
By Ebon Artist

Published on Oct 7, 2016



Comments and questions are always welcome at Originally appeared in Buttmen 2, 2002, while I was using the name 'robinman'


Bluejay grinned as he leapt from a ledge and flew across empty space for four heartbeats before landing lightly on the other side of the alley, powerful legs taking up the impact then letting him spring ahead like a racehorse. The caped boy had been running across the Centropolis skyline for twenty minutes straight and was barely breathing hard; such athletic exertion was literally child's play to him. The men he pursued were not so trained or dedicated, but they had a long head start. There, to the right... Bluejay spotted two of the four men, running and stumbling across the rooftops as they fled in blind panic. To his left, the masked teen caught a glimpse of the other two, one of which was already pitching forward in exhaustion while the second seemed to glide along: that was the leader and Bluejay marked him as someone to watch. `These two first, though', the boy thought. He veered to the right, gave a tremendous leap, did a handstand off an air conditioning unit for added momentum and then dropped in front of the two fleeing thieves. His blue-gloved fist flashed out and crushed the first man's nose. The thief literally was knocked off his feet by the powerful blow, and fell to the rooftop, screaming and clutching his nose in pain. The second man dodged to one side, causing the boy's kick to miss him, then he swung at Bluejay's head with the heavy bag of money. Bluejay grinned and blocked the bag with one hand, then lashed out with a right cross to the thief's jaw once, then twice. The man sprawled on the rooftop, unconscious. Bluejay shot off after the second pair.

One thief had fallen by the wayside, so Bluejay made for him next. The man was laid up behind a stairwell entrance, panting and clutching the leather valise all of them carried. The blue-costumed boy leapt up, swung on a projecting bar, and dropped down in front of the man. The masked youth stood up and walked forward as the thief gave a panting whine. Bluejay was a sleek and lean teenaged boy, dressed in a costume that looked as if it had been spray-painted onto his whipcord-muscled, well-defined physique: a medium blue bodysuit with dark blue trunks, indigo leather gloves, and boots. A short, hip-length indigo cape fell off his broad shoulders, the trailing edge cut so that it looked like the wings of a giant bird. The boy was handsome to the point of beauty, only the strong line of his jaw saving his face from an almost pretty, androgynous look. His eyes, behind the dark blue mask he wore, were bright cornflower blue and his short hair was the color of summer sunshine. The hero's beautiful features were grim and the thief cringed back, anticipating a beating. Then the youth flashed a bright smile and two capsules tumbled from his gloved hand to break on the rooftop. Billowing gas pushed the thief into dreamland as Bluejay waved `goodbye' to him.

Bluejay waited for the sleep gas to dissipate and knelt by the sleeping man, taking up the leather valise and opening it. Green and silver circuit boards glittered at him in the reflected light and Bluejay frowned. These were not your ordinary thieves. High tech equipment like this was useless unless you knew where to fence it, and from the looks of them, these men wouldn't know how to fence a stolen lollipop, much less top-of-the-line microcircuits. Redhawk, his mentor and partner, would want to know about this later. The eighteen-year-old boy stood and then was off like a shot once more, eager to get the last man and find out what was going on here. Tomorrow morning he had to go back to Centropolis University and be normal Ricky Dane, freshman college student. Tonight, though, he could blow off steam and bust some criminal heads.

Bluejay smiled to himself as he continued the pursuit, powerful legs pumping as he sprinted across the darkened rooftops of Centropolis' Black Harbor district. The man was probably heading for some warehouse rendezvous or hideout, so... he'd follow at a distance, let the man think he had escaped. A shadow disappeared down through an open skylight and Bluejay dived in after his prey.

The boy somersaulted and landed lightly on a crate, then leaped to the cold floor of the warehouse. Bluejay narrowed his eyes, waiting for a shot in the dark or a club to come whistling in at his head. Nothing. The youth turned... and the man he had been chasing was standing right behind him.

