Bob and Zac

By Double A

Published on Jun 29, 1999



Okay, same deal as before. This is just a story...blah blah...Don't take anything within it for fact...blah blah...sweet stuff between Zac and Bob...

Oh, and you'll notice that I don't write porn! All my stories have some semblance of a plot, so if you read these things just for the sake of "fucking" then you'll get pretty bored with mine.

So, here are parts 3 and 4. Parts 5 and 6 will come soon enough.


Part 3:

As the taxi pulled up alongside the curb outside the hotel, Bob's heart caught in his throat. Zac wasn't there!

"Where is he?" Bob thought distressingly, "Did he finally realize my feelings for him and decide not to go through with it? Does he not like me? What did I do wrong?"

Relief passed over his face as he spotted Zac exit the hotel. That soon turned into that feeling in Bob's gut again, as he gazed dreamily at Zac's apparel; a pair of brown Doc Martins, light blue denim shorts, and a Vancouver Canucks hockey jersey. His long blond hair was tied up in a long ponytail. Bob felt very underdressed in his simple tank top, complete with sweat stains from the heat, and ratty gray jogging shorts. His own hair hung haphazardly around his face like a dirty mop.

Through his lustful reverie, he noticed Zac gazing around at the various taxis that were parked outside the hotel, and it occured to Bob that he should actually go out and alert Zac to his presence. With a "Stay right here." said to the driver, Bob opened the door and stepped out.

"Hey, Zac! I'm over here!" he yelled. Zac turned toward him and jogged in his direction.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late! My brothers gave me the third degree about going out alone with a stranger. I told them that you weren't a stranger, but I didn't tell them who you were." Zac said, smiling.

Bob shook his head, "Hey, don't worry! I wasn't waiting long." Motioning toward the taxi with his arm, he said jokingly, "Our chariot awaits!"

Zac snickered and followed Bob back into the taxi. The driver was aghast, "Oh my Lord! First one of the Moffatts, and then Zac Hanson! Geez, my daughter's never going to believe this!"

Though it was academic, Bob turned, smiling, toward Zac and pointed out, "Our driver's a fan of ours."

Zac laughed, "I guess so!"

"So where do you two stars wanna go?" the driver asked.

"Uncle Jim's Country Cookout." Bob said to the driver.

The driver laughed and said, "Two stars like you wanna go to that dump? Whatever you say!" and he pulled away from the curb and drove off.

They both sat in silence, niether sure what to say, until Zac turned to Bob and said, "Oh, I only brought $20, so I hope it isn't much more."

Bob shook his head, "Oh, don't worry about it."

"Why not?" inquired Zac.

Bob paused for a moment, then replied, trying to sound as platonic as possible, "Because...well...I'm going to buy you dinner."

Zac looked at Bob strangely and replied, "You are?"

Bob quickly added, blushing despite himself, "I mean, unless you'd rather pay. I just thought that since this is my hometown, I'd treat you to dinner...I mean, since you're like a guest here."

Zac smiled, "Oh. Well, that's very nice...I guess."

They both turned and looked forward again, and Bob felt like crying in frustration.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Bob was ready to just go home and sob into his pillow at the sheer stupidity of this whole evening's activities.

Telling the taxi driver to wait for them to finish, they both entered the restaurant, and noticed, with alarm, how many families with young girls there were. Stopping at the entranceway, Zac turned to Bob and said, "Ummm...I don't know about you, but I don't think this was the best idea. This looks like a riot waiting to happen."

Bob couldn't help nodding, "Yeah. As soon as we walk in, we'll be recognized and mobbed."

Zac nodded sadly and said, "So...What do you want to do?"

Bob smiled, "Well, there's a small cafe that operates out of the lazer tag place."

Zac's face lit up, "Hey, yeah! That'd be fantastic!"

Adoring Zac's sweet smile, Bob was all too happy to walk back to the cab. Getting back in, Bob leaned forward and said to the driver, "Change of plans. Take us to the Lazer Palace in Richmond, on Glover and Twentieth."

