cum spurting." I was naked by then.

"Our new friend is a big boy. I hope he's not the shy type," Tom said.

"I don't kiss on the first date," I said, "but I have been known to give a guy's prostate a sperm bath." Zeek, Tom and I got along well.

The men didn't pair off or form threesomes. We formed what Chief Frederic called a puppy pile. All were willing to give and take from me. At first, they were polite and gentle. Later it was a bit wild. You tended to suck whatever cock was close to your mouth or slip your cock into whichever hole was nearest. That eliminates the need to decide who you would play with next.

We broke for lunch and then had an afternoon of play. By that time, I could recognize the individual fucking styles, and it became more intimate. I laughed at myself when I thought this. I think that having a cock massage your prostate is by definition intimate. If I was licking the sperm dripping from a cock and someone joined me taking the drips, you felt a kinship with both the man dripping the seed and the man sharing with you.

The Sheriff came over to me and asked if I would help his deputy, Troy, get into the swing of things. "He's sampled a few guys, but I think he would like more. He's never come in through the back door. I have a feeling about him." He called Nate over and introduced him to me.

"Greg may be the most famous man in town. He's the tuba player who found the stash of paintings in the library," the Sheriff said. "He's also a nice guy, friendly and accommodating." We shook hands. Troy was a gym rat, and it showed. The muscles were natural, not steroid enhanced. He was five-ten or so, but you had the impression he was taller.

The Sheriff left us. I asked him how long he had been in town. He had been in the Marines, but had broken his leg seriously, so he was discharged and went to the Police Academy. "The leg thing was a problem, but Sheriff Eddie didn't think it would be a problem here. I was one of the guards when you discovered the paintings. I was the night shift, so no one saw me."

"I was actually one of the guys who found the art works. The newspapers thought the Tuba Player made for a better story," I said. "Once and a while, I thought I saw someone in the shadows. Was that you?"

"Probably, the men you saw were sort of decoys," Troy explained. I was the back up."

"If I had known how valuable the stuff was, I would have been scared shitless," I said. "The current total value of the collection is seventy to a hundred million."

Troy leaned close to me, "I've never been to anything like this," he whispered. "I'm not sure I knew this sort of thing actually went on. What are the rules?"

"Well, if you like something you see, suck it or fuck it," I said. "That is after you have asked politely. Yes, means yes and no means no. It is friends helping friends with one big difference. Instead of saying thank you, it's perfectly acceptable to shoot a load of cum in their mouth or ass." Troy laughed, "That's one hell of a difference!"

"There is one thing you should know. The sperm isn't a proposal of marriage. It's more like thanks for a job well done." I said.

Troy laughed again. "Thanks for the information," he said. "Do you prefer thanks in liquid form?" he added in a whisper.

"I do have a fondness for cum," I said. "Are you fully loaded?"

He nodded. "Where would you like it?" he asked. "I've never fucked a man before."

"Can I be the first?" I asked.

"What if you don't like it?"

"Would I shock you if I said that was unlikely?" I replied. He was rock hard. There were bottles of lube nearby, so I coated his cock. I got on my back and Troy nosed his cock into me.

"Am I doing it right?" he asked.

"Sure, you are a natural," I said. "Push a little harder." He popped past my sphincter and eased his cock deeper. He began to thrust harder and faster.

"I'm close," he moaned.

"Push deeper, don't pull out!" I cried. I could feel him squirting. I grabbed his cock with my sphincter to hold him in.

The Sheriff came over. "Troy, you did really well. It was beautiful," he said.

Nate pulled out and stood up. "I didn't know anything could be that good," he said. By then, the Sheriff's cock was in my ass.

"I hope you don't mind my but plug type cock up your ass?" he said. "Do you think it's long enough to push Troy's load deeper?"

"I don't think that is going to be a problem," I replied.

Next: Chapter 5

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