Bluejay halted, surprised. The man was masked, a black eye mask across his features, but even so Ricky could tell the man was handsome, with smooth delicate features and wide, beautiful green eyes. Eyes you could fall into. His hair was so black it had blue highlights; it fell across his forehead and was caught in back in a short tail. He was costumed all in midnight blue, from head to toe, revealing a lean, breathtakingly symmetrical body with perfectly defined muscles. His gloved hands had long, delicate fingers that ended in short, sharp claws. The boots were similarly clawed. No wonder he could climb like that. Bluejay swallowed, taken aback, and he stepped back as the man approached. Closer, he could see that the man was barely older than he himself, maybe in his early twenties. He stepped back again, his blue eyes staring into the young man's green ones, until he hit something. He turned and saw it was a thick metal support beam, then he turned back... and the man's face was less than an inch from his, those wonderful eyes so wide and compelling. Bluejay let out his breath slowly, unsure of what was happening. He should be fighting this guy, retrieving the stolen boards. His gloved hands clenched into fists, then slowly uncurled. He could smell the man's sweet breath, he was so close, and he could tell the young man could do the same. "We do not have to fight," the young man said in a soft French accent. His clawed gloved hand came up and pushed a soft crescent of golden hair out of Bluejay's eyes. Bluejay was frozen, unable to react. His heart pounded. The masked thief reached behind Bluejay's neck... and gently scratched the skin there, a sharp stinging pain that disappeared almost as soon as it started. Bluejay's breath caught in his chest and the teen hero felt a wave of dizziness rush through him. He swayed on his feet, confused and hesitant.

The young man smiled, bent closer and kissed the boy hero softly on the lips.

Once, twice, the young man tasted him, then his tongue slipped past Ricky's lips and the kiss became an exploration. Bluejay closed his eyes and opened his lips more, letting the youth kiss him, relaxing against the pillar. The masked thief's touch was gentle, sliding over Bluejay's deep chest and sculpted arms, up to his long neck and soft cheeks. The thief undid Bluejay's short cape and let it fall to the ground, then he slid the boy's tunic off, revealing the powerful golden-muscled torso. The thief relaxed against Bluejay's athletic form, his own slender body sliding gently over Bluejay's chest until the boy hero gasped with his desire.

They kissed for several long minutes, the young man's tongue sliding into Bluejay's passive mouth over and over again, until finally he parted. Bluejay licked his lips and moaned softly to himself. He was panting and his young cock was a rigid piece of iron in his silky trunks. The thief kissed Bluejay's cheek and neck, then nibbled at his ear. "I am le Panthère," the youth said quietly, almost whispering in Bluejay's ear. "Mmm. You see, pretty Bluejay, we do not have to fight." He kissed Bluejay on the lips again and then pulled back so he could look at the confused boy's pretty, angelic face. "Oh, I think you are the most beautiful boy in the world," the thief said, then kissed the end of Bluejay's nose and quietly laughed. His hands slid over Bluejay's deep chest and powerful arms. "The poison on my gloves will ... confuse you. It makes people pliant, very susceptible to my suggestions. And my desires." Le Panthère kissed the handsome teen again, and laughed. "You will do anything for me." Bluejay found himself nodding, his bright blue eyes blinking in confusion behind his mask.

Le Panthère smiled and slowly drew his clawed fingers down Bluejay's chest, barely brushing the college boy's golden tanned muscles, leaving soft white lines that faded. Bluejay closed his eyes and his head fell back as the man teased his nipples to stiff nubs, then traced the well-defined muscles of his abdomen. He stepped close again and the two masked youths embraced, kissing passionately. Bluejay shivered, feeling the young thief's lean hard body against his stronger one, and he moved his hips, pressing his rigid enclosed cock against the warmth he could feel in the other man's costume. Le Panthère bit Bluejay gently on the ear, shivering himself now in desire and delight. "You are wonderful," the thief moaned, feeling the need in the teenaged boy in his arms. Le Panthère knelt, taking Bluejay with him, and pinned the bare-chested boy on the ground. He laughed and the young hero beneath him smiled. Le Panthère straddled the blue-masked boy and then scooted back so he could slowly remove Bluejay's trunks, then undo the tights so that Bluejay's cock sprang out into the open air.