The driver nodded, "Sure thing, kids!"

The cab pulled away, turned around the lot and headed back out on to the road.

As they drove, Bob slowly turned to Zac and said, "Well, I'll still pay for both of us when we get there."

Zac nodded, "Okay."

They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, before Bob looked down and said, "I like your jersey, Zac. The Canucks are a kick-ass team."

Zac smiled slightly, "Thanks. I don't really follow hockey, though. You're shirt is...ummm...stinky."

Bob and Zac both laughed and Bob said, "Well, I didn't have time to shower, so this was the best I could do."

They both laughed again, and the entire rest of the trip there, they talked back and forth, much to Bob's relief.

When they arrived, they again told the driver to wait for them. With that done, they both walked into the huge lazer tag place.

Waiting in line for payment, Bob turned to Zac and said, "This is so fun. I don't do it much, but the maze inside is so big and there are so many place to hide!"

Zac smiled, "Cool! I'm still going to whip your butt, though!"

Reaching into his pocket, Zac pulled out a red elastic and handed it to Bob. Bob looked at it and then at Zac and asked, "What's this for?"

Zac pointed to Bob's face and said, "It's to tie your hair back. It's easier to run around a dark maze when you don't have your hair in your face."

Bob looked at Zac and desperatly wanted to hug him for his sweetness, but simply nodded and said, "Thanks."

As Bob tied his long black hair into a ponytail, Zac looked around.

"This place is huge!" Zac commented.

Bob finished with his hair and said, "Yeah, I know. There's a cafe, the lazer place and a huge arcade in the back."

Zac looked around again, his eyes full of awe, "I wish we had more time, but after a quick something to eat and the game, I really should be heading back."

Bob nodded, "I'll make sure to get you home on time."

Again, Zac looked at him strangely and raised an eyebrow.

Bob quickly stuttered, "Wh..What I...I meant to say w...was..."

Zac shook his head and smiled, "Forget it. You're too weird for me."

Bob tried to cover his embarrasment by laughing, but it sounded fake.

They soon reached the head of the line, ecstatic that nobody had recognized them yet, and paid for one game. Bob selected his nickname "Duke" as his player name and Zac selected "Prozac".

With the game paid for, they quickly walked over to the cafe and ordered two burgers, two fries, a Coke and a Dr. Pepper.

As Bob ate, he noticed that Zac was giving him occasional glances when he thought Bob couldn't see. Finally, Bob caught Zac and said, "What?"

Zac shook his head quickly, "Nothing. I just...Nothing."

Bob shrugged, but saw Zac give him a long look, before going back to eating his food.

When they were done, it was time for the game, so they entered the "airlock."

After waiting for the "sheriff" to complete the instructions both in english and in french, they entered the suiting room and got their "armour" on. From there, they quickly ran into the maze and broke off in two seperate directions.

Bob quickly decended down to the very bottom floor and, hiding in a dark corner, he waited for his first unlucky victim to arrive. He hadn't heard anybody come down for about ten minutes, and was about the leave and find another spot, when he heard footsteps approaching his location. Readying his gun, he tried to remain totally still as the footsteps grew louder, the person approaching.

When spotted the shadow of the person approaching him, he jumped out from the corner to shoot him. Before he even knew what happened, he collided with the person. Both Bob and the guy fell to the floor. Bob was stunned, but quickly turned over and got to his feet.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Bob apologized.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just twisted my ankle a bit." came the response.

Bob knew that voice and quickly bent down, "Zac? Oh God, I'm so sorry! Can you walk?"

Zac tried to get up, but fell back down and said, "Yeah, just give me a second to rest, okay."

Bob sat down on the floor beside Zac and said, "Okay, I'll make sure nobody will hit you."

Zac nodded at Bob through the darkness, "Thanks a lot."

Bob nodded in response. Sitting there, he heard nobody else but Zac's and his own heavy breathing.


Bob turned to Zac, "Yeah?"

Though it was dark, he could see Zac's face leaning toward him and was extremely surprised when he felt Zac's lips on his own. Pulling away, Zac snickered uncomfortably and sat back again.

Fighting an internal conflict, Bob sputtered, "W..w..what...what was...was that for?"

Zac shrugged and replied nerviously, "Didn't you want that? I mean, I just thought that...I mean...This afternoon and just before..."

Bob quickly stood up and blushed fiercely. It was back to like when Scott teased him. Bob knew he wanted Zac, but he didn't like admitting it.

Zac quickly stumbled to his feet and said, "Bob? Didn't you?"

Bob turned his back to Zac, a mass of emotions running through his mind. He felt like laughing, crying, and throwing up, all at the same time.

Zac leaned against the wall, "Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I mean, I just thought that...I...I...don't know what the hell I was thinking! You just acted so nice to me that I thought that you were...Oh God! I don't know what I was thinking! I'm so confused..."

Zac straightened up and started limping away.

Bob slowly turned toward him and said, "Zac, where are you going?"

Zac waved his hand back at Bob, "I gotta get out of here..."

Bob swallowed hard and, walking over, put his hand on Zac's shoulder. Zac looked up at Bob through the darkness, and Bob could see tears running down Zac's face. "I can't believe I did that!" Zac said, sniffling.

Bob smiled, "Me niether...but I'm glad that you did. It makes what I'm about to do a lot less confusing..."

With that, Bob reached forward and took Zac's face in his hands. He leaned forward and kissed Zac on his lusciously big lips, tasting the saltiness of Zac's tears enter his mouth. They remained like that for two seconds, before Bob pulled back a few inches, smiled, then leaned forward and kissed him again. His hands soon left Zac's face and traveled down to grasp his shoulders tightly.

They heard footsteps coming down the ramp and quickly seperated. A man raced down the ramp and shot them both.

"I got ya!" He announced.

" sure did." Bob called breathlessly after him.

Turning back toward Zac, he saw a look of conflict on his face. "I'm so confused." Zac whispered.

Bob walked over and put his hand on Zac's shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly, and replied back, "Don't worry. So am I."

Part 4:

The rest of the game didn't go very well for either boy. Bob felt very protective of Zac, due to his twisted ankle, and niether boy did much shooting.

After the game, they left the maze, returned their suits, and walked out of the place without even checking their scores. Zac limped down the walkway and Bob walked slowly beside him.

When they were halfway back to the taxi, Zac turned to Bob and said, "Look...about before...."

Bob shook his head, "Yeah, well...Don't worry about it."

Zac nodded and, after a short pause, turned to Bob again and said, "Well...Are"

Bob shrugged, feeling uncomfortable, "I guess so...I dunno, I'm not really sure. Are you?"

Zac shrugged, "I don't know, either. I was know...testing."

Bob nodded and said, "Yeah, me too."

They stopped right outside the taxi, both looking like they were going to say something. Bob said it first, "I mean, I don't want this to...You know..."

Zac nodded, "Yeah, we're still cool."

Bob smiled and, pausing for a second, said, "Do you regret what happened?"

Zac looked pensive for a second and smiled, shaking his head.

Reaching into his pocket, Bob pulled out his pencil and scribbled something on a serviette he took from the cafe. Handing it to Zac, he said, "Why don't you take the cab back to your hotel. It's only a forty-five minute walk back to my nana's house. I'll be fine. Give the serviette"

Zac frowned, "Oh, don't be like that! I thought I said that we were cool!"

Bob nodded emphatically, "We are! It's just...Oh, you wouldn't understand. You're too young."

Zac leaned on the cab, crossing his arms across his chest, "I'm a lot smarter than you might think, despite how goofy I act sometimes. Try me."

Bob shook his head, "I can't. Not here, anyway."

Zac shrugged, "Then I'll walk with you."

"You'll miss your concert, though!"

"Screw the concert, Bob! You want to talk about this? Let's talk!"

Bob let out a heavy sigh and submissively nodded his head and said, "Come on, then."

Zac opened the door and, handing the serviette to the cab driver, said, "Here you go. We're just going to walk from here."