Ricky gasped, and thrust his hips up, showing off his beautiful cut member. The thief grabbed it, wrapped his hand around the straight shaft, then bent and took the red straining cockhead between his soft wet lips. "Dude!" Bluejay gasped out loud, "Dude!" Le Panthère laughed and stood up, pulling Bluejay with him. Bluejay felt his head spinning, and he grasped an iron bar to steady himself. Le Panthère laughed softly to himself, then looked around the chill warehouse. He reached out and pulled a length of chain from a shelf, then gently bound Bluejay to the iron bar above him, pulling the youth's muscled arms up and to the sides. Bluejay swayed in his makeshift pillory, unsure of just why he was letting himself be bound this way. His half-soft cock, though, grew hard once more as the boy tested the chains at his wrists and arms and found they held him fast. Le Panthère worked quickly and pulled off Bluejay's weapons belt, his boots and at last his tights. The handsome thief moved behind the captive Bluejay and kissed the back of the boy's neck. "Now, my pretty bird-boy, I have you."

Le Panthère knelt and slid his gloved hands up Bluejay's powerful legs, finally coming to that object of his ultimate desire, the boy hero's beautiful ass. It was trim, two pert firm mounds of muscle that curved into his legs and melted up into his back. Two dimples showed, the result of years of working out and hard, punishing exercise. Le Panthère traced those and the boy's ass twitched in response, then again as the handsome thief bent and planted a gentle kiss on the soft pale skin.

"Ooh," came from Bluejay as he felt the warmth there. He struggled against the chains and bit his lip, feeling the soft warm kisses on his ass. So much like Redhawk, his mentor, partner and occasional lover. Le Panthère kissed the boy's ass again and again, then licked the milk-pale baby-soft skin. "So wonderful," the thief said, then slid his hands across the firm muscles, feeling their strength and well-toned firmness. His hands parted Bluejay's ass, and the thief bent closer. Bluejay sighed again to feel the man's hot breath on his twitching little pucker, then the masked boy closed his eyes and bit his lip as he felt Le Panthère's soft lips kiss his most private place.

Le Panthère kissed the hero's little quirm, soft lips gently sucking at the little opening. He kept the teenager's ass pulled apart, and he kissed the soft tender pink flesh there, again and again, gentle wet kisses that drove Bluejay wild with desire, causing him to pull n the bonds, his arm muscles straining. He closed his eyes and writhed in his own private world of desire, wanting this to never end. The boy hero's cock rose up to its full length and trembled with unreleased need. A pearly drop of precum oozed out of the boy's cut, plum-red cockhead and slid down the veined shaft until it disappeared into the sun-golden fur of his groin. Another followed it quickly, then another, until Bluejay felt a regular stream of his dick-honey wet his groin then trickle down his muscled legs.

The thief laughed and drew the tips of two fingers through the lube and then pressed them to Bluejay's tightness. He swirled the fingers gently against the teen boy's opening, then slowly teased his index finger past the firm muscle. It sank deep into the heat of Bluejay's body and the chained teen tensed, arm and back muscles bulging erotically as the chains were tested once more. "Stop it, please," the masked hero groaned. "Don't...ooohhh!" The chains chimed as the boy writhed in his makeshift prison: the thief had penetrated him with the second finger, pushing deep into his little boy pussy. "Ah..aaiiaa!" Bluejay cried out as a third finger joined the pair, stretching his tight hole. The cat burglar's fingers moved in and out, gently teasing the teen's asshole until a light sheen of sweat covered Bluejay's strong body. Le Panthère glided his other hand over the youth's marble-hard thighs and legs, tanned to a soft gold color save for the pale white lines that showed off the hero's ass. The thief's hand slid around and combed through the boy's golden cockbush, then toyed with the low-hanging balls. He touched, caressed and then gently squeezed the smooth ballsac, tightening his grip until the college boy twisted in discomfort. Then the hand moved to the rock-hard boycock jutting out from Bluejay's groin. It was smooth and cut, the shaft nicely veined while the plum-red helmet was swollen and smooth as glass. Le Panthère caressed the cockhead while Bluejay trembled in his chains.

"God, please, let me cum," the masked boy moaned.

"Not yet, mon bel amoureux, my handsome lover..." The thief continued to play with the boy's ass, finally removing his fingers and letting the youth relax in his bonds for a moment. The thief caressed the firm pale mounds of muscle, then pulled the smooth globes apart.

"So wonderful," Le Panthère sighed as he kissed Bluejay's quivering hole. He kissed and kissed at the stretched opening, wet and slick from Bluejay's own precum. Finally the boy's gates opened and the thief's tongue darted in and past, penetrating Bluejay with a warm gentle pressure that caused the teen boy's head to snap back. A moan escaped Bluejay's lips, then a high soft cry as his cock squirted a little more lube out into the cold air. Le Panthère's raspy tongue plunged in again to claim the boy's treasures, then the handsome thief began to gently rim the pretty boy, his hot wet tongue darting in and out and around, stirring the struggling youth to new heights.

"Holy Shit, what are you doing?" the masked hero moaned, shaking his head from side to side. Sweat flew from his sun-bright hair in a glistening halo. Le Panthère said nothing, simply letting his agile tongue speak for itself. The thief plunged into Bluejay's tight little hole with his tongue more and more, then pulled back. Bluejay relaxed then stiffened again as the wet fluid tongue was replaced by a long rigid finger. "Yie!" the boy yipped, and he pulled at his restraints. He struggled, feeling the digit gently but insistently penetrate him, up and up until it brushed his prostate. Bluejay moaned softly in his pleasure and the thief suddenly laughed.

"You are no stranger to this," the man said, and stood up. He undid a flap in the one-piece costume he wore and let his long dark cock surge out into the chill air. He laid the firm length against Bluejay's back and the boy gasped. "God, you're long," said the masked teen, dismay filling his voice. "You'll kill me if you put that in me."

Le Panthère embraced the chained boy from behind, sliding his long thick member against the pink fold of the pretty teen's ass. He nibbled on Bluejay's ear and neck. "What, you do not want me to claim your pretty pussy, little bird? I will bet that you are very used to this; you are no struggling virgin. You have been with a man many times. You respond too well for you to be so fresh." The man moved his dark length against Ricky again, almost nine inches of thick uncut cock.

"Take me," breathed Bluejay. The boy closed his eyes and cried out as the thief's mancock pushed into his hot depths. The thief clamped his arms around the chained boy, grunting as he forced his cock into the boy, who only resisted slightly, enough to make it pleasurable for them both. His thick member slid into the teen easily. "Mmm, take that up your little teenboy pussy, Bluejay," the costumed thief grunted. He began to piston his cock into the helpless boy, grinning as Bluejay's high-pitched cries echoed from the bare walls. The man adjusted his angle of attack, the broad flaring cockhead now stroking Ricky's prostate with every thrust. Sweat trickled down the thief's face until finally he grunted and began to pump the boy full of cum. "AAIHH!" cried Bluejay, arching his back as he felt the hot gush in his ass, then his own rigid boycock began to shoot. Long ropes of white cum squirted from the golden-haired kid's dick, spurting onto the cold warehouse floor. Bluejay's ass clenched the cat burglar's cock like a vice, causing the man to bite his lip with need and desire.

Finally, both were done and Le Panthère slowly pulled his cock from the limp, tired boy's ass. Bluejay hung in his chains, and sighed softly in the afterglow of his experience. Then the masked boy felt the man's fingers at his rosebud once more, pulling him open again, then there was that marvelous tongue. Bluejay gave a soft moan as the man began to clean him thoroughly, until his twitching pussy was clean and fresh once more. The man then moved to the boy's swinging limp cock and brought it erect with his tongue once more, cleaning the sweet meat with expert swabs and kisses.

Bluejay trembled as the man stood up in front of him again. The thief cupped Bluejay's angelic face in his hands and kissed the boy again, a deep passionate kiss that let the teen taste the salt of his cum and the subtle tang of his own tight ass. The chained boy fought to keep kissing the man, but the thief pulled away.

"Ah, no, sweet one," the cat-thief purred, straightening the captive boy's golden hair with one hand. "Later. We will meet again, Bluejay, I am sure of that. You will remember this night, no?" He leaned forward and brushed his lips across Bluejay's soft cheek. "You will free yourself soon, mon ami," Le Panthère said. The masked man faded into the darkness of the warehouse and was gone. Bluejay hung by the chains binding his arms for several minutes until he was sure the man was gone, then with a quick snap and twist he was free. Redhawk had shown him how to get out of such simple bonds when he was still a kid in short pants. He winced a bit as he felt his violated ass. He closed his eyes as he probed it, sliding a finger into the tight warmth, then back out.

Yeah,' the boy thought, we'll meet again.' He smiled, gathering his scattered costume and starting to dress once more. `And next time, I get to be on top.'


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