"Hey, thanks!" The driver said.

Zac slammed the door and he and Bob began walking.

"So, what's the trouble?" Zac asked.

Bob shrugged, "Well, it's sort of wierd talking about this stuff, since we only just met."

Zac nodded, "Well, I had a really fun evening, and I like you, Bob. Consider me like a longtime friend."

Bob stopped and turned to Zac, "That's the trouble! I like you too, Zac, but I like you in a way that I've never liked another guy before."

Zac smirked, "So, you are gay, then?"

Bob cringed, "I guess so, but I have a hard time admitting it to myself, I guess."

Zac nodded, "I feel the same way. I always sort of liked guys more than girls, but when I try to talk about it with my brothers, they just tell me that it's a phase and I'll grow out of it."

Bob shook his head and laughed, "Why does everybody think its a stage, though? I've liked guys since I was your age, and only now, people are beginning to believe its true?"


Bob shrugged, "Well, my brothers. I haven't told anybody else."

Zac nodded, "Same with me."

Bob shook his head, "But, when I saw you this afternoon, I felt so weird. I keep trying to tell myself that its just some other feeling, but I've watched you play and I've always had sort of a thing for you."

Zac smiled, "Thanks. That's so flattering. Unfortunately, I've never heard of you before, but you're not too bad yourself."

Bob shrugged, "Well, I don't know what to do about how I feel about you."

Zac shrugged, "Well, what do you want to do about it?"

Bob shrugged, "Before...I mean, in the maze...Why did you kiss me?"

Zac shrugged and laughed, "I dunno...I guess, because you looked like you wanted it. Why did you kiss me?"

Bob blushed and shrugged, "I dunno..."

Zac smiled, "Yes, you do. I may be young, but you haven't exactly been subtle, and I ain't stupid."

Bob nodded, "Well, it's hard to admit it, I guess."

Zac raised his eyebrows, "Well, something's hard..."

Bob smirked, "You're such an ass."

Zac shook his head and giggled. Bob couldn't help it and, wrapping his arms around Zac's waist, pulled him toward him, "Would you mind if I showed you exactly what I wanted to do to you?"

Zac grinned, his eyes opened wide, "I doubt you could do it all on this crowded street."

Bob shook his head, "Fuck the people!"

Zac began to retort, "I'm sure you'd much rather..." but Bob cut him off by pressing his lips hard against Zac's. Bob had had a few girlfriends, but none did he lust for more than Zac. Zac's lucious lips tasted so great, that Bob wondered if the rest of his body tasted so good. Bob opened his mouth slightly and extended his tongue. As Zac felt the slimy feeling against his teeth, he quickly got the message and parted his lips, letting Bob's tongue inside his mouth. Bob was pleased to feel Zac's own tongue enter his mouth. They swirled around for several seconds.

"Get a room, you faggots!"

Zac and Bob quickly seperated, as a guy passed by them with a disgusted look on his face.

They both stood silent for several seconds, before Zac, smiling, said, "Well, I guess we settled that. I better get home quick, before Ike and Tay call the police."

Bob sadly nodded, "Yeah...Well, I'm glad we could get this out in the open. I feel much better now."

Zac nodded, "I do too, actually. I'll call you tommorow morning, okay?"

Bob smiled, "I'd like that."

They both raised their hands as they saw a taxi come down the streeet. The taxi slowly pulled over to the side.

"Bye." Zac said, smiling.

Bob smiled, "Bye, Zac."

Bob watched as Zac got into the taxi and slowly drive down the street, before disappearing into traffic. With that, Bob slowly turned around and began walking in the direction of his grandmother's house. He had a smile on his face that not even the mocking of his brothers could remove. It was going to be a wonderful day tommorow...


What do Zac and Bob have planned tommorow? Are they ever going to get down and dirty with each other? What about their respective brothers? How big are they...really?

These questions and more will be answered in the upcoming chapters!

Next: Chapter 3: Bob Takes Some Prozac 5 6

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